Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No black love for Mitt.

Sorry for posting a little late tonight folks, I just got off a plane from Houston. I had to boo Flipper in person.... okay, I kid. I was not at the NAACP convention today. I had nothing to do with the Negroes who booed the republican nominee for president down there.

Folks are saying that you colored folks are rude. Funny, I never heard that said about Joe Wilson. Anyway, you certainly were not rude to Senator John McCain when he visited your convention a few years back. I think that this guy just rubbed you all the wrong way.

Maybe it's what he said: "If you want a president who will make things better in the African American community, you are looking at him."

Flipper, how exactly will you do that? Not when over two million colored folks would experience a tax hike under your plan. Not when you want to cut investments in education and cut Pell Grants. I am sure that the millions of colored folks who would see their college tuition go up wouldn't consider that "better". Not when you want to increase class sizes and cut teachers for urban schools.

And then you told those Negroes that you would repeal Obamacare. Boooooo!
Seven million black folks will get health care thanks to the ACA. I don't believe in booing people, but if I was there I would have probably been tempted to boo you as well.

Anyway, I think Flipper accomplished exactly what he wanted to. He never really planned to reach out to you Negroes. This was his way of convincing the rest of white America---who are not right wingnuts--- that he is capable of talking to Negroes without pandering.

"Well, bravo to Mitt Romney for entering the lion’s den, getting briefly hooted down by a hostile crowd, and keeping your composure.
When Romney announced Wednesday to the NAACP convention his intention to “eliminate every non-essential, expensive program that I can find — and that includes Obamacare,” the crowd lustily booed, a media narrative was firmly established, and Republicans got exactly what they wanted.

Immediately after the completion of Romney’s speech, CNN replayed two moments in which the crowd jeered him. (His claim that it was his candidacy that would most benefit the “African American community” was also met with derision.) It then brought in Democratic strategist Donna Brazile to comment on the crowd’s reaction. She dismissed those who might criticize the booing because the audience was reacting to that “intolerant group of Americans” who oppose Obamacare.

The pundit postmortems have focused on these few moments, of course, and wondered whether the inclusion of the Obamacare line — guaranteed to aggravate the audience — was a deliberate provocation.

As everyone recognizes, a Romney speech to the NAACP will have almost zero impact on the number of African Americans who cast ballots against President Obama, but that wasn’t the point. This seemed to be an appeal to independent white voters, the Romney camp underscoring their man’s willingness to reach across the aisle and, by implication, to show that he isn’t a zealous tea partyer interested in expanding the partisan divide." [Source]

Yes, we all get "the point". I think the folks in Houston kind of knew they were being played as well. Booooo!

*Pic courtesy of Artmaggot 




  1. In his response, Mitt said if they want free stuff from the government, then vote for the other guy.

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Field You sound more like Sharpton every day - yep it was all a conspiracy to show who Black folk are. So essentially Black Folk want stuff that everyone else pays for or they can't make it and aren't happy.

    We get it.

  3. Two great American standards:sexism and racism!

  4. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Hattie said...
    Two great American standards:sexism and racism!


  5. The Truth Speaks For It's11:25 PM

    Did you see the debates, field?

    One was with some Harvard white boys against some Wiley College, (wherever that fu*k) that is, and the White boys had to defend the premise of welfare, and the blacks had to argue against it.

    The other debate against the teams was having to to with the Trayvon Martin thing, and whether you have a right to defend yourself. This black girl goes all ghetto, whooping, and spinning her wrist in the air, and had the whole crowd sounding like a bunch of monkeys in the trees.

    Hardly, a debatable enviroment. See for yourselves. (Skip the fist introductions, the "debates" take almost an hour, by themselves):

    BUT. You'll notice...these white boys gave just as much as they got!

  6. Go Figure11:37 PM

    ISN'T THAT ODD! That link has disappeared!

    Must be Harvard white boy hackers behind it.

  7. Road Runser12:29 AM

    One was with some Harvard white boys against some Wiley College, (wherever that fu*k) that is.....

    Wiley E Coyote - Specializes in ACME degrees - African Canard Militant Extremism.

  8. Go Figure1:30 AM's a fresh link:

    Remember: the introductions last almost a damn hour,

    At the end.....YOU score who wins the debates.

  9. Mitt Romney and his black republican entourage weren't there to reach out to black folks. They used that platform to gain further credibility with the conservative right wing base/extremists and those independents who are on the fence. He used hot button terms like Obamacare and was booed.

    Mission accomplished.

    But Mitt likes that organ music..tho! (gag)

  10. Go is too short. Please take the time to try snd live yours.

    *nodding@ what Carolyn said*

  11. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Not only was Romney pandering the black people, he knew it would be difficult for Obama to speak after him. Obama would receive an overwhelmingly warm welcome and the Repubs would certainly make it a "racial" issue. Smart move on Obama's part to send Biden (if you and I were able to see through Romney's ploy, then it's likely Obama's team was ablt to see this coming, too.

  12. Anonymous9:52 AM

    yo yo! mitt be rayciss cuz he white! word!

  13. "The pundit postmortems have focused on these few moments, of course, and wondered whether the inclusion of the Obamacare line — guaranteed to aggravate the audience — was a deliberate provocation."


