Monday, July 09, 2012

The "common" people just don't get it, and Mitt will address "you people".

Before I start this post I would like to give a shout out to Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, the field Negro and fellow Pistolvanian who performed the first open heart surgery in these divided states of America, some 119 years ago.

Doctor, that was truly field Negro behavior.

So anyway, now we understand a little more about the mindset of the folks who want to restrict the rights of those of us in the 99% when it comes to voting.

Gotta love those republican snobs.

 "As if voters needed any more evidence to show them where the big guns of “class warfare” reside, ThinkProgress flagged an LA Times report in which donors en route to a $25,000-per-head Mitt Romney fundraiser in the Hamptons hold forth on the cognitive weaknesses of “lower-income people” (which, given the amount of the donations involved, would seem to include everybody but them).

The money quote, however, demonstrates the central flaw in Republican “thinking” about the economy.

A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. “I don’t think the common person is getting it,” she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. “Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.

“We’ve got the message,” she added. “But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand what’s going on. I just think if you’re lower income — one, you’re not as educated, two, they don’t understand how it works, they don’t understand how the systems work, they don’t understand the impact.” [Source]

Yeah, I know, maybe we should bring back the poll taxes.

Finally, I am looking forward to Flipper's speech to the NAACP.(O, you might want to reconsider your decision not to attend.) Apparently, when it comes to civil rights, this apple falls far from the tree. Still, I am sure that Mitt will have some interesting things to say. Like for instance, some of his best friends are black. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)  

Everyone is giving Mitt advice on how he should handle his speech to a house full of Negroes. Touré thinks that he should talk about things like the unemployment rate among blacks and the education gap. That's all true, but the problem is that Mitt has no set plan to address any of these issues. Heck he doesn't have a plan to address the overall economy. So how can he address something that he has no plans to fix?

Still, Mitt should do just fine. He will find that those Negroes are quite a polite group, and they will applause right on cue. I just hope that he takes Steve Kornacki's advice and stay away from the "you people" references.



  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Oh Lawd that's gonna be goood! I DEF have to see/hear that!

    Getting the popcorn ready :)

  2. Thanks for posting with the link. Had to read the article. I continue to be amazed by the sense of entitlement & condescension displayed by people without a fucking clue. If historical anecdotes are to be believed, Marie Antoinette really did say "Let them eat cake." And we know what happened afterward.

  3. Clueless in California10:21 PM

    California Girl said...
    Thanks for posting with the link. Had to read the article. I continue to be amazed by the sense of entitlement & condescension displayed by people without a fucking clue.

    Irony Alert!

  4. Captain Karl10:26 PM

    This is what Mitt should say to the NAACP:

    "Many of you have expressed interest in hearing what I am going to do to help black people. Well, the answer is not a motherfucking thing. What I do will be in the interest of all Americans, black, white or brown, men or women, young or old, rich or poor. If you want special interest handouts, then vote for the other guy, the Great Divider, Barack Obama."

  5. Anonymous10:47 PM

    What Romney will say is Going to be very interesting. I do believe he will promise a lot.he's going in there with all his guns firing to ttry and sway that vote

    An endorsement by the NAACP would be huge for him! Remember,he's a businessman.

    Of course they will be empty promises because there are no and will be no jobs

  6. Desertflower said...
    What Romney will say is Going to be very interesting. I do believe he will promise a lot.he's going in there with all his guns firing to ttry and sway that vote

    Anything short of a million dollars for each and every negro is not going to convince a single one of those racist fucks to not vote democrat.

  7. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Field, I think you meant to say that Dr hale Williams was the first Black doctor to perform open heart surgery. And it was probably on another fellow Negro.

    Besides, he looks like he is more White than Black. Have you noticed that the more White Negroes look the more successful they are? I have been trying to figure that one out for years.

  8. That's Willard's constituency: Thurston Howell III & Lovee.

  9. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I think you underestimate people, but we'll see won't we :)

  10. Anonymous11:25 PM

    @ Jorge

  11. Anonymous11:26 PM

    As if voters needed any more evidence to show them where the big guns of “class warfare” reside, ThinkProgress flagged an LA Times report in which donors en route to a $25,000-per-head Mitt Romney fundraiser

    Field, Field, You hypocrisy is mind boggling. How can you look at yourself in the mirror?

