Thursday, July 12, 2012

The "new Iraq."

"Tupac back, I'm 2 glocks strapped
Rolling down in Philly this the new IraqSoon as I hit the the hood they screaming who got wacked It's a recession on the work, I'm screaming who got crack.."

Sorry Meek Mill, I have to start this post by saying that we have another "new Iraq" here in America. (16 kids under 15 murdered so far this year?!! WTF??!!) It is no longer my hometown of Killadelphia. We have 189 murders so far this year, and in the "new Iraq they have over 255 and counting. Young men are being slaughtered in the streets of America's second largest city, and it is about time some of us start giving a damn. (President Obama this means you as well.) Murders are up 38% so far this year and Mayor Rham Emanuel has no answers.

"More beat officers are now on the streets and staying in specific areas, replacing the large, specialized units that would temporarily drop into crime-ridden areas. Emanuel and McCarthy said they have no plans to change that strategy, and the mayor announced Monday that he's devoting another $4 million to tear down vacant buildings where gang members live and store guns and drugs.

The old tactic of flooding high-crime areas with teams of hundreds of officers for a short period of time, then moving the teams to other areas, was "like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound," McCarthy said. "We're not repairing anything by doing that."

Emanuel, who has made attacking the city's street gangs a cornerstone of his administration, was equally dismissive of the effectiveness of those citywide units.

"I don't think coming in, swatting something down and letting it come back in two weeks is strengthening a community," he said. "What it does is build up cynicism."

Honestly, I really don't give a damn about the cynicism or the feelings of the people in certain communities. Kids are dying.

The silence of the black press and some of our leaders on this issue has been shameful. With the exception of a few online news outlets, (shout out to Politic 365) no one seems to want to talk about this issue or how we can tackle it.
And, if I am going to be honest, I don't have much room to point fingers. Here in my hometown more kids have Glocks than bicycles and they are killing each other at an alarming rate as well.

I could give you some ideas on how I think we could tackle this problem, but I suspect that it wouldn't do any good. The parents of these urban terrorist are the ones who have to be called out, but some smart mouth lawyer on a blog from Philly isn't going to make them listen. The people they elected to lead them better start stepping up to the plate and being accountable to the people they serve. If it means telling them some uncomfortable truths about themselves and passing some tough laws along the way, well then so be it.

Some other folks who have to face some tough and uncomfortable truths today are the people up in "white hat" nation.  Now that we know that a Catholic church style cover up took place up in "Happy Valley" for at least the past fourteen years, it's time for the folks who worshiped at the altar of Joe Pa to take a serious look at themselves and an even more serious look at the icon who they worshiped for all these years.

Let this be a lesson to all those people who value the power of institutions and money over real people: The truth always comes out in the end.

Finally, I am sure that the main stream media will leave this story alone, but it looks like our guy Flipper might have some splaining to do:

"Republican candidate Mitt Romney was listed as the chairman and CEO of Bain Capital on government documents years after he says he gave up control of the private equity firm, The Boston Globe revealed Thursday in a report that intensified a war of words between the rival campaigns.

Romney has said he left the firm in February 1999 to take charge of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and has repeatedly used that as a defense when asked about bankruptcies and worker layoffs at Bain-controlled companies after that date.

The Globe, however, said it found nine SEC filings that describe Romney as running the company after that point. The report said some indicate he had control of five Bain Capital entities formed in January 2002.

In addition, the newspaper said Massachusetts disclosure forms indicate that Romney made at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, apart from his investment earnings. They also show he was paid as a Bain executive while he was directing the Olympics, the Globe reported." [Source]

Move along folks, there is nothing to see here. Just another politician who likes to play fast and loose with the truth on his way to "Etch A Sketching" his way to 1600 Pennsylvania, Avenue.



  1. Balzafiar7:42 PM

    Fortunately for us both, The Great Mittsby will not be our next President, this time around or ever. I sleep well at night knowing that.

  2. NSangoma8:31 PM


    D.C. officer allegedly made threatening comments about first lady


  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Obama has destroyed what little credibility he has left <----Pun intended with the little credibility and Left linked together.

    His advisors tried to warn him about the class warfare and how trying to stick Romney on Bain was hurting him as no one cares. Now he lied and there is evidence and Romney allready called him a makes Obama look pretty petty, scared and unable to talk about anything else such as his job performance and the economy so he makes up stories to make the guy who is going to beat him into a boogey man. Didn't work, campaigh now has 2 outs with no one on base.

    "Oopsie. Yet another Obama/lapdog media exposed. All the BS and lies about Mitt Romney outsourcing jobs at Bain Capital when wasn’t even managing funds with Bain have come home to roost. CNN buried a story that says new documents show that Mitt Romney did in fact leave Bain in 1999 to help manage the Salt Lake City Olympics (just like he claimed) and wasn’t there during the outsourcing"

  4. Did I write "alter"? Freudian slip.

    "Oopsie. Yet another Obama/lapdog media exposed. All the BS and lies about Mitt Romney outsourcing jobs at Bain Capital when wasn’t even managing funds with Bain have come home to roost. CNN buried a story that says new documents show that Mitt Romney did in fact leave Bain in 1999 to help manage the Salt Lake City Olympics (just like he claimed) and wasn’t there during the outsourcing"

    Not "BS and lies" my friend, facts.

