Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Teaneck, New Jersey man wanted for his unique skills in Washington on Thursday.

"We'd really rather not be here," Boehner told reporters. "We'd really rather have the attorney general and the president work with us to get to the bottom of a very serious issue."

Riiiight. Careful Mr. Boehner, this is election season, I am not sure that the American people are ready for another republican witch hunt investigation.

"They have shown very little interest in reaching a resolution, instead they have chosen a path of political confrontation and theater," White House spokesman Jay Carney said of Republican leaders at Wednesday's briefing.

Stop whining Jay, I love a little political "theater". Let's see how far my right wing friends in Washington get with this one. I am glad that they (republicans) want to hold someone accountable for the death of agent Brian Terry. It just would have been nice if they had shown the same amount of zeal for some other good men and women who lost their lives because of poor political decisions as well.

Finally, I go from the ridiculous to the absurd. I honestly think that passing gas in public is crass and has no place among decent folks, but I don't think I would "put a hole" in someone's "dome" if they happened to let loose from their caboose.

Daniel Collins of Teaneck, New Jersey was arrested after he reportedly threatened to take his neighbor’s life when he farted in front of his apartment, the New York Daily News reports.

Collins, 77, pulled a 32-caliber revolver and threatened to “put a hole” in his neighbor’s dome, cops said.

According to police, the two men have been engaged in an ongoing dispute over noise. Collins said the 47-year-old neighbor passed gas so loudly that he heard it inside of his apartment before he smelled the funk. The disrespect proved too much, so the old man had to pull out his pistol to show the younger gentleman his smelly ways were out of order.

Collins has been charged with “aggravated assault, unlawful possession of a firearm and making terroristic threats.” He was released without bail. [Story]

Seriously, what are they eating in Jersey?

This dude was loud and funky. That, my friends, is a deadly combination.

Still, old head should have kept his cool. I would have personally just called 911 on the loathsome neighbor, but the po po would have just had a good laugh as they probably have better things do to in Teaneck, New Jersey than to run down a smelly fart.

I wonder if we can find the perpetrator and take him down to D.C. tomorrow?
We just need to give him a nice spicy meal before we go.  


  1. NSangoma10:30 PM


    A Fortune investigation reveals that the ATF never intentionally allowed guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. How the world came to believe just the opposite is a tale of rivalry, murder, and political bloodlust.


  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    NSangoma said...

    A Fortune investigation reveals that the ATF never intentionally allowed guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. How the world came to believe just the opposite is a tale of rivalry, murder, and political bloodlust.

    Complete crock written by crockpots. Did you read the article? It says absolutely nothing. Imagine Fortune got the scoop and congress can't even get documents from Eric Holder.

    If there was no plan, no tactic as they say, then what is project Gun runner/Fast and Furious. You know the program Napolitano announced after meeting with Holder and Obama in 2009 that they were doing that would "attack" arms trafficking by tracking guns given to smugglers? Ooops, so there was a gun tracing project.

    Obama lied people died.

    Holder himself testified that ATF did create Fast and Furious after he retracted the memo where he got caught lying by documents provided by whistleblowers.

    On Feb. 4, 2011, he provided a letter to Congress that denied Fast and Furious allowed illegally bought weapons to cross into Mexico. This claim was later retracted in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. On May 3, 2011, Mr. Holder testified before the House Judiciary Committee that he did not know who approved Fast and Furious and that he had no knowledge of the operation before the investigations began. In October, however, it was documented that Mr. Holder had been sent briefings on Fast and Furious in July 2010. He again had to correct the record. Meanwhile, Justice Department employees who had been involved in Fast and Furious were subjected to what appeared to be retaliatory personnel actions for whistle-blowing activities.

  3. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Only two things to say about your posts tonight. The party line comments are laughable. Why didn't you just call them racist and be done with it? It isn't a witch hunt when someone lies so much they have to take things back when they get caught and then hides the truth.

    Second comment is - Pull my finger.

  4. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Field, I sat down to eat and read your post like I usually do every evening during the week after a long hard day of work.

    Sometimes your posts are such bs they annoy me; and I think to myself, "I really should stop reading this shit."

    But as usual, the next day I am reading another FN post. I just can't say, "no" and mean it. That is how an addict is defined. I really need to put myself into a 30 day detox FN group before it's too late.

    Anyway, your post this evening is the worst because it ruined my dinner. I can't eat and read shit about loud funky farts! Field, what the hell is wrong with you!? I sometimes think you are infected with slow creeping Alzheimers.

    I should take your ass to court to get the money I paid for a perfectly good meal, one of my favorites: Steak, Baked potato with everything on it, steamed veggies, great rolls, and key lime pie that I brought home from Morton's.

    You know how my depression gets me down and makes me paranoid. So why are fucking with me?

    depressed Negro

  5. NTacoma1:42 AM

    Holder is going down because he lied and tried to hide evidence.

