Sunday, July 29, 2012

"Bomb,bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran". The retrurn of the Neocons.

While we take some time to enjoy this summer's Olympics, I hope that we are also paying attention to the candidates running for president of these divided states of America as well. One in particular has been letting loose with some troubling rhetoric and pronouncements of late.

Mitt Romney, while standing on foreign soil, has declared that if he becomes president he will take this country to war with Iran to stop them from furthering their nuclear capabilities. Take some time to think about that for a minute. This is after one of his aides declared that Mr. Romney would back an Israeli military strike on Iran to thwart their nuclear enrichment program. Of course the very right wing Prime Minister of Israel agrees with him.

"Earlier, Netanyahu welcomed Romney as 'a representative of the United States' and told the Republican that he agrees with his approach to the Iranian nuclear threat.
"'Mitt, I couldn't agree with you more,' Netanyahu said.
'We have to be honest and say that all the sanctions and diplomacy so far have not set back the Iranian program by one iota. And that's why I believe that we need a strong and credible military threat coupled with the sanctions to have a chance to change that situation,' Netanyahu said."  

Mr. Netanyahu spent a lot of time around these parts (Graduated from Cheltenham High) and I have heard from some folks that are familiar with Benjamin that he had some issues even back then. First of all Benjamin, Mitt is not a "representative of the United States", he is simply a wealthy private citizen trying to become our president. But I digress.
The problem with Chickenhawks like Mitt Romney is that they have no idea how dangerous this type of rhetoric can be to the stability of the world, and particularly in the Middle East. Mitt said he wouldn't campaign on foreign soil, but this all about getting Jewish votes in the upcoming election and showing a contrast in his foreign policy style with Obama. By saying that an "Iran strike is on the table" if he becomes president, he is trying to show us that Obama has been president for almost four years and hasn't struck Iran as yet. What is he waiting for?
Well Mitt, he is waiting for the diplomatic type solutions such as economic sanctions to work, and from all appearances -with all due respect to Mr. Netanyahu and the Neocons in this country- it appears that they have been working.  
What is sad about all of this is that Mitt could ultimately become our president, and, if he does, we might wish for the days of W. I am not going to rip his personality like my man Brooklyn Bad Boy over at Kos, but everything about Mitt Romney should bother you. (We could start with the fact that that Dan Senor is his foreign policy point person.) And it should really bother you if you have a male loved one who would be deemed eligible to go to war for this country.

*Pic from Getty images 




  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Field, Seriously do you just pass on the talking points for Media Matters or do you/can you think for yourself?

    The sanctions are working? You mean the sanctions that Obama gaves waivers on to ALL twenty of Iran's major trading partners, including China? Waivers all of Irans major trading partners do not and have not observed any sanctions whatsoever. Including nuclear and military technology from China and Russia, so which sanctions precisely are you talking about that "worked"?

    Do you mean the very same sanctions that Obama weakened to make them virtually useless before they were passed and then issued the waivers on anyway?

    How exactly have these "sanctions" impacted Iran who has stepped up their game and nearly has the technology, whilst developing improved delivery capabilities? You know the sanctions that worked, that no one has to follow because Obama issued waivers, BUT they worked and are working even though nothing has been applied.

    Whose side are you on? What planet do you live on? Can you tell the difference between reality and wishes or are you lying to make the golfer/campaigner in chief seem effective?

  2. Bob Costas8:44 PM

    No more wars for Israel.

  3. LeftistismIsAMentalDisease9:28 PM

    Mayor Bloomberg - How about you forget trying to ban baby formula and force moms to breast feed because you know better and citizens are stupid or ban big gulp sodas because you know better and citizens are stupid or ban salt and trans fats because you know better and citizens are stupid and focus on the murders in your city no not Aurora where 12 were murdered - your very own city where in one shooting 6 were just shot including a 2 year old girl.

    Now tell us why were these 6 shot if your liberal policies work.
    What is the name and license number of the law abiding citizens who follow your nanny state rules that caused these shootings that make you want to ban guns even more? Don't you have such strict gun control laws in New York? Did the criminals not read your leftist moonbat rules and know that guns are literally banned from New York and the boros and they are not allowed to shoot and kill, because of your "rules"?

  4. Chairman Soetoro9:52 PM

    Sometime in the next four to six weeks (no less than four but no more than eight at the absolute outside):

    1. VP Joe Biden announces that for health reasons, he is leaving the ticket -- not leaving office immediately, but to leave office at the end of his term.

    2. After a huge, agonizing, public display of, "Oh God no! What ever will we do?" milked for at least a week of prime time and front-page media coverage and a whole lot of talking head blathering about the looming "Constitutional Crisis," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reluctantly agrees to take the VP slot on the ticket.

    3. Mitt Romney -- ah, who gives a shit what he does? Whatever it is, it will be pathetically ineffective, irrelevant, and a day late and a dollar short.

    4. On November 6, 2012, propelled by the overwhelming power of the stupid black, white bitch, dumb college kid, and pussified liberal male vote, the Obama-Clinton ticket absolutely fucking steamrolls the Republicans, and brings along with it filibuster proof Democratic majorities in the Senate, House, and most state government assemblies.

    5. Sometime between November 6, 2012, and January 20, 2013, some horrible truth about Obama is revealed -- pick one, it doesn't matter -- and all the built-up scandals finally come to a head and erupt in a massive public denunciation of the man. Eric Holder ends up being indicted and arrested by his own people. Team Obama goes to the mattresses in the White House but in the end, in mid-January, as Meet the Press is seriously discussing whether the Secret Service has the authority to arrest the President, the outcry becomes so massive that he must step down -- and turn the office over to VP Joe Biden.

