Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's an Anglo thing, and the voter fraud myth.

Mitt Romney is across the pond. Nice. He made sure he slammed O before he left,--- because we have this thing about politicking in foreign countries--- and one of his aides allegedly told the Brits that they have something in common (wink wink) that the black dude in the WH just can’t understand.

"We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and [Romney] feels that the special relationship is special," the aide reportedly said, adding, "The [Obama] White House didn't fully appreciate the shared history we have." (For the record, Flipper and his peeps are denying this quote, so someone is lying.) 
Anywhoo, I will spare you the silly jokes like the one about Mitt going to check on his foreign bank accounts, because this is a serious matter. It goes to his ability to represent the United States on foreign soil and show us his gravitas on International matters.

Mr.Romney could have saved himself the trouble of this trip. Americans could care less about foreign policy in this upcoming election. It's all about the economy. If it was about foreign policy President Obama would spend half the money that he (Mitt) does and still win the whole thing. Believe it or not, it is the Democrat who has the foreign policy cred this time around. 

Speaking of the elections, President Obama will certainly have his work cut out for him this time around. Republicans are doing everything in their powers to make sure that they get the desired result. Here in Pistolvania and other states-- where the African American vote could make a difference-- strict voter ID laws to cut down on  imaginary voter fraud are suddenly popping up all over the place.  

"Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R) said that the voter ID law passed by the legislature would help deliver the state for Mitt Romney in November. "Pro-Second Amendment? The Castle Doctrine, it's done. First pro-life legislation -- abortion facility regulations -- in 22 years, done. Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done," Turzai said at this weekend's Republican State Committee meeting ...."

Thank you Mr. Turzai.

The irony is, of course, that republicans have been more guilty of shenanigans when it comes to voting than the poor, older folks, and minorities, who are all going to have a harder time voting under these Draconian republican measures.

But this too, like Gore v. Bush, will pass. And republicans know it.  

Americans are too easily distracted with other things to give a damn about something as trivial as voter suppression.




  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Might as well raise the average IQ of the Anon gene pool.
    Thanks for speaking truth about this issue and reminding us that not only are the Repub's / Conservatives / American Taliban wrong, but they are Intentionally malicious. Any time you hear a right wingnut say 'patriotism', you can assume they needed a dIctionary to spell it, because they sure as hell don't understand it.
    Congrats in advance on another 4 years, Mr. President.
    (and it won't be Romney, tea baggers. )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, give the Rmoney team credit when due: they didn't actually call the prez a ni99er.

  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    My neighbors cousin is retarded, even he has a Photo ID. So tell me again, what is so Draconian of expecting a Black person to do the same and still enjoy the free benefits of social programs paid for by those who support accurate elections? Limiting Blacks to the same amount of votes all other races get - ONE. If they are really poor, they are on social charity programs (entitlements) you cannot participate in these programs without an ID.


    Will Blacks have to have an ID to participate in the newest taxpayer money pit raping of this Anglo Saxon country? The African American Education White House department?

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    When in doubt, pull the race card out.

    What would happen if people who produce, people who create, people who support people who are racist all of a sudden. Said, enough of this shit, I am tired of this noise, get the fuck off my back and go cry in your milk on someone elses time?

    What would happen in Black, Whites and Latinos had seperate enclaves in this country and each simply had to run their own enclave and support their own people.

    What do you think would happen?

  6. "What would happen in Black, "Whites and Latinos had seperate enclaves in this country and each simply had to run their own enclave and support their own people.

    What do you think would happen?"

    Ahhhm.....I don't know, maybe we would have Utah and California out West, and Maine and Maryland on the East Coast.

    "When in doubt, pull the race card out."

    Yes, it's a shame that Mitt had to do that.

  7. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "When in doubt, pull the race card out."

    Yes, it's a shame that Mitt had to do that"

    Actually he didn't. Given Obamas penchant to make up lies each week, something smelled and sure enough.

    "Wednesday, July 25, 2012Romney Aide's Anglo-Saxon Quote a FRAUD

    According to Jon Swaine of the British newspaper The Telegraph an anonymous Romney adviser told him:
    that he [Romney] would abandon Mr Obama’s “Left-wing” coolness towards London.

