Monday, July 16, 2012

Mitt talk, and old family matters.

Before I start this post I would like to join numerous republicans and others in calling on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. I am sure that he has done nothing wrong, but I am just tired of this back and forth and I am sure that he could put an end to it tomorrow if he wanted to.

Anyway, I have to give to Mitt. If he doesn't become our next president, and a couple of years from now Jabari Parker -and not Mitt Romney- is the most famous Mormon in America, he will at least be responsible for adding a couple of new phrases to the American lexicon:"Retroactive retirement", and "self- deportation". You gotta love it. Republicans are good at that. Mitt and his people are just doing what all good republicans do: Find interesting ways to say things.

Now maybe we will all start thinking outside the speech box.

For instance, consider the following: Joint defeating. This could be when two teams stink up a game and we don’t want to declare a winner, or when two boxers go 15 rounds without really fighting each other.

Future felon: That one baby who sticks out for all the wrong reasons when we visit the nursery.

Retroactive sex: Yes, you are married now, but there is that one who got away, and now you have to “tap that ass” ...let me stop. But you get the idea; it's all about creative phrasing. I actually admire that about Mitt's people. It kind of makes you wonder why they didn't come up with a groundbreaking campaign slogan like O had back in 2008.  

Finally, now I know why a certain group of people came up with so much money online for a certain dude down in Florida.

Unfortunately, it seems that he allegedly has a thing for first cousins as well.  




  1. NSangoma8:48 PM


    Tongan and African American descent

    Tonga, that's Oceanic Negroe aka
    Asiatic Negroe.

    Unusual for the Negrito, that is, the Oceanic Negroe to mate with African Americans or Africans.


  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Finally, now I know why a certain group of people came up with so much money online for a certain dude down in Florida.

    Unfortunately, it seems that he allegedly has a thing for first cousins as well. you think Georgey was finger banging Trayvon before he blew his thug heart out of his body? I hope he cleaned under his fingernail.

    Liberals are shit. Make up another story, anything, nothing is beneath them to reach their goals in their mind. I hope some investigator tracks the money from the government they paid to this airhead and tracks who else got paid to make it into a discovery of an accused man who has dozens of witnesses that testify he is not racist.

    Negroes of the world Untie. resist we much about that must we much be will committed.

  3. "This irrelevant statement should be withheld from public dissemination because of the substantial risk that public disclosure will lead to widespread hostile publicity which would substantially impair the Defendant's fair trial rights, and would pose a serious threat to the administration of justice,"

    I've got to agree with Mark O'Mara on this one; it's all prejudice with no probative value. Everyone deserves a fair trial.

  4. Anonymous10:48 PM

    My fellow Americans,
    Eat your peas, you aren’t that smart, everybody works hard, you aren’t special, you can’t keep your thermostat at a comfortable temperature because you don’t deserve it, stop whining, stop being lazy, we aren’t as good as we once were, China is better, you are just a cog in the murder machine, you aren’t selling hard and hustling, you’ve lost your ambition, your imagination and your willingness to build things, you’ve gotten soft, you can’t drill because you’ll ruin everything, you can’t drive whatever you want, let’s be real. Now I have to apologize for you to every country that will listen. Thanks for nothing.
    Barack Obama

  5. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Good job on continuing to attempt to propogate the distraction with Mitt and tax records.

    Now, how about that budget? You know the one Obama just broke another law and did not present it as required you know the document that is supposed to contain revised spending, tax collection and deficit numbers to update the February budget proposal.

    Oh wait, the February budget was a joke, not one vote, not one single vote was cast in approval of it.

    Democrats haven't had a budget since 2008. Also against the law and requirements for holding public office, do you think they are trying to hide something...snicker...snicker...

  6. "Before I start this post I would like to join numerous republicans and others in calling on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns."

    Media Matters is really pushing that one, eh Mr. Negro?

    Jig for your democrat masters Field, jig.

    You are the ultimate House Negro.

  7. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Percy Sutton said...
    "Before I start this post I would like to join numerous republicans and others in calling on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns."

    Media Matters is really pushing that one, eh Mr. Negro?

    Jig for your democrat masters Field, jig.

    You are the ultimate House Negro.

    It's the only hope Obama has, can't talk about he consumer index tanking, unemployment being the worst the longest in American History, democrats inability to manage a budget, let alone produce one. Imagine they want to raise taxes and make people pay more, but they don't know what they have , what they are spending and where.

  8. Anonymous11:58 PM

    It is quite odd that Mr Romney is declining to offer his tax data.
    We already know he is rich and that much of his wealth stems from rather unpleasant why is he so reluctant?

    I would posit that Mr Zimmerman is not the 'poster gunman' for Stand Your Ground. The more we see of him, the more we like very stringent gun control laws. The police treated him as if he was the local Forrest Gump. Or simply let him play telling him the word "No" would upset his less than developed psyche.

    Mr Romney could be the hoped-for Randian/Neo-Con Messiah. Although, I would caution those unlettered to reconsider as their situations would revert to those of their ancestors.


