Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Giving them (the press) his ass to kiss. And more news from post-racial America.

Mitt would have been better off skipping this European trip and vacationing in the beautiful mountains of Utah this summer. Honestly, it has been one misstep after another.

And now for the latest:

"WARSAW, Poland - A Mitt Romney spokesman reprimanded reporters traveling with the candidate on his six-day foreign trip, telling them to "kiss my a**" after they shouted questions from behind a rope line.

As Romney left the site of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw and walked toward his motorcade parked in Pilsudski Square, reporters began shouting questions from the line where campaign staffers had told them to stay behind, prompting traveling press secretary Rick Gorka to tell a group of reporters to "kiss my a**" and "shove it." 

Wait, it gets better:

Gorka told reporters answering questions to "show some respect."
"This is a holy site for the Polish people," he added.

"We haven't had another chance to ask a question," one reporter noted to Gorka.

Gorka told another journalist to "shove it."

Show some respect for a holy site of the Polish people yet you curse at a reporter on that very site?  Amazing! [Source]

Mitt, please come home, it's clear that you and your peeps aren't cut out for this traveling stuff.

Meanwhile, back here on the home front, the racism chase continues.

Did you hear the one about the dude who walks into a motel room in Ohio,  turns on the television, and gets a wonderful message on his television that says "Hello nigger"?  Yep, it really happened. (You Negroes need to stay out of places like Motel 6)

Anyway, my man did as he was taught; he called the NAACP. Good luck with those year long free stays at Motel 6 my brotha. [Source]

Did you hear the one about the guy in Florida (Where else?) who shot the black dude in the head and was upset because "he had only shot a nigger"?

"Today's egregious Florida gun crime comes to you from Port St. Joe, where police say 59-year-old Walton Henry Butler shot a man in the head last night, then sat down and ate dinner while the victim lay bleeding at his door. Police say he was upset because "he had only shot a nigger."
The victim, 32-year-old Everett Gant, had gone to Butler's apartment to confront him about calling a child a "nigger" and making "several racial remarks to the black children in the apartment complex," according to the police report. Butler allegedly responded by shooting him in the face with a .22-caliber rifle.
After Walt Butler shot Everett Gant he stated he shut the sliding glass door with Everett Gant lying outside the door, called 911 then funished cooking supper, sat at the kitchen table and began eating.
When Sheriff Nugent arrived on scene he made contact with Butler by phone. Butler told him to come in he was eating dinner and had put up the gun. Butler was sitting at the table and acted as if it was an inconvenienced [sic] when he was asked to stand up and handcuffs were put on. He said he did not understand the problem he had only shot a nigger." [Source] 
Maybe that dark meat on the ground was making him hungry.
Anyway, the "nigger" will live. So unfortunately for Mr. Butler, unlike Mr. Zimmerman, he won't have all his pals sending money to a website to help him make bail.
Welcome back home to your post-racial America, Mitt.
*Second pic from theGrio.


  1. What's frighteningly clear is that Willard Robme's only concern about foreign policy is using it for his domestic electoral benefit. This isn't a foreign policy election like '04 or '80, I know, but serious people across the political spectrum are dyspeptic about what this says about our place in the world under a Rmoney presidency.

    Today the flagship Tory rag, The Economist, as good as endorsed Obama.

  2. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Field, has Obama ever miss-stepped, "one after the other?" Why do you continue to find fault with Romney while remaining mute about Obama's faults.

    Yet, you have the nerve to talk about Fox being unbalanced news.

  3. "Did you hear the one about the guy in Florida (Where else?) who shot the black dude in the head and was upset because "he had only shot a nigger"?"

    One less A-non in your blog comments.

  4. He must have forgotten it's 2012 and not 1962. I mean that is unless you have on a hoodie and Skittles then you're fine.

  5. I guess Mittens is doing everything he can to make you forget about his tax returns. Maybe he is kinda smart afterall.

  6. "Anyway, the "nigger" will live. So unfortunately for Mr. Butler, unlike Mr. Zimmerman, he won't have all his pals sending money to a website to help him make bail."

    I wouldn't bet on that.