    6. Biden immediately does a "Night of the Long Knives" thing, purging all those corrupt Obamunists who were the cause of everything that's wrong with the country.

    7. On January 20, 2013, with his place in history as America's 45th President assured, Biden is downright honored to turn the office over to the new President, Hillary Clinton, and the media rejoice at this triumph of the American electoral system, that our long national nightmare is behind us, and that freedom and justice have been restored.

    8. Only much later do honest historians, if any still exist, realize that this was in fact a brilliantly executed Stalinist coup of the first order.

  5. No one fucks with the Clintons.

  6. I've been conflicted on Israel most of my adult life. I spent a few months there in the '70s as part of my "year off" between hs & college, and loved the cultures and peoples of the place. Back then, the occupation was new, the settlements were few and Sadat was hinting at offering secure borders after 30 years of perpetual war, a game changer in the strategic situation. Begin had just consolidated about 10 mostly tiny right wing parties into what was then known as the Likud Block, and for the first time displaced Labor in government and was introducing a lot of market reforms that were stabilizing the economy. It looked, to me, like the little country that could.

    Five years later I saw a very different looking Israel in Beruit. I watched them patrol a neighborhood that a only few minutes before had contained everyday life; kids playing, women hanging laundry on windowracks, venders selling whatnot, using recon-by-fire -literally shooting into buildings randomly trying to draw fire for their tanks to in turn fire on. I saw them level a 6 story building over a suspected sniper. Almost daily, I saw them use heavy weapons in a densely populated urban center.

    I guess that's when I learned to distinguish between so-called "Green-Line Israel" (Israel within the internationally recognized 'pre-67 borders) and "Greater Israel" (The socio-political infrastructure that sustains the various "occupied" portions of internationally recognized Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon that it once held or continues to hold.) The one, Israel at home, is civilized, convivial, internationalist and secular, the other, conquistador-apartheid Israel is brutal, oppressive, arrogant, insular and tribal. I support Israel proper, but greater Israel is an international menace and we will come to rue the day that we hitched our fate to its.

  7. I knew Whitey was a Jew.

  8. RumpledForeskin11:52 PM

    Larry Feldstein said...
    I knew Whitey was a Jew.

    No he just likes to circumcise little poor boys. He pretends he is helping the poor minority children and then when mama aint lookin Uncle Whitey goes whack.

    He does it for free, but will accept TIPS.

  9. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Field, you spend an inordinate amount of posts talking about Romney and "right wingers". Quite frankly, FN is becoming repetitively boring and one-dimensional in its views.

    Aren't there other subjects to talk about that could liven up your blog?

    How about black-on-black killings or Blacks trying to break into the white social culture and are being rejected?

    Anything happening in PR that might be construed as racism? Oh, I forgot. There is no racism in PR, the VIs or Jamaica.

    And what about AAs in America? What should be done about their continued disintegration? Does America care about their demise?

    Of course, you don't have to post about any of these painful growing situations. You are Jamaican and probably could care less what happens to AAs. Obama doesn't.

    So, what difference does it make who becomes President? If Romney wins, at least Blacks might have a better chance.

  10. Anonymous12:28 AM

    History will Show the current Presidency and moonbat regime to be one of the most corrupt and racist administrations ever. Let the games begin:

    A Freedom of Information Act request last week showed that the Department of Justice dropped a sexual abuse civil rights investigation the day after President Barack Obama’s inauguration, citing “conflict of interest.”

    In 2009, Herman Thomas, a black Democratic judge who had been elected numerous times in an Alabama county with predominantly white and Republican population, saw what had been a promising career come to an abrupt halt after he was indicted on charges of sodomy, kidnapping, sex abuse, extortion, assault and ethics violations. According to the indictment, Thomas was accused of sexually abusing male inmates in exchange for leniency.

    According to information received in the FOIA request by Lagniappe, a bi-weekly Mobile, Ala.-based alternative newspaper, an order was sent on Jan. 21, 2009, to drop the investigation citing an undisclosed “conflict of interest.” Ten of 11 pages were withheld in the returned FOIA request.

    Though evidence against Thomas was strong, including one of the alleged victims’ semen being found on his office’s carpet, the Mobile County District Attorney’s office did not secure a full guilty verdict. The jury acquitted Thomas on major counts, and was gridlocked on others.

    Despite the gridlocked charges, the trial judge directed a verdict on all counts in favor of Thomas.

    But that finding did not mean Thomas had been fully cleared of the federal charges he could be facing on civil rights counts — at least that’s what the public thought at the time.

    But as it turned out, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Alabama had dropped their investigation, even before the local trial had taken place.

