Monday, August 13, 2012

I am not a "cancer", and a dope accuses Bolt of doping.

I am not going to do what most progressives and others have been doing today and rip Mr. "Brown- Noser." I know that there is plenty to rip about the guy, but I am going to show some restraint and let him and his running mate lay out their vision for America. (Speaking of his running mate, Mr. Romney, I need to see those tax returns.) This is hard for me, because I really want to go after the guy. You would too if he went on Glenn Beck's radio show and agreed that you were a "cancer" to America. Imagine that? A hard working guy who pays his taxes, never breaks the law, and helps little old ladies across the street is a "cancer" to America. Those republicans are really mean; no wonder some liberals are so hard on them.

"And plenty of people (fewer on the liberal side, though still a great number of moderates) are lauding Ryan himself as ”courageous”. On the surface, such a take is understandable: Ryan’s claim to fame — his “Path to Prosperity” budget — was a political loser when introduced last spring. But a closer look reveals that these claims are bunk: Picking Ryan is essentially a safe sop to the conservative wing of the party, and Ryan himself is not so courageous.

First, Romney’s choice: The past few weeks have made clear that the race is slipping away from him, as President Obama’s lead has widened in state and national polls and the economic outlook has brightened slightly. The right has sensed this — see talk show host Laura Ingraham, among others — and conservatives are convinced that Romney is losing because he’s not assertive or conservative enough. So I agree with the New Republic’s Noam Scheiber when he writes this:
Ryan is the way Romney and his aides escape blame for their now-likely defeat — blame which would have vicious and unrelenting — and pin it in on conservatives instead. With only minor historical revisions, they will be able to tell a story about how Romney was keeping the race close through early August, at which point the party’s conservative darling joined the ticket and sent the poll numbers into steady decline.
If moderates such as Condoleezza Rice (pro-abortion rights) and Chris Christie (pro-gun control and moderate on immigration) were out of the question, Ryan was easy to choose ahead of the other possibilities: He has no Bush administration history, unlike Rob Portman, no raft of mini-scandals-in-waiting, like Marco Rubio, and some actual charisma, unlike Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty. Picking a reliable conservative was much safer for Romney than daring the right to abandon him and/or heap all the blame on him for losing in November. By process of elimination, Ryan was the best — and the safest — of the bunch.

As for Ryan himself, to begin with, what policies turned Clinton-era surpluses into Bush-era deficits? In large part, two tax cuts, two wars and a massive prescription drug benefit, and Ryan voted for all of them. (He also voted for TARP, by the way; his fiscal rectitude only included actually voting against massive expenditures once President Obama took office.) His “serious” debt-reduction plan doesn’t balance the budget until 2040. By contrast, the House Progressive Caucus budget, whatever else you think of it, balances the budget within a decade.(Note: In both cases, those are the budgets’ authors’ projections; your math may vary.) Furthermore, no doubt in fear of the senior vote, Ryan dropped the Social Security privatization aspect from his debt plan and now only guts Medicare for people 55 and younger. Finally, Ryan refuses to touch defense spending, retains tax breaks for oil companies that don’t need them, zeroes out the capital gains tax and finds his savings in programs by shredding the already hole-ridden safety net. For a Republican, this is smart politics. But how exactly is it “courageous” or “serious” to protect the interests to some of the most powerful (and wealthiest) lobbies in Washington — Wall Street, oil companies and the defense industry — while heaping painful cuts on the poor? No, the idea that Ryan or Romney’s nomination of him as his vice president is courageous is simply wrong." [Source]
Finally, I can't end this post without addressing the article from Dan Bernstein about Usain Bolt and the Jamaican track team.

Mr. Bernstein, in his article, tries to make a case that Bolt and his Jamaican teammates have to be cheating to be this good.

"For many of us, years of drug-tainted performances have deadened the senses. Records fall, anthems play, shoes get sold, and then we get back to sports that matter more to us. For others, the athletes are not so much tainted as scientifically enhanced – the competition viewed now as a high-tech synergy of man and molecular engineering, in which the outcomes can still be celebrated for what they actually are, regardless of the laughable rhetoric that accompanies the games, insisting it’s something more pure.

There is another place where too many still exist, however, that is as intellectually dishonest as it is willfully ignorant, where convenient blind spots and emotionaI neediness cause otherwise intelligent people to create fairylands of childish naiveté.

It is indefensible ground. The province of suckers.
Even the simplest assessment of the circumstances surrounding the explosive success of Jamaican sprinting, for example, sets off alarms. There is enough information available that you’d think it would keep anyone from waxing romantic about Usain Bolt or his teammates.

“When people ask me about Bolt, I say he could be the greatest athlete of all time,” Carl Lewis told the Times of London. “But for someone to run 10.03 one year and 9.69 the next, if you don’t question that in a sport that has the reputation it has right now, you’re a fool. Period.”

Jamaica’s Yohan Blake, who just won the silver in the 100 and 200, tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug prior to the 2009 World Championships. Teammates Julian Dunkley and Steve Mullings have also been caught doping.

What are the odds that a tiny, island country suddenly dominates global competition…just because? [Source]

What a dope! (Pun intended) "Suddenly"?

Tell that to Herb McKenley, and Arthur Wint. They won a gold medal in the relays in  the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki. McKenley, long before Bolt, was a world champion sprinter. Oh, and Bolt was a world junior sprint champion at the age of 17. (He ran a 19.93 in the 200 meters at the world junior championships)  Do you think he was doping then?

In the seventies there was Donald Quarrie, who won gold in the 1976 Olympics in Montreal. The list goes on, but I am not going to do the work for a lazy journalist who should have done the research himself before writing a bunch of trash.

Bernstein also writes about two athletes, Julian Dunkley and Steve Mullings, being "caught doping", but they are not on the current Jamaican track team.