  5. NSangoma9:14 PM


    BOSTON GLOBE: Mitt Romney Left Bain Capital Three Years After He Said He Did


  6. NSangoma9:21 PM


    Government documents filed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital say Romney remained chief executive and chairman of the firm three years beyond the date he said he ceded control, even creating five new investment partnerships during that time.

    Romney has said he left Bain in 1999 to lead the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, ending his role in the company. But public Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed later by Bain Capital state he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president.”



  7. Anonymous9:41 PM

    This is the story the globe lifted from Mother Jones and Soros talking points that was already proven to be false, The globe reprinted most of it as fact AND original when it was Neither, the Obama Amatuers in the campaign picked up the ball and ran with it having nothing else (they have to distract from the job he is doing)

    Proof that lies and deciet are a bad thing to do, you might just have those lies and deception that you create blow up in your face. Like this has done for the is it 5th time now Obama has tried to unsuccessfully smear Romney?

    You can't believe Anything the Obama Campaign says now, they have shot the complete load of credibility and it shows.

  8. Anonymous9:43 PM

    New evidence for when Romney really left Bain Capital.

    FORTUNE -- Mitt Romney did not manage Bain Capital's investments after leaving to run the Salt Lake City Olympic Games, according to confidential firm documents obtained by Fortune.

    The timing of Romney's departure from Bain became a lightning rod earlier today, when The Boston Globe published an article suggesting that Romney remained actively involved with the firm longer than he and his campaign have claimed. The sourcing is largely SEC documents that list Romney as Bain Capital's CEO and sole shareholder through 2002 -- or three years after Romney officially left to run the Salt Lake City Olympic Games.

    These claims are very similar to ones made last week by David Corn in Mother Jones, which we disputed at the time.

    Now Fortune has obtained new evidence that supports Romney's version of events.

    Bain Capital began circulating offering documents for its seventh private equity fund in June 2000. Those documents include several pages specifying fund management. The section begins:

    Set forth below is information regarding the background of the senior private equity investment professionals of Bain Capital. Also listed are certain investment professionals responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the Brookside and Sankaty funds, which are affiliated funds of Fund VII.

    It then goes on to list 18 managers of the private equity fund. Mitt Romney is not among them. Same goes for an affiliated co-investment fund, whose private placement memorandum is dated September 2000.

    Then there is Bain Capital Venture Fund -- the firm's first dedicated venture capital effort -- whose private placement memorandum is dated January 2001. Romney also isn't listed among its "key investment professionals," or as part of its day-to-day operations or investment committee.

    All of this could prove problematic for the Obama campaign, which has spent they day crowing over the Globe story (going so far as to hold a media call about it).

    "When Mitt Romney ran for governor and now as he's running for president, he consistently claimed he could not be blamed for bankruptcies and layoffs from Bain investments after February 1999 because he departed for the Olympics," said Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter, according to the Globe. "Now, we know that he wasn't telling the truth."

    But the contemporaneous Bain documents show that Romney was indeed telling the truth about no longer having operational input at Bain -- which, one should note, is different from no longer having legal or financial ties to the firm.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    This Bain thing is like a Clown Fest.

    The Globe wrote this false article in 2002 a decade ago. MotherJones and Soros rewrote some of it recently and were proven wrong, the Globe reissued it as breaking news and listed themselves as sources from a Decade ago all disproved.

    Obamama campaign officials are treating this as huge breaking news, even suggesting criminality if Romney falsely represented his position to the SEC.

    It’s not. It’s old news, which I posted about in quoting the leaked McCain oppo research book on Romney:

    Romney Served As CEO Of Bain Capital Through August 2001, Even Though He No Longer Ran Daily Operations. “Although he gave up running day-to-day operations at the venture capital firm in order to head the Salt Lake Winter Olympics, he remained CEO and held his financial interest in the company through August 2001.”

    Guess who the McCain oppo research book cited for this information. Really, guess.

    Okay, I’ll tell you, The Boston Globe (emphasis added):

    Romney Served As CEO Of Bain Capital Through August 2001, Even Though He No Longer Ran Daily Operations. “Although he gave up running day-to-day operations at the venture capital firm in order to head the Salt Lake Winter Olympics, he remained CEO and held his financial interest in the company through August 2001.” (Stephanie Ebbert and Yvonne Abraham, “Camps Spar Over Romney Word Choice,” The Boston Globe, 10/31/02)

    The article no longer is online, but references to it linger on the internet.

    I assume Romney’s explanation has not changed, that he retained the role and duties of CEO, but gave up operational day-to-day control. That explanation either will fly or not; I think it should as even the new Globe article acknowledges that the Romney’s status was disclosed in SEC filings.

    Whatever else it was, though, it’s old news repackaged by the same newspaper which first published it a decade ago.

