Sunday, July 08, 2012

Was Allen West spanked too much as a child?

When a black man in America, elected to public office in the year 2012, calls social security "A form of modern, 21st century slavery",  we just might have a problem.

"Congressman Allen West appeared on Fox & Friends today to discuss America’s waning freedoms and how to reclaim them. One such example he offered was Social Security, and given how more people went on Social Security disability last month than new jobs that were created, West said this was creating an “economic dependence” which he classified as “a form of modern, 21st-century slavery."

I wonder how exactly Mr. West would have us "reclaim" our "waning" freedoms?

Does he think electing Mitt Romney as our president will make us freer?
I wonder how that worked out for the people of Massachusetts when he was their governor and they were one of the worse states in job creation?

West says that Obama would rather us be his slaves, and that he is purposely creating a welfare entitlement state to make us dependant on him. That is such a ludicrous and farcical statement that I am afraid to even respond to it for fear of folks believing that I am just as crazy for even acknowledging it.   

"Host Dave Briggs brought up recent comments West made exactly one week ago about President Obama, namely that the president would “rather you be his slave.”

West stood by the language he used, saying he shouldn’t have to apologize for stating the truth. He argued that the president and Democrats in Congress are creating a “welfare entitlement class” and pit them against the “production class.” [Source]

Yes, this Allen West dude is kind of scary. Still, I suspect, that like his boy- and fellow tea party wingnut- Joe Walsh, he won't be around much longer in Washington. Even wingnut republican voters can't be dumb enough to send guys like this back to Washington. 

Finally, I read an interesting article over at The Grio from a sister who has some issues with spanking.

"I am an extremely vocal opponent of corporal punishment as a casual form of discipline. Not because I particularly care about what happens in the households of others, but because there has been such extensive research proving myriad negative effects on the evolving psyches of children when their parents hit them, that I cannot, in good conscious, buy into the propaganda that “it’s good for them.”

Yes, hit. Not “spank.” Hit, and for the purpose of this article, we’re going to call a spade a spade.

When the results of a recent study hit the Internet revealing that hitting children as a form of discipline – no matter how rarely it may occur — increases their chances of developing mental illness, I posted it on my Facebook page without any commentary. "  [Read here] 

Well Kirsten, you might get a comment or two here.


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Now there's an example (West)of a man that needed more major corporal punishment as a child~

    He reeeeally needed to have some sense beaten into him, cuz it certainly did not stick the nice way did it?

    That so and so had better shut his mouth before us old folk gang up on his dumb ass!!!

    What productivity is this fool referring too?

    The companies and jobs are ALL overseas baby, Where the workers get paid 55 cents an hour, if that, maybe!

    Hey wake up and smell the roses idiot.

    Stop spouting crap out that mouth! America doesn't have many jobs anymore. What's the government to do? let it's people starve to death?

    Where are those companies looking for employees? Why are so many unemployed? Where are the jobs? There are fewer and fewer.

    Will America will have to change?

    Will America now have to live off it's accumulated wealth in an ever increasingly socialist or communistic style?

    I dunno, but if not, what then. Cuz it's not looking too good is it?

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    As for using corporal punishment to discipline children, no, It's def not the way.

    The way is loving communication and example. So the child grows up knowing right from wrong, and the consequences of their actions. And wanting to do right out of love, mutual understanding and respect.

    BUT, There are times, moments if you will, when a super hit and a yell will work wonders, immediately.

    This is reserved for special times when the child is just not getting it, or testing one in a way that may or may not be dangerous to them.


    (feels good just remembering)...ooops...;)

  3. No, asdI see it, Allen West wasn't spanked enough as an adult. The Army let him get away with committing at least one known war-crime while he was a battalion commander in Iraq. He should have faced a general court-martial who's felony conviction would have rendered him ineligible to be seated in congress instead of being allowed to retire with half salary and full bennies. Walsh is just your average run of the mill klan trash -no better or worse than about 225 of his fellow klan members of the house. No comparison to known war-criminal West.

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    No, asdI see it, Allen West wasn't spanked enough as an adult. The Army let him get away with committing at least one known war-crime while he was a battalion commander in Iraq. He should have faced a general court-martial who's felony conviction would have rendered him ineligible to be seated in congress instead of being allowed to retire with half salary and full bennies. Walsh is just your average run of the mill klan trash -no better or worse than about 225 of his fellow klan members of the house. No comparison to known war-criminal West.