  7. Anonymous12:42 AM

    "Today's egregious Florida gun crime comes to you from Port St. Joe, where police say 59-year-old Walton Henry Butler shot a man in the head last night, then sat down and ate dinner while the victim lay bleeding at his door. Police say he was upset because "he had only shot a nigger."

    Field, it fits in the way America is: the lives of Blacks are considered worth-less than anyone. In Florida, it seems to be quite common these days to shoot Blacks, esp bm.

    Do you think we will ever rebel on a national scale about being a man or will we remain silent as usual?

    You don't have to answer. I know the answer. MLK was the last bm willing to die for a cause he believed in. Those days are 'long gone'. We are nothing but a race of people scared for their lives today.

    It's depressing to be Black in America today. The days of "I Black and I'm proud" died with MLK, MalcolmX, and the Panthers

  8. Anonymous12:46 AM

    All of this racism and hate in post-racial America only proves that Obama is the cause of it. We MUST elect Romney if we are to have racial peace and harmony.

  9. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Palestinians -- that they have demonstrated "cultural" propensities that foul their own nest.

    Sound Familiar?

    Maybe what the media resent is the contrast Romney's trip makes all too clear: that, unlike Obama, he understands that the world consists of good actors and bad, that some nations deserve America's unwavering friendship - and some don't.

    That some will have America's back when it truly matters - and some won't.

    And that the difference matters.

    Certainly, he's not afraid to takes sides.

    America's bond with Israel is more than "strategic," Romney said in Jerusalem (calling it, without hesitation, Israel's capital). "It's a force for good in the world."

  10. Anonymous1:02 AM

    "Maybe what the media resent is the contrast Romney's trip makes all too clear: that, unlike Obama, he understands that the world consists of good actors and bad, that some nations deserve America's unwavering friendship - and some don't."

    Wow. That's deep. I have no come back. There's nothing to refute. I's hate to up against you. We black Dems are SO unready to deal with people like you....I mean, who do we have here to take you on? PilotX? Farley? Mack Lyons? PLEEEEZE!

    You're the best, Anon. And you keep the Anon Tradition of kicking ass on FN 'fresh'. You knocked this one out of the park.

  11. Anonymous1:05 AM

    depressed Negro, "It's depressing to be Black in America today. The days of "I Black and I'm proud" died with MLK, MalcolmX, and the Panthers"

    12:42 AM

    Field, don't you think it's about time that you do a piece about depression and PTSD in the black community?

  12. "Field, don't you think it's about time that you do a piece about depression and PTSD in the black community?"

    No, we have churches for that. :)

  13. "Field, has Obama ever miss-stepped, "one after the other?" Why do you continue to find fault with Romney while remaining mute about Obama's faults."

    Because he makes it so easy for me.

  14. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Field, it angers me every time I read news on the racism chase blotter.

    Nevertheless, it is needed.

    Keep up the good work.

  15. Anonymous6:15 AM


    Your coffee mug link appears to be broken:


  16. BARBBF7:12 AM

    FN asks: Did you hear the one about the dude who walks into a motel room in Ohio, turns on the television, and gets a wonderful message on his television that says "Hello nigger"? Yep, it really happened. (You Negroes need to stay out of places like Motel 6)

    I ask: Did you hear the one about 30,000 Black Libyans dead? Yes...this really happened thanks to Obama's support of the NATO invasion of Libya with the $$$$ of US taxpayers and hundreds of predatory drones used to incinerate thousands of Libyan men, women and children.

  17. Anonymous7:36 AM

    BARBBF said...
    FN asks: Did you hear the one about the dude who walks into a motel room in Ohio, turns on the television, and gets a wonderful message on his television that says "Hello nigger"? Yep, it really happened. (You Negroes need to stay out of places like Motel 6)

    I ask: Did you hear the one about 30,000 Black Libyans dead? Yes...this really happened thanks to Obama's support of the NATO invasion of Libya with the $$$$ of US taxpayers and hundreds of predatory drones used to incinerate thousands of Libyan men, women and children.

