Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mitt's city.

"America is going to surprise the world. We're going to stand out as a shining city on a hill in part because of our extraordinary economy!”

Mitt sure likes to talk about a "shining city on a hill". Are all those Negroes killing each other in Chicago  a part of Mitt's city? How about all those angry unemployed and uneducated white men who blame all of their problems on non-white people, and who prefer to use bullets and not the ballot box to make their point?

I don't think that Mitt realizes that if he becomes president he will be president of everyone and everything in America; warts and all. That city he likes to talk about isn't shining in every neighborhood. I suspect that if he becomes president some neighborhoods will shine very bright, while other areas of his city won't be shining at all. That is, of course, how Mitt and his friends --like the Koch brothers-- really want it. In fact, just to make sure, Bill Koch has actually started building his own city.

Mitt doesn't realize that it takes more than an "extraordinary economy to make a great city stand out. Your city could have all the money in world, but if only a few people have it, and if the game is rigged so that only a few can get to it, then what's the point of that "extraordinary economy"? Kuwait, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and other Arab countries such as Oman have great economies, but when it comes to human and civil rights, not so much. The war on women in some of those countries is in full effect; republicans, in America, have just declared theirs. I am pretty sure that Mitt's vision of a "shining city" does not include women having the right to dictate what happens to their bodies. (I see you Mr. Akin)

One person who doesn't like Mitt Romney's city is Barack Obama.

"President Barack Obama said Mitt Romney has locked himself into "extreme positions" on economic and social issues and would surely impose them if elected, trying to discredit his Republican rival at the biggest political moment of his life.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Obama said Romney lacks serious ideas, refuses to "own up" to the responsibilities of what it takes to be president, and deals in factually dishonest arguments that could soon haunt him in face-to-face debates." [Source]

You are right Mr. President, Mitt "has locked himself into extreme positions", but that's fine with Mitt, it's what makes his city shine to those who can stand to look at it.

Finally, as CEO of Rent A Negro Inc., I would like to announce that we will be out of Negroes to rent next week. Unfortunately most of my employees will be at the republican National Convention in Tampa, and they will be posing for various pictures and trying to be as conspicuous as possible in every screen shot.

I would like to thank my republican friends for making this a banner year for us, (an election year will do that) and, as a result, we are in the process of taking applications to bring more Negroes on board. Thank you republicans.


  1. Morgan9:11 PM

    Don't worry Field, when Romney becomes President, he won't loot the treasury like Obama did, showering largesse on his favored constituencies. He won't declare on a war on anybody, like Obama has in his War on White males. Instead, Romney will be President of all Americans. Instead of trying to impoverish America, as Obama has done, he will try to bring prosperity to everyone.

    Can he do it? I don't know. It is a gargantuan task and not always within a Presidents ability. But I know he is a good man who wishes well for everyone. I cannot say the same of our current President.

  2. Nothing quite so credible to white people as when black people share their anti-black bias. If you're black, reasonably intelligent, educated and completely amoral it's got to be a cash cow worth considering.

  3. Weel Whitey, the race-traitor business seems to work quite well for you.

  4. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Nothing quite so credible to white people as when black people share their anti-black bias. If you're black, reasonably intelligent, educated and completely amoral it's got to be a cash cow worth considering.

    So once again you demonstrate your horrible hateful bigotry. Why would a black man who is intelligent, educated and completely amoral be one of "anti-black bias" You specifically are saying that blacks are not intelligent, not educated and are not amoral basing decisions on fact, rather they are immoral.

    Quite the contrary, an intelligent man would look around him and say who made it, how. Who didn't how - and then throw asswipes like you who live and feed off someone elses misery to the trash heap.

    You are really bad at this race baiting game.

  5. Anonymous9:37 PM

    lly, as CEO of Rent A Negro Inc., I would like to announce that we will be out of Negroes to rent next week. Unfortunately most of my employees will be at the republican National Convention in Tampa, and they will be posing for various pictures and trying to be as conspicuous as possible in every screen shot.

