Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mitt's pick.

I saw Mitt announcing his VP pick in Virginia this morning. (A battleship, Mitt? Going door to door in Paris with the Book of Mormon is not battle.)  I must say that his timing couldn't have been better. His campaign was tanking fast. This is a good way to stop the bleeding; introduce your vice presidential running mate to the country and get us talking about something else besides Bain Capital and a lack of personal income tax returns for awhile. (Mitt, we still want to see those returns.) 

That running mate happens to be Paul Ryan. He is white, male, and has a lot of hair. All the things needed if you want to be on a winning GOP ticket. (Sorry Sarah)

Anyway, I have some bad news for my fellow progressives who thought I was going to rip Paul Ryan with crass Eddie Munster jokes. I am not. Ryan seems like a decent enough fellow, folks I know who have met the guy all seem to confirm that. Anyway, I actually think that this is a good choice for Mitt. I think that we will finally be able to argue substantive issues and the American voters will have an opportunity to make a choice between two different economic visions for America.

I have been fortunate in life, so when I stop working and start spending my days enjoying my retirement, I will not have to depend on a social security check to keep me going. Medicare? Well I plan to be still playing a mean game of tennis long after I am 65, so I am not even thinking about long term health care right about now. Sadly, however, for those of you who are, the choice of Paul Ryan to be your potential VP might be a little problematic.

The Ryan Plan in a nutshell:

"By selecting Ryan, Romney closely associates himself with the author of a controversial budget plan which would dramatically overhaul the federal government. Ryan, as head of the House Budget Committee, has called for big reductions in taxes for both wealthy individuals and corporations and turning Medicare into a program in which each senior citizen gets a voucher of several thousand dollars to purchase their own plan, instead of the current, government-operated program. He would make Medicaid a block grant program where each state could set its own rules.

Under Ryan, corporate taxes would be 25 percent instead of 35 percent, and the highest tax bracket for individuals would also be 25 percent instead of 35 percent. He would also cut trillions in government spending, likely reducing funds for education, health care and transportation at a much faster rate than Democrats have proposed in order to balance the federal budget.

The Ryan vision is a dramatic departure from what the president is proposing. In his second term, Obama wants to raise taxes on wealthy individuals to fund increased spending in some areas of education and infrastructure and continue implementing “Obamacare,” which expands Medicaid and sets strict rules for states on how they use the program."

Democrats, including President Obama, argue Ryan’s proposals constitute “social Darwinism” and would benefit the rich at the expense of people who rely on Medicare, Medicaid and other programs. [Source]

Speaking in strictly political terms, some of you will say that this is a risky pick. That it's just another Hail Mary by the GOP. Romney was feeling heat from the right, and this is the guy that the so called thinkers in the party wanted. (Sorry Mitt, no more Etch A Sketch.) This is a a guy with some real meat on his economic plan and his vision for the future of America. Now, maybe, we can talk issues.

"The case for Mr. Ryan is that he best exemplifies the nature and stakes of this election. More than any other politician, the House Budget Chairman has defined those stakes well as a generational choice about the role of government and whether America will once again become a growth economy or sink into interest-group dominated decline.

Against the advice of every Beltway bedwetter, he has put entitlement reform at the center of the public agenda—before it becomes a crisis that requires savage cuts. And he has done so as part of a larger vision that stresses tax reform for faster growth, spending restraint to prevent a Greek-like budget fate, and a Jack Kemp-like belief in opportunity for all."

So there you have it. The case for Ryan from the right.

Of course, at the end of the day, Mitt is still the man at the top of the ticket, and....well, I love what Jed Lewison wrote:

"The case they are making for Ryan has nothing to do of demographics or geographical considerations. Nor does it have to do with checking some sort of box—like foreign policy experience—on the GOP ticket's joint resume. Instead, they are saying that without Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney is nothing more than an empty suit, someone at any given moment will say whatever he thinks is most politically expedient. In their view, Mitt Romney is just a guy who's running for office, for Pete's sake.

If they didn't believe that, they wouldn't be getting so excited for Paul Ryan. After all, Mitt Romney has repeatedly and enthusiastically supported Ryan's plan. He's already on record supporting it. If conservatives thought Mitt Romney was a man they could trust, that would be enough for them. But they do not trust him—and with good reason.

But here's the thing: even if Mitt Romney does pick Paul Ryan, he'll still be as untrustworthy as he is today. Picking Ryan might make the conservatives feel good. But if Romney does it, the only reason will be that he decided Ryan was the most expedient decision—the best tactical pick. Because that's just how Romney rolls. [Source]

That's exactly how Mitt rolls; "tactics" not substance.





  1. Anonymous12:30 PM


    Love the way you altered your attack-tics. Good job, seriously.