In the future I hope that clowns like Dan Bernstein will do their homework -and maybe read articles like this one- before they disparage the hard work and paint with a broad brush of negativity the entire track team of a small but proud nation.    

*Cartoon from the Jamaica Observer. 





  1. Not to mention Carl Lewis

  2. Yeah well I've always considered the so-called "conservatives" a herpes sore on the taint of America anyway, so right back acha wolfboy.

  3. Maynard10:27 PM

    "The past few weeks have made clear that the race is slipping away from him, as President Obama’s lead has widened in state and national polls and the economic outlook has brightened slightly"

    Two falsehoods in one sentence.

    The polls this week that were used to show big leads for Obama were badly flawed, counting registered voters instead of likely voters and wildy oversampling democrats. Real polls are showing that the President is in deep trouble.

    Secondly, the economy may be brightening in the states that elected Republican governors and state houses in 2010, but the country as a whole continues to languish in the weakest 'recovery' ever. It's just not going to turn around until Obama is voted out of office.

  4. Barry Bonds10:34 PM

    Jamaicans have been doping for long time, going back at least to the 60's. Today's times are an obvious result of rampant cheating. There is no way Jamaica could beat America on clean field. It would be impossible to deny if you had a shred of objectivity.

  5. shoot the ball10:53 PM

    Blacks shooting each other for a long list of important reasons:

    4 teens wounded in B'klyn as thugs open fire on basketball court


    August 13, 2012

    Four teens were wounded this evening at a Brooklyn basketball court in the city’s latest incident of gun violence, authorities said.

    The victims — a 13-year-old girl, two 16-year-old boys and an 18-year-old man — were struck around 6:30 p.m. at Fish Playground on Fulton Street in Brownsville, cops said.

    “There was a basketball game going on and there were a lot of people in the park,” said witness Tony Herbert, who identified himself as an advocate for the neighborhood.

    “Two young guys came in , announced themselves with a gang code sound,... and began firing,” he said.

    Another witness, who works on Fulton street, said, “I heard about six shots and when I came out of the store I saw kids running out of the park,” he said.

    “At first everyone was running with the two shooters, but when one turned around and flashed the gun, they all ran the opposite way.”

    One of the 16-year-old victims was shot in the arm and rushed to Brookdale Hospital.

    None of the victims suffered life-threatening injuries.

    It wasn’t immediately clear if any of the victims were the intended targets.

    Cops said at least one gunman fled the scene on a bicycle.

    The bloodshed is the latest in a string of shootings at parks and basketball courts this summer.

    Five people were wounded at Harlem’s famed Rucker Park on July 25. Ricardo Laing, 24, from Westchester, was charged with attempted murder.

    Four-year-old Lloyd Morgan was killed on July 22 at the Forest Houses project in The Bronx after a dispute broke out at a charity basketball game.

    Two others were struck by bullets that evening.

    Ronald Jeffrey, 19, and Rondell Pinkerton, 17, were charged with Lloyd’s murder.

    Ackeem Green, 25, was killed by a stray bullet and three others wounded June 3 outside the Saint Nicholas Houses on West 129th Street in Harlem.

    No one has been arrested in that case

  6. running in circles10:58 PM

    The Olympics are over and everyone's headed home.

    Does Usain Bolt have some kind of future tied to sneaker endorsements?

    Who knows?

  7. gdp goes wild11:03 PM

    A Romney/Ryan team will balance the budget for a very simple and obvious reason: Their plan will lead to significant economic growth.

    Under Romney the pie will expand a lot, and therefore, more tax revenue will flow to the treasury.

    Letting capitalism do what it does leads to rapid economic growth every time.

  8. Anonymous11:17 PM

    This is getting ridiculous.

    Field, Honestly, are Al Sharpton and the Democratic party really this idiotic? I mean this seriously really? He is trying to tell voters that because Ryan is a fit man that he hasn't spent time on his budget instead it has been on his abs. Now, wether you like Ryan or not, you would have to be blithering idiot to even suggest this. What the hell kind of Viewers does Sharpton have? Does he think their IQ"s are below 60?

    I guess he doesn't expect anyone to find videos where Ryan Made Obama look like the lying demagogue that he is when he ripped apart his creative Obamacare finances.

    Man what a dumbass. Now he wants people to hate Ryan cause not only is he brilliant, he is also in fantastic shape and a martial artist.

    If this is the best Democrats have....

    I saw a couple of idiots throw out the race card, as they lose and realize their schtick has become a joke we will no doubt see this more and more.!

  9. A large portion of the American public has effectively been brainwashed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. The former is quite understandable since political parties cling to power by virtually any means when threatened. But for the media it’s another matter. Why do these people persist in their views in a situation where, objectively, almost any corporation or business would have been looking for new leadership long ago? Why are they so destructive to our society and ultimately to themselves? Don’t they have children and grandchildren?

    Many explanations exist for this seeming blindness; among them, and not to be ignored, is good old-fashioned habit. But I would suggest, having lived among them, particularly the Hollywood variety, for decades, two other components: fear and shame (and, yes, loathing, to extend the Hunter Thompson analogy).

    But fear first and foremost.

    It seems counterintuitive, but journalists are some of the most risk-averse people around. Few of them are really entrepreneurs. Despite bohemian veneers, they have little daring. They work for somebody and that somebody calls the tune. “Freedom of the press belongs to the man who owns one,” as the great A. J. Liebling reminded us many years ago.

    Journalists fear for their jobs and their jobs are increasingly precarious. If they change their opinions, even investigate the possibility that the other side might have some reasons, quite often they are out the door. So not only do they toe the line, they are disinclined even to consider alternatives in their minds, consciously or unconsciously, because those alternatives are dangerous to their livelihood.