    I hear ya Field, Democratic gathering just aren't getting the crowds they used to, even sending in your Acorn/SEUI/ACLU paid afro turfing Negroes is leaving the places empty. Obama says this is what he wants though, he wants smaller audiences so he can connect - Uh-huh. Sure it is.

  6. Kingnut9:50 PM

    "Mitt doesn't realize that it takes more than an "extraordinary economy to make a great city stand out. Your city could have all the money in world, but if only a few people have it, and if the game is rigged so that only a few can get to it, then what's the point of that "extraordinary economy"?"

    Excuse me? Barack Obama has been rigging the economy on a scale never before seen in America. From handing 25% of GM to the UAW, to massive payoffs to the SEIU, to giving billions to campaign donors to fund their pet projects (Solyndra et al), to bailing out Wall Street, to letting buddy Jeffrey Immelt's GE not pay taxes on $14 billion in profits, we are seeing crony capitalism replace the free market in almost every industry.

    If you want a fair game, where the government isn't picking the winners and losers, where initiative and hard work trumps connections and favoritism, then vote for Romney.

  7. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Field, "I don't think that Mitt realizes that if he becomes president he will be president of everyone and everything in America; warts and all. That city he likes to talk about isn't shining in every neighborhood. I suspect that if he becomes president some neighborhoods will shine very bright, while other areas of his city won't be shining at all."

    This is classic Obama that you are trying to paste onto Romney. Obama has a track record in neighborhoods and cities that shine and others that don't shine.

    Your ploy won't work on Romney. Your ploy only illumines Obama's failure as a President, which you already know.

  8. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Nothing quite so credible to white people as when black people share their anti-black bias. If you're black, reasonably intelligent, educated and completely amoral it's got to be a cash cow worth considering.

    Whitey, now that you have experienced the first symptom of aids ( a severe pounding in your ass) you might want to see a doctor.

  9. 25% of GM given to the UAW? You gotta show proof of that Kingnut. Then again what's wrong with workers having an equity stake in the company they work for? Unless only millionaires like Rawmoney get to own comanies. They are the ones who make the company work, sacrifice when times are bad and are the first to be laid off when things get real bad so why not compensate them of course that is if you are the side of the worker.

  10. "If you want a fair game, where the government isn't picking the winners and losers, where initiative and hard work trumps connections and favoritism, then vote for Romney."

    Now that's funny. The guy who won't disclose his taxes or his campaign donors. Yeah, no special favors there. Ha!


  12. Chief Executive Daniel F. Akerson called the new contract, which was ratified by workers in a 2-1 margin, a “win-win” for GM and the UAW because both will benefit if the company does well. GM’s fixed costs will remain stable, but a new, simpler profit sharing system provides upside for workers, up to $12,000 per person.

    The union (and U.S. taxpayers who bailed out GM) get more American jobs, too. In all, GM agreed to invest $2.5 billion in its U.S. factories, creating or retaining 6,400 jobs between now and 2015. Since exiting bankruptcy in 2009, GM has invested $4.6 billion in U.S. factories, and created 11,800 jobs. About 700 GM workers on layoff will be called back, and the rest will be so-called Tier 2 workers, hired at a lower pay scale.

  13. Chairman Soetoro10:51 PM

    Pilot Wrecks said...
    "Barack seems to have a better idea of what's its like so maybe he'd be better than your boy because growing up rich, Mormon and out of touch with the common folk doesn't bide too good"

    Really? Growing up in Indonesia, abandoned by his father, shipped off to Hawaii by his mother to live with her communist parents, and going to the most exclusive private high school in the state makes him MORE in touch with the "common man"?

    He never set foot on the mainland US until he was an 18 year old student at Occidental college, where he sought out "foreign students and Marxists" to hang out with.

