Thursday, June 07, 2012

The new majority.

"But then you had another Negro out in the field. The house Negro was in the minority. The masses--the field Negroes were the masses. They were in the majority. When the master got sick, they prayed that he'd die. If his house caught on fire, they'd pray for a wind to come along and fan the breeze"

Sadly, this might have been true in 1963 when brother Malcolm gave that speech, but the field Negro is no longer in the majority here in America. That distinction now belongs to the house Negro. Yes, the field Negroes were the masses when X gave that historic speech, but that was a different time.

Malcolm X gave that speech when America was on the verge of making great strides in civil rights and towards social justice. The masses could be counted on to fight for justice and equal rights, and to take to the streets if they had to. Negroes in the fields were sick and tired of living in an unequal society and they were willing to put in the work to bring about change.

Not anymore. If you tell a Negro now that we should march for social or economic justice he or she would look at you like you were smoking sherm. "March!? Nigger you must be crazy. The only thing I am marching for is a big screen TV or some p*&&y!" The house Negro is happy in A-merry-ca, he is cool with the status quo. And why shouldn't he be? The poorest house Negro in America is living better than some of the wealthier Negroes in Third World countries. He can eat in the same restaurants with the white man, date the white man's daughter, and live in the same neighborhood if he can afford it.The house Negro has arrived.

Now don't get it twisted; you Negroes have a history of being apathetic when it comes to things that should be important to you. But back in the day they had dynamic leaders and enough field Negroes to pull the rest of you Negroes kicking and screaming to the front lines of the numerous battles that were being fought.

That is no longer the case. There are just too many distractions to keep Negroes happy and content in the house these days.

Oh well, maybe the Xbox folks can come up with a new civil rights game. Hey, at least that would be a start.

*Pic courtesy of Jeff Winbush 


  1. Wesley R11:51 PM

    March!? What about Vote! After all, both Blacks and Whites went through hell so that could we gain the right to vote. This shouldn't be an issue, but, it always is.

  2. Jonston11:52 PM

    Speaking of house negroes, why no talk of your and Obama's besties in the Middle East, the jewish white?

  3. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Jonston said...
    Speaking of house negroes, why no talk of your and Obama's besties in the Middle East, the jewish white?

    whats a bestie? Is this good or bad that they are obamas?

  4. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Field. Did you write this? The tone is'nt like you. I mean it's really off the track and there seems to be an undertone of anger in there. I'm just asking.

    Marcus Garvey

  5. Kingnut1:28 AM

    The house Negro is happy in A-merry-ca, he is cool with the status quo. And why shouldn't he be? The poorest house Negro in America is living better than some of the wealthier Negroes in Third World countries. He can eat in the same restaurants with the white man, date the white man's daughter, and live in the same neighborhood if he can afford it.The house Negro has arrived.

    Exactly. So what is the fucking problem?

    You're not happy until you have everything and my house burns down? Just why should I buy into that?

    Anyone still standing out in the field is a moron. You best come inside soon; the door is getting locked.

  6. Paul Kersey1:35 AM

    White America owes Black America nothing.

  7. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Not for much longer, Field.

  8. Anonymous1:39 AM

    "The poorest house Negro in America is living better than some of the wealthier Negroes in Third World countries"

    Agreed. Thanks for admitting that "poverty" does not exist for blacks in America. Any black in America is "rich" by the standards of the rest of the world.

  9. Liberals Lie1:42 AM


    Exactly. And white America is finally saying "Enough" and speaking up and stating they no longer want to pay for a community that will always remain dysfunctional. It is an irredeemable waste of resources.
    We have reached Peak Negro. Hope they enjoyed it.

  10. The American left as we have come to know it suffered a devastating blow in Wisconsin Tuesday night. The organized heart of the left gave everything it had to the fight against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker: heart, shoe leather, wallet and soul. The left picked this fight, on the issue and in the place of its choice; it chose to recall Walker because it believed it could win a showcase victory. That judgement was fatally flawed; it is part of a larger failure to grasp the nature of American politics and the times in which we live.

    The left gave this fight everything it had. It called all the troops it could find; it raised all the money it could; it summoned the passion of its grassroots supporters, all the moral weight and momentum remaining to the American labor movement and every ounce of its strength and its will.

    And it failed.

    The tribes of the left danced and rallied in the streets of Madison. They knocked on doors. They staffed phone banks. They passed fliers. They organized on social media. They picketed. They sang. They brought in the celebrities and the stars; they marched seven times around the city blowing the trumpets and beating the drums. They hurled invective; they booed; they cheered.

