Monday, July 02, 2012

Crime and punishment.

Memo to all of you young black bucks in America: Always watch out for the head shot.

In case you didn't notice the trend, protecting the value of our property is more important than your life. It's the price you pay for living in a very dangerous and "color aroused" time in our nation's history.

Of course, when a seven year old can be killed by a murderous malevolent thug while selling candy from her home, can we really blame the po po for being a bit unnerved?

It doesn't matter if it's Trayvon Martin or Trevion Davis; there should have been a wakeup call for you black folks with your children a long time ago. You can't be too careful with how you raise them. If the mean streets don't get them those who are charged with protecting them will.

Speaking of "color aroused", those folks in the right wing blogosphere sure know how to let their "racist freak flags fly".

Check out these comments about the CBC:

"Every one of them has been accused, investigated or convicted of a crime.
Looks like a zoo exibit that got loose. Oh, you said criminals, I thought it said animals, oopsy.
I hope they keep walking — right out of the country. A swift kick to their white-hating asses would be in order too.
Which part of BLACK caucus don’t you understand? That’s racist to the max,
When you listen to these folks speak, please take note of the difficulty they each have constructing a single coherent sentence - the best and the brightest, to be sure.
It’s not what you think people! There was a pole smokers for pedophiles fund raiser just down the street……….. These spunk chuggers just wanted to get good seats.
‘Affirmative Action’: n***g**s new proxy.
They stand there, with their racism on full display, and not a single one of them realizes that they, themselves, are the racists/bigots. The old, ingrained plantation mentality blinds them all.
I hope we have a good election turnout to get these spooks out of office and get people in their that willwork for the people!
Blakks holding public office are traitors to our country. This example shows that blakks scoff at their oath of office because it forces them to obey whitey’s laws. They are through obeying whitey’s laws because Obama disobeys whitey’s laws. Obama has set them free to outwardly disregard our form of government and fight for a single purpose, to rob whitey to feed their own. Dammmmn our country, get revenge on it. That is their oath of office.
To bad there wasn’t a drive by or a runaway bus while they were gathered all together.
The leaves on the tree of liberty are starting to look a little dry.
Why are these blakks assembled as a gang showing the world they hate whites? Aren’t they racist? I don’t care if they are racist, I want them out of our white country, as they are destroying it.
pot calling kettle black, good one.
I think it’s time to bring back the old derogatory names which were used against these race baiters as they have not progressed beyond race and probably never will.
That be Rayciss! And I agree." [Source]

Rest in peace Andrew Breitbart.

Finally, for an excellent article on why conservatives run such a tight ship and are so united in their hate of all that is different, please read here.

Joe Brewer does a nice job of breaking down the differences between progressives and [right] wingnuts when it comes to political organizing, and why it is so hard for those of us on the left to get our stuff together.

"Sound familiar? In American politics, we see the top-down authoritarian worldview of Conservatives enabling them to fall in line and take marching orders. They form strong loyalty bonds through religious affiliation, old money networks, and various social clubs that give them an immense capacity for social cohesion.

And what about Progressives? We are divided into issue silos, unable to form lasting coalitions that bond us together under the same ideological flag, and easily kept on the defensive through the age-old strategy of Divide and Conquer. We have difficulty trusting each other and our funders are unable or unwilling to invest in talent for talent’s sake...."


And I hate to contribute to the splintering of the progressive movement. But I am begging you folks over at Netroots Nation not to ever ask me for suggestions again.

Until you are ready to address urban issues and to make a concentrated effort to reach out to people of color, I won't have s**t to say to you.




  1. I've seen almost all of those same comments here on your blog., and both are merely repeating the klans greatest hits. I hear the same crap everywhere from the tireshop to the barber if I'm wearing ranchwear and driving my truck instead of businesswear and sedan too. A majority of non-college educated whites think that way, and a plurality of our college educated are just too smart to say so. The good news, I hope, is that almost half of us really don't.

  2. NSangoma8:31 PM


    field you Negroe!!, Shirley you be jesting.

    Trevion Davis, like Trayvon Martin, was in the wrong.


  3. Anonymous8:37 PM

    An uncharacteristically angry blog post from FN tonight.