    Didn't Obama, you know the guy who is getting paid to be president right now, didn't he pretty much have a full day of fundraisers at the Mandarin Hotel with a per ticket price of 40,000 each?

    Who you are kidding or are you that ill informed when you get the media matters slave marching orders?

  12. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Romney should do quite well. He has a good track record with the Negroes in MA. I feel Romney is going to get more of the black vote than some of you FN Negroes think.

    I am sick of Obama and how he treats us. He has yet to show up to speak to us. Instead, he sends Biden and others to talk to us. Clearly he is still doing his same bullshit: Avoiding Blacks as much as possible.

    But I know FN racists will vote for Obama even if he pisses on you. FN Negroes have the lowest self-worth of ALL Blacks. It's a damn shame.

  13. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Field, Sorry but you are repeating a Myth.

    Dr. Williams repaired a wound not in the heart muscle itself, but in the sac surrounding it, the pericardium. This operation was not the first of its type: Henry Dalton of St. Louis performed a nearly identical operation two years earlier, with the patient fully recovering. Decades before that, the Spaniard Francisco Romero carried out the first successful pericardial surgery of any type, incising the pericardium to drain fluid compressing the heart.

    Surgery on the actual human heart muscle, and not just the pericardium, was first successfully accomplished by Ludwig Rehn of Germany when he repaired a wounded right ventricle in 1896. More than 50 years later came surgery on the open heart, pioneered by John Lewis, C. Walton Lillehei (often called the "father of open heart surgery") and John Gibbon (who invented the heart-lung machine).

  14. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    That's Willard's constituency: Thurston Howell III & Lovee

    Obama's is George Soros & Angel Adams.

  15. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    That's Willard's constituency: Thurston Howell III & Lovee.

    A Gilligans Island fan, I had to look that up, you are an old fart dude.

    Do you pay taxes? Or take them?

  16. Anonymous11:56 PM

    "Still, I am sure that Mitt will have some interesting things to say. Like for instance, some of his best friends are black. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)"-FN

    Field, you are waaaay underestimating Romney and his relation to Blacks. You need to do some research when he was Governor of Mass. Blacks did very well when he was Governor. Stop trying to paint him as an enemy of AAs. He is not.

    Instead of trying to degrade Romney, look at what Obama has done for Blacks: NOTHING BUT INSULTS. He ignores and treats us as irrelevant.

    At least Romney is 'willing' to speak to us. That's a sign that Romney does want our vote and is reaching out to us. Obama refuses to talk to NAACP and other black organizations. In other words, he doesn't give a damn about us. That has been his track record since he has been in the WH.

    Why would you vote for someone like that?

  17. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Field, Sorry but you are repeating a Myth.

    Dr. Williams repaired a wound not in the heart muscle itself, but in the sac surrounding it, the pericardium. This operation was not the first of its type: Henry Dalton of St. Louis performed a nearly identical operation two years earlier, with the patient fully recovering. Decades before that, the Spaniard Francisco Romero carried out the first successful pericardial surgery of any type, incising the pericardium to drain fluid compressing the heart.

    Surgery on the actual human heart muscle, and not just the pericardium, was first successfully accomplished by Ludwig Rehn of Germany when he repaired a wounded right ventricle in 1896. More than 50 years later came surgery on the open heart, pioneered by John Lewis, C. Walton Lillehei (often called the "father of open heart surgery") and John Gibbon (who invented the heart-lung machine).

    11:33 PM
    I knew it. No black Doctor could have possibly been the first to perform open heart surgery. Any fool would know that.

    Poor Field. He tries to find a black hero in the sciences but that is very hard to do. However, we do excel in sports.

  18. Socialism Kills12:23 AM

    The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

  19. Blas Gomez12:32 AM

    Thanks to all the field negro blog readers who donated to the George Zimmerman defense fund, George is out on bail again. An innocent man should not have to spend anytime in jail. Autopsy results after the shooting revealed that Trayvon Martin had only two injuries on his body – a fatal gunshot wound and bloody knuckles. On the other hand, George Zimmerman had several injuries, including a fractured nose, two black eyes and cuts on the back of his head. George Zimmerman passed a lie detector test the day after the Trayvon Martin shooting.

  20. Blas, I am glad to see th justice system working in America. Let's see what happens when your friend gets his day on court.