    “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have”
    This Swaine suggested that the comment would prompt accusations of racial insensitivity, one suggested that Mr Romney was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries than Mr Obama, whose father was from Africa.

    There is one problem with the quote, it is a fraud!

    Andrea Saul, Romney's press secretary, disputed the comments and emphasized that they did not reflect the beliefs of the former Massachusetts governor.
    It's not true. If anyone said that, they weren't reflecting the views of Governor Romney or anyone inside the campaign," she told in an email
    I emailed my contact within the campaign who backed up Ms Saul's response.

    The fact that Romney denied that anyone in his campaign made that comment doesn't matter to the US press, neither does the fact that Mr Swaine hasn't backed up his charge with proof.

    According to Jennifer Rubin, this is a standard practice of the press and this administration.

    On its face, the story isn’t credible. The Romney campaign doesn’t make a practice of talking to foreign press. I’ve never heard Mitt Romney, his policy adviser, his foreign policy adviser or any foreign policy briefer or staffer use the term “Anglo-Saxon heritage.”

    But that doesn’t matter. The pack journalists begin tweeting it out. The cable news people begin to chatter about it. The Romney team puts out a statement: “It’s not true. If anyone said that, they weren’t reflecting the views of Governor Romney or anyone inside the campaign.”

    Some mainstream reporters confess to the Romney campaign that their editors tell them they have to write on it. (Have to? What if it’s not true?) Well, if one of them writes on it, others will follow.

    And how did the Telegraph quote magically get to so many reporters? The Obama team sent it to them. Nothing wrong with that, if the press would be honest about the origin of the story.
    David Axelrod top-aid to CREEP called the faux statement "stunningly offensive" and Vice President Joe Biden releasing a statement that slammed the Romney campaign for "playing politics with international diplomacy, attempting to create daylight between the United States and the United Kingdom where none exists."

  8. "Andrea Saul, Romney's press secretary, disputed the comments and emphasized that they did not reflect the beliefs of the former Massachusetts governor."


    Glad to hear it. But did someone from his campaign actually make that statement? Who knows? We will wait for the Telegraph's response.

  9. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Maybe the Daily Telegraph is the Brits version of a tabloid and shouldn't be trusted, it does smell a little fishy??

  10. Anonymous11:38 PM

    field negro said...
    "Andrea Saul, Romney's press secretary, disputed the comments and emphasized that they did not reflect the beliefs of the former Massachusetts governor."


    Glad to hear it. But did someone from his campaign actually make that statement? Who knows? We will wait for the Telegraph's response.

    Who were the "advisors" with "one saying" from the Romney camp?

    How did so many reporters get this all at once? From the DNCC?

    Why hasn't anyone vetted it, proof?

    It is so blatant that sometimes the reporters forget to hide their trail. Every once in a while a journalist neglects to delete the part of the e-mail string from the Democratic National Committee prompting him or her to ask certain questions before they route it over to the Romney camp. Yeah, major “oops.”

    Repeating an unsourced quote at the behest of one campaign without verification, and with zero evidence that anyone in the campaign said it, isn’t journalism. It’s political propaganda. And reputable news outlets should stop it.

    But that's ok, yet another of the shiny baubles Obama shines in your face that will no doubt blow up in his when the truth is published.

    Obama is in deep doo-doo if all he can do to divide us more is bring up race. What a pathetic loser. Why doesn't he specify exactly how "his plan has helped the economy" as he just recently said. Instead of engaging in these retarded Orwellian attempts at divisiveness. No one listens anymore when race is raised as an "excuse" it's been played out.

  11. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Field, thanks for updating the Killadelphia counter. It's still a little low but much closer to the actual kill count than yesterday.

    We are out of control when it comes to black-on-black killings. To me, this is what we should be blogging about. Obama could care less about us and Romney is the wild card in the race hand. I bet Romney will treat us better. He certainly did when he was Governor of Massachusetts.

