Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The kill hype meter, and Joe wants to save us from the chains.

What Piers Morgan calls the "conspiracy of silence" when it comes to the gun debate in America continues. -I have to give it to the NRA, they really have their game together.- Yet another angry white man went all "falling down" in Texas yesterday, (this one over an eviction notice) and as a result, two innocent people (including a law enforcement official) lost their lives.

So here is the thing, only three people died in this latest tragedy, so we will not be getting wall to wall coverage like we did with the Aurora massacre.

I guess if you are a mass murderer and you get some kind of sick twisted thrill out of your evil deeds, the more people you kill the better. It will certainly get you more notoriety.

Also, where and who you happen to kill also makes a difference on the media kill hype meter. If, for instance, you kill a bunch of poor black people in one of America's inner cities, that will score way down at the bottom of the media interest scale. (How many of you ever heard of the Lex Street massacre? Exactly!) If, on the other hand, you do your killing in suburbia, or you kill certain types of people, that will get you noticed. Just make sure you kill a decent number of them. I suspect that here in America we will yawn at anything less than four. Kill some foreigners with a strange religion in a church will get you midway up on the kill hype meter. This is because of the number of people and the fact that it was...well, in a church. Here in America we are still somewhat sensitive to churches. Unless, of course, that place of worship happens to be a Mosque. Those aren't really churches, just places to hide terrorists.

Of course sometimes, depending on who was killed and where they were killed, the number of people killed doesn't really matter. Seven people were killed on Lex Street. SEVEN! But sadly for them, they were just a bunch of crack heads from West Philly. (Kill hype meter barely moving upwards.) Sorry Shihean Black, you ain't no James Holmes.

Finally, republicans are up in arms about Joe Biden's latest comments while he was on the stump in Virginia.

"Campaigning in Danville, Virginia on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden adopted a southern drawl when he told an audience of supporters of President Barack Obama’s reelection effort that Republicans aim to put “y’all back in chains.”

“Look at their budget, and what they are proposing,” Biden said. “Romney wants to let–he said in the first hundred days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street.”
After a pause, Biden said, “they going to put y’all back in chains.” [Source]

Lord have mercy! O, you might want to put a leech on that Biden fellow between now and November. (Sorry animal lovers, leech might have been a poor word choice.)

Still, I have some news for you; Joe Biden is wrong. Republicans don't "aim" to put folks "back in chains", they already have.

 "After weeks of slanderous and baseless accusations leveled against Governor Romney, the Obama Campaign has reached a new low," Romney press secretary Andrea Saul said in a statement. "The comments made by the Vice President of the United States are not acceptable in our political discourse and demonstrate yet again that the Obama Campaign will say and do anything to win this election. President Obama should tell the American people whether he agrees with Joe Biden's comments."  

Oh STFU! Calling the president of the United States a thief is "slanderous". Using slavery and chains as a metaphor to make a point about Wall Street going unchecked is Joe Biden being Joe Biden. He said Romney will "unchain Wall Street". I think Mitt himself will admit that's true.




  1. Helmut8:51 PM

    Field: How many of you ever heard of the Lex Street massacre? Exactly!

    I had not, so I clicked on your link and got the Wikipedia page:

    The Lex Street Massacre is the name, given by a Philadelphia Daily News reporter, to a mass murder that took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Dec. 28, 2000.

    Ten people were shot in a crack house in West Philadelphia. Seven of them died.

    The murders received substantial public attention, and four suspects were quickly charged. However, there was insufficient evidence for prosecution, and after 18 months in jail, charges were dropped. The wrongly incarcerated men later sued, and eventually received a $1.9 million settlement.[1]

    In 2002, four different men were charged in the case. All four were later convicted. Three are serving life terms and the fourth was sentenced to 15 to 30 years. [2]

    The crime was explored in a 2007 book titled The Lex Street Massacre: The True Story of the Worst Mass Murder in Philadelphia History, by Antonne M. Jones.

    Sounds like this case was anything but buried. Shit, someone even wrote a book about it! Also sounds like the law enforcement establishment in Philadelphia is pretty incompetent.

    On your broader point, don't you think people are going to rationally have less sympathy for someone who get shot up in crack house, versus someone in some random movie theater?

  2. Genigro8:58 PM

    I don't think it is racially unacceptable for Biden to use that analogy, even in his fake negro voice. And that Andre Saul chick is an idiot. But don't you get tired of the Democrats manipulating black people through their tired use of language designed to scare them into staying on the plantation? I mean how condescending and fake does it have to get before you walk away?

  3. sharon in ct9:15 PM

    Nothing to see here. No terrorist. Just another white guy exercising his god-given constitutional right to defend his home and his self from the guvmint with deadly force.

  4. Someone go get robme's spokesman a teeny tiny little violin to play. The only race-related statements that ever upset the republiklan are the ones pointing out what racist assholes they are.

  5. "Also sounds like the law enforcement establishment in Philadelphia is pretty incompetent."

