Friday, July 06, 2012

Every white person hates Chris.

Chris Rock had a show on television called "Everybody Hates Chris". I think it was loosely based on his days growing up in New York. Anyway, I don't know exactly how much hate Chris experienced growing up, but unfortunately for him, he is about to experience it again. At least from some folks.

Chris made the mistake of bringing up an uncomfortable truth about America's past, -albeit in a joking manner to his twitter followers- and, as is to be expected, America is not pleased.

"..Some took offense to his words, like libertarian blogger Jeff Schreiber. He replied, "Slavery existed for 2000 years before America. We eradicated it in 100 years. We now have a Black POTUS." Another tweeter wrote, "Dear @ChrisRock: Without July 4, 1776, December 6, 1865 wouldn't have happened."

Here in America we like to keep certain things in the closet, and pretend that it never happened. "It was soooo long ago" . And when some rich black dude reminds us, it really pisses us off.

The funny thing is that Rock became so popular with white folks because he dared to joke about uncomfortable truths about us black folks. White folks ate it up, and his bank account just kept getting bigger with each punch line. Of course that was different.

I bet I know one person in America who agrees with Mr. Rock. -that the 4th of July is for white people- That would be my buddy William Collier. Mr. Collier is the pastor of Church of God's Chosen, and he is holding a special conference down in Alabama:

"William J. Collier, pastor of Church of God’s Chosen, is holding a Whites-Only conference in the good ole’ state of Alabama, and he’s not making any apologies for it, reports the...

 ...We don’t have the facilities to accommodate other people. We haven’t got any invitations to black, Muslim events. Of course we are not invited to Jewish events and stuff,” he said. “”We are not breaking any laws, we are not violating any ordinances, we are bringing the word of God to people who want it … who are part of the chosen race.." [Source]

I hear ya there Billy. I would follow you on twitter, but I am guessing that you don't have an account.


  1. Who is the Anti-Christ?

    "The owner of an Akron restaurant where President Barack Obama stopped for breakfast this morning died, apparently of a heart attack, shortly after meeting him.

    Josephine “Ann” Harris, 70, of Copley Township, was taken by ambulance to Akron General Medical Center after complaining of fatigue and a tingling feeling. She was pronounced dead at 11:18 a.m., according to the Summit County Medical Examiner’s Office.

    Harris, just a few hours before, had the honor of meeting — and hugging — Obama when he stopped at her family’s restaurant, Ann’s Place, on South Hawkins Avenue for breakfast. ..".

  2. Chris Rock was RIGHT!!!!

  3. NSangoma7:47 PM


    The reason for the US Revolutionary War, was the Royal Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763, proclamation declared by the British crown at the end of the French and Indian War in North America, mainly intended to conciliate the Indians by checking the encroachment of settlers on their lands. In the centuries since the proclamation, it has become one of the cornerstones of Native American law in the United States and Canada.

    After Indian grievances had resulted in the start of Pontiac’s War (1763–64), British authorities determined to subdue intercolonial rivalries and abuses by dealing with Indian problems as a whole. To this end, the proclamation organized new British territories in America—the provinces of Quebec, East and West Florida, and Grenada (in the Windward Islands)—and a vast British-administered Indian reservation west of the Appalachians, from south of Hudson Bay to north of the Floridas. It forbade settlement on Indian territory, ordered those settlers already there to withdraw, and strictly limited future settlement. For the first time in the history of European colonization in the New World, the proclamation formalized the concept of Indian land titles, prohibiting issuance of patents to any lands claimed by a tribe unless the Indian title had first been extinguished by purchase or treaty.



  4. NSangoma7:56 PM

    I am also a Christian and differ with the Mormon religion.

    But I think any Christian should spend much time in prayer before refusing to vote for a family man with high morals, business experience, who is against abortion, and shares Christian conviction concerning homosexuality just because he is a Mormon.

    Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama — a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.

    I hope all Christians give their vote prayerful consideration because voting is a sacred privilege and a serious responsibility.

