Friday, August 10, 2012

Carl the crab, and Mitt prays for the "sheiks".

Let me start this post by saying a big f**K you to Carl Lewis. Calling into question the drug testing of the Jamaican track team? Are you serious? So when the IOC surprise tested Asafa Powell three times in five days  (including the middle of the night causing him to lose valuable sleep) were they covering up his results?

I am so glad that Usain Bolt called out this bad anthem singing, hater. When you, (yes you, we know what happened before Seoul) Flo- Jo, Marion Jones, Tim Montgomery, and a bunch of other American athletes were doping, I am sure that you didn't hear Bert Cameron, Ray Stewart, and Merlene Ottey complaining.

Sadly, some of you Negroes always seem to want company at the bottom of the barrel.

Finally, I am here to tell my Sikh friends that they are not alone. I know that Mitt Romney kept referring to them as "sheiks", but this is what republicans do with groups of people that they don't really care about or understand.

They call us black folks "blah" people, and they have a few choice names for other groups as well. Indians, for instance, are considered "Macacas".

Still, you would think that the guy running for president would at least try to do his homework and pronounce the name of a major religious group correctly.

 "I was in Chicago earlier today," Romney said to about 280 supporters at a fundraiser in West Des Moines, Iowa. "We had a moment of silence in honor of the people who lost their lives at that sheik temple. I noted that it was a tragedy for many, many reasons. Among them are the fact that people, the sheik people are among the most peaceable and loving individuals you can imagine, as is their faith. And of course, the person who carried out this heinous act was a person motivated by racial hatred and religious intolerance." [Source]    

"Glad you want to call out the person who committed this "heinous act" Mitt, but it would help to be able to pronounce the name of the people you are praying for.

When asked about the comments, Romney spokesman Rick Gorka insisted that the mix-up was a mispronunciation.

"He misspoke," Gorka said, according to the pool report. "He mispronounced similar sounding words. He was clearly referring to the tragedy in Wisconsin."

SIKH and SH-IEK. That's SHHHHH-IEK.  Sorry Rick, they might sound similar, but it would be very hard to mix up the pronouncements. That is, of course, if you cared.  



  1. "Romney went on to clumsily reiterate his solidarity with "hebes & polaks" citing his recent international tour."

  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Field, "Sadly, some of you Negroes always seem to want company at the bottom of the barrel."

    Field, I have said it time and time again, "It's depressing to be Black in America." I've said it numerous times and I keep waiting for some recognition from you for the truth. Yet, you continue to ignore me, making me even more depressed.

    I have stood up for Jamaica and Jamaicans, except you of course. I have even been thinking about going on TV to praise Jamaica, and its people. Hell, I was even thinking about mentioning FN. But you keep effing with me, making me paranoid and depressed. Why are you treating me like this?

  3. Robert Byrd9:12 PM

    "They call us black folks "blah" people"

    I prefer "niggras"

  4. Jesse Jackson9:14 PM

    Sikh, shiek, waht's the fucking difference? I just call 'em towell-heads.

  5. Slob Marley9:15 PM

    Carl Lewis' opinion should not be lightly dismissed. I think he is on to something. There is no way that piss hole of a country could produce so many top tier runners.

  6. Fateh Singh9:24 PM

    At least Romney showed some compassion for the victims, instead of clumsily trying to exploit the tragedy like Obama has. I and most of the people I know are voting for Romney.

  7. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Talk about Pretending to care:

    "In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." -- Obama on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people. So he would have responded in the same way, continue campaigning if it was ten thousand. Or maybe he would have sent a navy corpse-man

    Field, really you can't be this shallow. This is infantile not even worthy of the huffington post or enquirer - Is Obama losing that badly and has nothing else to talk about that now it's this? Oh and yeah, I know all about the fake polls that show Obama leading due to way oversampling of democrats ( they are even hiding the affiliation of people polled now to try and keep Obamas campaign alive even though we all know it died after he ate his dog while trying to get Mitt to give it a ride.