    No, like all urban police departments they efficiently patrol the white safety zones and somewhat randomly lock up large numbers of young minority men while somehow missing most of the true psychopaths among them, those who limit themselves to a program of auto-genocide. In other words, they do exactly what they're trained and paid to do.

  6. Paul Kersey9:36 PM

    The 95 percent Black student enrollment of the Detroit K-12 system must be bribed to attend class on Oct. 3 with Nike shoes. That is the the day when students are counted and their numbers used as the basis for per-pupil funding from the state and federal government. The more bodies in class, the more money schools have all year.

    Though every student, K-12, in the 95 percent Black Detroit Public Schools (DPS) system already gets a free lunch, this isn't enough of a bargaining chip to keep them in class. As part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Community Eligibility Option Program, each student in the DPS eats a free lunch every school day in a bid to remove the stigma of being from a "low income".

    The Detroit Public School system is plagued with failing test scores, jumbled finances, violence, and a plummeting student population because the DPS is plagued with a 95 percent Black K-12 enrollment and the teachers, administration, superintendents, accountants, and principals who receive a paycheck (and pension plan) courtesy of the tax-payer are virtually all-Black as well.

    Interesting, the same problem plagues the Birmingham Board of Education in Alabama (run almost exclusively by Black people in 71 percent Black Birmingham, Alabama), where the 98 percent Black K-12 enrollment of Birmingham City Schools is in almost the exact same scenario as Detroit.

    All over the world, parents struggle to find ways to get to America - largely to take advantage of our welfare system, as evidenced by illegal immigrants and legal immigrants - so that their children can have a "better life then they had." Meanwhile, we have to pay Black kids to show up to school with cash bribes or a pair of cheaply made Nike's so that federal and state money will keep flowing to an almost exclusively Black-city whose residents are incapable of supporting.... anything that requires tax-revenue.

    This is going to end. Badly.

  7. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Also, where and who you happen to kill also makes a difference on the media kill hype meter. If, for instance, you kill a bunch of poor black people in one of America's inner cities, that will score way down at the bottom of the media interest scale.

    Maybe you are right, maybe the media for whatever reason they have censor out race when blacks conduct crimes and hardly ever talk about black cities that are just veritable war zones. In example you are talking about some criminal, when there were 24 shootings in Chicago alone last weekend.

    Wait, you also want to talk about banning guns and tougher gun laws. Please explain this to me. In Chicago you can't get tougher gun laws. Guns can literally not be legally owned/carried/transported and used by law abiding citizens.

    Didnt' the criminals read the no guns signs? Don't they know it is against the law to have a gun and to shoot someone? I know, maybe if we super secret double ban them it will work this time?

    So stop the rhetoric, talk facts. What would you do? Where can you look to see if banning guns has helped or worked? New York? Chicago? Has it worked? Where is crime the lowest and why?

    Answer those questions and maybe I will believe you just aren't mindlessly rolling along with a typical mindless liberal rant. Ban guns then there wont be any shootings...uh-huh..not by law abiding citizens thats for sure.

    As for the election and the race card....HAH. I called that last night. Surprised it took you guys so long. It's all you have, everything has failed and been ripped to shreds, now you have to make them out to be the big white mean man who is taking advantage of the poor little black man obama and his retarded white side kick biden.....HA.

  8. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Also sounds like the law enforcement establishment in Philadelphia is pretty incompetent."

    No, like all urban police departments they efficiently patrol the white safety zones and somewhat randomly lock up large numbers of young minority men while somehow missing most of the true psychopaths among them, those who limit themselves to a program of auto-genocide. In other words, they do exactly what they're trained and paid to do.

    Cool, lets get em to start patrolling black neighborhoods more...oh wait they did that in New York and even though it slashed crime- it was racist because the criminals they caught were black. So it isn't the criminals its the police's fault.

    You people will be remembered in history as hysterical incompetent boobs.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Field, maybe you should research the Sikhs before you write them off as a bunch of foreigners with a weird religion. They believe in the one God who created everything, and they believe in protecting the weak, they believe in respecting all religions and anyone of any religion is welcome in their temples. Meanwhile your buddies the Muslims hard anyone who isn't Muslim, will not allow an infidel in a mosque. They a killers of the innocent and enemies of freedom. Their women are enslaved and beaten. If you think they like blacks wake the fuck up. Louis Farakan is a dipshit and not even a follower of true Islam. The nation of Islam was not even founded by a black man, a disillusioned Malcolm X turned his back on the nation and was murdered by Farakans order. The white man was invented by an evil black scientist 6600 years ago . Get fuckin real. Your a Jamaican Field , you should smoke the chalice, praise Jah and get some overstanding. Really bro. One love man.

  10. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Biden is Awesome. Now he is going to take stimulus dollars and jump the grand canyon with Amtrak.