    Update: It gets worse. The Globe has taken down the story temporarily and will give partial credit to TPM and Mother Jones for a story The Globe originated a decade ago!

  10. NSangoma9:48 PM


    Romney also isn't listed among its "key investment professionals," or as part of its day-to-day operations or investment committee.

    Just president and CEO.


  11. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Boston Globe Lifts Bad Info From Other Sources on Romney’s Bain Tenure

    Says the Boston Globe,

    Mitt Romney has repeatedly sought to distance himself from some business dealings at Bain Capital by asserting that he left the firm in February 1999, but a review of public records shows that his authority lingered for three more years as Bain repeatedly listed him on government filings as the man in charge. Until 2002, when Romney and Bain Capital finalized a severance agreement, he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer and president,” according to SEC documents. The description was applied even to the creation of five new Bain partnerships a full three years after Romney has said he relinquished all control.

    If this were all true, it would be a pretty bad thing for the candidate. Fortunately for Mitt and unfortunately for the screaming headline of the Boston Globe, it isn’t true. Mitt really did stop managing Bain Capitol in 1999 when he left the company to take over the struggling Winter Olympics.

    Even, no friend to Republicans, has debunked claims that Romney was actively controlling Bain after 1999. The Obama campaign has repeatedly claimed that Obama managed Bain after 1999, but FactCheck says Obama is all wet.

    And after reviewing evidence cited by the Obama campaign, we reaffirm our conclusion that Romney left the helm of Bain Capital when he took a leave of absence in 1999 to run the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics – as he has said repeatedly — and never returned to active management.

    Of course, there is little doubt that Romney’s name appears on some Bain documents after the 1999 date. But the issue isn’t whether Romney was completely cut off from Bain but whether, as he’s consistently said, he was no longer controlling Bain Capital.

    It gets worse for the Boston Globe, though.

    As soon as the Globe’s story hit the morning of July 12, a few other publications thought they saw something that looked familiar. In fact, they were right. As it turned out the Globe lifted the work of a few other journalists without bothering to give those writers and publications credit. We call that plagiarism, right?

    The sources the Globe lifted the info from is also telling. Two extremely left-wing sources served as the Globe’s crib sheet. Left-wing writer David Corn of Mother Jones Magazine, a far left muckraker, was one of them. The second was the George Soros-funded Talking Points Memo website.

    With biased, far left sources like that serving as the Globe’s “research department” it’s no wonder the Globe was not too keen on revealing them to its readers.

    The Globe seems to have given itself a black eye with this biased, badly sourced, and simply untrue attack on Mitt Romney.

  12. Hmmmm, I think Flipper's SEC filing documents say
    otherwise.The Fortune story sounds like Bill Clinton's definition of sex.

  13. Anonymous9:57 PM

    NSangoma said...

    Romney also isn't listed among its "key investment professionals," or as part of its day-to-day operations or investment committee.

    Just president and CEO.

    Wow, well in that case there must be proof like the documents fortune got from the SEC. So Romney should go to jail. I guess we will see what happens.

    Ironically this is precisely what Obama wanted, he wanted everyone to stop looking at the job he can not do and say look, a rich guy...he be the enemy.

    Well, wrong. I want a sucessful man in the White house who will help lead this country away from the Ruin that Obama had brought us to. As an accountant once said, figures lie and liars figure and Moonbats have to be the most awesomest accountants I know.

    Read the documents, read the links to the fake stories that Mother Jones and Soros' talking points lifted from the Globe 10 years ago and the globe relifted from them this week. It's a joke. Might work in the old days but today we have new media who finds out the truth faster than the MSM can spin it for Obama.

  14. Anon., I admire your fight for Mitt, but.....if it smells like a duck.

    "But Bain Capital, the private equity firm Romney founded, tamped down the controversy. The company said Romney left the firm in February 1999 to run the troubled 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and likely had nothing to with the deal. The matter never became a campaign issue. But documents filed by Bain and Stericycle with the Securities and Exchange Commission—and obtained by Mother Jones—list Romney as an active participant in the investment. And this deal helped Stericycle, a company with a poor safety record, grow, while yielding tens of millions of dollars in profits for Romney and his partners. The documents—one of which was signed by Romney—also contradict the official account of Romney's exit from Bain.

    The Stericycle deal—the abortion connection aside—is relevant because of questions regarding the timing of Romney's departure from the private equity firm he founded. Responding to a recent Washington Post story reporting that Bain-acquired companies outsourced jobs, the Romney campaign insisted that Romney exited Bain in February 1999, a month or more before Bain took over two of the companies named in the Post's article. The SEC documents undercut that defense, indicating that Romney still played a role in Bain investments until at least the end of 1999.