    Editor’s note: To clear up earlier confusion, the News-Leader has verified the letter writer is the mother of actor Brad Pitt and local businessman Doug Pitt.


  5. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Rock is right. Independence Day is for white people. Like mlk day is a day for negros.

  6. NTacoma8:18 PM

    Motherfuck Chris Rock.

  7. Truth is an ugly can of worms in ameriklan.

  8. George Mason9:23 PM

    Slavery? Yawn.

    So how long are you going to play the martyr for something you read about?

    You don't think anyone alive gives a shit about your claims do you? Have you tried approaching random people in America and tell them cause you read in a book someone who looks like you was a slave a long, long, long time ago that they owe you somethin? How did that work out for you?

    Now you slaves to the white man who keeps you poor and livin with a handout.

    News: Nobody owes you shit except your mama and your baby daddy.

  9. "William J. Collier, pastor of Church of God’s Chosen, is holding a Whites-Only conference in the good ole’ state of Alabama, and he’s not making any apologies for it"


    Ever notice it's always some junior high dropout inbred imbecile who has to sneak up on his own wife to get laid asserting white superiority?

  10. Billy Collier9:36 PM

    Go suck some more black dick, Whitey.

  11. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Field, "Anyway, I don't know exactly how much hate Chris experienced growing up, but unfortunately for him, he is about to experience it again."

    Dear Mr. Field, you will find the hatred Chris Rock experienced growing up and how he took it. The interview took place on "The Actors Studio", an excellent show. In some respects, it was depressing but also funny. In my opinion the entire interview was outstanding.

    Re: to your comment you will find it 14mins 50sec into the interview:

    depressed Negro

  12. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Truth is an ugly can of worms in ameriklan."

    What truth? Like black people are many times more likely to commit violent crimes? Or the average black IQ is under 85?

    Speak Truth to Power in BRA and y'all get called a raciss.

  13. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Chris remark is dead on right. The fourth celebrates Americas independance from the brits. But all immigrnts should observe it out of courtesy for the host country. The problem is that if the immigration was forced,that changes things a little.

    And how do the indians on the Rez feel about the fourth? :(

  14. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "William J. Collier, pastor of Church of God’s Chosen, is holding a Whites-Only conference in the good ole’ state of Alabama, and he’s not making any apologies for it"


    Ever notice it's always some junior high dropout inbred imbecile who has to sneak up on his own wife to get laid asserting white superiority?

    No. I never did. Tell us Mr Poverty Pimp livin off disability and taxpayers. Tell us all about HS dropouts and who makes up the majority of uneducated people in dis here wheelchair of a world?

  15. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Ever notice it's always some junior high dropout inbred imbecile who has to sneak up on his own wife to get laid asserting white superiority?

    projection much?

  16. Rodney King10:45 PM

    It appears then that the best way to attain status as a revered black figure is to get murdered by white people or become a professional racial agitator. Very few "greatest African-American" list include people who actually did something. White people make monuments to producers and innovators; black people make monuments for martyrs and rabble-rousers. Ostensibly, blacks have a far more limited class of individuals to choose from, the putative scientific or philosophical genius not exactly a common occurrence amongst blacks. But one imagines that the antagonistic nature of these glorified black figures reflects the primary motivation of the black collective. In almost all these cases, the prominent black figure does nothing but stick it to white people. Thus, blacks don't want to celebrate their own achievements, instead preferring to pay tribute to those who merely antagonize or undermine whites. In sum, it seems that the black conception of their own collective, founded more in hating whites than supporting their communities, is yet another unhealthy reality of modern black America.

  17. Anonymous10:56 PM

    A liberal is someone who drills holes in the bottom of the boat, pleased that the other passengers will drown, not realizing that he will drown first.

    Blacks bearing a racial grudge sure stuck it good to the white man by voting for Barack Hussein Obama. But they also stuck it good to themselves. Crushed by the Big Government boot on its neck, the economy was only able to create 80,000 jobs last month, probably not even enough to keep up with the undocumented Democrats pouring over the border.

