Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mitt fights back, and a new "Freeway Ricky".

I would like to start this post like I have the past few that I have written on this blog:by asking Mitt Romney to release his tax returns.  

Honestly, as I have said before, I am quite sure that he has done nothing wrong, but I think it is important because those Obama folks just won't let it go. I honestly believe that this is a good way to shut them up.

Speaking of Mitt, I see that he has decided to go on the offensive and give that Obama guy a piece of his mind. (His side kicks have as well.) Mitt thinks that Obama and his people want people to be "ashamed of success", and he is not going to take it anymore.

"IRWIN, Pa.—Mitt Romney unveiled an aggressive new stump speech Tuesday, accusing President Barack Obama of being too cozy with political donors and suggesting the president wants Americans to be "ashamed of success."
Speaking to several hundred supporters at a wireless services company outside Pittsburgh, Romney took aim at Obama's comments at a campaign event in Virginia last Friday in which he emphasized the role government played in building private enterprise.

"Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive," Obama said Friday, citing the teachers and people who build "roads and bridges." He continued: "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." 

"President Obama attacks success. And, therefore, under President Obama, we have less success," Romney said. "I will change that."

Addressing the crowd in a more passionate tone than he has exhibited on the campaign trail in months, Romney called Obama's comments "startling and revealing" and said he found it "extraordinary that a philosophy of that nature would be spoken by the president of the United States."

Yes, but Mitt, you did build your wealth with the help of government.

Finally, you Negroes killing each other in inner city America over drug corners need to take a lesson from suburbia when it comes to drug dealing. These real gangstas in suburban American could teach you wanna be drug dealers in urban America a thing or two about hustling. Turns out this "clean cut" (see white) young man from the suburbs of Cincinnati was overseeing a 3 million dollar drug empire while skateboarding, keeping up his Facebook page, and basically doing all the things that "clean cut" kids in suburbia like to do.

 "..Cops first became aware of a high-grade hydroponic strain of marijuana being sold for $350-$400 an ounce in the Mason school district near Cincinnati last year. An undercover agent began making buys at Mason High School, where the teenager was a student, and uncovered a dealing operation headed by the arrested student.

"The undercover officer uncovered six students or former students working for that individual and trafficking drugs in two school districts," Fornshell told ABC News.

"The group supplied an overwhelming amount of marijuana in the Mason and King school districts," Fornshell said.

The marijuana previously sold in the areas was a lower-grade variety smuggled into the U.S. through the border, but the weed they began seeing last year was a much more expensive product.

The student helped lead cops to uncover a major grow operation, run by locals out of warehouses and other buildings in three nearby towns.

Six other adult individuals were ultimately arrested for their role in growing and distributing the drug."

Authorities seized 600 plants from the three grow houses, with an estimated street value of $3 million.[Source. Check out how Diane Sawyer describes the perp.]

Oh lawd! My peeps on the rock better step their game up as well. Now these white folks can get good the collie weed right in their own back yard. What is the world coming to?

Too bad this kid couldn't sell some of the collie to Mitt and some of his boys; they need to chill just a little bit.

*Pic from skydancingblog. 


  1. Xicano27:23 PM

    Mitt is the epitome of sleaze and the Prez is the epitome of success. Isn't Mitt trying to get what the Prez already has, and he is being sleazy as ever in his quest. Go figure!

  2. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Xicano2 said...
    Mitt is the epitome of sleaze and the Prez is the epitome of success. Isn't Mitt trying to get what the Prez already has, and he is being sleazy as ever in his quest. Go figure!

    HA. Welfare Community Organizer takes donations and gets by on the donations of others and he is the epitome of success? Mitt is being sleazy by talking about performance while Obama tries to paint a picture of someone being evil for actually performing?

    You got your values all bass ackwards son.

  3. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Field, "Oh lawd! My peeps on the rock better step their game up as well. Now these white folks can get good the collie weed right in their own back yard. What is the world coming to?"

    Does anybody know the penalty for growing weed and turning it into a mult-million dollar suburban business off of high school students? I mean, is it a major crime, or a minor one?

    Field, it doesn't surprise me that the suburban white kids are doing better than the urban city kids when it comes to busines. They are better educated and smarter.

    Actually, I am surprised the police had the time and the gall to interfere in the business in suburbia. It seems to me they have plenty to do in the city. That's where the "real" damage is being done in drugs.

  4. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Brotha Field, you once mentioned that you were considering voting for Mitt for President. Being the naive moral and good brotha that I am, I believed you. Now it has come to pass that you were bullshiting cause every post afterwards, you have been fucking with Mitt, my Mormon White brother.

    This shit is getting out of hand. Mitt doesn't deserve the beat down you are giving him. Let me ask you a question: Do you believe in a merciful God?

  5. Anonymous8:10 PM

    "This shit is getting out of hand. Mitt doesn't deserve the beat down you are giving him. Let me ask you a question: Do you believe in a merciful God?"

    8:05 PM
    That is the wrong question to ask Field. The appropriate and most direct question is, "Are you a racist?"

  6. Anonymous8:15 PM

    "Brotha Field, you once mentioned that you were considering voting for Mitt for President. Being the naive moral and good brotha that I am, I believed you. Now it has come to pass that you were bullshiting cause every post afterwards, you have been fucking with Mitt, my Mormon White brother."

    don't you know you can't believe a got damn word a brotha says? It's one thing to be naive and good, it's another to be a fool. NEVER believe a brotha. You should have learned that from Obama.