  12. Anonymous2:59 AM

    "Obama is in deep doo-doo if all he can do to divide us more is bring up race. What a pathetic loser."

    The only ones trying to divide us by race are those who have hurled racial epitaphs at Obama and his family. THAT'S what is pathetic and divisive.

    While I am not a fan of Obama, I will say that he has NEVER once brought up race in any divisive manner. In fact, he has gone out of his way to ignore any racist remarks toward him and his family.

    In addition, he clearly has been non-responsive to the black race in total. I have wondered if he intently has done so. This seems like political suicide on his part. His behavior makes me wonder if he has a dislike for AAs? It's very weird.

    One would have thought black bloggers would have spoken about it, but they too are silent...they are no better than the MSM, when it comes to avoiding the uncomfortable truth. sigh...We've lost so much truth in journalism.

  13. AgentX4:49 AM

    An update on Aurora, Field. Looks like the president has started talking about gun violence in all communities, Chicago included.,0,7980432.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews%2Fpolitics+%28L.A.+Times+-+Politics%29
    "Acknowledging sensitivity of the issue, he said he nonetheless believes that even gun owners would agree “that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of children.” He offered no specific proposals but referred to background checks to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons, and preventing guns from getting into the hands of the mentally unbalanced."
    Mentally unbalanced- sounds like a lot of your crazy anons, Field.

    Might I recommend psych checks for gun owners/prospective gun owners?
    Some will say "it won't stop the determined person from getting an illegal gun". True. We should be making that ass work for it. If you want to massacre 140 people in a movie theater, no Internet guns for you!

  14. "Every once in a while a journalist neglects to delete the part of the e-mail string from the Democratic National Committee prompting him or her to ask certain questions before they route it over to the Romney camp. Yeah, major “oops.”

    If there is a link to this claim please provide it.

    AgentX, I am glad to read that.

    "...Why doesn't he specify exactly how "his plan has helped the economy"

    That was rich coming from a Romney supporter. :)

  15. Anonymous7:33 AM

    field negro said...

    "...Why doesn't he specify exactly how "his plan has helped the economy"

    That was rich coming from a Romney supporter. :)"

    Field, about this post - You didn't build it. No really - Media Matters did.

  16. BARBBF8:18 AM


    With accusations of voter registration fraud swirling as early voting begins in many states, some Hillary Clinton supporters are saying: “I told you so.”

    Already in Iowa, the Obama campaign was breaking the rules, busing in supporters from neighboring states to vote illegally in the first contest in the primaries and physically intimidating Hillary supporters, they say.

    Obama’s surprisingly strong win in Iowa, which defied all the polls, propelled his upstart candidacy to front-runner status. But Lynette Long, a Hillary supporter from Bethesda, Md., who has a long and respected academic career, believes Obama’s victory in Iowa and in 12 other caucus states was no miracle. “It was fraud,” she told Newsmax.

    Long has spent several months studying the caucus and primary results.

    “After studying the procedures and results from all 14 caucus states, interviewing dozens of witnesses, and reviewing hundreds of personal stories, my conclusion is that the Obama campaign willfully and intentionally defrauded the American public by systematically undermining the caucus process,” she said.

    In Hawaii, for example, the caucus organizers ran out of ballots, so Obama operatives created more from Post-its and scraps of paper and dumped them into ice cream buckets. “The caucuses ended up with more ballots than participants, a sure sign of voter fraud,” Long said.

    In Nevada, Obama supporters upturned a wheelchair-bound woman who wanted to caucus for Hillary, flushed Clinton ballots down the toilets, and told union members they could vote only if their names were on the list of Obama supporters.

    In Texas, more than 2,000 Clinton and Edwards supporters filed complaints with the state Democratic Party because of the massive fraud. The party acknowledged that the Obama campaign’s actions “amount to criminal violations” and ordered them to be reported to state and federal law enforcement, but nothing happened.

    In caucus after caucus, Obama bused in supporters from out of state, intimidated elderly voters and women, and stole election packets so Hillary supporters couldn’t vote. Thanks to these and other strong-arm tactics, Obama won victories in all but one of the caucuses, even in states such as Maine where Hillary had been leading by double digits in the polls.