  11. Anonymous10:02 PM

    ICE Official on Leave in Scandal Over 'Frat-House' Behavior at DHS

    Now we got muff-diver Napolitano breaking laws left and right and playing clam games. What a sick administration this has been.

    Boot em all out, every one of them. If they even have a hint of obama odor on em kick em out.

  12. Axel Rod10:09 PM

    Obama has Joe Biden out on the campaign trail trying to turn out the black vote with explicit racial dog whistles like "they're going to put y'all back in chains".

    At least a third of the black community is probably dumb enough to believe that Mitt Romney will restore slavery.

    It might just work. After all, there is still a widespread belief in the black community that the federal government created AIDS and that Church’s Chicken is controlled by the KKK.

  13. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Heroic wite dude ambushes a citizen doing their job of handing an official document to wite dudes who decline to pay their bills.
    Must be tough to pretenderate that you are a sovereign nation when it is your personal delusion.

    With all that Obama has actually done, why does the opposition offer nothing but dog whistles?

    Funny how the paid wingnuts beleeverate that Romney and Ryan will let them in Massa's Big House. All that craven boot-licking and wingnuts still aren't invited.


  14. Cesar Millan1:04 AM

    Mold: With all that Obama has actually done, why does the opposition offer nothing but dog whistles?

    Obama (through Biden): "they're going to put y'all back in chains"

    Do you lack all self-awareness, or do you just not know a dog whistle when you hear it?

  15. Anonymous1:21 AM

    "Here in America we are still somewhat sensitive to churches. Unless, of course, that place of worship happens to be a Mosque. Those aren't really churches, just places to hide terrorists."

    Wow, Field. I thought you would never say Mosques are places to hide terrorists. my o my.

  16. Anonymous1:30 AM

    The great Biden just proves that white privilege to tell Blacks what they ought to think comes in Republican colors as well as white Democratic colors also.

    Face it. This is America and neither party gives a damn about Blacks. The fact that Biden said what he said is further proof that Obama could care less about AAs also.

    However, we knew that by how Obama has treated us in the past, didn't we? So why are you FN Negroes still chasing after a President who doesn't give a damn about you?

    At least Romney has talked to us and has shown a willingness to work with us. Obama has made it clear that he doesn't care...he'll take our votes to win but he doesn't care about AAs. Let's be VERY CLEAR about that.

  17. Mr. Field,

    Now that it is obvious to people who understand polls that Romney/Ryan are 2-3 points behind overall, but -- much more importantly -- behind by a larger margin in the battleground states, it is only a matter of time until the GOP gets really Lee Atwater style racially ugly. Just think of the racists Anons who post here. The thing is, I don't think pure GOP/Fox News New Black Panther racist garbage will win. It is so transparent. Like the Anons who post here.

  18. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Field, at one time the media DID cover ALL the killings in the black community without bias.

    As time went on, however, the killings in the black community far exceeded the killings elsewhere to the extent it 'looked like' the media WAS biased toward Blacks. I mean, killings in the black community go on ALL THE TIME...DAILY.

    Now Field, you are a reasonable man. Does it make sense for the media to continue covering every killing in the black community? After a while, it looks like the media either is favoring Blacks or making Blacks look bad by covering every murder. People eventually become jaded about that kind of daily coverage.

    Not only that, the ratings drop with too much black coverage. No one is interested, including Blacks.

    Face it. Blacks and Whites don't value lives of Blacks as much as Whites. That's a fact. That's why it is so depressing to be Black in America.

    depressed Negro

  19. Anonymous1:56 AM

    What I can't take are all the negativity and lies coming from the Obama camp. Why can't they admit they have made some mistakes and engage in an honest debate about where we go from here? I never thought I'd get to this point but I am seriously leaning toward Romney.

  20. Anonymous2:03 AM

    "The comments made by the Vice President of the United States are not acceptable in our political discourse and demonstrate yet again that the Obama Campaign will say and do anything to win this election. President Obama should tell the American people whether he agrees with Joe Biden's comments."

    Brother Field, I want to hear what Obama has to say about this. I want to know how he feels about what Biden said and IF he agrees.

    Throughout his administration Obama has behaved toward us as if he doesn't really care. So it would be interesting to hear from him about Biden's statement. Thus far, Obama has shown his OWN prejudices against AAs.

    I hope the GOP drives Biden''s statement into the ground so much that Obama is forced to say something.

  21. Anonymous2:10 AM

    " I never thought I'd get to this point but I am seriously leaning toward Romney."

    1:56 AM
    I agree. I began considering Romney early on because Obama has shown his dishonesty, self-centeredness, selfishness, racial bias, and willingness to lie about anything in order to win. At a gut level, I DON'T TRUST HIM.

    What I find interesting is Field has not mentioned ANYTHING about Obama's shifty character. It's as if he is Obama's cohort.