    Rev Manning

  7. Rev. Manning, where is your church? I would like to come Sunday morning and get a prayer.

    Hopefully my brotha who posted at 8:05PM can come with me.

    "That is the wrong question to ask Field. The appropriate and most direct question is, "Are you a racist?"'

    Some of my best friends are white.

  8. Anonymous8:33 PM


    White drug lords known as the CIA run a multibillion dollar sting operation a year.

    This is not shocking at all.

  9. Anonymous8:38 PM

    "That is the wrong question to ask Field. The appropriate and most direct question is, "Are you a racist?"'

    Some of my best friends are white.

    8:20 PM
    This conversation is going nowhere. Please knock off the bullshit....It's depressing.

    depressed Negro

  10. "This conversation is going nowhere. Please knock off the bullshit....It's depressing."

    depressed Negro, maybe you should get some white friends as well. :)


    White drug lords known as the CIA run a multibillion dollar sting operation a year"

    Yes, but as long as they are getting other people addicted to poison it's okay.

  11. Anonymous9:05 PM

    White drug lords known as the CIA run a multibillion dollar sting operation a year"

    Yes, but as long as they are getting other people addicted to poison it's okay.

    Sure, the big white guys are the evil ones and those "other people" are the ones you have to take away all their irons otherwise they would iron their faces.

    Forget about this country being the best. We now provide the most to the least of us and discourage the best. If you fail, if you do not have the skills if you are useless and lazy you will be rewarded.


  12. "Forget about this country being the best. We now provide the most to the least of us and discourage the best. If you fail, if you do not have the skills if you are useless and lazy you will be rewarded."

    Sounds like Wall Street.

  13. "White drug lords known as the CIA run a multibillion dollar sting operation a year"

    Yes, but as long as they are getting other people addicted to poison it's okay

    I wonder why President Obama doesn't stop those evil fuckers.

    Tell me, do you think AIDS was invented by the CIA too? Do you believe in Chupacabras? Leprechauns?

    If you are capable of believing that, I guess you might even believe Obama was a good president..

  14. Anonymous10:02 PM

    field negro said...
    "Forget about this country being the best. We now provide the most to the least of us and discourage the best. If you fail, if you do not have the skills if you are useless and lazy you will be rewarded."

    Sounds like Wall Street.

    How trite. You mean Obamas main supporters? Which skills do you think are required on wall street that you are convinced others have and they do not? Why isn't wall street filling up with those who can't pass the stockbrokers test and get affirmative action federally mandated appointments then?

  15. Senator "Present"10:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    After the Palin fiasco you'd think the GOP would be better at vetting. You'd think.

    Really, you'd think they'd be able to find someone who hadn't been so successful in business and government. There's nothing worse than accomplishment.

    Don't the Republicans have any affirmative-action community organizers with zero business or governemnt experience?

  16. Anonymous11:02 PM

    What do you call a multi-million dollar high-strain weed operation in CA?...legal.

    It's ridiculous to spend government resources on something that benefits the economy.

  17. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What do you call a multi-million dollar high-strain weed operation in CA?...legal.

    It's ridiculous to spend government resources on something that benefits the economy.

    true but what would happen to the Black community if weed was suddenly legal and businesses opened to distribute and sell it? Obama just added another 12.7 TRILLION to welfare (illegally) over the next ten years. 16 Trillion that we owe now is a joke.

  18. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Heres what a real speaker looks and sounds like - Articulate and accurate without a teleprompter.


  19. Come to Collie-fornia Field, everybody here has has an herb garden. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 600 plants on my little street. The cops don't even hassle you if you have the right paper for what you're growing. The rest of Ameriklan needs to catch up.

  20. I hate to do it again but I may have to offer my services to the GOP as a VP candidate. I have no tax problems and I can make them look inclusive. Of course I haven't performed any exorcisms like Bobby Jindal but I did go to the school where the exorcism that the movie was based on took place. Give me a ring Mitt, McCain passed on my services and look at what happened to him.

  21. Romney/X. Has a nice ring to it no?

  22. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Field, "depressed Negro, maybe you should get some white friends as well. :)"

    I never thought of that. Here I have been effing around with Negroes and all I get is depression after depression. I knew the cause of my depression, but never knew the cure.

    Field, many thanks. You are a genius, and a lifesaver. You also saved me a long ass trip from the bay area to the Ben Franklin Bridge in Philly where I would have done a swan dive off it to the concrete below. But now that is not necessary because you have given me the solution to my ills. I don't know why I never thought about hanging out with white friends.

    I am getting excited just thinking about it. It will be such a relief from all those sorry ass Negroes who ripped me off and lied on me.

    Those Negroes are a large part of the reason I say, "It's depressing to be a bm in America." I can't wait to cross over and be accepted on a level like Tiger or OJ....Field, you are a godsend! I can feel my depression lifting and happiness setting in. Please say hello to Gabrielle.

  23. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Field, forgive my previous long-winded comment. I tend to get excited and energetic when my depression starts to lift.

    This might be a little ambitious, but do you think Romney will be my friend? Wow! wouldn't it be exciting.

  24. Anonymous3:48 AM

    3:38am and 3:43am will soon change from being "depressed Negro" to "Happy Negro"(HN), thanks to my good hearted Jamaican friend called Field.

  25. "Those Negroes are a large part of the reason I say, "It's depressing to be a bm in America." I can't wait to cross over and be accepted on a level like Tiger or OJ....Field, you are a godsend!"