    Obama’s win in the caucuses, which were smaller events than the primaries and were run by the party, not the states, gave him the margin of victory he needed to win a razor-thin majority in the delegate count going into the Democratic National Convention.

  17. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The only ones trying to divide us by race are those who have hurled racial epitaphs at Obama and his family. THAT'S what is pathetic and divisive.

    While I am not a fan of Obama, I will say that he has NEVER once brought up race in any divisive manner. In fact, he has gone out of his way to ignore any racist remarks toward him and his family.


    From day one he has done nothign but play the race card and it's all he has left.

    The Left/race card - a marriage made in hell.

  18. al capone9:25 AM

    From bad to worse. But that's Chicago, welcoming a criminal organization as a means to stopping other criminals from going about their business.

    How long before a Fruit of Islam member shoots and kills a black thug? How long before a black thug shoots and kills one of the thugs in the Fruit of Islam?

    Seems the apple doesn't fall far from the Obama Islamic tree after all.

    Rahm welcomes help from Farrakahn, ignores anti-Semitic remarks

    BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter

    July 26, 2012

    Ignoring Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s history of anti-Semitic remarks, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday welcomed the army of men dispatched to the streets by Farrakhan to stop the violence in Chicago neighborhoods.

    Debra Silverstein (50th), an Orthodox Jew, has said it’s good that Farrakhan is “helping” in the fight against crime, “but it doesn’t eradicate the comments that he’s made about the Jewish community.”

    Emanuel offered no such caveat.

    Although Farrakhan has a history of making anti-Semitic statements, Chicago’s first Jewish mayor has no interest in revisiting that controversy.

    He’s more concerned about reducing a 40 percent surge in Chicago homicides that’s become a media obsession and threatens to undermine his efforts to market Chicago to international tourists.

    “People of faith have a role to play and community leaders have a role to play in helping to protect our neighborhoods and our citizens. You cannot get there on just one piece of an anti-crime strategy,” the mayor said.

    “The police have a role to play. Tearing down abandoned buildings has a role to play.

    Shutting liquor stores that are a cancer in the community have a role to play.

    Community leaders have a role to play.

    Pastors have a role to play.
    Principals have a role to play.

    And most importantly, parents have roles to play.

    They have decided, the Nation of Islam, to help protect the community. And that’s an important ingredient, like all the other aspects of protecting a neighborhood.”

    For the last two Mondays, black men in dress suits and bow ties fanned out across violence-plagued Chicago neighborhoods — first Auburn-Gresham, then South Shore — to form a human wall of protection against any sudden outbreak of gunfire.

    The army of men, known as the Fruit of Islam, were led by Farrakhan, who ordered the show of force in response to last month’s brutal murder of seven-year-old Heaven Sutton.

  19. yankel rosenbaum9:33 AM

    anon 9:12 said:

    While I am not a fan of Obama, I will say that he has NEVER once brought up race in any divisive manner.

    Are you nuts? His first racial outrage occurred when the white Cambridge cop arrested the black Harvard professor -- Prof Henry L Gates -- after a witness called the cops to report that a black male appeared to be breaking & entering the house next door.

    The second case was Trayvon and Zimmerman. Obama said if he had a son, his son would look like Trayvon.

    Do you think Obama tainted the jury pool with his comments?

    Of course, the murder toll among blacks is a chief concern in all cities with black populations. Even though blacks slaughter each other at 8 times the rate of whites, Obama only jumps in when a confrontation involves whites taking action against blacks.

    Clearly Obama is our Racist-in-Chief.

  20. minister fard9:46 AM

    anon 10:40 pm asks:

    What would happen in Black, Whites and Latinos had seperate enclaves in this country and each simply had to run their own enclave and support their own people.

    What do you think would happen?

    The easiest way to test that scenario is to look at the countries comprising only whites, blacks, hispanics and asians.

    What do we see? The leading white nations -- the nations of Europe, Scandinavia and Great Britain -- have a long history of doing reasonably well.