    And now for shame. Despite what many may choose to think, journalists are not stupid. They are at least relatively educated. They have seen the same things we all have and know that the economy (the very heart of America) is failing. And they know deep down that they are responsible for some of it, because they bought and promoted Barack Obama as if he were a messiah without the slightest bit of vetting. Obama was anointed, not elected. To this day no one knows who he is, possibly even Obama himself.

    And deep down these journos are embarrassed by this (who wouldn’t be?) but they can never never admit it. To do so would injure their self-image and self-respect to the level of personality disintegration.

    So this shame is projected out in rage and, yes, loathing toward you, me, Mitt Romney, and anyone else who might deign to disagree with them. We are accused racists, homophobes, sexists, classists, any refugee of sixties group speak that might stick for ten minutes, even though they themselves are more likely to be those things. It is, after all, projection. Ideology is but a pretentious cover for rage.

    So no wonder they behave as a shrill gang, banging metal drums like lost characters out of Gunter Grass, “Romney bad and rich! Romney bad and rich! Romney bad and rich!” ad tedium, ad nauseum, as if they were on David Axelrod’s payroll.

    And in a sense they are. For to wander off the reservation is a road to penury. And who wants that now more than ever with the number of media jobs contracting?

  10. Ryan is the least popular vp pick since duh quail underwhelmed the country in '88. You look at the internal numbers and you'll find republiklan-leaning independent over 65 whites account for about 4 of the 5 points that would rank him in with the pack. 4 points, coincidentally enough, are the difference between a loss and a landslide.

    In the Winter - Spring of '13, when the pundits all put out their books about why millard-witt robme lost the election, the Rmoneyites among them (shout out to Hillary Rosen) will blame Ryan and hostility to his plan among seniors in South Florida rural Ohio and Eastern North Carolina. The wingnutts will, of course blame it on nominating a former leftie Massachusetts governor instead of a true redmeat kkkonservative like Ryan.

    Because Ryan was picked at least as much to provide just that kind of plausible blamability for establishment klanners as he was to guarantee Wisconsin and excite the base.

  11. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Ryan is the least popular vp pick since duh quail underwhelmed the country in '88. You look at the internal numbers and you'll find republiklan-leaning independent over 65 whites account for about 4 of the 5 points that would rank him in with the pack. 4 points, coincidentally enough, are the difference between a loss and a landslide.

    In the Winter - Spring of '13, when the pundits all put out their books about why millard-witt robme lost the election, the Rmoneyites among them (shout out to Hillary Rosen) will blame Ryan and hostility to his plan among seniors in South Florida rural Ohio and Eastern North Carolina. The wingnutts will, of course blame it on nominating a former leftie Massachusetts governor instead of a true redmeat kkkonservative like Ryan.

    Because Ryan was picked at least as much to provide just that kind of plausible blamability for establishment klanners as he was to guarantee Wisconsin and excite the base.

    Feel better? Little one. What a mental midget. As if Obscure poll data has any bearing on reality. Don't guess in similarities, look at the news. Romney Ryan Seem pretty damn popular to me (and to all liberals who are shitting in their pants)

    Even at the low price of 51 dollars a head Obama could not fill a ROOM for his birthday party. Yet Romney and Ryan have lines around the block and are turning people away.

    I guess you thought Chick-Fil-A kiss in was going to be more popular as well didn't you. Except you and your recent life partner were just a few of the handful that showed up.

    I mean really, you can't discuss Obamas performance, Obamas budgets, Obamas future plans cause there are none. So you want to paint a negative picture with old polls with other people?

    What a Liberal.

  12. I'm looking forward to Mr. Ryan. I don't think he wrote his budget plan, fully understands what's in it, & he definitely hasn't crunched the numbers. It is a plan for economic disaster, Mr. Romney's class exempted.

  13. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Because Ryan was picked at least as much to provide just that kind of plausible blamability for establishment klanners as he was to guarantee Wisconsin and excite the base.

    My God, you are an idiot.

  14. Anonymous1:31 AM

    We all agree that the man, Jesus Christ was a "Progressive" and "Liberal" for his time then; and would continue to be today. Who would dare deny Jesus his progressive liberalism? Is, and was Jesus Christ and his followers a "cancer"?
    I sure hope Christian and non-Christian Americans are listening and paying attention. We should loudly proclaim our indignation at being labelled a "cancer".
    How can we make Ryan/Romney eat and choke on their words?

  15. Aquinas1:34 AM

    Obama is a cancer in the body of American politics, and it is time to cut him out.

  16. Jim Morrison1:35 AM

    Bob said...
    It is a plan for economic disaster, Mr. Romney's class exempted.

    Coming from a mouth-breather who can't even make change, that's rich.

    Medicaid is projected to go broke in 2024. Before you break out the calculator, I can tell you that's 12 years from now. Obama knows this, but chooses to do nothing. He would rather demagogue the issue in order to hold onto power.

    That's an economic disaster for you, and one that our President is purposefully driving us toward.

  17. The Holy Trinity1:37 AM

    Anonymous said...
    We all agree that the man, Jesus Christ was a "Progressive" and "Liberal" for his time then; and would continue to be today

    No, "we" don't.

  18. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Anonymous said...
    We all agree that the man, Jesus Christ was a "Progressive" and "Liberal" for his time then; and would continue to be today

    No, "we" don't.

    1:37 AM
    Well, at least we can be honest and admit and agree that Obama has been a great President and ranks as one of the best Presidents ever!

    That's why he deserves another two terms in office.

    Re: Whitey's Conspiracy: He has some of the best in-depth comments on FN. Some of you nuts calling him names are showing how small, weak and "jealous" you are beside a great spirit and giant of a man like Whitey.

    Why don't you turkeys find someone on your level like Farley or PilotX or Mack Lyons?