    So Mitt is a friend of black folks.Then I guess the anecdote Spike Lee gave about his airport encounter with him is true.
    "Wassop Spike?" :)

    Yes, a myth, like half the crap spoon fed to school kids about our founding fathers and great moments in American history.

    Gotta control that message and the narrative. Keep those Negroes believing tat they are inferior. Nice!

  21. Wingnut@11:26 pm, please find a link where someone on their way to an Obama fundraiser makes fun of poor people and provide it to us.

    Take all the time you need. We will wait........

  22. Anonymous8:08 AM

    field negro said...
    Wingnut@11:26 pm, please find a link where someone on their way to an Obama fundraiser makes fun of poor people and provide it to us.

    Take all the time you need. We will wait........

    Oh come on Field, it's a manufactured piece and anyone with a brain knows it. It was obviously written by an incompetent Democrat who thinks that people actually speak like that.

    Look how trite it is, playing specifically along the Obama Weapon of class warfare and a poorly written piece at that. I bet the editor who edited that hit piece from media matters took out The "gardners and landscaping people" from the list of "commoners" as it then made it so obvious that this mysterious anonymous character who another anonymous character qouted as speaking as if they were in a movie and reading a line wouldn't be believable. I mean really, surely the uber rich dissing the "poor" and living in the famous "hamptons" don't do their own lawn and this is someone a rich person would see more than a "nail technician" oh my, nail technician how nice, except that for the Uber rich they don't use Laquesha as a nail tech, they use another quite wealthy salon owner or stylist who does nails. Moonbats always outsmart themselves with their stupidity.

    "But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand "

    Yeah uh-huh - that wasn't made up at all. It just happens to perfectly fit Obamas class warfare strategy the very day he announces it is all he has and re-energizes.

    Now is your challenge really to find liberals who don't make fun of conservatives? You aren't forgetting that poor people are conservatives as well are you? But of course you are...Democrats don't have a lock on poor people, but they sure have a hell of a plantation full of minorities who are convinced they can't do anything without someone like momma Pelosi taking care of them.

  23. Anonymous8:15 AM

    But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand "

    Oh and the rich today aren't like the kennedy's, obviously whoever wrote this hit piece is reading and has no real world experience, babysitters are not professional babysitters who happen to be poor because of their choice of profession. The rich hire kids and neighborhood children to babysit, duaghters of Friends and other rich in the neighborhood, they don't call a temp agency looking for a "professional sitter"
    Additionally the college kids are abandoning Obama in droves, especially rich college kids, remember Media Matters claims Mitt was a Rich college kid out of touch, what makes them think this "batch of rich college kids" would embrace the food stamp president?

    So dumb, words couldnt make a large enough laughing sound.

  24. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Gotta control that message and the narrative. Keep those Negroes believing tat they are inferior. Nice!

    You just described the Democratic party in a nutshell. Jig, Field, Jig.

  25. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand "

    The "nails ladies" someone who the rich people call Manicurist or Pedicurist, not "nail ladies" but then the target of the made up class warfar story might miss it.

    What a coincidence, just yesterday it was news that Patrick Devall gov of Mass was still allowing welfare cards to be used at nail salons. The spoof writer got his "nail ladys" qoute from that no doubt.

    In any case Mass is cool if you are poor and starving and collecting welfare you can still use that money that you need to eat and live at nail salons and get tattoos or buy a gun.

    Wait...aren't they poor and need that money to survive? You mean this is extra money and not needed but a way of life? EBT buys tats and guns? Such a deal.

    I can see a campaign slogan for Obama now.

    So the economy sucks and I don't have a clue, vote for me and I will raise taxes so you can buy those tats and guns you are entitled to have.

  26. Anonymous12:46 PM

    The White House/Ombambas campiagn and Media Matters all have unified talking points, this week after more crushing economic numbers for Obama the theme is try and paint Mitt as out of touch and supported by the Rich people.

    Al Sharpton Stages Dramatic Reenactment of Romney’s Hamptons Fundraiser, Apparently Unaware Obama Has Outrised Mitt There By 38.6%…

    You’ll hear plenty this week about Mitt Romney raising money in the Hamptons, and so I thought it was worth putting things in perspective. According to data from the Center for Responsive Politics, Romney has reported $119,550 from the 13 zip codes that count as The Hamptons according to Wikipedia. Obama has raised $165,867.

    Another campaign fail.