    Here's what happened with Stericycle. In November 1999, Bain Capital and Madison Dearborn Partners, a Chicago-based private equity firm, filed with the SEC a Schedule 13D, which lists owners of publicly traded companies, noting that they had jointly purchased $75 million worth of shares in Stericycle, a fast-growing player in the medical-waste industry. (That April, Stericycle had announced plans to buy the medical-waste businesses of Browning Ferris Industries and Allied Waste Industries.) The SEC filing lists assorted Bain-related entities that were part of the deal, including Bain Capital (BCI), Bain Capital Partners VI (BCP VI), Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors (a Bermuda-based Bain affiliate), and Brookside Capital Investors (a Bain offshoot). And it notes that Romney was the "sole shareholder, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of BCI, BCP VI Inc., Brookside Inc. and Sankaty Ltd."

    The document also states that Romney "may be deemed to share voting and dispositive power with respect to" 2,116,588 shares of common stock in Stericycle "in his capacity as sole shareholder" of the Bain entities that invested in the company. That was about 11 percent of the outstanding shares of common stock. (The whole $75 million investment won Bain, Romney, and their partners 22.64 percent of the firm's stock—the largest bloc among the firm's owners.) The original copy of the filing was signed by Romney."

  15. "Read the documents, read the links to the fake stories that Mother Jones and Soros' talking points lifted from the Globe 10 years ago and the globe relifted from them this week. It's a joke. Might work in the old days but today we have new media who finds out the truth faster than the MSM can spin it for Obama."

    Now I am really confused. Is this what he meant by an "Etch A Sketch" campaign?

  16. Anonymous10:01 PM

    field negro said...
    Hmmmm, I think Flipper's SEC filing documents say
    otherwise.The Fortune story sounds like Bill Clinton's definition of sex.

    I did not inhale? Oh no wait that was her.

    THis on the documents and note the person at the SEC they tried this in 1992, this is old stuff. If he had lied, no doubt Romney would have been brought up on charges. The former SEC commissioner on how bad this all is for Romney is a woman named Roberta Karmel is a bit of a biased source, though. Not only was she a Jimmy Carter appointee to the SEC, but she’s described herself as a “child of the New Deal.” It should be noted that until Obama came along, Franklin Roosevelt was the most anti-Business President we’ve ever had and used his New Deal policies to devastate the business sector.

    Even, no friend to Republicans, has debunked claims that Romney was actively controlling Bain after 1999. The Obama campaign has repeatedly claimed that Obama managed Bain after 1999, but FactCheck says Obama is all wet.

    And after reviewing evidence cited by the Obama campaign, we reaffirm our conclusion that Romney left the helm of Bain Capital when he took a leave of absence in 1999 to run the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics – as he has said repeatedly — and never returned to active management.

    Of course, there is little doubt that Romney’s name appears on some Bain documents after the 1999 date. But the issue isn’t whether Romney was completely cut off from Bain but whether, as he’s consistently said, he was no longer controlling Bain Capital.

    After the Globe story, the Romney campaign told CNN that contrary to the Globe’s claims, Mitt’s Bain story has all been documented.

    “Although Governor Romney was not involved with Bain Capital after he left to head the Winter Olympics in 1999, he was still listed on some technical filings,” the official said. “This is nothing more than a quirk in the law. When Governor Romney took over the Olympics, he was not involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way. He was too busy working to make the Olympic Games among the most successful ever held.”

    The facts show that Mitt had turned over his control of Bain to others. The Globe is just not reporting full context in order to get a sensational headline.

  17. Wesley R10:12 PM


    Black and Brown churches need to hit the streets and protect the kids. The Organizations, NOI, NAACP, etc., need to get in the streets also. Time for people to put up or shut up. Speeches won't get it done.
    One of my older relatives says all the time 'when we were Colored, and Black' things were better then we became African Americans. When we became African Americans some of us lost our MF'N minds, that includes the ones with money and the ones without money'.

  18. *nodding* @ what Wesley R said.

  19. Anonymous10:16 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon., I admire your fight for Mitt, but.....if it smells like a duck.

    Field not fighting for Mitt really, for the truth. Nothing is more abhorrent to me than Obamas chicago style politics, the way he campaigned in Chicago, when he ran against Hillary. he did anything he could to disqualify opponents, getting some kicked off for two or three signatures that were supposedly illegible, anything to avoid a vote.

    If the issues were true, so be it. but they aren't, only this time the MSM lapdogs aren't getting away with it. To many people have had enough of MSM lies and being in the bag for Obama. In fact NBC is dead because of it. Watch the news.....The New media exposes the Obama Campaign lies minutes before they announce them. This time they didnt even create new lies, they borrowed an old lie from 1992 that was already disproven.

    Romney took a leave of Absence from Bain in 1999 and never went back to manage bain. He was the CEO of course his name is going to be on things for awhile after. In my company the CEO's name stayed for 4 years in some countries as we are a global corp and it takes time to unravel the legalese as I am sure you know.

