Friday, August 24, 2012

Birther jokes, civil wars, and angry people.


I see that Flipper is making birther jokes these days. My man has been hanging around with "the Donald" way too much. "No one asked to see my birth certificate."

Of course, as is always the case with Mitt, this latest claim isn’t exactly true. Reporters in Boston previously asked to see his birth certificate as well because they couldn't believe that he had such a f****d up name. 

Anyway Mitt, we don’t care about your birth certificate, we know that- unlike your Daddy- you were actually born here. It’s your tax returns we want to see.

Mitt won’t release them, and I have to wonder what he is hiding. I suppose that whatever it is would make winning the November election that much harder.

And speaking of the election, for the sake of our survival a lot of people are hoping that Obama does not win the next election. According to a Judge in Texas (Where else?) if O wins there will be a "civil war". (Where did he get that idea in his head?) It looks like wingnuts believe the latest polls, because they are storing canned foods and ammunition as I write this post. Still, if they fired the first shot here in Philly, we wouldn't even notice. We are kind of used to that kind of sound around here.

A civil war seems to be a logical conclusion to all that has been going on. People are just so angry these days. Maybe it will be best if Obama does lose. If having the beige dude in the White House will continue to cause so much angst, you people might as well just take it.

Just today some guy shot up Midtown, *Manhatten because some dude he worked with pissed him off over a year ago. The scary thing is that this dude seemed normal to most people. One neighbor, as is always the case when we have these shootings; described him as a "nice normal guy." Yeah right!
I guess the good judge in Texas is hoping that a lot of other "nice normal" people will arm themselves with their legally purchased guns and go out and lower Obama's pool of voters by any means necessary. Will only republican Negroes like Thomas Sowell, and Herman Cain be spared? And how will some hillbilly straight out of "Deliverance" be able to tell the difference between a s**t talking lawyer on a blog from one of their own Negroes? Maybe when the "civil war" starts they will give them -good house Negroes-  uniforms.

Finally, I see that the ME in Jonesboro, Arkansas has declared the death of Chavis Carter a suicide.
If this doesn't give you Negroes in America a reason to pause and take a look at your surroundings I don't know what will.

This man was arrested, searched, and handcuffed with his hands behind his back; and yet he allegedly shot himself in the back of that patrol car. Okaaaay.

That joke of a medical report was bad, but then the authorities in Jonesboro, Arkansas took it a step further and spat on the grave of the young man by releasing the following:

"In addition to determining that Carter's death was a suicide, the medical examiner -- in a report released Monday -- also disclosed toxicology findings which showed that the dead suspect tested positive for methamphetamine and other drugs." [Source]

Well there you have it; he was on drugs, so it was alright to take his life and try to convince sane people in America that he killed himself. 

At least we know which side those police officers in Jonesboro, Arkansas will be on when the "civil war" starts.



  1. Of course they don't have to ask Mittens for his BC, he's white. Duh.

  2. Anyway Mitt, we don’t care about your birth certificate, we know that- unlike your Daddy- you were actually born here. It’s your tax returns we want to see.

    No, he's American

  3. "Anyway Mitt, we don’t care about your birth certificate, we know that- unlike your Daddy- you were actually born here. It’s your tax returns we want to see."

    Field Negro is turning into a Taxer site.

  4. Put Your Money Where Your Balls Are At10:12 PM

    Why would there be a Civil War?

    You just read this, and try to find me a similar website, where whites are assaulting, raping & killing blacks. It's brutal.

    I'll be patiently waiting....(as you are so fond of saying) You won't address this website, as I already know.

    Civil War? Blacks may start it....but Whites will finish it.

    Those "White Hispanics will be on our side, too.

  5. Here's a black guy standing up for his people and America:

    He seems likea a good man, someone you would consider a Tom.

  6. If Obama loses this we'll all be left to the tender mercies of the republiklan taliban. They're so radical theyll make W look like Jerry Ford. The axis of avarice between the theocons neocons and ecocons will erase a century of progress if they get a chance. Obama is the only one standing between us and that. The congressional Dems couldn't assemble a functional backbone between them.

  7. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    They're so radical theyll make W look like Jerry Ford.