    Hit hardest were the unemployed in the black community, where the unemployment rate increased from 13.6% in May to 14.4% in June. For black youths aged 16 to 19, the unemployment rate is now an astonishing 39.3%, up from 36.5% last month.

    These numbers do not include the millions who are underemployed or who have given up looking for work. Nor do they reflect Roberts’s catastrophic ObamaCare ruling, which will cripple businesses. Hiring of blacks and whites alike may have to wait until employers see if Romney can get in there and repeal the monstrosity.

    Drill liberals drill, there will have to be a few people tossed from the gravy boat so it doesn't sink.

  18. Anonymous10:57 PM

    MLK Day is for negros!? Martin Luther King would turn over in his grave at how black Americans are butchering his dream today. Oh...and by the way Martin Luther King was a Republican!!

  19. Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 200910:57 PM

    Mr. George Mason says: someone who looks like you was a slave a long, long, long time ago..

    Mr. Mason, my good man. I'd like to suggest a book to you. It's called Slavery By Another Name by Douglas Blackmon (a white man, not that it matters to me but judging by your tone i assume it may matter to you). There is a PBS documentary of the same name based on the book if you don't have time to read the book.

    Either way, the truth of the matter is that after the Reconstruction era a de facto slavery was in fact reinstituted all throughout the south and lasted until WWII. of course, it wasn't called slavery but the criminal justice system was used not to punish lawbreakers but PRIMARILY to create laws such as "vagrancy" (which held that if u could not prove your employment at any given point in time, which for a recently freed slave in a world without check stubs was nigh impossible save for a 'landowner' vouching for the slave) & using these laws to essentially round up former slaves en masse & force them to work on railroads, in lumber yards, on plantations, etc. In far too many cases working until an untimely death. Black folks were 40% of the southern population at that time & literally built much of the south & were given nothing in return. The elderly generation of African-Americans now in their 70s-80s would have been children during the waning years of this de facto slavery. Also, may I suggest a 2nd book (The New Jim Crow) by legal scholar Michelle Alexander [she (un)fortunately for you, is African-American] on the criminal justice system as a way of seeing that between WWII & now for too many black folks not much has changed.

    yours in truth,
    Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 2009

  20. D"Taryanne11:17 PM

    Maybe we need some of that "de facto slavery" again now.

    Freedom has failed.

  21. Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 200911:39 PM

    Mr. Rodney King says: "the putative scientific or philosophical genius not exactly a common occurrence amongst blacks"

    Mr. King, kind sir, a simple google search (keywords: black scientists list) seems to be all that is in order here to cure what ails (or irks) you. the lists u will encounter are by no means exhaustive but they are a good start. Genius by definition is a rare occurrence so it would not only be rare amongst blacks but any other grouping of people however u choose to stratify. Also, if you'll allow me, I'd like to make special reference to Charles R. Drew (as I will be giving a talk about him to children in my community nxt week). He was an African-American surgeon & researcher who was a pioneer in the fields of blood transfusions & blood banking. His work saved many American lives during WWII & helped found the Red Cross so if u know anyone who has ever had surgery or is the progeny of a wounded WWII (or any subsequent war for that matter) vet they owe him a personal debt of gratitude. I agree with u that many black folks certainly are the unsung heroes of American society, Mr. King, but do not allow your hatred (I'm assuming based on the tone in your reply) of African-Americans to prevent u from discovering the truth. Please forgive the excess verbiage, I intended this to be shorter. I'm still relatively new to this blog call-&-response thing.

    Yours in truth,
    Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 2009

  22. Rodney King11:54 PM

    Did Charles Drew “discover” (in about 1940) that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine? No!The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma’s advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions.

    Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma

  23. AFNMD c/o 200912:14 AM

    Mr(s). Anon @ 10:56pm says: "Hardest hit were the unemployed in the black community.."