  22. Anonymous3:00 AM

    jobu said...
    Mr. Field,

    Now that it is obvious to people who understand polls that Romney/Ryan are 2-3 points behind overall, but -- much more importantly -- behind by a larger margin in the battleground states, it is only a matter of time until the GOP gets really Lee Atwater style racially ugly. Just think of the racists Anons who post here. The thing is, I don't think pure GOP/Fox News New Black Panther racist garbage will win. It is so transparent. Like the Anons who post here.

    OK you win, you are the smartest and best qualified guy to handle and smoke poles, I know being the first in your family to be born without a tail makes you feel good so hang in there.

    Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid?

  23. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Jobu is always 180 degrees wrong.

    I think he got his polarity switched.

  24. Anonymous3:22 AM

    I really don't appreciate the negativity and obvious JEALOUSY toward the brilliance of Jobu.

    Field, you need a Jealous Meter in your sidebar for some of these clowns. They just can't appreciate people smarter and wiser than they are.

  25. Anon, the jealous meter, like the idiot meter, would explode.

    Anon@1:56am, you are not fooling anybody you voted republican all your life.

    Actually my friend from Brooklyn, the Philly PD, does a very got job with solving their homicides. In fact, they are better than most big city police departments. Sorry, I hate to let facts get in the way of your argument, but I am sure you are used to that.

  26. To the wingnut above who trotted out the same tired NRA line about gun control in cities with high crimes, I would ask you to get out your map and look at the gun laws bordering those cities, or in the rural areas of the states where these cities are located.

    Do some homework, study your map, and get back to me. I will start the debate with you then.

  27. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Field, "Do some homework, study your map, and get back to me. I will start the debate with you then."

    5:08 AM
    Why must a right-winger do all of this? This is political discrimination.

    You anti-God, anti-Creationist Progressives couldn't handle a well-informed right-winged comment. Get real.

    Besides your debates have always been a one-liner and then you run away afraid to further engage the brilliant mind of a God-loving, God-fearing Conservative.

    Be glad Conservatives give of their time to educate and teach folks here. You see, Conservatives come with the best intentions and are very giving of themselves. You can see these qualities in Romney/Ryan but they are 'completely' absent in Obama.

  28. I am baffled at how anyone could trust Romney more than Obama. The man doesn't even drink... Not to mention he's a robot.

  29. Anonymous9:15 AM

    field negro said...
    To the wingnut above who trotted out the same tired NRA line about gun control in cities with high crimes, I would ask you to get out your map and look at the gun laws bordering those cities, or in the rural areas of the states where these cities are located.

    Do some homework, study your map, and get back to me. I will start the debate with you then.

    OK, I will do that. But as a quick thought, should I look at neighboring countries and a map of the world as well? Meaning, as far as I gather no one has a major significant crop of poppies in the U.S. or refining factory yet there is quite of bit of....well you can see where I am going with this.

    So given the reality of the world, logistics and a small thing called the bill of rights that might interfere with the dream of "banning guns" and establishment of Utopia with centaurs and unicorns frolicking to and fro in the lily fields whilst we laze in the grass and are fed grapes by attractive members of the opposite sex...or the same sex if that is your gig... back to reality.

    Extrapolate Poppies to guns. If guns were totally banned in the U.S then the only people who would have them would be whom? What's next? Ban guns from the world completely in order to compensate for human behavior? Obviously that will never happen even if all the women in the world suddenly became Barney Frank and all the men became Nancy Pelosi Liberals. Add in to that we have no border control whatsoever now under Obama it becomes even more unrealistic.

    So, back to something that just might lead us somewhere, which cities have the lowest crime rates in the U.S and why? Which have the highest and why? What is the population make up? It isn't coincidence, or rather let's say what are the common denominators so we can take out coincidence and see factually how to solve the problem again knowing an environment conducive unicorns and centaurs isn't likely to appear in the near future. What is a deterrent to criminals? Or even further what deters criminal actions in specific areas/cities?

    Are there any cities that could be looked at that have low crime rates and high gun ownership, also representative or similar to some U.S cities in terms of population and racial representation?

    How about Kennesaw Georgia. Small town but good experiment. Gun ownership is mandatory under town law. Racial Make up is similar to a town that would normally have a relatively high crime rate: 64% White 24% Black. Yet from 1982 - 1996 there were only three murders (two by knives) and once the law of mandatory gun ownership was introduced crime plummeted 74%

    Did Utopia suddenly appear in Kennesaw? Is someone flitting around the town sprinkling pixie dust on all the residents? Did they hire a police officer for every two citizens? No.

    "The reason is obvious. Kennesaw proves that the presence of firearms actually improves safety and security. This is not the message that the media want us to hear. They want us to believe that guns are evil and are the cause of violence.

    The facts tell a different story. What is even more interesting about Kennesaw is that the city's crime rate decreased with the simple knowledge that the entire community was armed. The bad guys didn't force the residents to prove it. Just knowing that residents were armed prompted them to move on to easier targets. Most criminals don't have a death wish."

    Human nature doesn't change because you regulate it, criminals will simply break the law. Especially if law abiding citizens are easy prey.