  9. Anonymous12:20 AM

    It is quite odd that Mr Obama is declining to offer any past information on his life whatsoever.
    We already know he is rich and that much of his wealth stems from rather unpleasant why is he so reluctant?

    I would posit that Trayvon Martin is not the 'poster victim' for Stand Your Ground. The more we learn of him, the more we like conceal carry laws. The police treated him as if he was the local Rodney King. Or simply let him play telling him the word "No" would upset his less than developed psyche.

    Mr Obama could be the hoped-for King of the Negros. Although, I would caution those unlettered to reconsider as their situations would revert to those of their ancestors.


  10. Anonymous12:24 AM

    I would posit that Mr Zimmerman is not the 'poster gunman' for Stand Your Ground. The more we see of him, the more we like very stringent gun control laws.

    We need stringent violent Negro laws where they are required by law to shoot themselves before attacking anyone. With bullets they pay for and no EBT cards can be used. Only for you, I will send you a full magazine for free with 16 shots cause we know Negroes can't shoot straight and you need plenty of chances.

  11. Anonymous1:42 AM

    dear mr field, i am a devoted mormon and a republican. i was told by my black republican friends in utah about fn and how you and your fn cronies have been unmerciful on mitt.

    mr field, you and your fn followers' racial prejudice is showing and it is astonishing that you folks are shameless about it. you are being unfair, biased and quite arrogant toward mitt.

    in other words, you are being childish and arrogant. it doesn't become you at all. please THINK before you make another negative post about our next President. thanking you in advance of nov 4.

  12. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Field, just looking at Zimmerman he doesn't look like a molester. He doesn't even look like a killer. I am sure you can tell 'innocence' when you see it?

  13. You really sure Mitt did nothing wrong? The people who vetted him for McCain's VP in 2008 know.

  14. Anon@9:24 PM,go easy on the meth their big guy, I think you are losing it. This is the Internet, we are just talking.

    WC, I agree with you, this information now is somewhat irrelevant to the current case. But it's still good to know. Hey, my man s a celebity now, and he is a hero to folks like Anon.@2:43AM. Scrutiny comes with the territory.

    Anon@1:42AM, you must have a small circle of friends.

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@9:24 PM,go easy on the meth their big guy, I think you are losing it. This is the Internet, we are just talking.

    WC, I agree with you, this information now is somewhat irrelevant to the current case. But it's still good to know. Hey, my man s a celebity now, and he is a hero to folks like Anon.@2:43AM. Scrutiny comes with the territory.

    A celebrity or an example that if they want you they will stop at nothing and do anything to get you.

    Hows that make you feel? This time warm and fuzzy, lets see when it's your turn. First they came for men claimed self defense, then they came for the lawyers.....

  16. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Bob said...
    You really sure Mitt did nothing wrong? The people who vetted him for McCain's VP in 2008 know.

    Hmm, could be, or maybe it could be that they thought they would win with the womens vote by selecting a hot woman as V.P., thats' what Baracka Flacka did wasn't it?

  17. colt 45 malt liquor9:38 AM

    The Negro Barbeque:

    Wild shootout in Toronto leaves 2 dead, 22 injured

    Infant shot in head is among survivors of street-party violence

    CBC News Posted:

    Jul 17, 2012

    Two people were shot to death, 19 were wounded, and three others were trampled Monday night in a shooting rampage at a block party in Toronto's east end.

    A teenage girl and a 20-year-old man died at the scene.

    Three other people were badly injured when they were trampled by the panicked crowds trying to flee the violence.

    Toronto police also said Tuesday morning that one of the 19 wounded in the rampage was a baby under two years of age, who was hit by a bullet in the head.

    Others injured in the melee ranged in age from age 16 to 30, police said.

    Toronto Police Chief Blair called the incident an episode of "senseless violence," the likes of which he had not seen during his 35-year career as a police officer.

    Blair said one of the injured was a "person of interest" and had been taken into custody. More than one gun was used in the incident, and one weapon was found at the scene.

  18. rahm emmanuel9:56 AM

    What's Obama doing to stimulate the economy? NOTHING that works.

    Unemployment has been high since he came into office. Too high. Way too high.

    What effect have his policies had? Nothing beneficial.

    However, he did authorize one execution that rallied Americans for a few days. But now that Osama bin Laden's been dead for more than a year, it's obvious that killing him has had no more effect on Islamic terrorism than Obama's plans have had on the economy.

  19. Honkie Gots No Dog In This Fight10:13 AM

    Look at the picture field posted:

    The guy in the background is a black brutha.

    The guy in the foreground is a white cracker.

    The guy in the middle is a hispanic.

    Why you grape soda bruthas be hatin' on the burrito brutha?

  20. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Field, "Anon@1:42AM, you must have a small circle of friends."

    I have a small circle of friends because I am very selective. These days you can't be too careful, esp when it comes to Black and White people.

    Being a brother, I have been stung by more Blacks than Whites. There is less loyalty, no compassion...less 'heart' among Blacks toward Blacks. Go figure.

  21. Ha! I'm sure people around you are very particular you becoming their friend.


  22. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Farley said...
    Ha! I'm sure people around you are very particular you becoming their friend.