    Despite being a mediocre student in his two year at Occidental, he was admitted to Columbia. Despite being a mediocre student at Columbia, he was admitted to Harvard. Depsite never publishing a single piece of writing, he was Editor of the Law Review. Published his first autobiography (whic he didn't write) at the age of 34, despite having accomplished nothing.

    Growing up, he never watched a Fourth of July parade, never played little league baseball, never celebrated Christmas, never worked a paper route, never went to McDonalds. Never had a job outside of academia or the government. How in the hell could he "be in touch with the common man"?

  14. Kingnut10:57 PM

    I was wrong PilotX. The UAW actually holds, via its healthare trust for UAW beneficiaries, 41.5 percent of GM. And 10.3 % of Chrysler.

    From The Detroit News:

    The Treasury Department estimates the taxpayers will lose enormous sums in the auto bailout — more than $20 billion. That is more than Michigan spends on public education, more than the federal government spends on NASA, and more than America gives in foreign aid.

    None of these losses were necessary to keep General Motors and Chrysler in business. The entire net cost of the bailout came from subsidizing the United Auto Workers' pay and benefits.

    In total, the extra-legal subsidies to the UAW increased the cost of the bailout by $26.5 billion. They account for the program's entire net cost. None of that money was necessary to keep GM or Chrysler operating, to keep their suppliers in business, or to prevent layoffs. The taxpayer losses came solely from propping up UAW pay and benefits.

  15. "Growing up, he never watched a Fourth of July parade, never played little league baseball, never celebrated Christmas, never worked a paper route, never went to McDonalds. Never had a job outside of academia or the government. How in the hell could he "be in touch with the common man"?"

    Let's see, Barack lived in Hyde Park not far from where I was living at the time, he and Michelle went on their forst date and kissed in front of the Subway I frequent, they had college load debts, he drove a shitty car, Michelle graduated from Whitney Young High where several of my friends went and he frequented the same haunts I go when he was a state senator. Now Rawmoney was the son of a governor, was always folthy rich, never had to worry about bills, never drove a shitty car BECAUSE HIS FATHER OWNED AN AUTO COMPANY, never drank a beer or a Coke. You tell me which one is more in touch with the common man.

  16. Amused by the hurricane potential. Gives new meaning to "rain on (my) parade. "

  17. "I was wrong PilotX."

    Don't worry we're used to it by now. So, what's wrong with workers owning an equity stake in their company? Should only rich guys own shares in companies?

  18. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Field, "Finally, as CEO of Rent A Negro Inc., I would like to announce that we will be out of Negroes to rent next week. Unfortunately most of my employees will be at the republican National Convention in Tampa, and they will be posing for various pictures and trying to be as conspicuous as possible in every screen shot."

    Dear Mr. Field, Anon Inc stands ready to fill any orders for Negroes that you may need. Of course, Anon Inc will charge a small/large fee, which I am sure the RNC would be more than happy to pay.

    The "large" fee would be IF a hurricane hits near or around Tampa. I don't know about your Rent A Negroes, but Negroes in Anon, Inc. have a problem with hurricanes because hurricanes carry a lot of water. My Anons won't even dive into the deep end of a swimming pool.

    Hence, the RNC will have to pay some hefty prices to entice my Anons to show up. See if they will throw in a few platinum blonds and some dirty blonds as a bonus.

    I hope you understand how demanding my Negro Anons can be. They want the money and the women AND to be seen with the women on National TV!

    Mr Fields, what can I say? They want the whole nine yards.

  19. When Trayvon Martin is killed while skulking around a Florida housing development at night, it's a national tragedy. When Megan Boken, a 23-year-old graduate of St. Louis University and former volleyball star there, is killed in her car in the middle of the day while visiting her alma mater for an alumni volleyball game last Saturday, it's "a robbery gone wrong".

    As she was sitting in her car in broad daylight, in the parking lot of her former apartment building near the university, two black males, apparently in a robbery attempt, shot her dead.

    Megan Boken’s “attacker opened her driver’s side door and fired multiple times at close range—hitting her in the neck and chest.” This is what the St. Louis Police Department spokesman called “a robbery gone wrong.”