    Do you really think Rmoney would deliberately go to the naacps house and insult them just to get to 50.1%?

  14. Anonymous10:52 AM

    But Mitt likes that organ music..tho! (gag)

    Did you really just gag on an Organ?

  15. cotton comes to harlem11:26 AM

    Ray Kelly, Police Commissioner of New York City, says it all:

    Why, he asks, do black community leaders protest Stop & Frisk but say virtually NOTHING about the fact that in NY City 96% of all shootings are committed by blacks and hispanics?

    The answer from the black community leaders like Juumane Williams of Brooklyn -- Kelly's lying about the statistics.

    Another moron elected by blacks tells it like it isn't.

    The depth of black denial is so deep it's probably bottomless.

  16. Anonymous11:55 AM

    So lets see.

    Another big night of violence in the African Town of Chicago.

    So this has been going on for awhile, now what were the democratic solutions?

    Ban Guns, that didn't work so ban them again...nah still not working...super secret double ban them....still not working....ok seriously they are banned now and we will PAY you if you turn in junk sto p shooting already...Nah still not working.

    OK, lets beg the thugs to look around for kids before they start shooting, because they must have human emotions right??

    Nah...that didn't work.

    Does anyone else see a pattern? Liberal cities - liberal policies.

    They will be the death of you yet. Either from violence or hunger when you go broke.

    It's African Tribal Warfare come to the U.S

  17. As a Life Member of the NAACP, I can assure you that not One person in that audience listening to Mitt Romney speak to "his base", not understand what was going on in his message. As one DJ in the Atlanta area said, "Mitt went Gangster". He wanted his white folk to know "I'm going in to tell those Negroes what's what"! He never spoke about the theme of the convention, NAACP: Your Power, Your Decision-Vote, where Texas is one of the 30 plus states attempting to suppress the vote, which would greatly affect the elderly and minorities. This should be our "clarion call" to get busy and get out the vote for Obama.

  18. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Holy Shit,
    what is it with Blacks and crime?
    Now it's to the point where I would be surprised if a Black politician Was NOT a thief and corrupt.

    DC Mayor Gray asked to resign by council members...this right after Harris another Gray campaigner pled guilty to criminal charges, after paying a candidate to stay in the race to badmouth Fenty, this also right after Thomas getting caught stealing 350k of public funds.

    Well, it could be worse I guess, they could be smoking crack like good ole Marion Barry...oh shit, Barry did get re-elected to the DC council....

  19. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Essence73T said...
    As a Life Member of the NAACP....

    Are you the one that thinks Black Holes in space are racist because to you it sounds like Black Hoes?

  20. You know what's funny,I saw a show on television last night(think it was called Final Witness) some white dude killed his three little kids and his wife because.....well, just because. And I don't see folks going to black websites to comment about such pathologies within the white community. Does anyone know why?

    I am really curious. I am trying to understand the mindset of some of my knuckle dragging pals here in America.

  21. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Obama was too busy to address the NAACP today so sent Biden.
    What's on his schedule? For the first time in a long time.....absolutely nothing. Not even a fundraiser. Just a 9:45 AM breifing. Open day.

  22. Man Gravy12:59 PM

    Essence73T said...
    This should be our "clarion call" to get busy and get out the vote for Obama.

    No, it should have been your call to actually LISTEN to what Romney had to say.

    Instead you just do the typical black thing, vote by race, talk over anyone you consider the opposition, project your misconceptions on the situation, and follow the orders of your democrat masters.

    The black vote goes 95%+ democrat, so it doesn't matter what you do for black people. You are politically meaningless. This will be painfully evident when Mitt Romney wins in a landslide this November.

  23. People interviewed from the convention did indeed listen to what he had to say, they also listened to what he didn't have to say. That was the kicker.

  24. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Farley said...
    People interviewed from the convention did indeed listen to what he had to say, they also listened to what he didn't have to say. That was the kicker.

    Yeah but not the kind of kicker you think. There were no dog whistles and he wasn't pandering with lies so he didn't say what Obama does, I promise to give you more and more and more and more and more so you have to struggle less in life while others struggle more, even if it means we all fail as my policies are breaking the back of the country.

    I guess you didn't notice that Obama did not go and sent Biden today to speak to the NAACP and that only a few rows in the front had people in the hall watching Bidens bullshit speech...they say it was the "rain" that kept people away. Sure, maybe the rain is racist and by raining it was saying something while being silent.

  25. Anonymous1:44 PM

    field negro said...
    You know what's funny,I saw a show on television last night(think it was called Final Witness) some white dude killed his three little kids and his wife because.....well, just because. And I don't see folks going to black websites to comment about such pathologies within the white community. Does anyone know why?

    I am really curious. I am trying to understand the mindset of some of my knuckle dragging pals here in America.

    Interesting that you associate a physco murderer who killed his wife and kids and equate his outlook and actions to that of entire communities in democratic run Black cities. Says a lot that you think cities full of Blacks committing crimes and killing each other are equivalent to a white crazy man who killed his family. Many would agree with you and maybe it is they who are trying to understand when the excuses, finger pointing and plain old reality for failed outlooks will stop - if ever and everyone can join to combat the culture and pathologies that cause this time after time after time.