    The anger towards the overt racism of the professional aggrieved black constituency is understandable. Obama's cynical tactics and the black community's expectations that their demands would be met without question have resulted in blowback that is just building against the black community. White Americans are realizing that blacks are black first, and Americans a far distant second. Race solidarity is more important than the truth, the commonweal, etc. The claims of spitting, "nigger" etc at the Tea Party rally, the theatrical walkout by the CBC prove this. If the black community wants everything to be about race, they can't pick and choose when race is a factor. They opened the door.

    Black parents need to wake up that whites are refusing to be victims, and allowing your kids to run wild and play da thug will get them killed. The Martin/Fulton web of lies, starting with the promotion of the idea of Trayvon the innocent, and then the discovery of the No_Limit_Nigga tweets, underline the disgust and distrust whites have with anything coming from the black community.

  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

    We just want to know what happened, something aint right said Trevions grandmother.

    You are correct grandma. Something is not right. Imagine knowing someone was breaking and entering and stealing and brandishing a gun - (what are you teaching your children?) Then questioning what happened and inferring the cops were wicked, corrupt and mean for shooting the criminal who pointed a gun at them. Do you need a map to reality?

    Here allow me to break it down for you. Your budding thug grandson was a burglar and stole things that were not his by invading others homes. Then when confronted by police he brandished a gun at them and they shot and killed him. The police defended themselves while catching a thug in the middle of a crime. Has your grandson run across any homeowners home during his home invasions and burglaries, not yet. But he must have been preparing as he did have a gun with him just in case.

    Thats what happened.

    Then Field goes on to say:

    "Memo to all of you young black bucks in America: Always watch out for the head shot".

    Shouldnt your memo say, stop committing crimes and if you point a gun a police the chance of getting killed are high? He wasn't the victim as you imply - He was the criminal.

    "In case you didn't notice the trend, protecting the value of our property is more important than your life. It's the price you pay for living in a very dangerous and "color aroused" time in our nation's history."

    MAn you are out of touch with reality, now you are suggesting that it would be better for blacks get away with crimes after all lives are worth more than property and they shot him in the head and this is only because of "color arousal". Really? So if people weren't aroused about black criminals and racist as you imply then they would let anyone rob whomever they like and not call the police on those poor victims of racism criminals? So what shoudl the police have done? Let them burglarize and point guns at them and then if they decide they have to shoot to protect themselves and citizens make sure they are good shots and aim for the arm, even if he might get one off at them?

    No - you will never reduce our standards this far. It is not ok for blacks to rob and invade homes, no if you point a gun at someone don't expect them to be able to just wound you in the name of justice and this has nothing to do with race or skin color other than the fact that the overwhelming majority of crime is committed by blacks. You make this fact, not the victims.

    All your energies are dedicated to the ridiculous; the the "head shot" and the value of a life over property and nothing about teaching the thugs about anything of value in life.

    As for the CBC comments. So what, what did they do? Evidence was provided Holder is guilty of breaking the law, yet they still claim fake racism. They are the dumbest group ever to walk the halls of congress, they show no respect for law, nor understanding and each and everyone is either guilty of misconduct or under review for criminal actions - but every sentence out of their mouth claims what they do, the crimes they commit, the words they spew is because of racism, not theirs. oh no, someone elses' So it's racist to tell the truth about those who claim everything is racist.

    Fuck that noise and your fake outrage and most of all your lack of moral integrity right along with it.

    Americans abhor racism, but they also don't like rackets, being falsely accused, or lame excuses for poor performance. So, if you're wondering why no one cares after you cry racism anymore, then maybe the problem isn't racism, maybe it's just you.

  5. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I stay here in Chicago, I met the mother of the little girl that died, its a very sad situation, but its nothing new here, Its a fight I dont think we black folks can win, as long as there is a nigga,thug, me against the world mentality and white folks profiting off our violence and crime we will continue to go through this...

  6. Nothing new. White people have been justifying their racism since we've been here. Years ago they'd kill us because they thought we wanted revenge for slavery but most of us were just trying to out our lives and families back together. Seems they have such a high opinion of themselves as if all we do is think about them and plot. Sorry Jethro, you ain't that special.

