Thursday, July 05, 2012

"Chicken hawks" rising.

When are wingnut politricksters going to learn that they can't go off the FOX NEWS reservation and give television interviews?

Deadbeat Joe Walsh, a man desperately trying to save face after mocking the military service of a woman who lost both of her legs in combat, appeared on CNN with Ashleigh Banfield and made an absolute fool of himself. Dude came off as sexist and condescending, and he called the host by her first name in a school yard manner 93 times. Yes, 93! You can count them here.

I guess it is to be expected that Joe would resent the military service of Tammy Duckworth. There is nothing a wingnut hates more than someone who they consider to the left of them politically serving their country. Especially if they (the wingnut) have not. (See Flipper and all the males in his family) This runs contrary to their view of the world, and it confuses and bewilders them. "Only God fearing gun loving conservatives truly love this country enough to serve and give the ultimate sacrifice."  And yet, they will vote for a man who, when he had the chance to do so, did his best not to serve this great country.

"Though an early supporter of the Vietnam War, Romney avoided military service at the height of the fighting after high school by seeking and receiving four draft deferments, according to Selective Service records. They included college deferments and a 31-month stretch as a “minister of religion” in France, a classification for Mormon missionaries that the church at the time feared was being overused. The country was cutting troop levels by the time he became eligible for the draft, and his lottery number was not called.

...He said in 2007 — his first White House bid under way — that he had “longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam.” But his actions, Selective Service records and previous statements show little interest in joining a conflict that ultimately claimed more than 58,000 American lives.

....Critics note that the candidate is among three generations of Romneys — including his father, former Michigan Gov. George Romney, and five sons — who were of military age during armed conflicts but did not serve."

There is a name for guys like Flipper and Joe Walsh, and they have lots of company in the republican party.

*Pic from the




  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Please show me in your post bashing the lack of military service of Romney Obama's extensive military record and long distinguished service in uniform in every clime and place to this country. I'll wait. In the meantime, this bumbling fool with NO military experience or understanding of the military and complete lack of any intellect to fully comprehend the nuances of foreign policy has greatly expanded the war, authorized illegal and unethical drone attacks, approved of yet more rendition locations, and kept Gitmo humming happily along.

    There are many military people who are sick of Tammy Duckworth pimping her service. I'm sorry she lost her legs but it's not enough to vote for her. She, and those on the left, think it is. After all, what does the left have if not to appeal to guilt? It worked in 2008. Probably not in 2012, though.

  2. I'm a disabled combat vet I can trace the military service in my direct line back to the Continental Army in 1780-83, with subsequent service in almost every one of our country's fights by my grandfathers, father and myself. For all of it's many faults, I love this place and I'd do it all over again.

    Thanks for pointing out the chickenhawks Field, they rate the verbal tar & feathers.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Mr Field, a Mr PilotX called an Anon dumb and tried to shame him. I find that totally inappropriate and condescending. It is quite childish and racist on PX's part.

    Why do you allow such insulting jackasses on your blog? PX is a nothing but a black Joe Walsh. He should be banned from FN forever!

  4. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mr Field, a Mr PilotX called an Anon dumb and tried to shame him. I find that totally inappropriate and condescending. It is quite childish and racist on PX's part.

    Why do you allow such insulting jackasses on your blog? PX is a nothing but a black Joe Walsh. He should be banned from FN forever!

    Pile it X is funny, it's like the retarded kid riding the short bus saying oh yeah...well you stupid.
    I get a kick out of him when he tries to be intellectual and hasn't a clue so resorts to talking points he hears from other bright individuals like Schultz, Tingles and the all time rocket scientist Sharpton.

  5. D'Quarian X9:12 PM

    PilotX said...
    If I were that dumb I'd post under anonymous too.


    Unless you are Malcolm X's illegitimate son "Pilot", you do post under anonymous too, you dumbass.

  6. Colonel Corn9:16 PM

    "There is a name for guys like Flipper and Joe Walsh, and they have lots of company in the republican party."

    Unlike Barack Orambo, who called on his years of special forces training to single-handedly hunt down and kill bin Laden. And a couple of hundred civilian women and children drone victims.

    Hoo rah!

  7. Anonymous10:42 PM

    You know, there is something 'fishy' about this post. It just doesn't sound like something Field would write. I think someone else wrote it....think about it.