    And they failed.

    Scott Walker got 57 percent of the White vote in Wisconsin. The exit polls showed that Barrett got 94 percent of the black vote.

    Black America has tied itself to a losing ideology, and will be dragged down into the depths along with it.

    Doom is nigh, negro, doom is nigh.

  11. Wow Field, Bad day at the office... or did you have a 'Niga Day'...I've been there before...Buuuuut.. I'm feeling a little Island condescension on this one...(You know how you Island folks and Sub Saharan Africans have that back room talk about us lazy-ass 'only one job having' Black Americans)

    I agree with you in a sense about Marching... but left out a lot on this post to really make a point.

  12. Anonymous4:41 AM


    To where? Who is the enemy and who are you at war with?

  13. GrannyStandingforTruth5:19 AM

    Psssssssst! Granny-->whispering this message to all of you bloggers.

    Well, I do not want to ruin WRM false celebration regarding Scott Walker's win. Cause today is Friday and people usually let their hair down on Friday.

    Therefore, I won't tell him that three Republican State Senators in red districts were removed. Or that all of the Tea Party challengers who tried to beat Democrats in their recall races were defeated, which puts the balance of power in the Democrats hand. So Koch and Alec will have a harder time pushing their agenda through.

    But since, it's Friday, I am not gonna tell them that, so shhhhh! So, don't none of you guys say nothing, be nice because it's Friday.

  14. StillaPanther26:08 AM

    Brother Field....what the underlying pain. You came out blazing with the post. Don't get like me--a sad spectator-, a person that fought and marched and demostrated that we were just as capable in all facets of the European culture. Let me stop...that didn't sound right to me. I will continue to urge my people to master their culture...but some days I question the effort. As a side bar...I wonder if this new "thing" with the NBA players with the glasses is an attempt to appear educated...historically in America peolple that wear glasses tend to have that onus (being studious) placed on them. Seeing that the Black man in America has been used mainly for his physical attributes...oh well then again, that may be the reason (can't see) why they miss so many shots. Now before the naysayers shout me down I can only say that life recycles itself--I started looking at the NBA before they had a Black presence..Again I enjoyed the posting. I know a Field Negro is still spying on the master and his housers. But Field, Ibet that left-over gravy was good aand as a got to smell Ms Jane.

  15. korean deli6:23 AM

    whiney's conspiracy said:

    Few, if any, of them (Koreans) arrive here penniless anymore.

    Why is that? Could it be the result of US military action that drove the communists out of South Korea in the 1950-53 war? And the presence of 30,000 US troops at the border between North and South Korea?

    Koreans are inveterate savers.
    My typical ROK immigrant clients came here with 30k or more in capital.

    My my. Democracy and capitalism? Who'd have thought such results were possible?

    It's common for families to partner in businesses; sometimes with kin, sometimes with friends.

    My my? Who'd have thought of that in America? Hmmm. Maybe the Waltons?

    There is also a huge market within the community for established businesses that people without the cultural confidence yet to open their own business prefer.

    Yet despite the presence of so many paths to success, blacks are still scratching their heads and complaining about whites, or slavery, or how they think they were shortchanged by something beyong their control, which, of course, is everything.

  16. soul man6:31 AM

    in horror, field faces a realization:

    He can eat in the same restaurants with the white man, date the white man's daughter, and live in the same neighborhood if he can afford it. The house Negro has arrived.

    Poor field. He's had his Pogo moment. He has seen the enemy of blacks, and in a soul-shaking moment, he heard in his head the phrase, "We have seen the enemy, and he is us."

  17. "You're not happy until you have everything and my house burns down? Just why should I buy into that?

    Anyone still standing out in the field is a moron. You best come inside soon; the door is getting locked."

    Lock your door. I will build my own house. ;)

  18. "I'm feeling a little Island condescension on this one...(You know how you Island folks and Sub Saharan Africans have that back room talk about us lazy-ass 'only one job having' Black Americans)"

    Not here. I get the big picture. You will never hear that from moi.

    But I understand where you are coming from. Some of my fellow slaves who got off the boat a little earlier than the ones who ended up here do need an education.

  19. Granny, there you go with facts again. :)

    Facts are always good.

  20. Anonymous8:27 AM

    field negro said...
    Granny, there you go with facts again. :)

    Facts are always good.