  7. Anonymous1:09 AM

    PilotX said...
    Nothing new. White people have been justifying their racism since we've been here. Years ago they'd kill us because they thought we wanted revenge for slavery but most of us were just trying to out our lives and families back together. Seems they have such a high opinion of themselves as if all we do is think about them and plot. Sorry Jethro, you ain't that special.

    Ok Lemont, they aren't special yet they seem to be the main reason and cause of everything in your life and all you talk about. A Amazing how you take some of lifes everyday difficulties that people all over the world experience and overcome, yet you cannot and attribute them to some other race, did Whites make your choices? Determine your god given talents? Choose which ones to develop? Gasp....are they gods? Are white people your gods, for only Gods could control your mind body and soul and do the things you claim white people do to you.

    I guess I understand, if you were trying to "out" your life back during the days of slavery (you are one old dude) then you would have had a hard time. FOr surely you aren't taking credit for a hardship you only read about and trying to blame other people who also only read about it - right?

    Field, amazing you have a very, very old black ex slave gay man in your readership .

    Was it tough being a slave? Did you find things strange with affirmative action and practicing discrimination in the opposite direction for the last 50 years?
    What year did you "out" yourself?
    Do you think there is any hope of your living life without the white gods being responsible for your words, actions, deeds and outcomes??

  8. Anonymous1:20 AM

    It's depressing to be Black in America. We spend too much time talking about Whites and ignoring our own problems of killing each other.

    I am so glad I don't live in Chicago, esp on the South Side. Negroes shoot each other everyday there including 7 year olds. The depressing thing about it is some Negroes avoid looking at such depressing hopeless matters by talking about the wm.

    That won't stop our worsening depression.

    I have said it before, and I say it again: "it's depressing to be Black in America". Whites are not to blame for it. WE are....WE fail to unite to help ourselves. Without support from each other, we are helpless in a cruel world.

  9. Anonymous1:26 AM

    PilotX, Seems they have such a high opinion of themselves as if all we do is think about them and plot. Sorry Jethro, you ain't that special.

    12:11 AM
    Then why are you always talking about them? Are you that unconscious of yourself?

  10. Anonymous1:51 AM

    "Finally, for an excellent article on why conservatives run such a tight ship and are so united in their hate of all that is different, please read here. "

    Why are Moonbats always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts. A hatred that consumes them and arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies.

  11. "An uncharacteristically angry blog post from FN tonight."

    It's the "Scary Negro Syndrome." Even the slightest tinge of anger from a black American person is grounds for fear and justification for shutting down that awful angry negro.

    "Then why are you always talking about them? Are you that unconscious of yourself?"

    You understand how easily that question can be turned around, right? Right?

  12. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Mack, you seem like a fair-minded person. But you answer questions with questions. You don't answer the questions that were never intended for you anyway.

    One can only assume that you are defensive and trying to protect PilotX from himself as well as the white man.

    But you make us look bad when you do that, esp PilotX and yourself.

  13. Anonymous6:01 AM

    As long as the African and European live in such close proximity, there will never be peace. It was NEVER meant to be. We're former slaves living with our former Slave Owners. The treatment is the same as it was when the slaves walked off the ships.

    Africans were forced here for free servitude. Nothing else will ever be accepted and isn't. 400 years and counting..................

  14. Anonymous6:27 AM

    "Africans were forced here for free servitude. Nothing else will ever be accepted and isn't. 400 years and counting.................."

    Now that is effing depressing. Please. No more depressing comments about being Black in America.

    I have said it before and I'll say it again, "It is damn depressing to be Black in America."

    Let us seek relief and refuge in the philosophy of the great devout black Rev by the name of Jesse Lee Peterson: Be 'grateful' that our ancestors were brought to America as slaves.

    I am starting to feel better already. Thank you Rev JLP!

    depressed Negro

  15. "A hatred that consumes them and arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies."

    I don't have any personal problems, and I don't blame "society" for anything. I blame some of the people living in it, however, for some of society's ills. See ignorance and racism.

    "Shouldnt your memo say, stop committing crimes and if you point a gun a police the chance of getting killed are high? He wasn't the victim as you imply - He was the criminal."