    Easy there my new found friend, "Happy Negro". Be careful who you wish to be. I said be there friend, not mess with their women. :)

    PilotX, you have my vote.

    WC, that collie from the leftcoast just isn't the same as the collie from that good Jamaican soil. At least that's what some dude told me once.

  26. Oh ohhh


    Mitt, we need to see those taxes ASAP. It's for your own good.

  27. Nancy Grosspelosi8:26 AM

    I agree that Mitt should release his tax returns.

    In fact, he should take a page from the Democrat's playbook, and release them all at 11:00 P.M., on November 6th.

    That way, the Dems will have to "read them, to know what's in them".

  28. BARBBF9:03 AM

    List Of Records Obama Refuses To Release

    Actual long-form birth certificate (NOT an easily-forged electronic copy of a short-form document that is not even officially accepted in Hawaii)
    Passport files
    University of Chicago Law School scholarly articles
    Harvard Law Review articles
    Harvard Law School records
    Columbia University records
    Columbia University senior thesis, “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament”
    Occidental College records, including financial aid that he may have received
    Punahou School records, where Mr. Obama attended from the fifth grade until he finished high school
    Noelani Elementary School records, where Barack Obama attended kindergarten (according to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register — but parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country)
    Complete files and schedules of his years as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004
    Obama’s client list from during his time in private practice with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard
    Illinois State Bar Association records
    Baptism records
    Obama/Dunham marriage license
    Obama/Dunham divorce documents
    Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
    Soetero/Dunham Adoption records

    The non-issuance of the Occidental College records is especially pertinent. The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) served officials at Occidental College with a subpoena to produce records concerning Barack Obama’s attendance there during the 1980’s, because those records could document whether he was attending as a foreign national. Obama attended Occidental on a Fulbright scholarship — financial aid that is reserved for foreign students.

  29. Anonymous10:00 AM

    mitt will let you see those tax returns when bongo shows his school records including who paid.i bet mitt gave more money to church and charity than all negroes in the congress and white house combined.mitt pays his taxes unlike most of bongo's commie pals.

  30. Anonymous10:18 AM

    field negro said...
    Oh ohhh


    Mitt, we need to see those taxes ASAP. It's for your own good.

    Ohhh...ohhhhh in the same silly vien, Obama's birth certificate is definitely a forgery. Well actually not in the same vein, there is hardcore evidence he is a fraud and a forger. Investigators tracked down the woman who "supposedly" signed his birth certificate. In the forgery there is a number "9" by race of father - which always indicates information not supplied, yet the forgery lists his fathers race as "African" a term not used until 1989. Ba--ba---bingo.

    Anyway there is no doubt someone trying to destroy the U.S, has no love for it.


  31. parvenu10:40 AM

    Field, if folks want to know where the government supported funding for corporations sending jobs "offshore" came from they need to bone up on Congressional history -starting with the legislation that was written to setup Enterprise Zones in the ghetto areas in America's inner-cities back in the late 1960's. This legislation was designed to offer all sorts of tax benefits to offset the costs to any American manufacturer who was incentivised to move any of his production sites to an inner-city neighborhood for the purpose of providing employment for the local residents.

    This legislation was later modified to help bail out the island of Puerto Rico which was on the verge of going bankrup. The older Enterprise Zones legislation was modified with a one line text change to include offshore zones - which was intended to target Puerto Rico with employment relief. However, American corporation lawyers soon discovered that "Offshore" could mean the entire world. As a result the chip manufactures in silicone valley (Fairchild, etc) were the first corporations to expand their chip manufacturing operations into the far east, taking advantages of the huge tax breaks for factory relocation that were available under the original Enterprise Legislation.
    The rest is history includin Mitt Romney....

  32. BARBBF said...
    List Of Records Obama Refuses To Release

    Actual long-form birth certificate (NOT an easily-forged electronic copy of a short-form document that is not even officially accepted in Hawaii)
    Passport files
    University of Chicago Law School scholarly articles
    Harvard Law Review articles
    Harvard Law School records
    Columbia University records
    Columbia University senior thesis, “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament”
    Occidental College records, including financial aid that he may have received
    Punahou School records, where Mr. Obama attended from the fifth grade until he finished high school
    Noelani Elementary School records, where Barack Obama attended kindergarten (according to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register — but parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country)
    Complete files and schedules of his years as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004
    Obama’s client list from during his time in private practice with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard
    Illinois State Bar Association records
    Baptism records
    Obama/Dunham marriage license
    Obama/Dunham divorce documents
    Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
    Soetero/Dunham Adoption records

    The non-issuance of the Occidental College records is especially pertinent. The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) served officials at Occidental College with a subpoena to produce records concerning Barack Obama’s attendance there during the 1980’s, because those records could document whether he was attending as a foreign national. Obama attended Occidental on a Fulbright scholarship — financial aid that is reserved for foreign students

    I would also think it would be interesting if President Obama told us where he got the money for his Ivy League education:


    Let's hear it for transperancy!

    Show me yours and I'll show you mine!

  33. Syrians picked the wrong dictator to rebel against. Mubarak was a US ally and Gaddafi a pacified former terrorist, but Bashar Assad is still actively hostile to America, closely allied with its enemies, and armed to the teeth with WMD snuck in from Iraq prior to the invasion. Consequently, Syrians are getting the same cold shoulder the uprising against the terrorist Mullahs in Iran received from the Obama Administration:

    "Barack Obama’s US government has warned its western allies and Syria’s opposition groups that it can do nothing to intervene in the country’s crisis until after November’s presidential election, The Daily Telegraph has learned."

