Sunday, June 10, 2012

Who killed Darius Simmons?

In a way I blame some of you Negroes for this latest TrayvonMartin style killing in "cheese head" country. You kill each other so effortlessly and with such ease, that other folks feel that they can kill you (or people who look like you) without giving it a second thought.
Also, as was the case with Martin, I have to blame the actions of the authorities in the aftermath of the killing of 13 year old Darius Simmons for making a bad situation worse. Hey, I understand what being "color aroused" will make certain people do crazy things,- it’s the price some of you will pay for being young and black in A-merry-ca -but part of the blame belongs to their peers, and a part of it can be pinned on the the forces that drive popular culture and news in this country. When you are already easily "color aroused" and you throw all these other factors into the mix, it can be a recipe for disaster.
What I don’t understand is why the folks who are in positions of authority and who are trained to deal with these types of situations always  make the same mistakes. It's as if they are "color aroused" as well. 

"After speaking with the family, Community Activist, David Muhammad, said that police questioned Darius’ mother for two hours while leaving his body on the sidewalk. Even after Darius was taken to the hospital, his mother was held in the police car. He was pronounced dead before she could get to him. Then police searched Darius’ home and found nothing. Instead, they arrested his older brother for having truancy tickets. Police have stated that the lengthy questioning was necessary in leading to an arrest.

Spooner’s family, however, was allowed to return to Spooner’s home (also a crime scene) and retrieve personal items.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Spooner was upset that his neighborhood had turned from a majority Caucasian neighborhood to a mixed-race neighborhood. Darius and his family had recently moved next door to Spooner.

Darius regularly attended church and worked in the church’s community garden. His pastor, Steve Jerbi, described him as, ”The kind of kid who, one quick look from the pastor, he’d quiet down.”

Sorry pastor Jerbi, he looked like a "thug" to Mr. Spooner. In 21st Century America that is a death sentence. Your look can literally get you killed.

Sadly, John Henry Spooner shot Darius Simmons to death, but we all helped him pull the trigger. (h/t Tia for this story)   


  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Yes, we helped pull the trigger and tolerated police abuse of us far too long. But I know this will diminish into oblivion just like all the others. One thing I know about our people is we don't have the stamina nor the endurance to fight for what's right. This will be forgotten within the month.

    It's depressing to be a bm in America.

    depressed Negro

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Field, "Sorry pastor Jerbi, he looked like a "thug" to Mr. Spooner. In 21st Century America that is a death sentence."

    Mr. Field, almost every BM looks like a thug to almost every white person....That is a fact. That is the way it is in America. Isn't that why you wear suits all of the time wherever you go, hoping to not be viewed as a thug?

    BTW, how's that working for you?

  3. NSangoma9:14 PM


    Those are some bog BISHES field;*491/28242847-mjs_darius10__08_nws_wood_darius10.jpg

    What the FCUK do they be eating?


  4. Anonymous9:30 PM

    and a part of it can be pinned on the the forces that drive popular culture and news in this country.

    Its not the news that is driving black culture. Don't blame the messenger the news is trying its best to hide it.

    What happened with this kid? Whats the story?

  5. NSangoma9:43 PM


    field you Negroe; leave that olde white man alone and do something about these Negroes:


    Y'all already suspect where this will lead, don't you

    Immediate Cullud News, no need to wait for the Soul of the South Network to present this news:

    Ex-Football Players Among 3 Dead Near Campus in Alabama


  6. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, "Sorry pastor Jerbi, he looked like a "thug" to Mr. Spooner. In 21st Century America that is a death sentence."

    Mr. Field, almost every BM looks like a thug to almost every white person....That is a fact. That is the way it is in America. Isn't that why you wear suits all of the time wherever you go, hoping to not be viewed as a thug?

    BTW, how's that working for you?

    Sharpton wears suits and he is as crooked as Whiteys unicorn horn, so?

  7. 75-year-old John Henry Spooner from Milwaukee, WI, appointed himself judge, jury and executioner when he gunned down a 13-year-old boy whose only crime appeared to be…his appearance. The victim, Darius Simmons, was black, unarmed and brutally shot in front of his now grief-stricken mother.