    Don't have enough facts to do that. You clearly do. Do you happen to work for the GBI?

    "So it's racist to tell the truth about those who claim everything is racist. "

    Of course not.

    Is it wrong to point out racism to those who claim that there is nothing in anyones motivation that is driven by racism?

  16. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "In case you didn't notice the trend, protecting the value of our property is more important than your life. It's the price you pay for living in a very dangerous and "color aroused" time in our nation's history."

    Mr Field, can you prove your quote? I think this was an exceptional case. Most bm are considered a more valuable than property. But if you can prove otherwise, please do.

  17. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Shouldnt your memo say, stop committing crimes and if you point a gun a police the chance of getting killed are high? He wasn't the victim as you imply - He was the criminal."

    Don't have enough facts to do that. You clearly do. Do you happen to work for the GBI?

    If we are both working off the same set of availible facts. Kid got caught red handed while in the midst of a crime, points gun at police - police shoot. How exactly did you have enough facts to claim it was due to racism and because people are "color aroused"? The grandmother did exhibit signs of racism, she claimed it wasn't fair that he was shot because he shouldnt have been shot in the head and that the cops should have known the gun that looked real and was pointed at them was only a BB gun should have been ignored and the cops should have just tackled him; just because he was Black. To me THAT is racist. Why would she say cops should get shot because they notice the kid is black?

    Isn't the real problem the fact that the kid was robbing homes and had a gun in his possession wether real or bb or toy during this robbery? He obviously knew that the gun looked real enough and his intent was to bluff with it if needed, otherwise he wouldnt have that gun wasting space in his pockets that could be filled with items he is stealing.

    So when all of this is ignored and it is implied there is racism, without one shred of fact. How can you say there is racism on someone elses part and then claim you aren't racist? Which facts are we missing that if someone White, Asian, Indian or what have you got caught robbing a home and pointed a gun at police that they would have tickled him and provided donuts and coffee instead of shooting to defend their life and protect citizens?

    When kids see all the adults talking about it and hear that it is the "racist cops" fault and "something isn't right" from the adults and not one lick of remorseful, regretful greivance, then obviously the message they get is that it wasnt wrong he was a criminal or pointed a gun at the police - it was the police the system - because he is Black. How do you think that attitude has worked out so far for Black youth?

    "So it's racist to tell the truth about those who claim everything is racist. "

    Of course not.

    Is it wrong to point out racism to those who claim that there is nothing in anyones motivation that is driven by racism?

    Of course not, but it is wrong to totally ignore known facts and accuse people of racism whenever someone black is involved, up to and including ignoring all responsibility for the actions of the black person.

    Kid robbing houses with gun - No comment
    Police Shoot kid robbing houses pointing gun at them - Bad/Racist because of color arousal.

    As for the CBC; the only question I have each time I hear them speak it is forever and always about race, race, race, race, race. They claim everyone in the world not completely aligned with their act is racist and must obey a whole slew of standards that only apply to them because they are black such as ignoring crimes, corruption, graft, greed, lawbreaking, spending, programs. It used to be mind boggling, now they have just marginalized themselves. No one makes the mistake of thinking they are hiding competence behind their neverending anger, racism charges and inability to do anything common sense.

    When I hear a congressman (Hank Johnson) insist at a hearing to a general that the island of Guam might tip over if we send troops for training, then claim despite the evidence of wiretaps and witnesses/whistleblowers that anyone questioning holder is racist. I wonder what kind of people would vote him into office to represent them AND claim someone else is racist if they point this out.


  18. rip trayvon

    kudos to the judge who has that lying kkkiller gz in a cage...still!!!

  19. fn:

    have any of those racist bloggers actually spit in the faces of the cbc like that racist hobama???

    or called them mongrels on tv like hobama???

    or created any rabidly racist 2012 selection ads like hobama???


  20. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Representative Sanford Bishop (D-GA):- Under Investigation

    The investigation is focused on possible misappropriation of funds at the Muscogee County Junior Marshal program based in Columbus. Sanford Bishop steered almost $200,000 of earmarked funds to the “Junior Marshall” program. The Program employed both the Congressman’s Stanford’s step-daughter and her husband.