    You have to be careful what you say in Black Run America. The police and media in America have developed universal protocols for categorizing black-on-white violence:

    •If a black initiates an armed robbery of a white, and then deliberately and gratuituously murders the white, for example, opening the victim’s car door and shooting her multiple times at close range, as was done to Megan Boken, it is a “robbery gone wrong.”

    •If a black, prior to gratuituously killing a white, does not initiate a robbery, but simply launches a homicidal assault on a white who happens to be in his vicinity, as a black stabbed Denise McVay 30 times at a self-serve carwash then slit her throat, then it is a “random attack.”

    •If a mob of blacks knock a white pedestrian to the ground and proceed to rain blows on his head and body causing him grave injuries, and if the perpetrators tell police that they did it because they were “bored,” then it becomes, not a racial attack or a hate attack, but an “act of boredom.”

    •If a mob of blacks attack whites in a park, and later tell the police they did it for “fun,” then it becomes, not a racial attack or a hate attack, but just “youths having fun,” “youths on a lark.”

    •If a mob of blacks surround a car containing two white reporters and throw rocks at it, and if when the driver gets out to talk to them they assault him and severely injure him, it is not a racial attack or a hate attack or a mob attack, but a “street altercation.”

    The Negro-Liberal Complex has all the bases covered.

  20. Chairman Soetoro11:28 PM

    Pilot Wrecks said...
    "You tell me which one is more in touch with the common man."

    I already did. Mitt Romney.

    Romney is an American who loves this country and hopes to see it prosper.

    Obama is a foreigner who hates this country and wants to cut it down to size.

    Obama despises the common man, clinging to his guns and bible, thinking he built his own success, and he is committed to crushing him.

    Anyone who supports Obama is a fool or a traitor.

  21. Kingnut11:33 PM

    So, what's wrong with workers owning an equity stake in their company?

    Nothing, as long as they pay for it.

    What's wrong is when the government expropriates the property of others and gives it to a powerful union, who in turn provides political and financial support to the politicians who paid them off.

    You can understand that's wrong, right?

  22. RIP Neil Armstrong, a symbol of when America was great country, and NASA's foremost mission wasn't to "engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and math and engineering".

    While we're at, RIP America too.

  23. Anonymous11:46 PM

    The "large" fee would be IF a hurricane hits near or around Tampa. I don't know about your Rent A Negroes, but Negroes in Anon, Inc. have a problem with hurricanes because hurricanes carry a lot of water. My Anons won't even dive into the deep end of a swimming pool.

    Hence, the RNC will have to pay some hefty prices to entice my Anons to show up. See if they will throw in a few platinum blonds and some dirty blonds as a bonus.

    Forgets it I aint gone be no gottdamn rockfish...I quit you racist honkey crakka. I'se gonna go back to bein a civul rights lawyur.

  24. You Hypocrite12:01 AM

    You know something , Pile Of Shit-X, when you start slinging around the word "disclose", you ought to look at your boy Obama, who has DISCLOSED more than any US President in history, and even spent millions (of SOMEBODY'S), money to keep it shut.

  25. Anonymous12:25 AM

    You Hypocrite said...
    You know something , Pile Of Shit-X, when you start slinging around the word "disclose", you ought to look at your boy Obama, who has DISCLOSED more than any US President in history, and even spent millions (of SOMEBODY'S), money to keep it shut.

    Yeah butt he gots affirmative action protecshun he iz a democrat so he gots no rules or standardz sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

  26. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Something else, hypocritcal...field always criticizes FOX news as such. But, he constantly Blogs, using pictures of his Leftisthe Right.t views of the Right.

  27. Anonymous12:46 AM

    "Forgets it I aint gone be no gottdamn rockfish...I quit you racist honkey crakka. I'se gonna go back to bein a civul rights lawyur.