  30. Dr. Redundant9:33 AM

    Putting a leech on Joe Biden would be like dumping a bucket full of crap in a toilet to unclog it.

  31. Andrew Lang9:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I really don't appreciate the negativity and obvious JEALOUSY toward the brilliance of Jobu.

    Field, you need a Jealous Meter in your sidebar for some of these clowns. They just can't appreciate people smarter and wiser than they are.

    Jobu is that you? I have to say I admire the way you use statistics, like the way a drunk uses a street light - for support but not to light your way.

  32. You're On Candid Camera10:47 AM

    Looks like most folks ARE for Voter ID.....except the Obama "Administration":



  33. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Yup and how embarrasing, a white guy went in and got Erich Holders ballot and could have voted if we were from Acorn. Looks like that's all the proof necessary woudln't you say?


  34. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Yet another city run by democrats for decades going bankrupt.

    Have we learned anything yet?


  35. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Obamas antics are all catching up to him, his world is falling apart.

    Now Special Forces have had enough of his incompetence and lies.

    A group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives is set to launch a media campaign, including TV ads, that scolds President Barack Obama for taking credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden and argues that high-level leaks are endangering American lives.


  36. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Obama has got to go. The liberal mind just does not understand cause and effect. Now in another effort to buy votes he Spent another 170 million we don't have in buying pork, chicken and beef products as some sign of support to corn farmers who have lost crops due to drought.

    "Obama could solve this problem instantly by suspending the federal ethanol mandate -- something his EPA actually can do unilaterally and legally. Instead, Obama will buy up meat -- a move that meat producers say won't help them much anyway. "It doesn't solve the problem of having enough affordable corn next summer," industry analyst Steve Meyer told Reuters. "Without changing the ethanol program, nothing can be done," he said."

    "The higher corn prices caused by the mandate and the drought have also driven up the price of ethanol by 33 percent since May, which means -- again, thanks to the mandate -- higher gas prices at the pump. Nationally, the average price of a gallon of gas rose 16 cents in July, an all-time record hike for that month. Prices rose an additional eight cents just last week. Gas is already more than four dollars a gallon in California and is expected to go higher."

    So now we spent 170million (borrowed) have not helped the farmers as there will still be a feed shortage next year, have raised the price of Beef, Chicken and Pork now and next year - prices will skyrocket AND will raise gas prices due to the increase in cost of ethanol which will also cause food prices to skyrocket even further, followed with increased debt and more economic depression.

    What a genius. Did he consider having the EPA suspend the useless ethanol rules where scientists have proven ethanol pollutes more than pure gasoline? Of course not, that would be anti-liberal and make to much sense using what you have to its best end. Everyone would have won on all fronts except his idealogy.

    God save this country from the idiots until we can get adults back in charge that actually understand the world and listen to the people that put them in office. Who authorized him to spend any money anyway?

    CNSNews.com) - The average price of ground beef hit a record high in the United States in July, according to data released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    The BLS has been tracking the average price of a pound of 100% ground beef since 1984. In July, it cost $3.085, up from $3.007 in June.

    Prior to June, the average cost of 100% ground beef in the United States had never topped $3.00.



  37. Coming from a group of people who have questioned the president's legitimacy as a natural born citizen, questioned his religious beliefs, have called him everything short of a blue goose, and disrespected him on unprecedented levels for a Commander-in-Chief, the GOP should be the last group to express "outrage" over ANY characterization!


  38. "Special forces "? Or paid wing nut hacks ?Just call it "swift boat" round two. These clowns never learn.

    Did someone up above use Brieitbart as a source?
    Please let us know when u are serious.

  39. Spectrum u nailed it!

  40. The Truth Isn't "Serious"?1:44 PM

    Was the information in the Breitbart link erroneous?

    Just because you don't like the source, doesn't mean the information presented isn't true.

  41. Death to Traitors1:54 PM

    @ Beyond the Rectum:

    Obama has received a much higher level of respect from Republicans than George W. Bush ever received from democrats, or their media lackeys. Bush was routinely called Hitler, accused of being complicit in 9-11, and called a war profiteer by prominent democrats.

    In truth, Obama has had far too high a level of deference from those who should be defending this country's interests.

  42. Anonymous2:32 PM

    field negro said...
    "Special forces "? Or paid wing nut hacks ?Just call it "swift boat" round two. These clowns never learn.

    Did someone up above use Brieitbart as a source?
    Please let us know when u are serious.

    OK Saul, why do you marginalize yourself so much and so often. Do you have an Obama tatoo on your ass that you so willingly trade respect for Party? You got the part about clowns never learning right.

    A group of former US Navy SEALS, Special Ops and US Intelligence are planning to reveal the disgrace behind Obama’s handling of the aftermath of the killing of Osama bin Laden. Those behind the effort are the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc. It is a nonpartisan organization and registered as a “social welfare group,” which means the purpose is to “further the common good.”