    To deluded liberals like Whitey, pointing out that the country is about to go bankrupt is "radical".


  8. Frank Marshall Davis said...
    "Field Negro is turning into a Taxer site."

    Really, how crazy is it to believe that Mitt Romeny didn't pay his taxes? Don't you think the IRS, which works for Obama, would have said something?

    Liberals are ker-razy.

  9. Anonymous11:56 PM

    PilotX said...
    Of course they don't have to ask Mittens for his BC, he's white. Duh.

    Your racism has made you quite the dullard. Do you believe in Science?

    No one asked Herman C. Where he was born. Perhaps thats because his entire life wasn't a consolidated fictional account like Barry Sotero Barack Hussein Obama.

    Oh, the moonbats must be feeling confident AND have a lot to hide, interesting they are trying to seal Obamas presidential records just like he sealed and is hiding every other record.

    "Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records

    According to Judicial Watch, Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.

    In an obvious effort to protect President Barack Obama, a group of congressional Democrats has introduced legislation to create an official process that will allow the commander-in-chief to keep presidential records secret after he leaves office.

    If the Democrats’ proposed measure (Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011) becomes law, former presidents will be allowed to assert a new “constitutionally based privilege” against disclosing records of their liking. Here is how it would work; the Archivist of the United States would be required to notify the former president, as well as the incumbent, of intentions to make records public. Anything that either the former or current president claims should be kept private won’t be released.

    The veteran Brooklyn congressman (Edolphus Towns) who recently introduced the law in the U.S. House has yet to explain why it’s necessary.

    This looks like a sign of surrender to me. Why seal up Obama’s records now, if you think he’s strong to get re-elected next year?

    And, how many Solyndras and executive directives to punish various enemies may be lurking in those records?

  10. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Jambi said...
    Frank Marshall Davis said...
    "Field Negro is turning into a Taxer site."

    Really, how crazy is it to believe that Mitt Romeny didn't pay his taxes? Don't you think the IRS, which works for Obama, would have said something?

    Liberals are ker-razy.

    They are like crows and magpies, waiting to see you pull something out of your pocket so they can snatch it. They like shiny things and Obama keeps giving it to them knowing they can't chew bubble gum and walk at the same time. Economy? Yeah it's bad because they want to see Mitt's tax returns right....?? Dee-Dee-Dee.

    Obama hates Romney, he is everything he wishes he could be but has never been strong enough to be that disciplined. The IRS has a team assigned to Romney, he paid a hell of a lot in taxes AND gave a hell of a lot to Charity.

    All we want to know is why should Obama be re-elected, what is he doing with this economic mess and what will he do besides give the country away to russia and the UN,

  11. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Field, your posts are getting more and more depressing...and sad and scary. I gather YOU don't think a civil war is possible? Well, I do. Talk of a Civil War along with assassinating Obama has been brewing since Obama became President. Is it dangerous for Obama to be elected again? Think about it.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again, "It's depressing to be Black in America". Even Obama himself has GOT to know this truth. As a matter of fact, racism against Blacks has always been that way since America was born. It is in our 'national psyche'! It is a dark evil curse.

    Psychiatrists, psychologists and other therapists remain mute and ignorant about racism in America. NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY-- has the know how, or even care to deal with it.

    This country started with racism. More and more it seems like there is a possibility that it with racism. So many angry hating people in this country! And there are even more with each passing day. That is so depressing and sad.

  12. Obamas lips moved hes lying12:07 AM

    Looks like Obama got caught lying yet again. Now even Rangel threw him under the bus. It's only right, Obama throws everyone else under the bus.

    After Vice President Joe Biden infamously told an audience that Mitt Romney is “going to unchain Wall Street,” and concluded they are “going to put y’all back in chains,” Mr. Romney’s campaign cried foul. This was an obvious and unfair allusion to slavery, Mr. Romney’s surrogates argued.

    Well, count veteran Congressman Charlie Rangel among Mr. Biden’s critics on the Democratic side of the aisle.

    “The Vice President said he’s going to put “y’all in chains,” Mr. Rangel told The Perez Notes in a recent free-wheeling interview. “Was he talking about slavery? You bet your ass he was. Was he using the vernacular? Yes, he was. Did he think it was cute? Yes, he did. Was it something stupid to say? You bet your life it was stupid.”