    Were those Libyans really people? I thought everyone was here for my use and or to give me votes - -

  18. Farley8:23 AM

    "he understands that the world consists of good actors and bad"

    LOL! Well, when you anonyf*ckedupinthehead bad actors are gone, this country and this world will be a much better place ;).

  19. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Farley said...
    "he understands that the world consists of good actors and bad"

    LOL! Well, when you anonyf*ckedupinthehead bad actors are gone, this country and this world will be a much better place ;).

    Hey good morning flea brain. Hot damn you are laughingly stupid.

    Your fat ugly exterior has made you a brutally hateful thing. Have you always hated yourself this deeply?

    I'm sorry that you were cursed with blubber and shit for brains. Well, not really but at least we know without a shadow of a doubt why you are a liberal.

    Why don't you give your life some purpose instead of just leeching off others and go to Palestine and become a jihadist, put someone elses money where your big sloppy mouth is. I am sure they could piece together 2 or 3 of those liberal vests for you to wear and cover that whale hide...with your being a liberal I kinda doubt you have the courage to actually do anything Yourself, but maybe you can get a few more free meals out of it before you start blaming them for your failures and or eat all their food. You will fit right in, you can join the ranks of those on Global and Israeli welfare.

    Ta-Ta Two Tons

  20. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Cut Farley some slack he is obviously on mental disability.

  21. Anonymous8:43 AM

    You will fit right in, you can join the ranks of those on Global and Israeli welfare.

    Anon you are hilarious telling the Fat Chick Farley that she will fit right in LOL into what a circus tent?

  22. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Are all the of the anonyasses the same person shitting out of their mouth?

    Although there are one or two cogent anonymous posters on here, you are not it.

  23. Coconut Head9:44 AM

    White dude should have known better than to shoot him in the head.

  24. obama the arms merchant10:06 AM

    Democrats amd field have found so little fault with Romney that now they're forced to repeat marginally rude remarks made by people who are not Romney.

    So, if you clowns believe Romney should maintain total and complete control of the mouths of people on his campaign staff who are dealing with the contstant headaches created by zealous reporters, then you must surely believe Obama should exercise some control of his Justice Department and Eric Holder, who engaged in a program to provide guns -- assault weapons -- to Mexican drug gangs.

    However, it seems that in your bizarro world a Romney staffer who says "kiss my ass" to a reporter is a criminal while an Attorney General who covers up and hides after his department is found to be selling guns to murderers is a swell guy.

    Given that America's gun problem is the result of illegal gun sales to criminals, you would hope the president would stand firm on the enforcement of existing gun laws rather than actually allowing the top government lawyer to actually sell guns to some of the most murderous criminals in North America.

  25. cement head10:13 AM

    Coconut Head said...
    White dude should have known better than to shoot him in the head.

    No way. The white shooter knew his target. The shooter wanted only to warn the victim, and did so by bouncing a bullet off his head.

    If the shooter had wanted to cause more serious injury he'd have forced the victim to appear on Jeopardy.

  26. Farley10:17 AM

    Oh, the game Bush started playing when he was running things? Yeah, why didn't anyone complain about that then?

    Then again, why don't some of you people start complaining on your own blog?

    There is really something missing about Romney that he won't even let his jockstrap holders know about. But yet there they are holding it so tightly the man can't even think straight. It's all they have.

  27. Field, these double-barreled posts leave almost TOO much to comment on, but the Mitt story: I first saw the "Kiss my a**" item on NBC Nooz with Brian Williams and they bleeped that entire part, leaving only "show some respect. This is a holy site for the Polish people." Illustrates how completely informed Mr. and Mrs. Post-racial can be if they depend on the MSM for the story...

  28. obama in chains10:25 AM

    Both candidates have made telling remarks.

    Obama said to successful creators of businesses: "You didn't built that."

    Romney said:

    'I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things."'

    Obama believes the individual is incapable of much and needs a government for support.

    Romney believes individuals can accomplish anything, especially when their belief system -- their culture -- inspires them.

  29. Farley10:31 AM

    "Obama said to successful creators of businesses: "You didn't built that.""

    Which, prior to that sentence he said everyone helped in building the infrastructure so that a person could create a business. That is the "that" of which he was speaking.