  26. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Farley said...
    People interviewed from the convention did indeed listen to what he had to say, they also listened to what he didn't have to say. That was the kicker.

    You mean like his not saying Black people are stupid and incapable of being educated like other races and should settle for a lower rung on the ladder of capability and education based upon what they can learn, precisely like Joe Biden did today?

    "Vice President Joe Biden at the NAACP conference says that “Children should be educated to the degree they are educable.” (July 12, 2012)

    I don't know, If it were me I would not be insulted by the guy who told me I can do it and he would help pave the road for me to do it. But I would be insulted by the guy who told me I could never do it and obviously would never be capable, but he will be nice and will get me a free wheelchair and crutches to be disabled the rest of my life dependant on him.

  27. A New Day2:47 PM

    "I don't know, If it were me I would not be insulted by the guy who told me I can do it and he would help pave the road for me to do it. But I would be insulted by the guy who told me I could never do it and obviously would never be capable, but he will be nice and will get me a free wheelchair and crutches to be disabled the rest of my life dependant on him."

    Democrats are the white supremacists, albeit in a condescending and patronizing way. It may seem benign, the end results have been crippling.

    Republicans are the color-blind advocates of opportunity for everyone. They firmly believe blacks can stand on their own given a level playing field. They may or may not be right, but would hard to see how things could get worse for the dependent underclass languishing in our cities.

    It's time to cut the chains and leave that plantation. Say no to democrat slavery-lite.

  28. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Whiteys Conspiracy Where are you?

    You said Modern Day Christianity is the same As Islamacists.

    Been thinking about that comment as I see Muslims burning down churches and burning dozens of women and children alive each day.

    Now this one makes me want to ask you, do you really believe what you say? Today a man was beheaded on live TV in Egypt because he converted from Islam to being A Christian.

    So tell us your thoughts on this.

    Or is this the part about Islam that you like best you wiley rascal you?

    Al-Asiri apparently had fellow jihadis repeatedly sodomize him to “widen” his anus in order to accommodate the explosives — all in accordance with the fatwas [religious edicts] of Islamic clerics.

    After praising Allah, the sheikh’s fatwa began by declaring that sodomy is forbidden in Islam,

    However, jihad comes first, for it is the pinnacle of Islam, and if the pinnacle of Islam can only be achieved through sodomy, then there is no wrong in it. For the overarching rule of [Islamic] jurisprudence asserts that “necessity makes permissible the prohibited.” And if obligatory matters can only be achieved by performing the prohibited, then it becomes obligatory to perform the prohibited, and there is no greater duty than jihad. After he sodomizes you, you must ask Allah for forgiveness and praise him all the more. And know that Allah will reward the jihadis on the Day of Resurrection, according to their intentions — and your intention, Allah willing, is for the victory of Islam, and we ask that Allah accept it of you.

  29. But but but...Chwistian fundamentalists are just as bad as jihadis, they teach their kids creationism and don't like homosexuality. Beheadings, terrorist attacks, female genital mutilation, slavery - - -it's all equivalent.

    Don't you know that rational distinctions are racist?

    I hate my race/religion/culture. Please absolve me of my inherited sins, black people! I'll do anything!

  30. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I hate my race/religion/culture. Please absolve me of my inherited sins, black people! I'll do anything!

    BAM - You nailed it.

  31. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Obama eats Vanilla Ice Cream - I think that's a dog whistle he is really in touch with his white side.

    Where is the Congressional Black Carcasses when you need them?

  32. Anonymous7:16 PM

    lying negroes, romney got a standing o at the racist naacp.

  33. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I believe I read America received 300 years of FREE African labor by the crack of the whip. Obviously, there was nothing wrong 'FREE STUFF' then; so there should be nothing wrong with 'FREE STUFF' now. United States of Free Stuff!!!!!

  34. Anonymous Whitey and All Of your other Aryan cohorts/aliases,

    Nobody Black on this blog "cares" what you think. We are aware of the fact that you must "love" us, because you spend 24/7 commenting on this blog. Most of us have busy lives, and occasionally come over to visit Field, but YOU NEVER EVER go away. Keep up your rants and insults, because apparently to KNOW us is to LOVE us. :)

  35. oh happy day

    hobama proves he is MORE racist than mitt...yet again

    nobama 2012!!!!!!!

  36. BARBBF8:15 AM

    O’Reilly Battles With NAACP Executive Over Whether Romney Deliberately Wanted To Get Booed;recently_viewed

    Reminds me why I stopped giving to the NAACP..

    Comment by Larry Pinkney of BlackCommenatator:

    Unfortunately, much of 'Black America' exists in a vacuum of delusion and has yet to heed the burning significance of Harriet Tubman's words, when she said, "I freed a thousand slaves - I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."


  37. BARBBF said:
    "Reminds me why I stopped giving to the NAACP."

    Stop lying BARBBF, you never gave to the NAACP. smh

  38. BARBBF9:10 AM

    At least Romney showed up..which is more than Obama did ...

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