    Listen you disgusting little pervert. I hate the Klan, but the lowest of them are better than the idiotic scum that you are. At least they take a risk and fight for what they believe in.

    You don't have half the balls it takes to be a real leader and do the right thing protecting your men like Allen West didm yet you have the balls like a little woman to say he should have been court martialed for scaring a goddamned terrorist who just tried to kill him and gave up the info on the next attack that saved lives in his squad. Little wimps like you tree hugging liberals are the first to cry for your mother when reality hits and beg a real man to protect you.

    You would have no doubt dropped to your knees and offered to blow the terrorist to save your men, in line with your idol Obama who bows and never understands why it has made us weaker and then you would have found some excuse to blame someone else when your men got wiped out even though you swallowed.

    Fucking useless poverty pimp. If you can spend all this time blogging, why don't you get off disability, be a man and earn a living on the computer you no pride arrogant useless POS. A leech on the backside of society.

  5. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Hitting a child is child abuse, plain and simple. One of tne of the most ignoble acts an adult can do is to spank, hit or knock around a child who cannot defend him/herself.

    This impacts the child's little psyche and can have LIFE-DAMAGES consequences to the child. Not only can it cause mental illness, but the child can become a raging angry adult who is quite capable of killing another human being. Also, they are prone to whip their own kids like they were hit.

    NOTHING good from hitting a child is positive.

    Field, your posts are getting to me so much that I now am addicted to FN depression. I have got to stop reading this shit.

  6. Allen West should be the last person attacking government spending, since there hasn't been a day in his life when he hasn't been living on the taxpayer's dime. Seriously. He grew up in a military family, so the taxpayers paid for him and his healthcare. He went to college on the taxpayer's dime. He's lived his entire life collecting a government paycheck and getting government healthcare, and still his. So his talking about "the productive class" definitely excludes him.

  7. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Norbrook said...
    Allen West should be the last person attacking government spending, since there hasn't been a day in his life when he hasn't been living on the taxpayer's dime. Seriously. He grew up in a military family, so the taxpayers paid for him and his healthcare. He went to college on the taxpayer's dime. He's lived his entire life collecting a government paycheck and getting government healthcare, and still his. So his talking about "the productive class" definitely excludes him.

    There is a difference between EARNING a paycheck and sitting on your ass at home playing videogames collecting disability and or demanding free healthcare while contributing absolutely nothing to society, except being a drain on it.

    I gladly pay for men like him to defend this country and in doing so he sure as hell earned every penny. I spit on the lazy sacks of shit who fake disability and refuse to work, scamming the government and stealing the money that was taken from my sweat and hard work to support the non productive asswipes who cry life is too hard. All the while thinking they have a right and are entitled to it for no reason other than their mammy spit them out.

  8. I know more than a little about what combat does to morality anon, which is why I have long been grateful to have first faced that ordeal myself under the command of a man (whose Godfather spent 7 years as a VIP in the Hanoi Hilton) who taught us that deviating from the laws of war with respect to prisoners would be indictments of our right to call ourselves men, Marines and Americans even if we weren't caught, that we would be prosecuted if we were caught, and in fact be lucky that he wasn't allowed to summarily shoot us for it. I was so much luckier than the young men mistrusted to West's command.

  9. Anonymous10:44 PM

    The real Tom's, the real slaves are Negroes who attack West for their White Limosine liberal Masters.

    West is a strong, intelligent, Highly educated capable black man that speaks the truth and that in itself scares the SHIT out of liberals who hav the black slaves convinced they are useless, pathetic and too stupid to do anything without their approval and help. Here is a real Black Mans words, a Real Black man who made it and stands up in the face of they hypocritical democrats who say he is bad, don't be like him. We don't want strong, independant, THINKING Black men, we want weak kneed, followers that do exactly as we say no matter what the results of our crazy policies. After all, you could never make it in the world if you try, it's too tough, you are too stupid, you don't have the skills.

    Well West tell them to stuff that, he isn't a Tom for the White Master Democrats.

    A strong, capable intelligent Black man scares the SHIT out of Liberals. What if other Blacks get the idea they are strong intelligent and capable and don't need to rely on some White Liberal to make it? Can't let that out of the bag.