  43. Anonymous2:37 PM

    STOP calling African men, women and children MINORITIES. There's nothing MINOR about Africans. That's just a replacement word for the "N" word. You people are not slick. Sick maybe, slick no. Always calling someone who doesn't look like you (thank goodness) names. When I was a kid I'd beat up someone like you and go on off to school. Can't do that anymore. Maybe the "Black" race can sue you caucasian crazies for all your 400 year put-downs aimed toward Africans. You guys make me puke. Gonna upchuck right now. Old wrinkled prunes with age spots all over their heads calling someone "minorities". Buttholes!!!!!!

  44. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Andrew Lang said, "Jobu is that you? I have to say I admire the way you use statistics, like the way a drunk uses a street light - for support but not to light your way."

    9:41 AM
    You are just another JEALOUS FN poster. Dear Mr. Field, please do a post on JEALOUSY. The same Negroes who beat up on Gabby, Lolo, and Bolt are now attacking Jobu.

    There are just too many on FN who carry the disease and deadly sin of JEALOUSY. "Andrew Lang" is a classic example who is unwilling to admit Jobu's brilliance. Instead he is trying to tear Jobu down.

    Andrew is probably one of those same characters who tore Gabby down about her hair after she won 2 gold medals. Now he's trying to tear down Jobu's insight.

    SO MANY FN Negroes against outstanding incomparable humans like Jobu--simply because they have been mediocre all of their lives.

    Field, why do you allow this? Surely you have a soft spot in your heart for those who are exceptional?

  45. Anonymous2:51 PM


    Honest Question:

    How many people will die before white AmeriKlans have the conversation they've been meaning to have for 500 years?

  46. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "How many people will die before white AmeriKlans have the conversation they've been meaning to have for 500 years?"

    That's a big question. The answer is when the pain is so great that we have hit bottom and there is no where else to go. In other words, when that conversation is the only one conservation left.

    To quantify it in lives one estimates that over half the country must die before the conversation will happen. So don't hold your breath.

    Think about it. What White person would want to talk about it anyway? If there were some who wanted to, the conversation would have happened. I've often wondered why Field never asked his Dem friends and Obama WHY they have yet to have that conversation? Can't blame the GOP on this one.

  47. Anonymous3:04 PM

    diaryofanegress.com said...

    Honest Question:

    How many people will die before white AmeriKlans have the conversation they've been meaning to have for 500 years?

    Honest Question my ass. What a load of crap you insane racist lowbrow thing. You blame everything in your life from the way you look, your intelligence, a mosquito biting you on whites and then get really angry when they don't buy it anymore. Yeah, Yeah, I know you didn't get that guy you wanted and he thought you were ugly because someone White brainwashed him into what is beautiful otherwise you would have gotten him, so it isn't that you are ugly, it's the white races' fault you have bad genes.

    You are insane and do not belong in society and a White man did not have anything to do with your hair either.

  48. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, we need a JEALOUSY meter on FN. Carl Lewis, Harper and Wells should be the first to grace the meter.

  49. Anonymous3:07 PM

    STOP calling African men, women and children MINORITIES. There's nothing MINOR about Africans. That's just a replacement word for the "N" word. You people are not slick. Sick maybe, slick no. Always calling someone who doesn't look like you (thank goodness) names. When I was a kid I'd beat up someone like you and go on off to school. Can't do that anymore. Maybe the "Black" race can sue you caucasian crazies for all your 400 year put-downs aimed toward Africans. You guys make me puke. Gonna upchuck right now. Old wrinkled prunes with age spots all over their heads calling someone "minorities". Buttholes!!!!!!

    you like savages more instead

  50. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Anon3:04p, you really have your white privileged defense together. When it comes to knowing what a black person thinks, which is ALWAYS WRONG. you really have your shit together... Congratulations!

    Did you gain that insight about Negroes on your own, or is it generational knowledge passed down to you from Jim Crow days?

  51. A Well-Armed Prune3:15 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    STOP calling African men, women and children MINORITIES. There's nothing MINOR about Africans. That's just a replacement word for the "N" word. You people are not slick. Sick maybe, slick no. Always calling someone who doesn't look like you (thank goodness) names. When I was a kid I'd beat up someone like you and go on off to school. Can't do that anymore. Maybe the "Black" race can sue you caucasian crazies for all your 400 year put-downs aimed toward Africans. You guys make me puke. Gonna upchuck right now. Old wrinkled prunes with age spots all over their heads calling someone "minorities". Buttholes!!!!!!

    2:37 PM

    Hey Anon, you dipshit...read this:


    Now, as you might notice, the article only refers to these six or seven animals as "teens". It doesn't refer to them as BLACK, or as MINORITY. In fact, it doesn't mention the little savages skin color or ethnicity at all.

    I'll give you three guesses as to what that means...and the first two don't count.

    Does THAT make you happy?