    Yes they are when they aren't made up in your head. Where do you folks get your facts from? You should know by now the leftist media lies to you in order to preserve the fragile mental state of immature leftist from going crazy trying to deal with reality. The race with scott Walker wasn't close, wasn't a nail biter. It was a landslide.

    Anyway yes one democrat who lost in 2010 won the recall by about 700votes (approximately 3 SEIU buses, 150 or so same day register and vote dead folks and so on....HOWEVER Three Republicans won, so which three are you talking about and who told you this? Sharpton?

    In either case are you saying that you aren't for reduction in tax rates, increase in value of homes, improvement in employment making WI one of the lowest if not lowest state in unemployment presently?

    Really? What are you for then? Enslavement of some to pay for you and your ilk? Provide a meal ticket to those who choose not to try?

    Former state Sen. John Lehman, D-Racine led state incumbent Republican Sen. Van Wanggaard, with 36,255 votes to Wanggaard's 35,476 votes, according to unofficial results with all precincts reporting.

    Three Republicans won state Senate races Tuesday in Wisconsin, but with Lehman winning Racine County, the Democrats will take control of the Senate and gain the 17-16 majority.

  21. amen!

    skip to 2012

    global massas = banksters

    hobama = head house nig in chief/world nig prez for world nig banksters/politicos/africom corpses etc/PIC caged etc


    we ALL need to watch hobama's deeds and stop cooning over 1/2 of his skin

    nothing has made blind racist nigs happier than that racist nig hobama

    that new video game should be called "blackish prez"

    players get points for ignoring his evil deeds/collecting his tees/photos etc...

    bonus pts for lynching anyone who dares to tell any truths about that evil black prez


  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. may global djangos reign on that hnic hobama's selection in 2012!!!

  24. lawdy lawdy, a plague9:30 AM

    According to field, life for the average American black is worse than life in Mali and Niger, where blacks are in charge.

    Locusts menace already hunger-stricken Mali and Niger

    June 7, 2012

    Mali is already bedeviled by the messy aftermath of a military coup, Tuareg rebels who’ve declared their own state, Islamists trying to impose strict religious law in the north, and waves of hunger.

    Now Mali and neighboring Niger are facing swarms of locusts, which were left uncontrolled while Libya and Algeria, which normally keep local locusts from moving south, grappled with conflicts and insecurity of their own.

    The swarming desert locusts, which can eat their own weight in fresh food every day, threaten to devastate crops in a region where millions of people are already menaced by food shortages.

    In some stretches of northern Mali and Niger, some people have resorted to eating plant leaves, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the World Food Program have said.

  25. fyi

    FYI - News reports and McAfee are reporting:

    LINKED IN HACKED The business site LinkedIn confirmed it has been hacked; independent sources said as many as 6.5 million passwords were stolen. McAfee advises all LinkedIn users to change their passwords immediately and choose a unique, complex passphrase to all other websites requiring authentication. For more information, see the McAfee blog regarding this event and "What Users Should Do Now."

  26. The problem Field is exactly as you pointed out, our generation was given everything and never had to work for it. I was born in the 70's so I never saw over racism like my parents and older relatives but I know if we let up things like the voter supression in Florida will undo many of our advances. That is where we make our stand, we will not allow those who fought for our right to vote to have their rights taken away.

  27. "Exactly. And white America is finally saying "Enough" and speaking up and stating they no longer want to pay for a community that will always remain dysfunctional. It is an irredeemable waste of resources."

    I call bullshit. I'm paying for millions of toothless poor whites and I'm sick of it. Poverty ain't a blah thing despite what the silly racist trolls here believe. Clean your own house before commenting on mine.

  28. @Granny, yeah these right wingers are getting a little too big in the britches about WI. If they want to let the Koch brothers and ALEC control the agenda they will have pushback. It was heartening to see thousands of protesters and labor mounting a fight. It ain't over by a longshot, the fight is just starting and when the average joe figures out that a small minorty is trying to control our laws and thus our lives we will see a real fight.

  29. i am 48

    i was born in 1963...

    and i have never seen a racist as rabid as that nig prez hobama

    hobama is 10 x worse than gwb and his hero raygun in every way!!!

    anyone of any race who votes for hobama SHOULD be disenfranchised ASAP!!!....kudos!!!

    ONLY banksters should vote for hobama and he has ONLY served them masterfully/massafully!!!

