Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mutiny in the house?

Negro republicans are upset with Mitt Romney for not including them on his website. Apparently he has every other group but the Negro. And here you all thought being in the house with Mitt would get you certain privileges. You all must think your name is Artur Davis or something.

"Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign website includes a category for “Communities,” under which you’ll find nearly every kind of demographic group: “Catholics for Romney,” “Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Romney,” farmers and ranchers, lawyers, Jewish and Polish Americans, veterans and military families, young Americans, even Hispanics, under the banner “Juntos for Romney” — which may or may not be ironic given Romney’s stance on “self-deportation.” But one thing you won’t find on the site: African-Americans for Romney.

And some black Republicans are not happy about it.

It’s shameful,” said one prominent black, “west coast” Republican, who contacted theGrio about the admission, but preferred not to use their name. The source said they have been involved in Republican politics “throughout the modern era,” and said they couldn’t recall a single GOP campaign that didn’t include some formal attempt at black outreach, particularly online.
When reached for comment, Tara Wall, senior communications and coalitions adviser to the Romney campaign told theGrio: ”We have a working advisory group, but it has not been formally announced yet. We have the site ready to go.” [Source]

"Shameful"? What's "shameful" is that some of you Negroes expect better. You must have forgotten that before 1978 Mitt probably didn't even see your black asses as equals.

Besides, why should Mitt reach out to you Negroes? The poor man is getting less than 0% of support from black folks in the polls. (ZERO! How do you even get zero percent when there are millions of eligible Negro voters in America?)  Tara Wall and Artur Davis might be the only Negroes in America voting for Mitt. I bet Condi isn't voting for him, and she is supposed to speak at his convention.

"Still, another prominent member of the GOP told theGrio they don’t plan to attend next week’s RNC convention, as they had for nearly every presidential year since they’ve been active in politics, as a delegate. The number of black delegates at Republican conventions peaked in 2004, at 6.7 percent of the total delegates, only to plummet by 78.4 percent, from 167 delegates to 36 in 2008, when John McCain was nominated for president in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The 2008 convention represented a 40-year low in the number of black RNC delegates, who represented just 1.5 percent of all delegates attending the convention, according to the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, which in 2008 released a report tracking the number of black delegates at both party conventions over the past 50 years.

This year, some prominent black Republicans say the party will be lucky to match 2008′s numbers.

According to the former delegate, who says he’s a conservative first, and a Republican second, friends still active in the party claim the party has gone beyond giving up on growing its share of the black vote.

“Giving up is not the point,” the former delegate said his friends tell him. “They’ve thrown them overboard; don’t need ‘em, don’t want ‘em.”

Oh ohh, I think that the house just got smaller.

Finally, I hope that the case of Gabrielle Swainson is finally getting some publicity. I tweeted about it earlier and I had folks e-mailing me and asking me who she was.

You won't hear much about her case on Nancy Grace, FOX NEWS or CNN; so you might as well read about it here.

"The FBI has joined the search for a South Carolina cheerleader who vanished without a trace from her bedroom.

Gabrielle Swainson, 15, disappeared between 3:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. last Saturday, during the time her mother was at work, police said.
When mother Elvia Swainson returned home Saturday morning, Gabrielle's bed was empty.

"I grabbed my phone and started calling her number. The number rang a couple of times then it stopped," Swainson said.
Several more attempts to reach her daughter went straight to voicemail, she said. Although there were no signs of foul play, investigators believe the teen's disappearance was not voluntary.

"Her purse was still there with her charger for her phone in it and all the ingredients of her purse like her wallet and her credit card, everything is still there," said Chandra Cleveland-Jennings, a private investigator hired by Swainson."

These type of stories never end well, but let's hope that this case is the exception to that rule.



  1. "But one thing you won’t find on the site: African-Americans for Romney."

    I agree with you Field, why should Mitt pander to negroes when the latest poll couldn't even find one who would vote for him?

    I hope President Romney remembers that fact during his entire two terms running the country. It's going to be a long 8 years for some people, but they made their bed.

  2. Anonymous10:25 PM

    He doesn't care because as a Mormon he feels Blacks are below him.

    Look up the history of the church and you will see that it is true.

    Anyone who votes republican votes against the interests of the poor, working poor, and any ethnic groups. Not someone Romney cares about at all

  3. Anonymous10:27 PM

    "Anyone who votes republican votes against the interests of the poor, working poor, and any ethnic groups."