    In any case, who cares? The only ones who think this is a huge issue are the ones who do not want you to look at Obama's performance. Me? I already know Romney is a hell of a businessman and that is precisely what we need to lead us out of the worst decision making politicians have made in our lifetimes

  20. I wonder if Mormons get free magic underwear.

  21. "Me? I already know Romney is a hell of a businessman and that is precisely what we need to lead us out of the worst decision making politicians have made in our lifetimes"

    If he wins get back to me in four years. I think you will find that the "magic" carpet you are sitting on never got off the ground. ;)

  22. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Field the only way this is gonna get better is if we seriously take a look at the "War on Drugs"
    Force our "Black President" who you defend so well to honestly address some of these issues.

    You can regulate the crap out of weapons , and gun ownership, but if you never address the root problem your still gonna have the same out come.

    Then you either blame all of the parents for raising their kids in economically challenged areas.

    Majority of this crime is drug related. Either sellin it, buyin it shippin it; or stealin it.

    One or the other...

    This has to be a two fold process the War on drugs needs to be DISMANTLED ....Legalize Marijuana, with retro activity for prisoners previously sentenced for that particular crime. Restructure and reform sentencing guidelines with regard to crack vs powder cocaine. Make that retro active as well.

    Our President wont do this because hes a bought and paid for FRONT MAN for corporate banksters...
    Think that is just a co-incndence??”

  23. Kingnut11:26 PM

    "I could give you some ideas on how I think we could tackle this problem, but I suspect that it wouldn't do any good."

    Step 1: Recognize the problem. This is not an economic issue, it is at root a moral issue. Wesley R. is right: Black folks of the pre-civil rights era did not exhibit the pathologies of black communities today. We are seeing a rootless, amoral generation that places little value on human life. Children with absent parents are being raised on the street and fed lies by a corrupt education system and a thieving elite.

    Liberalism has created a generation of monsters. Welfare policies destroyed the family and the work ethic. Victimology sapped intitiative and filled them with a false sense of entitlement. The politics of resentment filled them with hatred. Dependency took away their pride and dignity.

    Young blacks are taught from day one, by their parent(s), the schools and the media that they are expected to be filled with rage against white society, and justified in expressing this rage through violence. That violence winds up directed primarily at each other.

    These kids have been taught to hate their country and to abandon their God. Their parents to a large extent are either missing are unable to provide any guidance on how to navigate the world. A life without a moral foundation dissolves into the chaos of nihilism.

  24. Anonymous12:02 AM

    "Young men are being slaughtered in the streets of America's second largest city, and it is about time some of us start giving a damn. (President Obama this means you as well.) Murders are up 38% so far this year and Mayor Rham Emanuel has no answers."

    First, when did Chicago surpass LA and become the 2nd largest city in America?

    Secondly, since when has anyone-Black or White- given a damn about Blacks killing Blacks? No one cares about black boys and bm dying in the streets.

    As I have said before, "It's depressing to be Black in America". Of course, no one in the black community is interested in talking about the hard's too painful. So the seemingly unsolvable problem continues to grow and grow each year.

    Meanwhile, Obama ignores us and says nothing about this murderous catastrophe and black bloggers say nothing either.

    depressed Negro

  25. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Dear Mr Field, what are YOU doing about the "new Iraq" situation in urban America? I don't recall your outrage about this "age old" problem--PilotX or Mack Lyons have NEVER said a word about the black on black killings.

    You seem to be more interested in what Whites are doing than what we are doing to ourselves.

  26. John Galt12:09 AM

    Here are just a few of the things I miss since America entered the golden age of Hope and Change in January 2009.

    o Optimism

    o Going for minutes, hours, even days, without worrying about what weird insanity the government is dreaming up next

    o Having money

    o The Border Patrol

    o Looking up at the moon and thinking, "America - we own space!"

    o Having a president whose background isn't more closely guarded than the formula for Coke

    o Going on vacation without the TSA auditioning me for "Stella Does Dallas"

    o Jobs

    o Not feeling like I have to whisper, if I say something that's not completely, 100% complimentary about our president

    o Listening to the latest rant against Israel at the UN, without wondering if it's coming from the American Ambassador

    o Feeling protected

    o Having a president who doesn't want to fundamentally transform me

    o Getting a doctor's appointment right away and not thinking, "That was nice while it lasted."

    o Having a president who would never, ever bow to the Saudi king, the Chinese premier, the Japanese prime minister and the mayor of Tampa

    o Gazing up at the sky and not wondering if that's a bird or a drone

    o Snacking on whatever I want, while the First Lady remains calm and indifferent

    o Having a president who thinks it would be unimaginably crazy to bring the 9/11 conspirators to New York for a civil trial

    o Privacy

    o Separation of State and Media

    o College graduates with a future in America, not China or Hong Kong

    o Having a president who inspires us to feel that Americans are all in this game together

    o A dollar that's worth 100 cents and isn't signed by a tax cheat

    o America's Triple-A rating

    o Having a president who doesn't seem needier for attention than Paris Hilton

    o Strolling through the mall without worrying about racially-motivated flash mobs

    o Looking at maps without trying to figure out where I can run

    o Reading 1984 as an interesting work of fiction

    o Dignity

    o Pride

    What do you miss?