    -Frightened by the sight of a gun being pointed at him only five feet away from his chest, Darius raised his hand in surrender as Spooner fired one shot into his torso. Scared, wounded and confused, Darius took off running as Spooner aimed and fired another shot, striking Darius in the back-
    According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Spooner was upset that his neighborhood had turned from a majority Caucasian neighborhood to a mixed-race neighborhood. Darius and his family had recently moved next door to Spooner.
    One witness is Milwaukee Alderman Bob Donovan, who allegedly had breakfast with Spooner just an hour before the shooting. Spooner complained to Donovan about the police’s reluctance to arrest Simmons and said that there were other ways of dealing with these problems, a conversation that would indicate premeditation.

    A 13 year old boy moving his garbage can deliberately gunned down in front of his mother by a purported "law abiding citizen." This was a conscious and complete rejection of that family's humanity, a mindset of utter racial superiority and privilege. Sadly, his kindred spirits will, no doubt, now rise like corpse-gas to his defense. Que fauxnews, limbo, coltergiest and little tukkker carlson.

  8. The police procedure rules seem pretty simple:

    If a Black man shoots a white man, you lock down the Black man and his neighborhood, interrogate the Black man's family, look up the Black man's criminal (or high school truancy) record and announce it to the media. And hold the Black man without bail.

    If a white man is accused of shooting a Black man, you lock down the Black man and his neighborhood, interrogate the Black man's family, look up the Black man's criminal (or high school truancy) record and announce it to the media.

    This way, we Black people are treated consistently, regardless of whether we are the victims or the perpetrators, but always consistent with our skin color.

    When color aroused ideation, emotion and behavior are at work, police behavior is nothing if not predictable. In fact the best way to predict police behavior is with reference to the skin color they perceive, because skin color arouses everything they do AFTER they perceive skin color.

    Unfortunately, I think "Anonymous" above has a point: We Blacks have to wear English-inspired suits, English slave-trader inspired Oxford shirts, English-inspired Oxford shoes, and even slave-trader LONDON Fog overcoats wherever we go, so as not to be perceived as mere Black people.

    We Black people have to wear green and beige camouflage when we're overseas in the Armed Forces and we have to wear white Englishman-looking camouflage to keep from getting shot down on the streets of Boston or Philadelphia.

    It only works because not that many of us do it. If Black men in major cities generally adopted Englishman atire, the police would shoot down Black men because "he was wearing a disguise."

  9. power nap12:03 AM

    ...African sleeping sickness shrouded in superstition

    By Martin Zoutane Daba

    ...A frail 65-year-old woman sitting under the mango trees in a rural village in Chad suffers from a tropical disease that eats into the brain, and the locals blame on witchcraft.

    "I've been suffering for more than two months now. I have headaches, fever, and I just feel very tired," said Lea Sadene, who has just been tested and diagnosed.

    She has Human African trypanosomiasis, commonly known as sleeping sickness, which is transmitted by tsetse flies found in 36 sub-Saharan African countries.

    Sadene is in the first phase of the often fatal illness. Without treatment in four months to a year, "the parasite penetrates into the brain, causing serious neurological symptoms, until death," said Doctor Benedict Blaynay, head of neglected tropical diseases at French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi.

    "The symptoms can cause a change in personality, mental deterioration, leading to a long sleep or coma," which gives the illness its name, he said.

    Chadian health officials say around 3,300 people were infected between 2001 and 2011 in several areas of the landlocked central African nation, one of the poorest in the world.

    "With more than 100 cases per year Chad is considered an endemic country," said Doctor Peka Mallaye, who is in charge of the national programme to fight against sleeping sickness.

    The team found 14 cases of sleeping sickness out of 120 people examined, Mallaye said.

    "This village is located next to a forest where the tsetse flies live. During the rainy season, people pass through the forest to go fishing or hunting," he said.

    Fighting the disease, however, takes more than testing and drugs.

    For the people living in Chad's rural communities, the strange symptoms of sleeping sickness have long been shrouded in superstition about witchcraft and demonic possession.

    "Before we didn't know that it was the disease that was killing people. People died like flies, they blamed witches," said Alngar Legode, a village mother trying to comfort her eight-month child still crying after being pricked for the blood test for the disease.

    "Witchcraft is seen as a real phenomenon in traditional societies," said sociologist Serferbe Charlot. "They think that a man or a woman suspected of witchcraft is eating away at a person's soul."

    "When this disease reaches the brain, the patient loses control of his life, he even becomes violent. That is when the villagers believe that the sick person is possessed by evil spirits," said Charlot.