    With his last election behind him, Obama will have more “flexibility.” If you want to know what that means, ask Dmitri Medvedev.

  34. This is great:

    Realizing that Obama's reelection is in serious jeopardy, the President's campaign today released a two-minute ad slamming Mitt Romney for layoffs made at a company controlled by Bain Capital. The ad is built around interviews with former steelworkers at GST Steel, a mill in Kansas City, who were laid off as the company collapsed in the wake of a downturn in the steel market. The ad is certainly gripping and emotional. It is also, however, completely wrong.
    The company was shut down in 2001. Romney left Bain in 1999, long before the plant closing, to run the Winter Olympics. Two years is an eternity in the business world. Blaming Romney for decisions made two years after he left the company is, at best, disingenuous.

    However, there was a political power-player serving as a director of Bain at the time of the company's bankruptcy and layoffs--Jonathan Lavine. Lavine joined Bain in 1993. He is currently Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer. He is also a major bundler for Barack Obama, raising between $100-200k for his reelection. While we don't know the specific role Lavine had in decisions regarding the bankrupt company, GST Steel, he certainly had more influence than someone who had left Bain two years before.

    Perhaps Obama should use some of Lavine's donations to help the steelworkers featured in his ad.

  35. PilotX said...
    So in wingnut world it's ok if Mittens doesn't release his tax returns, eevn though every other presidential nominee has starting with his dad, because they don't know what Barack got in his English class back when he was in college. These people are insane

    Every other presidential candidate has released his college transcripts as well. Why not Barack? It took three years of lawsuits to get him to release a questionable facsimile of his birth certificate, while every other candidate had to prove his right to run (e.g. John McCain, Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater). Why was it such a big deal?

    Every other presidential candidate was fully vetted (to varying degrees) before being elected. Barack got by with his "fictionalized" autobiography. Why?

    You moonbats want Mitt to release his tax forms so you can hoot and holler over how much money he makes. But you have zero interest in your man, about whom we know nothing real.

    I do know Mitt made his fortune legally, and on his own. I suspect Barry cannot say the same thing. Aren't you the slightest bit curious about who has sponsored him, from his college days to the large portion of his campaign donations that were never accounted for?

    But you and the moonbat establishment know this is all a distraction from Obama's record. Why are we talking about Bain Capital's activities from the 1990's, when our economy is dying in 2012?

    These desperate attacks will begin to be seen for what they are and Obama is going to go down in flames.

  36. "You moonbats want Mitt to release his tax forms so you can hoot and holler over how much money he makes. But you have zero interest in your man, about whom we know nothing real."

    Negative, I want Mittens to release his tax returns because he is auditioning for the most powerful job in this country and it appears he is trying to hide something. I don't care if he is rich or not, all presidents are/were, I want to know how much he really loves his country. Hiding assets in the Caymans while your country is in economic distress is NOT patriotic. Also, did GWB release his college transcripts?

    "I do know Mitt made his fortune legally, and on his own. I suspect Barry cannot say the same thing. Aren't you the slightest bit curious about who has sponsored him, from his college days to the large portion of his campaign donations that were never accounted for?"

    On his own? So having a rich daddy doesn't help? Really?
    Seeing that he and Michelle just recently finished paying off loans seems like they paid for college the way the rest of us did, a combination of scholarships, loans, work and maybe help from family. He didn't have a rich daddy to foot the bill. But yes, I am curious about that but are you curious about Mitten's tax returns?

  37. The Amazing Barry12:01 PM

    Full name: Barack Hussein Obama II
    Net worth: US$ 11.8 million (2010)
    Job experience: None

    The only legitimate money this guy has made has been the salaries he received as President and Senator. He got rich by writing (or having Bill Ayers write) a fictionalized book about himself.

    Barry Soetoro is the greatest con man in history.

  38. Ya Thunder Dolt12:01 PM


    If Romney had "hidden assets in the Caymans", would he list them on his tax returns?

  39. "He got rich by writing (or having Bill Ayers write) a fictionalized book about himself."

    So writing a book isn't a legitimate way of making money? Somebody better tell Stephen King.

  40. "If Romney had "hidden assets in the Caymans", would he list them on his tax returns?"

    Seems he's hiding something so maybe. Only one way to find out right?

  41. PilotX said..."On his own? So having a rich daddy doesn't help? Really?"

    Of course having a rich daddy, or even a daddy, helps.

    But did you know that Romney gave his entire inheritence from his father to charity? (college scholarships).

    In fact, he has given over 15% of everything he has ever made to charity. How many people can say that? Obama can't. Until the last couple of years (when people were looking), he gave less than 1% of his earnings to charity. And he made a lot of money on book sales.

    Liberals always want to give to the poor, except they want to give them other people's money.

    Romney should release his tax documents. Right after Obama stops preventing the release of any and all documents form his past.

  42. The IRS12:14 PM

    PilotX, you can bet your red-tailed behind that Obama has the IRS going over Romney's tax returns with a fine-toothed comb.

  43. Anonymous12:18 PM

    PilotX said...
    "He got rich by writing (or having Bill Ayers write) a fictionalized book about himself."

    So writing a book isn't a legitimate way of making money? Somebody better tell Stephen King.

    It's kinda fraud when you call it a self penned auto biography that turned out to be "collectivized fiction" that was penned by someone else. But in a way I guess you can say he made his life like Romney's, his fictionalized man he never knew father also helped him with the theme of the book.