    Mitt Robme looks over at a city and tells his welfare friends that they do a better job at taking welfare than even he does.

  30. Farley10:38 AM

    And by *friends* I mean the people that he calls friends yet they deny barely having even known the guy.

    Yes, truly bizarre.

  31. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Farley said...
    "Obama said to successful creators of businesses: "You didn't built that.""

    Which, prior to that sentence he said everyone helped in building the infrastructure so that a person could create a business. That is the "that" of which he was speaking.

    Mindless Obamabot, he never said that at all. You are watching to Much madcow and tingles, this is what he said you flubbering fallicious liar.

    "If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said at the time. “If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

  32. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I've always said that whiteness is a mental defect. I see that I was not wrong.

  33. Anonymous12:20 PM

    diaryofanegress.com said...
    I've always said that whiteness is a mental defect. I see that I was not wrong.

    Nah shawty stupid aint normal you is confuzed wit what is a defect and who gots it

  34. Foghorn Leghorn12:28 PM

    " diaryofanegress.com said...
    I've always said that whiteness is a mental defect. I see that I was not wrong.

    11:46 AM"

    Yeah, I'm about to go to Popeye's, and get some your brilliant cousins to fix me some yard bird for lunch.

  35. Farley12:37 PM

    Foghorn Leghorn said...

    "Yeah, I'm about to go to Popeye's, and get some your brilliant cousins to fix me some yard bird for lunch."

    You go boy - me I have been eating chicken all day, Chik-Fil-A has an awesome menu

  36. Farley1:00 PM

    "Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that."

    Right there, Retardanonymous@11:28.

    He said somebody invested in roads and bridges and if you've got a business you didn't build that, that meaning the roads and bridges. Everyone had a hand in building those.

    So, Retardanonymous@11:28, stfu and learn how to fucking read, red, taker-state educated dumbass.

  37. Whoever stole my name can go to hell, eat shit and die. I didn't write this:

    "Farley said...
    Foghorn Leghorn said...

    "Yeah, I'm about to go to Popeye's, and get some your brilliant cousins to fix me some yard bird for lunch."

    You go boy - me I have been eating chicken all day, Chik-Fil-A has an awesome menu

    12:37 PM"

    Sorry anonymous bastards, too lazy to even pick a name, even a fake one, then writes in as someone else. FUCK YOU.

  38. Fuck chikenshit-fil-a, too.

  39. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Farley said...
    "Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that."

    Right there, Retardanonymous@11:28.

    He said somebody invested in roads and bridges and if you've got a business you didn't build that, that meaning the roads and bridges. Everyone had a hand in building those.

    So, Retardanonymous@11:28, stfu and learn how to fucking read, red, taker-state educated dumbass.

    So slow, so fat, so stupid Farley said..

    Two seperate sentences

    "He said somebody invested in roads and bridges" thats right we did, we the taxpayer and fees levied on autouse paid for it. Not big government and it was built by contractors - small businesses.

    Then he says
    "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

    We know exactly what he meant and what socialist miscreants like you think. Somehow you think you have the right to demand what others earn by claiming they didnt do it and you did. Forget it Niqjab boy. If it were that easy you would have a business and not be a leech.

  40. Foghorn Leghorn1:12 PM

    Chick-Fil-A is making a fortune right now. Wish they sold stock.

    They don't need your faggoty business anyway, BarFarley.

  41. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Farley said...
    Fuck chikenshit-fil-a, too.

    What a rocket scientist this fat white chick is, holy dumbasses.

    Oh and the person who used your name said "you didn't create that" so go fuck yourself. If everything of someone elses is yours than everything of yours is someone elses, except for the rolls of blubber you can keep them lardass - did you find that jelly doughnut from last year yet? Try lifting the roll of fat on the right.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous = retard.

    We're all socialists to a degree, retard. I bet your retarded self thinks you were conceived and born without a mother or father.

  44. "There is really something missing about Romney that he won't even let his jockstrap holders know about. But yet there they are holding it so tightly the man can't even think straight. It's all they have."

    Seriously, if your tax returns are so bad that Sarah Palin gets picked over you something is SERIOUSLY wrong.