    Read more:

  27. Not just killing each other. Two teens arrested in Newark for murdering a cabbie, working black man with five kids & who had been driving a cab for two decades. Last year a teen killed an off duty cop ordering a slice of pizza, a drive-by. Perp was aiming at someone else he said had insulted his mom. But I can't fathom the version of reality these teenagers are in. It's a like a parallel universe where all the rules, morality itself, are turned inside out. In his heart, Mitt really knows what to do about this? I can't fathom the version of reality he's in, either.

  28. Dark Frosty3:17 AM

    Mr. field, would you be able to comment on this?

  29. NSangoma4:24 AM

    Even after examining that return, we have no idea what is in this company, but it could be valuable, meaning that it is possible Romney’s wealth is even greater than previous estimates. While the Romneys’ spokespeople insist that the couple has paid all the taxes required by law, investments in tax havens such as Bermuda raise many questions, because they are in “jurisdictions where there is virtually no tax and virtually no compliance,” as one Miami-based offshore lawyer put it.

    That’s not the only money Romney has in tax havens. Because of his retirement deal with Bain Capital, his finances are still deeply entangled with the private-equity firm that he founded and spun off from Bain and Co. in 1984. ... The firm today has at least 138 funds organized in the Cayman Islands, and Romney himself has personal interests in at least 12, worth as much as $30 million, hidden behind controversial confidentiality disclaimers. Again, the Romney campaign insists he saves no tax by using them, but there is no way to check this.



  30. Yeah Mitt has a Bain problem.

    Anon.above who mentioned the war on drugs has a great point. I have been posting about that for years on this blog.

    Kingnut, this had nothing to do with kids hating America. Some of those bangers love America more than you do.

    Depressed Nebro, I think Chicago still gets the title of the second largest city, but it's not that big of a deal. Don't
    get hung up on it. No wonder you are depressed;you keep majoring in minors.

  31. John Galt, unfortunately we stopped seeing most of those things about 11 years ago.

  32. Anonymous8:13 AM

    When you have insane adult and semi-adult Africans in America conceiving and raising children, you get continuing INSANITY. No one worships 'GOD' more than Africans in this country, and this is what they get. They sing to 'GOD' like angels and the kids get beset by Satan and die by bullets. Watch Hardcore Pawn, which takes place in Detroit. I wouldn't want any of those suckers raising nothing of mine and thank 'GOD' nothing like them raised me. Check out Tru TV. Makes the whole country look more than INSANE.

  33. bigger failure than jimmy carter8:27 AM

    field, if you had any awareness of the finanacial realities and accomodations made by previous wealthy Americans who've held public office or been appointed to top positions, you'd know that Romney has complied with the rules.

    On the other hand, when it comes to secrets, well, Obama so secretive no one knows anything about his college and law school grades or his SAT and LSAT scores.

    We know Obama had financial dealings with Tony Rezko, a criminal, and we know he was guided by Bill Ayres, a violent radical. We know he spent 20 years listening to Reverend Wright.

    As for outsourcing jobs, there's no doubt Obama has done his best to ensure we continue to keep as many oilfield jobs as possible out of the country.

    Obama could have insourced a huge number of high-paying jobs by simply supporting more oil & gas drilling on public lands in the US. Very simple -- and cheap. A cost of $ZERO, in fact.

    No, better than that, a net benefit to America because oil & gas drillers PAY the government for drilling rights. Then they pay royalties, corporate income taxes, and in many cases the companies pay taxable dividends. Moreover, the employees pay income taxes.

    At Solyndra? Taxpayers forked over money for nothing.

    Just like every energy idea coming from the White House -- losses for taxpayers.

  34. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Zimmerman Was Railroaded by Racists...

    Detective in Zimmerman case said he was pressured to file charges

    Records released Thursday show a federal law-enforcement agent accompanied George Zimmerman to his police interrogations, and FBI interviews did not turn up any sign of racial bias in the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

    The lead Sanford Police investigator who sought manslaughter charges against George Zimmerman told the FBI that a sergeant and two other officers tried to pressure him into making an arrest in the controversial case — even though he didn’t think there was enough evidence.

    "Telling the FBI that he was concerned that people inside the police department were leaking information, Serino cited Sgt. Arthur Barnes, officers Rebecca Villalona and Trekelle Perkins “as all pressuring him to file charges against Zimmerman after the incident,” an FBI report said. “Serino did not believe he had enough evidence at the time to file charges.”

    "The summary of Serino’s statement does not mention the race of the officers who allegedly pressured him, but sources told The Miami Herald that Barnes and Perkins are black, and Villalona is married to an African-American man. All three, the source said, had been called in by their supervisor and questioned about leaking information in the case. . . ."

    In his FBI interview, Serino accused Sgt. Barnes of being “friendly” with Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s father. He said Tracy Martin at first understood why no charges were filed, but later changed coursse and accused Zimmerman of racial profiling.