    Do one simple test. Look at liberals Black or White district. Especially those that have been in power for a long time. What do you see? Empowered people? Succesful people? Strong changes from 40 years ago? Or the same poverty and issues that existed getting worse despite all their promises each time they were seeking re-election. Don't take anyones word for it, look for yourself, then expand, look at other districts....

    Allen West:

    "I really feel that it is demeaning to me to think that I need some individual to justify me and my existence. Look, I went through 22 years being in the military, I rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel, I have a bachelor and 2 masters degrees. And for these white liberals to believe they can have this condescending manner toward black conservatives that we need to have approval from our quote unquote, I guess “masters”, for us to be able to speak — see that’s where the true racism really lies governor is with the white liberals who don’t want to see someone such as myself that broke away from their dependency class and is out here and able to possibly contend against them with the policies that they are promoting that’s destroying the black community. I know I’m their #1 target and it just emboldens me to speak out even stronger.

    And the heck with them if they think someone else needs to approve of me and what I stand for.”

  10. "Host Dave Briggs brought up recent comments West made exactly one week ago about President Obama, namely that the president would “rather you be his slave.”

    What do you call a person works to give his money to the government and gets food stamps, Section 8 housing and 'free' healthcare in return? Sounds like a plantation to me.

    Jig for your democrat masters Field, jig.

  11. Anonymous1:04 AM

    "When the results of a recent study hit the Internet revealing that hitting children as a form of discipline – no matter how rarely it may occur — increases their chances of developing mental illness, I posted it on my Facebook page without any commentary. " [Read here] "

    More liberal ridiculousness. We have been doing it the liberal way for 30 or so years. Honey, you have been a bad boy, you get a time out....

    Yeah, look at what we got for that. Crazy, entitled, directionless, moral-less kids. Who are violent at the drop of a hat. Let a teacher speak harshly to a child in the inner schools and they will most likely wind up beat down. That didn't happen in the old days, because they knew the parents would never tolerate that and give them a good ass kickin if needed.

    In the past if you mouthed off to a teacher or an adult, you got smacked in the head. You knew it happened because you were bad, you knew it was not a good thing to do, you knew not to do it again or else and you were fine. Now we have children telling parents that punishment is cruel and they are going to call the police...

    We stopped games in schools because liberals said kids got scrapes and bruises, now we have fat obese lazy kids who cry like they are dying if they get mosquito bite. We stopped competitions because liberals said it wasnt fair to the losers and made sure everyone got a trophy, now we have a society that has no drive, no sense of struggle and accomplishment, rather one of entitlement and little to no reason to improve themselves, everone gets a trophy after all. If someone doesnt have the brains for the job, why just sue it must be discrimination.

    Liberals are insane. You don't beat your kids, but there is nothing wrong with a smack here and there. A good parent cares about his child and how they are growing up to fit into the world, not how the world is going to bend to the drone of a child. Being a parent is a very hard job, a job that many never consider when they just screw for the hell of it and expect uncle sam and joe taxpayer to take care of them because they had a baby.

  12. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Odd that so many heroic brave chickenhawks who never served a day...find it sooo necessary to torture other people.

    Since we all paid into Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security...exactly how is it that we are not entitled to them?

    If one is over 50, and has health issues from would be folly to not consider taking SSI disability. While Goobers might cry in their stoopid about how that makes labour more costly...perhaps they might offer living wages with commensurate benefits.

    Some of you chickenhawks might wish to ask your neighbours, co-workers and Liberals who actually served...and they could enlighten you about Mr West and his need to leave the employ of Uncle Sugar.


  13. Every person I have met - men, actually, who were subjected to ritual violent punishment, developed some problems from it. We didn't have that in my house. Oh, I got whacked impulsively a few times for doing something dangerous, but none or the stuff from mom, "wait till your father gets home so he can hit you because I won't & it isn't my job."

  14. NSangoma2:52 AM


    Allen West, a graduate of the Ted Nugent school of political science:

    ... I’m beginning to wonder if it would have been best had the South won the Civil War. Our Founding Fathers’ concept of limited government is dead.



  15. NSangoma3:03 AM


    field you Negroe !!

    field, they've engaged lip/mind readers to go after the FLOTUS:


  16. I wonder if Mr. west will give back all the military benefits he receives?

    Funny, why do people only refer to certain programs as welfare programs?

    Aren't all government handout programs a form of welfare?