  45. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Farley said...
    Anonymous = retard.

    We're all socialists to a degree, retard. I bet your retarded self thinks you were conceived and born without a mother or father.

    Oh my god, what an idiot. You really have replaced the family with big government. So you see your monthly charity check as funds from your parents and daddy Obama and not conscripted levy on the productive? Really, you have to be in grade school to be spouting this inane bullshit that you clearly can't even grasp.

    Yes, I had a mother and father and neither one of them worked for the government you simple minded fool.
    and neither one of them believed in the advocation that all production and distribution should be regulated by the government or that capitalism should overthrown to make a socialist marxist state (this doesnt normally work well, so far millions died in socialist failures)

    Last and most important point is that fuckwaddles like you don't get is, there is no charity in socialism. From each according to abilities to each according to his needs. Under socialism you will not be sitting at home recieving charity from my picked pocket, you will produce for the common good or be absorbed.

    I want to call you a useful idiot but you aren't even smart enough to be useful.

  46. ToeKnee Rezko1:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    "There is really something missing about Romney that he won't even let his jockstrap holders know about. But yet there they are holding it so tightly the man can't even think straight. It's all they have."

    Seriously, if your tax returns are so bad that Sarah Palin gets picked over you something is SERIOUSLY wrong.

    Could be, maybe his mother was a S+M porn star and he was sired by an avowed communist out of wedlock and had his vacation trips, education and home funded by Iraqi, Pakastani Muslims and Syrian Mob bosses.

    You never know.

  47. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Heartbreaking News for dinky lickers.

    Wait - anti butt pirates speaking against a black president - based upon all moonbat standards this is racist!!!

    “The time has come for a broad-based assault against the powers that be that want to change our culture to one of men marrying men and women marrying women,” said Owens, in an interview Tuesday after the launch event at the National Press Club. “I am ashamed that the first black president chose this road, a disgraceful road.”

    At the press conference, Owens was joined by five other black regional pastors and said there were 3,742 African-American pastors on board for the anti-Obama campaign.

    When asked at the press conference for specifics about the campaign – funding, planned events and goals – Owens said only that the group’s first fundraiser will be on August 16 in Memphis, Tennessee. But Owens insisted that “we are going to go nationwide with our agenda just like the president has gone to Hollywood.”

  48. Refucktardymous@1:44 PM, how sad you have to explain, defend your life, how you live, whatever to total strangers to get attention.

    What a sad, soul. Bless your heart!

  49. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Farley said...
    Refucktardymous@1:44 PM, how sad you have to explain, defend your life, how you live, whatever to total strangers to get attention.

    What a sad, soul. Bless your heart!

    Oh you poor poor lard ridden leech, you really think someone answering you and saying they had parents and that they werent leeches like you is sharing with you? HA-HA. I guess you hide the very personal facts of not having parents and living off others. Did you know your parents?

    When someone is normal they aren't defending themselves against your abnormality you fag hag, being normal and able to hold your head high as a producers isn't defending yourself against a chick with a dick leech.

    By the way, what grade are you in? IQ around 65 or so?

    Later Willy it aint all free.

  50. "hold your head high as a producers"

    Keep telling yourself that. At least one person will believe it.

  51. Farley3:15 PM

    Dam it, I lost my place in line at Chick-Fil-A and every single one is packed to the gills all over the country with fucking retardabreeders!!!

  52. Colonel Sanders3:19 PM


    I'm happy to see you supporting Chick-Fil-A, especially seeing as how you're a fudge-packing Rump Ranger yourself.

  53. Yep, it's "celebrate your bigotry day at Chik-fil-a". Make sure you freaks eat plenty and every day. You'll die sooner and we 'producers' won't have to support you anymore.

  54. Two Chicken Fister4:13 PM

    Farley we are proud of you for not letting your intolerance and ignorance of the beliefs others stop you from fillin up at Chick-Fil-A. Were you able to find someone else like you to sneak in line or did the shaving your legs and wearing a dress plan work out for you?

    I know you won't eat anything with the name Breast in it as they remind you of your man boobs, but have you tried the "fruit cups"? I bet you did!