  30. the fight ended long ago

    that millionaire hnic hobama and his peer banksters are the ONLY winners

    ask jp morgan/goldman sachs/etc

  31. omg!

    from zombies to resurrections???

  32. Kingnut11:16 AM

    PilotX said...
    The problem Field is exactly as you pointed out, our generation was given everything and never had to work for it

    Benjamin Franklin: "He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged."

    Franklin noticed something counterintutitve about people. If you want someone to like you, ask them for a favor. In turn, those whom you are always helping grow to hate you.

    Sponsorship breeds servility.

    Dependence breeds contempt.

    Despite 50 years of being "given everything", black people today hate whites more than ever.

    Most whites are probably willing to go on this way forever, in the hopes of someday buying the acceptance of blacks.

    Most blacks will forever be demanding more from white America, but will never be happy with what they get.

    The bargain is bad for both. Whites a pay a lot and get only more anger. Blacks forgo their true human potential, something beyond price.

    The generation of blacks who fought for civil rights did not have the material or social advantages of today's blacks, but they had a dignity and moral foundation that today's generation lacks.

    Is the pittance white America gives worth black America's self-respect?

  33. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Gee whizz Field... I thought all we had to do was vote for Obama , and not Romney to be good Field negroes...

    I didnt know that we had to march as well as vote against our best interests....

    Foolish to call yourself a Field Negroe while supporting Obama...

  34. cc this to that global warlord hobama's karma...via HIS OWN 7 endless wars!!!

    and to his NDAA/africom etc!!!


  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Anonymous11:34 AM

    PX sez
    I call bullshit. I'm paying for millions of toothless poor whites and I'm sick of it. Poverty ain't a blah thing despite what the silly racist trolls here believe. Clean your own house before commenting on mine.

    Poverty is very much a "blah" thing. As far as the fight not being over, your affirmative action goose is cooked. The UA race grievance lawsuit will fail. UA isn't going to capitulate. Unlike Coke and Toyota, in aviation, excellence matters. And blacks don't understand the concept of "excellence". Not all degrees are created equal. Blacks love them some credentialling, but it doesn't matter. A bullshoot degree from some crappy HBCU or online school is not equivalent to a real degree from a top tier school.

    And, yes, the unraveling of the fake black middle class propped up by white guilt and federally mandated AA is over. It will be nice to no longer be extorted to prop up incompetence.

    Enjoy Peak Negro. It was good while it lasted, huh?

  37. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The problem Field is exactly as you pointed out, our generation was given everything and never had to work for it.
    Golf clap. Exactly. Thanks for finally admitting the truth, PX.
    You've never worked for anything that has been handed to you, including your AA slot at UA.
    You've been artificially elevated above your abilities and social station solely on the color of your skin. And yet, you complain and bitch and moan and want more, even though past indicators are that blacks can't handle high level management decision making.
    Look at the most successsful Affirmative Action Negro of them all, chillin at 1600. Everyone can see what a total boob and incompetent idiot he is - now.
    But in 2008, to say so was "rayciss". No, it's truthful.

  38. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Still a Panther2 said:
    Don't get like me--a sad spectator-, a person that fought and marched and demostrated that we were just as capable in all facets of the European culture. Let me stop...that didn't sound right to me. I will continue to urge my people to master their culture...but some days I question the effort.

    I posted before about the widening gap in education and social station. Now that blacks who have struggled to reach the middle class and the upper middle class can afford to send their children to good private schools, high-income whites are now rejecting private schools and giving their children a highly tailored, "one on one" education by private tutoring, "co-ops" and the like. As written in City Journal, with the education gap and the "assortive mating", the gap between the haves and have nots is only increasing, not decreasing. All of the above serve to concentrate wealth and access in the hands of fewer and fewer families. What is the solution to that? I don't see one.

  39. Anonymous11:47 AM

    You're right Field, the house negro may have arrived, but, there's still plenty of Field Negros underground keeping it real. Without them the world will go to hell.

    Black and white and red and yellow.

    They are the keepers of the gate to equality and justice. They are the voice of fairness, reason and brotherly love.

    They are the ones that stick their necks out to buck the system. A dangerous and/or uncomfortable proposition to be sure.

    and Field, my thoughts are that they have always been in the minority.

    But as one of those few chosen
    I think you realize that you have a great responsibility to carry.

    A responsibility that can be a burden many times.

