Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mitt's European misadventure.

When is the gymnastics portion of the Olympic games going to take place? Is it too late to get one of our presidential candidates on the American team? I bet he would get a perfect ten for his flips.
Flipper Mitt Romney once again demonstrated to us why he is the biggest flip flopper in the world. Just a day after telling NBC News that he had issues with the London Games, there he was at 10 Downing Street going on and on about what a wonderful job the Blokes are doing over there in London.

(Have we even had the opening ceremony yet?) Talk about embarrassing. Now even the Brits know what a wishy- washy flip flopper we have running for the highest office on our country. (BTW, whatever happened to not playing politics while on foreign soil?)

Let's see now:

'"You know, it's hard to know just how well it will turn out," Romney told NBC. There are a few things that were disconcerting. The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials … that obviously is not something which is encouraging.'"


'"What I see shows imagination and forethought and a lot of organization, and I expect the games to be highly successful,' Romney said....'My experience with Olympic organizing is that there's always a few very small things that end up going not quite right the first day or so,' Romney said. But the issues always get "ironed out,' he added."



  1. His first time out of country as a possible presidential nominee and he's already a laughing stock.

    Poor fool.

  2. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Field, I see in your post you almost called Mitt "Flipper" but caught yourself and struck out the inappropriate name. I was moved and want to commend you for doing so. It shows that 'you' are capable in rare moments of doing the right thing. And , you are growing into a fine man...something rare in the black community...they are usually killing each other or calling the wm "cracker". Mr. Field, you are a credit to your country and to your race. Words can't express my appreciation for your respect for Mr. Mitt Romney. All brothers should follow your example.

    Mitt Romney is running for President of the United States and deserves to be honored and respected like anyone else seeking the WH...

    Congratulations on your ability to sometimes be moral. It says something about you as a person and lawyer.

  3. Anonymous8:28 PM

    The Apology Tour has begun......

  4. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I was in Philly for the 8th time this year. I thought of you while eating a pretzel with mustard on Broad St.

    I have often wondered why you have refused several times to have lunch with me whenever I come to Philly. Just because I am not a big supporter of Obama is no reason to not have lunch with me. For Pete's sake, I have been a loyal disagreeing supporter on FN for years.

    Nevertheless, I will continue to support your blog. Black folks need to embrace our differences- not argue or call each other names for being different.

    Anyway, I consider myself a generous man so whenever you would like a pretzel with mustard on it for lunch, I will pay for it.

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Why does "Farley" hide behind a fictitious name? Why doesn't Farley have a blog for people to reply to her anti-Romney position?

  6. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Field, where are you? Why are you hiding? These are the same words that God asked Adam and Eve. They were naked and ashamed.

    How about you, Field? Are you afraid to come out and bare your naked soul and admit that you have lied on Romney?

    Are you hiding behind your weak fearful politico ego like Farley and PilotX?

    Repent and support Romney for he is a good honest man. The MSM and FN Negroes lie about Romney in order to advance Obama's chances in a dark world.

  7. "I have often wondered why you have refused several times to have lunch with me whenever I come to Philly. Just because I am not a big supporter of Obama is no reason to not have lunch with me. "For Pete's sake, I have been a loyal disagreeing supporter on FN for years.

    Nevertheless, I will continue to support your blog. Black folks need to embrace our differences- not argue or call each other names for being different."

    I agree. Lunch at my favorite spot the next time you come to Philly. I might not be there, but you can put it on my tab. :)

  8. Dear President of Anon. Inc.:

    Please tell your peeps to stop calling for my tax returns. This is a vindictive move and meant to get back at me because I dare ask for Mr. Romney to produce his.

    Thank you.

  9. Willard's keystone-cop campaign team seems to have pumped so much tinfoil hattery out into the atmosphere that they're breathing it themselves now. The slow recovery made this is a generic republiklan year, but they can't capitalize on it because Rmoney can't even get close to measuring up to generic. By all rights, Obama should be down by about the same 6 he's up.