    11:46 PM
    You don't have to quit, Anon. There are many other jobs for you in Anon, Inc. FYI: The President of Anon, Inc is a certified GOP/DEM FN Negro. So there is no need to be afraid. Don't be a wimp.

    FYI: Civil Rights Lawyers are starving these days and they make far less than those employed by Anon, Inc. We pay our Anons well because our Black and White clients pay a lot of money for our services.

    Field paid a hefty price to keep our Anons on his blog. The reason he pays is because we are worth every penny....we keep FN jumping. I bet you didn't know that people from around the world tune in 'daily' to see what we have to say on Field's blog.

    Bottom Line: We are BLOG SUPERSTARS! That's why they pay us the BIG bucks. Stick around, Anon. I can tell by your 'special' kind of English there is a future for you.

  28. Lt. Commander Johnson1:03 AM

    I just hope Pile of Crap-X isn't a real pilot, except in his own diminuative mind.

  29. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    I just hope Pile of Crap-X isn't a real pilot, except in his own diminuative mind.

    Ahhhh...Pile It (that is the proper pro-nun-see-a-shun) is harmless. Her real name is Shacka-Lacka-Leesha and she is a transgendered, midget, Male Pseudo-Hermaphrodite who routinely crossdresses. He-She is a flight attendant who will be more than happy to bring you some chips or a drink. He is often seen drinking heavily, no doubt arising from his putting many and numerous as well as tumorous types of salty nuts in his mouth.

    As Pile It would say..."phew that was a mouthful"

  30. Outlaw X2:18 AM

    Why are Negro dicks longer than white dicks? Is it genetic or untrue. An why do monkeys at a zoo throw poo is that genetic or untrue? I am not a racist because I am a product of all races except Asian. I hate Asians they eat dogs.

  31. I can't believe he used "shining city on a hill." I'd red pencil that cliche instantly & hand it back.

  32. "Rawmony". I like that.:)

    I do appreciate the work Anon. inc. does on this blog, but is there anyway you could reach out to some of these renegade trolls and lead them to a library.

    To the wingnut above who referred to Obama's grades; could you please provide us with a link that will show us his transcripts?

    Take all the time u need, I will wait........

  33. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Well tell me what do you think of this shining example of a great southern city, and the news paper that allows it citizens to post stuff like this. Copy and paste the link

  34. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Bob said...
    I can't believe he used "shining city on a hill." I'd red pencil that cliche instantly & hand it back.

    Sorry teach, you have painted enough things "red" No more commies and not meeting the grade, you don't get to grade anything,

  35. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Check Out this Obama Check.


  36. Bob For Apples10:19 AM

    Bob said...
    I can't believe he used "shining city on a hill." I'd red pencil that cliche instantly & hand it back.

    Bob is a Racist - Proof here. Excellent Democrat Training video.
    Field, fits a lot of things you say doesn't it? :)

  37. Anonymous10:22 AM

    That "shining city" remark reminds me of the Kennedy's 'Camelot' analogy.

    This was quoted after his demise.
    "Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot"

  38. Would like to know your thoughts on the Michael Steele Twitterfest re: his not being invited to the RNC.

  39. Anonymous11:04 AM

    California Girl said...
    Would like to know your thoughts on the Michael Steele Twitterfest re: his not being invited to the RNC.

    Here I'll save some time, even though we said he was a Tom and we did everything we could to let people know how much of a race traitor he was and how stupid he was for being used by the man and we hated him. Now he isn't invited and even though we know it was because of his performance, we will say it is waaacist and see we told you so.

  40. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Desertflower said...
    That "shining city" remark reminds me of the Kennedy's 'Camelot' analogy.

    This was quoted after his demise.
    "Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot"

    Was that before or after he raped that young intern and made her service friends in the White house or after running away from killing Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick?

    Democrats.....what can you do.