    It's not easy, and I wish you love and prayers always. Thank you from the heart for being you. Our voice. One of a kind. Super special. ;)

    Now I feel a need to make Field Negro cookies ;)

  40. scarborough12:04 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "You're right Field, the house negro may have arrived, but, there's still plenty of Field Negros underground keeping it real. Without them the world will go to hell"

    By keeping it real, do you mean murdering, raping, and robbing it?

    It is the Field Negros that have created their own version of Hell in the world.

  41. real field negroes know there is nothing sweet about hobama or his suicidal fans


    oreos eat cornel west cookies!!!!!!

    ask ll cool j

  42. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Anonymous scarborough said...

    Desertflower said...
    "You're right Field, the house negro may have arrived, but, there's still plenty of Field Negros underground keeping it real. Without them the world will go to hell"

    By keeping it real, do you mean murdering, raping, and robbing it?

    It is the Field Negros that have created their own version of Hell in the world.
    No, that's not what it means. What it means is putting in your little grain of sand to help out ones brother.

    It means doing what's morally right to the best of ones ability while still working within and with the system.

    What it means is putting in love and compassion,orientation and education in order to direct any situation towards a healthy outcome.

    What it means is seeing the world with the eyes of the heart and with love for humanity. Among other good things;)

    That's what us Field Negroes do. That's how we live our lives. Doing good.

    What you refer to as rapists, murderers etc. this is the unfortunate product of the hatred of this world, and def not to be propagated.

    Those that know will understand. Those that refuse to see, will forever be in emotional pain.

  43. when gwb was selected in 2004
    we were not starving/jobless/homeless

    hey hobama
    yes we real field negroes can sabotage your 2012 selection...kudos!!!,9171,2116715,00.html?hpt=hp_t2

  44. I don't know there was a time if field Negroes ever added up to a majority of 'Black' folks. But yesterday's field Negroes certainly possessed more imagination and guts than field Negroes of today.

  45. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Where'd my comment go? :)

  46. Anonymous1:05 PM

    PilotX said...
    The problem Field is exactly as you pointed out, our generation was given everything and never had to work for it. I was born in the 70's so I never saw over racism like my parents and older relatives

    Thats right you have never seen racism.

    but I know if we let up things like the voter supression in Florida will undo many of our advances.

    You mean the only advance you felt people have made is to be corrupt and act illegally?

    That is where we make our stand, we will not allow those who fought for our right to vote to have their rights taken away.

    You have an ID, feel free to vote once. Thats all you get even if you feel entitled and declare AA rules apply.

  47. I don't know if there was ever a time when 'field Negroes' constituted a majority of Blacks. I do know yesterday's field Negroes demonstrated a lot more imagination and guts than many calling themselves field Negroes today.

  48. "Despite 50 years of being "given everything", black people today hate whites more than ever."

    Bullshit again Kingnut, whites have not "given" us a damned thing. We fought for everything. We fought for our right to vote as you whites were killing us and siccing dogs on us for having the foolish notion of participating in this "great" democracy. We fought to get educated as whites killed us for thinking it would be a good thing to learn how to read. The problem with racists like yourself is that you think you are somehow the master of all and need to "give" things to people. We earned all we have while you whites were given special treatment and handouts and feel ashamed so you project this fact on others. Sad when you think about it. WTF have YOU given anyone? My bet is nothing.

  49. @ anon 1134.

    normally I don't answer anons but this might be fun. Of course excellence matters in aviation which is why it's my chosen profession. As far as a fake Black middle class I see nothing fake around me and I'm sure neither do Field and the other successful blah people on this blog. And if you think poverty is a blah thing I suggest you take a good look around your trailer park or is having a doublewide a sign of success in hillybilly heaven?

  50. the kenyan1:55 PM

    Dee-troit, about to go down dee toilet:

    City officials: Detroit will go broke in a week if consent deal lawsuit isn't withdrawn

    June 8, 2012

    Detroit Free Press

    By Suzette Hackney and Matt Helms

    Detroit will run out of cash a week from today if a lawsuit challenging the validity of the city's consent agreement with the state is not withdrawn, city officials said this morning.

    Jack Martin, the city’s new chief financial officer, said the city will be broke by June 15 but should be able to make payroll for its employees. He said the city will be operating in a deficit situation if the state withholds payments on a portion of the $80 million in bond money needed to help keep the city afloat.

    The battle ultimately could lead to an emergency manager if state officials deem the city to be in violation of the consent agreement that gives the state significant control over Detroit’s finances.