  10. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Willard's keystone-cop campaign team seems to have pumped so much tinfoil hattery out into the atmosphere that they're breathing it themselves now. The slow recovery made this is a generic republiklan year, but they can't capitalize on it because Rmoney can't even get close to measuring up to generic. By all rights, Obama should be down by about the same 6 he's up.

    Again Wheelie boy, WTF are you trying to say? are you being so clever that you become intelligible or are you just a blithering idiot? So you are saying Romney is a loser, How do you know? Because by now Obama is such a loser and doing such a bad job that Romney should be higher in the polls than he is.

    Yup, Democratic Logic for ya.

  11. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "Dear President of Anon. Inc.:

    Please tell your peeps to stop calling for my tax returns. This is a vindictive move and meant to get back at me because I dare ask for Mr. Romney to produce his.

    Thank you."

    Dear Mr Field,

    Taxes. Taxes. Taxes. Chick Fil a. Chick Fil a. Chick Fil a....I really don't know what to make of all this. All I know it is costing me a lot of money to train my Anons in Taxes and how to be delicate with this Chick Fil a shit.

    Sometimes I think Americans are the dumbest people on the planet. Now some liberals are fucking with my Chick Fil a sandwiches because the CEO wants to be a devoted Christian and follow his faith. WTF?

    This Chick Fil a thing has gone too damn far. If the gay community doesn't like the marriage views of the CEO of Chick Fil a, go after him, but don't try to shut down one of my favorite lunch and dinner spots. Besides, many people WORK there.

    Mark my word, this is going to backfire on GLAAD, and it should. They have gone too far when they insist that everyone think like they do. GTFOH.

    Excuse my passion but I love Chick's sandwiches. They are part of my happy meals each day. I am addicted to them like I am addicted to FN. Does that give you an idea of how serious I am?

  12. Invite "anonymous" for lunch, you can't be who will show up."

    Mitt's worst gaff so far was revealing he'd met with the M16 director.

  13. Anonymous10:52 PM

    I am counting on Mitt to stand up for Chick Fil a because Obama won't.

    Mr Field, this could decide who will be the next President.

  14. Hey Field, do you run this blog to irritate wingnut republiklans or is that just a bonus?

  15. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Whitey, "Hey Field, do you run this blog to irritate wingnut republiklans or is that just a bonus?"

    You leftist never quit do you? first you cry for Mitt's taxes but refuse to show your own. Then you attack Chick Fil a which is as American as apple pie. Then YOU accuse conservatives of being irritated.

    WTF is wrong with you folks? You are anti-American, and you need you heads examined.

  16. Anonymous11:44 PM

    What Leftists need is a good old fashion conservative ass whupping. Conservatives have been too easy on them.

  17. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Hey Field, do you run this blog to irritate wingnut republiklans or is that just a bonus?

    Actually it's sort of a wayward home for Disengenious Disconnected Self Hating White Liberals to come and practice self degredation of the lowest form.

    In other circles they are just scum, here people like you can pretend to have relevance, while you sit at home and allow those you hate to support you. Wishing you could also be an achiever and hold your head high, but knowing you never really had aspirations that large and will just sit for the rest of your life.

    We know it's not us you hate, its yourself. But most importantly, its' you we don't care about, you are like a dog who the left throws a bone at, happily lapping up the scraps and living as an outcast whilst snarling at the finer breed walking by and cringing at the stench of your matted dirty fur that came from not caring for yourself and diving into garbage.

  18. Anonymous4:43 AM

    anon12:15am, have you noticed that you are here with Whitey? why are you here? Is it because you have such low self-esteem and low self-worth that you hate yourself because you have never measured up to the standards of your racist white friends? You must be lower than the scum that floats on a lake.

    Every mean-spirited thing you said to Whitey has been about YOU and you just aren't conscious of it. You see, Whitey is the "true" American who recognizes himself as 'part of' humanity but you can't. You actually think you are separate from humanity. Therein lies your own separation from humanity and your never-ending suffering.

    Again, if you think so superior to Blacks why aren't you somewhere else with the rest of your superior buddies? You see, you 'say' one thing, but you act opposite your words. The fact is you have lost the most valuable asset you could have in life: "Self-respect".