  19. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Jesus Christ was/is not; did/does not have a "Progressive" message? You dare deny Christ his progressive liberalism defined by: agape love for your fellow human being; caring for and about your fellow human being? Those qualities and characteristics in humans are a "cancer"?
    How dare you!!?

  20. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Let's face it. Jesus was a Progressive who was nailed to the cross by Conservatives who felt they needed to rid the country of such a man.

    In the history books and the Bible, they claimed they had to crucify him in order to get their country back. It's very similar to what those unloving mean-spirited greedy Republicans are trying to do to Obama. It's a damn shame.

  21. It's getting too difficult to sort out all these people named anonymous. Then there's the one signing in as both Aquinas & Holy Trinity. That person should present arguments in Latin or at least explain the three persons in one concept so we have some idea which one is addressing us.

  22. Shoot the ball again said...

    We can play this game all day.

    "Today's times are an obvious result of rampant cheating. There is no way Jamaica could beat America on clean field. It would be impossible to deny if you had a shred of objectivity."

    I think we can beat them now that the Americans have been caught doing their best East German impressions.

  23. Anonymous8:08 AM

    running in circles said...
    The Olympics are over and everyone's headed home.

    Does Usain Bolt have some kind of future tied to sneaker endorsements?

    Who knows?

    A credible source just told me he is in negotiations with Pfizer for some kind of endorsement :)

  24. IcantzGetNoID WhoAmI8:32 AM

    While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.

    In a story ignored by the national media, in April a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots. Sowers is identified on an NAACP website as a member of the Tunica County NAACP
    Executive Committee.

    Sowers received a five-year prison term for each of the 10 counts, but Circuit Court Judge Charles Webster permitted Sowers to serve those terms concurrently, according to the Tunica Times, the only media outlet to cover the sentencing.

    “This crime cuts against the fabric of our free society,” Judge Webster said.

    Sowers was found guilty of voting in the names of Carrie Collins, Walter Howard, Sheena Shelton, Alberta Pickett, Draper Cotton and Eddie Davis. She was also convicted of voting in the names of four dead persons: James L. Young, Dora Price, Dorothy Harris, and David Ross.

  25. Sigmund Freud9:37 AM

    Uh, oh. Depressed Negro might be worse off than we thought:

  26. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Bob said...
    I'm looking forward to Mr. Ryan. I don't think he wrote his budget plan, fully understands what's in it, & he definitely hasn't crunched the numbers. It is a plan for economic disaster, Mr. Romney's class exempted.

    So you are saying outright that he didn't write his budget and doesn't understand it.

    LOL. Liberalism is a mental disease. You have no clue and no shame. Ryan can speak on the budget he wrote and clearly understand numbers, just ask Obama who is still wiping the egg of his face from his lies being exposed by Ryan. What you really mean is as written in the Onion below:

    "I’m young, I’m handsome, I’m smart, and I’m articulate. And that scares the ever-loving shit out of you. You can pretend like you have this thing in the bag, but you know good goddamn well that this race just got real interesting, real fast…

    I have another question for you: How scared are you that I can convince people I’m right? Because I’m good at it. No, I’m really good at it. You see, I know how to turn up the charm and charisma without putting people off. Then I back up what I’m saying with arguments that, when they come out of my mouth, sound completely accurate and well-reasoned. And I do it with such passion that people automatically recognize me as a man with deep convictions he will stand up for, no matter what…

    Yup, you should be scared shitless of me, because guess who isn’t? The people of Wisconsin. They love me. Republicans and Democrats there love me. Hell, I get Democrats to vote for me even if my policies make zero sense when it comes to their livelihoods. Do you know why? Because they like me. They like my story. Young, good-looking kid who pulled himself up by his bootstraps to make something of himself. Christ, I’m a storybook candidate. I balance out this ticket so well it’s almost too perfect. The people of Ohio are going to think that. And seniors in Florida—the state we supposedly lost when Mitt picked me—won’t be so scared as soon they know that my mother lives in Florida, and that all I want to do is reform the health care system so she can receive care that makes good fiscal sense.

    Boy, I’m going to sell the shit out of that talking point. And I’m going to do a great job of it. Why? Because I’m Paul Ryan. That’s what I do."

  27. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hey Whitey can you bring out your Farley character again or did he Travel to Lebanon? Word has it he is running around the country shouting "I am not gay, I swaaaaare I'm not"

    You liberal Muslim lovers you. Now where the hell did my car keys go...

    "Lebanese protest anal exams on suspected homosexuals",7340,L-4267954,00.html

  28. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "Secondly, the economy may be brightening in the states that elected Republican governors and state houses in 2010,"

    Bull and shit. Nearly very damn republican run state takes more money from the federal government than it gives out.

    Oh, the sweet lands of subsidy.

  29. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Secondly, the economy may be brightening in the states that elected Republican governors and state houses in 2010,"

    Bull and shit. Nearly very damn republican run state takes more money from the federal government than it gives out.

    Oh, the sweet lands of subsidy.

    Bullshit, it's the democratic bastions that literally live off of other states; or as you put it the federal government. You do know this is where they get the money from (when they aren't printing more and devaluing the dollar that is)
    But even if you use your thought, why aren't the Democratic led states getting money from the government? They are too proud to take a handout..??HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

  30. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Sigmund Freud, that article is nothing new. I could have written that article myself with a lot more pertinent information such as "it's depressing to be Black in America and Jamaica."

    It's effing depressing to win Gold Medals in the Olympics only to find out that people suspect you of doping or don't like your hair or is jealous because you get more media than they do.

    The Olympics exposed the reality of being Black, esp in America. If you are Black, you hate yourself. Shit! that's depressing. By 'definition' being Black in America means you are effing depressed. The whole damn race is depressed. But what can you expect when self-hatred has you by the balls?