  51. somebody tell me asap...please:

    why is the kkk never deleted as i am on this blog????

    how do their racist lies trump my rebel truths about hobama???

    rsvp asap c/o:

  52. Anonymous4:06 PM

    PilotX said...

    Bullshit again Kingnut, whites have not "given" us a damned thing. We fought for everything. We fought for our right to vote as you whites were killing us and siccing dogs on us for having the foolish notion of participating in this "great" democracy."

    I look around me and in the mirror and I see none of these Whites. I look at my neighbors, Friends and Colleagues and see none of these Blacks. Therefore why are you trying to put on the mantle of suffering as if you were brave and underwent these trials, when you did not. Why are you trying to blame me as if I committed those sins, when I did not? Why not just read a history book and pretend you were once a king who had his throne stolen and blame someone for their skin color, it's the same logic.

    Anyone who you blame for something they did not do and demand something that they will not ,nor cannot provide, will look at you just as crazily as they would if you said you were once King Pile It X. What makes you entitled to even make charges against someone who may happen to look like someone who is long dead for a grievance committed against someone who is also long dead that you read about and assumed the burden?

    Does this carry you through life? Do you think all your burdens are the result of some white man and are not able to realize that everyone has the same crosses and burdens of life to bear?

    I do see fake charges of racism daily. I do see people who refuse to walk using someone else's skin color as a crutch and calling it racism daily. To the point I am nauseous and tired of it. As many are saying it has reached peak Negro with Negro fatigue firmly set in at this point.

    "We fought to get educated as whites killed us for thinking it would be a good thing to learn how to read."

    You did? Tell us how, who was it that threatened your life if you learned how to read and get educated? Who was it that propped up that school that educated you? However did you overcome such severe obstacles? The public school education I started out with treated Blacks even more fairly than others. They were given passes for all sorts of things that others would never get away with. Violence, class disruption, more violence, lack of assignment completion, refusing to study and or speak english as it was the white mans way and "be racist" Were you one of the gems that beat up kids cause they were acting white when they studied?

    "The problem with racists like yourself is that you think you are somehow the master of all and need to "give" things to people."

    Seems like the only one living on skin color is you, thus you are the racist. Many Whites are tired of people like you making demands on everyone. I don't want to GIVE you anything. I dont want you to TAKE anything from me either. I don't know you, from what I see of your childish, selfish demanding personality I don't care to know you. So then why do you think I need to put up with your shenanigans and hear daily how you aren't treated fairly, you don't can't or won't be able to succeed so I have to pay more for more public programs that do nothing but let the mother with 6 big buck sons sit at home and get free everything while I work two jobs and feed my kids peanut butter and jelly?

    "We earned all we have while you whites were given special treatment and handouts and feel ashamed so you project this fact on others."

    Yes Whites having the burden of actually creating a viable society and invented everything you see and use daily sure do have a burden. If we instituted complete equality tomorrow the results would be telling. Complete and total aptitude and skill level testing and grading without set-asides would highlight quite a bit. Including elimination of Politically correct speech so as not to have a disparate impact on minorities.

  53. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Very few black people actively participated in the human rights movement as it pertains to us in this country, so there statistically probably has never been a majority of field negroes willing to fight & die for freedom; probably more field negroes pining to become house nigras. There are those self-hating negroes who would rather die in this burning house than ever deign to seek true liberation. Me, I'm still hoping for that strong wind.

  54. Anonymous10:21 PM

    for those blacks who view themselves part of the 'elite' class of this nation, tell me: what army do you have? can you protect the black nation from ANYthing? Hell, can you even protect your own family from outside forces? In effect, the so-called black middle & upper class is just as powerless as those you deem 'lower' class.

  55. Shabazz4:16 PM

    "But then you had another Negro out in the field. The house Negro was in the minority. The masses--the field Negroes were the masses. They were in the majority. When the master got sick, they prayed that he'd die. If his house caught on fire, they'd pray for a wind to come along and fan the breeze"


  56. diaryofanegress11:08 AM


    Let the house Negro be at the wrong place at the wrong time....he'll find out JUST how black he is.

  57. Let me begin my rant with saying that Alicia Bank's braids are on too damn tight. With that said, Field, you couldn't be more wrong about the House Nigger. There are literally hundreds of them on Twitter. I mean some of the posts are some of the most asinine drivel one could read. Sometimes I wish we had the attitude of the ANC or the IRA when it came to collaborators. Then maybe we wouldn't have that problem

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