Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Move over "Weezy", and Mr. Capehart strikes back.

Before I start this post I would like to say rest in peace Sherman Hemsley.(There is a pretty decent and on point tribute to him in the link I provided) Dude almost made it cool to be a House Negro. I just hope that he "moved on up" today.

So anyway, one of the pitfalls of being an opinionated black man in America--- who isn't afraid to speak his mind--- is all the negative feedback you get from ignorant  small minded folks. People who can't really debate you on the facts and issues at hand, so they resort to juvenile, petty, and sectarian attacks.

The e-mails are numerous, and the comments...well, you see a lot of them on this blog.

Jonathan Capehart is a sometimes television commentator and a writer for the Washington Post. He is a pretty intelligent dude who has strong opinions on certain issues. One of them is the Trayvon Martin case. It is a case that he has written extensively about over the past few months. I am sure that the poor guy gets his share of nasty e-mails, comments and letters, and one particular stalker person drove him to write an entire column in response.

I have vowed not to give  anymore of my own personal opinions about the Martin case until after the trial, but the following is a cut and paste job from some of Capehart's column that I thought I should share with you:

"Some fellow named Rick, who has emailed me from two different addresses since last week, really didn’t like what I had to say about Sean Hannity’s interview with George Zimmerman. His first email came Thursday morning, the day after the killer of Trayvon Martin said he had “no regrets.” The second one came later that day. And ever since he has emailed asking for a response. “I will send this to you ‘ad-infinitum' until I get a reasonable and rationale [sic] response from you,” Rick wrote me via email Saturday night.

Well, Rick here comes your answer.

“One of the burdens of being a black male is carrying the heavy weight of other people’s suspicions,” I wrote at the outset of the national furor over Zimmerman not being in jail for killing Trayvon. We already know that Trayvon brings out the worst in people. But Rick’s racist rant — complete with misspellings and poor grammar — gives my statement renewed relevance as he joins far too many others in denigrating the life of a person he didn’t know by using stereotypes to justify his hate. 

Much in the way Sanford Police Detectives dissected Zimmerman’s call to the department that rainy night on Feb. 26, I dissect Rick’s missive. Would that folks like Rick gave Trayvon the same benefit of the doubt they are demanding be given to Zimmerman.
I read your response in regards to the Hannity/Zimmerman interview. It is so full of holes a semi truck can drive thru the huge gaps you leave.
Martin broke this guys [sic] nose and was pounding his head into the concrete... he probably was in the process of killing him before he got (justifiably) shot.
This requires us to believe Zimmerman’s version of events. Understandable simply because we only have his side of the story. Trayvon is dead. Clearly, there was some kind of physical fight as Zimmerman’s injuries attest. Yet, few if any Zimmerman supporters seem to ask themselves this question: What would you do if you were a 17-year-old staying as a guest in a neighborhood not your own and were accosted by a stranger who you noticed had been following you in a car?

Besides, as I’ve written many times, Zimmerman’s story is the one “full of holes.” For instance, I’m still trying to figure out how Trayvon’s hands were found under his body when Zimmerman told police in several interviews that he pulled Trayvon’s arms away from his body mere seconds before police arrived.
Martin is just another typical example of an "angry, black, and totally uneducated" product of black culture which believes in Jerry Springer tactics for problem resolution.
What this portion of Rick’s racist rant ignores is a report from Trayvon’s teacher at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in Miami where he was a junior. He was “an A and B student who majored in cheerfulness,” she said. Nothing that I have seen since that February report disputes that.

Trayvon spent some time at the George T. Baker Aviation School after his regular school day because he wanted to be involved in aviation either as a pilot or a mechanic. He used to help his father Tracy Martin when he coached little league baseball. His father also credited Trayvon with saving him from a fire when he was just 9 years old.

Sure, Trayvon was suspended from school three times, including for being found with a plastic baggie that had traces of marijuana. Trayvon is hardly the first teenager of any race caught dabbling in doobies. Yet, this seeming rite of adolescent passage has given people like Rick an excuse to brand Trayvon a hard-core thug itching to kill someone for the hell of it, despite ample evidence to the contrary...." [Entire article]

I have to give it to you Mr. Capehart, you are one patient man. 



  1. idi amin10:33 PM

    black pantywaist forever wrote:

    Dear commentor.....the riches countries are in Africa. You may have ment that the these countries are not to the standards of the Western countries.

    Have yo been drinking tonight?

    Doesn't matter. Many African nations are stuffed with an extraordinary abundance of natural resources. The reserves have barely been touched.