    Asian nations cover some varied ground. But China, with its huge population, has moved very far forward in a short time. Not all good, but not all bad.

    Japan since the end of WWII has been highly successful, so too South Korea. Singapore, in 50 years, has gone from slum to having nearly the highest per-capita income in the world.

    Hispanic nations? Spain is at the top of the heap. But on this side of the Atlantic, things are troubled. Given the natural resources in some Central and South American nations, the problems are clearly a result of bad government.

    There's Cuba, a special kind of nightmare. But that may change soon, when Fidel dies and Raul can invite the capitalists in.

    The blacks world? Black nations are so corrupt, so devastated by the brutality, idiocy, and dictatorial madness that sweeps through black Africa regularly that we know what would happen if there were a sovereign black nation within US borders.

  21. Movin' On Down10:07 AM

    Obama, he's just a genius:

    "Solar-cell manufacturer Solyndra became a household name when it collapsed, taking $627 million in American taxpayer dollars with it. It’s the poster company for the government picking winners and losers—or really, just losers—in the energy market. But there are 12 more “green energy” losers that have declared bankruptcy despite attempts to prop them up with taxpayer money—and the list is growing.

    There’s a reason why these companies could not rely solely on private financing and needed help from the government. They couldn’t make it on their own; they couldn’t even make it with extra taxpayer help.

    These green government “investments” take from one (by taxing or borrowing) and give to another, but they merely move money around. They do not create jobs. They send labor and resources to areas of the economy where they are wasted. Proponents of special financing and tax credits for solar companies claim that these benefits will pay for themselves down the line—but when the companies receiving them are going bankrupt, that is highly unlikely.

    Kate Adams, a member of Heritage’s Young Leaders Program, and Heritage’s Rachael Slobodien compiled a list of the 12 members of the Green Graveyard—companies that received taxpayer money for green initiatives yet have filed for bankruptcy.

    1.Abound Solar (Loveland, Colorado), manufacturer of thin film photovoltaic modules.
    2.Beacon Power (Tyngsborough, Massachusetts), designed and developed advanced products and services to support stable, reliable and efficient electricity grid operation.
    3.Ener1 (Indianapolis, Indiana), built compact lithium-ion-powered battery solutions for hybrid and electric cars.
    4.Energy Conversion Devices (Rochester Hills, Michigan/Auburn Hills, Michigan), manufacturer of flexible thin film photovoltaic (PV) technology and a producer of batteries and other renewable energy-related products.
    5.Evergreen Solar, Inc. (Marlborough, Massachusetts), manufactured and installed solar panels.
    6.Mountain Plaza, Inc. (Dandridge, Tennessee), designed and implemented “truck-stop electrification” technology.
    7.Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsens Mills Acquisition Co. (Berlin, Wisconsin), a private company producing ethanol.
    8.Range Fuels (Soperton, Georgia), tried to develop a technology that converted biomass into ethanol without the use of enzymes.
    9.Raser Technologies (Provo, Utah), geothermal power plants and technology licensing.
    10.Solyndra (Fremont, California), manufacturer of cylindrical panels of thin-film solar cells.
    11.Spectrawatt (Hopewell, New York), solar cell manufacturer.
    12.Thompson River Power LLC (Wayzata, Minnesota), designed and developed advanced products and services to support stable, reliable and efficient electricity grid operation.
    Some lawmakers are looking for a solution. The aptly named No More Solyndras Act would prohibit any new loan guarantees from Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

    As Heritage’s Nicolas Loris wrote,

    Republicans and Democrats alike need to end their addiction to energy subsidies, or we’re going to continue down the same failed path of wasteful spending…We don’t need to fix the energy subsidy programs. We need to abolish them.
    President Obama said in 2010 that “the true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra.” He couldn’t be more wrong. Companies that are innovating and creating real value for consumers are the engine of economic growth, and they’re doing it without millions in taxpayer funding."

  22. Anonymous10:14 AM

    When Moonbats are around evil becomes good, lies become truth, morality becomes depravity.