    It just doesn't seem to have that 'Field' flavor. Ok Field, come clean. Who wrote this post?

  8. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Jean LaCroix took advantage of a 17 year old he was supposed to protect.

    This took place in Florida. What is it about Florida that so much inhumane crap happens? There are some very sick folks down there.

  9. StillaPanther2@aol.com11:12 PM

    Brother Field.....I will hold any comments in regards to all these guys that are so willing to send some other parents kids to combat. This subject tonight gives me the opportunity to remind others that a new program is now in effect for un/under employed vets 35-60 for retraining to meet the needs of the nation in jobs/skills. If you know of ANY vet that is unemployed.....please have him/her look on the VA website to start the process. Oct.1 there will be about 30 something thousands billets to be had. President Obama was too young during the Vietnam war. I was 18 in 1969 and Bro Obama was 10. The draft age was the war was over when his age would have come up. I will say that I find it hard to respect a man when he is pro war when he is too old for service or he is willing to put my son in harms way and don't encourage his own. Now for the commenters that want to blast the way I feel.....I war there and will provide an Internet link.

  10. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Ahhhh, in exciting news - Liberal Academia has just concluded that Mermaids Do Not Exist.

    The article and study can be found on a NOAA webpage right under the Global Warming/Climate Change/Charge them all carbon credits and that will fix the fires in Haiti page.

    What has happened to our society? Idiocracy, when you dumb down the standards so the dumb feel "smurt" and can pur-tisiplate next thing you know Macho Camacho is elected President.

    Anyone for some brawndo, the thirst mutilator??

    Tests? What tests? Tests have a disparaging impact on the those taking the tests, they be expected to know shit and stuff and thats what the government is for - to think for you.

  11. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Do you ever fear being a mindless sycophant? It isn't normal to spew the same talking points that every other liberal news source is, unless you are also getting your talking points from the ObamaCampaign/MediaMatters Soros-sphere.

    My god you are a good little tyke taking orders and going with the themes so well.

    Sieg heil Mein Obama, you really are a slave on the white limosuine liberals plantation following the puppets play. Does thinking cause to much of a strain that you decided to become a puppet?

  12. Anonymous12:49 AM

    George Zimmerman will be out on bond soon - the Seminole County Sheriffs Dept lists him as pending GPS. Judge Lester is no longer so confident that the state's case is "strong". Zimmerman has $211,000 after significant dispersements already and much more will be raised to pay his expenses and his attorneys.

    Meanwhile, the donations page for Trayvon Martin has accumulated only $34,000 and struggling to gain traction.

    As Al Sharpton crowed when he thought Zimmerman had only raised $300, people are voting with their pocketbooks. It appears more people believe George's version of events over Sybrina Fulton's invention.

  13. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Anony at 12:10
    The sad part is, FN stated in 2008 he was going to hold Obummer accountable and call him out if he didn't live up to his promises or work on materially improving the lot of black people.

    Still waiting.

  14. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Obummer is the biggest chicken hawk there is. More soldiers have died on his watch than at the height of the conflict in 8 years under Bush. More innocent civilians have died, too. And the death toll of young people in the black community continues to be higher than combat deaths, yet Obummer has nothing to say about that.

    But either does FN.

    Given that there are a number of family members on active duty and in harm's way, I'll take Mittens over Obummer - ASAP, please.

  15. It's all empty f*cking talk from Repugs anyway. Ronald Reagan: Served his country in Hollywood. George W. Bush, part time reserve when he bothered to show up, "mission accomplished." Dick Cheney: multiple deferments. Only George H.W. knew what it was like to be shot at. Now the Repugs even put down John McCain. Look at how Al Gore & especially John Kerry were trashed.

  16. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Well, Michael Johnson let everyone know that he is a prejudiced ass when he said that he thought AAs had superior athletic genes to everyone else.

    The guy also has a superior moron gene, too. It's a shame that Field is so biased that he won't comment on such outrageous claims.

    BTW, did Johnson mean Jamaicans don't have the genes? That's depressing. Sorry, Field. I guess your fellow countrymen just can't cut it when it comes to sports.

  17. No,Obama did not serve. But I don't see him wanting to invade Syria and Iran like a certain presidential candidate. See it's like this, a chicken hawk loves wars and sending other people's children to die, they just won't go themselves.