    Bolt and Gabby 'used to be' mildly depressed. Now they are effing depressed. It's a bitch being Black. But the good news is all black folks are working off their karma in this lifetime and won't have to do it again...except Blacks involved in politics....

    Some of you FN posters had better leave these politics alone. Otherwise, you are going to have a few more lifetimes working this shit off.

    Field, I hope you are listening.

    depressed Negro

  31. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Look it up for stupid ass, red begging teacrakkkin self anonymous@10:07. That is if you know how.

    Just YOU saying otherwise doesn't make it so.

  32. Anonymous10:15 AM

    "We were expected to believe that the typical Obama voter in 2008 was hoping for a better country, but in 2012 there is no more hope, only hate and fear. The typical Obama voter is not acting as an American, but as a representative of an entitled group looking to secure and expand those entitlements at the expense and the detriment of the country at large.

    To vote for Obama after years of grotesque economic mismanagement that has no precedent in history, that exceeds the worst actions of Andrew Jackson or Ulysses S. Grant, is not the instinct of an American, but a selfish greedy looter scrambling to grab a few dinner rolls off the tray while the ship is going down. There is no policy justification for voting for a man with the worst economic and foreign policy record in the country's history. There is no American justification for voting for him. Only the UnAmerican motivation of carving up a dying country into group fiefdoms privileging identity politics over the common good.

    This is an UnAmerican campaign. It is an Anti-American campaign. It is a campaign by those who hate and fear what America was and who resent having to care about anyone outside their own group. Its group jingoism, its dog whistles and special privileges are repulsive and cynical, treating the people of a great nation like a warren of rats eager to sell each other out for a prize from the Cracker Jack box of identity politics entitlements.

    There is not a single Obama voter anywhere in the land who believes that another four years of him will make this country better. Not a single one from coast to coast. No, what they believe is that he will make the country a worse place for those people that they hate. That he will have four more years to sink their ideas deeper in the earth, regardless of how many families go hungry and how many fathers kill themselves because they can no longer take care of their families. What they believe is that Obama will grant their group more special privileges and the rest of the country can go to hell.

    In his DNC keynote address in 2004, Obama said, "There is no Black America or White America or Latino America or Asian America, there is just the United States of America." And now he has completely disavowed it. He isn't campaigning to lead the United States of America, instead he is running for the presidency of a dozen little Americas, Trayvon Martin America, Abortion America, Illegal Alien America, Sharia America, Gay Marriage America, Starbucks America and any others you can think of. And if he can collect enough of these little Americas together, then he may get the privilege of running the United States of America into the ground for another four years.

    Divide and conquer isn't just a means to the greater end of giving Zero Hussein another four years. And perhaps another four years after that. It's also the end. Every tyrant from Joseph Stalin to Saddam Hussein knew that a divided people are easier to rule. The more you divide them, the less likely they are to give you any trouble when you're raiding their last pennies to pay for the latest Green gimmick that your billionaire backers have thrown up all over Wall Street."

  33. Maynard10:17 AM

    Bureau of Labor Statistics employment data and found that Republican governors and GOP-controlled state legislatures presided over 16 percent more job creation than their Democratic peers from January 2010 to April 2012.

    Seven out of the 10 states nationwide, that have the lowest unemployment rates are Republican-governed states.

    In every single one of the 17 states that elected conservative governors in 2010; unemployment has dropped by an average of 1.35%. Yet in the United States as a whole, unemployment in January 2011 was 9.1% and is now 8.2%, meaning that the rate has only declined 0.9%, which is 50% less growth than in the states with newly elected Republican governors.

    In the eight states that elected Democratic governors in 2010, the unemployment rate has actually increased in one state (New York) and only declined by an average of 0.95%, which is approximately the same rate as the national average.

    This data suggests that it is the policies of the Republican governors that are working to restore job creation, and not the policies being implemented by President Obama at the national level and Democrats at the state level.

  34. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Look it up for stupid ass, red begging teacrakkkin self anonymous@10:07. That is if you know how.

    Just YOU saying otherwise doesn't make it so. this english?

    "Look it up for Stupid ass? "

    Is your stupid ass the "it" you are referring to?

    You want me to "look up your stupid ass"? Oh...this is Farley and you are telling me my car keys are in your ass and you want me to look up your stupid ass to find them like they are doing in Lebanon.

    Nah, no thanks. We get enough shit from you, aint going near that nasty thing.

  35. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Look it up for stupid ass, red begging teacrakkkin self anonymous@10:07. That is if you know how.

    Just YOU saying otherwise doesn't make it so.

    There Farley goes again, no facts all names.

    What the hell is "red begging? Is this new ebonics from white fat pasty little munchkin liberals to use? Are you trying to call someone a redbone? Is red begging anything like an "embecile"?

  36. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Has it occurred to anyone of the possibility that the Democrats are wrong about the Republicans; and the Republicans are wrong about the Democrats?

    Could it be that they are not reacting to each other but are reacting to their own mental constructs and imaginations in their own minds? And because of this no one can hear what the other is saying? We headed for hell.

  37. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hey, teakkkrakker.

    Ain't isn't a word, and even when used it has an apostrophe.

    Now that makes you not only a dumb fuck but a teakkkrakker, red state begger dumb fuck, too.

  38. Anonymous10:38 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Hey, teakkkrakker.

    Ain't isn't a word, and even when used it has an apostrophe.

    Now that makes you not only a dumb fuck but a teakkkrakker, red state begger dumb fuck, too."

    HA-HA, yet you weren't bright enough to figure out that sentence specifically was used in your typical language to mock you.

    How could a word not be a word, but if it were, you can tell me I am not punctuating it properly.