    Yeah he probably doesn't have any disengenious liberals as friends. Oh no, what is life going to be like without a bunch of hateful wet noodles who will lick someones ass in one breath and try to kill someone in the next....tell us Farley? Whats it like not to have leeching bloodsucking friends?

  23. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Honkie Gots No Dog In This Fight said...
    Look at the picture field posted:

    The guy in the background is a black brutha.

    The guy in the foreground is a white cracker.

    The guy in the middle is a hispanic.

    Why you grape soda bruthas be hatin' on the burrito brutha?

    Reminds me of the really small chain steering wheels they used to get back in the day. This way they could drive with handcuffs on.

    Or as Field says, who's that brotha in the nice suit? The defendant.

  24. In the words of Chris Matthews, "if something is better than it seems they'll let you know". So that means there is some hella nonsense in Mitten's tax returns. At the very least he hides his money overseas and dodges taxes. So let me get this straight, the guy who wants to run this country feels the need to avoid his duty of paying the price of living in this country? He and his sons avoided service to this country and his grandfather thought so little of this country he moved to Mexico. Conservatives truly live in bizarro world, if you love this country you ship jobs overseas and avoid taxes to keep the government running. On top of that you rail against government while running for a government job. Are there any sane Republicans anymore?

  25. amerikkkan redneck crackers ain't shit2:55 PM

    "Are there any sane Republicans anymore?"

    There never were any.

  26. PilotX said..."if you love this country you ship jobs overseas and avoid taxes to keep the government running."


    Sounds like the Obama administration you are talking about, using billions in taxpayer money to fund "Green Energy" jobs in China, or letting GE, run by Obama's Chief Crony Capitalist Jeffrey Immelt, shelter profits overseas to the extent they paid ZERO taxes on 2010 profits of $15 billion.

    You are the one who needs to check your sanity PX. Open yours eyes man.

  27. Yep Chairman that sucks too. Everybody that says they care about this country should pay their damned taxes just like all other generations did and STFU. These modern punk millionaires need to look at history and thank their gods they don't have to pay 90%. Damn near traitors.

  28. Nothing shows more love for America than a Swiss bank account.

  29. "colt 45 malt liquor said...
    The Negro Barbeque:"

    Was this a white barbeque?

  30. "Yep Chairman that sucks too. Everybody that says they care about this country should pay their damned taxes just like all other generations did and STFU"


  31. Obama sin Laden5:50 PM

    PilotX said...
    Nothing shows more love for America than a Swiss bank account.

    Nothing excepts putting the country trillions more into debt, weakening its Armed Forces, opening its borders, going to an America-hating preacher for 20 years, apologizing to its enemies, sowing divison amongst its citizens, and shredding its Constitution, that is.

  32. Anonymous5:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    Yep Chairman that sucks too. Everybody that says they care about this country should pay their damned taxes just like all other generations did and STFU. These modern punk millionaires need to look at history and thank their gods they don't have to pay 90%. Damn near traitors.

    How about the 47-50% of people who pay NO taxes at all because they are "entitled" including many, many illegal aliens who actually get refunds for working off the books while collecting entitlements. All while the top 1% already pays 70% not 40, 50, 0r even 60 but 70% of the total taxes? What in the world makes you think they haven't paid enough and you can demand more while people all around sit on the couch and collect checks for playing videogames?

    Are you aware that the liberal left and Obama just declared getting a massage, blogging, talking to teachers forms of work acceptable under welfare reform?

    Thats unamerican my deluded little obamabot. When there are more people sitting in the cart than pulling it and then little drones like you attacking the pullers for not pulling hard enough, something is going to give.

  33. colt 45 malt liquor6:57 PM

    field wonders about the Alabama shooting:

    Suspect in Alabama bar shooting turns himself in

    As it now stands, it's not clear if any of the injured parties were actually shot. They may have been hurt in the stampedge. But so far, none died.

    Fortunately, the Alabama bad boy surrendered.

  34. Anonymous7:01 PM

    This is why Non Liberal cities have lower crime, when the Sons of Obama wearing hoodies attempt to rob/shoot you - they get shot instead by 71 year old men.
    This is JUSTICE without any skittles.

    So given the evidence I would say the first line of attack in Chicago/New York/Camden/Atlanta is to freely and openly adhere to second amendment rights. The herd will be culled and crime will drop when they realize the victims aren't victims anymore.

  35. who got da cure?7:01 PM

    Interesting. The latest statistics on AIDS.

    HALF of all new AIDS infections are contracted by blacks.

    The AIDS infection rate among blacks is EIGHT - 8 - times higher than it is among whites.

    These numbers represent a fascinating coincidence. They are the same numbers describing the different rates of murder among blacks and whites.

    Half of all murders are committed by blacks and the blacks commit murder at 8 times the rate of whites.

    What a coinky-dink? It's gotta mean something other than the very very obvious.

  36. "Interesting. The latest statistics on AIDS.

    HALF of all new AIDS infections are contracted by blacks."

    Have you ever met patient Zero?