    "It is up to the health specialists to prove" to the population that it is not witchcraft, he said, adding: "The fight against sleeping sickness calls for raising awareness."

    But the World Health Organisation says it is not a losing battle.

    After continued control efforts, the most recent statistics available show the number of cases in 2009 dropped below 10,000 for the first time in 50 years, and the trend continued in 2010 with 7139 new cases reported, the WHO reported on its website.

    WHO estimates the number of actual cases is currently 30,000. The most affected country has been the Democratic Republic of Congo, which declared 500 new cases in 2010.

  10. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Given the almost immediate placement of spin to these events...I will await more rational discourse and the introduction of Facts.

    If Mr Spooner needs incarceration, he will eventually face such a fate.

    If Darius was acting stoopid, some will call it a Darwin Award.

    It is far too early to cheer on the tribal team in this case.


  11. It's interesting to note that Spooner never confronted Darius' mother over the issue. If I thought a kid had something to do with my home being burglarized, I'd speak to the mother first. If that goes nowhere, then I'd turn to the cops.

    It's also interesting that Spooner would also confront a 13-year-old kid with a gun. It was almost as though that murder was...premeditated. I'd have to wonder if he would have had the guts to confront a much-older and stronger man who would have had a clearer idea of how to handle the likes of Spooner, or better still, had his own weapon.

    I'm still waiting for the first "Stand Your Ground" case to feature a black man who had to kill a white in genuine self-defense.

  12. Segregation Now12:26 AM

    "Spooner was upset that his neighborhood had turned from a majority Caucasian neighborhood to a mixed-race neighborhood."

    As well he should. We all know what happens to a neighborhood when negroes move in.

    But he should have should left, rather then get caught up in the shit. Now a 13 year old kid is dead.

    Another day in America.

  13. Anonymous12:33 AM

    "Sharpton wears suits and he is as crooked as Whiteys unicorn horn, so?"

    You prove my point. No matter how a bm dresses White faces like you will always see a bm as a thug. It must be pure terror inside you. You have my sympathy.

  14. When you review the civil rights bills, the amendments to the Constitution, when you review affirmative action policies, government set-asides, outlawing discrimination in the work force, in education, in housing. And the fact that today, in 2012, you Negroes can now eat rib tips and lobster that you purchased with your monthly allotment of food stamps. The remaining balance you will now go sell to some Lebanese or Arab owned store that dots your community, gaining a few extra dollars that you will put towards your monthly payment for your SUV sitting on forty-inch chrome rims, that by the way, you have parked outside of your government subsidized house or apartment.

    So, upon further review, Negro; what is it that this white man owes you? After all that he has given you? And, everything that white man has given you, Negro, you have still failed to position yourself into the mainstream of American culture. Ethnic groups that just got here yesterday are leap-frogging you. They’re leaving you behind because you stand twiddling your thumbs with your hands out expecting a government hand-out.

    What does the white man owe you, Negro?

    When you take into consideration that if he won’t hire you, then why don’t you take it upon yourself to be an entrepreneur and create wealth for you and your own people? Everybody else does it! Why is it that you must expect a hand-out at every turn?

    Negro, you have 850 billion dollars, and these are conservative numbers, that flows through your community, that equals the GNP of some countries in Europe. This money that you spend on cognac, liquor, bourbon, weed, spinning rims, strippers, and of course you pay a few pastors’ salaries. But you have done absolutely nothing with this wealth. But yet you consider and claim that you are poor and that you need a hand-out and because of slavery you can’t make it.

    Negro, you never picked any cotton! You never felt the lash or the sting of the lash.

    Negro, today in 2012 the black race has more college educated citizens then we’ve ever had in our sojourn in the nation. With all of your black colleges and universities, with all of your black college graduates. With all of your black entertainers and athletes. With all of this wealth flowing through your community, Negro, you still stand twiddling your thumbs, expecting a handout. And the only reason why you do this is because you are a professional victim. And you have embraced a doctrine of victimization that has been preached to you by hypocritical white liberals who want to keep you on the Democratic slave plantation; preached to you by crooks from the civil rights movement, men like Jesse Jackson and Al Charlatan and a conclave of ignorant buffoonish Negro pastors who don’t even begin to understand the history of the Bible that they stand up and try to preach on Sunday morning.

    This is the condition of the American negro.

