Monday, June 11, 2012

They want to hang something besides chads in Florida.

More bad news for you Obamaholics here in A-merry-ca. They are hanging your boy in effigy in the land of the hanging chads. (Pun intended)Wait, it gets better; the folks doing the hanging are church going folks. Nothing like a little fire and brimstone from the good book to make the hanging complete. The feds are actually investigating the guy. I say leave him alone. He is not doing anything that most of the people in a certain political party who will be holding their convention in Florida don't agree with.

They say that they have to do it because he (Obama) is "killing America". And, you know how it is; if it's between our beloved America and the Negro the Negro has got to go.

Still, you would think that given the history of those "strange fruits" hanging from trees in this country they would find another way to bring about the president's demise. I guess the more things change...

Hey, I am not one of these folks who believes that if you disagree with O you are necessarily a racist. -Hell I have progressive friends who hate Obama's politics and will not vote for the guy.- But I know one thing: if you are a racist you hate that N*&&*#'r guts. The logic goes like this: All racists are republicans, but not all republicans are racist. Then, of course, some of you are probably a bit "color aroused", but you are scared to admit it. You all are the worst, because we can never really tell with you.

Let's see what one scholarly racism chaser has to say about this:

"After gathering information on the racially charged search queries, Stephens-Davidowitz took a look at voting data from around the country and compared each area's 2008 results, when Obama was running for president, to voting results from 2004, when all of the candidates were white.

Though many people believe that our first African-American president won the election thanks in part to increased turnout by African-American voters, Stephens-Davidowitz's research shows that those votes only added about 1 percentage point to Obama's totals. "In the general election, this effect was comparatively minor," he concludes. But in areas with high racial search rates, the fact that Obama is African American worked against him, sometimes significantly.

"The results imply that, relative to the most racially tolerant areas in the United States, prejudice cost Obama between 3.1 percentage points and 5.0 percentage points of the national popular vote," Stephens-Davidowitz points out in his study. "This implies racial animus gave Obama's opponent roughly the equivalent of a home-state advantage country-wide."

"Any votes Obama gained due to his race in the general election were not nearly enough to outweigh the cost of racial animus, meaning race was a large net negative for Obama," he adds.

The state with the highest racially charged search rate was West Virginia, where 41 percent of voters chose Keith Judd, a white man who is also
a convicted felon currently in prison in Texas, over Obama just this May. Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, South Carolina, Alabama, and New Jersey rounded out the top 10 most-racist areas, according to the search queries used."

I am so disappointed in West Virginia. And here I was actually thinking of taking a vacation there in the near future. I am serious. Hey, if any of you Negroes reading this live close to a place named Daniels, West Virginia, please holla at your boy.

I need to know that there is a safe house close by. Obama has the Secret Service at his disposal. All I have are some very fast Jamaican feet.



  1. It's not surprising to me that he is being investigated, it would be very easy to interpret that thing as a threat on the President's life.

  2. "race was a large net negative for Obama," he adds."
    ----------------------------------------Duhh, I add.

    "The state with the highest racially charged search rate was West Virginia... Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, South Carolina, Alabama, and New Jersey rounded out the top 10 most-racist areas"
    Duhh, I add yet again.

    "I am so disappointed in West Virginia. And here I was actually thinking of taking a vacation there in the near future. I am serious."

    Oh no! The Southern break-away-State that broke away from the South to stay with the Union during the Civil War and has had such an inferiority complex about it since that they out rebel the rest of the South. They're bigger KKKers than noosassippi and alabomba combined. Hell, they had a grand-dragon (just an aside, but why name a white supremacist leader after a Chinese restaurant?) represent them in the Senate for most of the last 50 years. The stars and bars may as well be the sate rag, and I believe that the state color is "camouflage."

    Seriously, Field, skip the trip. Just rent "Deliverance" and experience it vicariously.