    The funds paid to the Congressman’s son-in-law were deposited directly to the bank account of Columbus Municipal Court Clerk Vivian Creighton Bishop, wife of U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop

    -fined $5000 by the Florida Ethics Commission for using legislative employees as dual employees of her travel business.

    -received $10,000 dollars from a secret money laundering fund belonging to National Baptist Convention head Henry Lyons the guy who was charged with one count of racketeering and two counts of grand theft and in summer 1998 he was indicted by federal prosecutors for fraud, extortion, money laundering, conspiracy and tax evasion” Initially Mr Lyons denied the charges, calling them “racist” ( what else) but eventually plea bargained to a five and half year jail sentence for embezzling $4 million of the NBC’s funds.

    -Foutanga Dit Babani Sissoko, a West African businessman, purchased a $50,000 Lexus for Brown’s daughter after Brown lobbied Janet Reno to release him from prison through the use of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

    Corrine is racist:

    On February 25, 2004 Representative Brown referred to the Bush Administration as a “racist” “bunch of white men”. In a meeting with senior State Department officials and members of Congress. Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega, a Mexican American, deeply resented “being called a racist and branded a white man.” Brown retorted to Noriega and Lincoln diaz - y'all look alike to me.

    -hiring of Jazz and Gospel singer Roslyn Burrough as a “congressional outreach specialist”. Burrough was paid $40,000 at taxpayer expense for two 12-week engagement.

    Now look at her speaking and tell me; do you feel comfortable with this woman making decisions that will affect our taxes, national defense and health care?

  21. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Another Member of the CBC - Well known Jim Clyburn(D-SC)

    -Earmarked our Taxpayer dollars to line his brother’s, nephew’s and son’s pockets

    Rep. Clyburn claims the U.S. Constitution mandates him to earmark, and if you are going to earmark why not help a brother out, or a nephew or a son or a friend? .

    -Five Rivers Scandal”.In 2006 Congressman Clyburn set aside $145,000 for the Five Rivers Development Corp. to build a community center. According the Myrtle Beach Sun News:

    Five Rivers Community Development Corp. spent $105,950 on two consultants who lobbied federal legislators for money and influence, but the nonprofit agency did not report those activities on its federal tax returns, according to a review of Georgetown-based Five Rivers’ financial records by The Sun News.

    Five Rivers paid $16,600 over 16 months in 2004 and 2005 to Charles Clyburn, the brother of U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, for consulting work.

    Sun News further reports that “Five Rivers also paid consultant David Richardson $89,350 between 2002 and 2005 to lobby legislators for grants.

    Richardson, the former head of the Atlantic Beach Community Development Corp., would not discuss his work for Five Rivers. The Atlantic Beach group received $800,000 in federal grants starting in the late 1990s and dissolved in 2001 without making any progress toward development in the town.”

    “I’m not going to talk to you because I don’t think you like black people,” “he stated to the Sun News reporter. ” Five Rivers’ executives, board members and clients predominantly are black.” like

    “About two-thirds of the $5 million Five Rivers received over the past decade was from state and federal grants.

    But it doesn’t stop there. to add insult to corruption The Sun News also discovered:

    … Five Rivers did not get to use the money James Clyburn appropriated because the nonprofit went out of business before its community center was built.

    -Just this month Clyburn stepped down from the board of the International African-American Museum because his nephew’s architecture firm (the same firm from the Five Rivers scandal) was going to benefit from another federal earmark. The Charleston Post & Courier reported:

    Hoping to avoid a potential conflict of interest, House Majority Leader Jim Clyburn stepped down Monday as chairman of the board of the International African American Museum, which is in the planning stages in Charleston.

    Clyburn, who tucked an $800,000 earmark for the museum into the federal budget approved late last year, said he decided to resign from the board after learning Friday that his nephew, Derrick Ballard, works for one of the two architectural firms recently hired to design the $70-$80 million museum.

    JOHN CONYERS,Jr (D-Mi) Dean Congressional Balck Caucus.

    Yes the same Conyers who's wife was a politician and is in jail for corruption and taking bribes:

    DeWayne Boyd, a former top aide to Conyers, used Conyers’s congressional office to obtain a fake passport after being convicted of fraud, making false statements and government theft in 2004. Sentenced in 2005 to 30 to 46 months in prison, Boyd fled to Ghana before being recaptured and extradited to the United States.