    Why don't you go play with your white buddies? You can't because you don't have any. You are alone in your place and Field Negro keeps your sorry self-pitying ass alive.

    What you wrote about Whitey was a complete analysis about you. It's pretty ugly.

  19. Bob, did Mitt really say that?

    And yes, the Chic Fil a man should be abe to open his restaurants where he likes. If folks don't support him because of his beliefs the market will dictate if he stays open or not. Not to mention the food and the service. Personally, I will not be supporting that franchise.

  20. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Brother Field, the CEO of Chick Fil a seems to have a little blood in him. Therefore, consider him a distant cousin, a devoted Christian who makes good chicken. Everyone knows their food and service is the best.

    What more do you want?

  21. "Why does "Farley" hide behind a fictitious name? Why doesn't Farley have a blog for people to reply to her anti-Romney position?"

    First of all anonymous ignoramus, a fucking anonymous poster accusing someone else of hiding behind their VERY REAL name is about the most piece of shitheaded retardness you freaks have spewed from your asses.

    Secondly, anonymous ignoramus (think I can patend that name to describe the teacracker crowd?), the fact that you think Farley is a girls name shows what levels of dip-shittery dumbassedness you teacracker freaks have fallen.

    Finally, ignoramus anonymous, why don't you ask yourself your last question? Or are you so dumb that you can't see the hypocrisy in it?

    Fuck a goddamn Mitt Romney and I am glad he's dumped so large of a pile of crap on you people that you're now full of it. He's got you dickheads so scared you will bend over for him at any cost.

  22. Sorry Field,

    If ignorance is biss, some of these folks are the most blissful people on earth. Sometimes you gotta shake the cobwebs out of what they use as brains.

  23. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said..

    Mitt Romney is running for President of the United States and deserves to be honored and respected like anyone else seeking the WH.

    Do you give that same honor and respect to President Obama? Most righties don't.

  24. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Field, can you remove this Ekansh dick, it's spam

  25. Puking Liberal "Progressives"11:09 AM

    Let me see if I've got this straight:

    Rahm Emanuel won't let Chick-Fil-A open a restaurant in Chicago, because Chick-Fil-A says he opposes gay marriage.

    But...Emanuel is all happy to kiss Louis Farrakhan's butt. The same Farrakhan who calls gay marriage a "sick travesty"?

    Yep, I got it straight.

    Typical Liberal Hypocrisy.

  26. Exactly, anon@10:35.

    When exactly did the teacrackers ever start respecting Obama.


    And Willard the bug-eyed mouse has done nothing to deserve anybody's respect.

  27. serving time11:32 AM

    Clearly a fatal case of Tennis Elbow...

    Teen dies in Bx. park


    July 27, 2012

    A Bronx teenager was found dead inside a park this morning with head trauma, police sources said.

    Kemar Bryan Brooks, 14, was found unconscious by his father shortly before 6 a.m. inside of Haffen Park on Bruner Avenue and Burke Avenue, cops said.

    Cassell Brooks, 50, said his son disappeared last night, and he discovered him this morning not far from the courts with his tennis bag and rackets.

    It appeared as if he was heading home.

    “My heart dropped,” he said. “He would be at the park in the morning until the evening, playing tennis.”

    Sources said he went into cardiac arrest after the head trauma, and was pronounced dead at the park.

    Brooks said his son had just a small amount of blood coming out of his nose.

    The family came to the US two years ago from Jamaica. They said the teen loved to run track, and was an honor roll student.

    The medical examiner will determine the cause of death.

  28. mr malaprop11:54 AM

    It's amusing that field is concerned with insignificant verbal moments coming from Mitt, while supporting Joe Biden, before Obama named him as his running mate, said it was good to see a bathed negro who spoke in actual sentences that were understandable by all.

    Meanwhile, Obama himself was unable to resist the temptation to nail himself with a self-inflicted verbal wound, so he said, "You didn't build that".

    No doubt this comedy team will say something equally dumb about the election, like, "You didn't elect Romney."

  29. Anonymous12:13 PM

    anon12:15am, have you noticed that you are here with Whitey? why are you here? Is it because you have such low self-esteem and low self-worth that you hate yourself because you have never measured up to the standards of your racist white friends? You must be lower than the scum that floats on a lake.

