Monday, July 30, 2012

Mitt keeps stepping in it, and T.J. is a victim of DWB.

Mitt Romney is at it again. He raised over a million dollars at a fundraiser in Israel, but the real news from that meeting was his foot in mouth moment about the income disparity between the Israelis and Palestinians.

Mitt originally didn't want the press to attend the meeting, and now we can see why.

"Mitt Romney ended his trip to Israel on a controversial note, angering Palestinian officials by suggesting Israelis have been more economically successful because of their culture.

'As you come here and you see the GDP per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000 dollars, and compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality,' Romney told a group of Jewish donors at a Jerusalem fundraiser that netted more than $1 million for his campaign.

The Republican candidate told supporters he began noting "enormous disparities" between neighboring countries during his time in the business world and cited a 1998 book, "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations" by David Landes, which studied why some countries did better than others.

"He says if you could learn anything from the economic history of the world it's this: Culture makes all the difference,' Romney told supporters. 'And as I come here, and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things."' [Source]

Yes, because we all know that those Jews just love money.

"The “culture” argument doesn’t merely imply that poorer economies somehow deserve their fate due to an inferior value system. It makes generalizations about the characters of both populations. Abraham Diskin, a political scientist professor from Tel Aviv pointed out, 'You can understand this remark in several ways. You can say it’s anti-Semitic. ‘Jews and money.’” [Source]

So culture is now the determinative factor in how much money we make or have? Hmmm, tell that to those Muslims in the UAE, Oman, or Kuwait. I suspect that natural resources has a lot to do with it as well.

Finally, Mrs. Field will be glued to the television for the next few minutes. T.J. Holmes, formerly of CNN and now BET, tweeted that he was pulled over for driving while black in Atlanta,("driving while black ain't no joke") and he is appearing on MSNBC to tell his story. This has to do with a lot of questions that have been going around about a post racial America, lately. Different folks have been weighing in on this issue, and the general consensus is that things have actually gotten worse on the race front since a certain beige guy took office in the White House.

"Former CNN anchor T.J. Holmes was pulled over a mile away from his Atlanta home Monday morning and quickly took to Twitter to document the entire ordeal.

The television personality tweeted a picture of a cop car in his side mirror with the caption "Driving while black ain't no joke."

Holmes did not mention that one of the officers who pulled him over was black.
The 34-year-old did say, however, that one of the officers, though he did not specify which, struggled to give an explanation for why he was pulled over.
"This is a damn shame. Officer is literally stumbling over his words trying to explain why he stopped me," Holmes tweeted.

Holmes returned to the micro-blogging site minutes later, telling his nearly 50,000 followers that the officer said he "wanted to make sure [Holmes] had insurance on the car." [Source]

When are folks going to learn that self- hating black folks (also known as slave catchers) can be worse than the man when it comes to stepping on the necks of us black folks?

Anyway, I hope that this is not a stunt by T.J. to promote his new show. Although I doubt than in this case it would be possible to do that. My man would have to have the Atlanta police department in on the scam with him, and I honestly don't think that would ever happen.

T.J. now says that he is having second thoughts about going public with his ordeal. He has been getting a lot of both positive and negative feedback, and he has been called a racist and the "the N word" for putting the po po on blast on  twitter.

Hang in there T.J., and remember, always keep your insurance card, registration papers, and driver's license close by.


  1. Mittens is one weird dude. The more he speaks the more everyone is left scratching their heads. What's his deal with saying anyone who doesn't try to get every deduction they possibly can isn't qualified to be president? That is one strange cat.
    TJ was on point. The biggest problem with the discussion about race is that most blah people and white folks is that we don't agree what the definition of racism is.

  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Field, I appreciate this post, esp about TJ Holmes. It proves my point:

    "It's depressing to be Black in America."

    depressed Negro

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    What, pray tell us, might constitute a definition of "racism"? Is racism perhaps the actions, beliefs, practices, and policies that are determined by one's own ethnocentrism; a group's love-affair with its own ethnicity? It is difficult to cull and differentiate "racism" and its twin, "tribalism" from bigotry.

  4. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Field, "Mitt Romney ended his trip to Israel on a controversial note, angering Palestinian officials by suggesting Israelis have been more economically successful because of their culture."

    For the life of me I don't see anything wrong with what he said. Israelis ARE econonmically more successful than the Palestinians. What is wrong with the Truth?

    I am getting sick and tired of you folks beating up on Romney, hoping it will help Obama. IT WON'T!!

  5. "T.J. Holmes, formerly of CNN and now BET, tweeted that he was pulled over for driving while black in Atlanta"

    Atlanta has been run by blacks for 40 years. black mayors, black councilmen, black police chiefs.

    I guess it takes a thief to know a thief.

  6. "Atlanta has been run by blacks for 40 years. black mayors, black councilmen, black police chiefs."

    Yes, but it's still in Georgia.

    Couple of points: Holmes actually lives in a suburb of Atlanta, and the cop who gave him the third degree was white.

    But that's just the facts. I hate to ruin your rant with facts.

    Carry on.

    "TJ was on point. The biggest problem with the discussion about race is that most blah people and white folks is that we don't agree what the definition of racism is."

    That's actually a good point.

  7. "Mitt Romney ended his trip to Israel on a controversial note, angering Palestinian officials by suggesting Israelis have been more economically successful because of their culture."

    Hey someone needs to shut this Romney guy up. Certain topics need to be avoided at all costs.

    Let's all just focus on all the great things President Obama is giving us. Yay Democrats!

  8. field negro said...
    "Atlanta has been run by blacks for 40 years. black mayors, black councilmen, black police chiefs."

    Yes, but it's still in Georgia.

    Couple of points: Holmes actually lives in a suburb of Atlanta, and the cop who gave him the third degree was white.

    Why is it T.J. Holmes, and any other black person who can afford it, keep following white people wherever they go? Blacks took over Atlanta 40 years ago, and the whites left it (and lots of other cities, some of the greatest cities in the world) to rebuild new places to live out in the surrounding farmlands.

    But the blacks always follow, and ruin these places too. And the whites give them those towns and move out to build new ones. And so on, and so on. (Thus the horrendous traffic around Atlanta).

    If whites are so mean and discriminatory, why don't the blacks let them go and just enjoy all the infrastructure the whites left behind?

  9. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Brotha Field, I hate to admit it but "culture" has a lot to do with success. As a matter of fact, one could argue in America it is everything.

    Let's face it. Because of the White culture, they still dominate today. I hope and pray we will learn from their culture and adopt it as our own cause our culture needs an upgrade.

  10. Anonymous10:22 PM

    anon10:18p-you hit the nail on the head. Romney is absolutely right. He spoke the truth. The problem is some left FN Negroes like Field can't handle the truth.

  11. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Now why would Blacks in the US side with an enemy of our Ally? Oh yeah, Murderous Islam and the Left; hating the rest of us is something they have in common.

    Palestine is a welfare state that Israel feeds and also survives on the contributions of the world. In 2006 they recvd $447,193,331 in "donations" from the world.