    StillaPanther, thanks for that info, and thank you for your service.

    WC, thank you for your service as well.

  18. BARBBF6:59 AM



    This is a man who has enjoyed the fruits of America at the blood and expense of Black Americans and others, but who has paid virtually no dues.

    This is a man whose father had also enjoyed the fruits of university schooling in America but subsequently returned to his native Kenya.

    This is a man, who also like his father before him, neither served in a branch of the US military nor in any organization in America opposed to US military adventurism.

    This is a man who as a deeply corporate military industrial complex US Presidential candidate, has called for “unilateral” US military actions in other nations. [And why not? After-all, his father, himself, or his wife and children were not and will not be the ones killing and being killed.]

  19. Anonymous8:07 AM

    field negro said...
    No,Obama did not serve. But I don't see him wanting to invade Syria and Iran like a certain presidential candidate. See it's like this, a chicken hawk loves wars and sending other people's children to die, they just won't go themselves.

    StillaPanther, thanks for that info, and thank you for your service.

    WC, thank you for your service as well.

    No, He will just sit back and order anyone who he chooses killed with drones. Or go to war with countries supposedly by air to install a sharia law muslim brotherhood regime, without obtaining congressional approval/peoples approval. Put troops on the ground and lie to you about them being there and claim he isn't putting troops on the ground or providing weapons.

    Oh and his policies must work because Egypt is now forging strong ties with Russia/Iran.

    Iran continues to develop Nuclear missiles and there are NO talks scheduled.

    Obama is a Russians best buddy. Weak, incompetent and moronic. But, Putin you said if I took out the missile in Alaska and didn't put in defensives missiles in EU you would be nice and let people know I was a swell guy....

    Bumbling idiot. What else did he promise he would do for Putin he would do after the election once he did not have to worry about the wrath of the American people?

    Could it have anything to do with the massive Russian War games recently conducted off the coast of Alaska and energy supplies.

    I wonder what the upcoming war games (show of military strength) will mean, you know the ones that Russia/Iran/Syria/China are going to have off the coast of Syria?

    Bumbling incompetent boob.

  20. Anonymous9:00 AM

    So can someone tell me why Blacks act this way? Why would you get on a bus, start stealing, fighting, attacking?

    What kind of people do these things? Seriously what kind of people are Blacks?

  21. Anonymous9:00 AM

    So can someone tell me why Blacks act this way? Why would you get on a bus, start stealing, fighting, attacking?

    What kind of people do these things? Seriously what kind of people are Blacks?

  22. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Well broad unemployment rose from 14.8% to 14.9%. According to the household survey, jobs rose by 156,000 S/A and 1,387,000.

    Even with the Obama massaged numbers Unemployment is

    adult men 7.8%; adult women 7.4%; teenagers 23.7%; whites 7.4%; blacks 14.4%; Hispanics 11.0%. Asians 6.3%.

    Have you seen enough yet?

  23. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Seems the chicken hawks are feeling a little heat from your post, Field. In those glass houses with bloody floors, they must have a huge pile of rocks. They can try to change the direction, but the fact remains: chicken hawks (conservative / Republicans / Tea Party Fundamentalists) will always be the one to throw someone else's children into harm's way. The irony (look it up, creationists), is serving your country in the military instills an appreciation for our country and the strength to be found in our differences.
    Ah well, conservatives are going the way of the Dodo, so you can't blame them for being scared of change. They will always lose in the end.

  24. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Seems the chicken hawks are feeling a little heat from your post, Field. In those glass houses with bloody floors, they must have a huge pile of rocks. They can try to change the direction, but the fact remains: chicken hawks (conservative / Republicans / Tea Party Fundamentalists) will always be the one to throw someone else's children into harm's way. The irony (look it up, creationists), is serving your country in the military instills an appreciation for our country and the strength to be found in our differences.
    Ah well, conservatives are going the way of the Dodo, so you can't blame them for being scared of change. They will always lose in the end.

    Talk about wishful thinking, after this bout of unbridled liberalism the past four years you won't see liberals in positions of power until two generations from now when people forget what an unmitigated disaster liberal policies are, just like a dozen other times in US history. If conservatives lose, which they haven't obviously considering the U.S is a still a superpower and not just yet Somalia, the world will go hungry.