    Including Mormons?

  4. "Anyone who votes republican votes against the interests of the poor, working poor, and any ethnic groups."

    Because Obama has been so good for the working poor. He must really love poor people, because he has made so many of them.

  5. Hey,

    Don't forget Ada Fisher (Dr. Ada Fisher, that is) who had a big spread done on her by the Raleigh "News and Observer" today!

    She makes three!

    And although I went to undergrad school and served in the student legislature with her, she's still a bad memory and an embarrassment to women (and the middle class).

    Love ya,


  6. They were never going to get many black votes, but they've been signaling all Summer that that frankly, for all they care, they don't need any (mission accomplished). The republiklan has obviously decided that it will get more votes by dissing all black people than by extending basic courtesies to those few remaining in their camp. The Fall's probably going to be one long Willie Horton add.

  7. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Does anyone know if Cain the Pizza man will be speaking? If he does, he'll make everything just fine for GOP Blacks and might even entice other Blacks to come into the BIG TENT.


  8. NSangoma12:26 AM


    Shirley you be jesting, field Negroe.

    You cannot leave a hot-PSSUIED 15-year old at home by herself for 8 to 10 hours; for she will FCUK someone.

    FCUK someone, if not at home then out somewhere else.

    Solution, find out who she was FCUKING.


  9. Long time Anti-Gun Advocate State Senator R.C. Soles, 74, shot one of two intruders at his home just outside Tabor City , N.C. about 5 p.m. Sunday, the prosecutor for the politician's home county said.
    The intruder, Kyle Blackburn, was taken to a South Carolina hospital, but the injuries were not reported to be life-threatening, according to Rex Gore, district attorney for Columbus, Bladen andBrunswick counties.

    The State Bureau of Investigation and Columbus County Sheriff's Department are investigating the shooting, Gore said. Soles, who was not arrested,declined to discuss the incident Sunday evening.

    The Senator, who has made a career of being against gun ownership for the general public, didn't hesitate to defend himself with his own gun when he believed he was in immediate danger and he was the victim.

  10. Anonymous12:42 AM

    It hurts to know that the GOP doesn't care or WANT Blacks. However, it is to be expected in America during these times... NO ONE wants Blacks, not even Blacks!

    Not even Obama cares or wants Blacks. He has completely ignored and insulted us during his Presidency. However, he doesn't have to care, Blacks will vote for him anyway by default. But make no mistake about it, Obama cares less about us than the GOP.

    I am very concerned about our future in America. We have no friends, yet we pretend as though everything is going to be just fine. Every other racial group is recognized, desired and have surpassed us in EVERYTHING.

    We are such a self-deluded bunch. We have no political skills whatsoever; and yet we continually mistake our political ignorance and prejudices for knowledge. The result is we can't even make a simple GOP list along with other racial groups. Hell, even the Hispanics know how to do that!

    It's damn depressing to be Black in America.

    depressed Negro

  11. Anonymous12:58 AM

    I see Cardinal T. Dolan, the country's top Catholic Cardinal, will give the closing prayer at the GOP convention. This is highly unusual for a Cardinal in the church's hierarchy to do this.

    Does anybody know what that will do to the "Catholic vote"? Romney will win in November. Obama might as well surrender.

  12. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    They were never going to get many black votes, but they've been signaling all Summer that that frankly, for all they care, they don't need any (mission accomplished). The republiklan has obviously decided that it will get more votes by dissing all black people than by extending basic courtesies to those few remaining in their camp. The Fall's probably going to be one long Willie Horton add.

    To a real person there is no greater diss than someone pretending to care about you when his entire purpose is nothing but an ego massage. He just knows you are inferior so he will deign to help you and interact with you and speak to you. Right Whitey? When all along it's just a mind fuck - he is the one who is inferior and has mental problems. But he has to hide that from you - how, by making sure you know just how inferior to him you are, subtly of course.

  13. Anonymous3:16 AM

    What a petty people. Look, I told you they wouldn't make believe you were special..see.....why in the world do Blacks need to be seperate and measured differently?

    Despite the fact that Obama had a disastrous first term, he hasn’t even put forth a second term agenda. After one of the worst four year runs of any President in American history, Obama’s message to the voters is, “Trust my judgment when it comes to deciding what we’ll do differently.” Vote for me because I am Black.

  14. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Remember when Obama loses, he didn't make that happen, he didn't build that; You did.