    “It was something if a black had said it, we would have been laughing, because we would know deep down they may be beating the hell out of us, but they ain’t thinking about putting us into any chains,” he added.

    Will pressure from his own side prompt an apology from the vice-president?

  13. Ru Paul12:12 AM

    Field is Rahm Emanuel Gay? Theres this really funny article making fun of him wearing a tu-tu and talking about your policies on gun control and how they are a joke considering Chicago has "draconian and unconstitutional" gun measures yet it leads the nation in shootings.

    "Nineteen people were shot across the South and West sides from Thursday evening through early Friday morning -- 13 of them wounded over a 30-minute period, authorities say."

    He has to be pretty light in the head to think more gun laws will solve this problem, don't ya think?

  14. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Oh mY, the Democrats are going to lose a hell of a lot of seats this election, seeing as how they are making the democratic convention a Nation of Islam/Islam/Abortion Fest.

    LifeNews: CNN Poll: Majority of Americans Want Abortions Prohibited:

    CNN has released the results of a new poll showing a majority of Americans want all or most abortions prohibited — a clear pro-life majority.

    The survey asked: “Do you think abortion should be legal under any circumstances, legal under only certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances?” Some 62 percent want abortions illegal in all cases or legal only in certain instances while just 35% want abortions legal for any reason.

    Breaking down the question further, CNN asked, “Do you think abortion should be legal in most circumstances or only a few circumstances?”

    Here, 52 percent took a pro-life view saying abortion should be illegal in all (15%) or most circumstances (37%) while just 44 percent took a pro-abortion view saying abortions should be legal in all (35%) or most (9%) circumstances.

    This is why the rabid Obama pro-aborts are reduced to obsessing only about abortions in cases of rape and incest.

  15. Scrappy O'Fetus12:28 AM

    But free abortions for everyone is the mostest important right there ever was.

  16. Don't be punished with a baby! Vote for Obama, the friend of women!


    Vote for Obama and you'll get all the abortions you want, for free!


    No fetus ever beat us! We know what women want: abortions!

  17. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Dear Mr Field, in your side bar you called some folks in Mississippi HNs for simply wanting to erect a monument to a great general during the Civil War.

    Mr. Field, your name calling of my fellow Mississippians was uncalled for. All they wanted to do was to honor a great American. What is wrong with that?

    It "might" be true that he was the first Grand Wizard of the KKK, but what does that have to do with his brilliance as a general? That's trying to mix apples and oranges. It just doesn't work.

    Mr. Field, you get mixed up too often between apples and oranges.

  18. Anonymous2:20 AM

    When it comes to the KKK, Blacks should learn to 'forgive' like good Christians, esp. Field. We should let by-gones be by-gones.

    We should forget about the past. Most Whites can forget the past. Why can't Blacks forget?

    Why can't some Negroes like Field just 'let go'? Jeeezh!


  19. i love your blog, to express your views, this is the correct way.

  20. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Field have you seen 2016: Obama’s America yet? Movie is doing great, it just beat the expendables 2. MSM missed an opportunity to tell the truth. Imagine when Obama is out of office how much truth will come out.......

  21. "Field have you seen 2016: Obama’s America yet?"

    No. I would rather watch reruns of the Lawrence Welk Show on television.

    "Vote for Obama and you'll get all the abortions you want, for free!"

    And this is a bad thing?

  22. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality (Obama), and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society...--- Zbigniew Brezenski, Between Two Ages, copyright 1970, President 44's mentor.

    Blue states, Red states? Elephants & Asses, Bloods & Crips. Does one not truly understand the agenda at hand?? 13. This European said a highly controlled society, Facebook is an example while G Orwell said Big Brother is watching you and for whos purpose?
    Hollywood made a movie called Murder at 1600. 4 times 4 is what?
    load up field, you can only represent Englands Bar Ass. so long

    PEACE to the field

  23. Wow, didn't know that so many conservatives like forcing a woman ot have a baby was a part of small government. "Keep government out of our lives, unless of course it means we force all pregnant women to have their babies then it's alright". They sure have this whole limited government thing confused. They also don't get the point of being pro-choice. Maybe you can explain that the Roe v Wade case was about privacy, if I'm not mistaken and isn't that what conservatism is all about, keeping big gov out of your business? Must be tiring being such hypocrites but seems to come with the territory for conservatives.