    Had they come clean early, this would have blown over by now. Instead it's Obama's Watergate. The difference this time is that someone got killed.

    Adios Mother Fucker.

  6. So that's where she gets her bossiness:

    "US First Lady Michelle Obama’s ancestry can be traced to a slave owner from what is now Northern Ireland, who emigrated to America in the 1700s. …

    Her great-great-great-grandmother Melvinia was a slave who had children by Charles Shields, grandson of Andrew Shields. One of those children, Dolphus Shields, born in 1859, was Michelle Obama’s direct ancestor."

  7. so.. what do you all think?

  8. sooo... what do you all think ..

  9. You should always give someone fair warning by asking them to pull your finger.

  10. Depressed Negro, I must say, you are getting funnier and funnier. I bet pretty soon you will have to change your handle.

  11. NSangoma5:44 AM


    — Robert VerBruggen is a deputy managing editor of National Review.

    Too Fast, Too Furious
    Darrell Issa has dabbled in a conspiracy theory.
    But the theory that Fast and Furious was devised to promote gun control goes far beyond the evidence, as Issa basically admitted to ABC this weekend, and it does not withstand scrutiny. The chairman should be ashamed to have dabbled in it, and should fully retract his initial comment, unless he has a considerable amount of evidence he has not shared with the public.

    Unless far more evidence surfaces to support it, we should put this theory to rest.


  12. Holder Is Toast9:01 AM

    Hey, field...remember, in this "Republican witch hunt" against Holder, almost 30 DEMOCRATS are expected to vote to hold Holder in contempt, too.

    I guess you forgot to mention that.

  13. Anonymous9:05 AM

    NSangoma said...

    The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal
    New reporting upends Fast and Furious Story

    Did you really just link to Rachel Maddow? HA-HA. She sure had a lot of conspiracy theories in her attempt to say Eric The With-Holders contempt of congress is only a conspiracy. Her only point is ATF never used a gun walking tactic. Well, I guess she forgets Holder himself admitted it. Ask yourself, how can it never have existed and Holder have found out about the program and stopped it?

    MSNBC and CNN they still around?
    Great sites if you want to catch up on the Obama Campaign.

    Too bad Rachel didn't have the High Level agents from the ATF who got reassigned and pleaded the 5th in order to avoid testifying to congress or the gun store owners who were forced to allow the buys, or the agents who complained about the program when they told their bosses it was not a good idea and more.....

    I like this though, when the truth comes out Maddow handful of viewers will know they were literally duped and lied to.

  14. fn:

    nothing is more ridiculous than the sloppy way that hobama and holder have run guns to mexico

    except maybe pretending that they are protecting gwb by hiding documents after 4 yrs of blaming gwb for EVERYTHING else

    that is indeed political absurdity at its very best

  15. kudos to the shooter

    elders are being tortured by rude lewd crude inhumane pookies nationwide

    add him to the clicked list

  16. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Obama backed away from the preposterous 90 percent claim that 90% of guns used in crimes in Mexico come from the U.S. His National Security Council spokesman explained to Fox News that by "recovered," they meant "guns traceable to the United States." So, in other words, Democrats were frantically citing the amazing fact that almost all the guns traceable to the U.S. were ... traceable to the U.S.

    This was absurd. Most of the guns used by drug cartels are automatic weapons -- not to mention shoulder-fired rockets -- that can't be sold to most Americans. They are acquired from places like Russia, China and Guatemala.

    No one has explained what putting 2,500 untraceable guns in the hands of Mexican drug dealers was supposed to accomplish.

    But you know what that might have accomplished? It would make the Democrats' lie retroactively true -- allowing them to push for the same gun restrictions they were planning when they first concocted it. A majority of guns recovered from Mexican criminals would, at last, be American guns, because Eric Holder had put them there.

    Unfortunately for the Democrats, some brave whistleblower inside the government leaked details of this monstrous scheme. As soon as Congress and the public demanded answers, Holder clammed up. He just says "oops" -- and accuses Republicans of racism.

  17. he who smelt it...10:20 AM

    Holder refused to hand over the e-mail records.

    Given that a couple of hundred deaths are tied to the Fast & Furious program, you'd think Holder would want Americans to know the tragedy was not his fault.

    But, inasumch as he's hiding documents, it's obvious he's got something to hide.

    More likely, the document trail leads to Obama the same way the Watergate Break-in led to Nixon.

    As for The Case of the Mind Destroying Flatulence, well, once again crazy negroes are going at it.

    It's one thing to claim the walls are so thin you can hear your neighbor farting. It's something else to claim his gas is so powerful it permeates walls.

    An investigation of Collins' bathroom is required. Perhaps his toilet doesn't flush.

    Or, Collins is just nuts and he's no longer capable of realizing the rotten-egg stench is escaping from his own rotting bowels.