    "I don't have as much time to campaign this time as I did in 2008, so this whole thing is riding on you making it happen.

    Donate now to close the gap on the air:

    Thank you,


  15. Hammer, it won't be 8 long years for me, I already learned how to survive in the wilderness under W. I think most other black folks feel the same way.

    Barack, when you go back to Washington you might want to personally select your SS team.Some of these white folks are really angry and delusional out here.

  16. There is no "Catholic vote." Poll after poll, including the prestigious Pew Foundation - which specializes in polling religious demographics, has shown that the Catholic vote breaks down according to income, region, ethnicity, & party identification. The influence of Bishops is minimal. Catholics who think they discern that Bishops want them to vote Republican & believe it matters are already in the Republican column.

  17. Anonymous6:04 AM

    field negro said...
    Hammer, it won't be 8 long years for me, I already learned how to survive in the wilderness under W. I think most other black folks feel the same way.

    Barack, when you go back to Washington you might want to personally select your SS team.Some of these white folks are really angry and delusional out here.

    "SS team" well at least you are admitting the Democratic Socialist Party (of Germany) comparitave ties. Too bad for those Nation of Islamers seeking future oppressive roles, he won't be going back .

  18. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Bob said...
    There is no "Catholic vote." Poll after poll, including the prestigious Pew Foundation - which specializes in polling religious demographics, has shown that the Catholic vote breaks down according to income, region, ethnicity, & party identification. The influence of Bishops is minimal. Catholics who think they discern that Bishops want them to vote Republican & believe it matters are already in the Republican column.

    Sure, that's it Bob. You must be correct. No catholic is going to observe Obama's war on Christianity, no Christian will and it won't change a single vote because of the poll's you read that were conducted by whom exactly?

    Are you going to the code pink vagina demonstration - you liberals, such a funny bunch. Bless your hearts.

  19. Anonymous6:32 AM

    This is my last election, after this election I will have more flexibility.

    My god, you mean theres more? Shall we be saying Da Comrade soon?

  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Wow. Think about this. If as you liberals say, unborn babies are not alive as life doesn't count until a human is no longer dependant on others to survive, then life never begins for liberals.

  21. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Hola Africa Come Estan?

    The last few days have seen an astonishing explosion of violence in the city of Chicago.

    Two nights ago, 4 were killed and 15 wounded in a spree where 13 of those victims were shot in just 1/2 an hour.

    Last night, one was killed and 16 wounded in another spasm of violence. So far this August, there have been 50 homicides in the city, 15 more than occurred in August, 2011.

    This website gives the gory details. Hundreds have been wounded in addition to the record number of homicides.

    Meanwhile, police arrested 20 “juveniles” for “rowdy” behavior along the Magnificent Mile. Kids were pushing pedestrians, darting in and out of traffic as police pursued the gang up and down Michigan avenue

  22. the black plague11:33 AM

    Headlines from Obama's America...


    POWER GRAB: FCC seeks to tax Internet service...

    Man Shot Dead By Armed Robber Blocks From Obama's Chicago House...

    16 shot overnight...

  23. we pretend to work...11:37 AM


    field negro said...

    Hammer, it won't be 8 long years for me, I already learned how to survive in the wilderness under W. I think most other black folks feel the same way.

    Yeah. The wilderness? So a government job is evidence of survival training?

    Unfortunately, the future of the republic is in doubt because millions think like you.

  24. Mr. Lee12:12 PM

    Yes indeed Harry Reid is a Pea Brain, but the real dangerous Pia Brain happens to be the Vice President of the United States of America. And what he said last week at that diverse gathering in Virginia, was inexcusable. You all know what I am referring to, I'm sure. When he used those inflammatory words to the black listeners in attendance. "They're gonna put y'all back in chains!" Pea-Brain Joe warned the crowd with a faux-southern dialect. Biden claims he was referencing republicans giving Wall Street cronies free reign or something.

    No surprise, the Obama camp backed up Joe's inciteful and hateful words, demeaning not not only to blacks, but to ALL Americans. Barack Obama suggested we're taking Biden's words too literally. Put another way, Obama suggested, Joe said it but he didn't really mean it. Sorta like Obama's "You didn't build that" insulting comment to business owners.

    Oh, you know, because we're all over-sensitive dolts, over-reacting to every little thing. What's a little slave reference among friends? They're gonna put y'all back in chains! Obama cleared that right up with this remark:

    "The truth is that during the course of these campaigns, folks like to get obsessed with how something was phrased even if everybody personally understands that's not how it was meant. That's sort of the nature of modern campaigns and modern coverage of campaigns."

