Sunday, July 01, 2012

Nagin might have a problem, and the neo- Nazis want more clout.

I want to thank my twitter fam for a couple of stories.

First, I am disappointed to hear that Ray Ray might be caught up in some mess down in the "The Big Easy". If true, it could be yet another case of a black politrickster thinking about himself before the people he or she is supposed to serve.

This happens way too often, and what it tells me is that we have to be far more careful about who we elect and why we elect certain folks. There are a lot of black local politicians as well as politicians in D.C. (I see ya CBC) who didn't deserve our vote or our support in the first place. Unfortunately we are not as engaged in the political process as we should be.

Again, I am not saying that Mr. Nagin is dirty, but.......

Finally, I want to congratulate my fellow neo-Nazi citizens for registering to lobby on Capitol Hill. I guess that everyone needs a voice in our republic.

My question to them, however, would be this: Why do you need to go through the trouble when you already have the Tea Party and a large segment of the republican party to do that for you? [Source]

Sorry about not posting last night folks. The Mrs. insisted that I stay off my computer as we were (still doing it) trying to get a little family vacation in.

Folks, always try to find a partner who understands what truly gives you pleasure in life.


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    This post only proves how depressing it is to be Black in America. EVERYBODY is out to stick it to us. If that isn't depressing, I don't know what is!

    I bet the Negro was the first to experience depression. Unfortunately, depression wasn't discovered and diagnosed until some White showed signs of suicide. That's because no one gave a damn how Negroes felt.

    And guess what? They still don't.

    Neo-Nazis lobbying in DC? Is that depressing or what!?

  2. I'm with you there, buddy.

    And still looking.

    It's a tough world.


    Folks, always try to find a partner who understands what truly gives you pleasure in life.

  3. NSangoma8:01 PM


    An empty suit:

    Rupert Murdoch: 'Doubtful' That Romney Will Beat Obama In 2012 Election


  4. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Field Said...

    "My question to them, however, would be this: Why do you need to go through the trouble when you already have the Tea Party and a large segment of the republican party to do that for you?"

    Hey everyone has fringe elements circling the outer banks. Democrats have socialists, Marxists, communists, unicorn fart huffers and pixies dust tossers, racist panthers, nation of Islam, corrupt CBC....oh wait...thats the main constituency.

  5. Wesley R10:35 PM


    Nagan was just a Mayor. Take it up a couple of levels to Congressman and Senators many who are millionaires to begin with and spends millions of their own money for a job that pays 6 figures. What kind of things are going on at that level?

  6. Anonymous8:18 AM

    If Nagin thought New Orleans was "Chocolate City", wait till he checks-in to Angola!

  7. He might luck out. I think this would be a federal rap.

    There is more of a vanilla flavor to those type of joints;)

    Depressed Negro, is that you again?

  8. ray nagin proved he was dirty and inept during katrina

    that is why he was voted out!


    karma is real!

    neo nazis could never be more racist than hobama

    ask africom/the cbc...

  9. Captain Plasma TV9:34 AM

    Can you imagine the tally of all the rapes, looting, and murders once the lights finally come back on in D.C.?

    Probably make Katrina look like a picnic.

    Heck, it's bad enough when the power is ON!

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Susan said,

    "Folks, always try to find a partner who understands what truly gives you pleasure in life."

    Dear Susan, I've been trying to find someone but without much success. Rev Jake and Rev Graham, however, have given me hope. They have told me I am never alone as long as I have God in my life. Now that has caused me to feel better; and 'not' feel better. I mean, it's a little confusing when I look at others on FN.

    Now, I have noticed that the FN blogger Mr. Field takes vacations with 'a' wife(hopefully it's his), who seems to step into his life from time to time. This begs the obvious questions:

    1."Can a wife act as a Higher Power and give strength to a weak man's life?"
    2) Shouldn't Field be "seeking God" instead of his wife?

    I am getting depressed just thinking about all those two questions....confused too.

    I mean, just what the hell is going on?

    Are you related to Ann Landers? I hope so because I need some answers.

  11. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Field, "Depressed Negro, is that you again?"

    Yes, it is me again at 7:49pm and 9:58am. Due to depression, sometimes I 'forget' who I am... Depression does that to some Negroes. Victims of depression forget who they are, and think they are someone else, like the CBC, Lindsay Lohan, Martin Sheen, Judge Roberts and Clarence Thomas. I swear, these days you can't tell who's who. That's a lot of depression.

    depressed Negro

  12. that bankster hobama is a liar!!!

    hobamacare = pharma casino for his RX bankster pals

    we will all pay more for less

    more death & less care for all looms

    hobamacare's death panels are real for all of us "UNITS"

    cc this to sarah palin

  13. Anonymous2:30 PM

    It's posts like this that make me really miss Teaparty Karen. Things were much livelier back then. FN has lost a lot of good peeps.

  14. hobama 2012:

    "yes i can beg"

    yes...karma is real!!!

    nobama 2012!

  15. I wouldn't go so far as to call the GOP neo-nazis. I think more old school kkk is more appropriate.

    BTW Allen West says Barack is trying to enslave 'mericans. To steal from Patrice O'Neil I am disappointed in Barack I thought I'd have my white slaves by now. Maybe in his next term. OBAMA '12!

  16. "BTW Allen West says Barack is trying to enslave 'mericans. To steal from Patrice O'Neil I am disappointed in Barack I thought I'd have my white slaves by now. Maybe in his next term. OBAMA '12!"


  17. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Your comment underscores that the black community is about revenge and retribution, not seeking "equal opportunity".

    As for the United lawsuit, you can't legislate being accepted socially. You may be thrown crumbs to appease the Federal Affirmative Action goons, but, no, you don't have to be included in emails, social outings, etc.

    You can move into my neighborhood, but it doesn't mean I have to invite your children to my children's birthday parties or sleepovers, or that I have to include you in my bookclub. If you feel ostracized and left out, then maybe you should move/work somewhere you will feel more comfortable.

    And blacks continually confuse "credentials" accumulated at your third and fourth tier bs schools with actual qualifications and real degrees from real schools. It's getting tiresome.

  18. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Alicia Banks, I wish you would go somewhere and sit on 20,000 thumb tacks. You need to take your "hobama" feces and go some damn where like yesterday, never to return.