  41. Kingnut, you still haven't provided a link which states the percentage of GM the UAW owns. Also they weren't "given" anything, they gave up money and benefits so the comapny could survive. I suggest talking to a UAW worker to see exactly what they got and what they gave up. Most times workers are given equity in a company it's a result of somethingn they gave up in return. Trust, no company just GIVES anything, they earned it.

  42. Seek And Ye Shall Learn12:18 PM

    PilotX said...
    Kingnut, you still haven't provided a link which states the percentage of GM the UAW owns. Also they weren't "given" anything, they gave up money and benefits so the comapny could survive. I suggest talking to a UAW worker to see exactly what they got and what they gave up. Most times workers are given equity in a company it's a result of somethingn they gave up in return. Trust, no company just GIVES anything, they earned it.

    Understand you have certain disadvantages so this should help.

  43. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Was that before or after he raped that young intern and made her service friends in the White house or after running away from killing Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick?

    Democrats.....what can you do.
    LOL! And while we're at it, what about that Republican that...oh never mind, everybody knows....

    Republicans.....what can you do.

  44. field negro said...
    To the wingnut above who referred to Obama's grades; could you please provide us with a link that will show us his transcripts?

    The Obama campaign has spent millions in legal fees sealing all records of Obama's past, including his grades and performance at Harvard, Columbia, Occidental, Punahou High School, and even the schools he attended in Indonesia as a child. This is probably because he did so well that it would be embarassing to such a modest man as himself if his true genius was revealed, and not because he was an affirmative action case helped along by leftist connections and Saudi money.

  45. Desertflower said...

    That "shining city" remark reminds me of the Kennedy's 'Camelot' analogy.

    Sermon on the mount, Book of Matthew by way of John Winthrop, his "city on a hill" sermon was the genesis of what we now call American Exceptionalism.

  46. nelly1:20 PM

    Went to the the movie "2016 Obama’s America" last night. Wow. Whatever your political persuasion, everyone should check it out.

    Field, have you seen it?

  47. Anonymous1:51 PM

    nelly said...
    "Went to the the movie "2016 Obama’s America" last night. Wow. Whatever your political persuasion, everyone should check it out.

    Field, have you seen it?"

    Go see "Premium Rush" instead.

  48. I am voting for Barack Obama, because I am (not) a racist!

  49. Sorry nelly, I would rather watch paint dry.

    Might check out "Premium Rush", though. Is that the flick with the kid from Third Rock that was on television back in the day?

    Wingnut above, are u saying that you don't have a link?
    I will gve u time to get one. Take all the time u need.....l

  50. "Understand you have certain disadvantages so this should help."

    I understand facts and specifics elude conservatives but Kingnut contended that the UAW not the GOVERNMENT owned certain percentages of GM which did not provide either. But it was cute that you tried to be helpful but I get that it's in a conservative's nature to just make up things. Maybe you both can admit to being wrong, I'll wait.

  51. Thugocracy Now2:20 PM

    field negro said...
    "Sorry nelly, I would rather watch paint dry"

    Because you can't handle the truth, and select which facts you will acknowledge. Thanks for confirming that once again.

    Just like PilotX, who is given links but then pretends not to see them.

    The UAW was "given" 39% of GM at the outset, through a trust that is set up to fund UAW members pensions and medical benefits. That percentage now is 41.5%.

    General Motors and Chrysler owed tens of billions of dollars to bondholders and trade suppliers. They also owed tens of billions to the UAW's Retiree Medical Benefit Trust. These debts were unsecured and all the creditors should have collected at the same rate. Instead, the UAW recovered almost all of its claims while the others got just a fraction of theirs — or got wiped out entirely. If the UAW had been treated equally, the bailout would have cost tens of billions less.

    Nonunion workers at Delphi who worked side by side with union workers lost their pensions after the General Motors Bailout. Union workers kept their pensions. 20,000 nonunion workers lost everything - jobs, benefits and pensions - while the UAW kept every nickel.

    What Obama falsely claimed Romney did to Joe Soptic, resulting in the death of his wife, he actually did to 20,000 Delphi white collar workers.