    What struck Apuzzo [plaintiff's attroney], he said, was not just the judge’s decision, but a concession made by Hill that the court has no documented evidence of Obama’s birth. Armed with a number of witnesses, including an expert who was willing to testify that Obama’s birth certificate, posted online in April 2011 by the White House, was fraudulent, Apuzzo was instead told to holster his guns.

    “We were willing to present that what’s online has been manipulated by computer, human, or both and that it’s not reliable. I told them I was ready to prove that and if they didn’t want this witness to testify then concede that,” he said. “I got Obama (Obama’s attorney Hill) to concede that there is no evidence before the court as to his place of birth, which includes what’s on the internet.”

    Though the judge ruled the Obama isn’t required to prove his ballot eligibility, Apuzzo considers the concession a win of sorts, one he hopes will help his case gain traction should it appear before an appellate court. He stressed that he’s willing to go as far as he can to prove that Obama does not belong on the state’s ballot. Should that mean taking the case to the State Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court, Apuzzo said he’s ready.

    Another report claims that Hill not only conceded the point, but was going to embrace the “forgery” argument as part of her defense!:

    Taking an audacious and shocking angle against the constitutional eligibility mandate, Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. Therefore, she argued, it is “irrelevant to his placement on the ballot”.

    Hill went on to contort reasoning by implying that Obama needs only invoke his political popularity, not legal qualifications, in order to be a candidate.

  23. Anonymous10:34 AM

    From day one he has done nothign but play the race card and it's all he has left.

    The Left/race card - a marriage made in hell.

    9:12 AM
    You are probably right. Hate groups and the right wing never played the race card. That's because they are fair-minded people who take people on an equal basis, regardless of race, color, religion or creed.

  24. Anonymous10:45 AM

    "Ignoring Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s history of anti-Semitic remarks, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday welcomed the army of men dispatched to the streets by Farrakhan to stop the violence in Chicago neighborhoods."

    Thank GOD for Farrakhan and the NOI. Now there will be results-a reduction in killings.

  25. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "Are you nuts? His first racial outrage occurred when the white Cambridge cop arrested the black Harvard professor -- Prof Henry L Gates -- after a witness called the cops to report that a black male appeared to be breaking & entering the house next door."

    It was Gates himself who was trying to get into his house. Clearly, he should not have been arrested in his own house.

  26. Barry Sux10:56 AM

    You want to talk about fraud, field?:

    The man is an embarassment.

  27. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Are you nuts? His first racial outrage occurred when the white Cambridge cop arrested the black Harvard professor -- Prof Henry L Gates -- after a witness called the cops to report that a black male appeared to be breaking & entering the house next door."

    It was Gates himself who was trying to get into his house. Clearly, he should not have been arrested in his own house

    When he displayed TNB instead of saying thank you officer for checking here is my ID I own this house, he went all Negro on him, little tip when you start cursin out a cops mamma, you just might get arrested.

    But not knowing any of the facts, Obama made it clear there is a history of racism and the police acted stupidly.

    See if Obama and his campaign and mainstream media surrogates can get away with not raising race AT ALL. Wonder how that will play out.

  28. bill of rights12:27 PM

    We always knew Democrats were opposed to Free Speech. Obviously, the only speech Dems support is speech they've edited for content.

    Chick-fil-A seems to have a Supreme Court First Amendment case to fight. If the restaurant chain were to discriminate against customers by wrongfully denying service, the chain would be in the wrong, and a punitive government response might be warranted.

    But, according to the First Amendment, the CEO has the right to speak out as he wishes without fear of government reprisal -- except in Chicago.

    Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss’ anti-gay views


    July 25, 2012 11:12AM

    The anti-gay views openly espoused by the president of a fast food chain specializing in chicken sandwiches have run afoul of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and a local alderman, who are determined to block Chick-fil-A from expanding in Chicago.

    “Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values.

    They’re not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members.

    And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values,” Emanuel said Wednesday.

    “What the CEO has said as it relates to gay marriage and gay couples is not what I believe, but more importantly, it’s not what the people of Chicago believe.