    Welfare State/US Blacks oh yeah I see the connection. The hell with the rockets and suicide bombers and teaching kids to love to kill and die for Allah what we have is another successful white nation filled with people who work hard, develop, create and are highly intelligent compared to a backwards live in squalor and corrupt totally lazy people who if they have any infrastructure at all it is built by Israel or another white nation.

    Your heroes.

    Why doesn't Palestine just grow it's own food? Support itself? It has access to an ocean, it builds mega malls with donations, why does it have to survive on Israel and the worlds back?

    Why dont Palestinians use some of the money provided for simple waterworks instead of rockets instead of relying on Israel to pump them and send them plain drinking water?

    Now I understand the connection.

  12. got islam, got nothing10:41 PM

    Yep. Romney is right about culture and prosperity.

    Almost every Islamic nation suffers due to its "culture."

    Anyway, the per-capita GDP of Israel is about $31,000.

    Of course, Israel is 75% Jewish and almost 20% arab muslim.

    If the Jewish percentage of the population were higher, the per-capita GDP would be higher. It's that simple.

    As for the per-capita GDP of Gaza and the rest of the Palestinian world, well, Mitt's estimate was way way too high. Palestinian per-capita GDP is about $3,000.

    Meanwhile, Israel and other generous nations -- but NOT Islamic nations -- give hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to the Palestinians every year.

    Hmmm. Much like blacks and free benefits shoveled their way in America.

    Yes, poor nations have an inferior value system. With hundreds of years of history as a guide, the superior value systems are easy to see, as are the inferior systems.

    The muslims in Oman and Kuwait have money ONLY because western experts drill and produce their oil for them.

    The handful of muslims who live in the UAE handle money -- with a lot of western help -- flowing into and out of that tiny region. The population of the UAE is insignificant compared to the muslim population of the middle east.

    So once again, field, you try to present these incompetent fools as something far more than they are.

    Nothing is invented in Islamic countries. Why? Islam.

    Just like black countries. Nothing is invented. Knowledge is not increased. No science, no engineering, no technology.

  13. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Wow, FN... I've watched this blog/site get increasingly infested with right-wing-nut bigots. Free speech notwithstanding, isn't FAKE NEWS available to them? Which came first - the bigotry or the ignorance?
    I feel for you, brutha'... And, what ever happened to AB?

  14. Racer X10:43 PM

    PilotX said...
    "TJ was on point. The biggest problem with the discussion about race is that most blah people and white folks is that we don't agree what the definition of racism is."

    That's because the definition keeps changing.

    It used to be that racism meant discriminating against another person solely because of their race. The expression of racism required some harm be directed toward the person, either physical or verbal abuse, denying entry to a business, entry to a school, or employment.

    It also used to be possible for anyone to be racist, but today we have evolved to the point that only whites can be racist.

    Also, since abusing someone, denying them service, admittance to a school, or consideration for a job are all illegal and pretty much nonexistent now, racism had to be down-defined.

    Now for blah people it just means anything they don't like. Simply disagreeing with a black person is racist. Not promoting them, even if they don't deserve it, is racist. Giving them a lower score on an aptitude test is racist. Doing a criminal background check as part of a job interview is racist. Giving them a mortgage they don't qualify for is racist.

    White people, who have been conditioned to think racism is the greatest sin possible, still naively cling to the idea that to be racist means they have to have hate in their heart. The great majority do not hate black people (although they fear them), and will do anything to avoid anyone ever thinking they are racist. Even going so far as to vote for inexperienced Marxist fraud for President.

    Blah people need an ever present focus on "racism" to explain everything that goes wrong with their lives. Africans have a similar belief in witchcraft. Nothing ever goes wrong in an African's life on its own. Every misfortune, illness, and accident are caused by someone putting a spell on them.

    There will always be "racism". Blah people cannot live without it.

  15. Your anons are funny. I thought the new conservative definition of racism was anything said by a blah person that had anything remotely to do with race. I especially love comment sections that have the most ugly and vitriolic statements by whites against blahs but they ignore tahn and pounce on the person that calls out the racsim as the racist. Then again they've always been like that always playing the victim role while reaping all the benefits. At least they are right about the living in fear part, they are a scary bunch.

  16. Anonymous11:08 PM

    PilotX said, "...we have evolved to the point...only whites can be racist..." Wow, where do you get this s...t from? You and your repugnican right-wing-nut cousins really do live inside a bubble that denies rational science-based reality. You have your fear and xenophobia to bring you comfort; "blah" people have "victimization" to bring them comfort. All of us are inextricably bound to a "hot seat that has glue". Bless us all.

  17. Credit where due; Myth Robme didn't actually come out and call his Israeli hosts "money grubbing hebes." Just like his semi-anonymous anglo-saxon aide, John Bolton, didn't actually come out & call the prez the n-word. These things work so much better as dogwhistles, plausible deniability and all that.

  18. "what ever happened to AB?"

    Yeah, she's been scarce around here ever since Obama endorsed marriage equality.

  19. Racer X11:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    Your anons are funny. I thought the new conservative definition of racism was anything said by a blah person that had anything remotely to do with race.

    The funny anons can't hold a candle to your hilarious statements. You have that exactly backwards.

    First off, blacks never say anything that doesn't directly involve race. But blacks can't be racist. Therefore, nothing said by a black person can be construed as "racist".

    However, anything a white person says about black people is racist. White people are allowed to talk about white people so long as it is not positive in any way.

    A recent example: Greek triple jumper Voula Papachristouhas was expelled from the Olympics after she posted a 'racist' joke on Twitter.

    What was this horribly racist joke she tweeted? Her offending message – which was referring to reports of mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus in her home country – read:

    "With so many Africans in Greece, at least the West Nile mosquitoes will eat home made food!"

    Pretty rough stuff, huh Pilot X? For that, a lifetime of preparation and success were kicked to the curb.

    That's what "racism" is today.

  20. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Credit where due; Myth Robme didn't actually come out and call his Israeli hosts "money grubbing hebes." Just like his semi-anonymous anglo-saxon aide, John Bolton, didn't actually come out & call the prez the n-word. These things work so much better as dogwhistles, plausible deniability and all that.

    Deniability of precisely what to who? You create a straw argument, then say he used other words to hint at something he never said but you in fact are.

    Why just you don't come out and say that you also hate and envy Jews because they , like the Whites you also despise are successful, create and earn money, in fact you are probably a democratic socialistic Nazi with this type of hatefulness.

    Your entire claim to fame is being nothing more than a contemptible politically correct Caucasian denigrating your own race seeking acceptance by pandering to those who you hold below you.

    If you have a child ( I know you like to smoke the sausage, but go with it) If you have a child will you teach them to admire and aspire those who have done and can do or those who have not, will not, can not and refuse to?


  21. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Credit where due; Myth Robme didn't actually come out and call his Israeli hosts "money grubbing hebes." Just like his semi-anonymous anglo-saxon aide, John Bolton, didn't actually come out & call the prez the n-word. These things work so much better as dogwhistles, plausible deniability and all that.