    I'm sure Romney could find one of those 20,000 people who had a spouse die in the past 3 years and make a campaign ad blaming Obama for their death.

    Nah, only democrats are that sleazy.

  52. "Just like PilotX, who is given links but then pretends not to see them."

    And which link was that exactly? The one Kingnut provided did not give me the "facts" you provided. Nice try troll.

  53. Also, why the outcry from conservatives when workers get benefits and equity? Not a freaking peep about the CEO and other upper management getting millions and other bennies but when the workers get a piece of the action these guys lose their minds. Nice, pile on the folks busting their rumps everyday who gave up pensions and such but give a free pass to the entitled class. No wonder these fools want Rawmoney to win even if they are going against their own interests.

  54. Anonymous3:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Just like PilotX, who is given links but then pretends not to see them."

    And which link was that exactly? The one Kingnut provided did not give me the "facts" you provided. Nice try troll.

    Now a normal man would say, oh I see, I was mistaken. I learned something today about how I am misinformed and fed strained bananas so they keep me on the plantation like a mushroom in the dark and feed me shit. Nope not Pilot, he just says Nice try troll.

    So now that you know you were not only wrong, you werent even in the same universe...what Say you Pile it High X..? Who misinformed you? Did you make that stuff up or get it from watching some network? Do you trust them now?

  55. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Pile it X - isn't that a laxative made in Haiti?

  56. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Pile it X - isn't that a laxative made in Haiti

    No the only things they make in Haiti are mud cookies and babies

  57. WhatGunLaws?3:35 PM

    Obama Leaves Campaign Trail To Visit Chicago After Another Bloody Night

    Nah, just kidding about the Obama part. But again there was another night of bloodshed in the community he left disorganized. Normally people would be calling for the National Guard, but Chicago pols simply yawn.

    A man was killed and at least 16 others were shot across the city Saturday evening and this morning, continuing a streak of violence that has left dozens wounded in recent days.

  58. Thugocracy Now4:27 PM

    "Now a normal man would say, oh I see, I was mistaken."

    PilotX would rather fight a straw man: " why the outcry from conservatives when workers get benefits and equity?"

    That wasn't the point at all. No "conservatives" are bemoaning the fact workers get equity, it was HOW that equity was obtained. And it wasn't all the workers involved, just those connected to the UAW, who just happens to be a big donor to the President.

    And it wasn't chump change. It was $25 billion.

    But PilotX doesn't give a shit, because he is just a mindless partisan hack.

  59. Anonymous4:31 PM

    field negro said...
    Sorry nelly, I would rather watch paint dry.

    Awww Field, Bless your heart. Scared of Knowledge. I understand, wouldn't want to shake the quicksand your foundations are built on.

  60. "PilotX would rather fight a straw man"

    puleeze, all the straw men you conservatives build the irony should choke you.

    "That wasn't the point at all. No "conservatives" are bemoaning the fact workers get equity, it was HOW that equity was obtained. And it wasn't all the workers involved, just those connected to the UAW, who just happens to be a big donor to the President."

    And gee what percentage of GM workers are UAW members? I didn't miss any point, I still have not been shown that it was actually UAW workers and the exact percentages they received. I simply made an observation that I have yet to see ONE conservative make any noise about upper management compensation but I have seen many bitch about workers getting anything but concessions. You also have to ask yourself what concessions did these workers experience when they negotiated the equity they received.

    "But PilotX doesn't give a shit, because he is just a mindless partisan hack."

    And what exactly are you, and yes as a union worker I stand with my fellow workers and not the 1% as your type seems to do.

  61. Thugocracy Now4:47 PM

    PilotX said..."
    And what exactly are you, and yes as a union worker I stand with my fellow workers and not the 1% as your type seems to do."

    You stand with the 12% of workers in a union, who bully their way into other people's money.

    I think for myself. I stand with the 88%.

  62. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Way to go, Ta-Nehisi Coates... Excellent writing.