  15. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Obama: Private Sector Is Doing Fine but It Is Absolutely Clear the Economy Is Not Doing Fine so we need to borrow/take/steal more money from the private sector and spend it on the public sector as the private sector is the one that creates money and funds the public sector, even though its not doing fine.

    Is this like ebonic economics?

  16. Anonymous1:19 AM

    I say don't go where you're not wanted. The white
    Man considers himself superior to all other colors.

    Separating from the whites Living in our communities away from them is the best way. Malcolm had it right.
    Even those that pay lip service to the cause you don't see them marrying blacks.. I don't see any other solution.

  17. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Darius is the new Trayvon? I thought that title belonged to Daniel Adkins, or maybe Daniel is just the new Yankel Rosenbaum. Nonetheless, Trayvon and Darius's killers have been arrested. When is Cornel Lamar Jude gonna be arrested?

  18. NSangoma4:32 AM


    Desmonte D. Leonard, 22, field; hook his picture up.


  19. Sup Framcis? Thanks again for that word and for introducing me to that theory. We might all soon join you in Brazil.

  20. NSangoma6:48 AM


    field, you Negroe

    Did you see the

    these are some backwards ssa Negroes.

    I didn't know that they still made Negroes like these.

    field, don't let it come out later that he was not the good church going school boy, that he is being made out to be.

    You do recall field, the Negroe who had only been suspended from school once (as if that is something to be proud of); it turned out that he was on his 3rd suspension from school, he was a good church going school boy, too.

    Also, recall your Jena-6 Negroes; good church going school boys, too?


  21. NSangoma6:51 AM


    You North American Negroes thing that field is on your side.

    field, the Caribbean Negroe, is really making fun of you North American Negroes, by posting SIHT like tonight's blog entry.


  22. beer and sausages7:11 AM

    Asked for comment, a police spokeswoman pointed to a statement posted Friday on">the department website, saying "Darius' mother was a critical witness and experienced detectives take the greatest care in getting a statement from a family member so close to the victim of a tragedy.

    "This may have taken more time than we would have liked, but the result was the immediate arrest of a criminal suspect."

    The shooter's in custody. He's going away for murder, unlike OJ and many other black killers. Meanwhile, there's no contingent of white supporters rallying on behalf of the shooter.

    Meanwhile, where are the stolen guns? I'll bet Darius knows something about the crime, even if he wasn't in on it.

  23. didn't steal nuthin7:24 AM

    mack & cheese said:

    If I thought a kid had something to do with my home being burglarized, I'd speak to the mother first.

    A few years ago my son lost his Game Boy on the school bus. After doing some detective work, I discovered a black kid had taken it. When I demanded its return I further learned that the black kid's mother had taken her to the store to get the cord required for recharging. That's what black mothers do. Fathers? Well...

  24. stand your ground7:38 AM

    It's also interesting that Spooner would also confront a 13-year-old kid with a gun. It was almost as though that murder was...premeditated.

    Premeditated? Maybe yes. But he'll be convicted of nothing less than manslaughter, which means Spooner the shooter is heading for a life sentence.

    How about the shooter in the Auburn case? What charges will he face? What's his defense going to be? He was punched first. Will he invoke Stand Your Ground?

    I'd have to wonder if he would have had the guts to confront a much-older and stronger man who would have had a clearer idea of how to handle the likes of Spooner, or better still, had his own weapon.

    Being younger and stronger didn't save the lives of the dead guys at Auburn.

    I'm still waiting for the first "Stand Your Ground" case to feature a black man who had to kill a white in genuine self-defense.

    A black man who had to kill a white man in GENUINE self-defense?

    Do you think we'll ever see one of those?

  25. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    It's interesting to note that Spooner never confronted Darius' mother over the issue. If I thought a kid had something to do with my home being burglarized, I'd speak to the mother first. If that goes nowhere, then I'd turn to the cops.

    Ummmmm, Mack are you making up the story as you go along? I think the old coot deserves to fry so don't misunderstany my intent. But this is proof that people like you are idiots and spin things to fit your wishes. Did you read the news? He did confront the mother about a couple of break-ins, one where some handguns were stolen. He was sure it was the kid and no one else for some reason. He did call the police and they were investigating. He said to someone what he planned to do and supposed "there were better ways to handle the situation"

    "It's also interesting that Spooner would also confront a 13-year-old kid with a gun. It was almost as though that murder was...premeditated. I'd have to wonder if he would have had the guts to confront a much-older and stronger man who would have had a clearer idea of how to handle the likes of Spooner, or better still, had his own weapon."