  24. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "When it comes to the KKK, Blacks should learn to 'forgive' like good Christians, esp. Field. We should let by-gones be by-gones."

    Why not? Kumbaya must be our goal as Americans. FN Negroes: brothers and sisters, let us let by-gones be by-gones for the sake of unity and love. I have a dream that will be so.

    Otherwise, we remain divided; and a divided country means 'not equal'; and not equal means one group is controlling mostly everything and the other is suffering, physically and emotionally.

  25. muhammad the pedophile10:57 AM

    Women are under siege -- in Islamic countries. The countries Obama feels good about. The countries that want atomic bombs to launch at Israel and elsewhere.

    PAPER: Muslim Brotherhood 'taking total control of Egypt'...

    Patrols help protect women...

    Physical and verbal abuse of females in public places on rise...

  26. milton friedman11:05 AM

    If Romney is elected a lot of people here, like whitey's nightie and others, will go into a deep funk when Romney gets the government out of the way of job creation and the economy returns to life.

    It would cut into their sclerotic hearts to find themselves living in a period of rising prosperity brought about by a president who believed that letting the domestic energy industry grow, cutting the tax burden on businesses so industrious people would take the financial risk of building them and ignoring morons with no grasp of economics.

  27. Rawmoney needs to find a way, besides letting Rubio speak, to woo women and Latinos or he's toast.

  28. Touré, - Ta-Nehisi Coates12:42 PM

    Reporters in Boston previously asked to see his birth certificate as well because they couldn't believe that he had such a f****d up name.

    Yeah dem white boys gots some funny ass names, not like us black folk.

  29. Kingnut1:05 PM

    PilotX said...
    if I'm not mistaken and isn't that what conservatism is all about, keeping big gov out of your business? Must be tiring being such hypocrites but seems to come with the territory for conservatives.

    You are (as usual) mistaken, as conservatism is about other things as well (what you describe is libertarianism).

    But you make a good point:

    Conservatives want freedom of choice on everything except abortion; Liberals want freedom of choice on nothing but abortion.

    I'm a conservative who thinks abortion should be legal (but not subsidized).

    I want a government who stays out of my business. The conservatives are a lot closer to that ideal than the liberals.

  30. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Just another Black Politician stealing what she be owed.

    Why would anyone put a black democrat in office when almost all of them are criminals and the rest just haven't been investigated yet?

    New York state Sen. Shirley Huntley says she expects to be arrested Monday amid a continuing investigation by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman into state grants she provided nonprofit organizations.

    The Queens Democrat is facing New York City Councilman James Sanders Jr. in a tough Sept. 13 Democratic primary. Schneiderman is investigating nonprofit social service and education groups that Huntley funded in part with state grants. Indictments accuse some of the groups’ executives of theft. Huntley has denies wrongdoing.

  31. Obamney is the greatest!

  32. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Kingnut, "Conservatives want freedom of choice on everything except abortion; Liberals want freedom of choice on nothing but abortion."

    Very well said. I have often wondered where moral conscience fits in. Abortion has nothing to do with Conservatives or Liberals-it has to do with conscience.

    Is it ok to kill babies because it's inconvenient? What is the "Inconvenient Truth" about this?

    Putting the principle of sacred life-Thou Shall Not Kill- before your own selfish desires and conveniences resonates with a conscience on a higher plane than taking the life of a vulnerable baby.

    What kind of society legislates a law that makes it ok to kill babies for one's own convenience?

    Roe vs Wade is law- but is it "right"? Is it moral?

  33. Blount2:56 PM

    Obama's middle class rhetoric is a sick joke.

    No one could possibly despise the middle class enough to think it would vote for the unholy alliance of welfare parasites and power-mad liberal elitists that has been methodically destroying it in the name of oligarchical collectivism, and that is personified by Barack Hussein Obama.