  44. Anonymous1:21 PM

    OK Mitt has agreed to Release some of his tax returns to provide jerk off material to moonbats if Obama releases the following 10 items first.

    10. State senate papers. In the 2008 primary, Obama criticized Hillary Clinton for not releasing papers from her eight years time as First Lady--but failed to produce any papers from his eight years in Springfield. “They could have been thrown out,” he said.

    9. Academic transcripts. His supposed academic brilliance was a major selling point, but Obama (by his own admission) was a mediocre student. His GPA at Occidental was a B-plus at best, and his entering class at Columbia was weak. Can he prove his merit?

    8. Book proposal. Obama’s literary agent claimed he was “born in Kenya”--for sixteen years. His original book proposal exists--biographer David Maraniss refers to it--and seems to have embellished other key details of his life. Yet it has never been released.

    7. Medical records. In 2000, and again (briefly) in 2008, GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain released thousands of pages of his medical records. Obama, who had abused drugs and continued smoking, merely provided a one-page doctor’s note.

    6. Small-dollar donors. In 2008, the McCain campaign released the names of donors who had contributed less than $200, though it was not required to do so. But the Obama campaign refused, amidst accusations it had accepted illegal foreign contributions.

    5. The Khalidi tape. In 2003, Obama attended a party for his good friend, the radical Palestinian academic Rashid Khalidi. The event featured incendiary anti-Israel rhetoric. The LA Times broke the story, but has refused to release the tape--and so has Obama.

    4. The real White House guest list. Touting its transparency, the Obama White House released its guest logs--but kept many visits secret, and moved meetings with lobbyists off-site. It also refused to confirm the identities of visitors like Bertha Lewis of ACORN.

    3. Countless FOIA requests. The Obama administration has been described as “the worst” ever in complying with Freedom of Information Act requests for documents. It has also punished whistleblowers like David Walpin, who exposed cronyism in Americorps.

    2. Health reform negotiations. Candidate Obama promised that health care reform negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN. Instead, there were back-room deals woth millions with lobbyists and legislators--the details of which are only beginning to emerge.

    1. Fast and Furious documents. After months of stonewalling Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder asked President Obama to use executive privilege to conceal thousands of documents related to the deadly scandal--and Obama did just that.

    In addition to the above, Obama and his campaign have lied about many facts about his past--his membership in the New Party; his extensive connections with ACORN; and his continued relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, among other examples. Obama’s own memoir is filled with fabrications. And now he is lying about his opponent’s honorable record in business. He--and the media--have no shame.

  45. you didn't build that2:31 PM

    Unfortunately for Obama, when he heard about trained seals, something very different popped into his mind:

    Former Navy SEAL Launches PAC To Fight Obama

    By Hunter Walker July 17, 2012

    Today, Ryan Zinke, an ex-Navy SEAL and Montana State Senator, announced the launch of Special Operations for America, a political action committee dedicated to “the election of Mitt Romney and like-minded candidates.”

    “Navy SEAL’s, Special Operations Personnel and Veteran’s across America have been outraged since Barack Obama conveniently took credit for killing Osama Bin Laden for political gain,” a statement announcing the loss of SOFA said.

    “The active duty military has no voice as they are forbidden to publicly engage in the political campaign process and it is career suicide for senior military leaders to speak out against the President.”

    Mr. Zinke, who has frequently slammed the president’s handling of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, reiterated his criticisms of the operation.

    “The President has failed and he is jeopardizing the safety of our troops, their families and our National security for political gain.

    Obama has exposed the identity of special operations units, leaked classified information, and limited the rules of engagement of forces on the ground,” said Mr. Zinke.

    “For those who have taken an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, it is a call of duty to take back America from a Commander-in-Chief that is incapable of understanding the sacrifices that have been made for the values that have made America great.

  46. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Pilots X-stacy said...

    "On his own? So having a rich daddy doesn't help? Really?"

    I am truly sorry if you have daddy issues. Did you at least know who your father was? Don't be ashamed if you didn't single mothers in the Black community is the norm, isn't it over 70% now of children live with single moms? This all happened due to liberal policies and welfare, where if there was a man in the household they expected him to work, so the men left.

  47. h r block2:43 PM

    the x piles says:

    Seeing that he and Michelle just recently finished paying off loans seems like they paid for college the way the rest of us did, a combination of scholarships, loans, work and maybe help from family.

    You have no idea if Obama and his wife just paid off their college loans. You only know what they claimed. However, given their credibility problem, there's no reason to believe the story you believe.

    He didn't have a rich daddy to foot the bill.

    When it comes to paying for college, the next best thing to having a rich daddy, is having no daddy. And the rewards are even better when you're black.

    But yes, I am curious about that but are you curious about Mitten's tax returns?

    You and your pals may be offended by the contents of Romney's tax returns, but his returns were filed with the best legal and tax advice available. So, no matter how much his tax strategies engrage you, you'll have to accept the fact that every item in them confomrs to tax law.

  48. h r block2:48 PM

    x piles wants Romney's tax records.

    Americans want Obama's SAT scores, LSAT scores, college transcripts and his law school transcripts.

    Obama's tax returns would be unremarkable, except for the likelihood that he occasionally didn't bother to file them for a couple of years at a time.

  49. The Commie Airmen2:52 PM

    PilotX is looking for Romney's "hidden assets". Sort of like OJ searching all those golf courses for his wife's killer.