  11. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Seems as though some people aren't really smart enough to have a blog.
    Obummer won't be president again if he is we will be in quite the problems like civil war the civil war would create a world war that we lose. Isn't that the whole idea anyways destroy America making it a welfare state breaking Americas backs already off the table Obama did that quite quickly. I was to wonder which half are the black people voting for the black half I suppose. What is Obama to do with the white half of himself he's only half black by the way. So it's a white democrat probably actually one of bills kids in a black wrapper. Do you think clintons had some slaves when bill was younger still and one was black. I think since he's had so many social numbers and identities nobody really knows but him I mean he could really be anyone's son or daughter for all we know the way he fights for homosexual military makes you wonder doesn't it. Mitchell os a big woman maybe she used to be a man. All this makes about as much sense as the rest of the jibberish on here. With all that out there being a smartass and all. If Obama wins we are finished if Romney wins maybe the same maybe not I will take a maybe not anytime over a for sure finished nation. Let's just see of Romney can turn it around yes we will go to war either way and yes we will probably loose but at least with Romney it's a world war and not a civil war. The problem is china wants their money and will soon be the new world currency and world leader dictating like America used to do. That's a hard old fact also the people of America didn't incur the debt the crooked government did mismanaging the money and they should be held responsible. I think as we will all see very quickly the old us of a is about to change or be destroyed or both. Were broke were done were sunk and beyond repair I think it's too late to stp the change I'm already sure of it. If you haven't taken your money put of the dollar and left America then shame on your own stupidity she's a sinking ship. Somewhere in Texas I stand above it all watching from the most beautiful place on earth to me. Ready to go and abandon ship. What a glorious plan they had to rape the nation and spread the wealth amongst themselves and leave the people to die. That's the fate of the voters I'd say os the long agonizing death they deserve for putting this communist government in place to kill America they pay with their lives. By the time y'all can say hey Tex was right it will be over and I on the other hand will be gone and have the luck of the Irish living in luxury.

  12. "Obummer won't be president again if he is we will be in quite the problems like civil war the civil war would create a world war that we lose. Isn't that the whole idea anyways destroy America making it a welfare state breaking Americas backs already off the table Obama did that quite quickly."

    Why don't you forget about all that stuff and just try to make some money off the situation, like Whitey does?

  13. It will all be over soon.

  14. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Nothing makes me happier than the fear-filled screeds from the right winger's on here. It's like they actually know that their time is ending (kind of like the dinosaurs that they don't believe's like irony, but better). Romney is not only going to lose, but he will be a stain on the R ticket for a long time, because he's pulling out all the dog whistles, contempt for the middle class, elitist ('you people...' just more irony), chicken hawk strategies and still LOSING.
    Thanks, Mitt, and no, Michigan does not miss you,

  15. Well, Pilot X, the dinosaurs never knew what hit them. If they had, they might of gone down swinging. I bet they could still bite pretty hard, right up until the end.

    As America staggers towards its end, you had better pray Romney wins.

    It is doubtful a man like Romney can slow the march toward the day of reckoning. It is certain a man like Obama will not. Do you really think you can stand upright in the winds that would blow then?

  16. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Do you really think you can stand upright in the winds that would blow then?

    Pile it X has been bent over so long for the dummycrat party he couldnt stand up if his life depended on it. They need Useful Black idiots and the fringe, who else would vote for idiots whose very touch turns everything to shit.

  17. Farley8:20 AM

    Could rightwing anonymouth number 1, accuses field of parroting Media Matters when anonymouth whips out his subpar right-wing talking points within minutes of Field's post.

    I bet he keeps them in his purse like the constitution.

  18. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "Farley said...
    Could rightwing anonymouth number 1, accuses field of parroting Media Matters when anonymouth whips out his subpar right-wing talking points within minutes of Field's post.

    I bet he keeps them in his purse like the constitution."

    Talking points? Subpar? You mean like your English? If they are nothing but "talking points" and "subpar" go ahead and refute them instead of just being a liberal and talking nonsensical shit.

    Oh and your fagness is showing Tutsi Roll licker, real men don't carry purses or is yours just a clutch because your ass is full?

  19. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I can tell I am going to have a bad hair day because Field has not joined in the conversation. I always feel abandoned when he does this.

    I love right wingers. They bring life to FN. Leftists actually have to interrupt their favorite past-time, which is laying on the couch- munching and watching TV. They have to get up off of their lazy butts and TRY to fight, when right wingers show up.

    Unfortunately, Leftists are too out of shape to be able to do much of anything. That's why the right wingers will win the prize in November. So long, Obama.

    Field, why don't you and your Leftist FN cronies face reality? You are fighting a losing battle. Judging from your posters, your blog is becoming more and more Conservative. That is good news! Looks like your Leftist Dem brothas and sistahs are abandoning you. Don't sweat it, they are weak and undependable anyway. When it comes to support, you never could count on them anyway. Desert, PilotX, Farley, Mack Lyons, Sharon from WI, Trapped in never know 'when' or 'if' those Negroes will show up. But they are true to form when it comes to Leftists...UNDEPENDABLE AND NO FAITH.

    Believe it or not, that is a blessing from most on High. Trust me... FN is morphing into what it should be: a dependable more faithful and more realistic view on life led by an ever-increasing group of right wingers and Conservatives. From that perspective, Mr. Field, you are going to be all right!

  20. Anonymous10:06 AM

    More Black Crimes.

    Chicago doesn't share the same values as Chick-Fil-A - it shit sure doesnt.

    Like Obamas says "you didn't build that" it's ours.

  21. BARBBF10:11 AM

    "and showing a contrast in his foreign policy style with Obama"

    BlackAgendaReport and BlackCommentator, as well as non-US media has reported that 50,000 Libyans..including 30,000 Black Libyans are dead as a result of Obama's support with US taxpayer's $$$ of NATOs illegal invasion of that unfortunate country. I hoped that with Romney, there would be a contrast in foreign policy. UNFORTUNATELY...Romney is just as immoral as the Obama crew. I guess he also believed in killing men, women and children and help the NTC defeat the legitimate government..which has now declared SHARIA the new law of the land.

    A curse on both their houses....I'm writing in Ron Paul.

  22. Anonymous10:31 AM

    From 1963 - Communists goals. See if any have been accomplished and fit the Moonbats agenda.

    Frank Marshall Davis would be proud of Obama.

    Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35
    January 10, 1963

    Current Communist Goals



    Thursday, January 10, 1963

    Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

    Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

    Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.
    Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

    Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

    Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

    Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

    Gain control of all student newspapers.

    Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

    Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

    Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

    Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

    Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

    Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

    Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

    Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

    Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

    Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

    Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

    Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

    Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

    Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

    Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

    Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

    Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

    Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

    Internationalize the Panama Canal.

  23. RE: Communist Goals

    Not only have they been accomplished, but the whole venture has been incredibly profitable for those of us that have the right attitude and the right connections. Take Whitey for instance.

    Goyim are so stupid, they are paying for their own extermination. And paying quite well, I might add!

  24. is that a gun in your pocket? or...11:03 AM

    Stop & Frisk by any means possible.

    It's happening, and one of these days it will be possible to spot a concealed gun being carried by someone walking down a street.

    NYPD to launch surveillance software system

    Jul 30, 2012

    MYFOXNY.COM - The NYPD says it will launch an all-seeing "Domain Awareness System" that combines several streams of information to track both criminals and potential terrorists.

    Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says the city developed the software with Microsoft.

    The program combines city-wide video surveillance with law enforcement databases, according to Kelly.

    The Domain Awareness System will include technology deployed in public spaces as part of the counterterrorism program of the NYPD counterterrorism bureau, including: NYPD-owned closed circuit television cameras, license plate readers, and other undisclosed domain awareness devices.

    Kelly said the system will be officially unveiled by Mayor Michael Bloomberg sometime this week.

    The NYPD has been heavily criticized for using surveillance in Muslim communities and partnering with the Central Intelligence Agency to track potential terror suspects.

    Muslim groups have protested and sued to stop the NYPD programs.

    Kelly says the policies were essential to halting 14 terrorism plots against the city since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

    According to previous information released about the software system:

    The Domain Awareness System is a counterterrorism tool designed to:

    • Facilitate the observation of pre-operational activity by terrorist organizations or their agents

    • Aid in the detection of preparations to conduct terrorist attacks

    • Deter terrorist attacks

    • Provide a degree of common domain awareness for all Stakeholders

    • Reduce incident response times

    • Create a common technological infrastructure to support the integration of new security technology

  25. allahu akbar11:17 AM

    whitey nightie said:

    Back then, the occupation was new, the settlements were few and Sadat was hinting at offering secure borders after 30 years of perpetual war, a game changer in the strategic situation.

    News flash whitey.

    There was NEVER a sovereign nation of Palestine. It was only a geographic designation on the map, much like the North Pole.

    Meanwhile, Israel offered a Two-State solution to sharing the local real estate starting in 1948.

    For over 60 years, the so-called palestinians have rejected every two-state plan.

    As a result, they've created endless misery for themselves. Moreover, the other Islamic nations in the region have added to the misery of the Palestinians.

    On the other hand, arab muslims living in Israel enjoy citizenship just as the Jews in Israel do.

    Anyway, as we know, muslims are incompetent morons capable of turning entire countries into places of despair and mass failure. That's what Islam does -- every time.

  26. Anonymous12:25 PM

    when the fanatics of iran get nukes they will use them,that means israel will strike first with the sampson option.this is what bongo and hillbillary's middle east meddling will and every one else will blame the jews but it will be bongo's fault.this where the national socialist democratic workers party has led us to the brink of world war111.

  27. Farley12:44 PM

    "Judging from your posters, your blog is becoming more and more Conservative."

    You people are pissing in your pants so much because of your dear leader Robme. The massive stench coming from you teacrackers shows this. He's got nothing for you and would probably never look you in the eye, he's such a blank bastard. Yet you play his lapdog very well. Next he's gonna strap you on the roof of his car and parade you around like the dogs you've come to be.

    If that's the kind of folk you want leading you, then you would deserve the shit that would roll downhill were it possible that he were to be elected.

    Thank God it's not possible.

  28. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if "Americans" could mind their business and take care of things HERE!!! Seventy years of war should be enough for everybody. Kids dying way before their time, Old White Men counting their money. Leaders wage war, leaders should fight them and die in them.

  29. Our country has too many problems of it's own. Think of all that money spent on private contractors, military and war that could have been spent to improve U.S. and maybe get it closer out of debt!

  30. News Flash a-non, Palestine has the same right via UN mandate to declare itself a sovereign state as does Israel. If you were 1/100th as informed as you fancy yourself, you'd know that this right, which they're holding in their pocket, is one of the Palestinian's chief political assets and bargaining strengths.

  31. My new motto:

    "Live your life like you want Westboro Baptist Church picketing your funeral"

  32. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Farley, "You people are pissing in your pants so much because of your dear leader Robme. The massive stench coming from you teacrackers shows this. He's got nothing for you and would probably never look you in the eye, he's such a blank bastard. Yet you play his lapdog very well. Next he's gonna strap you on the roof of his car and parade you around like the dogs you've come to be."

    Sistah Farley, did you know that Romney cares a lot more for AAs than Obama? Think about it.

    BTW, Are you out of a job like so many of us folks are? The percentage of unemployed Blacks is the highest in American history. That fact alone ought to give us black folks pause about the Obama Administration.

  33. Anonymous2:22 PM

    "Believe it or not, that is a blessing from most on High. Trust me... FN is morphing into what it should be: a dependable more faithful and more realistic view on life led by an ever-increasing group of right wingers and Conservatives. From that perspective, Mr. Field, you are going to be all right!"

    9:14 AM
    Amen to that. I have been noticing the same thing here. Most of the leftist Negroes are showing up less and less when things get hot. Even Field is noticeably absent. But that is the nature of soul Sistahs and Brothas. They run. I have never seen my folks show strength in the face of adversity. We've always shown weakness. Black Conservatives, however, are a different breed. They are strong. When the going is tough, they, the Tough, keep going.