  35. Seriously John Galt? Barack ended privacy in 2009? No mention of Bush's wire taps huh? TSA was created by the Bush administration so trust, we've been doing strip teases in airports long before B decided to run for office. Yes, white people usually lose optimism when a blah person is in charge so I can feel you on that one but for many optimism grew in Jan uary 2009.You might want to get a job if you need money but thank the right wing GOP for preventing that by forcing us to cut government jobs which actually grew under all other presidents.
    Field, you have some in teresting characters with short memories.

  36. "Young blacks are taught from day one, by their parent(s), the schools and the media that they are expected to be filled with rage against white society"

    Really? So you have proof of this King? Exactly how is this lesson diseminated? I don't recall getting the hate whitey lesson personally but maybe a few others here can refresh my memory. You certainly have alot of insight into blah people for a white guy there.

    "These kids have been taught to hate their country and to abandon their God."

    No, most of us are the same as anyone else, we are basically indifferent. Which "god" are you referring to? I also haven't notice a decline in Christian beliefs ion the blah community, not that religion is necessary to be moral. Morality does not equal religious.
    Anyhoo, many white communities exhibit the same qualities, or lack thereof you mention but we never delve into those we place them primarily on the shoulders of our communities. This country has shown pathologies since its founding so let's not go there. We were killed for just being blah and kept from enjoying full membership in this country so the lack of morals has been a problem for a long time, that probably just means were truly 'merican. Of course as a white guy it blows your mind why everyone doesn't wake up singing the star spangled banner but if you talked to blah people instead of assuming things and putting your own thoughts/ideas on us you may begin to understand a few things but I'm betting your arrogance won't allow that to happen. Sad. Ask me why I feel a certain way, just don't assume to know.

  37. Kingnut12:31 PM

    " Of course as a white guy it blows your mind why everyone doesn't wake up singing the star spangled banner"

    Typical PX hyperbole.

    My point was that without a love of country, or a positive religious outlook, or some connection to a something that gives your life a larger meaning, one's life is often aimless. "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."

    You haven't noticed a decline in Chrisitian beliefs in the Black community? Really?

    And our schools don't teach our kids, black and white, a history that is skewed toward the negative? Take a look sometime.

    You have your solid upper middle class lifestyle, so why worry about the underclass? All that rage is useful to your pose, and it costs you nothing.

    Keep focussing on the past; it's working out so well.

  38. it's a black thing2:11 PM

    Shooting, shooting, every day. It's what blacks do:

    Cops shot at in Brooklyn


    July 13, 2012

    Two plainclothes cops patrolling in Brooklyn came under fire early this morning when a gun-toting thug started blasting at them, police said.

    The officers had rushed to Mill Street, near Columbia Street, shortly before 1 a.m. to investigate reports of an armed man, cops said.

    There, they spotted a hooded man with a handgun tucked into his waistband walking toward a deli near Mill and Hicks Street, cops added.

    The suspect fled once he spotted the cops, who pursued him into the Red Hook East housing project.

    During the foot chase, the bandit turned and squeezed off one round, police said.

    The bullet missed its mark and neither cop was wounded.

    The shooter ditched his .45 Smith and Wesson semi-automatic handgun, ran up to the roof of one building and then fled into 15 Mills St., a connecting part of the development, police sources said.

    He ducked into an apartment, where cops quickly collared him, sources added.

    Charges are pending and the firearm was also recovered.

    Law-enforcement sources said the assailant, who is 20, belongs to the Mad Dog Crew, a gang that has been terrorizing Red Hook residents.

    He was busted in 2009 for pot possession and is on probation in Pennsylvania for a drug sale, the sources added.

    On July 5, a punk opened fire at Officer Brian Groves as he did a floor-by-floor sweep of a 23-story building within a Lower East Side housing project on Essex Street in Manhattan.

    Groves was hit in the chest, but he was saved by his bulletproof vest.

    The gunman remains on the lam.

    Nine brave officers, including Groves, have been shot in the line of duty this year; all have survived.

  39. I thought that when CHA closed Cabrini Green and Robert Taylor, the theory was that disbursement would reduce the gangs' hold on the neighborhoods. Turns out that scattering a problem to fertile ground just transplants it. The little death-worshipping terrorists who own most of Chicago's, and Philly's and Oakland's and so many other cities' streets -usually under the noses of incompetent majority white police departments in majority black cities- will only stop metastasizing when they stop finding fertile ground, and that requires a different kind of country, one that stops trying to rule the world while ignoring it's own problems, or even deliberately exacerbating them for political advantage like the radical republiklan is doing today.

  40. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I thought that when CHA closed Cabrini Green and Robert Taylor, the theory was that disbursement would reduce the gangs' hold on the neighborhoods. Turns out that scattering a problem to fertile ground just transplants it. The little death-worshipping terrorists who own most of Chicago's, and Philly's and Oakland's and so many other cities' streets -usually under the noses of incompetent majority white police departments in majority black cities- will only stop metastasizing when they stop finding fertile ground, and that requires a different kind of country, one that stops trying to rule the world while ignoring it's own problems, or even deliberately exacerbating them for political advantage like the radical republiklan is doing today.