    (Right. He just wants for eveyone to be pissed at Romney for making a butt-load of money. Nasty Capitalist!)

  50. No one cares about O' s school transcripts. Just want to see Flipper's returns. What is he hiding?

    If you don't think Obama wad fully vetted by the Clinton's, I have an old bell with a slight crack on the side here in Philly to sell u.

  51. Anonymous3:24 PM

    field negro said...
    No one cares about O' s school transcripts. "

    Really? Then why did he spend millions to seal them in his first executive order upon taking office? And why are millions asking to see them?

    Just want to see Flipper's returns. What is he hiding?

    No, moonbats are trying to make this an issue to dazzle the mindless crows with shiny objects and forget about how everything Obama has touced with his liberal policies have resulted in failure and disaster. The rest of us are smart enough to know that there is no doubt the same IRS that visits people Obama doesn't like no doubt looked for something in Mitt's records and found nothing other than he is really rich. Perfect, just the kind of guy I want, not a poverty pimp like Obama.

    Also, Mitt doesnt want to engage in the juvenile non productive destructive hate fest of class envy that you and all Obamabots live for. You want to be rich, do it. Teach your kids to aspire to be Mitt, not hate him. Things might work out differently for liberals. (Liberals aside from your Democratic masters who are some of the wealthiest people in the country pimping on those minority groups)

    You can do one of two things on your path to success. Either walk through a neighborhood and get mad that those people living in the nice houses have what you do not and somehow demand they give you some because it's unfair, or say what a great country that someday if I work hard enough, plan well enough and try, I too can have the same thing - BUT only if you EARN it. Smoking Choom and snorting coke and playin da xbox won't help you when you should be building skills and studying.

    "If you don't think Obama "wad""

    (I love your freudian slip about Obama's wad cause he has made a mess on the face of democrats everywhere)

    "fully vetted by the Clinton's, I have an old bell with a slight crack on the side here in Philly to sell u."

    You can't sell something that isn't yours - Sheeesh...just like an Obamabot, claiming something you didn't earn or purchase and looking to profit from it.

    He wasn't vetted at all...it's all coming out now though isn't it, now that the lamestream media who exposed that they were and are completely in the tank are hardly viewed anymore, as we all know they are liars and spinners...new media is exposing the truth and word is getting out there of "that truth".

  52. I'm not alone, members of his own team are calling for him to release the info because they know it looks bad. 115 ssrract

  53. Wow, such obfuscation. Field, your trolls have reading comprehension problems. I will state it again, I don't give a flying f how much money Mittens makes I know he's rich but now I want to know what he's hiding. I don't want to see his college term papers or his SAT score but I do want to see what ALL other presidential nominees shown done for over 40 years. The longer he resists the more it looks like he's hiding something. Enough of the strawman arguments "you'll just howl about how much money he makes" ect just show em and let's move along. What is he hiding?

  54. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Speaking of MSM media and vetting of Obama. Remember what started Obamas attack on Romney with the ad for BST steele layoffs and how Romney caused this?

    Well, you won't be seeing it on MSNBC (Hey aren't they about to go under cause no one watches and Microsoft got a divorce?) but the new media has exposed that Obamas man Jonathan Levine, one of Obamas top bundlers was the one in charge of Bain when the BST steel all went down.

    Now don't you feel like a sucker for being misled. See if they tell you the truth now and are sorry for making you look foolish.

    "It turns out that Jonathan Lavine, current Obama bundler, was actually in charge, at Bain, during that period, when the layoffs occurred. Oops, that isn’t right, is it? Yes, that story is the one that needs to be reported on. Sorry Mr. President, your lies are just getting to be more than many of us are able to handle.

    While Democrats assail presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital business practices, Republicans note that President Obama has not been bashful about accepting cash from Bain executives or other high-profile figures in the corporate buyout business…

    …One of Obama’s top campaign financiers – Jonathan Lavine – is also managing director at Bain, bundling between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions for the 2012 Obama Victory Fund, according to estimates released by the Obama campaign. The president has also relied on other leading figures in the private equity sector as hosts for high-dollar fundraisers and as members of his Jobs Council.


  55. Anonymous3:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, such obfuscation. Field, your trolls have reading comprehension problems.
    I will state it again, I don't give a flying f how much money Mittens makes I know he's rich but now I want to know what he's hiding. I don't want to see his college term papers or his SAT score but I do want to see what ALL other presidential nominees shown done for over 40 years. The longer he resists the more it looks like he's hiding something. Enough of the strawman arguments "you'll just howl about how much money he makes" ect just show em and let's move along. What is he hiding?

    My god what an immoral dunce. The entire schtick is class warfare the ONLY reason his tax returns were asked for, then he complied with one, then two years was because of these nonsensical claims.

    Listen the government you worship surely would not let him break the law and do something illegal. They would have milked every last penny from him, that they legally could. This all started with the Obama campaign playing class warfare. You are so bright, what precisely are you sure he might be hiding that is LEGAL but something you may not like?

    If I were Mitt I would say to the bloodsucking leechs, don't come up with fake morals for me that you do not equally apply to the most myterious president in history. Why are you not concerned that so much basic information is hidden and has been sealed regarding Obama? Why? Why do you want to know how rich Mitt is only? Why? Is it because he is white?