  34. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Even Hollywood has its doubts about voting for Obama. That's not a good position for an incumbent Democratic President be in:

  35. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Hot off the presses, the agenda for the Democratic National Convention

    2012 Democrat National Convention
    Schedule of Events

    7:20 pm Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Barack Obama
    7:25 pm OPENING PRAYER - Reverend Jeremiah Wright
    7:45 pm CEREMONIAL TREE HUGGING - Darryl Hannah
    7:55 pm Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Darryl Hannah
    8:00 pm GLOBAL WARMING OMFG!!!!!!!!! - Al Gore
    8:55 pm Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Barbara Boxer
    10:00 pm Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Susan Sarandon
    11:00 pm OVAL OFFICE AFFAIRS - William Jefferson Clinton
    11:45 pm Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Susan Sarandon's Rack
    12:25 am Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Jessica Alba
    12:30 am SATELLITE ADDRESS - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
    1:15 am THE TRUE STORY: HOW I KILLED BIN LADEN - Barack Obama
    1:25 am Max Baucus SINGS NATIONAL ANTHEM
    1:55 am Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Mitt McRyan
    2:00 am Bill Clinton asks Max Baucus to drive Hillary home.

  36. nom de moron4:01 PM

    field, in his brilliance, writes:

    Reporters in Boston previously asked to see his birth certificate as well because they couldn't believe that he had such a f****d up name.

    Uh. Even reporters, as ignorant of 20th century history as so many are, have heard the name "Romney".

    For wacky names of presidents and candidates, there's no doubt "Barack Hussein Obama" wins first prize.

  37. Ha! Hot off the presses the gop convention.

    0800 Opening prayer by Pat Robertson.

    1200 Rick Santorum speech "Why contraception is bad, and oh yeah why blah peoples' lives should be hard".

    1300 Maurice Bachmann speech "Why conservatives are so much more manly than liberals".

    1400 David Barton speech "Why America is a Christian nation and why all Muslims and liberals hate America so much".

    1500 More prayer from Pat Robertson.

    1700 Donal Trump speech "Why we can't elect secret Muslims without birth certificates".

    1800 George W. Bush wanders on stage and is quickly shooed away.

    1900 Keynote from Chris Christie cancelled because they can't get him away from the buffet table though 15 try.

    1915 Keynote from Glenn Beck "How America is the greatest country and how we invented time travel".

    1930 Keynote from Pat Buchannan "Why the klan is so important to the gop".

    2000 Speech from Herman Cain "999 women not wearing underwear".

    2100 Bobby Jindal "Why exorcism is important and why teaching creationism in public schools is cool right Scalia??????????"

  38. dilation and curretage4:13 PM

    piling lots of Xcrement said:

    Wow, didn't know that so many conservatives like forcing a woman ot have a baby was a part of small government.

    Try again, bonehead.

    The woman made her decision to have a child when she willingly had sex with the father and neither used birth control.

    "Keep government out of our lives,


    ...unless of course it means we force all pregnant women to have their babies...".

    Try again -- Unless it means we try to stop pregnant women from murdering their unborn children.

    If you are dumb enough to believe abortion isn't murder, then you're dumb enough to believe killing a newborn also isn't murder.

  39. you need a proofreader4:18 PM


    You should learn how to spell the name of the major borough in NY City:

    It's Manhatt-A-n.

  40. Anonymous4:29 PM

    My goodness. From the comments following this post, Obama doesn't stand a chance of winning.

    There are trains of posts on FN that trash Romney/Ryan; yet there are many supporters and defenders of Romney/Ryan- but there are very few, if any, on FN who are standing for- or defending Obama.

    Looks like even FN 'skin-folks' have nothing good to say about Obama. There certainly aren't any positive posts about him on FN. In the back of my depressed mind, there is a fear of a landslide for Romney/Ryan.

    Field, what happened to that Visa to Jamaica? I NEED IT!

    This is depressing...very down times. The economy is teetering on the brink of rolling over; Afghanistan war is a fiasco; kill rate of bm highest ever; unemployment rate for Blacks ever; America has lost its AAA rating; the Fed will have to put QE3 into play--SOON, lest the economy will take a dive; the institution between a man and a woman desecrated; AND, we have a brother at the helm of all of this mess....Lord have mercy.

    depressed Negro

  41. And troll, how would you know a woman is pregnant or not and what she was going to her doctor for? Do you insist big brother know every interaction between doctor and patient? This is where you conservatives lose me, I'm against all killing but what a woman does with HER OWN BODY is not my business nor should it be. Or yours.