    For extra credit....(something I'm sure you are totally unfamiliar with), you can read some more about your wonderful brethren here:


  52. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Lord have mercy. The hatred in this country is too much to take.

    I thought being Black was depressing. But now I suspect the whole damn human race is depressed....that's scary and I'm getting more depressed just thinking about it.

    Don't get me wrong. It's not as depressing as being Black in America. Nevertheless. judging from the comments there ARE a few depressed Whites. I don't know where they come from or where they live, but they are definitely depressed. They must have some black blood in them somewhere. I mean, why else are they attracted to FN?

    Mr Field, I think it's time we welcome and embrace ALL depressed Negroes, regardless of color to FN. Let us have church up in here!

    depressed Negro

  53. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anon3:04p, you really have your white privileged defense together. When it comes to knowing what a black person thinks, which is ALWAYS WRONG. you really have your shit together... Congratulations!

    Did you gain that insight about Negroes on your own, or is it generational knowledge passed down to you from Jim Crow days?

    Yawn...Jim Crow...Slavery....Yawn....White Priviledge....*Huge Laugh*got anything else? You never experienced any of this and neither did I. So what else do you have for an excuse buckwheat?
    What can you say when those random strangers tell you, are you insane? I never had a thing to do with the decisions you made, your life is the outcome of your talent, brains and how you used them.

  54. Anonymous3:44 PM

    diaryofanegress.com said...

    Honest Question:

    How many people will die before white AmeriKlans have the conversation they've been meaning to have for 500 years?

    Must really suck to be you and literally loathe yourself and how you have led your life.

    Maybe you need to join if you aren't already the Black Pampers.

    They think like you and they say

    "blacks are “too scared” to drag whites out of their houses, skin them, hang them in trees, drag them behind trucks, and pour acid on them. He talks about that as he announces the desire for a new “military.” The host, which appears to be King Samir Shabazz of “kill cracker babies fame,” repeats the threat that made him famous: mainly that blacks will have to kill white babies “seconds” after they’re born — and he suggests firebombing nurseries to do it

  55. gravyofacracker3:50 PM

    diarrheaofanegress.com said...

    Honest Question:

    How many people will die before white AmeriKlans have the conversation they've been meaning to have for 500 years?

    I guess you are asking how many white people have to be murdered by blacks before white people have that conversation about the necessity of re-instituting segregation?

    I don't know. I would have thought it should have taken place years ago, but the media is doing a pretty good job of suppressing what is really going on in this country.

    However, the truth can't be held down forever. I'm guessing we'll have things all worked out in a few years. I'll get right on it.

  56. Anonymous3:58 PM

    'Folks, where's it written we cannot lead the world in the 20th century in making automobiles?," Joe Biden.

    Current Democratic Vice President and Candidate for Re-election. This is the man representing you democrats and clearly wants to take us all way backward.

  57. Henry Turd4:03 PM

    Joe was talking about making solar powered time machines to go back to the 20th century and make Honda Civics in Chicago. It's a brilliant plan we all need to get behind.

  58. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Racial hatred is blinding. It breeds more and more hatred. It's a vicious cycle for those who are in it. My God, how heartless can a human being be?

  59. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Joe Biden is a fine man who knows politics and how to get things do. We need to re-elect this outstanding man.

  60. 3 years of bawling about "taking their country back" from "that Kenyan" but listen to them howl when Biden gives them a little taste of their own medicine. Babies, backbiting babies is all they are. Little assholes poked with their own trick who can't take it. Why would anyone want them in charge?

  61. Biden Is A Blithering Idiot4:24 PM

    Hey field....see the Anon at 4:07.

    Obviously, old jerk-off Joe reads your blog too!

  62. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Joe Biden is a fine man who knows politics and how to get things do. We need to re-elect this outstanding man.

    He is, He is. He is one of the very clean and articulate democrats, he speaks the truth.

  63. Anonymous4:31 PM

    'Did someone up above use Brieitbart as a source?
    Please let us know when u are serious."


    Now his butt buddy James O'keefe will hopefully be seeing time behind bars.


  64. Cesar Millan said:

    "Obama (through Biden): "they're going to put y'all back in chains"

    Do you lack all self-awareness, or do you just not know a dog whistle when you hear it?"

    I guess when the folks listening to Biden get to the point that they're steaming man at what you proclaim a dog whistle, they will certainly come running to you for their defense.


  65. Cesar Millan4:46 PM

    No they won't, they are chained up on the plantation.

  66. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "Farley said...
    Cesar Millan said:

    "Obama (through Biden): "they're going to put y'all back in chains"

    Do you lack all self-awareness, or do you just not know a dog whistle when you hear it?"

    I guess when the folks listening to Biden get to the point that they're steaming man at what you proclaim a dog whistle, they will certainly come running to you for their defense."

    (eyeroll) More like blubber roll in your case.

    Farley is so short his hair smells like feet.

    Biden is the best of what people like you have to offer, we get it. He is your hero. A true progressive/Marxist spokesman.