    Gold, diamonds, bauxite, titanium, chromium, oil, and lots of stuff that grows in the soil.

    These countries have been pillaged for their marketable wealth for so long as well as institutional divide and conquer.

    Still drunk, I see. Even though you know nothing about the African continent, you're sure African blacks were turned into helpless, hapless pawns of white interlopers.

    Your contempt for blacks is off the charts.

    Three Cs.....Christianity..Commerce....Control.

    That formular continues to thrives.

    Drunk and delusional. Much of black Africa has become Islamic. That aside, to suggest the spread of Christianity is bad for humanity is to show true retardation.

    Meanwhile, every African nation is doing flips to get its junk into the American markets. Of course when it comes to gold, diamonds, oil, bauxite, titanium, chromium and other raw materials and resources, that's no problem.

    The US once bought huge quantities of flowers from Zimbabwe. But the moron Mugabe ruined that sweet deal.

    Give the people what was stolen, conned from them.

    Whatever was "stolen" from Africans was stolen by the black leaders of the pathetic African nations.

    This sceme is at work....here in America. StillaPanther2

    Still drunk and stupid, I see. Yeah, as if whites want to move into Detroit or any other ghetto city.

  2. Anonymous11:06 PM

    you really have become Sharptonized and MSNBC-ish. Shame.

    You left out so much in your imagry painting that one immediately wonders as to your motives.

    Is the only questionable evidence you could find... something about Trayvons hands being under his body? And Trayvon was just a good "normal" kid (maybe in your world kids get suspended three times, are dealers, run fight clubs, get caught selling weed, caught with burglar tools and womens jewelry) punch bus drivers in the head, in my world these are not good kids. Also kids high on weed, that just talked about making some lean and suddenly are walking around with watermelon juice and skittles (the ingredients of lean) after getting and smoking some blunts.

    Whats the use, you know all this, yet you spin. You obviously are racist blaming it on the kids skin color and not even attempting to look at the truth. So whatever.

  3. Anonymous11:30 PM

    I would consider George Jefferson a patio negro. He put too much faith in making money and he was reluctant to explore his African heritage, but when the chips were down, he kicked ass, literally. One episode had him doing that to some guy who was racist towards the Willises' son, who looked white but was rejected when the guy found out he was part black.

  4. "I have to give it to you Mr. Capehart, you are one patient man."

    I guess growing up sane black and gay in Ameriklan can do that to a person.

  5. I knew all kinds of dads just like George Jefferson growing up a milbrat in base housing, Masterchiefs in their 40s, old men in the service, who had done their time and now ruled their world and weren't taking ANY MORE shit from ANYONE. Serious dads. Old school foot-up-your-ass dads. That's how I always saw Hemsley's "Jefferson."

  6. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I knew all kinds of dads just like George Jefferson growing up a milbrat in base housing, Masterchiefs in their 40s, old men in the service, who had done their time and now ruled their world and weren't taking ANY MORE shit from ANYONE. Serious dads. Old school foot-up-your-ass dads.

    And something else up your ass, when you could stand. I guess the old Georges reared you well. That explains a lot.

  7. Ricky Bobby Howell III, Esq.1:10 AM

    "And something else up your ass, when you could stand. I guess the old Georges reared you well. That explains a lot."

    Now that was uncalled for. If I responded by insinuating you were at Second Mile when ol' Jerry Sandusky was making his rounds, you'd be incensed.

  8. Anonymous2:10 AM

    "So anyway, one of the pitfalls of being an opinionated black man in America--- who isn't afraid to speak his mind--- is all the negative feedback you get from ignorant small minded folks. People who can't really debate you on the facts and issues at hand, so they resort to juvenile, petty, and sectarian attacks."

    Field, that is your opinion and belief. But don't mistake your belief and opinion of reality for reality itself.

    You miss and ignore a LOT of facts quite often. We ALL do. We are human with prejudices and biases..every last one of us.

    What we Negroes consider facts are often loaded with emotions of fear, resentments, hatred, and mistrust of Whites. Hence, we can't debate the facts either. The fact that you are trying to make us experts in debating facts and Whites unable to do so is ludicrous.

    But as a Negro, I understand where you are coming from. But it's more from an emotional stance than facts.