    • In 2002, Conyers’s aides in D.C. were sent to Detroit to help his wife, Monica, win a state Senate seat. While she lost that election, she won a seat last year on the Detroit City Council.

    Carol Patton, a legislative counsel on Conyers’s personal staff, was hired in 2003 to help Williams and to help JoAnn Watson in her bid for Detroit City Council. Patton still works for Conyers and earns more than $44,000 per year, according to the 2005 House statement of disbursements.

    In a Dec. 22, 2004, letter, Maher said Conyers staffer Melody Light “conducts her law practice (charging legal fees) out of the congressional office. … She has in effect hung out her shingle on [Conyers’s] office door.”

  22. Anonymous10:29 AM

    ALCEE HASTINGS.(D-FL) Is a a historical figure, a former judge, Alcee Hastings was impeached and removed form office for corruption and perjury. This is Alcee Hastings claim to fame, for you see in the entire history of our country only six other judges were so unceremoniously kicked out of office. It is my belief that Alcee Hastings historical standing is further enhanced as he is the only one to have served as a congressman post impeachment.In 1981, Hastings was charged with accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering.

    Well apparently Hastings thinks that he’s been “clean” too long because according to the Wall Street Journal, Representative Hastings spent over $24,000 in taxpayer money in 2008 to lease a luxury Lexus hybrid sedan. Hey its a hybrid all right? What more do you want?

    And here just for giggles is some wisdom from Alcee Hastings regarding Sarah Palin “If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention. Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through.”

  23. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-IL) - Former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. The Congresswoman from MI is also the mother of disgraced former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Once again we have a case of keeping sleaze in the family. Congresswoman Kilpatric is under investigation for the now infamous Charles Rangle trip to the Caribbean in ’07 and ’08.

    In the the FBI investigation of Political consultant Sam Riddle who alleges that the Democrats gave him $50,000 to keep quiet about Michigan Democrat Governor Jenifer Granholm as she sought re-election.

    Political Consultant Sam Riddle, is cooperating with FBI investigators after alleging that the Michigan Democratic Party paid off to keep quiet about Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm as she sought re-election.

    Riddle says tat federal investigators have questioned $50,000 he received in 2006 from the Michigan Democratic Party– payments he described as election year “hush money.” FBI agents also questioned Riddle about connections between Granholm and business consultant Bernard N. Kilpatrick, the father of then-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, ex-husband of Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick and former Chief of Staff to Councilwoman Monica Conyers said Riddle.

  24. more on hobama the beggar in chief

    karma is real!

    the fleeced sheeple are awakening....kudos!!!

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. the truth hurts


    the truth can never be deleted


  28. hey hobama:

    happy 4th of YOU lie!!!!

  29. more white paranoia. These are the most fearful lot ever created. they have to have guns on them all the time and obsess over crime that aren't even in their communities. Must be a sad life. And you anons need to figure out this is a blog by a blah man, I'm not on one of your sites talking shit so obviously you have an obsession about us not the other way around.

  30. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Pile It X Whines and Cries like a woman said...
    "more white paranoia. These are the most fearful lot ever created. they have to have guns on them all the time and obsess over crime that aren't even in their communities. Must be a sad life. And you anons need to figure out this is a blog by a blah man, I'm not on one of your sites talking shit so obviously you have an obsession about us not the other way around."

    In others words, mommy they are picking on me and I can't handle it - dat shit be racist - wahhhhh. They be tellin the facts and I don't like dat shit.

    How can the same people you believe are all powerful and control your thoughts, words, deeds and actions, the same people who make the results of your life completely out of your hands - also be the same people you say are Paranoid and lead sad lives? Either they are godlike with magical powers or paranoid and sad. Can't be both. But, nevertheless and critical thinking abilities and logic aside..

    You call them paranoid, do you mean the paranoia where you have thoughts and feeling not based in reality and you know -just like your belief that everything bad in your life is a result of the white gods and their not liking your skin color?

    Which would you say Lemont was paranoid and fanciful?