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM

    "The logic goes like this: All racists are republicans, but not all republicans are racist"

    Once again field negros offer no proof that can back up anything they claim.

    Whites need not apply

    White Student Returns $1,000 Scholarship Intended For Black Students

    A white student won a $1,000 scholarship from the Martin Luther King Senior Citizens Club. However, when the club discovered that the winner was white, they demanded the money back. The white student returned the money and it was given to a less qualified black student.

    The club says that in the future they will bar white people from applying.

  4. Truthful Cynic10:31 PM

    I found the hanging of Sarah Palin in effigy more offensive, because it validates senseless violence against women.

    But that was A-okay with you. I think you even found it funny.

    Hypocrite much?

  5. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Though many people believe that our first African-American president won the election thanks in part to increased turnout by African-American voters, Stephens-Davidowitz's research shows that those votes only added about 1 percentage point to Obama's totals.

    Well two ways to look at this, of course the racist pick the negative. If getting 90+ % of the black vote represented only 1%, then who voted for him? Oh, right those whites who you launching off the 1% fact are trying to infer are racist and planting a hook that when Obama loses it won't be because he was totally incompetent but rather racial. heh funny the CBC said that calling him cool now is racist.

    Black liberals are to be treated like children, they do not have the capacity for logic.

  6. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Whiteys Conspiracy Said

    "Seriously, Field, skip the trip. Just rent "Deliverance" and experience it vicariously."

    Ha we found out YT's favorite movie. Squeal for me boy - take mandingo and be mastered you dirty downlow DWL.

  7. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Wait, so Field you are admitting it was racist just to vote for Obama because he is half black even though the baby mama was white?

    Cool, out of the Fields of Moonbattery the truth leaks out.
    Oh shit, wait the CBC just said using cool for Obama was racist. - Blithering idiot mongrels. How can anyone respect morons like this?

  8. parvenu11:18 PM

    Obama is a center-right conservative Democrat; and the reason he won in 2008 was that the American Power structure needed an intellegent "stand-in" to absorb the problems and public unrest coming from the national economic collapse in late 2007. It was a tough choice between Obama, a black man, and McCain a white long serving Senator. What blew it for McCain was his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate.
    The Power Structure wanted first of all to get the banking sector stabilized and then a slow NONE INFLATIONARY recovery. Obama turned out to be the right man for the job. A limited amount of Simulus money was put out into the public sector which was just enough to pull the nation back from a full depression while keeping inflation low. The American Power Structure never intended to allow Obama to create a WPA type program during his first year. Meanwhile a careful plan to slowly continue the recovery must go forward, which is why I believe that Obama will be re-elected.

    The Power Structure recognizes that Mitt Romney has other allegiances,i.e. the LDS Church, and as such he would present problems in responding to the whishes of the Cabal. (It should be noted that Romney is aware of this, which is why he continues to present himself as a extremely malleable candidate for president.) Romney is not just sitting back hpoing that the economy will fail; in all actuality Romney is hoping that Obama will do something extremely foolish that will turn off the American Power structure that put him in office in 2008.

    Now by this time you are most likely wondering just who or what is this American Power structure that he is talking about? Ok, the American Power structure is a group or cabal of Wall Street interests. The members are like smaller versions of Warren Buffet on steroids, in that they are unknown leading investors in all sectors of the global market.

    To this Cabal Obama is already a proven trusted agent capable of skillfully championing their interests at home and on the world's stage. We have recently witnessed the long arm of the American Power structure acting through first Corey Booker and then through Gov. Ed Rendell, and finally through Bill Clinton. No the Wall Street based American Power structure is not confined to the private equity sector. However, some private equity hedging may from time to time be part of their business "portfoilo". So they sent the message to the Obama campaign to keep your hands off private equity criticisms. The Obama campaign got the message and changed course accordingly.

    This has been my particular prognosis for the 2012 presidential campaign and only time will tell if my vision is correct.