  9. StillaPanther22:59 AM

    First Commentor.... I know by your response that you only see a worlds view through modern lens. I can tell by your response you are a product of this century educationally. The three Cs were instituted many centuries ago. Maybe if you will read a book (that thing with some paper in between some cardboard), you will broaden your knowledge base as well as your thinking abilities. Your inability to respond in a civil manner also tell others that you have a juvinile approach to living and life's experiances. Name calling is so boorish and will never advance your abilities to have logical conversation. I never said Africa had all it's wealth depleted and this is not the time to school you until you are able to converse in a mature maneer and to share with me to have other thoughts about the subject that was posted. Name calling and one-upmanship has been demostrated to not be effective in discussing problems and may offering solutions. Too many times on this blog spot I have to say...I am old and tired from the fights of the civil rights era. I am tired of all these "key-board warriors. PS The statement about stolen from Africa... Read a book about when and why the first non-indigenous came to Africa. As far as leaders goes....do you think some were allowed to exist? A Black Panther 66-forever. Idi Amin..??? any reason?

  10. StillAPanther,like Mr.Capehart, I give u credit for at least trying to respond the ignorant comments from the first Anon.

    Anon@2:10AM, I have no emotions left. I only debate with facts and logic. For emotional see wingnuts and tea party types.

    "patio Negro". Hmmm, ok, that might work. :)

  11. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Anon@2:10AM, I have no emotions left. I only debate with facts and logic. For emotional see wingnuts and tea party types.

    Admirable if accurate. If only you sought the full facts and decided to use them all wether they "fit" your puzzle or not. You might find that box you have lived in is really a sphere and you could roll out whenever you like.

  12. BARBBF7:03 AM

    This is something I never read before...Trayvon's hands were found behind his back. This makes all that Zommerman said about Trayvon Martin attacking and beating him a lie. Also..why have there been no reports on the medicines that Zimmerman was taking:


    Zimmerman on Drugs With Violent Side Effects When He Killed Trayvon

    By Kirsten West Savali

    While the mainstream media made sure to report with exclamations and gasps that marijuana was found in Trayvon Martin‘s system on the night that he was killed, many outlets failed to also report that the level was well below what medical studies show cause “performance impairment.” The same can not be said for George Zimmerman. According to the paramedic report, the vigilante neighborhood watch captain was on the prescription drug Temazepam, reports MSNBC.com.

  13. Wow, I never viewed the 'George Jefferson' Character as a House Negro.

    Quite the opposite.

    He was self-made (cleaner Franchise owner), very out spoken, distain for white people, ect…

    To view him as a House Negro is to say ‘because he Moved Up’(and had a Black housemaid, who checked him quite often) makes him House-ish?!

    That view is so prevalent in our hater mentality as Black Folks in America sometimes…Just because you have made economic gains as a Black man your perceived as being ‘Whiteish or non-Black’, unapproachable or booshy.

    My self-esteem was a lot higher when I watched the Jefferson’s as apposed to Good Times! That’s real ‘Field’ to me!

  14. mister rogers8:23 AM

    It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood...

    2 charged in Bronx shootout that killed 4-year-old


    July 25, 2012

    Two men have been arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of a 4-year-old boy during a basketball tournament in the Bronx.

    Police this morning charged 17-year-old Rondell Pinkerton of the Bronx with murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

    They say he admitted to firing a gun during the tournament on Sunday. He told authorities he fired in self-defense.

    Pinkerton is believed to have fired the shot that struck and killed Lloyd Morgan, 4, according to police.

    The boy, Lloyd Morgan, died that evening.

    Twenty-six-year-old Courtney Kelly of the Bronx, who was wounded in the shootout, was charged with criminal possession of a weapon.

    Lloyd Morgan Police say about 13 rounds were fired from either side of the court and adjacent playground, where Lloyd was standing with his mother.

  15. ralph ellison turning in my grave8:39 AM

    still a drunk pantywaist said:

    First Commentor.... I know by your response that you only see a worlds view through modern lens.

    Oh. Here we go, another rant tied to a long-ago time that no living person experienced.

    YOU PEOPLE can be counted on to express the loony notion that personal memories are inherited like physical traits.

    I can tell by your response you are a product of this century educationally.

    This century? Really? That would make me 12 or less. So I guess you're still holding that bottle of gin.

    As for your interest in books, it's clear to me the books you read are the ones sold from sidewalk tables along 125th Street in Harlem, the books covering the way whites have used mind control to send blacks down the path of wrack and ruin.

    By the way, the ONLY bookstore in Harlem -- Hue-Man Books -- has closed. So that should give you a clue about the popularity of reading among blacks in the country's most famous black community.