  34. bomb an ayatollah today2:24 PM

    field cowers:

    The problem with Chickenhawks like Mitt Romney is that they have no idea how dangerous this type of rhetoric can be to the stability of the world, and particularly in the Middle East.

    Only stateless terrorists like al-Qaeda present a direct threat to the US. Iran, a soverign state, cannot and would not launch a direct attack on the US.

    But, while Obama is president, Iran would attack US interests and/or property in the region, and perhaps even take the foolhardy step of attacking a US Naval vessel the way the USS Cole was attacked.

    By saying that an "Iran strike is on the table" if he becomes president, he is trying to show us that Obama has been president for almost four years and hasn't struck Iran as yet. What is he waiting for?

    Yeah? What's Obama waiting for? I guess Obama first wants Iran to get its crazy hands on a nuclear weapon so it can actually start something that would become a major nuclear exchange.

    If Iran launched a nuclear weapon at Israel, Israel would counterstrike with its own nuclear weapon. The exchange would bring the nuclear powers in the region -- India, Pakistan, China, Russia and the US -- into a confrontation.

    Best bet is to nip it in the bud. Iran is a pipsqueak nation that is relatively harmless as long as it lacks nuclear weapons.

    Well Mitt, he is waiting for the diplomatic type solutions such as economic sanctions to work, and from all appears that they have been working.

    Working? Yeah. Sure. Just like that rescue mission Jimmy Carter sent for the US hostages worked in 1980. Yeah, Iran has been brought to its knees and is crying for mercy.

    You really do believe in fairy tales.

  35. Darky's Misconceptions2:30 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    News Flash a-non, Palestine has the same right via UN mandate to declare itself a sovereign state as does Israel

    What authority does the UN have to decide on national sovereignty? The UN does not grant sovereignty. Instead it is a voluntary association of sovereign states.

    Putting the realities of the situations aside, if Palestine has the moral authority to assert national sovereignty, does Texas?

  36. muhammad the pedophile2:31 PM

    whitey's diptheria:

    News Flash a-non, Palestine has the same right via UN mandate to declare itself a sovereign state as does Israel.

    Oh. Like the UN governs the world.

    If you were 1/100th as informed as you fancy yourself, you'd know that this right, which they're holding in their pocket, is one of the Palestinian's chief political assets and bargaining strengths.

    Are you really this dumb? I guess you are, so I'll spell it out for you -- the so-called Palestinians want a One-State Solution -- a Jew-free, Israel-free middle east.

    As even a dimwit like you knows, but won't acknowledge, the arab muslims of Gaza and the West Bank convert opportunity into disaster every time.

    But, that's what it means to be Islamic -- obsess over the rantings of a schizophrenic, murderous pedophile instead of building a functioning society.

  37. Aquinas2:33 PM

    Romney is a sincerely humble, Godly man who will make a good leader.

    Obama is a narcissistic Godless man who is a terrible ruler.

    America will choose Romney.

  38. Aaron Richey said...
    "Our country has too many problems of it's own. Think of all that money spent on private contractors, military and war that could have been spent to improve U.S. and maybe get it closer out of debt!"

    What, and cut me out? No way, Aaron. Not going to happen.

  39. Anonymous2:39 PM

    From fear to straight out paranoia, eh, tea baggers? The best part is reading some anon right wing babble about how the world is falling apart and the big bad Progressive is going to take your Mommy away.
    Well, good news and bad news:
    Bad news, you're not black and no one believes you are. More bad news, no one ever stopped change by throwing themselves in front of it, so you're going to lose just because you can't face the reality of no one liking your 'Let's live in the past.' plan.
    Good news: no one wants your mom.

  40. islam is for idiots2:44 PM

    It would take only a few dozen cruise missiles fired into Assad's facilities in Damascus to end his reign of terror.

    Since Syria is a partner of Iran, destroying the Assad regime hurts Iran. Moreover, it's through Syria that Iran runs guns and money to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    So cutting the land line between Iran and Lebanon is another good thing.

    Finally, a series of cruise missiles into the government offices in Tehran would send the Iranian dictatorship into total collapse, completing the cycle of overthrows that began last year in Egypt and Tunisia.

    Only when those rats are scrambling to save their sorry hides will they stop exporting their misery.

  41. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    News Flash a-non, Palestine has the same right via UN mandate to declare itself a sovereign state as does Israel. If you were 1/100th as informed as you fancy yourself, you'd know that this right, which they're holding in their pocket, is one of the Palestinian's chief political assets and bargaining strengths.

    Flash-A-Thon? Flash-A-Thon? Where do you get this stuff from?

    Did you really just say

    "If you were 1/100th as informed as you fancy yourself, you'd know that this right, which they're holding in their pocket, is one of the Palestinian's chief political assets and bargaining strengths. "

    Ahhh the communist goals have been acheived with the idiotic moonbats like Whitey who somehow think they are both informed and that the U.N has authority over anything..

    Why are Moonbats always full of piss and vinegar but never anything that actually could be ingested without poisoning themselves.

    Whitey, we know why you support Palestine; it's the old adage Murderous Islam and Moonbats have the rest of us as enemies to unite you. But why in the world would you think a charter that the US started and is the primary funder for has any power over the constitution and can usurp any countries sovereignity? Especially given how ridiculous the U.N has fact the U.N has become quite Moonbatty.

    But again if you were 1/100th as informed as you think you are.....

    Why doesn't Palestine simply cut off ties with Israel, stop attacking them and refuse the tons and tons of food, medicine clothing, financial support that it provides them? Funny enough, Palestine is a welfare state that cannot grow it's own food and live off the charity of the ones that they try to kill.

  42. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Farley, "You people are pissing in your pants so much because of your dear leader Robme. The massive stench coming from you teacrackers shows this. He's got nothing for you and would probably never look you in the eye, he's such a blank bastard. Yet you play his lapdog very well. Next he's gonna strap you on the roof of his car and parade you around like the dogs you've come to be."

    Oh You poor misguided hateful little bitch bigot.

    You are the quintessential moonbat, a lot of names a lot of nasty invectives, really saying nothing.

    This is how we know you have lost the discussion and have nothing to offer.

    There aren't any conservatives peeing their pants, they are working and marching to take back this country before we once again have a bunch of angry incompetent children left in charge who cant fix a thing so will sit there and cry for conservatives to make things better while they point fingers. You tried your way, and has happened every time you destroyed what you touch.

  43. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    My new motto:

    "Live your life like you want Westboro Baptist Church picketing your funeral

    Did you have this epiphany while you were collecting your monthly paid for by me stipend or whilst changing your colostomy bag?

    Westboro Baptist and Leftist Moonbats like you are one and the same, crazy people who don't have a clue protesting the world with hate and bile.

  44. Hamphrey4:25 PM

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney said President Barack Obama is “one of our weakest presidents” and worse than Jimmy Carter.

    “Obviously, I’m not a big fan of President Obama,” Cheney said in an interview that aired Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “I think he’s been one of our weakest presidents. I fundamentally disagree with him, philosophically. You’d be hard put to find any Democratic president that I’ve disagreed with more.”

    “Worse than Jimmy Carter, from your perspective?” ABC’s Jon Karl asked him.


    Well, that's that. History has spoken: Barack Obama will be remembered as the worst President in US history.

    It's time to "Move On".

  45. Looks like the wingnuts are pinning their hopes on Romney. Good luck with that but this happens everytime a D is in the WH we hear about 'merica's waning power and how only a R can save us. As Field likes to say, we survived the W years so we'll be ok. And next time pick a better candidate, the "destructor" still has a higher personal approval rating than your guy. That's gotta sting.

  46. Irish Tourist To Undergo Surgery After Vicious Brick Attack In The Bronx

    NEW YORK—There was no warning, no motive—just a brutal attack along a well-lit street on the Bronx-Yonkers border.

    A young woman from Ireland is facing painful reconstructive surgery on her face after being the victim of a brick attack and it isn’t the first time such an incident has happened in the neighborhood.

    The front of her skull is crushed. They’re doing re-constructive surgery where they’re putting a plate in her skull to hold it together,” O’Reilly said. “She has 15 stitches between her eyes. Her teeth are broken.”
    Jordan was walking home with another friend before dawn Saturday morning when the incident happened without warning.

    “He was a tall, skinny, black male. Almost skinned hair to no hair and a small bit of facial hair—kinda was muttering to himself. You know, like there was something wrong with him,” Jordan said.

    Now people are remembering the similarity between this attack and another on the street last summer. Another Irish visitor, Paul Caldwell, was beaten so badly in an unprovoked attack he is still recovering.

    Lucky to be alive after bottle attack yards from home

    Kieran Broderick (25) was just yards from his home when he was viciously assaulted by a man armed with a heavy object.

    The young man feared for his life as he was knocked to the ground and beaten repeatedly.

    As his assailtant hit him with what’s believed to have been a bottle tied in a sling, two men in the company of the attack stood by watching the incident.

    “I was just minding my own business on my way home having returned from Dublin City. I was close to my home when I saw three black men walking towards me. When I was walking past them I felt a severe blow to my head and it knocked me to the ground,” he added.

    Kieran’s ordeal comes following a spate of violent and unprovoked attacks in the Leinster area.

    Father-of-three Deepak Abbi died after being subject to a brutal attack that involved being punched, kicked and a wheelie bin being thrown at him.

    Witnesses said the popular architect was assaulted by up to three teenage youths close to his premises in Drogheda, Co Louth.

    Gardai were today their investigations and are appealing for witnesses.

    Meanwhile, gardai have launched a major investigation after three boys were savagely attacked by a gang of up to 15 thugs armed with iron bars, bats, golf clubs and hurleys in a south Dublin park. No arrests have yet been made into the incident which happened at Waterstown Park in Palmerstown at around 6.30pm on Monday.

    It’s understood that the three boys—aged 13 and 14—were sitting in the park with two teenage girls when they were set upon.

    Gardai still do not know why the gang—made up of youths aged between 16 and 20—targeted their much younger victims, but what unfolded is being described as “an incredibly serious assault”.

    The incidents follow a spate of similar unprovoked attacks in the capital.

    Black man murders 79-year-old white woman in her home

    A black man named Moses Trotter invaded a home in Fair Oaks, California. The owner chased him out of the house. Then Trotter entered a neighboring house belonging to Carole Jane Sturgis, 79, where he murdered her. None of the news reports (and there are very few) says how he murdered her, except that her body showed “signs of trauma.” When Trotter was apprehended by the police he was naked and covered in blood.

  47. Farley5:13 PM

    Yeah, because everything Dick Cheney, bless his poor new heart, is and always has been the gospel truth.

  48. Farley5:17 PM

    "Romney is a sincerely humble, Godly man who will make a good leader."

    LOL. Sure, sure. Let's see how far his fat butt fits through that eye of the needle thingy.