  17. The spanking thing. I have to see more studies. I know folks who swore that they got their asses tore up as a kid and they all turned out pretty good. I am sure that you could point to examples of the opposite result as well.

  18. Anonymous10:24 AM

    field, i can tell you don't know much about the bible: "...spare the rod, ruin the child" is where whipping your child comes from. it was a carryover from the days of kings who had the 'holy' right to punish their citizens. some people in america are the most god-fearing beings on earth.

  19. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I know more than a little about what combat does to morality anon, which is why I have long been grateful to have first faced that ordeal myself under the command of a man (whose Godfather spent 7 years as a VIP in the Hanoi Hilton) who taught us that deviating from the laws of war with respect to prisoners would be indictments of our right to call ourselves men, Marines and Americans even if we weren't caught, that we would be prosecuted if we were caught, and in fact be lucky that he wasn't allowed to summarily shoot us for it. I was so much luckier than the young men mistrusted to West's command.

    Have you ever served with Jihadists? Men who do not practice any rules? Men who use women, children and anyone non Islamic as meat fodder. Men who think that anyone non Islamic entitles them to employ any atrocity they wish and do so routinely?

    What are some of the crazy liberal rules of engagement soldiers are faced with today forced on them by the liberal activists? Do you know?

    Tell me, what would you have done in West's stead? Would you have just locked the guy up and offered him coffee knowing that your men are about to be attacked and most likely killed? Knowing that this man has slaughtered women and children, burned two of your men in effigy and hung them from a bridge and is part of an attack that is coming that will indubitably wind up with major losses of life for men YOU are responsible to protect? Men who you convinced you would lead and protect them. Or would you sacrifice them for yourself?

    Obviously you say you would have not been able to adapt to the new brutality of the enemy and made the "moral" choice of not having to face a difficult decision and allowed your men to die. Justifying your lack of intestinal fortitude, ability to lead and overall refusal to be accountable and make a decision running away by creating a foundation of Faux morality - even if your men have to die for your cowardice.

    Imagine, what a grand person you are, having morals so HIGH that others have to die so you don't have to decide to simply scare a terrorist and face repercussions for your actions.

    West decided, West knew that by simply firing that gunshot near the terrorists head he was stepping over the line that HE knew and lived daily. But West seeing the options of his mens live or scaring a terrorists chose, bravely and with self sacrifice - he chose the lives of the men under his command, he saved them and then took punishment for frightenting a murderous barbarian. That's courage, that is leadership, not saying what you would do if you may have ever had to do it.

    Real men would give West a Medal for having the courage and intelligence to do what he did and most do. I am certain if any man led by West were in the vicinity of your mouth when you spew your faux outrage at how he saved their lives, you would not like the Morals that they show you.

    The only people who attack West are those political Jihadists who have no courage, no honor, no sense of duty, sacrifice or integrity but who consistantly demonstrate that nothing is below them, no morals exists all that matters is the political Jihadism of leftism, even if it means sacrificing your countrymen and embracing your enemies at their expense - Liberalism.

    It's the shared hatred of the rest of us that unites Islamists and the Left.

  20. Allen West is a hero, and hope he one day becomes the first black President.

  21. Anonymous10:58 AM

    field negro said...
    I wonder if Mr. west will give back all the military benefits he receives?

    Funny, why do people only refer to certain programs as welfare programs?

    Aren't all government handout programs a form of welfare?

    Military service and fighting for your country is equal to welfare and taking from your country to you?

  22. That's Gross11:22 AM

    What the hell is wrong with that little nero boy's belly button in the post picture below this one?

    Looks like there's a turd trying to push it's way out. Is that a hernia?

  23. Field, the effects of corporeal punishment have been studied for decades. The bottom line is that it doesn't work. All it does is teach kids that it's okay for the powerful to abuse the weak.

  24. Rod Ridgley1:14 PM

    the effects of corporeal punishment have been studied for decades. The bottom line is that it doesn't work. All it does is teach kids that it's okay for the powerful to abuse the weak.

    And? Isn't that a valuable lesson?

    Maybe you need a little spanking.

  25. Anonymous1:54 PM

    These 4 guys were never hit as kids. Shit, they don't even know who they daddy is.

  26. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Don't Negroes know in these here United States Soccer is a game and not a death match.