    I call bullshit on that response! Your paygrade demands a bit more responsibility for what comes out of that piehole and your teen-like defense is unacceptable.

    Mitt Romney gave a slap-in-the-mouth response, to Team Obama, IMHO: "Take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago."

    Both Romney and Ryan declared that Biden's remark sinks the office of the presidency to yet another low. I couldn't agree more. But they also reminded us Team Obama will continue on this course as a means to distract voters from real issues. Divide and conquer, basically.

    As disgusting and disheartening as Pea-Brained Joe's remarks are, their dirty campaigning really is par for the course of where we've come in America since November 2008. As painful as it seems, this evolution of racial acclamation is necessary for us as countrymen. We still acclamating to the racial discord of America's past and present. However, sooner rather than later the hat trick of race cards, is revealed for its repeated slight of hands.

    Individuals on the left (or center, moderates, whatever) who continue in dismissing and defending Team Obama's reckless play on words see only what they want to see. Sure! The same can be said about us on the right. But if you're a thinking person consider this:

    Joe Biden is nobody's homeboy. The Scranton native did not switch to a southern preacher's drawl to drive home any points about Wall Street cronies despite his claims. So when he says "put y'all back in chains" you should ask yourself why those words don't bother you. If you're still feeling dismissive about it all, alrighty then. Go back to sleep, I didn't mean to disturb you.

    Many of us are awake. And I don't care what color any of us are. I don't think it's clever nor do I see any humor in using embarrassing and hateful terms and racially tense phrases to further your campaign. And as a black person who happens to be a Republican I'm not going to stand around pretending you didn't say and mean what you said, Joe.

  25. Anon@12:12 pm, I tried to use my race card but the interest rate is too high. If I could just get the rate that you white boys get I would use mine a lot more. ;)

  26. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is"

    - John Scalzi

  27. John Scuzzy1:24 PM

    Everybody hates a winner.

  28. Priceless1:28 PM

    Race cards are accepted at all major universities, government agencies, and private employers. You can now use it to get out of discipline problems in school and as blanket excuse for poor job performance, even as President.

    Don't leave home without it!

  29. Anonymous1:36 PM

    "Race cards are accepted at all major universities, government agencies, and private employers. You can now use it to get out of discipline problems in school and as blanket excuse for poor job performance, even as President."

    Are you talking about George Bush?

  30. "Are you talking about George Bush?"

    A good example of your average Obama voter, with an IQ lower than room temperature.

  31. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Wow, FN:
    What do you feel; how do you handle the growing infestation of right-wingnuts posting on your blog/site? The irony... Or, are you the "Spook Who Sat by the Door"? (Didn't think so). Race/Color arousal; negrophobia have nothing to do with this current infestation. Some of these posts reveal unabashed but sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity; their responses will be self-evident. Whew! Bring back AB!

  32. Anonymous2:34 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@12:12 pm, I tried to use my race card but the interest rate is too high. If I could just get the rate that you white boys get I would use mine a lot more. ;)

    See what happens when you overspend and overtax your account? I bet right about now you are thinking of all the times you frivously used your race card thinking you would never run out of them or face any shortage and they would always be accepted no matter how tattered, tired, worn or full of doo-doo they were. Right about now you are thinking of all those times and wishing you hadn't wasted them always thinking someone else would supply them for you.

    Damn sounds a lot like our economy.

  33. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Dear Field, just a short note to let you know my depression continues to get worse each day as I read FN.

    The comments are outrageously cruel. This is effing depressing. I can't take this shit anymore.

    Field, have you thought about maybe leading us out of this wilderness of hate? We really need a leader and you seem to fit the bill for post-modern-post-racial America....SERIOUSLY.

    So I might as well 'pop' the question: Will you consider running for President in 2016? We will need someone like you in the WH when Obama finishes his second term....pretty please?

  34. George (They can't blame me, this time!) Bush2:57 PM

    Has Obama gone to New Orleans yet, like a black Moses, to lead all the idiots out of the path of Isaac?

    (While he's there, he might want to make sure they get all those school busses to a little bit higher ground this time).

  35. When the Levee Breaks3:04 PM

    This time there is a Republican Governor in charge. Boby Jindal will take care of those poor, helpless negroes.