    We just passed legislation as it relates to civil union and my goal and my hope … is that we now move on recognizing gay marriage.

    I do not believe that the CEO’s comments … reflects who we are as a city.”

    Ald. Joe Moreno (1st) is using the same argument to block Chick-fil-A from opening its first free-standing restaurant in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood.

  29. yankel rosenbaum12:32 PM

    anon 10:57 wrote:

    It was Gates himself who was trying to get into his house. Clearly, he should not have been arrested in his own house

    The house was not exactly Gates' house.

    When he displayed TNB instead of saying thank you officer for checking here is my ID I own this house,

    Gates does NOT own the house, he rents it. AND, he had moved in only a short time before his arrest. It was because the neighbor didn't recognize him that she called the cops to report a probable Breaking & Entering in progress.

    Obama is a moron, as he demonstrates nearly every day.

  30. harry truman12:42 PM

    The Obama Birth Certificate Issue is a non-issue.

    It's a harmless diversion coming from people who would rather quibble over the screwy belief that Obama is not a citizen, rather than focus on his disastrous presidential record, which, if voters were clear-minded, would destroy any chance of his re-election.

    Obviously the Birther Issue will have no more impact on voting this year than it had in 2008.

    But Obama's record will cost him some votes.

  31. Anon@2:41AM, sorry for being a little slow with the Killadelphia count, this mass shooting has keep me a bit distracted for the past few days. ;)

  32. nicky barnes3:09 PM

    As Rahm and Obama agreed at the beginning of the Obama era, it's never a good idea to waste a tragedy.

    Soooo, here's Obama getting into the gun issue. But why now? Could it be because the killer is a crazy white guy?

    Why worry about the white guy when the real shooting death toll is between black shooters and black victims?

    Well, you know, this is what Obama does.

    “A lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals,” Mr. Obama said at the annual National Urban League convention in New Orleans. “They belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities.”

    So it seems Obama is so dumb he doesn't know that an AK-47 is a Russian machine gun used by our enemies around the world -- AND -- it seems by mentioning the AK-47 Obama does not know that James Holmes was firing an AR-15, which is a non-automatic version of an M-16.

    Moreover, Obama seems oblivious to the fact that an AK-47 machine gun IS illegal in the US.

    Obama says:
    “Every day, the number of young people we lose to violence is about the same as the number of people we lost in that movie theater,” Mr. Obama said.

    In fact, the daily toll is higher. The daily figure is about 44, and over half of the dead are black, killed by other blacks.

    “For every Columbine or Virginia Tech, there are dozens gunned down on the streets of Chicago or Atlanta, here in New Orleans. Violence plagues the biggest cities, but it also plagues the smallest towns.”

    “The background checks on those looking to purchase firearms are now more thorough and more complete. Instead of just throwing more money at the problem of violence, the federal government is now in the trenches with communities and schools and law enforcement … we’re partnering with local officials to reduce crime using best practices.”

    He added that the administration has been promoting intervention programs to keep young people out of gangs.

    But he said those steps have not been effective enough, and blamed “opposition in Congress” for preventing more restrictive gun laws.

    “I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms,” Mr. Obama said.

    “But I also believe that the majority of gun owners would agree that we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons, that we should check someone’s criminal record before they can [purchase a gun], that a mentally unbalanced individual should not be able to get his hands on a gun so easily.

    These steps shouldn’t be controversial, they should be common sense.

    So I’m going to continue to work with members of both parties and with religious groups and with civic organizations to arrive at a consensus around violence reduction.

    Not just of gun violence, but violence at every level.”

    Obama wants more laws that won't be enforced. Why would more laws stop negroes with murder on their minds?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I see that Myth Rmoney continues to step in it over in Yurp. No votes over there for him, but his confidence offensive seems to be all offensive and no confidence. His team is just not ready for primetime. I guess that's what happens when your hiring pool is all creation science and climate hoax majors from Jerry Falllwell U and U of Pat Roberts

  35. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I see that Myth Rmoney continues to step in it over in Yurp. No votes over there for him, but his confidence offensive seems to be all offensive and no confidence. His team is just not ready for primetime. I guess that's what happens when your hiring pool is all creation science and climate hoax majors from Jerry Falllwell U and U of Pat Roberts

    What in the world are you babbling about Wheelie boy? You seem to have so much hate you don't even know what or where to direct it becoming one big liberal incomprehensible blah-blah fest.