  55. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Farley said...
    Yep, it's "celebrate your bigotry day at Chik-fil-a". Make sure you freaks eat plenty and every day. You'll die sooner and we 'producers' won't have to support you anymore.

    I agree, you celebrating your bigotry of normalcy and not accepting someone having a view different than the warped sick one that you have, is taking place today.

  56. He Was A Good Boy4:34 PM

    I'm sure this little angel from Philadelphia was an angel & honor roll student:


  57. Rue Paul4:53 PM

    Farley said...
    Yep, it's "celebrate your bigotry day at Chik-fil-a". Make sure you freaks eat plenty and every day. You'll die sooner and we 'producers' won't have to support you anymore.

    Shhh Farley, don't tell your insane clown posse pals but suckin on sausage vs having chicken filets is much more unhealthy for you. They fill those sausages with all types of hormones like aids and stuff.

    Oh and creating a really impressive log after you ate on someone else's dime all day, doesn't make you a producer. Besides we know you try and put it "behind you" but you are definitely a taker and not a giver.

  58. The tax-return issue is especially harmful because he looks shifty, like he has something to hide. His worry that his critics will use them to embarrass him, while understandable, is of no consequence to the American public. They are asked to produce multiple years of tax returns for plenty of things less important than the privilege of being president of the United States. Romney is asking the American people to trust him with their lives and livelihood. The least he could do is be transparent about his finances.

  59. Well said, PilotX.

  60. Keracker5:30 PM

    The latest Media Matter campaign (which Field dutifully parrots) to portray Romney's trip as a 'disaster' is pathetic and underscores the desperation of the Obama campaign.

    Saying it was "somewhat disconcerting" that the British Olympic committee couldn't hire all the security personnel it had planned is some kind of major gaffe? Like giving the Queen an ipod loaded with his own speeches and a bunch of DVD's she couldn't play? Like trying to propose a toast to the Queen during the playing of the British national anthem?

    I think the Brits will greatly prefer President Romney to the current narcissist in chief.

  61. I see that they are running specials on Internet connections today at the ole trailer park. :)

  62. Keracker5:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    The least he could do is be transparent about his finances

    Yes, becasue transparancy is so important when evaluating a candidate for Presdident.

    Obama has spent millions of dollars in legal fees having all records pertaining to his past sealed. It took him three years to cough up a computer-generated birth certificate. All of his school records, his membership in the socialist New Democrat party, his work with ACORN, his realationships with Farrakhan and Ayers, the financial transactions surrounding the purchase of his Chicago mansion, even the marriage certificates and divorce records for his parents are missing, as are the records for his grandparents! His passport records were tampered with in early 2008.

    But to you, it's more important to rip Romney for being rich.

    Liberalism is a mental disease.

  63. American Revival6:54 PM

    Just finished dinner from Chik-fil-a. It was delicious, really. I had never been there, but decided to patronize them today. The line went around the block, but it was worth it. I will definitely be back.

    I guess the thought-police boycott has backfired.

    How insane have liberals become when expressing support for traditional marriage and families is now decried as bigotry?

    The democrat party and its brand of liberal fascism are going to be swept away in an electoral tsunami this November.

  64. Prince Charles7:05 PM

    Mitt Romney correctly alleged that the Brits were not quite ready for the Olympics. He then compared Jewish culture to the Palestinian culture of death. For this he is lectured by the media for being a walking gaffe machine.

    It’s not like Mitt just pissed off every business owner in the country like Barack Obama by telling them "you didn't build that".

    These media cranks are shameless.

  65. Liberals believe that blacks do the things they do, not because they are moral creatures with their own thoughts and desires, but because they are acted on by whites. This belief is SO ABSURD that any contradictory thoughts must be constantly repressed, lest reality break out.

    If blacks’ victim status is allowed to be questioned in any way, it will soon become apparent that they are responsible for their own behavior and their own outcomes; which means that white racism is not the cause of blacks’ dysfunctions and failures; which means that the entire liberal edifice, founded on white guilt, collapses and our civilization will have a chance to save itself.