  8. Big Joe Goebbels9:35 PM

    "Indians, for instance, are considered "Macacas"

    No they are not. That was what George Allen called one dude who had been sent to heckle him by democrat operatives. The guy was well known to Allen, and had shown up at every campaign appearence for weeks. Allen finally broke and called him an unfortunate, silly name, just like he had been sent to do. Allen fell for it, and the Washington Post blew it up inot a 'racial' incident that cost Allen the election, even though it was a nonsense word Allen made up at the moment. No one ever calls Indians "Macacas".

    But you do your loyal best for your Media Matters masters and repeat the lie, forever.

  9. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Jesse Jackson said...
    Sikh, shiek, waht's the fucking difference? I just call 'em towell-heads.

    Or Diamond Merchants from Hymie town - Rev (mail Order) Not So Sharpton.

  10. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Slob Marley said...
    Carl Lewis' opinion should not be lightly dismissed. I think he is on to something. There is no way that piss hole of a country could produce so many top tier runners.

    9:15 PM
    Bullshit. There is nothing crooked about Jamaica and its people. Carl Lewis ought to STFU-he depresses me.

    Now see. This is what I mean about being Black is depressing...ANYWHERE on this effing planet. And I am not talking about racist Whites here, I am talking about Negroes who have to find some way to tear us down.

    That's why Field needs to post more about Blacks as being jealous self-hating jackasses. Now nobody else questioned drug testing by Jamaica but some jealous-ass-crab in the barrel Negro who himself was suspected of using drugs.

    Not only is it depressing being Black it's becoming a curse. Why can't Blacks embrace and congratulate our Olympians? Whenever a Negro does great things some other dumb-ass Negroes have something bad to say.

    Nobody is creating this crap about Negroes but Negroes. It's effing depressing.

    depressed Negro

  11. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Carl Lewis is speaking Truth to Power. God bless him.

  12. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Jamaica has very stringent rules on drug testing. As a matter of fact, it's the most stringent in Olympic history. The USA should follow its example.

    Let's face it. Jamaica turns out some of the best athletes, smartest lawyers, engineers and musicians ever! I've even heard that several Jamaican scientists worked on Curiosity's landing on Mars.

  13. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Jamaica has very stringent rules on drug testing. As a matter of fact, it's the most stringent in Olympic history. The USA should follow its example.

    Let's face it. Jamaica turns out some of the best athletes, smartest lawyers, engineers and musicians ever! I've even heard that several Jamaican scientists worked on Curiosity's landing on Mars.

    And don't forget the bobsled team they had!!. Oh wait, they didn't do that, the U.S government did in its subsidies to Jamaica. So we should thank Obama for Asafa. Gotta love that thinkin.

  14. "Let's face it. Jamaica turns out some of the best ... musicians ever"

    No shit. There's hardly anyone on the whole Island not currently writing recording or selling a record and they're all pretty good.

  15. Haters.:)

    Congrats to the American women's 4x100 relay team setting the WW.

    Did someone above say that these are fake polls? I wonder if they would say that if Flipper was leading?

  16. Depressed Negro, I thank you for your support.

    I am now in the process of trying to make you an honorary yawdie.

  17. Anonymous11:08 PM

    field negro said...

    Congrats to the American women's 4x100 relay team setting the WW.

    Did someone above say that these are fake polls? I wonder if they would say that if Flipper was leading?

    He is, unless of course you actually believe the MSM poll samplingt that democrats will have a 19%+ advantage in turnout. I know Acorn is working hard but not likely, even if zombies and pets vote for Obama as planned.

    When you look at the idealogy of those polled and account for the huge favor of sampling Leftist, Romney is still consistent at 47% over Obama's 43 and this is not accurate. Think Carter, when it comes time to vote it will be a landslide loss for the "O" Like someone said, just think of the mess he would inherit if he were re-elected and we know he isn't up to fixing it, he caused it.

  18. Anonymous11:10 PM

    field negro said...
    Depressed Negro, I thank you for your support.

    I am now in the process of trying to make you an honorary yawdie.

    Field, I am not familiar with Cricket, but is there a position in the game where one holds/hands out the bats? Like a pitcher pitches - is a man who handles the players bats a battyman?