  9. The Sacred Halfrican11:19 PM

    Race was not a negative factor for Obama in 2008.

    The only reason he won the election was because he convinced America he was "black".

    No white man with such a shady and weak job resume would ever have been considered for President.

  10. Anonymous11:22 PM

    The most powerful weapon the ineffectual weenie has; is the usual flaccid accusation of racism

  11. Anonymous11:29 PM

    about welfare, you had the numbers wrong but dont worry I unnerstand the maths is hard.

    There are around 311,591,917 people living in the US
    15 % are Black, that would be around 46,738,787
    70% are white that would be around 218,114,341
    Total people collecting welfare is roughly 29,900,000
    39.8% (Black) is 11,900,200 = between 25.4 and 25.5 % of Blacks collect welfare
    38.8% (white) is 11,601,200 = between 5.3 and 5.4 % of whites collect welfare

    This fits with what you see in a welfare office. Out of 10 people 8 are black 1 is white and the other one is divided up between latino and asian.

    Who you kiddin?

    Ever go to criminal court? It's all Black, why? Coinky-dink?


  12. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Pastor Sideburns found he needed the attention...otherwise he is just another low-skill, low-education, low-status loser.
    Not too long past, he and his kin would be biting chickens in the sideshow.

    Pennsyltucky...where the local colour and scenery was used as an apocalyptic wasteland for "The Road". Where the rural tone was so nicely captured by "Nothing But Trouble".


  13. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Field, you still planning a trip to West VA? Are you nuts? West VA is the most racist and most dangerous state in the country for Blacks.

    What the hell is WRONG with you? Are that obsessive for white approval that you are willing to die for it? You depress me.

    Please make me feel better. Please tell me that you have decided not to KKK and Skinhead racist country. Please relieve my depression because it is giving me headaches like a bad hangover.

    depressed Negro

  14. West Virginia no surprise. New Jersey doesn't seem like a "racially charged" state until you read the comments on the local newspaper websites. Just like here at FN, the racists hide behind anonymity. To be an upfront racist (like the ugly jeering white southern crowds of the Civil Rights years), requires a public commitment, a perverse courage of which these internet cowards are incapable. In Atlantic City, in 1964, I actually met "Bull" Connor, & there was no mistaking where he coming from. I'd rather that whacko preacher Terry Jones be out in the open than wearing a sheet.

  15. NSangoma1:27 AM


    Some of West VA is beautiful Currie and Ives like country.

    It is serious inbreed country, too.

    Even some of the Negroes look, inbred.

    I used to roll through West VA on highway-64, south into Richmond VA.

    Never felt do unsafe, even at interstate rest stops at 1400 o'clock high sun.

    field you Negroe, golfing in West VA; you big tyme Negroe.


  16. Parvenu, you might be on to something.

    Truthful Cynic, please provide a link. I know that you are a FOX viewer and you don't believe in facts, but a link to what you are alleging would be nice.

    Folks, my love of the game of golf might be the death of me.
    West Virginia managed to get their golf courses right. I suspect that's about it.

  17. Anonymous6:40 AM

    After Europeans stole the country, somebody should have screamed a resounding NOOOOOOOOO to the slave trade. It has been horrific for the lightest and darkest of humanity to breathe within a 2 inch proximity of each other. We're all going RACIALLY INSANE with this set-up. 4 to 5 to 6 centuries of pure torture for all of us (with the exception of the moneyed).It's not pretty one damn bit and some of us are thoroughly sick of it, to the max.!!!!!!!!

  18. Truthful Cynic9:00 AM

    @FN: And you have convenient memory loss. I believe it was a lively discussion at the time on FN. Har dee har har.

    If the person who hung Obama in effigy as a protest is charged with anything, you can BET there will be lots of people who will complain. Obama deserves to be mocked and he has "earned" the right to be treated EXACTLY THE SAME as any other unpopular and polarizing politician, including the right to be hung in effigy.