    Stay away from Negroes they don't know how ot hndle them emotions and lack impulse control lose a game start bustin caps Aint it time for segregation again yet/?
    good news is they wanted one of these negroes for a murder he did last year

  27. A non said:

    "Tell me, what would you have done in West's stead?"

    I would have cuffed, bagged and searched the prisoner and turned him over to S-2 for proper interrogation without any gratuitous mistreatment by myself or anyone else.

    The implicit fallacies in your rhetorical question abound. I'll address 2 of the most glaring.

    1. "Muslims are a different, more primitive form of humanity than modern Christians like "US.""

    A glance at the days news should be enough to convince any objective person that fundamentalist religious extremism is an equal opportunity affliction. As a "modern" "Christian" myself for instance, I see no qualitative difference between their extremists beheading women for "adultery" and our extremists shooting abortion providers.

    2. "Torture is about information."

    Oh no. Nothing could be further from the truth. Torture is about ideology. It is the physical imposition of the belief that your opponent is less than human, and will only respond to being treated like the beast that he is.

    In fact, torture is counter productive of reliable information. Human beings don't respond positively to it; especially when they've been expecting it from you anyway. Even if they "break" they'll probably hand you nothing but a bucket of shit out of spite.

    Every tortured person I've ever heard speak on it says that them revealing the truth they knew wasn't the point of the torture; the torture continued until the torturer heard what they wanted to hear, so, to a person, they figured out what their torturer wanted to hear and told them that so that the torture would stop. That is in fact exactly what happened to West and at GITMO and our other torture chambers under Bush.

    If you think about it, that's the way it has to be. How else are you going to know when to stop torturing them than them saying what you've been waiting to hear?

  28. "I see no qualitative difference between their extremists beheading women for "adultery" and our extremists shooting abortion providers."

    The difference is quantitative. How many abortion providers have been shot in the last year? Or ever?

    There are thousands of muslim women murdered for adultery each year. And every year, for the past 1,400 years.

  29. "Torture is about ideology. It is the physical imposition of the belief that your opponent is less than human, and will only respond to being treated like the beast that he is."


    Torture for the purpose of punishment or for the amusement of the torturer is morally repugnant.

    Torture for the purpose of fishing for any possible information of value is morally wrong.

    Torture for the purpose of getting information that you know the subject possesses and that will save lives is fully justified.

  30. They Treat Goats Better Than Women3:34 PM

    Even those homos at the Huffington Post know what a joke "The Religion of Peace" is:

    Be sure to listen to all the video!

  31. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non said:

    "Tell me, what would you have done in West's stead?"

    I would have cuffed, bagged and searched the prisoner and turned him over to S-2 for proper interrogation without any gratuitous mistreatment by myself or anyone else.

    Right and your men would have been attacked and killed while you as a coward took the easy way out and did nothing. This is why we don't want idiots like you ever in charge and troops would no doubt frag you after you killed your squad for lack of experience and weak cowardly grandstanding. Knowing that West found out about the planned attack and saved his squads lives with that information you still are stupid enough to say you would have sent him away for interrogation and stood on your deluded soapbox while the squad you are responsible for got slaughtered. Frag bait, thats all you are.

    The implicit fallacies in your rhetorical question abound. I'll address 2 of the most glaring.

    1. "Muslims are a different, more primitive form of humanity than modern Christians like "US.""

    First off I did not say that, but I did Imply you disengenious twit that the muslim faith is barbaric and very old world, very much so. Modern day christians do not go around beheading women, shooting them and claiming they were adulterous after they have been raped or believe that women are garbage to be used as seen fit. Yet look at the side you take and draw up some obscure event to support your fallicious claims.

    A glance at the days news should be enough to convince any objective person that fundamentalist religious extremism is an equal opportunity affliction. As a "modern" "Christian" myself for instance, I see no qualitative difference between their extremists beheading women for "adultery" and our extremists shooting abortion providers.

    Are you insane? You are not a christian. How many christian friends of yours go around committing murder and shoot abortion providers? Do you really not see any news or do you subscribe to the radical whackjob weekly?
    How many abortion providers have been shot by crazy christians, how many? Show me ONE recent example, just one, from the last week, the last month, the last year, fuck, the last two years go ahead. How many women, men, children live under barabaric rule and die en masse daily under Islam? How many fatwahs are issued daily against women and children and homosexuals and just about anything they is forbidden under their interpretation of Islam?