    You really are an idiot...aintcha

    You brighten up my day, I am astounded at how truly stupid people like you are. Yet amazed that you aren't locked in an institution somewhere to keep you from harming yourself or someone else like the little "red begging embecile looking up your ass" that you are.

  39. Anyone who wants to get a quick sense of who Paul Ryan is should watch a short video of a February 2010 meeting in which Congressman Ryan politely, but devastatingly, "schools" Barack Obama on the utter fraudulence of the statistics that the Obama administration was using to claim that ObamaCare would reduce the deficit.

  40. Anonymous10:46 AM



  41. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Anonymous said...


    Jeenyus, that be what you is, you aint dum you be a jeenyus. Or is it spelled Jeanus? I aint shure, but if I wuz I would use an apost-tra-phee.

  42. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Thank you for that video, Genigro. I think Paul Ryan would make an excellent Vice President.

  43. Anonymous11:18 AM

    What idiot says "ain't isn't a word"?

    Webster's Dictionary says it is.

  44. Anonymous11:25 AM

    From Forbes:

    "Ask yourself this: Would Romney start out his presidency by forcing through dramatic changes that many, many people will oppose – including large swaths of the Republican base – and which have no clear tie to reviving the economy in the short term (the basis for his campaign)? If Romney does push through some version of the Ryan plan, then Republicans will own all the unpleasant changes, and will suffer at the ballot box, possibly for a very long time. It’s political suicide, and Romney is, if anything, not the kind of politician who places principle over success.

    So we’re back to the opening gambit/bipartisan approach. But this would be hobbled (as it was during last summer’s debt limit showdown) by the GOP’s inability to concede an inch on tax increases, while demanding huge concessions from Democrats on cuts to the pillars of the post-World War II social contract – the foundation of the party’s appeal.

    In other words, the Ryan plan is an abstract statement of principle, one man’s, and one party’s, wish list of how things should be. That tells you something about the Romney-Ryan ticket’s priorities. But it’s not a prescription for governing."

  45. dewey defeats truman11:31 AM

    whitey's nightie said:

    Ryan is the least popular vp pick since duh quail underwhelmed the country in '88.

    Aha. Even if your assessment were accurate -- which it isn't -- you'll have to acknowledge that Dan Quayle was, along with GWH Bush, elected.

    Hence, your comment reveals that you know a vice presidential running mate, even a boring one, doesn't sink the ship.

    Quayle was something of a lunkhead, a lunkhead from a wealthy Indiana family, but not a bad guy.

    Ryan, on the other hand, is a live wire. Moreover, he's got a good vision of the path the country should take to reinvigorate the economy.

    Obviously hee-hawing Joe Biden has no idea how to grow the economy, which is no news at all since he serves at the pleasure of the most economically illiterate president ever.

  46. Anonymous11:33 AM

    From Forbes:

    "Ask yourself this: Would Romney start out his presidency by forcing through dramatic changes that many, many people will oppose – including large swaths of the Republican base – and which have no clear tie to reviving the economy in the short term (the basis for his campaign)? If Romney does push through some version of the Ryan plan, then Republicans will own all the unpleasant changes, and will suffer at the ballot box, possibly for a very long time. It’s political suicide, and Romney is, if anything, not the kind of politician who places principle over success.

    Hell yes, repealing and undoing the damage Obama did is not radical it is absolutely necessary.

    Poorly written false premise straw article. Romney will get elected for doing what is logical to most of America, saving it. While this is "radical" to liberals.

  47. Anonymous11:40 AM

    "Obviously hee-hawing Joe Biden has no idea how to grow the economy, which is no news at all since he serves at the pleasure of the most economically illiterate president ever."

    I don't know, Biden seems to be holding his own against Ryan. In example just today he said while he was in Virginia:

    “With Your Help, We Can Win North Carolina Again!”…


    Romney Is “Going To Put Y’all Back In Chains”…

    I guess it is just as good as Obama yesterday trying to blame Ryan for not passing the farm aid bill when Congress passed it two weeks ago and it was sitting on Harry Reids Desk. That's what happens when you haven't been the president since labor day and do nothing but golf and Campaign.

  48. Quayle was a stiff, but Joe Biden is the dumbest man ever to be one heartbeat from the Presidency.

  49. Joe Biden: "They’re going to put y’all back in chains"

    What a ridiculous spectacle this man is.

    Listen to him do his "negro" voice:

    What a joke.

  50. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Whats the dirtiest four letter word to liberals? Math

    Or as F-F-F-F-Farely would say "aint" . Farley if I use an apasta-trofee in aint does that make it a five letter word that isn't a word but if I did use it.....this is how you are supposed to write it?

  51. Even the liberal Salon has finally been forced to acknowledge the growing epidemic of black on white mob violence that has been plaguing the country for years. Here, a characteristically squishy-looking moonbat named Alex Pareene explains it away:

    If you look for every example of crimes committed by black people in every American city over the last three to five years, you’ll find enough examples to make it sound like a lot of crime, because America is a violent country with a lot of crime, a lot of poverty and a lot of impoverished minority neighborhoods located conveniently close to much wealthier white neighborhoods (and business districts where everything is also owned by white people).

    That is, whites deserve to be attacked by blacks because their work ethic has made them more successful economically, which according to liberal ideology is bad.

    Not only is the epidemic justified in the liberal mind, it also doesn’t exist. After all, 11 separate racially motivated mob violence incidents in single day are insignificant in a country of 300 million. Or as Pareene puts it:

    "In other words, we have a bunch of pants-shitting cowards who think (and sometimes arm themselves like) they’re Dirty Harry."

    If there is any justice in the world, this Pareene mollusk will get his skull bashed in by a mob of “teenagers” as punishment for the paleness of his skin. I'll bet he sticks to lily-white areas as much as he can.