  19. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Let's face it. Jamaica turns out some of the best ... musicians ever"

    No shit. There's hardly anyone on the whole Island not currently writing recording or selling a record and they're all pretty good.

    Hardly anyone? Damn that's almost 3 million people and they are all great musicians? Whats one of your favorite unknown unsigned artists?

  20. These Flipper supporters are funny. They will do and say anything to make themselves feel like they are going to win in November.

    What will they do if he loses? :)

  21. I think Flipper will announce his VP choice tomorrow.
    Is it Ryan? Hmmmmm.

  22. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "What will they do if he loses? :)"

    Lock and load.

  23. Anonymous11:38 PM

    field negro said...
    These Flipper supporters are funny. They will do and say anything to make themselves feel like they are going to win in November.

    What will they do if he loses? :)

    Well unlike Obama supporters we plan ahead, I will sit back, relax, take off a couple of years and smoke a few cigars, drink some cognac and wait for the hammer to fall before I start sweating and creating again. Making sure I just squeek by and pay as few taxes as I can because when you subsidize illegals in order to buy votes it's criminal to then want to increase payments on the 53% who actually pay taxes while bribing your cronies.

    But don't worry, Obama won't win. If Obama did get re-elected theres not much left to give out except our national security and we know thats coming. If Obama gets re-elected you might very well have ended the democratic party with the resultant debacle that is going to happen.

    Anyway, Romney/Ryan you heard it here. Romney will announce tomorrow at 9am and what a stark contrast that will be to Obama/Biden. I look forward to the debates when Obama can't deflect and say to questions on the economy - well Mitt, how much did you pay in taxes or did you really put your dog on a roof, or the VP debate with Biden against Ryan - that will be worth watching for the comic effect.

    Did you ever ask yourself, what will we get if Obama did get re-elected? Take your emotions out of it for a moment and look around. What do you think 4 more years of this incompetence, name calling, endless vacations will result in? Do you think he would magically become the President you pretend he is? Or will he as he keeps mentioning "have more leeway" to do whatever he likes? Putin is looking forward to it.

  24. Anonymous11:44 PM

    You know there are alot of blacks that gotta act like crabs. Those same blacks never said a word about half of those eastern european teams when they were truly doping back in the day. Also, someone should remind Carl that rumors about him taking steroids AND being gay!

    But Field, you know you cannot use Merlene Ottey!!. LMAO!!

    Big Up to the Jamaicans and Bolt!!

    B1Bomber -
    But like Jay Anthony Brown said, Jamaicans might be fast on the track, but they will still be moving slow any other time!..LOL


  25. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Field, "I am now in the process of trying to make you an honorary yawdie."

    10:54 PM

    Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! You have momentarily lifted my spirits. I mean, I am thinking of moving out of A-merry-kkka, where salty-ass GOP folks and jealous-ass Negroes team up to tear down black Olympians.....what a bunch of sick moffos. It's gotdamn depressing, just effing depressing!

  26. What will they do if he loses? :)

    Move to Switzerland. I work for a Swiss company, and it is in an option for me and my family. If America is so far gone it re-elects Obama, I am done with America. I am not alone in this dertermination. Many will leave. Those that do not will need to prepare for a much more violent, poorer future.

  27. Ok B1, Merlene is a bad choice. BTW, still running at 50.

    Switzerland, huh. Don't they have socialized medicine?

    Anon@11:38, I m pretty sure that the republic will survive regardless of who is POTUS.

  28. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Ender said...
    What will they do if he loses? :)

    Move to Switzerland. I work for a Swiss company, and it is in an option for me and my family. If America is so far gone it re-elects Obama, I am done with America. I am not alone in this dertermination. Many will leave. Those that do not will need to prepare for a much more violent, poorer future.

    11:47 PM
    Wow. Are there any Blacks living in Switzerland? I know a few Negroes who would like to move there with you and some of your white friends there. I don't want to be around when Obama wins. I'd like to be gone.

    BTW, what do the women look like there?