    How many coptic christians are killed daily by Islamists? Do you have clue? Women, Children slaughtered with churches burned to the ground - at least two a week, yet you disengenious liberal asswipes say that christianity is the same as Islam and you know this because supposedly you are a Christian? Again, you know nothing about nothing obviously.

    A woman was just shot 9 times for adultery in Afghanistan, watch this video, watch the men cheer. Then you come back and tell me that you see Christianity as a whole in the same light.

  32. Anonymous4:12 PM

    @Whitey the Fool

    Do your Christian Friends, nah scratch that you would only have liberal nutjob friends. In your "belief" , is it ok for a woman to be raped repeatedly, then get executed for adultery by her rapist because she needs 3 eyewitnesses to prove rape? Is it?

    Modern Day Christianity is the same as Islam?

    Back up your statements or challenge them, show me one abortion provider shot in the name of christianity recently. Until then I am in horror and disgust at your deluded beliefs.

    A Saudi man was just killed with his wife and children injured after the religious police chased him for playing his radio too loud.

    Islam is the same as christianity to you?

    Four young men were just shot in Egypt for playing pool, pool is Haram - or for you disgenious idiots against Islam but just as bad as christianity.

    Islam is the same as Christianity to you?

    A Muslim group has released its plan to “wipe Christianity from the face of the earth,” Islamize the West and establish an Islamic system of world government — placing those who resist “under a police state.”

    The 23-page booklet, “The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power of a Nation Revived,” is the brainchild of the United Muslim Nations International, a group led by Sheik Farook al-Mohammedi. The document outlines a plan for Muslim world domination and the re-establishment of the Caliphate.

    Islam Is the same as Christianity to you?

    59 Christians were just killed in Nigeria by Islamists - Women, children and Men. Something that happens each week.

    Islam is the same as Christianity to you?

    A 14 year old girl was just kidnapped and raped for three days and then forced to marry her rapist, because under Islam she was worthless for losing her virginity;

    Islam is the same as Christianity to you?

    Leftists like you and Islam unite in your hate for America.

    You are not ex service
    You are a Coward and moralistically vapid and vile.
    You are not a Christian.
    You are dismissed.

  33. Dear A-nons,

    Your scorn and derision are the only true complements that you have to bestow. So, thank you for favoring me.

  34. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy is Frag Bait said...

    "Dear A-nons,

    Your scorn and derision are the only true complements that you have to bestow. So, thank you for favoring me."

    Yes you are a true "complement" to Jihadists.

    So you played the coward and pussied out yet again, just as you did when you said you would let your men get killed and call the authorities and wait while they offered him coffee and your sisters services in order to find out about the impending attack all the while having an excuse for why the men you led were killed.

    It is quite clear that reality rarely intrudes into the delusional mind of the disengenious poverty pimp, living off the fat of people that he constantly derides. Leftists like you are at best, useful for Frag-Bait - once.

  35. "Your scorn and derision are the only true complements that you have to bestow. So, thank you for favoring me."

    *nodding head*

  36. Allen West thinks everything that doesn't come from the mouth of a Republican leads to slavery.

    He's a slave baiter. trot out the s word gain some claps from the right and embarrass himself to the left and his race.

    he's a non Mother******* factor that is betting on re-election to solidify his insane beliefs that are just masking his self hate.

  37. Field Whitey7:15 PM

    negro said...
    "Your scorn and derision are the only true complements that you have to bestow. So, thank you for favoring me."

    *scratching balls*


    Liberalism requires an incredible level of self-delusion.

    The scorn and derision of anons is Whitey's sole connection to reality. Without it he would be able to fool himself that he something other than a poverty pimp, making a living off enabling the pathologies of people who hate him because he is white.

    How fucked up is that?

    You'll thank us in the end, Whitey. If you live long enough, that is.

  38. Damn bro you hit that nail dead smack on the head, better yet you should have been hitting West in the head a few times

  39. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Receive the smacks from your parents to help you tread the right path in life or receive a policeman's bullet and a one-way trip to the grave when you don't. The choice is yours.

  40. Don't be so sure about west and
    walsh being sent home. Michelle Bachman has been re-elected.

  41. Have you seen Michael Pearl instructional Child Spanking video. It's pretty twisted. He even recommends using 1/4 inch PVC for beating kids. The video is here but be prepared to cringe.....
