Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bob Costas shows his ignorance, and the Wilsons of Mississippi need a wake up call.

I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics last night and I am still pissed at Bob Costas for making mention of Idi Amin when the Ugandan athletes came out. Like WTF? That was ignorant and uncalled for and a guy like Costas should have known better. It goes to show just how ethnocentric some of these clueless folks can be.

Can you imagine some foreign reporter talking about Bull Connor, Jim Crow, Watergate, or the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the American athletes came out? Exactly.

Anywhoo, tonight I really want to post about that Negro couple down in Mississippi. I am sure you have all heard about it by now, they wanted to get married in a lily white Baptist church and some members of the congregation said no way.

I am going to write about it, but not from the perspective that you think. I expect this type of behavior from certain so called Christians, so there is nothing about this story that surprises me.

I am actually going to attack black with this post because some of you Negroes get on my last nerves. It's too easy to write about the obvious bigots in this story. Let's talk about you clueless Negroes who joined this church believing that you were going to be accepted as one of them.

I have a question for you two Negroes: Wasn't there a predominantly African American Baptist church in your area? Why didn't you get your Sunday morning worship on with those folks? And now we are supposed to feel sorry for you because these white folks gave you both their you know what to kiss? I don't think so.

"I feel like it was blatant racial discrimination," Prior to this, I had been telling people how nice they were here," Wilson said. "It makes you re-evaluate things. We were doing everything right. We wanted to get married."

Oh Negro please! Give me a break!

The beautiful thing about being a cynic when it comes to certain aspects of human behavior is that I will never be disappointed. The folks in Crystal Springs, Mississippi are doing exactly what I expected them to do.

"Wilson said he understands Weatherford was caught in a difficult position and he still likes the pastor, but he also thinks the pastor should have stood up to the members who didn't want the couple to marry in the church."

Mr. Wilson, there is a gentleman on line one for you; he says that he is from "The Drop Squad" and that you need to call him as soon as possible.




  1. These people are dumb asses. They think they're mouths gotta go like a ducks ass 24/7.

  2. NSangoma7:09 PM


    field Negroe, I think that the church was concerned about the health of Charles Wilson.

    Charles Wilson, is much to old to marry that sweet young piece of booty, Te’Andrea.

    There may be a risk of a heart attack for Charles Wilson.

    Viagra, works by causing a mild thrombosis in the blood vessels of one's DCIK. Blood goes in, but can't get out; yielding a hard DCIK.

    If that young piece of PSSUY wants it too often, there is a chance that a piece of a thrombosis can break-off and that blood clot obstructs a blood vessel to Charles Wilson's brain, causing a stroke; or obstructs a blood vessel to Charles Wilson's cardiopulmonary system; killing him.

    Did you take your baby aspirin this morning field? You are on Viagra too, aren't you? Or, is that Levitra you're swallowing by the bottle full?

    Gottuh prevent those moving blood clots right, field.

    No but wait, there is a 9-year old daughter involved. I wonder whose daughter she is. Te’Andrea, doesn't look more that 15-years her damn self.

    Oopz, did I put your bid-ness in the streets, field? If so, tough.


  3. NSangoma7:14 PM


    FCUK, my usage is becoming as poor as field's:

    much too old


  4. Yeah, I remember when my Godfather used to visit in transit on orders and the (white) neighbor-ladies tongues would go all Rosie-the-Riveter on what a disgrace it was for us to have "one (of them)" under our roof among themselves, but when they were face to face with him they were sweet as sugar pie. Lets see, I heard: "sleeping near his wife & daughter" "I'd have to disinfect my toilet before I could use it again" "You just know that he's looking to steal anything not nailed down" "putting the whole block at risk" and a whole Richard Prior bit's worth of dehumanizing acronyms for "black person (man)." Yeah, it's never what's said in front of people that's the problem, it's what comes out when they're gone.

  5. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Field said, "I am actually going to attack black with this post because some of you Negroes get on my last nerves."

    ROFL...Field you have a great way of putting things. LOL. I talking about "some of you Negroes get on my last nerve." lol

    The funny thing is that you are 100% right! Why would a black couple attend an all-White church-IN Mississippi- and expect to get married in that church?

    Let me answer that for you: they are, or I should say now that they WERE sick and tired of black folks and needed to escape. Now they are back in the community due to a rejection by the White followers of Jesus Christ.


    But I can relate to how the two lost black Christians felt. After-a-while, I just don't want to be around Negroes anymore because they are too damn depressing, or as Field said, "some of you Negroes get on my last nerve".lol

    Out of desperation some Negroes leave their peeps and try to live in a White world. My depression around Negroes has been so bad that I once tried becoming a Mormon-back in 1980. Now that was fucking depressing. I had to get the hell out of there.