  63. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Check out:
    Way to go, Ta-Nehisi-Coates... Excellent writing

  64. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Ta-Nehisi-Coates is a joke.

    The reason Obama will lose is that America doesn't want to take another bite of that shit sandwich.

  65. Anonymous6:03 PM

    And what exactly are you, and yes as a union worker I stand with my fellow workers and not the 1% as your type seems to do.

    Oh using Occupy terms - You really are a product of TV - Bless your little black heart.

  66. Anonymous said...
    Ta-Nehisi-Coates is a joke.


    I've been a Ta Nishi reader for years. The man's blog is, among many other exceptional things, an ongoing seminar in Civil War era history with participation from a critical mass of experts of seemingly any and every field. All of his explorations are relentlessly fact-driven, re-examined, crowd-parsed; he openly considers every option, and credits their wisdom even if he disagrees with it's conclusions. His writing stands up to the work of the best public intellectuals of this or any other time.

    I pity you a non. Anyone so deeply convinced of his own correctness that he can't even inform himself by considering such a man's arguments is shallow indeed.

  67. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Another wonderfully run black democrat city. Has to fire it's entire police force.

  68. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I've been a Ta Nishi reader for years.

    Figures. You seem like a sucker for shallow nonsense.

  69. There's Hope for all of you Obamabots to Change:

  70. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Whiteys Disengeniousity said...

    "I've been a Ta Nishi reader for years. The man's blog is, among many other exceptional things, an ongoing seminar in Civil War era history with participation from a critical mass of experts of seemingly any and every field. All of his explorations are relentlessly fact-driven, re-examined, crowd-parsed; he openly considers every option, and credits their wisdom even if he disagrees with it's conclusions. His writing stands up to the work of the best public intellectuals of this or any other time.

    And you are a bloodsucking race baiting leech - go figure.

    Now about Ice Knees HI she-she...I began to read the article and from the get go he is making straw arguments and false premises based on his racism.

    "In having to be “twice as good” and “half as black,” Obama reveals the false promise and double standard of integration"

    Puh-leese. Most of this country would have settled for half as bad and only half of the 6 trillion in debt and half the real unemployment rate and half the Executive orders and half the czars. What a lazy cop out. He isn't worse than carter because he is, he is bad because he had higher standards. Lazy liberal garbage, tripe and nonsense. The entire article blames the white man for Obama being the worst president ever...nah he earned that all on his own. Oh yeah, with the help of disengenious bloodsucking leeches like you, a pox on your head you rejected thing.

  71. Da-heshe7:06 PM

    He is only repeating a fundamental axiom of liberal society, which is that blacks are not responsible moral agents, and that everything blacks do is but a function of something that whites are doing to them, or something that whites are failing to do for them.

  72. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Check this House Negro out Mr. Field

  73. Yep you stand with the 88 percent that hopefully get some benefit from union negotiated benefits because its a known fact union workers are better paid and have better benefits than non union workers but you already knew that. That's why republicans oppose unions they want all the money for the already rich ceo. Sad.

  74. I really like how our troll says union workers "steal" money but once again not a peep about ceo salaries. You can't hide who you conservatives really support no wonder they want to elect a guy who outsources american jobs to make his already rich friends richer. Stand with the 88 percent ha!

  75. Anonymous9:14 PM

    the only thing wrong with america is we have too many nig nogs raping robbing and murdering tax payers.i think the best way to fix our nig nog problem is to deport all of you to south africa and bring all the white south africans here.that way we get people who will work and not be a burden on the tax payer and you nogs get to go to a commie country where you can all be happy.

    1. Ha! Another racist coward that can't even create a name. But the question is do you deport ALL blah people even those that work and pay taxes and keep even unemployed whites on welfare? Field, your trolls are nothing if not stupid and entertaining.

  76. Damn,

    How did I get to this soooo late?

    I wanted to be one of the Negroes in demand there!!!!

    Love ya, field,