  36. Hey Field, you might want to put out a Public Service Announcement to your peeps. There's going to be a big sale on flat screen TV's, beer, and diapers in New Orleans on Wednesday. 100% off, everything must go.

  37. Where's Ray Nagin?3:26 PM

    This will be the first time some of dem Chocolate City folks have had a bath in seven years.

  38. Bubbles3:30 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Field, just a short note to let you know my depression continues to get worse each day as I read FN.

    I told you about the cure, have you tried it yet?

    Millions of wummens cant all be wrong they are happy and sit around blowin bubbles all da live long day.

  39. water over the levee4:10 PM

    When Isaac hits New Orleans and another levee breaks, flooding the Lower Ninth Ward -- again -- the chorus of Democrats will blame Bush.

    Or, if the levees that were repaired during the second Bush administration hold and New Orleans survives wet but undamaged, the chorus of Democrats will pretend that saving the city was all due to Obama, just like Democrats pretended that intelligence gathered during the Bush presidency had no role in locating bin Laden so that SEAL Team 6 could kill him.

    Something tells me the new book by a member of SEAL Team 6 -- No Easy Day -- will mention that Obama was an obstacle to getting the job done.

  40. Anonymous4:47 PM

    anon2:35pm said, "So I might as well 'pop' the question: Will you consider running for President in 2016? We will need someone like you in the WH when Obama finishes his second term....pretty please?"

    Anon, you are a genius. This sounds like a great plan! Let us all encourage Field to run in 2016. He could save America from a Civil War.... I feel like dancing.

  41. Who Is On First4:54 PM

    BIDEN: I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America.
    OBAMA: Good Subject Terrible Times It’s 8.3%.
    BIDEN: That many people are out of work?
    OBAMA: No, that’s 16%.
    BIDEN: You just said 8.3%.
    OBAMA: 8.3% Unemployed.
    BIDEN: Right 8.3% out of work.
    OBAMA: No, that’s 16%.
    BIDEN: Okay, so it’s 16% unemployed.
    OBAMA: No, that’s 8.3% . . .
    BIDEN: WAIT A MINUTE. Is it 8.3% or 16%?
    OBAMA: 8.3% are unemployed. 16% are out of work.
    BIDEN: IF you are out of work you are unemployed.
    OBAMA: No, you can’t count the “Out of Work” as the unemployed. You have to look for work to be unemployed.
    OBAMA: No, you miss my point.
    BIDEN: What point?
    OBAMA: Someone who doesn’t look for work, can’t be counted with those who look for work. It wouldn’t be fair.
    BIDEN: To whom?
    OBAMA: The unemployed.
    BIDEN: But they are ALL out of work.
    OBAMA: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work stopped looking. They gave up. Moreover, if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.
    BIDEN: So if you’re off the unemployment rolls, that would count as less unemployment?
    OBAMA: Unemployment would go down. Absolutely!
    BIDEN: The unemployment just goes down because you don’t look for work?
    OBAMA: Absolutely it goes down. That’s how you get to 8.3%. Otherwise it would be 16%. You don’t want to read about 16% unemployment, do ya?
    BIDEN: That would be frightening.
    OBAMA: Absolutely.
    BIDEN: Wait, I got a question for you. That means there are two ways to bring down the unemployment number?

    OBAMA: Two ways is correct.

    BIDEN: Unemployment can go down if someone gets a job?

    OBAMA: Correct.

    BIDEN: And unemployment can also go down if you stop looking for a job?

    OBAMA: Bingo.

    BIDEN: So there are two ways to bring unemployment down, and the easier of the two is to just stop looking for work.

    OBAMA: Now you’re thinking like an economist.

    BIDEN: I don’t even know what the hell I just said!

    OBAMA: Now you’re thinking like a politician.

  42. @ Looty Jones: Will they accept race cards?

  43. Anonymous6:58 PM

    To OLD AMERICA......
    baby, on the tree top;
    When the wind blows, the cradle will rock;
    When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
    And down will come baby, cradle and all!!

    Russell, The high degree freemason that created Mormonism feels blacks are inferior..
    Mitt Romney does not need black republicans cause all his best friends are waiting for him in the Log Cabin..

    PEACE to the field

  44. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Somebody forgot to inform the Negro Republicans that Republicans don't like Negros. White people detest Negros. Calling all Negros: You are HATED in the country that you named yourselves after. You named yourselves after. You named YOURSELVES after. They don't call you "Americans". Guess what they CALL YOU!! Dummies are we.