    Black Unemployment just jumped from 13.6% in May to 14.4% in June. For black youths aged 16 to 19, the unemployment rate is now an astonishing 39.3%, up from 36.5%from last month. More people are living on borrowed money then ever before in the history of this country.

    But don't worry, Obama has a plan, he has stopped deportations, thrown the doors open for all to come in and get work permits so the illegal aliens can take even more jobs away from Black Americans, even though they call themselves African Americans. OH yeah Obama also just added more waivers to no child left behind leaving 50% of states with no standards or reason to improve the nationwide black HS dropout average of 53%.

    Black people support this because they think that money tree will never stop growing and fill up the cards. They think they can "fight" for other peoples money if it ever stops. Uh-huh.

    Gotta love the idiocracy of it all.

    I say vote for Obama in 2012, let the country get so low that it will either be gone and then groups can seperate or it will get so bad you will never see or hear from a liberal again. We can send them all to the liberal flagship insane state of California and Blacks can work for illegal aliens there.

  25. Anon@9:00AM, I feel ya. Just yesterday one of them killed his own wife and two little children in Oregon of all places. Wait......never mind. It was one of dem white folks. :(

  26. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Come on Field! You're a man of intelligence and higher education, why do you want to stray off topic with a comment such as that? I know this is your 'sandbox' but I would have thought better of you. Besides, lets not open that can of worms.

  27. Not a can of worms; just humans (regardless of race) behaving badly. And yes, it's my "sand box", and sometimes I just feel like kicking a little sand. ;)

    You can't always let ignorance go unchecked.

  28. Anonymous2:37 PM

    field negro said...
    Not a can of worms; just humans (regardless of race) behaving badly. And yes, it's my "sand box", and sometimes I just feel like kicking a little sand. ;)

    You can't always let ignorance go unchecked.

    Heh, the man dying from leprosy says lets focus on that pimple on the other guys nose.

    I guess it's expecting a lot for someone to see the difference between crazy and an entire culture.

    Are there armed white men roaming the streets and randomly attacking blacks?

    Are there packs of young whites attacking blacks in and on public transportation/parks buses, trains, parks? Making any dark place uncivilized and unsafe?

    Is it almost inevitable that normally well behaved shows and holiday gatherings get shut down because of violence wherever blacks congregate, is that just people as well or is it "peeps"?

    From “Fights disrupt Albany fireworks” (July 4, 2012).

    "Albany Police suspended the July 4th fireworks show Wednesday night because they say a series of fights put families, who were there to enjoy a night of fun, in danger."

    From “Sources: 28 Arrested In Series Of Overnight Mob Attacks” (July 5, 2012).

    "Chicago - Sources say at least 28 people were arrested overnight for a series of violent attacks across the city, including 11 arrested for beating a man leaving the July 4th fireworks at Navy Pier.

    Among the victims was college student Brandon Trebbien, who was beaten and hit in the face by a group of juveniles near Dearborn and Huron streets just after 11 p.m. Wednesday night. Trebbien was leaving the city’s July 4th fireworks show at Navy Pier, which had just ended a short time before the attack.

    After beating Trebbien, the assailants ran off, but police caught 11 suspects.

    One of the teens allegedly resisted arrest, and punched and kicked several officers as he was taken into custody.

    That 15-year-old faces several juvenile charges, including one felony count of aggravated battery, two felony counts of aggravated battery to a police officer, and three felony counts of resisting arrest.

    One adult — 18-year-old Darnell D. Johnson, of the 11000 block of South Esmond Street — was charged with misdemeanor mob action.

    Nine other juveniles — a 17-year-old, six 16-year-olds, a 15-year-old, and a 14-year-old — were also charged with mob action.

    Sources told CBS 2’s Suzanne Le Mignot that 17 other people were arrested overnight for other mob attacks across the city.

    and so much more, What's ignorance?
    Expecting everyone to keep being politically correct and not mention the truth when things have gotten so bad.

    When people get on a bus they don't worry about the crazy guy who might go home and kill himself and his family. They do worry about the 4 black kids that just got on and can take whatever they like and act how they want because of what you taught them.

  29. parvenu3:14 PM

    Hey Field... I'm just curious. Does the state of Pennsylvania consider a Pennsylvania drivers license with photo sufficent ID for voting purposes? Or is a special photo ID issued by the state just for voting purposes the only accepted ID at the polls?

  30. Kingnut3:16 PM

    "They do worry about the 4 black kids that just got on and can take whatever they like and act how they want because of what you taught them."

    That's it exactly - we as a society have taught a generation of blacks that they are fully justified - even expected - to hold deep animosity towards whites and to express this anger through violence.

    They get this message in school, on TV, in the movies, from Organized Blackness and from their parents.

    Therefore any random white person is fair game.

    This revenge-based mindset with its entitlement to violence prevails among a majority of young blacks, not just the few who act on it. They are seeking revenge for something not done to them, against people who have no culpability.

    This misguided and pathological behavior is a direct consequence of liberal/leftist ideology. It is not some unfortunate byproduct of the fight for civil rights, it is a direct attack on American society promoted and abetted by the ruling white liberal elite.

    Black anger is a weapon of the left, and black violence is a tool of destruction. Who benefits from this mindset? One look around our cities will tell you it's not black people.

  31. Parrvenu, a driver's license is a sufficient form of Id.

    Kingnut, methinks you protest too much, and u watch way too many of those New Jack City type movies.

    Anon, I am far more worried about some lunatic with "Falling Down" issues than I am a group of unruly kids.

  32. The Michael Johnson program on Channel 4 last night was very interesting. He interviewed a number of scientists and tried to determine why all but one of the sprint finalists in the last olympic games were descended from slaves.

    As we know, African people have an advantage in explosive sports in that their muscles trigger faster than melanin-challenged athletes do. However, if that was the whole story, many sprint finalists would be Africans, and generally, they are not. The finalists are the descendants of slaves.

    The program suggested that the reason for this might be that those who survived the journey across the Atlantic (with typically 57% to 96% mortality rates) were those with the highest testosterone levels. Testosterone makes you feisty, you see.

    But there's more. Apparently, those slaves who were the most awkward, the most contrary, and the jsut plain nastiest were not delivered to the USA, where slave owners were quite picky on who they spent their $1300 on.

    Instead those nasty slaves were dumped in Jamaica.

    So Jamaicans are descended from those slaves who had the very highest testosterone levels, and were the feistiest, and most awkward of all. But of course that testosterone also made them the fastest.

    That's why Yohan Blake will win the gold medal in the sprint double at this summer's olympics, and why Usain Bolt will be the fastest silver medal winner of all time.

  33. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Anon, I am far more worried about some lunatic with "Falling Down" issues than I am a group of unruly kids.

    Ahhh, they are unruly kids. I see.

    To others they are lawless savages who maim, hurt, steal, hospitalize and terrorize innocent folk and seem to have no understanding of repercussion, law, living with others, not ruining their lives or having them ended abruptly for something utterly stupid. Where do these kids learn this stuff? What makes them turn feral as soon as they hit their teens? Is there no adult guiding them and taking responsibility?

    When have we seen a "falling down" issue aside from the movie? I honestly don't remember one, but if you are predicting these issues will start to happen , you are probably right. People are fed up with the loss of civilization and destruction and decay. Not being able to go to the park unarmed, leave your home without dogs and alarms, or to even think about riding public transportation. All you need is some person a little on the edge to get pushed a bit more to spark that "falling down" issue and they will retaliate with the same fervor that those "unruly kids" inflict upon others. I hope this never happens because then the black undertow will tout out it's woewees me - we are the eternal victims schtick and this could lead to even further seperation and disgust.

    If it is just unruly kids, why aren't there packs of unruly Jews? Hispanics? Koreans? Chinese? Japanese? White? Greeks, Polish, Italian youths? Why? What's the equation to this madness that gets worse with the years?

  34. Chin Tu Fat5:39 PM

    Instead those nasty slaves were dumped in Jamaica.

    So Jamaicans are descended from those slaves who had the very highest testosterone levels, and were the feistiest, and most awkward of all. But of course that testosterone also made them the fastest.

    That's why Yohan Blake will win the gold medal in the sprint double at this summer's olympics, and why Usain Bolt will be the fastest silver medal winner of all time.

    Wonderful, running quickly is an admirable talent.

  35. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Kingnut, methinks you protest too much, and u watch way too many of those New Jack City type movies.

    Kingnut, THANK YOU. You tell it like it is, not like imagined in Field's Field of Dreams. His liberal oblivion feeds the division, the attitudes, the entitlements and the violence.