  49. Farley5:17 PM

    "Romney is a sincerely humble, Godly man who will make a good leader."

    LOL. Sure, sure. Let's see how far his fat butt fits through that eye of the needle thingy.

  50. Is Dick Cheney still with us! The devil must be trying to negotiate with someone else to take him.

  51. Pilot T-Rex5:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    "the "destructor" still has a higher personal approval rating than your guy. That's gotta sting."

    Well, so much for racist Amerry-ca, if they still like Obama after he has done such a terrible job as President.

    Why does the President have a high personal favorability rating, when all of his policy intiatives have low approval ratings?

    I think he benefits from being black, as white people are afraid to say they don't like him, even if they disagree completely with his policies. Of course, all blacks love him because he is black, but that's not racist.

    The issue is that it is very hard to fire a black person in today's America. No matter how poorly a black performs in their job, you are setting yourself up for charges of racism if you want to let them go.

    But Obama has got to go.

    What's gonna be hard to take is how quickly the economy takes off after Romney is elected. Obama may have ruined the chances of another black ever being President. And he is not even black. That's gotta sting.

  52. We won't know how Barack will do as prez until the GOP controlled congress stops blocking everything. They admitted their number one goal was to make B a one term prez. Not ending the wars W started, not rebuilding the economy, not helping education but electing this goofball. This country is in bad shape but we also have to blame the GOP whose approval rating is lower than Mittens and that takes some work.

  53. Anonymous5:47 PM

    PilotX said...
    We won't know how Barack will do as prez until the GOP controlled congress stops blocking everything. They admitted their number one goal was to make B a one term prez. Not ending the wars W started, not rebuilding the economy, not helping education but electing this goofball. This country is in bad shape but we also have to blame the GOP whose approval rating is lower than Mittens and that takes some work.

    Ahhhh....talking point Liberal doesn't know that the ONLY things Obama wants that have been blocked is more and more and more spending and throwing money down the toilet. GOOD, we needed some adults to stop this insanity.

    Pilot, I didn't know that Obama not doing his job for quite awhile now was someone elses fault. Is that why he hasnt met with the jobs council in 6 months or had an economic breifing since 2011? Because it's all someone else's fault so he decided to golf and campaign?

    Tell me exactly what has he put forward that would help this country economically that is being held up?

    I know you aren't talking about the three dozen bills that actually will spur the economy passed by the House and sitting in the senate.

    Surely you can't be talking the same old democratic nonsense of speding more and more and more of money that is thrown down black holes pretending that the education gap could be bridged.

    So what exactly has Obama proposed besides a laughable budget that every single democrat ran away from.

    Where is the democratic senate budget? They have not passed a budget since Obama was in power against our laws...why?

  54. Farley5:48 PM

    Yeah, the seven-headed dragon from Revelations is still around.

    Now I'm trying to figure out how a not-black man is ruining it for future black men(or women)to become president.

    I've been trying hard to also figure out how a republican who ruined his state's economy, as most of them do and have (how many red states are taker states again?), will be able to whip this country's economy back into shape so 'quickly'.

  55. Farley5:54 PM

    "We won't know how Barack will do as prez until the GOP controlled congress stops blocking everything. They admitted their number one goal was to make B a one term prez. Not ending the wars W started, not rebuilding the economy, not helping education but electing this goofball. This country is in bad shape but we also have to blame the GOP whose approval rating is lower than Mittens and that takes some work."

    What takes real republican twisted guts is to stand up against the very programs they have promoted in the past and were promoting at the end of Bush's reign.

    I think pink slime is to blame.

  56. "What takes real republican twisted guts is to stand up against the very programs they have promoted in the past and were promoting at the end of Bush's reign."

    Exactly, it takes a truly stupid person to call an idea hatched at the Heritage Foundation "socialist". Then again if you watch Fox for your "news" you will pretty much believe anything.

  57. Anonymous6:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    "What takes real republican twisted guts is to stand up against the very programs they have promoted in the past and were promoting at the end of Bush's reign."

    Exactly, it takes a truly stupid person to call an idea hatched at the Heritage Foundation "socialist". Then again if you watch Fox for your "news" you will pretty much believe anything.

    And what policy might that be that was hatched by the Heritage foundation oh wise one?

  58. Pilot T-Rex6:16 PM

    PilotX said...
    We won't know how Barack will do as prez until the GOP controlled congress stops blocking everything. They admitted their number one goal was to make B a one term prez

    What about the first two years of Obama's adminstration, when his party had supermajorities in BOTH the House and the Senate? That type of freedom to do whatever you want is a very rare occurrence in American politics, and they fucked it up royally. So bad, they lost the House and most of their Senate majority.

    Why is the Republican House to blame for the failure of Obama's policies? For the failure of the Senate to pass a budget in over three years? It is this democrat fiscal insanity that resulted in the first-ever downgrade of the country's credit rating.

    When they controlled everyting, the Republicans weren't even allowed in the room when legislation was being crafted.

    The Republicans were given the House by the American people precisely to slow down Obama's destructive policies. Given the dire circumstances, they have actually shown an excessive level of restraint. They have done nothing to stop the funding of the disastrous spending levels racked up by the previous (democrat) congress, because they are too afraid of being blamed for a government shutdown. All of their jobs bills have been killed by Harry Reid, who refuses to bring them up for a vote in the Senate.

    How is any of this "obstructionism" the fault of the Republicans?

  59. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Hey Farley, after seeing yoru IQ. Here is a video from a 6 year old you might understand.

    It’s hard to imagine anything more contemptible than politically correct Caucasians denigrating their own race. But again with your IQ, you probably think someone has to be bad in order to make someone bad good.!