    Oh stop dreaming, you could be a big black nose tackle and this little old coot still would have blown you away. What are you magic negro that you can dodge bullets now? You know better how to handle a man with a gun shooting you than a 13 year old? WHat is this "being shot while black"?

    "I'm still waiting for the first "Stand Your Ground" case to feature a black man who had to kill a white in genuine self-defense."

    I know connecting the dots is hard what with some people running around talking shit but the Auburn shootings and this shooting had nothing to do with Stand your ground. Stand your ground is a law that simply allows you to shoot someone that is high on weed and lean and smacking your head into concrete trying to muffle your screams for help with one hand. It doesnt allow you to shoot someone who is not attacking you. The old man was arrested and booked for murder and that is correct and if he werent going to die soon from cancer he should be executed. End of story.

  26. Peace brotha Field! Sadly you are so correct, we all, in this era contribute to the deaths of so many of our own. Always running after the Spooners or Zimmermans with torches and ropes, but never once screaming bloody murder when another Ninja destroys a black man, woman or child.
    Just plain silly...sad and just stupid.

  27. Peace brotha Field Negro...Long time...
    Yep, we help pull the trigger every time. Every time the so called leaders run out and make a big show to expose the Spooners & Zimmermans of this country they pull the veil over the all the Raekwons, and Untonios that do the same thing. In fact, more of us kill us daily than any of the Zimmermans have lately. But, guess what? It don't seem to make the plantation negros wanna holla like Marvin when some ninja murders another ninja...Hummm! That is the proverbial finger on the trigger along with the Spooner and Zimmermans in this country.

  28. Peace brotha Field Negro...Long time...
    Yep, we help pull the trigger every time. Every time the so called leaders run out and make a big show to expose the Spooners & Zimmermans of this country they pull the veil over the all the Raekwons, and Untonios that do the same thing. In fact, more of us kill us daily than any of the Zimmermans have lately. But, guess what? It don't seem to make the plantation negros wanna holla like Marvin when some ninja murders another ninja...Hummm! That is the proverbial finger on the trigger along with the Spooner and Zimmermans in this country.

  29. fn

    madness =

    loving hobama in 2012
    when he has done nothing to help you since 2008


  30. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Who can blame John Henry Spooner?

    With black on white crimes rising, racist black mob attacks, who could blame John?
    Whites are startinbg to fight back,the only way blacks understand.

    Speaking of "color aroused"

  31. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I saw this link and thought the wise educated Negro in the sun glasses, and smoking the Cuban cigar was you. Is it?

  32. Who Dat?2:02 PM

    Who's that picture of? Darion or Trayvius?

    I get confused, ya'll keep pulling up all these sweet baby pictures.

    Is this young Travius? Or older Darion?

  33. e1:

    many of us do scream about black men/women who kill black men/women even LOUDER than we do about that kkkiller gz

    and we have done so for

    cc this to that blackish racist global warlord hobama and his africom

  34. robert mugabe3:22 PM

    Charles Barron is the person Obama needs to liven up his dying presidency:

    N.Y. Democrats Poised to Nominate Former Black Panther, Anti-Israel Radical for Congress

    The heart and soul of the Democratic party?

    Jun 11, 2012 • By MICHAEL WARREN

    New York City councilman Charles Barron may be on his way to winning the Democratic nomination for Congress in New York's Eighth District, despite a history of racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Israel rhetoric.

    Barron, who has earned the support of retiring congressman Edolphus Towns, would be representing a district with a sizable Jewish population.

    In 2010, he told a reporter that in New York's Crown Heights neighborhood, Jews "only make up 20 percent of the population, but they've always walked these streets as if they owned them, and acted as if they are the only ones in the community that matter."

    Barron once referred to a fellow city councilman, who is Jewish, as a "coward" whose actions on the council were to "satisfy the Jewish lobby."

    Barron has also called into question the legitimate existence of Israel. "Where should we start [the discussion]?" he said at a Brooklyn church in 2010. "Should we start with the 1906 Zionist Convention, or in 1914, with the Balfour Declaration? With Menachem Begin, the terrorists, all the wars, you want to discuss Israel becoming a state in 1948 when it should not have? Who are the terrorists? You want to talk about the definition of terrorism? How do you define acts of piracy?"