  52. Obama was for the Ryan budget before he was against it:

    "I think Paul [Ryan], for example, the head of the Budget Committee, has looked at the budget and has made a serious proposal. I’ve read it. I can tell you what’s in it. And there’s some ideas in there that I would agree with but there’s some ideas we should have a healthy debate about because I dont agree with them. The major driver of our long-term liabilities, everybody here knows, is Medicare and Medicaid and our health care spending. Nothing comes close. That’s going to be what our children have to worry about. Now, Paul’s approach, and I want to be careful not to simplify this, I know you’ve got a lot of detail in your plan, but, if I understand it correctly, would say, we’re going to provide vouchers of some sort for current Medicare recipients at the current level. No?"

    I guess he couldn't really understand it, but it sounded good.

  53. Mr. Field,

    As a professional statisician, I am only heartened by the devotion to quantitative analysis expressed by so many of our Anonymous brothers and sisters, now that mathematical geniuses like Steve Doocey have determined that math and stats are a liberal plot. Political sampling and the forecasting it produces are both Art and Science, but the good news is that there is a paper trail called ELECTIONS, from which one can separate the pollster wheat from the chaft. Thoughtful students should familiarize themselves with Nate Silver's, which openly and honestly reviews the statistical methods used to discriminate between registered and likely voters, and many other similar issues. He also produces an estimate of pollster "house effect" (like in your blog, LOL!) based on prior elections. I append a link. Be forewarned: there WILL BE MATH, LOL!

  54. Leibniz2:53 PM

    @ Jobu;
    Obviously, the word "professional" has quite a range of meaning, as evidenced by your grasp of statistics. Merely averaging the errors of various polls only cancels out competing biases and says nothing about the accuracy of any one poll. If you examine the records of just which polling agencies have had the best predictive results, it is clear that Romney does indeed have an edge at this point.

  55. @Leibniz, if you bothered to look at Nate's methodology, that is not what he does. Here is a fuller explanation, with links to his complete method. Obviously, a lot of smoothing and weighed regression is involved, but I am sure that will be of no interest to you, as it doesn't support your conclusion.

  56. Leibniz3:13 PM

    So we are supposed to ignore decades of liberal-skewed poll results based on Nate's obfuscatory analysis? What he shows is that the difference between registered and likely models is only about a 2% shift towards Republicans, while ignoring the ridiculous sampling filters imposed by propagandist pollers. The recent Pew poll was based on an assumed 19 point turnout advantage for democrats!. Nate's employer, The New York Times recently published swing state polls in which they bumped up the assumed democrat participation an average of 6 points over the historic 2008 turnout!.

    The best data is presented by the major polling organizations: Gallup, Rassmussen, and Zogby. Almost all other polls are garbage produced to sway public opinion.

  57. @Leibniz, READ THE METHODOLOGY. It is only obfuscating if you don't understand it. Pollsters live and die by their accuracy. Your unsupported assertion that Gallup (trending GOP this year; there are many articles about why and how); Rasmussan (automated, cell phone misses), and -- God forbid -- Zogby (a computerized self-selecting joke; so bad I believe Nate kicked them out)is utter nonsense. But you top yourself by saying, in essence, that the other polls are "garbage produced to sway public opinion." Because uneducated mathematical illiterates like Rush or Steve Doocy say so? Obviously, you don't undertand the first thing about statistical methods. Why am I not surprised? Here is another link -- for the smart people out there who might actually want to understand polling.

  58. Leibniz3:57 PM

    Jobu said...
    "Because uneducated mathematical illiterates like Rush or Steve Doocy say so?"

    No, because the historical results say so, and you know it. Ignoring the metodological tricks proves you are a hack.

  59. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "Because uneducated mathematical illiterates like Rush or Steve Doocy say so? Obviously, you don't undertand the first thing about statistical methods. Why am I not surprised? Why am I not surprised? Here is another link -- for the smart people out there who might actually want to understand polling."

    I had a boyfriend who liked to polling. He felled and hurted his neck. I tolded him not to swing so faster on the polling he was an embecile and said I aint not listening.

    I may not be edemucated and understanderate all this polling swinging but I do knows one thing

    Figures lie and liars figure and those that claim they are more educated, smarter and know better than everyone else in order to justify their varied results, have been statistically found to be con-men. How do I know this for sure? I took a poll and +19 of my family members said so.

  60. alice in chains5:02 PM

    joe biden says:


    Yeah, Vice President Hee Haw decided to share his views after scratching his head and squinting his eyes for a few hours trying to read Ryan's plan.

    That's Biden's way of doing some deep analysis. The thing is, it wasn't Ryan's plan he was trying to read. It was the Constitution.

  61. "Listen to him do his "negro" voice:"

    What is a "negro voice"? Wingnuts! *shaking head*

    Jobu, thanks for that link. I am sure if it doesn't give the wingnuts the results they seek they will call the pollster a hack.

    For hack they should see Rassmussen or Dick Morris.

  62. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Rassmussen has been the most accurate poller over the past five elections.

  63. "Rassmussen has been the most accurate poller over the past five elections."

    Yeah, uh huh, just ask President McCaine.

    Facts have a progressive bias.

    Paranoia has a klan bias.

  64. Whitey has an ignorance bias.

  65. Mr. Field,

    Last night Dick Morris got called out by Sean "The Math Guy" Hannity for his absurd electoral predictions -- which included NJ for Romney, while polls have Obama up by double digits. How many times can you be wrong before you are no longer considered an expert? I have friends with middle school kids who could predict a more accurate electoral map.

    I have known a few half-bright people who watch Fox News, and it is scary how they can just believe in abject nonsense, deny the truth, and act like paranoid (albeit self-serving) fools. Anyone who thinks the Nazis were liberals; anyone who believes that if Romney loses that means ACORN stole 5 million votes or some such utter garbage WITH NO EVIDENCE WHATSOVER is seriously delusional. But I suspect you know this already.