  42. "Why science doesn't matter 'F-you Gore' getting ready for the end times" Sen. Inhoff

    "How we can go back to the 13th century" Santorum

  43. Anonymous4:42 PM

    PilotX, I see Chicago had another bloody weekend. Why do you remain silent about all the killing of Blacks in your home town, yet you have plenty to say about Whites? Do you think that will STOP the killings in Chicago? Hell, even the mayor says it's outrageous.

    Did it happen in your neighborhood?

    Being a bm, do you have to spend a lot of time ducking bullets? Anyway, I am just glad you are still alive and have some safe moments to blog.

  44. Anonymous5:13 PM

    "This is where you conservatives lose me, I'm against all killing but what a woman does with HER OWN BODY is not my business nor should it be. Or yours."

    4:30 PM
    PLEASE READ anon2:23PM. Anon is quite clear, but I must warn you, it's about moral conscience, adult-child caring and the sanctity of life.

    You see, there's the body of the woman, which she has jurisdiction over because it is HER life. Then there is the LIFE of an innocent vulnerable CHILD who belong to the sacredness of LIFE itself. It is WRONG to kill a child...

    There is NOTHING good or moral about it...PERIOD. Of course, you live in a city where no one cares about the life of some humans, let alone an unborn one. Hence, you may never understand what Conservatives are saying, as well as 'some' Liberals and Independents.

    Abortion is murder, plain and simple.

  45. Anonymous5:35 PM

    "...Yet there has been one infinitely tragic and destructive departure from those American ideals in recent memory. It was this Court's own decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) to exclude the unborn child from the human family. You ruled that a mother, in consultation with her doctor, has broad discretion, guaranteed against infringement by the United States Constitution, to choose to destroy her unborn child.

    Your opinion stated that you did not need to “resolve the difficult question of when life begins.” That question is inescapable. If the right to life in an inherent and inalienable right, it must surely exist wherever life exists. No one can deny that the unborn child is a distinct being, that it is human, and that it is alive. It is unjust, therefore, to deprive the unborn child of its fundamental right to life on the basis of its age, size, or condition of dependency.

    It was a sad infidelity to America's highest ideals when this Court said that it did not matter, or could not be determined, when the inalienable right to life began for a child in its mother's womb.

    America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships.

    It has aggravated the derogation of the father's role in an increasingly fatherless society.
    It has portrayed the greatest of gifts—a child—as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered domination over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters.

    And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners.

    Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign.

    The Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany recently ruled that “the unborn child is entitled to its rights to life independently of acceptance by its mother; this is an elementary and inalienable right that emanates from the dignity of the human being.” Americans may feel justly proud that Germany in 1993 was able to recognize the sanctity of human life. You must weep that your own government, at present, seems blind to this truth." -A portion of Mother Teresa's letter to the US Supreme Court re: Abortion/Roe vs. Wade

  46. Anonymous6:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Why science doesn't matter 'F-you Gore' getting ready for the end times" Sen. Inhoff

    "How we can go back to the 13th century" Santorum

    Oh come on now. Liberals don't really believe in science. Liberals are stupid.

    You are not interested in facts. You just want to construct your pretty little narrative about the world, regardless of whether or not it has any bearing on reality. And then dump it on everyone else. And ruin our lives.

    So you aren't just stupid, you are evil too.

  47. Anonymous6:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    And troll, how would you know a woman is pregnant or not and what she was going to her doctor for? Do you insist big brother know every interaction between doctor and patient? This is where you conservatives lose me, I'm against all killing but what a woman does with HER OWN BODY is not my business nor should it be. Or yours.

    Pilot but you are a little queer boy so you never did care about women and their bodies anyhows

  48. Obama has changed the American Dream:

  49. Oh my, what will these wingnuts do if Flipper loses in November?

    I think I will build some hostels in Jamaica for them....wait, second thought, maybe not. :)

    W-I-L-L-A-R-D, may I see your tax returns, please?