    A kid caught mid crime pointing a gun gets shot by police:

    - because he pointed the gun at the police during a commission of a crime?
    -Or specifically because his skin was Black

    Which one to you is paranoid and which one is real?

  31. Barfing Bear3:55 PM

    Now that it's almost the 4th of July, it's time for a little history lesson:

    Now. I hope that settles things.

  32. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Barfing Bear said...
    Now that it's almost the 4th of July, it's time for a little history lesson:

    Now. I hope that settles things.

    The subtlety will escape many. Like the lack of words for responsiblity, apology, accountability in any African Language.

  33. And these cowardly trolls don't even have the cojones to create a screen name. No wonder these fools need to carry guns everywhere. Ha!

  34. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Pile It Stinky and High Said...

    "And you anons need to figure out this is a blog by a blah man, I'm not on one of your sites talking shit so obviously you have an obsession about us not the other way around."

    Are you saying you want segregation? Dat shit be racist!!!! But we always knew you were a racist.

  35. There must have been a discount on moonshine today.

  36. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Field, don't forget to celebrate tomorrow. It's 4th of July. I get depressed every 4th of's tough being in a black body in America. A Negro can't catch a break from NO one, including my own race.

    I almost got shot today. I looked at a brotha and he said, "What the eff are you looking at nigga?....don't be looking at me. Nigga I'll bust a cap on your black ass!" I told him I was sorry and didn't mean to look at him. You should do a post warning Blacks what not to look at.

    The experience reminded me of the Jim Crow days when a bm couldn't look at a ww without risking being killed. Now a bm can't even look at Blacks! It's hell being a bm in America.

    This is so damn depressing. I feel like eating an egg custard pie.....A WHOLE one all by myself.

    depressed Negro

  37. PX IS A Liar11:23 PM

    " PilotX said...
    And these cowardly trolls don't even have the cojones to create a screen name. No wonder these fools need to carry guns everywhere. Ha!

    5:34 PM

    AGAIN.....PilotX...this is not your REAL lie like a dog, and accuse others for not using their real name. What a damn hypocrite.

  38. BARBBF10:08 PM

    Almost all the MSM and LSM and those pretend to be "liberal" news stations are now busily portraying Zimmerman as a victim. How many tines have you seen this article reporting how drugged out Zimmerman was when he murdered Trayvon Martin:

    Zimmerman on Drugs With Violent Side Effects When He Killed Trayvon

    May 20, 2012

    By Kirsten West Savali

    While the mainstream media made sure to report with exclamations and gasps that marijuana was found in Trayvon Martin‘s system on the night that he was killed, many outlets failed to also report that the level was well below what medical studies show cause “performance impairment.” The same can not be said for George Zimmerman. According to the paramedic report, the vigilante neighborhood watch captain was on the prescription drug Temazepam, reports

    Temazepam, also known as Restoril, is known to cause insomnia and anxiety, reports MSNBC. But there are more important side effects that were not mentioned.

    Newsone exclusively reports:

    According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the drug is also known to cause “aggressiveness” and “hallucinations,” among other problematic symptoms.

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    From the U.S. Library of Medicine:

    “You should know that some people who took medications for sleep got out of bed and drove their cars, prepared and ate food, had sex, made phone calls, or were involved in other activities while partially asleep. After they woke up, these people were usually unable to remember what they had done. Call your doctor right away if you find out that you have been driving or doing anything else while you were sleeping.

    “You should know that your mental health may change in unexpected ways while you are taking this medication. It is hard to tell if these changes are caused by temazepam or if they are caused by physical or mental illnesses that you already have or suddenly develop. Tell your doctor right away if you experience any of the following symptoms: aggressiveness, strange or unusually outgoing behavior, hallucinations (seeing things or hearing voices that do not exist), feeling as if you are outside of your body, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, new or worsening depression, thinking about killing yourself, confusion, and any other changes in your usual thoughts, mood, or behavior. Be sure that your family knows which symptoms may be serious so that they can call the doctor if you are unable to seek treatment on your own.”

  39. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Smart knee grows would be teaching their children that Trayvon got what was coming to him..........unfortunately, I can count smart knee grows I know on one hand......