    So in defending that POS you are saying Whites are better and have higher standards otherwise this guy wouldn't be here with the Whitey slumming it?

    That's pretty fucked up.

  30. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Farley said...
    Exactly, anon@10:35.

    When exactly did the teacrackers ever start respecting Obama.

    wut you say Obama-Ni99er?
    Motherfuck that.

  31. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Farley, "Secondly, anonymous ignoramus (think I can patend that name to describe the teacracker crowd?), the fact that you think Farley is a girls name shows what levels of dip-shittery dumbassedness you teacracker freaks have fallen."

    The way you talk to people is as ignorant as a human being can be. In your case, Farley IS a girl's name.

    You must be from the ghetto where nobody knows the difference. Hell, you got off easy, I've heard worse names that clearly let folks know where they are yours.

    Finally I am Black, not White....Dumbass.

  32. Lol, sweet melt 12:18!

    But it's expected from angry little men with no penis.

  33. You're still a teacracker ignoramus anonymous 12:45. That will never change for the likes of you.

    Besides, isn't your kind the ones that said the teacrackers weren't all white? HAHAHAH! Deluded.

    Now your 'man' Robme is out there saying their should never have been an Arab spring. I guess he gets that from his familial affiliation of conservatives who
    opposed the American Revolution.

    What suckers you people are to think that he's the best the GOP has. Not only suckers, but ignoramus suckers.

  34. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Farley said...
    "You're still a teacracker ignoramus anonymous 12:45. That will never change for the likes of you."

    "Besides, isn't your kind the ones that said the teacrackers weren't all white? HAHAHAH! Deluded."

    Actually you borderline retarded TN. You seem to have a problem understanding English. When have you heard anyone say "teaCracker" other than out of your waccist mouf? Why exactly do you hate teaparty members so much? Because to you they are White or because they represent everything in life you failed to achieve?

    "What suckers you people are to think that he's the best the GOP has. Not only suckers, but ignoramus suckers."

    Interesting, Romney tells you that you can do anything no matter the color of your skin and Obama tells you that if you are Black you can't do a goddamn thing without him and his stealing from someone else.

    Now exactly who is the ignorant led by a con man?

    Obama aint gone pay your lights he gone put everyones lights out.

  35. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Farley said...
    Lol, sweet melt 12:18!

    But it's expected from angry little men with no penis.

    Cracker, Cracker, Penis......Typical dumbass Negro.
    You must be one of thems African "Amerericans" Obama be talkin bout.

    Did it ever occur to you if you werent so hateful and didnt spend your life blaming someone else you might actually be able to improve yourself and not be such a dumbass?

    Or do you realize there is no chance, so you just blame god giving you the brain of a gnat on somebody elses white skin.

    You are Africanus Ignoramus.

  36. "Why does "Farley" hide behind a fictitious name? Why doesn't Farley have a blog for people to reply to her anti-Romney position?"

    You mean, "why doesn't "Farley" have a real name so we can do some Internet sleuthing and ruin his/her life with prank calls and e-mails to family, friends, bosses, etc." and "why doesn't he/she have a blog we can flood and flame the shit out of to our hearts' content?"

    Nice to see the trolls are still comfortable, with their feet on the coffee table, playing with the remote and whatnot. These anons have it waaay to easy in your home, Field. I hope they're paying you a little somethin' on the rent.

  37. Hung Chow2:13 PM

    Thank goodness Ovomit saved General Motors!

  38. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Why does "Farley" hide behind a fictitious name? Why doesn't Farley have a blog for people to reply to her anti-Romney position?"

    You mean, "why doesn't "Farley" have a real name so we can do some Internet sleuthing and ruin his/her life with prank calls and e-mails to family, friends, bosses, etc." and "why doesn't he/she have a blog we can flood and flame the shit out of to our hearts' content?"

    Stop projecting . This might be what you would do.
    Now, how can you say Farley doesn't have a real name because she is protecting herself and forget the whole argument is about Anons saying that very thing to begin with?. Is critical thinking something YOU aren't capable of or are you looking for yet another excuse?