  29. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Field, you are exactly right about Kirani James. He is a classy guy. It's good to see a black person do that...Unlike Harper and Wells and a whole bunch of tweeting Negroes who couldn't stand Gabby's hair.

    Unfortunately Kirani isn't from America. I should have known by his civilized behavior.

  30. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Wow. Are there any Blacks living in Switzerland? I know a few Negroes who would like to move there with you and some of your white friends there. I don't want to be around when Obama wins. I'd like to be gone.

    BTW, what do the women look like there?

    The women in switzerland are really, really ugly. They have darkly mottled skin, almost like all of them were poor unfortunate fire victims. Most are butch and look like lesbian lumberjacks and they smell awful too. Harry reid told me he heard from someone once that they like to bite in switzerland, almost a morbid hobby so you have to be very careful in making sure you don't put anything near a swiss womans mouth, you might lose it. I also heard they like guys with money, they want men to pay for everything, food, housing, clothes if you hook up with a swiss woman be prepared to suppoort them for life, even for one nights stands, it's Swiss law (at least thats what Harry Rieds Source said)

  31. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Field Negro said:

    "Switzerland, huh. Don't they have socialized medicine?"

    Yes but like all other countries who tried this it isn't working out so well.

    "Britain's health care system has failed many Britons, turning away pregnant patients in labor, refusing life-saving medicine because it was too expensive, and creating a dental shortage that has forced desperate patients to pull their own teeth. Britain is not the only country that does not find their health care system to be ideal. In fact, some countries are once again experimenting with the free market, as costs, doctor shortages, and wait times have gone out of control. Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden are all trying to improve their systems.
    Switzerland: Hospitals Under Strain

    In America, uninsured people sometimes go to the emergency room when they should be seeing a regular doctor, because the emergency rooms won't turn them away. In Switzerland, everybody is required to purchase health insurance, and insurance for low income families is subsidized. Price controls are set, insurance providers must insure everybody for basic care regardless of the risk they take, and they are not allowed to make a profit on basic care. Unfortunately, this system has caused a shortage of available appointments with family doctors. Like in America, people use the emergency rooms when they should be going to their family doctor, only these people are forced to pay for health insurance. Hospital staff sometimes have to work 70 to 80 hours a week. People don't really want to work under these conditions, so the amount of people going to medical school has declined by nearly 12% in the last decade. Doctors are imported from other countries, but other European countries are facing similar shortages.

  32. Brother Field...was glad to see your island brothers cross the line 1-2-3, I also glad that this period in time is passing. Please this is not an affront to anyone...prehaps the Jamaica Island have such prolific runners and others because their pool of atheletes is concetrated versus the US due to the many other sports' opportunity. I don' know if the "depressed" Brother is sincere (have not been deep in the comments recently) or not...If so I feel him...i am so pass 'depressed' having witnessed such great performances by my "Brothers and Sisters" It is such sorrow when it is revealed of doping and other misdeeds by these entertainers of AA race. Again happy birthday for the interimland and be proud for how they dominated with the superpower for this sweet period of time.

  33. Mitt is in what I call a "reality trance." Meaning at some time in the past he hypnotized himself into seeing only what he wants to see, & believes everything he says is true, even when he completely contradicts himself. He demonstrates no sense of guilt, which some people would say is sociopathic. If he says Sikh is sheik, then that's what it is.

  34. Anonymous6:14 AM

    A Black Panther Forever "I don' know if the "depressed" Brother is sincere (have not been deep in the comments recently) or not...If so I feel him...i am so pass 'depressed' having witnessed such great performances by my "Brothers and Sisters""

    Thank you. It's good to know that someone of color relates to me. I find it odd that so many on FN don't relate. Or maybe they relate but don't comment.

    It's impossible to be Black and not have symptons of depression, esp in these times as well as the days of slavery and Jim Crow. That crab in the barrel heart gets passed on generation after generation. I am sick of it.

    Just read the comments on FN, or tweets about Gabby's hair, Wells and Harper about Lolo, and now the outstanding Jamaican Olympians. It's depressing it's Blacks once again tearing down Blacks. It's black-on-black public character assassination. It's as if we are trying to prove to the world that we are wrong no matter what we do. It's as if we hate on each other much like the racist against us.