    Now I'm back attending a good old soul church above a liquor store. I'm still depressed, though. One of my friends suggested that I stop in the liquor store first. I'm praying about that.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, "It's depressing to be Black in America-- esp IN MISSISSIPPI." It's also depressing to know that I have Negroes in my race so dumb they make Rednecks look smart.

    I getting pretty sick of some of my peeps too.

    Field, it's time you "admit" and face the music: "It's depressing to be Black in America". Hell, I bet even Obama will agree.

    depressed Negro

  6. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Field, "...It goes to show just how ethnocentric some of these clueless folks can be.

    Can you imagine some foreign reporter talking about Bull Connor, Jim Crow, Watergate, or the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the American athletes came out? Exactly."

    Field, has it ever occurred to you that America is the most powerful nation on earth? It is 'normal' and expected of America, the most powerful white nation on earth to give its opinion on other countries, esp the black ones.

    Why? Because there isn't a damn thing any country can do about it.

    And, if they bitch too much we'll bomb, and chaperon their asses with drones 24/7..

    Now you apologize to Costas...he was just being a good American...something you still have yet to learn.:)

  7. as the jim crow flies9:55 PM

    field blabbers:

    Can you imagine some foreign reporter talking about Bull Connor, Jim Crow, Watergate, or the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the American athletes came out?

    Let's see. The Nazis had some words for Jesse Owens. The Palestinians only murdered Jewish Olympic athletes.

    Seems there's some contretempts between Iran and Israel this time around.

    Moreover, you have no idea how the media in Islamic countries is portraying the competition, especially with respect to Israel.

    Seems there's some trouble with Lebanon too.

    By the way, Idi Amin left Uganda and went to Saudi Arabia, where he died several years ago. It's not as though he were tried and punished for his unspeakable crimes. He got a free pass from Uganda.

  8. Anonymous10:10 PM

    It's unfortunate that the black couple could not upgrade to being White. But it was in MS, where Whites have very stringent rules that prevent Blacks from being accepted into the white race.

    However, there have been some Blacks who have succeeded. Shelby Steele, Allen West, and the great Pizza Man, Mr Cain. As the old saying goes, "some have it and some don't." Clearly, this couple didn't have it. You can look at the photo in this post and tell they were going to fail.

    Maybe they had no choice because the black churches kicked them out?

  9. The couple's JimCrowdar seems to have been malfunctioning.

  10. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Contrary to wingnut or Heeyuckian beleefs, it is not all about you. This should be obvious by now.

    One might expect a news organization to be able to offer more relevant information on each nation...even by checking the CIA or Department of State websites. Or Lonely Planet. Or Rough Guides.


  11. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Field, "The beautiful thing about being a cynic when it comes to certain aspects of human behavior is that I will never be disappointed. The folks in Crystal Springs, Mississippi are doing exactly what I expected them to do."

    Field, did you check the map of Mississippi to see where Crystal Springs was located? I ask because there are different kinds of Whites in MS:

    Some Whites in MS wouldn't have even let a black couple into their church unless they were there to clean up or serve the congregation after service. These folks are in the Southern most part of MS.

    Some in the Northern part of MS would first try to talk a Negro out of joining their church. If that didn't work, they might use some scare tactics like having Klan members baptized on Sundays for a year or so.

    The Whites from the Eastern and Western part of MS are a mixed bag of prejudices against Blacks. Bottom line, Whites in MS don't want Blacks near them.

    It's a shame but they just can't bring themselves to be near us. Field, I know this is depressing for you and other FN Negroes in the islands as well as the states and PR, but it's the truth....

    sorry Desert. I know you had your heart set on a lot of 'white' business for your bakery. Try Europe and California. Whites there are a little more receptive because they see Negroes as exotic, well almost. When they find out you are PR, business will take off! you'll be baking your ass off. have a good Sunday.:)

  12. Not depressing for me depressed Negro, believe me when i tell u that the feelings are mutual.

    "JimCrowdar" I like that.:)

  13. Anonymous11:07 PM

    "I feel like it was blatant racial discrimination," Prior to this, I had been telling people how nice they were here," Wilson said. "It makes you re-evaluate things. We were doing everything right. We wanted to get married."

    Of course it was blatant discrimination. And those White folks are nice. It just depends on what you want them to do. Their "hearts" just won't let them do it. That's about as honest as anyone can be.