  66. Anonymous5:46 PM

    field negro said...
    "Listen to him do his "negro" voice:"

    What is a "negro voice"? Wingnuts! *shaking head*

    Jobu, thanks for that link. I am sure if it doesn't give the wingnuts the results they seek they will call the pollster a hack.

    For hack they should see Rassmussen or Dick Morris.

    We see what you just did there, but do you?

  67. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Rassmussen has been the most accurate poller over the past five elections."

    Yeah, uh huh, just ask President McCaine.

    Facts have a progressive bias.

    Paranoia has a klan bias.

    Facts have a progressive bias? You lying man you. Nothing about progressive liberals is based in fact. Otherwise why would you and they need to lie about EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING. If liberal policies were so good, you wouldn't need to convince the world to give them yet another try and you promise this time it will work if it is communicated properly and your audience is smart enought to understand your stupidity.

  68. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I have known a few half-bright people who watch Fox News, and it is scary how they can just believe in abject nonsense, deny the truth, and act like paranoid (albeit self-serving) fools. Anyone who thinks the Nazis were liberals; anyone who believes that if Romney loses that means ACORN stole 5 million votes or some such utter garbage WITH NO EVIDENCE WHATSOVER is seriously delusional. But I suspect you know this already.

    No one thinks the Nazi's were liberals. They were in fact Marxist Socialist Democrats. Todays Obama party aren't liberals, they are marxist socialistic democrats. The party of failure who swears it knows better than anyone else.

    As for proof.

    "In a story ignored by the national media, in April a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots. Sowers is identified on an NAACP website as a member of the Tunica County NAACP Executive Committee.

    Sowers received a five-year prison term for each of the 10 counts, but Circuit Court Judge Charles Webster permitted Sowers to serve those terms concurrently, according to the Tunica Times, the only media outlet to cover the sentencing.

    “This crime cuts against the fabric of our free society,” Judge Webster said.

    Sowers was found guilty of voting in the names of Carrie Collins, Walter Howard, Sheena Shelton, Alberta Pickett, Draper Cotton and Eddie Davis. She was also convicted of voting in the names of four dead persons: James L. Young, Dora Price, Dorothy Harris, and David Ross.

    So now that you have proof, what do you think and will you apologize to all the people you called half-bright when apparantly it was you who wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer?

  69. Katrina6:28 PM

    Jobu the trained monkey said...
    "I have known a few half-bright people who watch Fox News"

    Statements like this prove you are an idiot and a liar.

  70. Genigro6:40 PM

    field negro said...
    What is a "negro voice"? Wingnuts! *shaking head*

    It is when a white democrat politician tries to speak like a black person in an effort to ingratiate himself to his audience. The most hilarious examples I can think of are Al Gore and Hilary Clinton, but Biden's "They’re going to put y’all back in chains" is an instant classic of the genre.

    Tell me Mr. Negro, do "you people" really think that's cool? Does that work with y’all?

  71. Hah! Here's one from Hillary:


  72. Anonymous6:48 PM

    field negro said...
    What is a "negro voice"? Wingnuts! *shaking head*

    Now Field this is a good example of Liberalism.

    You know what a Negro voice is. Yet you want to be able to deny reality and pretend that even though it is used, it doesn't exist. Politically correct lies.

    A good example of that is when the Associated Press got called racist for reporting Obamas speech to the CBC as he said it..he dropped his G's and was talking in his best black imitation.

    “Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your maching shoes,” he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted. “Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.”

  73. Lolo Soetoro6:52 PM

    Yes, Barack the Sacred Halfrican has his fake negro voice too. He needs one, because he is not even black.

  74. Joe Biteme6:52 PM

    Yeah but that Barack America guy, I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

  75. Marshall Davis6:54 PM

    Lolo Soetoro said...
    Yes, Barack the Sacred Halfrican has his fake negro voice too. He needs one, because he is not even black.

    Yes but he's done had some black up in him. Trusts me, I'se knows. Just like his momma befor'n him

  76. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Joe Biden?

    This is the guy you Marxists are comparing to Paul Ryan? This is the guy you want next in line to be president. Are you that insane?

  77. field...i'm not sure how much attention you pay to athletics or sports in general but dan bernstein and carl lewis are only saying out loud what lots of other people are thinking (and saying behind closed doors). with the exception of the 2000 games, when jamaica medaled in 9 events (7 of which were in women's events and no gold), the most your homeland ever got in one games was 5, and most of them went to women competitors. even in the 2004 games the team only received medals in 5 events, of which 4 went to women, including gold to the women's 4x100 relay.

    then suddenly, in 2008 mr. bolt appears, winning gold in the 100, 200 and 4x100 relay to add to 8 other medals by the womens team. and now we come to the recently ended games. where jamaica not only won gold in the 100 and 200 (both men and womens) but also gold in the mens 4x100 (the women won silver).

    now i'm not saying that your countrymen are doping. in fact i'm glad to see people of color excelling no matter what flag they run under, but if you've followed track and field (mr field) for a while, you'll know that when people suddenly start running faster or jumping higher than they used to, questions get raised...because, historically it's been as a result of funny business. performance-enhancing drug testing in sports owes its existence to track and field, specifically olympic track and field (remember ben johnson?).

    all in all, i'm not taking sides in this, but instead of taking aim at the people who have the guts to say it out loud, you should be wondering who else is talking...and to whom.

  78. Anon, thanks for the compliment. And yes, this guy has been next to the president for four years, so I will take him.
    Not too sure about Eddie Munster.

    "Negro voices"? I thought they were bringing out their inner Dixie. Have u ever heard a white man from the deep South talk? I never understand a word they are saying.