    If there are black supporters they must be hiding because the negative black supporters are loud and heard.

    Bottom line: Any good wholesome proud moment for Negroes is quickly dashed by Negroes themselves. It is just plain depressing. Yep, it can be funny. But it's also sad, sorrowful and pitiful to belong to such a race. I have given up on my race.

    Very few Blacks, if any, are trustworthy. These are worst times for Blacks. I have never seen so many Blacks against's black self-hatred turned inward against itself. I am sick of it.

    Is there anything good about us? I sure as hell haven't heard much about it. We kill each other. We degrade each other. We hate our hair. We think some of our Olympians from Jamaica are doping. We trash our fellow black O;ympians-ON NATIONAL TV! Much of what I have heard is what's 'wrong' with us. It's sickening.

    We are such a sorry lot of unabashed unkind people. And, we don't care! It used to be just as easy to be kind to one another as to be mean-spirited. Now it's easier for Blacks to be mean and ugly than kind. I don't blame anyone for running away from us. Depressing.

  35. Lt. Commander Johnson6:41 AM

    I am happy to say, I'm getting off this sinking ship , which was previously called the "U.S.A"

    You won't get any of my money, which I have worked for all of my life. I hope the "Detroit" situation will kill you all.

    I'll be watching and laughing.

  36. Lt.Commander Johnson, don't forget your live vest. :)

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson7:51 AM

    That would be "LIFE vest", and I'm sure my Lawyer / Account is on the job.

    Thanks, tho.

  38. Live, life, what's the difference? You want to stay alive when you jump ship and that's all we care about: your well being.

  39. Contitional8:34 AM

    Sorry. Didn't mean to get picky on spelling......but, cqn be found DEAD in a "live" or "life" vest.

  40. I see where you're going.

    Happy Seas to you & yours)

  41. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    That would be "LIFE vest", and I'm sure my Lawyer / Account is on the job.

    Thanks, tho.

    Weren't you the Semen that served with Uptown Steve/Mold?

  42. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Field - you should be getting your talking points package from Axelrod/Soros any moment now about Ryan - remember focus on how conservatives want to kill grandma, foul the air, pollute the water and cut off everyone from medicaid and SS.

  43. Anonymous11:46 AM

    This Olympics has proven that African Americans don't only have low self esteem and suffer from self hatred but are also crazy and evil.

  44. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I see some other folks on FN are thinking about leaving the country too, including depressed Negro.

    The best country to move to, whether Black or White, is Jamaica or PR. In PR you get to meet the famous Desertflower and eat her fine baked goods, for a fee, of course.

    NOOOO-BODY wants to be around for the next Presidential election, except the GOP and Field. You know things really are bad when Negroes start talking about leaving. Do my peeps plan to go by ship down in the hull?

    HAAAAAAAAAAAA! That was a Chris Rock joke, brothers and sisters, get it? I bet Farley even got it. I know Field is ROFL. I think I'll start sending my stuff to Chris in case he gets in a pinch for jokes.

  45. Anonymous12:04 PM

    This Olympics has proven that African Americans don't only have low self esteem and suffer from self hatred but are also crazy and evil.

    11:46 AM
    The way some of my peeps acted will cost Obama the election. He's done thanks to Harper, Wells, Gabby's hair and Carl Lewis.

    It's a damn shame and damn depressing- but proof that you can take some Negroes out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the Negro.

  46. Let me start this post by saying a big f**K you to Carl Lewis. Calling into question the drug testing of the Jamaican track team? Are you serious? So when the IOC surprise tested Asafa Powell three times in five days (including the middle of the night causing him to lose valuable sleep) were they covering up his results?

    i totally agree with you field. i was born in the US and i cringed almost as bad as i did when he croaked out the American national anthem. how ignorant. i guess us negroes in the us are a mutant strain of athleticism?

  47. Interesting post. I have been wondering about this issue,so thanks for posting.