    What bothers me is the continued effort by Blacks to crash racist White churches and sports bars where they aren't wanted. What's up with that? Are we so self-hating that the only way we can feel good about ourselves is to be accepted by a bunch of racists?

    The fact is we live in a racist country where AAs are looked down on and NO ONE wants AAs around. Face it. Live with it. Accept it.

    Field, when are you going post about this fact of life in America?

  14. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Mr. Field, do you think Mr Holmes' lawyers will plead "not guilty by reason of insanity"?

    I would think the guy was/is insane and did not know what he was doing. Plus, he was a "nice boy", according to everyone who know him.

  15. Anonymous11:51 PM

    This man's naivete is pathetic. I guess he believes all that crap white people say like "if only black people would...

    ...stay in school
    ...go to college
    ...get married before having children
    ...get a job
    ...become president of the United States

    well, then they "wouldn't have a problem with us". They don't have a problem with "good" black people only lazy, drug dealing, uneducated, shiftless, welfare-getting black people.

    Well now this guy knows the truth. White people do have a black people, regardless of what we do or how "right" we live.

  16. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Isn't it illegal for the church to prohibit their marriage?

    I was under the impression that churches have to follow the laws of the land?

  17. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I have noticed that in your side bar you have a category for Field Negroes; and a category for House Negroes but no category Negroes so dumb that they should banned from our race. IMO, this is the largest category in our race.

    Clearly this couple should be in that category along with OJ, CT, Shelby Steele, Allen West, Michael Steele, Mr Cain, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan etc.. I mean these folks are in a class all their own.

  18. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Desert, "Isn't it illegal for the church to prohibit their marriage?

    I was under the impression that churches have to follow the laws of the land?"

    Field certainly knows the answer but it seems to me that each state has it's own laws pertaining to marriage. For instance, gays will not be married in churches or anywhere else in some states any time soon because of state laws.

  19. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Somewhere I heard that the most segregated time in America is on Sunday at 11am.

    So why were these Negroes attending a predominately White Church in Crystal Springs, MS in the first place?

    And they also tried to get married there? Please spare me all the crying and hurt by stupid Negroes going to a racist church every Sunday. Those Negroes deserved what they got. A moron could tell this would happen. Racists are very predictable.

  20. Anonymous7:44 AM

    that church.

  21. Anonymous9:06 AM

    One Fly said...
    These people are dumb asses. They think they're mouths gotta go like a ducks ass 24/7.

    Wuz the cupple tryin to get married frum uganda ? dey no speak english very good. iz T'e'andrea a africun name? kuntu-ken-TE-andrea?

  22. Desertflower said...
    Isn't it illegal for the church to prohibit their marriage?

    I was under the impression that churches have to follow the laws of the land?


    Excellent question DF.

    The answers are no and yes. Churches are constitutionally (1st Adt) exempt from statutory public accommodations laws (Civil Rights Act of 1964) so the "law of the land" is that religious institutions, even many with purely secular purposes, are free to discriminate against anyone for any reason. The exception is when those institutions accept federal or state $$ with strings attached -hospitals, colleges, etc., that bind them to follow statutory law. That's how the ACA (Obamacare) allows HHS to require even religious employers to cover employees' birth control treatment by regulation (or pin it on the insurance carrier as an accommodation).

  23. just killing the audience11:14 AM

    whitey's dumbspiracy said:

    "You just know that he's looking to steal anything not nailed down" "putting the whole block at risk" and a whole Richard Prior bit's worth of dehumanizing acronyms for "black person (man)."

    Richard Prior (Pryor) said a lot in his comedy routines.

    In one he described his visit to a penitentiary where he talked to a black murderer.

    He asked the black murderer why he slaughtered an entire family and the killer said, "Cuz they were home."

    Pryor's response: "Thank god for penitentiaries."

  24. Excellent question DF.

    The answers are no and yes. Churches are constitutionally (1st Adt) exempt from statutory public accommodations laws (Civil Rights Act of 1964) so the "law of the land" is that religious institutions, even many with purely secular purposes, are free to discriminate against anyone for any reason. The exception is when those institutions accept federal or state $$ with strings attached -hospitals, colleges, etc., that bind them to follow statutory law. That's how the ACA (Obamacare) allows HHS to require even religious employers to cover employees' birth control treatment by regulation (or pin it on the insurance carrier as an accommodation).

    Short summary; under the temporary rule of Baracka Flacka the nations priorities and policies have warped and twisted to become intermingled with the law. Other laws shall be ignored and or twisted if they do not serve the warped and twisted policies of Baracka Flacka and the small army of whackjob moonbats who are his underlings. Note; no law is sacrosanct under the brief reign of moonbat tyranny, see Obamboozle and executive orders/outlandish spending in order to purchase votes from the demented with .