    And in 2009, Barron joined former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney on a Viva Palestine convoy to undermine the Israeli blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza, which he has compared to a "concentration death camp."

    Here's what Barron had to say in 2010 about the blockade:

    Israel is out of control. They’re off the hook, they’re out of line; and Barack Obama has to stand strong and so do does Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, to say that this kind of aggressive, terroristic behavior and act of piracy will not be tolerated and the blockade should be lifted immediately, immediately. There’s too many children and women and innocent men of Gaza dying because you’re isolating them and not allowing anything in. It’s like having a concentration death camp. It’s horrible, and the whole world is and should be outraged.

    The New York Daily News ran an editorial this weekend warning voters about Barron's views:

    A relic of a bitter bygone era, Barron is a former Black Panther who plays a one-note trumpet of racial grievance.

    He has called for training teachers in Ebonics. He has labeled housing development “a new wave of Jim Crowism.”

    At a 2002 rally in support of reparations for slavery, he said: “I want to go up to the closest white person and say, ‘You can’t understand this, it’s a black thing’ and then slap him, just for my mental health.”

    The Daily News instead endorsed Hakeem Jeffries in the June 26 primary. The seat is highly Democratic, and a win in the primary will be tantamount to a general election victory. The Daily News touts Jeffries "in the strongest terms," citing his legal work and his ability to bridge racial and cultural differences across the new diverse district.

  35. more proof that kkkiller gz has many clones in blue

    and that racism is no relic


  36. GrannyStandingforTruth4:18 PM

    "What does the white man owe you, Negro?"

    The answer to that is very simple. He owes us EQUAL AND FAIR JUSTICE, FAIRNESS and TRUE EQUALITY which is something that the white man cannot seem to fail comprehend on purpose.

    For your information Blacks were denied and not allowed to received welfare until 1963. Only whites were! However, let you tell it, they've been getting welfare forever and welfare was created for them. Puleeze!

    Not only that, it is and has always been more whites on welfare than Blacks. When well-to-do whites want to cut out programs for the poor, they have a habit of using Blacks as their convenient scapegoat. We all know that Black people have always been delegated to the bottom of the social ladder and seen as second-class citizens.

    BTW, Ronald Reagan LIED, there was no such thing as a WELFARE QUEEN.

  37. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Granny, may I refer you to the poster called Mike? Just click on his name and listen to a rational and justified Brother that can't be refuted.

    I linked to a different version for Mr Field, but he has yet to answer it. I doubt if he will because it is damn near irrefutable.

  38. " Makes you wanna holla,mercy mercy me." We need a national campaign of teaching every black child to read, then teach real black history.

    Eastside Joe

    South Bend, In

  39. "So, upon further review, Negro; what is it that this white man owes you? After all that he has given you? And, everything that white man has given you, Negro, you have still failed to position yourself into the mainstream of American culture."

    I think it's the other way around: Years and years of free labor to build your country is plenty.

    BTW, what do we say to the poor white family in their trailer in Kentucky? That they have to now give back their food stamps and WIC vouchers because the were set aside for the Negroes?

  40. Anonymous8:43 PM

    "BTW, what do we say to the poor white family in their trailer in Kentucky? That they have to now give back their food stamps and WIC vouchers because the were set aside for the Negroes?"

    Even the government has ackowledged the huge disparity of African American on public assistance. Taken directly frmo the Kentucky government web page. Although no one reading this would be surprised, it is the same with Blacks in every state, city and country in the world.

    FRANKFORT, Ky. (April 3, 2007) – Governor Ernie Fletcher and leaders from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) today announced a comprehensive project to target racial disproportionality in the child welfare system. The child welfare system includes the community, its people and systems that report abuse and neglect to child protective services and those that respond and provide services.

    The project targets 11 counties where African-American children are represented in state foster care at more than one and a half times the census rate.

    “We are concerned about the high representation of African-Americans in out-of-home care,” Governor Fletcher said. “By studying this inequity and mapping a course to address it, we can ensure that more families are able to improve their home lives and ultimately stay together. “

    The significant number of minority children in the child welfare system is a national concern,” CHFS Secretary Mark D. Birdwhistell said. “Although this is a complex issue, we are already taking many positive steps to educate staff and community partners to dispel the problem.”

  41. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, if you must go to W. VA. do yourself a favor: "Don't tell them about your blog"; and don't tell them you know Granny.... That would be the kiss of death for sure.