  18. tragic legendary day for america

    more proof that the blackish hobama is the new hitler corparatist

    he has been given a carte blanche to torch the constitution
    execute his pharma casinos
    force us to all pay for hobamacare
    force our employers to dump the insurance what we have now
    bankrupt all other medical insurers

    may god bless us all

  19. from the scotus to the nabj

    that warlock bankster racist elitist hobama own them all

    and we are all doomed

    only a supernatural blessing from god...or a jfkish skilled sniper can save us now


    This is what often passes for journalism in Black America: an infantile obsession with the inner world of the Obamas that is wholly disconnected from the real world of economic policy, and of war and peace. Such reporters become indistinguishable from the antics of Steve Harvey, the professional media ignoramus, and the schoolyard politics of syndicated disc jockey Tom Joyner.

    There were some at the NABJ convention who thought Valerie Jarrett had violated some sort of protocol by making too much of a campaign-style speech – although that, of course, is her job. It is the reporters’ job to tear that speech to shreds, with journalistic vigor, when it veers from the truth. To fail to do so is much worse than a violation of protocol: it is a betrayal of one’s profession and solemn obligation to the public – in this case, most especially, the Black public. But NABJ executive director Maurice Foster was eager to characterize Ms. Jarrett as someone who has been, in his words, “a good supporter of NABJ.” He said: “She’s always lent herself to project the image of NABJ in a positive light and the good things that we do.”

    Not a hint of the adversarial relationship that must exist between real journalists and the State. Mr. Foster is proud that the president’s closest advisor and longtime friend is a friend of the NABJ, representing thousands of Black journalists. Of course, there could be no such political friendship if Black journalists were doing their job, aggressively examining the president’s actual policies rather than behaving like boosters and fans.

    But, there is a kind of logic to this corruption of Black journalism. As I learned 37 years ago, while helping to organize the Association of Black Journalists in Washington, DC, the NABJ is more concerned with Black jobs in journalism than with how journalism can be made to serve the Black public. For NABJ, it’s all about diversity in the newsroom. Black journalistic faces are role models – even if they’re broadcasting racist trash on FOX News or collaborating in lies about Black people in the local paper. Barack Obama is the biggest Black role model of them all and, therefore, can count on the lesser role models of Black journalism. So, to hell with the profession – and to hell with the people. All Power to the Role Models!

  20. Any time someone threatens to kill someone over something so petty as farting, then it leads me to believe there lies a much deeper issue. And not necessarily the ongoing dispute over noise, but something else.

    It reminds me of a recent story in which a Texas man (Raul Rodriguez) was convicted of murdering a man after walking down to his home and complain of the man playing music too loudly.

    Then, Rodriguez had the nerves to argue Stand Your Ground law. Smh.

    Everyone seems much too volatile nowadays.

  21. more proof that hobama is worse than gwb x 2

    gwb never forced/fined me to buy anything

    hobamacare will be a predator drone on all medical care and the patient care industry


    may god bless us all


    gwb tortured
    hobama just kills

    predator drones trump waterboarding

    ask libya/syria/somalia/africom etc


  22. Holder is toast, do u mean the dumbocrats from places time forgot like West Virginia? They better vote to find that Negro in contempt, how else would they keep their jobs?

    BTW, congrats to supremes for voting to uphold Obamacare. Yes wingnuts, the sun will come out tomorrow.
    It's not the end of the world.

  23. what's wrong with blacks?1:38 PM

    The black plague strikes again:

    B’klyn boy, 14, brain-dead after being shot in the head


    June 28, 2012

    A Brooklyn teen is now brain-dead after he was shot in the head late yesterday, law-enforcement sources said.

    Akeal Christopher, 14, was walking home with his cousin and six other friends from a friend’s graduation party when two thugs wearing dark hoodies approached them in Bushwick on the corner of Jefferson Street and Evergreen Avenue shortly before 11 p.m., and asked if they were part of a local gang crew, sources said.

    Frightened, Christopher began to run away from the assailants, but they fired at the group, shooting the boy in the cheek, sources said.

    A brave neighbor heard the gunfire, and ran out to the street to revive the teen.

    “I heard four shots,” said Lupe Estrella, 48, a certified EMT whose Cornelia Street home is near the shooting scene.

    Estrella performed CPR and tried to revive the teen.

    “He had what looked like a bullet right in the center of his forehead,” she said. A second good Samaritan also performed CPR, Estrella said.

    EMS rushed Christopher to Brookdale Hospital in very critical condition. A source said the bullet tore apart his brain.

    No arrests have been made.

  24. Anonymous3:52 PM

    field negro said...
    Holder is toast, do u mean the dumbocrats from places time forgot like West Virginia? They better vote to find that Negro in contempt, how else would they keep their jobs?