    The real law provides freedom. Freedom from being required to support/approve and otherwise be forcefully implicated with the false legions of evil who wish to indulge in every depravity known to mankind and relive the end of Rome, with La Bamba Barack serving as a modern day Caligula.

    What shall be quite interesting is that when CaliguBama is out of office shortly, how the precedents set by the Moonbats will be borne. Lacking foresight they will be subjected to the new rules set by someone who doesn't share the same proclivity for a life of gimmes, set asides and debauchery.
    Imagine, being forced to be productive to support yourself, accountable for your choices words and actions and not demand someone else pay for your indulgences and abominable choices = Moonbat Hell.

  25. forgive me father for I have sinned11:32 AM


    The Catholic Church prohibits women from holding any positions of consequence -- priests to popes. So that should give some hints about the nature of the males employed by the Church.

    However, the Catholic Church has declared itself to be an anti-gay, anti-homosexual organization while aiding and abetting, and harboring more child-abusing homosexual pedophiles than can be found anywhere else on Earth.

    If the Catholic Church were to face the same level of zealous prosecution as Enron, the Church would have been liquidated as a result of the revelations of the last several years.

    Do you think the Kennedy's are protecting the Church?

  26. Yowley1:27 PM

    "Can you imagine some foreign reporter talking about Bull Connor, Jim Crow, Watergate, or the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the American athletes came out? Exactly."

    Yes, I can. Happens all the time.

    Did you watch the opening ceremonies, where Britain celebrated leftist agitators and sick children 'saved' by socialist health care?

    And I am proud of the bombings of Horoshima and Nagasaki.

  27. Rubin1:31 PM

    Field Negro: "Anywhoo, tonight I really want to post about that Negro couple down in Mississippi. I am sure you have all heard about it by now, they wanted to get married in a lily white Baptist church and some members of the congregation said no way."

    I call bullshit on this story. Everyone knows black people don't get married.

  28. Anonymous1:47 PM

    field it's 1945 and you are on the first landing boat heading for the island of honshu and it's up to you do you drop the atom bomb or not? amin loved christians baked, boiled or raw and he was a good muzzie because he owned slaves.nice negro.field you being a lawyer why don't you call the black couple and tell them to go to that church on sunday. then ask the people why and who does not want them to get married in this church.see what the whites say then.i bet they sing a different tune. how do you think i would be treated at obama's phoney church of what's happing now?where a nation of pisslam phoney preacher spewed hate whitey and god dam long do you think i would last before the murdered me?

  29. "And I am proud of the bombings of Horoshima and Nagasaki."

    I am not surprised at that insightful revelation.

    "I call bullshit on this story. Everyone knows black people don't get married."

    Yes, as opposed to white folks who do get married and divorced before they can even pay for the wedding.;)

  30. Bosephus2:50 PM

    No one cares that black people are killing one another in Chicago at a horrifying rate. (Or maybe they are too scared of the Political Correctness police to mention it).

    What Political Correctness can’t come to terms with is that it is the black people of Chicago who are responsible for pulling the triggers.

    Nor, of course, can Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy—he has blamed the Pilgrims and Sarah Palin.

    Through July 19, this year's murder rate is up 31% from last year, with 289 Chicagoans killed, and shootings are up 6%. African-Americans make up 1/3 of Chicago residents, but 230 of the 289 homicide victims were African-American.

    96.8 percent of homicide, 93.3 percent of rape, 96 percent of robbery, and 91.8 percent of aggravated assault – 94.5 percent of violent crime in Chicago - is committed by African-Americans and Hispanics.

    Poverty doesn't cause crime. Black people do.

  31. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Yes, as opposed to white folks who do get married and divorced before they can even pay for the wedding.;)

    Where does this article say that Whites are causing an increased divorce rate? It talks about European socialism and how they like taking more vacation than earning, it talks about how

    "some researchers" unnamed and unsourced THINK women have a higher incentive to obtain work experience IN CASE they find themselves alone in the future.

    Typical nonsense. Some researchers also THINK women might be working harder because they support men and families, especially in the Black Community where out of wedlock births is at an all time high - It's called the Baby Daddy syndrome.

    They were hoping on getting the European system where it's all free swipe your EBT - but that isn't working out so well with EU crashing and burning.

  32. Solzhenitsyn3:24 PM

    Jim Crow was a necessary reaction to the inherent danger of the Black Undertow as evidenced by the astronomical level of violent crime seen today in the American black population, just as apartheid was necessary to restrain the Black Undertow in South Africa.