  67. Whitey's Tighties4:47 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    3 years of bawling about "taking their country back" from "that Kenyan" but listen to them howl when Biden gives them a little taste of their own medicine. Babies, backbiting babies is all they are. Little assholes poked with their own trick who can't take it. Why would anyone want them in charge?

    Ah, the irony of being a blissfully unaware liberal.

  68. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    'Did someone up above use Brieitbart as a source?
    Please let us know when u are serious."


    Now his butt buddy James O'keefe will hopefully be seeing time behind bars.


    See this is what you guys are. A guy shows you a flaw, shows you how people are performing illegal actions, shows you how stupid you are and you want to arrest him for telling the truth. Yup, that's moonbats for ya. The party of lies and smears and gibs me dats.

  69. The ACORN doesn't fall very far from the tree5:17 PM

    They would rather see underage girls used as prostitutes, and given abortions paid for by the US tax payer, than see illegal organizations like ACORN get busted.

    What a warped people.

  70. InTheNavy5:59 PM

    Whitey's Tighties said...
    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    3 years of bawling about "taking their country back" from "that Kenyan" but listen to them howl when Biden gives them a little taste of their own medicine. Babies, backbiting babies is all they are. Little assholes poked with their own trick who can't take it. Why would anyone want them in charge?

    Why is this guy always talking about poking someones asshole? Do you have to bring your depravity into everything?

    Still sour that the Chick-A-Fil HomoYouDon't debacle showed you how small your group of tackle busters really is?
    Remind us, which one of the Village people are you supposed to be? Wasn't it the Leatherman? He likes the pain that feels like pleasure, sicko.

  71. chain of fools6:20 PM

    Biden's stump speech, in which he lays out his vision for reigniting the forces that deliver prosperity in America:

    They're gonna put y'all back in chains.

    This is the buffoon you liberal clowns have accepted as back-up for Obama, the idiot who scolded every entrepreneur in America for feeling a sense of achievement for starting and building a business.

  72. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Today has been a very sad day with folks sick to their minds and hearts. Will we ever learn not to diminish ourselves? This is so depressing.

  73. killing me softly6:42 PM


    Your commentary opens with observations from Piers Morgan making some dopey statement about silence regarding guns. Okay.

    But who knows where that soon-to-be-gone windbag got the idea that no one talks about guns?

    Then you mention a mass killing that was well covered by the press, and subsequently studied by someone who wrote a book about it.

    After that, you make some silly comments about the nature of murders that get the most press coverage.

    But this tired topic is always odd. You seem to want more media coverage for black killers. Of course we all know that murders by blacks fall into the dog-bites-man category.

    How boring should the news be?

    Are you operating on the belief that any news is good news? You seem to think white killers have all the fun, that they're the gift that keeps on giving -- at least for the media -- is what you seem to be saying.

    And it further appears you want some of that publicity for black killers, because, you know, blacks can be famous killers too. Kind of like inventors, and the way whites get all the credit for inventing everything even though some black guy is supposed to have invented the traffic light, which, of course, evens things out.

    So let's see. What have blacks shown themsevles to be good at?

    Running fast. Lots of sports, both amateur and professional. Singing. Dancing. There's lots of evidence to support the obvious here.

    On the other hand, have blacks won any prizes for brainy stuff? No. Okay, maybe a letter congratulating a black for opening a basic physics textbook in Zimbabwe, but then closing it a minute later.

    Meanwhile, murder. There's another activity where blacks win the gold medal. If homicide were an Olympic sport, blacks would win all the medals.

  74. Anonymous6:43 PM

    OMG! There has been a shooting at the Conservative Family Research Council in Washington DC. Thank God the FBI and local police has responded. Hopefully no one died and the shooter was not Black. Probably not. There's too much news about it.

    It's amazing how quickly the police can respond to shootings.

  75. Anonymous6:50 PM

    killin me softly is a very mean-spirited person. Does anybody know where such a person might come from?

  76. Anonymous6:55 PM


  77. Anonymous7:06 PM

    OMG! There has been a shooting at the Conservative Family Research Council in Washington DC. Thank God the FBI and local police has responded. Hopefully no one died and the shooter was not Black. Probably not. There's too much news about it.

    It's amazing how quickly the police can respond to shootings.

    6:43 PM
    Yeah you can make a safe bet that the MSM coverage is because the people involved were White. Blacks just don't get that kind MSM coverage and tax-paid police support.

    Field just did a recent post about that. As usual, he is always right. Now I know why so many people, Black and White come to FN. They come to learn from "the Wise One". On that, ALL can agree.

  78. Walter Crankbait7:38 PM

    "Yeah you can make a safe bet that the MSM coverage is because the people involved were White"

    The guy was a left wing Obama oter nut, so yo can bet they will quickly move on form this story.

  79. "killin me softly is a very mean-spirited person. Does anybody know where such a person might come from?"

    His mother's basement in Brooklyn. :)