  19. Liberals Lie9:04 AM

    I can't keep up with the spin and dissembling here.

    On one hand, time and time again, in response to comments about "white flight" it's "they should have stayed and fought for their community". (ha - translation: they had an obligation to stay in place and be cash cows to be milked for the indolent blacks who displaced them!)

    But when whites, such as Spooner, and the white male who gave the "offensive" interview in Buffalo about the arson case, do "stay and defend their communities" and make it known that they do not want blacks destroying their neighborhoods, they are haters and the black grievance community tries to make a payday out of it.

    So which is it? White flight is bad, or standing your ground and beating back the parasites? Whites DO NOT have to live with blacks - it's called freedom - of choice, and of association.


    I know we've moved for the last time. It didn't take long for our old neighborhood to be completely destroyed and unrecognizable (two years). Won't happen again.

  20. Anonymous10:12 AM

    field negro said...
    Parvenu, you might be on to something.

    Might be ON something is more like it. I say it's bath salts.

    Remember the private sector, you know the one that funds and pays for the total government sector is doing fine. We just need to take more from the private sector and grow the spongeing government sector more with private sector funds and the economy will improve.

    Boob Obama

  21. millions of dems are racists, and their racism blinds them to hobama's evil deeds

    millions of white dems voted for hobama, but they are not black racists, so they see hobama's horrid deeds clearly
    unlike his racist black fans


    churches hang gays daily


    hobama hung all of us het and gay long ago

    ask any peer bankster/ndaa/africom/shirley s/rev wright etc

    hobama has caused the demise of the entire globe

    karma is real

    happy dangling in the karmic breeze to that horrid hnic hobama!!!!

  22. hobama has lynched and murdered millions globally

    financially, mentally, spiritually, literally, emotionally, racially....

    hobama is a glossy global version of that kkkiller gz

    let his own karmic lynchings begin!!!!!!!

    That is what Barack Obama did last week. His advisers sat down with New York Times reporters in order to tell the world that he decides who will live and who will be blown to bits by drones in Afghanistan or Pakistan or Somalia. The Obama marketing juggernaut knows that the killer president image can only be helpful in a country so certain of its right to be violent.

    If anything Americans are morally inferior to people in the rest of the world. Barack Obama was certain that news of his personal “kill list” would benefit his chances of being re-elected, and he was not wrong.

    “The oldest and strongest form of propaganda in this country is the belief that white America has the right to dominate everyone else on the earth, and as president Obama functions as the whitest man in the country.”

    He solved the problems presented by Guantanamo by not taking any prisoners at all. He just kills people and any innocent bystander is labeled as a militant, all so that the president can look good and the people in his country can feel good. According to the well orchestrated story, the president even invokes theological theories of just war, as he pours over a “nominations” list of those marked for death.

    It seems that our president is a totally amoral psychopath, and the revelation of his condition has not hurt his popularity. Apparently the president governs psychopaths too, because too few of them will say or do anything to oppose his commitment to breaking the law, violating the Constitution, and the word of the god he claims to believe in.

    The evil is not limited to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but can be found on Main Street U.S.A. just as easily. Obama is giving most Americans exactly what they want, a world living in fear of them.

  23. Truthful Cynic, still waiting on that link where I made fun of Sarah getting hung in effigy.

    Take all the time you need wingnut......

    Liberals Lie, hold your ground, don't let those Negroes run you out of your home. Beg your neighbors not to sell to them. :)

    What a joke.

  24. white light1:07 PM

    West Virginia is poor and it's about 94% white. Blacks account for about 3.5% of the population. The population is about 1,850,000.

    In 2010, the number of murders in the state was 62, making it a safe place to live.

    However, that small percentage of black West Virginians accounted for a large percentage of the murders -- as blacks always do.

    When racial demographics are taken into account, American communities that are overwhelmingly white and/or asian are already quite safe, with per capita homicide rates on par with foreign countries touted as examples of domestic tranquility.