    The majority of blacks can live in a civilized society, however about a third cannot be entrusted with complete freedom.

    Have you heard about the murders of the Viano family in South Africa? Even in a country that sees 44 murders a day, the case has left the public horrified:

    A gang of robbers gunned down a father, raped and murdered his wife. Then, in a final act of sickening brutality, they drowned the couple’s 12-year-old son in scalding bath water…

    Genocide is being perpetrated on the white population of South Africa but it's okay, because of course it is justified.

    South Africa today is an example of what Obama's idea of "fundamental Change" means to America tomorrow. Once all the white people have been exterminated, South Africa's wealth will blow away in the wind. At that point, justice will have its day.

  33. Diversity is Strength!

  34. "Have you heard about the murders of the Viano family in South Africa? "

    No, I am too busy reading about the mass murders in this country.

    I think they buried 4 people today.


  36. "Jim Crow was a necessary reaction to the inherent danger of the Black Undertow as evidenced by the astronomical level of violent crime seen today in the American black population.."

    And I suppose killing little girls while they worshiped in church was a "necessary reaction" as well.

    And you call black folks violent?

    *shaking head at the bit of irony from the knuckle dragger*

  37. Baron Von Knuckledragger5:06 PM

    "And I suppose killing little girls while they worshiped in church was a "necessary reaction" as well."

    No, you a very wrong there. Killing little girls is always a heinous crime.

    Segregating a violent population away from little girls and others is justified.

  38. Anonymous6:41 PM

    field negro said...
    "Have you heard about the murders of the Viano family in South Africa? "

    No, I am too busy reading about the mass murders in this country.

    I think they buried 4 people today.

    Can't we just pass more gun control laws...hell repeal the second amendment. Make every city a gun free zone like Chicago, New York.....ummmmm....ummmmm...wait a minute...where were those murders again? You mean criminals don't follow the laws controlling guns now? Did they promise to follow the new laws?

  39. White male lurker here....just want you to know that not all white people are racist. Please keep this in mind.

    Sometimes statements are made on this blog that accuse whites in general terms of being racist, but not all of us are. Some of us celebrate diversity and have a "live and love as thou wilt" attitude. I'm not expecting any special accolades, but I expect acknowledgement that not all whites are racist pig idiots.

  40. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Get married in an African church for God's sake. It only takes a few minutes to say your vows. After a year or so of lust, marriage isn't all it's cropped out to be. Leave these old Klan suckers alone. Stop begging and get out of the news. You should be worried about Mitt Romney and his gang getting "power". That's definitely gonna be some chit if that happens; God help us all!!!!

  41. Bob Costas has alwayz been An Ignorant RACIST (To Me...) I've been stop giving THAT DWARF My Attention (He's a COMPLETE JOKE...)

  42. First of all, the side bar quotes comparing black bloggers to 50s & 60s era civil rights activists is one of the most foolish things I've ever read. [And that Reuben guy is just pandering (he wants to let you know he's "one of the good ones :)".] People in the 50s couldn't vote. Today there's a black presidnt ir crisakes. You ought to be embarrassed for daring to compare yourself to people of the true civil rights era.

    Second, as far as the Mississippi couple goes, I agree with you that they are pathetic. I can't believe they're cutting the so-called pastor there so much slack. If he were a decent person he'd expose whoever it is who threatened to force him out if he married the black couple. They deserve each other.

    However, you and many of the commenters have no moral authority to speak here because you're just as racist as he Mississippi rednecks. You advocate segregation as well. And furthermore, this couple is hardly typical. I mean, I didn't think they made Uncle Toms and Aunt Tomitas like that anymore. You act like there are vast numbers of people like that out there.

    Like you I am no fan of 'the church', and am not surprised by this or any other of any number of hpocritical stances practiced by those who deem themselves 'holy'. And I sure as hell am no fan of thngs southern. However, the fact of the matter is this redneck church with its 'tradition' of not marrying black couples is really not typical even of predomnantly white churches in the south. I suspect there are a lot of old fogies there still stuck in 1957. The president of the Southern Baptist Convention is black for crisakes; this Mississippi church is hardly representative.

    The irony is, I think a lot of people are envious of the true civil rights era of the 50s and 60s, and in reality some actually like stories like this because it allows them to pretend that they are still living in a Jim Crow type situation. It's sort of like the young white jackasses in the Occupy Movement who are so obviously more interested on role playing 60s era hippiesthan any serious political agenda.

    Just my contrarian 2 cents...