    I guess the highest attorney in the law lying to you about the death of someone who was defending our borders doesn't matter to you? Or the 200+ Mexicans? It's all about protecting Mr With-Holder and Obama? Yes, thats what Democrats are.

    "BTW, congrats to supremes for voting to uphold Obamacare. Yes wingnuts, the sun will come out tomorrow.
    It's not the end of the world."

    It's a good thing. Don't you love it when you are lied to, tricked, cheated all to get something for free? Some Tea is really strong when it has been brewed for awhile.

    SO it's a tax afterall, yes the largest tax in the history of the U.S 1.7 trillion. OK, now I have a vested interest in what others do. When they work, how they take care of themselves and what TAXES they pay. I mean you don't expect free food, housing, kids meals, foodstamps, money for bills, cars, cell phones all while I go to work to pay for it do you and you destroy my life do you? I am tired of passing these clans of lifelong moochers on the way to work.

    Or we can simply just repeal the total mess and use reconciliation in the senate to polish it off - after all taxes are budgetary now and thats how Obama lied it through when it passed.

  25. Anonymous, you must live in Washington. The only "lifelong moochers" are the clowns people like u send there.

  26. Wingnut@1:38PM,what's wrong with the NRA? should be your handle .

  27. Anonymous6:20 PM

    field negro said...
    Wingnut@1:38PM,what's wrong with the NRA? should be your handle .

    Do you think the thugs were law abiding citizens who had background checks done and were legally carrying a gun?

    So you think the shooters were Dues Paying NRA card carrying members? They must have a good reason to carry a gun in New York that the law approved them to carry. Normally it's next to impossible for a citizen to get a handgun permit and join the NRA. Thus so many shooting by criminals like in every single other liberal state.

  28. Anonymous6:24 PM

    field negro said...
    Anonymous, you must live in Washington. The only "lifelong moochers" are the clowns people like u send there.

    Oh yeah, DC is definitely packed with the artificial middle class living off government makework jobs paid for by Americans taxes. You are right, a lot of moochers there. But I didn't elect to give them these fake jobs and or have the rest go on government benefits, they threatened me with jail if I didn't send them my money via the tax collector.

  29. So Prez Obama captures and kills the #1 terrorist in the world and Obamacare gets approved by the supremes!

    Obama 2012

    PS- Damn good time to be entering the medical profession!!!

  30. Eric Holder issue = Yet another Repub modern day lynching.


  31. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    So Prez Obama captures and kills the #1 terrorist in the world and Obamacare gets approved by the supremes!

    Obama 2012

    PS- Damn good time to be entering the medical profession!!!

    Whys that? With all the real doctors that will leave you think they will dumb down the standards even enough for you to have a shot?

  32. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Rottnkid said...

    Enough said.

    Almost enough said just a couple more things you forgot"

    16 trillion of debt now. Add another 10 Trillion + next years budget + 11 U.S cities going bankrupt shortly + Unemployment + Stagflation + Recession + taxpayer shrinkage with Entitlement increases + massive liabilities in medicare + massive borrowing and liabilities in SS + massive entitlement spending (Foodstamps/Section8/Welfare = your fucked because there is only lint left in the pockets you done got to greedy homey, the dollar is going away soon and I don't think these entitlements will survive the Yuan.

  33. I watched the first vote & the majority of Dems walking out but 15 Dems voted with the Repubs. Holder had a strong rebuke for the House but it has to hurt.

    Meanwhile Boehner, McConnell, Ryan & the others are licking their wounds after losing the SCOTUS vote. Who'd have thought Justice Roberts would be the one we have to thank?

  34. "16 trillion of debt now. Add another 10 Trillion + next years budget + 11 U.S cities going bankrupt shortly + Unemployment + Stagflation + Recession + taxpayer shrinkage with Entitlement increases + massive liabilities in medicare + massive borrowing and liabilities in SS + massive entitlement spending .."

    Blah blah blah. Sounds like the Bush years.

  35. Kudos to that slick bankster hobama and his new pharma corp casino!

    He and his rich ceos won indeed.
    And ALL of the rest of us lost.

    Hobama won a very shrewd 2012 selection evasion/censorhip of the current depression

    And we get to become perpetually depressed about:

    Millions of layoffs pending via the medical industry/extensive fallout

    ALL medicare and medicaid being gutted to fund hobamacare

    The IRS becoming the new hitler’s/hobama’s new gestapo

    ALL insurance becoming more expensive

    ALL employers axing health plans in droves

    ALL of us paying more for less care as hobamacare becomes THE only insurer

    Millions of doctors leaving the profession/already

    Droves of us enduring legendary doctor shortages…ETC!!!

    Ruthless genocide, vampire capitalism, and serial econmic disasters loom via hobamacare…
    And u dare cheer now???

    Wait until hobamacare really slays all in 2016!!!