  56. Anonymous3:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    I'm not alone, members of his own team are calling for him to release the info because they know it looks bad. 115 ssrract

    and Members of his own team also convinced McCain to let Obama be vile and nasty while he maintained the proper decorum. Not this campaign sally, not this time. Mitt will release them, in his own good time, he has nothing to hide. But Obama sure does with sealed records, millions spent to keep them sealed and millions spent distracting little crows like you with something like class warfare. For surely you aren't Rich Because Mitt is.

  57. George Soros3:42 PM

    PilotX, I have no doubt Romney will release his tax returns before the election.

    Just not on your "schedule".

    What's wrong? Did you moonbats figure out beating the Bain drum wasn't getting you anywhere?

  58. The Smartest Half Negro in the World3:47 PM

    field negro said...
    No one cares about O' s school transcripts.

    It matters because Obama sold himself as some kind of genius.

    However, there is nothing to back that up. No grades, no test scores, no papers. His greatest intellectual achievement was the very well written "Dreams from My Father", but that appears to have been written by Bill Ayers.

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    What is he hiding?

  59. How Many Years?4:06 PM

    Hey field / PilotX, et al.:

    Before I send Romney an email, I need to know...just how many tax returns will it take to make you happy?

    I wish he'd release them too, just so you'll be happy, and STFU. (Of course, NEITHER of those two things will ever happen).

    FYI...I don't like Romney myself, but I'd vote for a steaming turd before I'd vote for Obama.

  60. Anonymous4:10 PM

    What's wrong? Did you moonbats figure out beating the Bain drum wasn't getting you anywhere?

    I think it was that and also the news the New Media dug up that Obamas top bundlers were the ones who actually outsourced jobs, can you imagine any of the truth hitting the MSM ever? Obama would be impeached.

    Moonbats are doing everything they can to destroy the democrat party once and for all. Now two idiots are making statements leaving no doubt they are in this for themselves and do not in the slightest represent Americans

    Harry Reid specifically says his job is to protect president Obama - Forget the truth.

    And another moonbat is talking about amending legislation from 1978 to require Mitt release his tax filings for 10 years.

    I say go for that amendment and add on the following with the same moral equivalent.

    Obama must release all fast and furious documents. American and Mexicans died over this and there is proof he and holder lied.

    What was his residency during his Indonesia/trip to Pakistaan, what passport did he use at a time when US citizens were not allowed to enter.

    Who funded the trip (Tony Rezko or the friendly Iraq Billionare who also lent him the money to buy his house.

    College Transcripts - I want to see his thesis on Nuclear Disarming of Russia, very , very important nowadays and how he became the head of harvard law review without having written anything.

    Social Security records to explain why even though he never lived in CT he has a SS# that only a CT resident could have gotten and more....

    Anyway, in typical liberal fashion the amendment is unconstitutional and won't go anywhere, it is more shiny things for the dumb crows.

  61. Tell Mitt the last ten years will be just fine.

  62. Anonymous4:23 PM

    The true results of liberal policies continue..

    Tax/Spend/Entitlements/raise taxes/lose taxbase/violent crime/no-lights dark city/Years of massive taxpayer funded bailouts/black liberal corruption = detroit

    As the next step in an April deal between financially strapped Detroit and the state of Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder is finalizing a plan to tear down thousands of abandoned houses in a bid to make the city safer.


  63. Anonymous4:28 PM

    field negro said...
    Tell Mitt the last ten years will be just fine.

    Tell Obama I don't want any stinking tax increase to pay for his corruption and bail out his failures. I pay enough, he has smoozed enough people and bought enough votes. I want him to cut spending, fraud and corruption beginning with him Immediately.

    Americans for no more tax increases. We all pay enough, well at least 51% of us do. The other 49% just suck the blood out of the rest of us Americans and like the true parasites that they are they become democratic and demand more and more and more.

    Well this parasitic host is using Deet, get off me you bloodsuckers and stop stealing my pizza, go make your own damned pie.

  64. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Has anybody noticed how weird Romney's sons look?

    Except for Tag, none of them look either like him or his wife.

    And the one that has the ad out in Spanish, Craig, looks positively Mexican!!!

    Are they adopted, does anyone know?

  65. Anybody notice how Obama looks nothing like his father, but he looks a lot like Frank Marshall Davis?

  66. How Many Years?4:45 PM

    field negro said...
    Tell Mitt the last ten years will be just fine.

    4:22 PM

    You got it. Done.

    Just out of curiousity, what's the norm?....do you know?

  67. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Field are you engaged in class warfare? The strawmen are growing by leaps and bounds.


  68. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Oh yeah the mccain campaign was so friendly. I guess we forget the klan rallies hosted by palin in which the prez was called a terrorist. Such short memories conservatives have its a wonder they can remember why they fly confederate flags.


  69. What's Good For The Goose...Obviously Isn't Good For The Gander5:04 PM



  70. Candid Camera5:10 PM

    This guy O'Keefe is just eating you "Progressives" for lunch. No wonder you hate him so much:


  71. Captain Reality5:16 PM

    The X piles said...
    "I guess we forget the klan rallies hosted by palin in which the prez was called a terrorist."

    Those of us who aren't crackheads actually do "forget" about Palin hosting klan rallies, because of course nothing like that ever really happened.

    I'm glad you are not really a pilot...

  72. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Field are you engaged in class warfare? The strawmen are growing by leaps and bounds.


    What did you learn a new word? You have been using strawmen all day. I bet Maddow tried that out last night.

    Sorry but you don't understand the proper use. Obamas position is one of secrecy and hiding - he sealed his records a lot of them that got out were considered questionable with good reason - CT SS number and so on. SO this is real not straw.