  25. Anonymous1:19 PM

    alicia banks said...
    millions of dems are racists, and their racism blinds them to hobama's evil deeds

    millions of white dems voted for hobama, but they are not black racists, so they see hobama's horrid deeds clearly
    unlike his racist black fans


    churches hang gays daily


    hobama hung all of us het and gay long ago

    ask any peer bankster/ndaa/africom/shirley s/rev wright etc

    hobama has caused the demise of the entire globe

    karma is real

    happy dangling in the karmic breeze to that horrid hnic hobama!!!!

    Not sure what all these slang sentences mean, they are really jumbled. What I got out of it is that gays who are well hung dangle better than something else, not sure what that is. And there are a lot of well hung gays who dangle their wares at church's daily.

    Why are studly gays with equipment large enough to dangle going to church every day? Is there a church of the dangling homosexual that requires daily attendance?

    Do Older Lesbians also dangle or do they droople?

  26. Obama's Just Another Puke1:53 PM

    Must be nice to be a Friend Of Obama. Read this, and if you have a shred of integrity, you'll admit Obama is just another slug leaving his trail of slime across this country:

    Hanging to too good for him.

  27. room with a view4:31 PM

    Last night I went to the screening of a documentary titled The Myth of Pruitt-Igoe.

    The movie looks into a huge housing project in St Louis that opened in 1952 and was demolished in 1976.

    The film-makers, though they tried, could not hide the fact that the occupants destroyed the place -- a series of 11-story buildings on 57 acres on the north side of St Louis.

    The film footage that had been shot while the buildings were inhabited showed that only in the early years were there white residents.

    Eventually, all the pathologies of black life took over. The elevators became urinals, the trash sites were set on fire, the windows were broken, hookers and drug dealers moved in, and the place degenerated into a human cesspool.

    However, as you might imagine, there was an attempt to blame the demise of the place on whites.

  28. even an uber hobama nazi like spike lee knows hobama may be toast in 2012


  29. kudos to rebel peeps in NC!!!!

    blacks are waking up on that blackish hobama


  30. "George Zimmerman's wife was arrested today and charged with perjury for collaborating with her husband to shield the couple's finances from the court."

    Messing with fire will burn you a lot less often than messing with judges. I'd have fired a client who put me in the position that Z-man and fam did O'Meara.

  31. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I am a native born resident West Virginian. I recommend that you DO NOT vacation in Daniels, WV or anywhere else in this state. The southern and eastern counties were strongly confederate and still are, and the rest are not to be trusted.

    Stay home and rent some movies.

  32. BARBBF7:32 PM


    To view this item online, visit


    Another boost for Obama's 'gay' accuser
    Democrat who conducted polygraph indicted for campaign fraud

    Two recent developments have bolstered a campaign by Larry Sinclair to advance the sensational claim in his 2009 book “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder” that he and Barack Obama twice engaged in homosexual acts accompanied by cocaine use.

    On May 17, lawyers representing Internet bookselling giant filed a brief in federal district court arguing that Sinclair’s book is not defamatory.

    Last week, Robert Braddock Jr. – the Democratic Party operative who taped the lie detector test administered to Sinclair in February 2008 – was indicted in an unrelated matter by federal authorities and charged with conspiring to conceal campaign donations.

    Braddock’s polygraph concluded Sinclair was lying.

    But Sinclair continues to insist the charges in his book against Obama are true and that he has been a victim of a White House-organized campaign to discredit him.

  33. Citrus QT11:03 PM

    Sorry, can't get upset about seeing O in effigy. Not after all the Lefties did to evil BOOOOOSH.
    Now that their guy is in the Oval, it's not okay? Sorry. He wanted the job, it goes with the territory in modern day America.
    Sometimes it's not "color arousal", sometimes it's just because people have no decency or boundaries anymore. And that holds true for all color and class lines, IMO.