    You should learn to heal. Those who are capable and do achieve, arent the reasons behind your failures. Have someone lean over and hold a mirror for you, you will see the reason.

  36. Anonymous4:36 PM

    "Gates does NOT own the house, he rents it. AND, he had moved in only a short time before his arrest. It was because the neighbor didn't recognize him that she called the cops to report a probable Breaking & Entering in progress.

    Obama is a moron, as he demonstrates nearly every day."

    What difference does it make whether Gates owned or rented? He lived there.

    Obama is a moron? It takes one to know one, except he is a lot smarter and classier than you. He has a gift that moves people. Unfortunately you have a gift that turns people off. Are you related to Romney?

  37. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I really want to buy something from your Field Negro Store but I really need to see your taxes to make sure part of the profits are going to charity.

    What's the problem? Just white-out your SSN#, submit on your "own" FN blog and you'll be just fine....Trust me, bro.

  38. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Mr Field, I really want to buy something from your Field Negro Store but I really need to see your taxes to make sure part of the profits are going to charity.

    What's the problem? Just white-out your SSN#, submit on your "own" FN blog and you'll be just fine....Trust me, bro.

    Field has a direct line to the whitehouse, well the propoganda arm of Media Matters...maybe he can get the same PhotoShop artist that did the birth certificate.

  39. forrest gump5:30 PM

    There's already an Office of Negro Education. It's so wonderful, it's called Special Education:

    Obama creating African-American education office

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is creating a new office to bolster education of African-American students.

    The White House says the office will coordinate the work of communities and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and career.

    Obama is announcing his election-year initiative Wednesday night in a speech to the civil rights group the National Urban League as he seeks to rally black voters.

    Aides say his executive order, to be signed Thursday, will set a goal of producing "a more effective continuum" of programs for African-American students.

    Obama's latest move seems to acknowledge that he believes blacks are dumber than whites and asians.

    Is this crazy new program going to flood the country with even more people carrying useless degrees in black history?

  40. gallup poll5:44 PM

    anon 4:36 asks:

    What difference does it make whether Gates owned or rented? He lived there.

    Owning or renting isn't the issue. But Gate's supporters nevertheless erroneously claim he owned the place to further the purported indignity of his arrest.

    He had no ID to show it was his residence. Not a big deal until a cop asks you why you're there and you have nothing like a driver's license with an address to show the cop.

    Obama is a moron? It takes one to know one, except he is a lot smarter and classier than you.

    Oh, so if I know a moron when I see one, then Obama is a moron, except you then say he isn't.

    Who's the ree-tard? In any case, I'd match my SAT scores against his any day -- if only the clown would show us an official record that includes the numbers.

    He has a gift that moves people.

    Moves people? What is he, the Transporter on Star Trek? Oh yeah, he moves people in electric cars built by Chevy. The Volt, without a doubt the biggest auto failure since the Edsel.

    Yeah, that's a gift.

    Unfortunately you have a gift that turns people off. Are you related to Romney?

    Am I related to Romney? I wish I were. On the other hand, we know how Obama's relatives are faring. What a bunch of drunk-driving, baby-daddying, child abandoning scammers they are.

    Meanwhile, it's now obvious the election will be close. Given the trends in the economy and the idiotic revelations coming from Obama, there's a growing possibility that Romney will win.

    Bland as you may find him, there's no doubt he's the guy to put the economy back on track.

  41. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Is this crazy new program going to flood the country with even more people carrying useless degrees in black history?

    More vote buying distribution of funds shenanigans as if more programs will change anything and history doesn't show us there is no closing the educational gap. With all these programs and liberal ideas Blacks are worse off than 50 years ago.