    Mr(s). Anon, agreed. The POTUS' contempt for the black community is becoming more apparent to me as time passes. Allow me to quote the most recent reason why this is becoming more evident for me:

    "..during the speech in question [to the National Association of Black Journalists] Valerie Jarrett talked about Obama's 'genuine love for black people'. Tavis Smiley scoffed at this, considering that the president didn't attend the journalism conference & sent Jarrett instead (Joe Biden appeared there as well). 'what's fascinating about that to me, a few things: 1. that i've never heard the president say that. so to send a surrogate out to tell people he really loves you is fascinating for me if the President himself doesn't tell u that he loves you. You know that's like me sending you to tell my momma I love her.'"

    Though I supported Obama in 2008 (& truth be told he will be a personal hero of mine for as long as I live based largely on his accomplishment of winning the presidency) his apparent contempt for black folks is disillusioning given that Af-Ams support helped him win states he otherwise would have lost (e.g. North Carolina) on his way to winning the presidency.

    AFNMD c/o 2009

  24. Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma

    Put in half of the above sentence in Google and this is what pops up:

    With these authoritive sources, it's almost impossible to refute such damning evidence!!

  25. "What truth? Like black people are many times more likely to commit violent crimes? Or the average black IQ is under 85?"

    It's funny the sort of stuff some whites tell themselves about blacks. Gotta have some way to keep that smug/hate going,

    Those nice Christian Identity Ministries folks look so haggard and run-down. Decades of masking your hate in the name of Christ has to take a toll on one's looks, health, minds, etc.

    "A liberal is someone who drills holes in the bottom of the boat, pleased that the other passengers will drown, not realizing that he will drown first."

    Which sums up what the GOP is encouraging conservatives to do just to get back at Obama and those dastardly Demonrats. Note the GOP's doing it from their nice, shiny yacht. No way they're letting those conservatives drill holes in THEIR vessel.

  26. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Spin pink slime media spin! The so called “experts” at ADP predicted a June 2012 jobs gain of 176,000 new jobs. That turned out to be just a bit off, as only 80,000 new jobs were added in June. In fact, more workers joined the federal government’s disability program than actually got jobs in June. A total of 85,000 workers went on federal disability programs last month. Also, if you take into consideration the birth-death model, which approximates the amount of jobs gained through new businesses created too recently to be counted in the formal survey, the total amount of job losses in June of 2012 was 44,000. Don’t expect the pink slime media to mention these inconvenient facts though. Yet the corrupt Obama labor department managed to fudge the numbers enough where the unemployment didn’t change from 8.2%.

    Media spin should be kind of funny tonight. Thanks Obama voters!

  27. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Wow, such hatred towards us because we dare have our own opinons about certain matters. If we were jigging uncle toms who talk about our love for 'merica and how great it is they'd eat it up but how dare we have certain animosity towards a society that until recently treated us a second class citizens. Then again with so many racists here telling us how inferior we are in 2012 how can we not just want to join these guys and proclaim our love and unity with them.
    Average blah IQ is 85 ha! White IQ's must be underground because if the whites here and the ones I fly with are any indication there' a lot more dumb in white 'merica than they're letting on.

  28. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Also, funny how the dumbest/uglies/smelliest/goofiest.......white people somehow assume we would want to be around their asses in the first place. I remember some documentary in which they interview an overweight toothless white woman who said she wouldn't eat with a blah person. As if my educated, well mannered and good smelling ass would be caught dead with her fat Jaba the Hut looking self. White supremecy breeds mental illness but it does also bring humor. With racist goofballs like this pastor and your anons it's easy to point to them and remind your kids there is no such thing as white supremecy no matter how hard they try to get us to believe it.


  29. The Reckoning6:14 AM

    Now, Mr's again time for yor come-upppance

    Untill you can show me a similar website against black're just pissing in the wind. You, or no other "warriors" will read the Book, much less discuss the implications.

    I'm afraid theyre/s gonnn be a recckoning coming.


  30. d, what exactly will happen when that day comes? White folks will kick all those undesirable Negroes out of America?
    Please see what WC said about ignorant racist.

    BTW, I have read similar books, and I have discussed them at length. What's your point?

    PX@2:25, i am cracking up at that last line.
    I think Mr. Collier is the poster child for those of that ilk.

  31. You Hypocrites7:39 AM

    Where'd all you Nubian Queens &
    Mandingigo Warriors goo go?

    No refutation or counter sites to refute this?

    I'm waiting,,,,,,,,

  32. Uncle TomAYom7:45 AM

    Pilot X Said...

    "As if my educated, well mannered and good smelling ass would be caught dead with her fat Jaba the Hut looking self. White supremecy breeds mental illness but it does also bring humor. With racist goofballs like this pastor and your anons it's easy to point to them and remind your kids there is no such thing as white supremecy no matter how hard they try to get us to believe it.

    Mr educated, it's "Jabba"

    How about pointing out to your kids, how the kids of all other races don't go around wilding with such a huge proportion winding up in jail, on drugs, dropped out of HS, dependant on government programs, being baby mamas or run away baby daddies, instead of finding some "toothless idiot" or miscreant (look it up) that you feel superior to with your "ass that smells clean" and saying "look wees bettuh" obviously teaching them to hate.

    What a mind, almost childlike but with the addition of self loathing. Even a child can reason better than this.

    Didn't you say you were a guy who likes science? Good you will love this then.

    Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

    A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

    The paper, "Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability," by J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario and Arthur R. Jensen of the University of California at Berkeley, appeared with a positive commentary by Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware, three critical ones (by Robert Sternberg of Yale University, Richard Nisbett of the University of Michigan, and Lisa Suzuki & Joshua Aronson of New York University), and the authors' reply.

    "Neither the existence nor the size of race differences in IQ are a matter of dispute, only their cause," write the authors. The Black-White difference has been found consistently from the time of the massive World War I Army testing of 90 years ago to a massive study of over 6 million corporate, military, and higher-education test-takers in 2001.

    "Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on maternal education and other variables," said Rushton. "Therefore they cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect. That's why Jensen and I looked at the genetic hypothesis in detail. We examined 10 categories of evidence."
    The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture. Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S. and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa.

    Race Differences are Most Pronounced on Tests that Best Measure the General Intelligence Factor (g). Black-White differences, for example, are larger on the Backward Digit Span test than on the less g loaded Forward Digit Span test.

  33. Still Waitng.......8:15 AM

    I'm gonna go ride my Trail Bike aruond the Reservoir for a bit, need to burn the gas out. I'm still waiting to the counnter-site for this one, though:

  34. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Wow, such hatred towards us because we dare have our own opinons about certain matters



    You mean opinions?

    Educated? Not so much.

    Negros that live on the Democrat plantation have no opinions of their own. They are taught how to act, what to think, and attack anyone who dares to leave the plantation. fn. for example.

  35. Ernest T. Bass1:09 PM

    "The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture."

    I finally get it! IQ must test our propensity to commit human civil rights violations. Everyone would agree that Asia has been admonished for their crimes against humanity. And coming in a close second is 'merica...I'm just sayin'.

  36. White Hispanic4:05 PM

    "Also, funny how the dumbest/uglies/smelliest/goofiest.......white people somehow assume we would want to be around their asses in the first place"

    Blacks must want to be around whites, otherwise they wouldn't keep moving to white neighborhoods.

    Whites can't live around blacks because of the violence directed against them by blacks.

    Whites gave blacks the greatest cities in the world, and went out to the country to build new places the live.

    The blacks trashed the cities, then followed the white man out to his new suburbs, always with their hands out demanding more money.

    White people don't want to live with black people. It's not a white supremacy thing, it's simply a matter of survival. Blacks are violent, and they rob, rape and murder white people when they get the chance.

    As usual PX, you are full of shit. I wish you were right, and black people kept to themselves, built up their neighborhoods, and created viable communities. But they don't.

  37. Without July 4, 1776, December 6, 1865 wouldn't have happened."
    Does he perchance know WHEN the UK ended its practice of slavery?

    Mr. Field I am always amazed at your readers ability to use so many words and so many big words and so few facts.

    Facts never have played much into conversations about race have they?

  38. Bro X6:27 PM

    "Facts never have played much into conversations about race have they?"

    More today than ever, in Black Run America.

  39. WhiteDude6:41 PM

    I love when slavery is brought up. Whites and America didn't invent it, we ENDED it.
    Chris? You're free to go live away from all the white people you obsess about. Bye.

  40. Anonymous6:41 PM

    It's been a very long time since I've visited your blog... my, my, my what characters you have attracted. Awesome blog...

  41. Anon 111:51 AM

    Surely you know by now that most of the white people who come to this blog are racist. They certainly think that black people are "less civilized" than they are. Don't you see this by now?

    Why are you allowing these people to disrespect you in YOUR house? I've asked you this before. It makes you look weak. There is no good outcome for looking weak. Weak men are put down in this world and eventually eliminated. It's Darwin's law of 'survival of the fittest' in action.

  42. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Africans didn't STEAL Turtle Island, Europeans did. If Europeans are celebrating their independence from England, Ireland, etc., then 4th of July is an ex-European holiday. Thanksgiving too. Africans were forced here for their capability of tolerating the hot sun; you know, melanin and hair of wool. Better to pick yo' cotton and tobacco, Massa. Chris said nothing wrong. Truth is truth.

    Europeans if you'd pay Africans in this country for that 300 years of UNPAID labor, you'd have no "Blacks" to worry about except Adam West and the Pizza Man. Lack of funds is what keeps us here taking your racist bs day after day after day. Lack of funds leads to criminal, insane behaviour. Pay up, we'll be GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. I'm "white" and I don't hate Chris Rock. I think he's a freakin' genius, actually. And, well, sometimes us smart people get on a roll and we say something a tad dumb.

    Look, IF the Fourth of July WERE just for white people in some sense, then it would well behoove Americans to make damn sure that changed. That's evidently what the Navajo windtalkers understood pretty well. Their people got the royal shaft big time, but somehow some very noble souls among them found the ideals this country is SUPPOSED to represent important.

    A lot of black people and people of all colors have now died for this country and the ideals it stands for. So if it did once belong only to white people (it never did) then it's safe to say it doesn't anymore.

    The guy who said slavery existed for 2,000 years and in this country it lasted 100 had a valid point. Chris Rock also was attempting to make a valid point, too - at least I pretty much think so. He's a smart ass - it's what he does.

    Me, I'm into talking about things and kicking ideas around, too. So in my mind both Chris Rock and the "we ended slavery in 100 years" guy both have valid points. That's it. I mean, why do we have to reach some conclusion? There's no conclusion. The legacy of slavery exists AND this is a country that isn't ABOUT slavery anymore.

    It's a damn shame it ever existed here, but it did - but it doesn't anymore. ALL very good things to know.

    I don't know, maybe I'm just too forgiving of dumb shit. It was kind of a dumb thing to say. So? It's not like it's entirely unfounded. There were some folks in this country who had slaves early on. True fact. Black people were not treated unilaterally as free people or even human beings early on. Disgraceful . . . and a segue in to discussions about why and how it came to NOT be like that anymore.

    I would just say to Chris Rock he should honor the black people who have died to MAKE it their country, too. F*** living in the past AND f*** forgetting about it, too. It's not an either/or thing, imo.

    And that guy down in Alabama is stupid as f***. I think most of us know that.

  44. ANother White Guy1:38 PM

    A: The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 abolished slavery throughout the British Empire.

    Seems to me that slaves of African decent and the original Americans would have fared slightly better under British rule.

  45. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I don't see this as an uncomfortable truth. It is what it is so thank you Chris for having wished me well on that day. By the way, the holiday was not recognized for another 20 years after the declaration. Also, many black slaves fought for the British during the war of Independence, when the British lost, the former slaves were re-settled in what is now Sierra Leone. So there was actually some black participation in the war.

  46. Baseball, apple pie, and uncomfortable truths.

    Not sure the response Chris Rock expected, but I wonder if those criticizing his remarks feel the same as William J. Collier?

    Probably so.