  27. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Al Sharpton Stages Dramatic Reenactment of Romney’s Hamptons Fundraiser, Apparently Unaware Obama Has Outrised Mitt There By 38.6%…

    Holy shit, I just watched the Sharpton "re-enactment" it was a damned script. Holy shit democrats are unbelievable, they wrote a script, Sharpton had actors act out Romneys supposed event comments and published it as if it actually happened.

    The script would have been rejected as completely unbelievable by even the most liberal producers. Things like this have made it clear to keep democrats away from any type of influence ANY and ALL.

  28. Anonymous1:52 PM

    anon said,

    "Poor Field. He tries to find a black hero in the sciences but that is very hard to do. However, we do excel in sports."

    Obviously, you have not heard of Dr. Reine or Dr Queen. SHE is my hero. I don't know why Mr. Field or some of our FN followers haven't mentioned her name.... You Negroes are just too damn jealous for your own good.

    BTW, where is Dr. Queen these days? I bet she is getting another degree.

    Field, I am disappointed that you didn't even have the DECENCY to give Dr Queen a shout out for all those degrees she has tucked away. I really expected you to mention Dr Reine/Queen beside Dr Williams in your post. But as usual, you didn't.

    Once again, your failure to meet my expectations has depressed the shit out of me. I really should stop reading FN Can somebody please tell me how to kick this FN addiction?

  29. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Michelle Obama Says...

    “No matter who we are, we are all struggling and working toward the same goals. But our leadership does matter,” she said Tuesday. “We have to look for leaders who share our values, who have the same kind of vision for this country that we all share.”

    You know, values such as pissing away countless millions of taxpayer dollars taking 16 vacations during a three year span.

    Vote for Barack and someday you too may get a government sponsored vacation in addition to foodstamps/Tanf/Energy Credit/Housing Assistance/SSI stealing from social security for your ill-A-jit-a-mit chilluns and more.

    Dat money always gonna be there we just gonna raise taxes and borrows or print it if we need to give you more. It will last forever I promise and cross the waist belts I wear over my heart.

  30. Dr. Dynomite3:22 PM

    Obviously, you have not heard of Dr. Reine or Dr Queen. SHE is my hero. I don't know why Mr. Field or some of our FN followers haven't mentioned her name.... You Negroes are just too damn jealous for your own good.

    BTW, where is Dr. Queen these days? I bet she is getting another degree.

    You'll hear all about Dr. Queen, from the Nobel Prize committee, but all in due time.

    Until then, she will be using her prodigious mind solving problems unfathomable to the average intellect.

  31. Anonymous6:29 PM

    You'll hear all about Dr. Queen, from the Nobel Prize committee, but all in due time.

    Until then, she will be using her prodigious mind solving problems unfathomable to the average intellect.'

    Didnt she already win one for getting the most government grants and getting the least out of many degrees than any before her?

  32. Anonymous said...
    You'll hear all about Dr. Queen, from the Nobel Prize committee, but all in due time.

    It's kinda hard to do this type of thing without working with the right people. And this may have been possible had I continued to work with Dr. Fauci.

    I'll see what I can do in the future. The East coast is prime for these type of research opportunities.

    In the meantime, I see you still don't have a life and/or are still a Bee-oytch. And I suspect one of you assnons is a Black one at that. Zoot alors!

    BTW Field, I've enjoyed reading your posts lately!

  33. I will be perfectly honest when I say this - Mitt Romney is definitely in it to win it.

    That said, he will lose decidedly.

  34. LOL . . . Pure Projection: A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. “I don’t think the common person is getting it,” she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. “Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.

    She's projecting onto the average citizen the mentality of poor and lower-middle-class white voters who consistently vote Republican, not realizing that Republicans don't have their interests in mind.

  35. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I see the FBI provocateurs are in full force here. Have you noticed that they swarm the sites catering to black people? Rain or shine, they are like the FBI's storm front postal workers. I guess the FBI must not have enough fake terror plots to go around these days so they double up online. You can tell them a mile the cut & paste refutation of Dr. Daniel Hale Williams medical feat..the same mess has been posted on other sites. I'd like to know does the FBI have a section where they pay black people to go and post stupid commentary on sites that cater to whites? I want to get paid too. Amazing what kind of employment is available to those white and not able to pass the test for the CIA. Another form of affirmative action I guess.