    Holy Moonbat hyperbole. You don't have a clue what you are talking about do you. What you have said is that Blacks were dispersed from the Projects into better neighborhoods and they proceeded to ruin these neighborhoods as well. The police force is all White and it is incompetent because it didnt protect neighborhoods from Blacks. And if we didn't have soldiers overseas then this problem would be solved and we need to transform our country to meet the Black culture and this will solve it.

    Oh and ultimately this is all some republicans (White persons fault)

    You are totally batty. So what is your plan? What exactly would you do first?

  41. It's a white thing?

    Killing the fam. :(

  42. parvenu5:02 PM

    Field, in regards to the guns flooding the streets of black neighborhoods there is a loose end to this problem that NO ONE IS LOOKING AT! I visted a gun shop recently and quickly decided that I could not afford a grand new or used (in good condition) Glock. So the unanswered question is how can a black teenager afford not one but several high grade automatic pistols? Since no one actually knows the answer, the response generally comes back as "these kids are gang members who are buying these weapons using the proceeds from their participation in the local drug trade". This is a simplistic bullshit answer which is only partially true in certain urban neighborhoods.

    The overwhelming bulk of black kids walking around packing heat are NOT GANG MEMBERS OR DRUG DEALERS.

    There is an underground wide open business that thrives in many black communities in the form of pirated media stuff, i.e., CDs, Movie DVDs, hot Ipods, Iphones, Ipads, etc. Many young black kids in the "hood" know how to "hustle" this stuff. Although the profits are far from the level that can be generated by drugs, it does put cash in many kid's pockets.
    This is one side of the gun commerce in black neighborhoods - that is the source of income for black youth to purchase guns.

    The other side of the gun commerce flooding urban areas comes from RE-CYCLED GUNS. The American public does not pay any attention attention to the disposal of weapons that have been confiscated by the police. The ultimate assigned destination of these weapons after being taken off the street is the big metal compacter in some contractor's junk yard.

    Each time a load of guns are scheduled to be destroyed, the usual protocol is to have some assigned responsible police official present to witness the destruction and compacting of the guns. The assigned police witness is required to sign documentation verifying that the destruction of the weapons actually ocurred. The preservation of these important records has been poorly managed in many cities up to the present time. Often these supposedly "destroyed" guns are not compacted in the junk yard and surreptitiously winds up on in black neighborhoods again; if not in the current city - in another city in a different state.

    I propose that the documentation of the destruction of these weapons be made available on the internet within one day following the event. The documentation must also include a complete identification listing for each firearm destroyed, including the manufacture's serial number, year, make, and model of each weapon. This spotlight on what happens to these guns will help to suppress the criminal transport and re-sale of these weapons in black neighborhoods to young black kids for a price of 15 to 50 dollars for each gun. I believe this would be an important step towards stopping the slaughter of black youth across the nation.

  43. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Parvenu that's a great idea, but you know what, I don't think the governments gonna pay more salaries for people to do all that work processing all that gun info.

    Just as it's not going to pay salaries to people to evaluate health wise and document all persons that come into this country to do manual labor.

    It's much cheaper to just let them sneak in by themselves. The gov learnt that lesson with the Ellis island fiasco :)

  44. Anonymous8:03 PM

    "Depressed Nebro, I think Chicago still gets the title of the second largest city, but it's not that big of a deal. Don't
    get hung up on it. No wonder you are depressed;you keep majoring in minors."

    Whether you think this is a minor point, is a matter of opinion. The Census Bureau doesn't think so.

    Chicago has not held the title of the second largest city for some time. That is a "FACT".

    I capitalize FACT and put it in quotations because I know you are very interested in FACTS.

    BTW, any Chicagoan or Los Angeleno will tell you that LA is the second largest city in America. Field, you depress me. You make a big stink over statistics and facts but facts become irrelevant when you make a mistake. And, you will attack a depressed Negro over it.

    You are being a rather small person in this matter. You must be depressed. But I understand: "It's depressing to be Black in America".

  45. Guns aren't all that expensive. Used handguns run about half of new, stolen handguns (and they're among the most commonly stolen of items) about half of that. That $929 Sig or $815 Glock that a yuppy buys and puts a couple thousand rounds out of on a range before he loses interest in it gets him $400 when he sells it back or onto some other legal buyer (usually when a kid is born or finds it while snooping) and can and does go as cheap as $150 in a "street" sale.

  46. My point was that without a love of country, or a positive religious outlook, or some connection to a something that gives your life a larger meaning, one's life is often aimless. "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."

    Nice cliche. YOu must have been a philospohy major. And so what if Christian beliefs are losing ground in the blah community, that's a good thing. You're right, only blah people are focused on the past, I see so many whites over the fact the confederacy lost the war. If flying a confederate flag doesn't show contempt for this country I don't know what does but that's right, whites are sooooo patriotic.


  47. Anonymous5:23 PM

    What is Obama supposed to do about the FACT that most black people today are not raising their children?

    Forget about programs for the poor. That program sh!t is dead. There's no money for any new programs that waste hard working tax payers money.

    Black people: raise your damn children.