  16. Anon@11:06PM these little things " " are called quotation marks. In order to fully comprehend what you read you have to able to understand them. If not, you will be like a person driving a car who doesn't understand the road signs. :)

    Lehigh Valley, nothing says field Negro like hard work, so yes, George Jefferson was, for all practical purposes, a FN.

  17. Hemsley: hope his family puts "Movin' on Up" on his tombstone.

    apparently it's pronounced like Helmsley, with an l. Brian Williams wouldn't mess up a thing like that.

    I hate it when they die in their mid-seventies and nobody explains the cause of death. Like that's a reasonable age to die.

    —anotherbozo, age 70

  18. The George Jefforson debate reminds me of the same in the movie CB4 between Allen Payne and Chris Rock.

    Capehart is a brilliant brotha that has to see the dark underside of racism. At least he knows that white supremecy is a myth.

  19. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Field, "Anon@2:10AM, I have no emotions left. I only debate with facts and logic. For emotional see wingnuts and tea party types."

    That mean you have no prejudices, and therefore, not quite human. It's our feelings that make us human, yet you claim you have none. Then "why" are you married? Is it just to have someone around to take care of the house and you?

    There is nothing worse than to have a mind without a heart that is prejudiced against human feelings. It is deformed because it doesn't factor into it's decision the feelings.

    Mr. Field, you have no emotional intellect.

  20. "Wow, I never viewed the 'George Jefferson' Character as a House Negro.

    Quite the opposite.+"

    "Lehigh Valley, nothing says field Negro like hard work, so yes, George Jefferson was, for all practical purposes, a FN."

    I can't bestow any black cred, but, obviously I see the George Jefferson character as an enduring and overcoming man, someone who probably worked 17 hour days and took a lot of shit for his family who finally got above it and gave his wife what he'd dreamed of giving her, set his son up in life, what every hard working man thinks of when he's sweating it out..

  21. "Mr. Field, you have no emotional intellect."

    "emotional intellect". Is that like clean kill, fresh frozen, or holy hell? It just seems somewhat oxymoronic to me. But that's just me.

  22. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Wow, I never viewed the 'George Jefferson' Character as a House Negro.

    Quite the opposite.+"

    "Lehigh Valley, nothing says field Negro like hard work, so yes, George Jefferson was, for all practical purposes, a FN."

    I can't bestow any black cred, but, obviously I see the George Jefferson character as an enduring and overcoming man, someone who probably worked 17 hour days and took a lot of shit for his family who finally got above it and gave his wife what he'd dreamed of giving her, set his son up in life, what every hard working man thinks of when he's sweating it out..

    Sure sounds like a conservative man with conservative beliefs - That's why someone else called him a house Negro.

    AS Barack Says: A dependant voter is a dependable voter. Isn't that right Whitey.

  23. Anonymous6:53 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@11:06PM these little things " " are called quotation marks. In order to fully comprehend what you read you have to able to understand them. If not, you will be like a person driving a car who doesn't understand the road signs. :)

    Or a liberal trying to understand that the economy can't thrive on vote buying and handouts....

    Thanks for pointing out that you were just qouting someone else and that your choice of the comments you qoute him on meant?.......

    Again, thanks for Being as "patient" as you find Mr. Capeheart as you noted when you selected his qoutes on the Trayvon matter :)

  24. Anonymous6:56 PM

    field negro said...
    "Mr. Field, you have no emotional intellect."

    "emotional intellect". Is that like clean kill, fresh frozen, or holy hell? It just seems somewhat oxymoronic to me. But that's just me.

    Look up emotional intelligence. It's the ability to interact with others and understand what they might be thinking, making interactions a win-win instead of just demanding they accept your viewsm while you codemn theirs - like a liberal.

  25. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Field, ""emotional intellect". Is that like clean kill, fresh frozen, or holy hell? It just seems somewhat oxymoronic to me. But that's just me.

    5:20 PM
    It's a well-known term in the mental health field, esp regarding narcissistic non-emotional people. Virtually every narcissist claims that the term "emotional intellect" doesn't make sense to them. Ironically, that is 'exactly' what makes them narcissistic emotional retards. That is, 'incapable of feeling'. Congratulations! you have joined the category of narcissistic emotional retards. Incidentally, most racists are in this category.

  26. "pa·tient (pshnt)
    1. Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness."

    "It's a well-known term in the mental health field, esp regarding narcissistic non-emotional people.."

    Oh, so you are in the mental health field. Well that explains a lot.

  27. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Mr Field, you have many unexamined prejudices. Psychologists and Psychiatrists in the mental health field could be of immense help to you. Please consider therapy.