    As the internet age continues to erode the control of information exercised by the liberal media and education establishment, this collpase becomes inevitable.

  66. Hannon7:21 PM

    If it is true that blacks are a sacred class of people as far as how society demands they be treated by whites, i.e., as a permanently privileged underclass, and that any reference to blacks by whites that is other than supportive will not be tolerated, and blacks are furthermore dependent upon wealth redistribution from whites, doesn’t this mean that whites have completely taken over all social responsibility for blacks?

  67. Anonymous7:24 PM

    All this hatred is eating this country up. Europeans should have really stayed in Europe. It's too bad the African was thrown in the United States to live with the likes of Whites to always be classified as lesser than. We didn't need this jazz and neither did they. It's really terrible. No words to describe this racial mess. It's hard to like each other going through this for 400 years. Really hard!!!!!

  68. "All this hatred is eating this country up"

    That was the liberal (communist) plan form the start.

    It worked.

  69. "doesn’t this mean that whites have completely taken over all social responsibility for blacks?"

    Yes, so come plan my evening for me.

    "But to you, it's more important to rip Romney for being rich.

    Liberalism is a mental disease."

    Don't know exactly how you get me ripping Romney because he's rich from the fact he needs to show us he's not hiding anything but carry on. And I'm the one with a mental disorder? At least I don't have a reading comprehension problem like most conservatives.

    "It took him three years to cough up a computer-generated birth certificate."

    Because no one but tea baggers doubted the FACT he was born in Hawaii but if you wanna play false equivalencies go right ahead.

  70. he is or he doesn’t want Americans to know who he is....What are the three defining things of Mitt Romney’s personal and political life? They’re actually three M’s....The first “M” is Mormonism. He’s proud to be a Mormon but can’t embrace it too closely for a lot of different reasons. The second “M” is money. He is a money man. He’s done extraordinarily well. Talk to Democrats. Talk to people that worked alongside him....They will tell you. He did great work setting up Bain Capital. But he’s sort of afraid to go there. And then the third is Massachusetts. He doesn’t want to talk about his Massachusetts record because he was basically the godfather, at least intellectually, of Obamacare.

    When you can’t talk about who you are, when you can’t talk about what you believe, when you can’t talk about the core of what you have been over five decades, then you’ve handcuffed yourself and you’re not going to be able to do what you need to do to win elections. I think that’s his biggest problem, not just a failure to communicate, but the failure to embrace his own biography....

    Because he can’t talk about who he is or what he believes — if he truly believes in anything — people don’t trust him. They don’t have a favorable view of him. They don’t think he understands them. And as the Quinnipiac-New York Times-CBS News poll of likely voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida makes clear, they don’t think he cares about the needs and problems of people like them. Until Romney is more comfortable with himself, he won’t be credible to enough voters to feel comfortable putting him in the White House.

    By Jonathan Capehart | 04:11 PM ET, 08/01/2012

  71. Pilot X said....
    "And as the Quinnipiac-New York Times-CBS News poll of likely voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida makes clear, they don’t think he cares about the needs and problems of people like them"

    The Quinnipiac-New York Times-CBS News poll seeks to make that impression, but their methods are pure propaganda. The survey shows Obama up 6 in Ohio and Florida and 11 in Pennsylvania. These are all bigger margins than Obama received when he won all three states in 2008:

    Florida (+2.8%)
    Ohio (+4.7%)

    It seems unlikely that Obama would be doing better in these states than he did 4 years ago. If you look at page 9 of the detailed results provided by the pollster (now linked to the New York Times and CBS for these state polls), you get the answer for the odd results:

    Those surveyed revealed who they voted for in 2008. Here are the results by state (Page 9):

    Florida: Obama 53%, McCain 40% (+13)

    Ohio: Obama 53%, McCain 38% (+15)

    Pennsylvania: Obama 54%, McCain 40%. (+14)

    In other words, the bias towards Obama voters is 10% in Florida and Ohio, and 4% in Pennsylvania, compared to how people actually voted in these states in 2008. These results are as valuable as the media that sponsored them. It is a shame that Quinnipiac, which was once respected, has thrown in with the propagandists.