  60. Wait a minute, the GOP savior is the guy who was passed over for Palin after he relased his tax returns to McCain and now refuses to release said returns? Damn, good luck with that one.

  61. Farley is a really smart person just like me is.

  62. IzUIzOrIzUAintADummy?6:34 PM

    Pile It High X said..

    "Exactly, it takes a truly stupid person to call an idea hatched at the Heritage Foundation "socialist". Then again if you watch Fox for your "news" you will pretty much believe anything."

    And what policy might that be that was hatched by the Heritage foundation oh wise one?

  63. PilotX said...
    Wait a minute, the GOP savior is the guy who was passed over for Palin after he relased his tax returns to McCain and now refuses to release said returns? Damn, good luck with that one.

    Why not? Not releasing his birth certificate has worked for Obama.

  64. There’s something profoundly tragic about the failed presidency of Barack Obama. He was supposed to be a new kind of president, a man who embodied hope and would transcend petty politics and even race. Instead, we’re left with a downgraded America that is stagnating under the weight of its bloated government. As tragic as that alone is, even this is but a mere symptom of Mr. Obama’s larger fundamental failure: He simply does not trust the Americans who entrusted him with the presidency.

    Mr. Obama may care deeply for his vision of America, but he believes in only one thing: Barack Obama. And you are not Barack Obama.

  65. HippieChildrenHaveStonedBrains6:45 PM

    Libtard said...
    Farley is a really smart person just like me is.

    Your right, me I you think so also. I bets he can even do the maths. Resist we much about that much we must be comitted.

  66. Farley6:45 PM

    Now you know you've come across crazy(er) when a person starts talking about that BC. Orly, is that you?

  67. PilotX said...
    "What takes real republican twisted guts is to stand up against the very programs they have promoted in the past and were promoting at the end of Bush's reign."

    Hey, they all work for the same team, so nothing is going to change anyway. When rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it.

    I promise I'll be quick!

  68. Chris Rock recently declared that “we ignore the president’s whiteness, but it’s there, it’s there.” And let’s face it, despite Obama’s well-known love for basketball, the man dances with all the urban smoothness of the average white girl attending one of the Seven Sisters.

    He is more than merely a bad socialist; he is so subservient to the interests of the financial institutions, particularly Goldman Sachs, that he makes rabid capitalists like Max Keiser and Peter Schiff look like red flag-waving Jacobins in comparison. Four years after the start of the financial crisis that he has repeatedly attempted to blame on the Bush administration, neither he nor any of the agencies that report to him have found a single banker whose crimes merit prosecution, despite the massive amount of mortgage fraud, financial fraud, money laundering for Mexican drug gangs and now interest-rate manipulation.

    Despite winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama is a bad peacemaker. He has started several new wars, openly assassinated foreigners and U.S. citizens alike, and now appears to have the U.S. on the verge of war with either Iran or Syria, or quite possibly both. It is easy to forget that it was his running on an anti-war platform that allowed him to upset Hillary Clinton, as that was possibly the biggest pre-election deception since George W. Bush’s claim that his administration would pursue “a humble foreign policy.”

    Obama is bad for both America and the world. The biggest problem presently facing the world is the tremendous amount of debt hanging over all of the major industrial economies, which as a ratio of debt/GDP is more than 50 percent higher than during the Great Depression. And yet, Obama not only hasn’t attempted to do anything about reducing this debt, he has repeatedly chosen to support the very individuals and organizations responsible for creating the perilous situation in the first place. While he wasn’t responsible for creating the problem, he has knowingly exacerbated it with his landmark federal health-care regime and his refusal to confront the Federal Reserve and hold it responsible for its gargantuan failures.

  69. brigham young7:52 PM

    Why are palestinians poor? Romney was kind enough to say it was their culture that's been holding them back.

    But we all know it's simpler than that. It's Islam, the religion/political doctrine/military that dedicates itself to failure by backwardness and a determined refusal to analyze itself.

    The next thing you know, Romney might make the same observation about blacks. It's black culture that's retarded the entire race.

    Have you ever wondered why blacks can't run a nation? Even when the nation is theoretically rich because it's sitting on a sea of oil?

    Crap. Even muslims can sort of manage a nation when there's oil money around. Libya kept going for a while, but, well, Khadaffy's not looking so good anymore.

    But when there's no oil money, then you get the angry muslims of Egypt. Now Syria.

    Whose corpse will look worse? Khadaffy's or Assad's?

    After Israel takes out Iran's leadership, it will have been pretty much a clean sweep of Islamic leadership.

    Of course, the new thugs won't be much of an improvement, but being new to the job, they'll have to take orders from the US.

    They'd love to get the love from Obama. But Romney won't be a pal to the world's most offensive religion/political doctrine/military.

  70. I am not sure who is more obsessed with Obama; the people who love him or the people who hate him. :)

  71. Anonymous5:04 PM

    The Jews control everything they have all the wealth they own the media not just the news but we're talking every television channel the music industry the gaming industry all of which are use to brainwash the masses.

    It doesn't matter of the president is black or white at the end of the day the serve Jewish interests not the American people and certainly not black peoples. It's been this way for a very long time.

    That Jews like to group themselves with blacks because of WW2 is laughable, it was the Jews who started the slave trade and if they say otherwise they're liars. Jews owned the slave ships they owned the industries that profited from slavery (just as they own everything today)

    But the Jews will have blacks to believe they had little involvement in the slave trade which is simply not true. Jews have such ridiculous representation and political power, more than every other group combined.