    So what you are saying is essentially the Democrat line of, don't worry be happy keep spending and buying votes is as follows:

    GOP: We have a plan to solve the massive unfunded liabilities crisis and restore fiscal responsibility in Washington.
    (another words the money has already been spent and wasted for 20-30 years in the future)and we have a plan to fix it.

    Democrats: “”We don’t have a definitive solution…We just don’t like yours.”!

    This isn't a hail mary as you spinsters like to say, Obama is losing and he knows it. Despite the MSM cheerleading and enabling.

    Now spin this as you will but at the end of the day let's have a discussion about the economy, let's change all the nonsense into a real discussion on issues. By all means, let's.

    As Ryan said:
    “We will not replace our founding principles, we will reapply them.”

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    This is what an adult does to the Obama lies and idiocy. Mitt will do the same and now so will a very sharp fiscally intelligent Paul Ryan.

    Obama is way out of his league, he may need to go back to community organizing and demonizing people for a living.!

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    "I have been fortunate in life, so when I stop working and start spending my days enjoying my retirement, I will not have to depend on a social security check to keep me going."

    Field, I too have good fortune but I am still depressed. What about that? That SSN check could come in handy to pay off that sorry ass psychiatrist that I go to see... who, btw is depressed himself.

    On another note, I have seen people a lot more fortunate than me up homeless. It can happen to anyone including YOU. Of course, it want happen to your wife, because when she sees the handwriting on the wall, she will leave your ass.

    Wait...the wife Jamaican? then maybe she won't leave you when things are down. But if she is a Sistah from A-Merry-Ka, well, I'll that to you to figure out.:) Of course, if you have a few million for retirement, then: "All's well that end's well." But depression can show up for it's share of the money.

    "Fortune can change like the swiss of a horses tail"--Buddha

    depressed Negro

  4. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Wow, Mitt fooled everyone. He made a really smart choice with Ryan. A Romney/Ryan ticket is unbeatable. It even has a nice ring to it. They are 'certain' to win.

  5. This pick was a base pick -not an undecided voter pick. It will probably cost Rmoney Florida and Arizona. The only thing that old white people fear more than black people being in charge is cuts to senior entitlements. Remember what happened in 2011? The klan lost it's MOST reklan (& not coincidentally demographically oldest) NY district in a special election when the Dem hung the Ryan plan, and only the Ryan plan, on the klan candidate with 24/7 add buys.

    sniff sniff..... ahhh desperation!

  6. Anonymous1:56 PM

    "Medicare? Well I plan to be still playing a mean game of tennis long after I am 65, so I am not even thinking about long term health care right about now. Sadly, however, for those of you who are, the choice of Paul Ryan to be your potential VP might be a little problematic."

    You 'plan' to be playing tennis long after you are 65? Are you 'planning' or 'dreaming'?

    My dear Field, have you ever heard the saying, "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans?" Many plans don't work out. In fact, many never leave the drawing boards-- ESPECIALLY when it comes to the human body-which ages, gets sick and dies with no guarantee of "when" it will happen.

    There are three masses of fires that are approaching human life: aging of the body, illness of the body, and death of the body.

    No speed can out-run them, no amount of money can bribe them, and no strength can overpower them.

    I used to make big plans like you do. Being Black in America, I ended up with the common illness most of our peeps are ignorant of: "Depression". BTW, there are "three" basic symptons of depression:

    1.craziness in thinking; 2.craziness in speaking(lots of angry profane words); and craziness in behavior.

    Know anybody or any group of people who EXCEL in those three areas with precision?

  7. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    This pick was a base pick -not an undecided voter pick. It will probably cost Rmoney Florida and Arizona. The only thing that old white people fear more than black people being in charge is cuts to senior entitlements. Remember what happened in 2011? The klan lost it's MOST reklan (& not coincidentally demographically oldest) NY district in a special election when the Dem hung the Ryan plan, and only the Ryan plan, on the klan candidate with 24/7 add buys.

    sniff sniff..... ahhh desperation!

    This is what demented liberalism looks like. This is it precisely.

    Bring it on, let the progressive obamabots run ads, show pictures of Ryan pushing granma off a cliff, run the ads bring it on. Let's move the conversation to the center of the discussion and find out what democrats have done to the economy, how many democrat led cities are literally bankrupt, how many of those involved with the democrats have no pension at all now. What is Obamas' plan to save medicare and SS? Do tell us, now that we know you are against anyone else even showing people the truth about the problem.

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Oh My - Romney-Ryan reports $1.2 million raised in four hours. I wonder how Obama is doing with his hollywood elite fundraisers - wait, isn't he getting paid to be president?

  9. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Thanks, Mr. Romney, for cementing your own shoes. The President and the Dem's are going to destroy the human waffle and his sidekick. See you in 2016, and if you're leaving the country, you little bitches, make sure you tell the trailer park where to what's left of your deposit.

  10. Farley3:16 PM

    I dunno Ryan's pretty good looking and big and strong - I'd let him stick it in me.

    Lemme...eerr....just....arghghg....get.....out..uuufuuuf....of ....this....scooter.....shit I'm stuck.

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    This pick was a base pick -not an undecided voter pick. It will probably cost Rmoney Florida and Arizona. The only thing that old white people fear more than black people being in charge is cuts to senior entitlements. Remember what happened in 2011?

    We do, Obama cut Senior Benefits by 700billion dollars taking it out of medicare and rerouting it to Obamacare...I wonder how those who earned it feel about it going to those who did not a large portion being Illegal Aliens, also another major part of your buddy system. Imagine, guys like you hate fellow Americans who actually created the system yet invite others to invade the country and steal as much as they can while grandma struggles.

  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    My dear Field, have you ever heard the saying, "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans?" Many plans don't work out. In fact, many never leave the drawing boards-- ESPECIALLY when it comes to the human body-which ages, gets sick and dies with no guarantee of "when" it will happen.

    There are three masses of fires that are approaching human life: aging of the body, illness of the body, and death of the body.

    No speed can out-run them, no amount of money can bribe them, and no strength can overpower them.
    Field I wish you only the best of health and happiness always, and with any luck and the appropriate medical prevention/interventions it will be so.

    This great comment proves the fact that a good medicare and health program has to be in place to care for a country's citizens, young and old alike.

    A catastrophic illness can wipe out anyone's finances.

  13. biden my time5:28 PM

    field goes to town trying to rip Ryan BECAUSE he's offered a plan to balance the nation's books.

    Meanwhile, hiliariously, field wants readers to forget the abysmal failures of the Obama administration, and perhaps even more, he wants everyone to forget the Hee-Hawing of Joe Biden.

    Biden, the master clown who informed the nation that Obama was "the first mainstream negro who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy..."

    So? Romney has a demonstrably smart and articulate running mate, while Obama has his white-belt wearing clown prince, court jester who's guaranteed to put his foot in his mouth a dozen times before election day.

  14. I don't know who Jed Lewison is but I'm going to look him up. His is a well written op-ed.

    Ryan's plan is nothing short of catastrophic for those of us without the means to support ourselves comfortably after the job offers end and the medicine hits the fan. I had to have my first hip replacement at 47 and my second at 52. I've played tennis all my life and had to give it up after the second hip because my knee needed to be replaced. Yeah, as healthy as I think I am, I've had over $100,000.00 between the three surgeries I could not have afforded had I not been employed with decent insurance plans.

    Paul Ryan scares the shit out of me as he should any sane thinking American who hopes to live to a ripe old age without the fear of untreated health issues and some standard of living thanks to that social security check and a part time job.

    That's probably about . . . 98% of the population.

  15. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "Meanwhile, hiliariously, field wants readers to forget the abysmal failures of the Obama administration, and perhaps even more, he wants everyone to forget the Hee-Hawing of Joe Biden."

    I love Field, but I must agree. However, FN has never been a fair and balanced news like FOX NEWS.

    I pray every night that Field will have a 'white light experience' '(as opposed to a 'white person experience') and become a really honest person like the Saints and Sages of all time.

    However, that might be a rather tall order even for God. Nevertheless, Prayers DO get answered if prayed for the right reasons.:)

  16. It is so sad to hear anyone and I mean anyone say that their resources are so vast that they are safe regardless of who is president/ vice president. GOD always has the last word.

  17. Anonymous6:38 PM

    California Girl said...

    "Paul Ryan scares the shit out of me as he should any sane thinking American who hopes to live to a ripe old age without the fear of untreated health issues and some standard of living thanks to that social security check and a part time job.

    That's probably about . . . 98% of the population."

    You might want to watch this and see what will happen now that Obama has siphoned off medicare by 700 Billion and what will happen in the next 7 years if something isn't done. Listen to what is said and see who scares you more, the guy willing to tackle the problem and save medicare or the one who says, what a problem...nah don't worry about it. Which one do you think will kill medicare?!

  18. NSangoma7:18 PM



  19. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Field, wht haven't you mention Fareed Zakaria's suspension for plagiarism?

    Guess the smartest man alive- ins't so smart.

  20. California Girl, the problem Mitt will have is that Ryan scares a lot of people.

    WC, that is a great analysis. Seniors will not take kindlly to cuts in social security.

  21. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Did you know that Paul Ryan is a Ayn Rand devotee, Mr. Field? That's a little frightening. Especially when you consider that Alan Greenspan is also a devotee of Rand and her laissez faire capitalism. Which of course was directly responsible for the recent Wall Street meltdown and this countries economic collapse.

    And Ryan isn't a lawyer. He doesn't even have a graduate degree of any kind.


  22. A non said:

    "Bring it on"

    Ahh yes, the very words that buried the last reklan presidency, along with the reklan electoral ownership of national security, in the dungheap of history. Perfect response.

  23. Anonymous9:19 PM

    "And Ryan isn't a lawyer."

    And that's a bad thing , how?

  24. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non said:

    "Bring it on"

    Ahh yes, the very words that buried the last reklan presidency, along with the reklan electoral ownership of national security, in the dungheap of history. Perfect response.

    Umm....Mr Dungheap....what are you trying to say. Can you speak English in a coherent fashion? Was this some ghetto form of attempting to be witty? If so you failed mightily.

    Bring it on refers to those in office who have to face what their skill levels have accomplished or not. Not some fantasy of yours from history. Bush whom I believe you are referring to actually held office for two terms - you know the Max allowed by U.S constitutional law. As far as his legacy - well considering the things that Obama does that are exactly the same and the complete open support by liberals such as yourself; we all know for sure now that you are just hating fools who are full of shit. You don't understand the policies or ramifications or the real world, you just hate those you are told to like the little mindless lemmings you are.

    So now bring it on, Obama/Biden accomplishments or lack of VS Romney/Ryan

    Lets start with the budget. What do you like about it, what don't you like about it?

    Are you aware that Obama is the first President ever in this countries ( I would say our history but somehow I don't think you are a citizen, rather a communist - welfare leech) history?

    So, let's compare spending and the Presidents budget - has he ever had a budget passed? Has he spent more than 41 prior presidents combined without a budget? How irresponsible is that? What does that tell you?

    Bring it on you bloodsucking race-baiting pandering leech.

    Oh and don't avoid the question again. What is Obamas' plan to save medicare and SS? Do tell us, now that we know you are against anyone else even showing people the truth about the problem.

  25. Of course the main reason that Ryan will, in retrospect, be called the wrong choice for Rmoney is that he is so much more authentically himself and attractive to the klan base than Rmoney, that Willard instantly became the de-facto "running mate" just like McLame became in tundra barbie's shadow 4 years ago.

  26. Anon@9:28pm, it tells me that thanks to Tea Party representatives, we have the most obstructionist congress in the history of our great nation.

  27. Anonymous10:04 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@9:28pm, it tells me that thanks to Tea Party representatives, we have the most obstructionist congress in the history of our great nation.

    Sigh, another Obamabot talking point. Axelrod came up with a Doozy when he crafted that meme. He has people like you still saying it as he said you would.

    A quick lesson for ya. Keynesian Economics doesn't work never has never will. You don't tax people give it to the government have them divvy it up and give the rest to their friends - that crashes an economy as proven by the last four years is crony capitalism and something a liberal like you is against but when Obama does it and wants more of it....

    So Congress stopped Obama from Spending more, that's all it was, throwing money down a sinkhole. Good. NO DAMN GOOD they did what the majority of the people of this country want exactly. Stop the irresponsible march of the communist/marxist/redistributor and blamer in cheif. I mean you don't really think cash for caulkers or cash for clunkers did anything do you? Yet he still was able to spend us into oblivion and we have NOTHING to show for it except an even worse ecomomic situation and high unemployment and he nor the democratic senate has a clue where the money goes or what they spend it on yet they want more and more so they can keep the votes coming in.

    The first two years Obama had control of the HOUSE and the SENATE and the EXECUTIVE branch, he passed whatever his little heart felt like passing and what do we have? More "malaise' right jimbo? Where is Obama right now? Where has he been? What exactly is he doing that is presidential besides 100% campaigning? How is the economy? Is it getting any better?

    Now, there are 36 bills in the senate passed by the house, why are they just sitting there? Why won't Harry bring them to the floor for a vote and get the democrats on record who do not want to improve the economy and vote no?

    C'mon Field, you are a smart guy, don't you ever question the talking points?

  28. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Of course the main reason that Ryan will, in retrospect, be called the wrong choice for Rmoney is that he is so much more authentically himself and attractive to the klan base than Rmoney, that Willard instantly became the de-facto "running mate" just like McLame became in tundra barbie's shadow 4 years ago.

    Everyone is saying Ryan is the perfect choice for Romney, Obama is shitting in his pants right now. He hates Ryan because Ryan has continually exposed his incompetence and will do so again.

    You keep talking pig english about history. Is it too difficult for you to phrase a sentence properly and stick with current players. Who cares about McCain, stop creating straw men. If you are not bright enough to make a point then shut up, if you are then make one that is relevant to the situation. The only players are Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan.

    Bring it on.

  29. Anonymous10:09 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@9:28pm, it tells me that thanks to Tea Party representatives, we have the most obstructionist congress in the history of our great nation.

    Sorry but if you mean budget. Last budget Obama submitted not one democrat voted for it, in fact the President of the United States got ZERO votes, showing complete lack of confidence in his skills and leadership by both parties.

    Why do you suppose that is?

  30. Anonymous10:13 PM

    White House Insider

    UM: What do you think about the Paul Ryan choice? Good? Bad? Indifferent?

    WHI: Obama just sh*t himself. They are picking diamonds out his ass about now. Great choice. Absolutely great choice. Critics said M.R. was going to run from the fiscal conservatism message behind the Ryan Plan. Not so. He is embracing it. That is undeniable proof M.R. gets it. Country’s fiscal situation is in full on crisis. Big boys know it. Remember when the Old Man warned about the muni bonds going down and out? That was months ago right? Now it’s happening. There is so much happening behind the scenes on that stuff. I get bits and pieces from the Old Man and a couple others on it but they are all saying the same thing HOLD ON and be ready for disaster because if it comes it is going to hit very fast. Got a lot of real powerful people trying to avoid that disaster but the real players around Obama are purposely pushing us off that cliff. I am absolutely 100% convinced now that everything they have done is on purpose. It’s not just incompetence, laziness, or stupidity. They want American chopped the f-ck down. Period.

    Back to the Ryan pick. I am loving it. And don’t buy into all the BS about how the Romney campaign is having a bad week or how it needs to fight back against Obama. These guys are playing this just about right. Except for Saul. That lady should go. She is certainly done with speaking on behalf of the campaign. But other than that little hiccup, the Romney team is hitting its stride. And now with Ryan on board, we got the Tea Party momentum at our sails also. And that is a good thing because Romney needs the Tea Party. Absolutely needs their enthusiasm, energy, support. The emotion behind that Tea Party stuff can sink Obama. And they know that.

    One more thing on that. The Ryan pick just increased the race card roll out about 100% now. That will be Obama’s play against the Tea Party. Media is already preparing for that too. Some of them. Maybe it’s the Zimmerman situation. They got that whole thing on standbye. Maybe it’s something new we haven’t seen yet. But the Ryan pick now pushes that scenario to the top of the agenda at this point so watch for it. I’m praying it don’t get as bad as it could but my gut says it will.

    UM: You said, “WE got the Tea Party momentum at our sails” Does that indicate your are working directly with the Romney campaign now?

  31. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Hilarious Barry Sihtter finds out Paul Ryan was selected as the VP candidate!

  32. Anonymous10:51 PM

    California Girl, " I've played tennis all my life and had to give it up after the second hip because my knee needed to be replaced. Yeah, as healthy as I think I am, I've had over $100,000.00 between the three surgeries I could not have afforded had I not been employed with decent insurance plans."

    Yeah, I know what you mean. NO ONE in a human body can count of playing tennis well past 65 yrs old...except Field of course. He put the "P" into perfection. He plans on living the perfect life, God bless him.

  33. Here's another prognostication for you a non: I think robme had a fraudian slip this morning when he introduced Ryan as "the next president." Here's why; try to follow. Power in this country regularly shifts back and forth between the modern parties; sometimes (often) in contradictory ways. Every 2 years we potentially get a completely new national legislature with all of the house and 1/3 of the senate seats up for election, and with 2 (natural) postwar exceptions the whitehouse has flipped between the parties on an 8 year alternating schedule. We Americans, or at least the 6-9% of us who decide competitive elections, also seem to have a thing for divided government both between the lawmaking bodies and them and the administration. In short, whatever else willard-mitt is, he's a trained and seasoned analyst (shit add his "anglo-saxon" entitlement and you see why he instinctively popped off about the olympics in the (and his) host city: he was to the manner born) and he's smart enough to know that he may just be setting Ryan up as a tea-party acceptable standard issue "next in line" presumptive candidate if his current 27/73 electoral odds don't move drastically in the next 2 weeks..

  34. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Here's another prognostication for you a non: I think robme had a fraudian slip this morning when he introduced Ryan as "the next president." Here's why; try to follow. Power in this country regularly shifts back and forth between the modern parties; sometimes (often) in contradictory ways. Every 2 years we potentially get a completely new national legislature with all of the house and 1/3 of the senate seats up for election, and with 2 (natural) postwar exceptions the whitehouse has flipped between the parties on an 8 year alternating schedule. We Americans, or at least the 6-9% of us who decide competitive elections, also seem to have a thing for divided government both between the lawmaking bodies and them and the administration. In short, whatever else willard-mitt is, he's a trained and seasoned analyst (shit add his "anglo-saxon" entitlement and you see why he instinctively popped off about the olympics in the (and his) host city: he was to the manner born) and he's smart enough to know that he may just be setting Ryan up as a tea-party acceptable standard issue "next in line" presumptive candidate if his current 27/73 electoral odds don't move drastically in the next 2 weeks..

    Wow, that was a difficult read. Ok so after filtering what you might be trying to say with random incomplete thoughts flittering all over the place, what I gather you are trying to say is that Mitt slipped and said Ryan is the next president and this is because he knows he is going to lose and is smart enough to know this and is setting up Ryan.

    Do you guys live on an alternate planet? You almost make no sense with your forays into other nonsense , adding in something about the olympics and how he is a white boy and entitled -- it's like you have thoughts but they all melted into one big shit pot that is incomprehensible, maybe that explains why liberal policies have never worked, it's all one big shit pot.

    OK, I will say one sentence that will question whatever this crazy "set up ryan for next time" theory you might have.

    If that's the case are you trying to say Biden is the next President? WHy do I ask this? Obama did exactly the same thing when he introduced Biden. So how does this fit your Klingon theory that had absolutely NOTHING to do with any of the candidates performance and policies other then some Weird ass half baked incomplete conspiracies?

    Have you ever really thought any of this through? Do you have a clue? Even one? DO you have a grip on reality or have you been known to suffer from delusions?

  35. Anonymous11:35 PM

    "NO ONE in a human body can count of playing tennis well past 65 yrs old...except Field of course. He put the "P" into perfection. He plans on living the perfect life, God bless him."

    Field and Demi Moore have a lot in common when it comes to emotional maturity over their bodies and looks. They ought to get together to talk about staying young forever.:)

  36. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "NO ONE in a human body can count of playing tennis well past 65 yrs old...except Field of course. He put the "P" into perfection. He plans on living the perfect life, God bless him."

    Sure you can. Welcome to the league of extraordinary seniors. Only field, you have to be a conservative and display strength and discipline to make it this far. '

    You know the old saying a man in his 20's who is not a liberal doesn't have a heart, a man past his 30's who isn't a conservative doesn't have a brain and a Jamaican Lawyer who makes it big but stills stays liberal is up to no good.

  37. Wesley R12:03 AM

    Republicans say that President Obama cant run on his record and they are going to make this election about his 'failed' policies. With the Ryan pick they threw that theory to the side and made the election about their vision of America vs. President Obamas.

  38. The folks here saying that you can't play quality tennis past 65 are obviously 2.0 and below rated players.

    Quality tennis can be played very late into your life. You might have to play doubles, but you can still get your game on. :)

  39. Vin Detta12:37 AM

    The Ryan pick is a home run for Romney. The Republicans will win this election in a landslide. Slow Joe and Barry O don't have a chance.

  40. Granny12:40 AM

    Remember when Ryan took Obama to school over his own healthcare plan?

    Obama looked like a complete idiot.

    Ryan is just the kind of guy that can fix the mess the democrats have gotten us into.

  41. Ryan will be attacked precisely because he has been the only national politician to propose serious remdies to the horrendous debt situation. I don't if I can believe that Romney is the man of the moment, but this is what I believe—that another four years of the present statist ascendancy will seal America’s fate. The International Monetary Fund predicts that China will become the world’s dominant economic power by 2016. So the guy elected in November will be the first president since Grover Cleveland to know what it feels like to be the global also-ran. Even this, however, understates the size of catastrophe the United States faces. There are no precedents in history for a great power spending itself to death on the scale America is doing. Obama has added $5 trillion to the national debt, and has nothing to show for it. Do you know how difficult that is to do? Personal debt per citizen is currently about 50 grand, but at least you got a La-Z-Boy recliner and a gas-fired barbecue out of it. Obama has spent America’s future, and left no more trace than if he and his high school “choom gang” had wheeled a barrow of five trillion in large notes behind the gym and used them for rolling paper. Right now, combined total debt in the United States is just shy of $700,000 per family. Add in the so-called “unfunded liabilities” that a normal American business would have to include in its SEC filings but from which U.S. Government accounting conveniently absolves itself, and you’re talking about a debt burden per family of about a million bucks. In other words, look around you: the paved roads, the landscaped shopping mall, the Starbucks and the juice bar and the mountain bike store … There’s nothing holding the joint up.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Field and Demi Moore have a lot in common when it comes to emotional maturity over their bodies and looks. They ought to get together to talk about staying young forever.:)

    Demi looks good, only that little patch of hair on her chin that they say comes from aging? It used to be much, much lower on her body - all those facelifts gave her a new cleft chin with a matching goatee.

  44. A non said...

    "If that's the case are you trying to say Biden is the next President?"

    Why would I be talking about Biden? He's a generation too old for a run in 2024 (the next regular Democratic exchange year) anyway.

    My hypothesis is about Ryan and 2016 fitting the typical power exchange with him set to be the natural GOP "next in line" candidate if robme loses as he is now likely to by almost 3/1 odds.

    The next 2 weeks will tell on that. If he comes out of his convention with an 8+ point bounce (in the pollofpolls minus rasmussen) for the week after the convention he just might pull it off. If he bounces to 10 the odds switch in his favor and he's the front runner. 7 or less and he's toast.

    Challengers typically lose half of their post-convention bounce by November, incumbents about 1/3. A 5 point sustained gain (the typical lasting remainder of a 10 point bounce) will just do it for him with 1 to spare in the popular vote, because he also has to beat the uneven electoral spread of the popular vote.

    On that score, red states tend to be much more deeply red than blue states are deeply blue, so unless you have like.... oh I dunno a brother who's a governor of a tossup state who can win it for you in the count.... a klanner has to win the popular vote + a point or 2 (like in '04) just to pull out an electoral squeaker.

  45. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non said...

    "If that's the case are you trying to say Biden is the next President?"

    Why would I be talking about Biden? He's a generation too old for a run in 2024 (the next regular Democratic exchange year) anyway.

    Oh, I don't know, maybe it being the fact that your entire theory was originally predicated on Mitt intentionally slipping or having a freudian slip saying the next president when introducing Ryan. Now, that doesn't fit for Biden as he is too old and you weren't talking about him..uh-huh.

    So exactly who do you think facilitates this "power exchange" Are you saying there really is a one world order and Alex Jones is right with his conspiracy theories that you are voicing here? Or do you think it's just organic, it happens by accident with liberal pixie dust?

    Get real, you are making shit up as you go along and floundering wildly.

    Are you a 9/11 truther? Do you think it was a false flag operation?

  46. NSangoma said...
    "His father’s death provided Ryan with Social Security benefits until his 18th birthday, which he used to pay for his education at Miami University of Ohio."

    Obama got his money for his education from a Saudi Prince:

  47. You brought up Biden a non, not me. Now it's time for wingnut math: 1+1=cat

  48. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    You brought up Biden a non, not me. Now it's time for wingnut math: 1+1=cat

    Yes and lets connect the little dots for you Senor Moonbattiest of them all.

    You said:

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Here's another prognostication for you a non: I think robme had a fraudian slip this morning when he introduced Ryan as "the next president."

    Ok....stay with me now, this might be hard but Obama did the same maybe your theory would be equally applied to the very first thought and comment you had on why you thought Mitt was going to knowingly lose and you solidified this "theory" by telling us how smart Mitt was to realize this, that Ryan would be the next president.

    "short, whatever else willard-mitt is, he's a trained and seasoned analyst (shit add his "anglo-saxon" entitlement and you see why he instinctively popped off about the olympics in the (and his) host city: he was to the manner born) and he's smart enough to know that he may just be setting Ryan up as a tea-party..."

    So now they are your thoughts as random baseless and meaningless as they might be you should still be with them..

    So if your theory works for Mitt and Ryan - then it would have to work for Obama and Biden who said the exact same thing. Only it doesn't obviously, especially given your later disqualifier.

    So your theory is nonsense that you gave no or could not give any thought too as liberals normally do, now you are trying to blame the one who called out your idiocy as the one responsible.

    If you can't make logical connections in your thoughts, leave the theories to someone else.

    Maybe you should try math, reading and writing coherently are clearly not your strong suit. Or is it just that your thoughts are like viewing someones mind through an LSD prism? You want that square peg to fit into a round hole no matter how much you have to distort the fabric of reality and shove crayons up your nose.

    So, now back to your theory - who facilitates the power exchange on a rotating basis that you speak of? The Bilderberg Group? how does this happen? You never finished your half cocked (flaccid) theory. How does this work?

    You know you have to think things through and see how they would actually take place before you can surmise that they do. Especially with wild conspiracy stuff, at least try and show us that you aren't just a crazy liberal who has trouble tying his own shoes.

  49. Anonymous5:14 AM

    What most fail to realize about Paul Ryan is that he is an honest and moral man of character. That is sorely needed today in America.

    For instance, look at the group that criticized Gabby because of her hair, even though she was the FIRST African American women to do so in gymnastics. To trash her was immoral and did psychological violence to her self-regard. It was "immoral" plain and simple.

    Look at the two women who trashed Lolo. That did violence to her self-respect. It hurt deeply. That kind of immoral meanness has NEVER been seen before in the history of Olympics or America.

    Ryan brings "hope" for re-establishment of a virtuous nation where such degradation, demoralization and lack of love will NEVER happen again. In short, Ryan will help ALL Americans get their country back again. This is critical. We cannot afford to continue going into the darkness of immorality and non-virtues.

    The life of America is counting on the goodness and virtues of Romney/Ryan. It is critical.

  50. Look no further than a comment attempting to link the Ryan selection to Gabby Douglas to understand how the wingnut mind works.

    There is no way these people live in reality.

    "Trickle down economics"? Didn't work under W and it won't work now.

    Ryan's plan to balance the budget will destroy the country. It's really that simple.

  51. Anon: thanks for posting the Paul Ryan Medicare link. I watched the video and it is compelling, no question. Everyone has to give a little. I've never had a problem with the idea of raising the qualifying age for Social Security. We live longer than when it was first implemented. This has a direct bearing on Medicare as well.

    What first strikes me in the video is his comparison of family medical costs btwn 1960 and 2009: $520 annually vs $25,000+. The average person can't afford that kind of outlay. Medical costs have spiraled up for years with little to stop them. So too health insurance premiums. Both sides blame the other: medical fields say they'd charge less if they didn't have to give so much to insurance companies & vice versa. Meanwhile, the average Joe is caught in the middle paying the bill.

    Ryan mentions that Medicare should be "reduced" to the wealthy (paraphrase). Why not eliminate it? Why not eliminate Social Security for the wealthy as well? They don't need it. I seriously doubt they're worrying about whether or not their doctors are "in-network" or not.

    But Ryan & Romney won't eliminate those benefits for the top 1-2%. They want to cut spending & continue to tax the wealthy at the same rate as everyone else using that old chestnut argument that the money will come back to the American people in spending and jobs.

    This has proven not to be true since the Wall Street banks were bailed out. They aren't lending to any great degree; they're still committing significant illegalities in the investment world (witness Barclays Bank, JP Morgan Chase) and the GOP wants to let the "markets govern themselves".

    I don't believe the markets will ever govern themselves and that is why I believe in government intervention and oversight.

    Our medical fees are ridiculous

  52. milton friedman8:48 AM

    field goes all out to show everyone he's never taken a single course in economics and has no idea how an economy grows.

    Ryan's plan to balance the budget will destroy the country. It's really that simple.

    Ryan's vision leads to a sustainable path and economic growth -- it stimulates the forces of economic development, which include lower taxes for corporations and individuals.

    Are you aware of the fact that US corporations have at least $1 TRILLION in foreign profits that are being reinvested outside the US because the tax penalty for repatriating those funds is too high?

    It's that simple.

  53. milton friedman8:57 AM

    California Girl,

    In 1960 there was NO Medicare and NO Medicaid. Thus, the medical costs were limited by the ability of each individual to pay for his own healthcare, OR the employer offered some degree of coverage.

    Now -- with government-sponsored plans combined with the extraordinary pace of medical advances, medical costs have exploded.

    Because we are so good at providing new and better healthcare, we always go for the new and better -- which always equals MORE EXPENSIVE. That's a fact.

    And it will remain so -- forever.

    As for the wealthy and the fact that they are eligible for Medicare and Social Security payments -- well, it seems you think these benefits are provided to them tax free.

    Wealthy people pay taxes in retirement -- which means taxes are reclaiming a portion of the benefits they're receiving. Moreover, the wealthy are not putting a burden on Medicare because they have private insurance that covers them.

  54. A non said...

    "lets connect the little dots"


    Yeah you have fun with that patent-pending glenbekkk chalkboard a non.

  55. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non said...

    "lets connect the little dots"


    Yeah you have fun with that patent-pending glenbekkk chalkboard a non.

    Whitey - Who/What? Sounds like you are working on another conspiracy.

    Do you sometimes feel everyone is plotting against you?

    Do you have any weapons?

    Do you need someone to talk to about those feelings that make you sad?

    Please don't harm yourself or anyone else, reach out for help if things get that bad.

  56. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Speaking about out of touch rich guys, are you going to Obama's fundraiser today? He is holding it in his Tony Rezko Mansion, it's only 40k a plate.

    I don't think Tony Rezko will be attending this fundraiser and raising more money for the Obama's this time though, like the 250k he did previously and the arrangements he made to introduce "o" to that Iranian billionare who funded his vacations and schooling - he is otherwise engaged in Prison. I wonder if Obama will ever get the rest of the lot that Tony promised him during the walk through of the house the day before he "bought it" he did get that strip of land Tony's "wife" bought a short while later. Time will tell...

    Maybe he could use the 25k Blagovitch (also in prison) Said Obama got selling his senate seat.

  57. Anonymous2:40 PM

    what part of broke don't you people understand, we have no money to pay for any thing.we need to get our finacial house in order but this is some thing that a commie like bongo is incapable doing even if he want not rely on the government for anything.

  58. NSangoma3:12 PM


    Anonymous 0120 hours, jerking-off into your own mouph, is your method of demonstrating:

    freedom and self reliance