  50. Donald Hump6:55 PM

    Field is a "Taxer"

  51. I guess these guys are not their brother's keeper.

  52. Anonymous7:55 PM

    field negro said...
    Oh my, what will these wingnuts do if Flipper loses in November?

    I think I will build some hostels in Jamaica for them....wait, second thought, maybe not. :)

    W-I-L-L-A-R-D, may I see your tax returns, please?

    Field, Did you ever think what would happen to the Western Hemisphere if Barry Actually won?
    So the question would be what will you do if Obama wins a second term. At minimum say goodbye to roughly 50 million US aid for aids/hurricane rebuilding for Jamaica. Then add in the economic support. Oh my...

    "Obama’s father wrote a paper in 1965 that theorized the best way to destroy a prosperous country from within would be to recklessly spend as much as possible while raising taxes on businesses to 100% of their profits. This would crater a successful economy into third world status in under a decade. It’s what Barack Obama is trying to do to the US now.

    The Trillion dollar stimulus he wasted on Democrat pork barrel projects in 2009 was a first waive of raiding the Treasury and handing the money to union thugs and other groups loyal to the Democrat Party so that the rest of the plan could be enacted to tank the American economy. Obama’s driven up more deficits than all presidents before him combined because the purpose is to get America to a tipping point where it will never be an economic powerhouse again, since it will be paying off its debts forever and will more or less be reduced to the level of a country like Kenya or Indonesia in the end…which is something that his mother and father wanted to see happen to America. They wanted to see the United States and its influence in the world collapse like the British Empire under its debts during WWII.

    A second term for Obama will mean Obamacare stays in place, and that businesses are taxed out of existence as a result. Medicare gets wiped out by Obamacare and no new jobs are created because employers do not want to take on the risks and financial burdens involved in dealing with Obamacare. America becomes a place where it’s too expensive to do business and so opportunities unfold elsewhere in the world. Obama’s policies drive the United States out of the top tier of developed nations on this Earth and into degenerative second world (and ultimately third world) status.

  53. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

    Barack Hussein Barry Sotero Obama

  54. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Sahiwal: August 25, 2012. (PCP) A Pakistani Christian named Rafique Masih is earning his living and feeding his wife and seven children doing hard labor as kiln worker in “Al-Ghani Bricks Company” situated at Kachi Pukki Road Sahiwal from 15 years.

    When his first child was born 12 years ago, he gave her daughter a unique name Muqadas Kainat which means “Holy Universe”. He was happily living in Brick Kiln vicinity house at 96/9-L, Sahiwal.

    On August 14, when Pakistan was celebrating “Independence Day”, Muqadas Kainat went in fields where she was gang raped and murdered by 5 Muslims and never returned home.

    Rafique Masih was in hospital on August 14, in Sahiwal city where her wife was going through medical procedure of appendix. His elder brother Arshad Masih came to hospital and told Rafique Masih that Muqadas Kainat have not come home from morning.

    Rafique Masih rushed to home and searched Muqadas Kainat in area of brick Kiln Company and in homes neighbors but not found her daughter.

    On August 15, 2012, the Muslim clerk of brick Kiln Company told Rafique Masih that he have received a call on his cell phone from unknown caller that Muqadas Kainat is in fields. On which, Rafique Masih along with other people stated searching in nearby fields and found dead body of his daughter.

    The police recovered dead body of Muqadas Kainat and postmortem was conducted which proved that Muqadas Kainat was gang raped and later strangled to death by five men.

    The Farid Town Police Station registered FIR against unknown rapists and killers and started investigation but till filing this story none of culprit[s] was arrested or detained by police.

    Shaiwal is remote district of Punjab province of Pakistan and gang rape and murder of Muqadas Kainat failed to attract media attention or rush of NGO workers.

    A Christian Youth leader of area is helping poor family to ensure justice whose name we are withholding due to his safety.

  55. Gabriel8:49 PM

    Islam is the greatest curse on humanity in all of history. It is pure evil. It must be destroyed or it will destroy mankind.

  56. WTF are these wingnuts talking about?

    There are some really stupid people in America.