  39. Farley2:37 PM

    What a dumb teacracker.

    Finally, I'm not Black. Either way, I'm more man than you have shoved up your butt.

  40. FarleysAFreak2:57 PM

    Farley said...
    What a dumb teacracker.

    Finally, I'm not Black. Either way, I'm more man than you have shoved up your butt.


    That explains it all. A DDWL. Nothing more than a Dirty Disengenious White Liberal.

    Notice yet again you start talking about Butts and shoving things up someone elses ass.

    So far all and I do mean all that you have said is

    Shoving things up peoples ass..
    and resisting the fact that everyone has seen you as a Black chick due to your words.

    This is a telling sign, so you are a gay white male who disgusts himself so much that he hates what he percieves to be his tormenters -average white heterosexual men who achieve.

    You are a freak and hate everyone for it. Sorry freak, as Obama says "we didn't make that" or you in this instance.

    Take it easy "Whitey" or someone might think you are a "conspiracist" or just a Disengenious Gay White Liberal.

  41. Farley3:31 PM

    When do you go for your looney bin visit?

    Better hurry up, your nut has done cracked.

  42. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Farley said...
    When do you go for your looney bin visit?

    Better hurry up, your nut has done cracked.

    Now you are talking about someone "bustin a nut"

    you are a sick one Freaky boy, a real sick one.

    Yes sir, everyone else is crazy, it isn't you DDWL, it is the world and doubt. Textbook case DDWL.

  43. Anonymous3:41 PM

    233k Small businesses closed between 2008-2010

    GDP growth slowed to 1.5% as of July 27th.

    Yeah, Obama was right, HE built that.

  44. Farley3:53 PM

    Now you are talking about "someone "bustin a nut""

    Your nut is your head, nut head.

    I see you've gotten your republican ran education up full force.

    What did you read as a child? Evidently nothing, as your kind probably burned all the books that didn't reference the 2nd amendment.

  45. Anonymous4:02 PM

    46.5 Million Americans, Record 22.3 Million US Households, On Foodstamps; 8,753,935 On Disability

    Obama sey I be da one who built dat. Yeh!!!.

  46. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Farley said...
    Now you are talking about "someone "bustin a nut""

    Your nut is your head, nut head.

    I see you've gotten your republican ran education up full force.

    What did you read as a child? Evidently nothing, as your kind probably burned all the books that didn't reference the 2nd amendment.

    What a grasping disconnected reach and blatant display of the inability to process logical thought.

    I read every book I could get my hands on, the number of which is considerable. Fortunately there werent' DDWL like you around to censor the good from bad books and there were adults around who taught children how to think critically for themselves. Not DDWL who want to teach children what to think and what dogma they must have and then laughingly try and say its somoene else that is the censor.

    Now, you do realize that in this world there is a vast amount of room for knowledge of all types, limited only by your intellect and ability to digest and store this knowledge (see it still comes down to your capabilities) Just because someone reads about the second amendment doesn't mean they can't also read Rules for Radicals or the Physchiatric review to understand the root causes for someone turning into a Self Hating Disengenious White Homosexual liberal.

    You don't have to limit your knowledge to the approved party communications you least not yet. Though if you so choose, then you have no one but yourself to blame for your ignorance and lot in life.

    Nut-Head; damn that was weak. How old are you 60? Judging by your vernacular I would say you are a Weak willed Gay White Liberal currently living on the graces of achieving Americans who you despise because you must accept their handouts and charity or perish. You somehow think belittling the Achievers will make your shame less shameful. Sorry, it isn't. You are on Charity, the Charity of others. You might try to appeal to their altruism, where unlike liberals who think of themselves first, conservatives give quite a bit to charity in the interest of helping Looney old fags like you.

  47. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Farley/Whiteys Conspiracy are just pissed off because they are expected to boycott Chick-Fil-A to promote liberal lack of tolerance for anyone else's beliefs and this right when Chick-Fil-A announced they would be accepting EBT cards.

    Just wear your trenchcoat dude and if you get caught tell your "friends" you are still liberal and just going in to flash the young boys.