    Does that go for the 'dog whistle' implying Romney is racist?

    You are devolving into a wretched self-parody, Whitey.

  22. Barack Caligula11:42 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "what ever happened to AB?"

    Yeah, she's been scarce around here ever since Obama endorsed "Homosexual Depravity".

    There fixed it for ya snausages boy.

  23. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Field, I know you hear it regularly, but, "Thank you."
    I often read your post right between the morning coffee and running out the door to work,and, in spite of the feeble, impotent, and, usually, nonsensical vitriol, it brightens my day to know you take the time to do this.
    Respect to all the voices of reason who frequent here, as well. I know they work hard around good people and have to shake theeir heads at the hate and bigotry that some post here.
    Keep up the good work, and don't forget to vote. Because nothing scares these racist bastards like the thought of losing. Again.

  24. Anonymous12:00 AM

    "Why is it T.J. Holmes, and any other black person who can afford it, keep following white people wherever they go?"

    I have often wondered about that myself, and I'm Black. That couple in MS have following Whites to church. And Holmes shouldn't be chasing Whites.

    Whites don't want us around. That's why they leave whenever we are around. The urban cities are all ours now. However, they don't look as nice as the suburbs.

    The government should give the cities money to make urban cities as beautiful as the suburbs and then there will be no reason for ANY Black, including T J Holmes to head for the burbs.

  25. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Love how the 'fauxperts' pretend that all Jews are wealthy. Really, when have you last been to synagogue?

    Oh, you mean Jews have more money than you...well, that might be true.

    Israel gets more than a few dollars from the US. Nor have the wingnut 'settlers' helped matters. Nor have the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox.
    How about youse wite dudez like read some History?

    When I see the local professional AfAm driving his new Mercedes, I don't call the police. However, when I see wingnuts not driving their Mom's second car or Wasilla Methbillies in a rust-free ride, I do tend to dial.;)


  26. Anonymous12:09 AM

    "what ever happened to AB?"

    I don't know but I hope she is ok. It can be depressing to be attacked on this sorry ass blog by sorry ass homophobic people. It's downright depressing.

    depressed Negro

  27. "Respect to all the voices of reason who frequent here, as well. I know they work hard around good people and have to shake theeir heads at the hate and bigotry that some post here."

    Thank you, anon, I appreciate the 'props'. We need to ignore those bigots and focus on what is important: Supporting our President in his efforts to fundamentally Change America.

    No tolerance for intolerance!

  28. "Pretty rough stuff, huh Pilot X? For that, a lifetime of preparation and success were kicked to the curb.

    That's what "racism" is today."

    I tend to agree with you, what she tweeted didn't seem that offensive but then again no one asked me or any other blah person our opinion. Maybe if they had she'd still be triple jumping but on another note you're kinda wrong. That was an example of PC gone bad, not racism. Prime example of what white people vice blah people consider racism.

  29. Racer X12:42 AM

    "PilotX said...
    "That was an example of PC gone bad, not racism"

    Isn't PC the enforcement arm of anti-racism?

    PC is all about controlling white speech (and thoughts) on race.

    Ms. Papachristouhas' offense was that she noticed that a lot of Africans had immigrated to her country. In 2012, noticing this is a racist act.

    To recap what racism is or isn't:

    Groups of young blacks targeting whites for violent beatings, rapes and murders: Random, isolated acts of nature, cause "unknown".

    White people noticing that black people often target whites for violence: Racism.

    Once you understand that 'anti-racist' really means anti-white, the purpose of such punishment is clear.

  30. "White people noticing that black people often target whites for violence: Racism."

    Slow your roll. It's not that white people notice that Black people target white people but it's that it's not so "often". Most crime against whites is overwhelmingly committed by whites. Over 80% of rapes, murders and other violent crimes are perpetrated by fellow whites. This is nothing new, there have been and always will be some folks who use crime or other excuses to justify their racism. Also, I thought conservatives don't see color and want us all to be 'mericans. If this is the case why does the color of the skin of the victim or perpetrator matter? It matters when someone is trying to paint us as violent prone or animalistic. I like the attempt to play naive but we've seen this scene before and know what you're up to.

  31. "PC is all about controlling white speech (and thoughts) on race."

    Not really but it is a scapegoat for racists who miss the good old days when they could say anything they wanted and get away with it.

    "Ms. Papachristouhas' offense was that she noticed that a lot of Africans had immigrated to her country. In 2012, noticing this is a racist act."

    Many other people have gotten in trouble for similar offenses. Ask Charles Block.

  32. Anonymous1:31 AM

    The television personality tweeted a picture of a cop car in his side mirror with the caption "Driving while black ain't no joke."

    Holmes did not mention that one of the officers who pulled him over was black.
    The 34-year-old did say, however, that one of the officers, though he did not specify which, struggled to give an explanation for why he was pulled over.
    "This is a damn shame. Officer is literally stumbling over his words trying to explain why he stopped me," Holmes tweeted.

    Holmes returned to the micro-blogging site minutes later, telling his nearly 50,000 followers that the officer said he "wanted to make sure [Holmes] had insurance on the car." [Source]

    I call bullshit. Funny how in his rant to blame slavery/history and whatever else he could think of for getting pulled over, he forgot to mention the cop was black.

    Bullshit looking for some Black cred by claiming he was being "profiled" enough with this candy ass shit from uber sensitive primadonnas.

  33. Field, it doesn't matter that one of the police officers who pulled Holmes over as Black, except to show that color-aroused antagonistic police behavior can be engaged in by a police officer regardless if his/her skin color.

    In America, there is a high emphasis on targeting Blacks for police action and Black cops are not given different marching orders than white ones, just like their job descriptions aren't different from white officers' job descriptions. TARGET BLACKS is the job of ALL police officers, regardless of their personal skin color.

    Meanwhile, have you seen the Halloween dress (cross-dresser?) that Ann Romney was wearing as she deplaned in Poland? Despicable! I think it's safe to say that her dress is unprecedented in wanna-be first-lady wear. I'm surprised conservatives aren't seeing subliminal satanic messages in her purple, black, blue, red, orange, yellow, and green Rorschach disaster.

    I don't usually comment on women's dress in politics, but then no other woman (or man) in politics has worn a dress quite like this one, and for good reason.

  34. "Let's face it. Because of the White culture, they still dominate today. I hope and pray we will learn from their culture and adopt it as our own 'cause our culture needs an upgrade."

    Yes, please tell that to the white kids in suburban Merica who are adopting so called "black culture" At what age do they get deprogrammed?

    I call bullshit. Funny how in his rant to blame slavery/history and whatever else he could think of for getting pulled over, he forgot to mention the cop was black."

    I swear trolls have a reading problem.

    Please see what Francis wrote above, and what I wrote in the post.

    "Why is it T.J. Holmes, and any other black person who can afford it, keep following white people wherever they go?"

    I think T.J. built the first house in his sub-division. Maybe whitey followed him. Wouldn't be the first time. ;)

    "Wow, FN... I've watched this blog/site get increasingly infested with right-wing-nut bigots.."

    I used to think that it's just this site, but have you visited sites like Yahoo, lately?

    I am sure a lot of them are thankful for the Internet. Now they can tell you "Mondays" how they really feel. Albeit anonymously. :)

  35. Wondered if you'd heard the T.J. Holmes story, field--I shouldn't have. My first reaction was that I'd never get anywhere near Atlanta, much less the rest of the South, but then it occurred to me that we match their DWB with our own stop-and-frisk here in Noo Yawk. Which latter the mayor vigorously defends in spite of all the demonstrations.

    No hiding place. No part of the country is much better than any other part. But after hearing all the coded messages against "the beige guy" (he's foreign, he doesn't know how to be an American, etc.) I have to hope Romney's whiter-than-white battalions get defeated and voter supression fails.
    On that latter, at least Charles M. Blow is talking about it at the Times ("Where's the Outrage?")

    God I need to hear something upbeat...

  36. Anonymous9:26 AM

    It sure would have eliminated this 400 year war had "whites" realized how much they detested Africans and left Africa the hell alone, before the first slave ship arrived. No one needed this racial b.s. We're NEVER going to coincide. Never, ever, ever.

  37. Rumor Monger9:34 AM

    I heard AB's lezbo "wife" dumped her for a white stud, and AB shaved her nappy head, and became a nun.

  38. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Liberals start with the presumption that only white people who don’t belong to the Democratic Party can be racist. So, for example, even if Jeremiah Wright can make it clear that he hates white people because of their skin color or if liberals take an explicitly racist political position, like suggesting that black people are too stupid and incompetent to get identification to vote, they can’t be racist. White Republicans, on the other hand, are generally assumed to be racist by default, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.

  39. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Francis L. Holland said...
    Field, it doesn't matter that one of the police officers who pulled Holmes over as Black, except to show that color-aroused antagonistic police behavior can be engaged in by a police officer regardless if his/her skin color.

    In America, there is a high emphasis on targeting Blacks for police action and Black cops are not given different marching orders than white ones, just like their job descriptions aren't different from white officers' job descriptions. TARGET BLACKS is the job of ALL police officers, regardless of their personal skin color.

    Meanwhile, have you seen the Halloween dress (cross-dresser?) that Ann Romney was wearing as she deplaned in Poland? Despicable! I think it's safe to say that her dress is unprecedented in wanna-be first-lady wear. I'm surprised conservatives aren't seeing subliminal satanic messages in her purple, black, blue, red, orange, yellow, and green Rorschach disaster.

    I don't usually comment on women's dress in politics, but then no other woman (or man) in politics has worn a dress quite like this one, and for good reason.

    This is a Black Mind. One who is sure that there is no problem with the number of crimes conducted by Blacks, nope it's a plot by police to target them and brainwash any Blacks who run/join the police force. And one who must have never seen Black popular fashion, calling what would be a boring dress to LaQuesha a "halloween: dress. Then he goes to disparage transgenders by saying the dress is "garish" and something they would wear.

    Is this the best of Black minds?

  40. Farley10:59 AM

    "Republicans, on the other hand, are generally assumed to be racist by default, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary."

    If the big floppy clown shoe fits, wear it.

    Besides, there's much more evidence of republiteatard racism than not.

  41. Kenjo Erickson11:01 AM

    Francis L. Holland said...
    "TARGET BLACKS is the job of ALL police officers, regardless of their personal skin color."

    Well, who should they be targeting? Since blacks are many times more likely to engage in criminal activity, it only makes sense to target them.

    If you were trying to catch rapists, you would TARGET MALES right? As a male, I accept this targeting as common sense.

    Law-abiding blacks need to accept the fact that they will receive extra scrutiny from law enforcement. This is not due to racism, but to the reality of crime in America. I feel for you, but it is the legions of black criminals that are to blame.

    Let's be real.

  42. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Farley said...
    "Republicans, on the other hand, are generally assumed to be racist by default, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary."

    "If the big floppy clown shoe fits, wear it."

    It doesn't, that's why you will find it up your ass, and you thought it was a booty call didn't you.

    "Besides, there's much more evidence of republiteatard racism than not."

    Prove it, false claims of racism do not make them real. Liberals are the ones who insist Blacks are incapable of competing with all other races on an equal playing Field, not Conservatives. Liberals are the ones who clamor that Blacks are not bright enough or competent enough to obtain a Photo ID not conservatives. Liberals are the ones who demand tests showing base proficiency and competency for jobs be eliminated because there is no way a Black person can ever be functional and have the same knowledge or skills as another race, not conservatives.

    So tell us Farley, why do you think Blacks are so inferior they need your directives, rules, guidelines and set asides in everything they do or they will fail without you. Who is a racist?

  43. Yo Momma's Obama11:22 AM

    Acually, Kenjo Erickson, there are only about fifteen black criminals in the U.S. All the rest are honor roll students.

    Don't you watch TV?

  44. Straw man argument used by conservatives. First drag out Rev. Wright and call him a racist even though he never said anything racist. Do you just assume he hates white people because his church is Afrocentric? Now to the main point that all Republicans/conservatives are racists. One has to admit there is alot of racist language and imagery in conservative circles. For example, when mainstream Republicans get elected they ressurect confederate history months (see Virginia) and defend the flying of the confederate flag (see S.C.). Major presidential candidates use racist language (see Santorum and Gingrich). The problem isn't that the majority of conservatives don't use such language but NOT ONE seems to have a problem with such. In fact these actions are defended and to every single blah person these are racist symbols of a long gone era. We're told to get over slavery and jim crow but whites get to relive the civil war and not even on the side of the U.S. The prez had to distance himself from his church but no one had to do anything when Santorum and Gingrich spouted their racism. Oh well, if it looks like a duck.

  45. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Yo Momma's Obama said...
    Acually, Kenjo Erickson, there are only about fifteen black criminals in the U.S. All the rest are honor roll students.

    Don't you watch TV?

    Tru Dat. My son just had a baby he was gone turn his life round this time he was lookin for a job and gone start payin his baby mamas so they could get more than the welfares he was gonna build him some airplanes and fly them and even went to a place they had airplanes once when he was a little kid and had such a good future he used to play b-ball at night in the street and was gone make a fortune some day but them dam racist police made him hit that man with his gun and then try to run over the poe-leese they grabbed his foot and pushed it down on the gas i swear someone saw them do it because he be black and lawd noes the world is hard and out to get the black man otherwise why we gots to pay for food and doctors and rent and lights there be rich people who make money from the black folk who dont work why dont they take care o us so my son could still be alive

  46. Anonymous12:03 PM

    PilotX said...
    Straw man argument used by conservatives. First drag out Rev. Wright and call him a racist even though he never said anything racist. Do you just assume he hates white people because his church is Afrocentric?

    Do you even know what a straw argument is? Clearly you do not and are just repeating what someone told you yesterday. Look it up.

    Moving on, Rev Wright is a racist. Asking you the same question you posed, do you assume someone White is racist because they are Pro-White? Are you shitting me with this line of hypocritical bullshit?

    "There’s White racist DNA running through the synapses of his or her brain tissue. They will kill their own kind, defend the enemies of their kind or anyone who is perceived to be the enemy of the milky white way of life.” - Rev W.

    Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," - Rev W.

    and many many more.....

    The rest of your points are incomprehensible. You claim conservatives ARE racist because they want you to get over slavery, yet they are hypocrites and all confederate flag waving southerners....

    Do you ever read the random thoughts you have written checking them for logic before you post? Or maybe in your mind you really believe the justification of your racism (which is really what it is) makes sense.

  47. You Can Call Me Bwana12:11 PM

    The only "flying" PilotX has ever been associated with, are those monkeys flying outta his ass.

  48. strawman



    a person used as a cover for some questionable activity [syn: front man]


    a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted [syn: straw man]

  49. Anonymous12:25 PM

    You Can Call Me Bwana said...
    The only "flying" PilotX has ever been associated with, are those monkeys flying outta his ass.

    Oh-oh, I see a Wizard of Oz theme developing. The Straw Man Pilot, Flying Monkeys......

  50. America’s vast contradictions and hypocrisies concerning race still rest on the idea that some groups are supposed to be post-racial, while others are encouraged to celebrate their identity, and to fight for the interests of their group. For example, lots of self-appointed Hispanic leaders want America to be more Hispanic, to have more of their countrymen. No one in the media accuses them of racism or chauvinism, and instead presents people wishing to maintain the status quo as hatemongers. Yet why is it necessarily more wrong for Anglo-Americans to want the country to be more full of people like them? Some people advancing the interests of their group are racists; some people advancing the interests of their group are anti-racists.

  51. Farley12:36 PM

    Liberals don't say blacks are incapable of competing with all other races on an equal playing field as whites, they say conservative whites try and keep it so that blacks are not able to. THE TRUTH!

    Dear dumbanymass at whatever minute: Quit putting words in other peoples' mouths and go suck eggs, or whatever makes you happy. That's all you have.

  52. Everybody knows -- but no one wants to say -- that the Democratic Party has become the party of special interest bigots and racial dividers. It runs the one-party state that controls public services in every major inner city, including the corrupt and failing school systems in which half the students -- mainly African American and Hispanic -- are denied a shot at the American dream. It is the party of race preferences which separate American citizens on the basis of skin color providing privileges to a handful of ethnic and racial groups in a nation of nearly a thousand. The Democratic Party has shown that it will go to the wall to preserve the racist laws which enforce these preferences, and to defend the racist school systems that destroy the lives of millions of children every year.

  53. Anonymous12:42 PM

    PilotX said...

    a person used as a cover for some questionable activity [syn: front man]
    2. a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted [syn: straw man]

    Pilot Please, this is getting embarassing. You said "Straw Man Argument" - Not Straw Man.

    Straw Man is a Noun.
    Straw Man argument is an adjective noun.

    Looking at the definition YOU provided, we immediately know that you did not mean we found someone to take the heat for the "questionable activity" covering up. Nor did you mean that someone was purposefully creating a weak argument to make it easy for you to refute.

    So then why did you post that definition when you know very well what you are doing is the very real definition of a straw argument or are you still confused as to what a straw man argument is?

    Straw Man argument which is used in the world of politics (where you learned this from) Is;

    A type of argument and informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[1] To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition.

    Do you see the key words? Replacing a proposition by replacing with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition.

    No one created an unequivalent false proposition in contrast to one you provided now did they.

    Oh and you forgot the third most relevant definition of "strawman"

    Anyone got a match?

    Class Dismissed.

  54. parvenu12:44 PM

    Field said "Hang in there T.J., and remember, always keep your insurance card, registration papers, and drivers license close by."

    Field you should have advised T.J. to also keep his Birth Certificate handy because if the Republicans win in November that will be the next thing that they will be putting on all you Negroes driving while black.

    The next new gig for cracker cops will be to assume that anybody caught DWB is illegal, and without a Pass Port or Birth Certificate they will immedately ship your ass over to the nearest immigration lockup. And if you run into one of these DWB traffuc stops while on your way to work, it will certainly make your day.....

  55. Farley12:48 PM

    Ah let's have a pity party for old man FP.

    He was left out of 400 years of experiencing slavery and 100 plus years of Jim Crow hate thrown his way and now he has to suffer because the liberals have the idea of putting an end to all of it.

    I can still get some tar and feathers. A rope even. Will that make your pity party a happier event, FP?

  56. I disagree FP. The Republican party is the party of disaffected whites who resent the advancement of people of color. The Dems embrace diversity and don't recoil in horror at the term. This is a very diverse and inclusive nation while the GOP wants us to view it from the lens of white males. Sure the public school system in some inner cities is a disaster but it does work in many communities. We need a renewed focus on equality so all students can succeed but I don't think the GOP has the solution.
    I'm sorry I'm lost on the irony of calling the Dems racist. The party that elected teh first blah president, has the majority of Latino elected officials as well as women compared to the party that is over 90% white that has NEVER nominated a person of color and has only two Black nationally elected officials. There as many blah people living in my home than are Republican nationally elected officials. Reality is a strange concept for some.

  57. Farley12:55 PM

    It's truly amazing how scared people living in a country of immigrants are of multi-culturalism.

    Cognitive dissonance doesn't even begin to describe what is wrong with them.

  58. Well Farley, the victim mentality is common to conservatives. In the 60's at the height of jimmy crow whites felt blah people were given better treatment and had easier lives. The more things change. Like the woman who asked Dr. King why he wasn't fighting for white peoples' rights against discrimination. Cluelessness is nothing new.

  59. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Farley said...
    "Liberals don't say blacks are incapable of competing with all other races on an equal playing field as whites, they say conservative whites try and keep it so that blacks are not able to. THE TRUTH!

    Dear dumbanymass at whatever minute: Quit putting words in other peoples' mouths and go suck eggs, or whatever makes you happy. That's all you have."

    Trust me Farley, I wouldnt put anything near your mouth, you might eat it. For some reason you sound like you might look like Michael Moore.

    Clearly hit a nerve, replying with liberal speak, denial, lies and epithets.

    Now let me ask you this, you say that "Blacks are not able to compete equally" but this is because conservatives try and "keep it so"

    Did you not realize when you wrote that, it is exactly as I said. You as a Liberal are convinced Blacks cannot compete and YOU as a liberal are doing everything you can to make it so you can help them "or make it so" by blaming conservatives for what you think of Blacks.

    Where conversely conservatives know Blacks are just as capable as any other race and don't need disengenious White liberals to deign to assist them with their superiority. Which in all reality turns into keeping them down to toe the democrat line of dependancy.

    Now I know, we both know who empowers Blacks and who really thinks they are better and as such holds them down, it aint conservatives you mush mouthed fraud.

    Also, what is a "dumbanymass" is this a religious service for Disengenious White Liberals like you where you discuss how you are so much better than blacks and need to force them to accept your help, even if it means holding them down?

    Conservatives Empower Blacks and all races, we know they can do just as well as everyone else can and we don't think they can't do so without our glowing guidance and assistance as you do.

  60. Anonymous1:08 PM

    PilotX said...
    I disagree FP. The Republican party is the party of disaffected whites who resent the advancement of people of color. The Dems embrace diversity and don't recoil in horror at the term. This is a very diverse and inclusive nation while the GOP wants us to view it from the lens of white males. Sure the public school system in some inner cities is a disaster but it does work in many communities. We need a renewed focus on equality so all students can succeed
    but I don't think the GOP has the solution.
    I'm sorry I'm lost on the irony of calling the Dems racist.

    What liberals mean by "diversity" is that they want a broad range of people from different races, colors, and creeds who have identical political views. A black or Hispanic conservative doesn't contribute to "diversity" in liberal eyes because he actually has diverse views. Incredible role models for women like Sarah Palin can't be feminists to liberals because she doesn't share the same liberal beliefs as sexist pigs like Anthony Weiner and Bill Maher. How can you have any meaningful "diversity" when everyone has to think the same way?

  61. Conservatives empower blah people and all other races. No, blah people and other races empower thenselves.

  62. "Incredible role models for women like Sarah Palin"

    All credibility lost with this one statement.

  63. Farley1:14 PM

    You quote what I write and then completely write another sentence that wasn't written by me, but attribute it to me.

    What a douche. A big, slobbering, doltish, douche.

    Of course you like Romney ;).

    The world laughs at you.

  64. shots fired1:15 PM

    pile of Xcrement said:

    Most crime against whites is overwhelmingly committed by whites.

    Most crime. Meanwing more than half. But not all. And the x pile gives us a percentage:

    Over 80% of rapes, murders and other violent crimes are perpetrated by fellow whites.

    Eighty percent? Let's stick with murder for a moment.

    That means another race commits the murders that kill 20% of white victims.

    What race would that be? Asian? Nope. Hmmm? That leaves the black race.

    But blacks account for only 13% of the US population. Thus, to knock off 20% of white victims, they're truly working overtime.

    They've got to kill just about 100% of the black murder victims and then blast a fifth of all white victims before the day's work is done.

    This extraordinary devotion to murder is why blacks, at 13% of the population, can perpetrate over 50% of all murders.

    If murder were an Olympic sport, blacks would win all the medals.

  65. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Farley said...
    It's truly amazing how scared people living in a country of immigrants are of multi-culturalism.

    Cognitive dissonance doesn't even begin to describe what is wrong with them.

    I am now convinced talking to you is like clapping with one hand. You are an idiot, a walking talking point spouter. You don't have a clue what you are talking about and you spew disconnected bullet points.

    People handing your ass to you and speaking truth that you cannot compete with because your values are intellectual frauds are scared? Hardly.

    Look up real Democratic Party history, look up real racism and try and avoid that bullshit story that the party of Bull Durham, Margaret Sanger and the KKK suddenly switched to become the party that thinks blacks are incompetent but we will help, are not the real racists.

    With friends like you, who needs enemies.

  66. Anonymous1:18 PM

    PilotX said...
    Conservatives empower blah people and all other races. No, blah people and other races empower thenselves.

    Well you seem to be getting your races mixed up with political parties. The discussion is about democratic policies and conservative policies.

    You are right Black people do empower themselves, remember that next time you want to blame a conservative/white/asian/indian and remember that next time Farley tells you he knows what is best for you he is on your side if you do it his way.

  67. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Farley said...
    You quote what I write and then completely write another sentence that wasn't written by me, but attribute it to me.

    What a douche. A big, slobbering, doltish, douche.

    Of course you like Romney ;).

    The world laughs at you.

    The brains of an ant. You play games yet could not argue the concept because you know you are a fat lying liberal.

    Later Michael, go get some Moore.

  68. Anonymous1:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Incredible role models for women like Sarah Palin"

    All credibility lost with this one statement.

    Well we know liberals hate Palin. She is everything you despise, attractive, white, fully empowered, wealthy, can actually feed herself and doesnt' pander to liberal fools with such sensitive perosonalities.


  69. Farley1:26 PM

    "The discussion is about democratic policies and conservative policies."

    Good grief, what a con artist. Well, not really so much of an artist, just a con.

    Conservative policies, i.e. regressive policies, are pure republican.

  70. Farley1:27 PM

    HAHAHA! Sarah Palin feeds off of people like you. She's the grifter in chief, like most teacracker, red taker state conservatives.

  71. Does anyone hate Sarah Palin? I don't but I do understand she was an unintelligent half term governor who was greatly unqualified to be Vice President. I do wish her all the success she can enjoy but I hope she never tries to become a nationally elected leader but I doubt enough people will take her seriously to be elected.

    Field, looks like your trolls need to be educated about the "Southern Strategy" again so they can stop with the Dems are the party of racists stuff. Funny that the party of the KKK elected teh first blah prez. Irony is lost on conservatives. Also, the Democratic governor of Virginia ended confederate history month but a Republican reinstated it. Nice job on race relations GOP. What next bring back poll taxes?

  72. as the jim crow flies1:28 PM

    pile of Xcrement said:

    In the 60's at the height of jimmy crow...

    The Height of Jim Crow? In the 1960s???

    Boy are you dumb. That was when Jim Crow laws were ENDED.

    What would we get if some negro entrepreneur (I know, I know, the two words form an oxymoron, but...) created -- built (but not really built, according to Obama) -- Jim Crow Airlines?

    Would the captain communicate with the airport tower in Ebonics?

    Would Jim Crow Air take EBT cards as payment for drinks?

    Would female flight attendants give lap dances?

    Would Jim Crow Air allow guns on board?

    Would Jim Crow Air conduct Stop & Frisk operations while their planes were airborne?

  73. Anonymous1:29 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Incredible role models for women like Sarah Palin"

    All credibility lost with this one statement.

    In other words your post was too deep made a lot of sense but I still hate and don't know what to say so....I hate Palin..oh OK.

    Who do you admire? Maxine Waters?
    Frederica Wilson? Lets talk about the attributes each of these women have.


  74. "HAHAHA! Sarah Palin feeds off of people like you. She's the grifter in chief, like most teacracker, red taker state conservatives."

    AND she was chosen over Mittens after he showed his tax returns to McCain. Now i REALLY want to know what was in those returns.

  75. Colonel Caucasian1:32 PM

    Notice when you slap them upside the head with the crime statistics proving blacks to be abnormally criminal in regards to their population, they pretend they didn't see it? (I guess they have to, since they can't refute it)

    Hey, all you "blah people"...check out this website, and then find me one showing whites raping, torturing, and killing blacks:

    As you "blah" people are so fond of saying, in your smarmy way: "Take your time. I'll wait"

    (We've played this game I'll make a lose. Again)

  76. rielle hunter1:33 PM

    pile of Xcrement said:

    I do understand she was an unintelligent half term governor who was greatly unqualified to be Vice President.

    Oh. You say Palin was in over her head. Hmmm.

    But, as always, there's John Edwards, Kerry's VP running mate -- possibly the most despicable person ever to run for high office.

    But, dopes like you go after Palin because, well, you want to forget about Edwards and a long list of other foul Democrats.

  77. Hey Farley, maybe if she could name ONE newspaper she's read I could take her seriously. She wanted to be one lack of a heartbeat away from the WH and yet she thought "what do you read" was a gotcha question. Hoooooooo. Where do they find these people?

  78. Wow, now they want me to find a white perpetrator of crime agains a Black person on a site dedicated to finding Black perpetrators? Dear god, whatever they're smoking is a must have. Hey, find news about dolphins on a shark website, I dare ya!

  79. Anonymous1:43 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Does anyone hate Sarah Palin? I don't but I do understand she was an unintelligent half term governor who was greatly unqualified to be Vice President."

    And she lost, but Biden won, go figure. Have you ever listened to Biden? But his lunacy is ok because he is a democrat? Anway, so what, we were talking about how she is a feminist role model

    "I do wish her all the success she can enjoy but I hope she never tries to become a nationally elected leader but I doubt enough people will take her seriously to be elected. "

    I happen to agree but are you a hypocrite? What about Frederica Wilson and Maxine Waters?Are they more qualified and intelligent in your view? Please do elaborate.

    "Field, looks like your trolls need to be educated about the "Southern Strategy"

    When you can't handle a discussion people become trolls, or is this more liberal "you must not have a different opinion" speak?

    Why don't you educate us ignoramus's. How did the democratic party all of a sudden magically switch sides and views that they held since the inception of the party again? How did that happen? How is it that they changed this view but every other policy and view is the same? Including being the closest one in values to communist/socialist/marxist views. Please elaborate, how did they change their views on racism, but everything else stayed in place.

    Irony is lost on conservatives.

    Not at all, we marvel at how you think, or support your beliefs with non logic as well as claim to be of a scientific mind while disavowing all science you don't like

    "Also, the Democratic governor of Virginia ended confederate history month but a Republican reinstated it."

    Well, if you were tolerant of different views you wouldnt demand other not celebrate history. I have no clue what confederates are about, nor do I care but you seem to make your views mandatory otherwise someone else is racist.

    How liberal.

    "Nice job on race relations GOP. What next bring back poll taxes?"

    See liberal racist want everyone to please them or they throw out nonsense that has no relation to anything. the poll tax was by the way devised and implimented by democrats, they specifically said blacks were inferior and could not be allowed to influence the country with African like savagery. Might be why they also filibustered civil rights for years and voted against the bill in 1964. I know, I know, magical party tranference coming up next.

  80. mind the gap1:44 PM

    pile of Xcrement,

    Blacks commit murder at 8 -- EIGHT -- times the rate of whites.

    When there's a discussion about "gaps", this is the one that needs more attention.

    You clowns obsess about a "wage gap", and the obsession is so consuming you create an actual murder gap.

  81. Colonel Caucasian1:44 PM

    No stupid.....I said find a COMPARABLE website.

  82. going great guns1:50 PM

    A lot of illegal guns have arrived in NY City.

    Meanwhile, Police Chief Kelly has said many times that NYPD statistics, arrest records, and witnesses confirm that blacks commit about 75% of NY City's gun crimes. Hispanics run a distant second at about 20%.

    So, I'll bet even pile-of-Xcrement knows who's buying the guns and using them.

  83. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Farley said...
    HAHAHA! Sarah Palin feeds off of people like you. She's the grifter in chief, like most teacracker, red taker state conservatives.

    No, people like YOU feed off of people like me.

    Accompish nothing, learn nothing, improve nothing, blame every one of lifes trials and tribulations on someone not taking care of you well enough, make demands, not have the brains to understand how your check is financed yet hating anyone who disagrees with the opinion you are not sure you have and dont understand.

    Farley, I remember him he was a really fat funny clown. You aren't so funny.

  84. Farley1:55 PM

    "How did the democratic party all of a sudden magically switch sides and views that they held since the inception of the party again?"

    It wasn't just a flux in the democratic party, stupid. The hatemongers (dixiecrats) in the 60's couldn't live with the fact that their party went along with the civil rights act and flocked to the republican party, while the progressives in that party couldn't stand the stench of the hatemongers who did flock to and already existed in it.

    The fact that someone who claims to be educated cannot grasp that simple concept in the year 2012 says more about 'teh stupid' than any words can describe.

    You're not even as smart as Sarah "read my palms" Palin.

  85. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Farley said...
    "The discussion is about democratic policies and conservative policies."

    Good grief, what a con artist. Well, not really so much of an artist, just a con.

    Conservative policies, i.e. regressive policies, are pure republican.

    What are you babbling about, what a mealy mouthed fraud you are. Do try and keep up fat man. Only liberals play semantics when they don't know what else to say. Republicans are conservatives, so what the hell is your useless point.

    Regressive? Yeah run a country without spending it into oblivion for bloviate fuckwads like you to live off the workers of this country. How regressive - got a budget lately?

  86. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Farley said...
    "How did the democratic party all of a sudden magically switch sides and views that they held since the inception of the party again?"

    It wasn't just a flux in the democratic party, stupid. The hatemongers (dixiecrats) in the 60's couldn't live with the fact that their party went along with the civil rights act and flocked to the republican party, while the progressives in that party couldn't stand the stench of the hatemongers who did flock to and already existed in it.

    The fact that someone who claims to be educated cannot grasp that simple concept in the year 2012 says more about 'teh stupid' than any words can describe.

    You're not even as smart as Sarah "read my palms" Palin

    The fact that you believe such fantasies while knowing KKK members were in the recent democratic party says a lot about the massiveness of your lard in comparison to your pea brain.

    You could never even speak to a woman like Palin and as for intelligence - have you no shame? You are nearly a barely functional retard looking at your words and you think because you are liberal you could openly compare your intelligence to hers? My god you are a white disengenious liberal, teh lowest scum on the earth and you thnk you are not only better than blacks but also Palin?

    HEH - You keep thinking that while you cash those charity checks and really compare lives and results.

  87. Farley2:18 PM

    The idiot anonymouth doesn't even read what it writes: "Well you seem to be getting your races mixed up with political parties. The discussion is about democratic policies and conservative policies."

    Who knew conservatism was a political party?

    Anonynouth doesn't know history, and believes Sarah Palin to be intelligent.

    Yes, a true red, taker-state, con.

    I would never accuse Palin of being any kind of woman.

  88. Tundra Sarry's only known subscribed "reading" material are People Magazine and the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman. Her tutors in the McLaime Campaign learned quickly what her own staff could have told them: that she is much more a listener than a reader as well as much more a talker than a listener.

  89. Well, to anyone with a working brainstem they should know Black people view the confederacy and those that support it as supporting a system that oppressed Black people and defended slavery. If one misses that fact then they deserve to be Republicans. And as Farley pointed out the signing of the CRA in 1964 was the magical act that drove southern bigoted whites from the Democratic Party to the Republican. Google "Southern Strategy" or just do a search here on FN to get the details. No need to elaborate anymore to someone either willfully ignorant or distainful of history.

  90. Wow, I didn't know how popular it is to celebrate treason against the U.S. Such patriots we have in the Republican party.

  91. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Ms Farley, " Who knew conservatism was a political party?"

    Wow. this proves Farley knows little about politics....such ignorance.

  92. Colonel Caucasian3:25 PM

    This guy tells it like it is:

    The truth shall set you free!

  93. rocks in my head3:52 PM

    The Tri-fecta: What you get when you start with a negro, who lives in Africa, and becomes a muslim.

    Mali al-Qaida-linked group stones couple to death over alleged adultery

    By NBC News staff and wire reports

    BAMAKO, Mali -- An al-Qaida-linked Islamist militant group in control of northern Mali stoned to death a couple accused of engaging in extramarital affairs, the group's spokesman said.

    The couple were publicly executed in the remote town of Aguelhok, near the vast West African nation's northern border with Algeria, on Sunday, a spokesman for the Ansar Dine group told Reuters.

    "These two people were married and had extra-conjugal relations. Our men on the ground in Aguelhok applied shariah (Islamic law)," said Sanda Ould Bounama, reached by telephone on Monday.

    "They both died right away and even asked for this application. We don't have to answer to anyone over the application of shariah," he said.

    A local government official told the AFP news agency that he was on the scene. "The Islamists took the unmarried couple to the center of Aguelhok. The couple was placed in two holes and the Islamists stoned them to death," he said.

    "The woman fainted after the first few blows," he said. The man shouted out once and then was silent, he added.

  94. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Farley said...
    The idiot anonymouth doesn't even read what it writes: "Well you seem to be getting your races mixed up with political parties. The discussion is about democratic policies and conservative policies."

    Who knew conservatism was a political party?

    Well, as I said before. You may be more over the borderline of that borderline retarded thing than I thought originally.

    What are democrats dimwit? Progressives/Liberals - Democrats
    What do Republicans mainly believe in? Oh Conservatism. Sheez you need to cut down on your fat consumption the cholestorol is cutting off the blood supply to your liberal pea brain.

    And you have the nerve to talk about anyone else's intelligence?

    Are you still in freshman year of HS? Come on Fess up F-F-F-Farley.

    "Anonynouth doesn't know history, and believes Sarah Palin to be intelligent."

    Like I said butter butt. I know real history, not the propganda idiots like you are spoon fed.

    If you are so much smarter than Palin, why is she who she is, was governer of a state and you collect money from the charity of others to live?

    "Yes, a true red, taker-state, con. "

    If it weren't for Conservative states, dimwits like you living off our backs would starve.

    "I would never accuse Palin of being any kind of woman"

    Look, I know you like to smoke the chorizo el maricon but are you out of your mind. If you were a real man and liked women, you could't get her to fart on you. A self sufficient thinking, creative woman certainly has no use for a fat tub of lard who lives off charity.

  95. Farley4:10 PM

    "Authorities in Port St. Joe, Florida say a man charged with a hate crime felt inconvenienced by his arrest because he had "only shot a n*gger.""

    We can go six ways to Sunday with this crazed-people, fanaticism BS. I bet the guy identifies himself as a Christian.

  96. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Tundra Sarry's only known subscribed "reading" material are People Magazine and the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman. Her tutors in the McLaime Campaign learned quickly what her own staff could have told them: that she is much more a listener than a reader as well as much more a talker than a listener.

    What does Joe Biden read?

    Black but Clean and articulate anyway weekly?

    You can always tell who liberals are extremely jealous of and who makes them feel inferior.

  97. Farley4:19 PM

    The post above mine is a perfect example of a twisted mind.

    It needs to seek help.

  98. Farley4:30 PM

    "A self sufficient thinking, creative woman certainly has no use for a fat tub of lard who lives off charity."

    You project so often it's maniacal. I'm sorry you can't find a woman.

  99. At least I am comfortable knowing that there is a reason we aren't big on the Republican Party. If their members can't figure out why conservative history month is offensive they deserve to be an old all white party.

    Nice job Gabby.

  100. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Farley said...
    The post above mine is a perfect example of a twisted mind.

    It needs to seek help.

    At least he has a mind Lard-ass.

  101. Anonymous5:47 PM

    PilotX said...
    At least I am comfortable knowing that there is a reason we aren't big on the Republican Party. If their members can't figure out why conservative history month is offensive they deserve to be an old all white party.

    Nice job Gabby.

    Because you are racist and demand the world bows to you sensitivities and weaknesses.

    Sorry, not this world.

    What the hell is conservative month ?

  102. Farley5:51 PM

    It starts August 1. It's when conservatives gather in a circle and start shooting.

    Make sure you don't miss it!

  103. Farley'sGotAlittlechubby6:21 PM

    Farley said...
    It starts August 1. It's when conservatives gather in a circle and start shooting.

    Make sure you don't miss it!

    Oh Farley you chubby wascal you, you are thinking of the liberal circle jerks you attend. Conservatives aren't dumb lard asses like you, we don't want to shoot but if we have to it will be very straight - straight something you know nothing about Queenie.

  104. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Hey Farley
    Does Michael Moore know you are trying to steal his fat liberal moron schtick? Are you going to say healthcare in Cuba is good and it wasnt liberal policies that destroyed detroit as well?
    DO you think cow farts are harming us and 9/11 was an inside job? Do you blame your large size on a government plot to add hormones to your corn feed?

  105. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Surprise the DOJ is racist and completely corrupt:

    "A ruling from US District Court Judge Reggie Walton should make your hair stand on end:

    The documents reveal that political appointees within DOJ were conferring about the status and resolution of the New Black Panther Party case in the days preceding the DOJ’s dismissal of claims in that case, which would appear to contradict Assistant Attorney General Perez’s testimony that political leadership was not involved in that decision. Surely the public has an interest in documents that cast doubt on the accuracy of government officials’ representations regarding the possible politicization of agency decision-making.

    It has now been confirmed that Obama’s political flunkies spiked a case against the most appalling race-based voter intimidation this side of the progressive utopia Zimbabwe. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch draws the obvious conclusion:

    “The decision shows that we can’t trust the Obama Justice Department to fairly administer our nation’s voting and election laws.”

    2012 promises to be an election that would make the Third World’s shabbiest banana republic proud.

  106. Anonymous6:02 AM

    If blacks are responsible for racism, then answer this for me.

    When did white racism stop, and when did blacks resurrect it?

  107. Farley8:24 AM

    "DO you think cow farts are harming us"

    Only you. Get your head out of it's butt and it won't.

  108. Farley8:25 AM

    "DO you think cow farts are harming us"

    Only you until you take your head out of a cow's butt.

  109. Anonymous8:15 AM

    T.J. just thank your lucky stars you weren't shot. It could have been a lot worse, you handsome dude!!