    It has been made clear that we all know the game you are trying to play as Obamas campaign surrogate of focusing on Mitts returns being the rich guy vs Obamas completely hiding everything and said NO. So that isn't straw it's you will not get what you want, we want Obamas records and have ALWAYS wanted them.

    Are you sure you aren't a mariposa/Stewardess? Would you like a bloody mary or champagne before take off sir?

    No wait, you would be in coach, chips or nuts....

  73. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Has anybody noticed how weird Romney's sons look?

    Except for Tag, none of them look either like him or his wife.

    And the one that has the ad out in Spanish, Craig, looks positively Mexican!!!

    Are they adopted, does anyone know?

    Are you saying that Mitt is just like Obama and had a mother who did porn for a marxist and was told his daddy was some random African student who he met once, instead of the BDSM porn director of his moms?

  74. Anonymous5:57 PM

    And yet ANOTHER Obama taxpayer funded company has failed. Does this make number 14? Has anyone figured out from every one of these companies failing, cities in decay, the economy and overall blight of America that Liberal policies just do not work?

    Yes many have figured this out and we want to see why they are so rich gottdamn it they must have cheated because I aint rich and dat shit aint right. Show me your tax forms...


  75. dark night6:02 PM

    The sun sets on another Obama business:

    Amonix closes North Las Vegas solar plant after 14 months, heavy federal subsidies

    Jul. 18, 2012

    The Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, heavily financed under an Obama administration energy initiative, has closed its 214,000-square-foot facility 14 months after it opened.

    Officials at Amonix headquarters in Seal Beach, Calif., have not responded to repeated calls for comment this week. The company today began selling equipment, from automated tooling systems to robotic welding cells.

    A designer and manufacturer of concentrated photovoltaic solar power systems, Amonix received $6 million in federal tax credits and a $15.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to build the plant in North Las Vegas.

    Rene Kenerly, a former material and supply manager at Amonix, said the plant has been idle since May 1, when he was laid off.

    At its peak, the plant had ramped up to about 700 employees working three shifts a day to produce solar panels for a utility customer in Amarosa, Colo., he said.

    "I don't think they had a lot of training," Kenerly said. "There were a lot of quality issues. A lot of stuff was coming back because it had some functionality issues."

    The Amonix plant was highly touted by politicians and economic development officials when it opened in May 2011.

    Company executives said they would employ as many as 300 assembly line workers paid $12 to $14 an hour, plus benefits.

    Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., and Gov. Brian Sandoval were among the political leaders who lauded the company when it announced it would start making solar cells in the Golden Triangle Industrial Park.

  76. priest6:07 PM

    x piles said:

    Of course I haven't performed any exorcisms like Bobby Jindal but I did go to the school where the exorcism that the movie was based on took place.

    You went to the school? Uh huh. You went after midnight, right? So what did you steal?

  77. deaf and dumb6:27 PM

    BARBBF said...

    List Of Records Obama Refuses To Release:

    University of Chicago Law School scholarly articles

    Harvard Law Review articles

    The reason they haven't been released is simple. There aren't any.

    It's been acknowledged that he set a record by publishing exactly nothing while in these prestigious places and positions.

  78. Here is an interesting story. France’s biggest auto-maker (and Europe’s second biggest), Peugot, is struggling very badly and losing money. The markets are predicting a 50 percent chance of bankruptcy in two years. What does Marshmellow Man, the new President of the Fifth Republic, do? He says that Peugeot will not be allowed to lay off workers. Not only that, he is in the process of passing a law that will make it impossible to fire employees in France. Isn’t that a wonderful solution?

    I suppose these idiotic laws and the insane taxes will prepare the French car companies (which make sub-standard cars compared to the competition from across the Rhine) to compete even better. The French have well and truly lost touch with reality as a nation and have become a laughing stock.

  79. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Does anyone know where those weekly ideas for Jobs went that Obama promised back in August of last year?

    His Job council hasn't met in six months (carney said he is busy campaigning)

    (Reuters) - President Barack Obama sought to reassert economic leadership on Thursday by pledging to deliver new ideas every week to create jobs, and he slammed Congress for "bickering" that hurts economic recovery.


  80. AsqueekyRedHatSpeaks7:02 PM

    @Pile it X
    Is this your aunt, she thinks like you.

    Tell me, honestly is this the type of representative you support? Is this the best representative that has been fielded?


  81. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Desert, "Has anybody noticed how weird Romney's sons look?"

    is that anyway for a health professional to talk? For Christ's sake, Obamacare has just been passed and you are discriminating already. Are you prejudiced against a fine human being like Romney? The shame of it all!

  82. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Listen Anon 7:45pm I'm a very observant person, remember that I was the FIRST one to notice that Zimmie boy looked South American!
    And I posted it right here! and it turns out I was right!

    So, I think his boys are adopted, is all.

    One of them looks Scandenavian, Tag looks like Superman, the cartoon version, a couple look like sheepdogs..oops..and that Craig one looks like a puritiyo aye aye ayyyyeeee, viva Mejico!!!!

    UNLESS, his wife Ann is secretly Mexican, like Bushe's sister in law, and Raquel Welch!

    They paint their hair blonde, smile pretty and say "don't call me Latino, I'm an Amurrican now!"

  83. These folks have been dumped on so badly by their friend, Mr. Turd, they're sh*tting out meaninless lists.

  84. Mr. Turd has taken such a big dump on these bellyachers, now they're so scared that they're spewing the stuff out in lists!