  48. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Thanks for helping me make history as the first Black Woman White Hispanic President of the USSA. If I had a mom she would wear the same jeans I do and throw like a girl.

    Baracka Flacka La Bamba Hussein Obama.

  49. Farley4:44 PM

    Insanity reigns the anon world. What else would explain the volume of idiotic, nonsensical bullshit they spew?

  50. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Farley said...
    Insanity reigns the anon world. What else would explain the volume of idiotic, nonsensical bullshit they spew?

    Still talking about your homoerotic fantasies. Seriously get some help quick, no one is going to "bust a nut" or "spew" anything on you, no matter how hard you beg.

    Insanity is looking at liberalism and saying yeah this will work, forget all those historic major fails and that it has NEVER worked anywhere else. This time it will be different.....

  51. Farley5:47 PM

    Why don't you trash talkers quit using the facilities that progressives implemented (and by and large paid for) and the regressives like yourselves tried to hold back?

    Because you're hypocrites.

    Go stew in your filth that you love so much.

  52. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Mack Lyons, "Stop projecting . This might be what you would do.
    Now, how can you say Farley doesn't have a real name because she is protecting herself and forget the whole argument is about Anons saying that very thing to begin with?. Is critical thinking something YOU aren't capable of or are you looking for yet another excuse?

    2:32 PM"
    That's all Mack does is accuse others of projecting. He misses his own projections..HaHaHaHa.

    BTW, Mack. Farley said earlier on that her name was the name of a man. You'd better check that out. It seems you are projecting a wish that Farley is female. Are you lonely?

    Poor Farley. FN posters are turning you into a freak indeterminate ignoramus. So what are you? In any case, you ARE WEIRD. LOL

  53. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Farley said...
    Why don't you trash talkers quit using the facilities that progressives implemented (and by and large paid for) and the regressives like yourselves tried to hold back?

    Because you're hypocrites.

    Go stew in your filth that you love so much.

    Oh my what a delusional hiney hunter.

    Just because you had someone over who asked to use your "facilities" who may have been conservative doesn't mean you conceived, implimented, built and Paid for anything. I still pay for your "facilities" you dimwitted assclown.

    Your Obama talking point is ridiculous and failed almost as soon as it slipped through his teeth.

    Just envision if taxes earmarked for a specific use, were in fact used ONLY for that use. You know like roadway taxes and tolls and the myriad of fees, taxes and assessments put on anything near the auto industry.

    Or Social Security taxes put into a real market fund instead of the liberal slush fund with some bones thrown to keep leeches like you voting liberal.

    What a joke, you probably actually believe that you are doing your part for the country by leeching and being arrogant about it.

    Your welcome.

  54. "Farley/Whiteys Conspiracy are just pissed off because they are expected to boycott Chick-Fil-A to promote liberal lack of tolerance for anyone else's beliefs"


    I can't speak for Farley, but I haven't seen anything from the klanosphere yet today, so I'm not pissed at anything at the moment. As for the whole chik-glob-git-bomb flap, I think that people should (not)patronize businesses based on those businesses political and social stances and actions, but I don't think that any level of government at any level should be able to discriminate against businesses solely because of those stances and (legal) actions.

    Why someone would want to eat a tasteless greasy blob of chicken on a whitebread bun in the first place, much less franchise the concept, remain beyond by comprehension.

  55. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Wow, and here I thought he was the most reasonable and classy of the GOP candidates but he is just as goofy as the rest of em. This guy is fake and a clown, at least the rest of the field stood for their beliefs. They have to be throwing this election, there is no other explaination.


  56. The anons have it in their heads that they're actually smart. That's cute.

    "Or Social Security taxes put into a real market fund instead of the liberal slush fund with some bones thrown to keep leeches like you voting liberal."

    This is the first time I've heard of Social Security being referred to as a "liberal slush fund." Makes me wonder why so many aging conservatives are eager to collect on "their" SS benefits, if this is the case...

    Anyone who watched their 401(k) go up in smoke will object to having their SS benefits thrown into a "real market fund." It's just a bad idea overall:
