Saturday, August 18, 2012

The "niggerization" of a cable talk show host.

I don't know much about Touré other than he wrote a few books back in the day, he is a part of the chattering class on cable television, and he is always beefing with folks on twitter. That's it.

I know a little more about him now because my man has been in the news of late--and is in some hot water-- for speaking honestly about how Stiff Romney's "angry black man" jabs at Obama made him feel:

That really bothered me. You notice he said anger twice. He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization,’ he’s not like us.

I know it’s a heavy thing, I don’t say it lightly, but this is ‘niggerization.’ You are not one of us, you are like the scary black man who we’ve been trained to fear.”

Of course, as is to be expected, the outrage from the right-and the majority population in general- was swift:

"Why, precisely, did this comment constitute “niggerization,” and what did that vile word mean? Why was Touré invoking one of the most egregious slurs ever to enter the language? .....

Touré didn’t just say that – he said that Romney was “using the playbook Republicans have been using for decades now.” In other words, Republicans have been involved in so-called “niggerization” for decades.

 This is disgusting. It’s a lie, and what’s more, it waters down racism to the point where anything qualifies – and to the point that real racism isn’t taken seriously anymore. According to Touré, it’s racist to suggest that Obama is the “food stamp president,” even if he’s elevated food stamp usage to record levels; it’s racist to call him angry; but it’s not racist for Joe Biden to suggest that freeing Wall Street will put black people “back in chains.”

Only MSNBC would put a fool like Touré on the air every night. And only the racially extreme left would consider Touré an eloquent spokesperson for their perverse views." [Source]

I need a break. First, Touré doesn't speak for me, but he certainly has a right to speak his mind, just as the Rush and the clowns over at FOX NEWS do.
And where is the outrage when Rush -and people like him- are using racial code words and making racial jokes at the president's expense? Where is the outrage when one of their number one financial backers and spokesperson for the party, questions the very legitimacy of the person holding the office of president? *crickets*

Anyway, these folks are doing their best Captain Renault impression over Touré speaking his mind, while they no doubt use it among themselves in private. The Romney campaign even wanted to speak to the heads of MSNBC about Toure's job. Seriously?

Anyway, sadly, as you Negroes tend to do in America when you piss off the man; Touré is walking back his comments and is apologizing to America for honestly saying how he felt.

"MSNBC commentator Touré apologized Friday for using the N word during a political discussion on the cable news channel.

Touré, co-host of MSNBC’s "The Cycle," accused Mitt Romney of "using racial coding" to "other" President Barack Obama with "really deep stereotypes about the angry black man."

"I know it's a heavy thing," he said. "I don't say it lightly, but this is n----rization."

The following day, Touré apologized for using the controversial word: "On yesterday's show, in discussion about the presidential race, I used a word to make a point. In retrospect, I muddied the discussion by using the N word. I could've made my point without that word. I shouldn't have used it, and for that I'm sorry."

I understand Touré; you have a mortgage to pay.


  1. Nothing outrages the klanosphere quite like the truth plainly spoken does.

  2. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Nothing outrages the klanosphere quite like the truth plainly spoken does.

    The truth, you say angry and someone else heres nigger. Yeah.
    What do you hear when I say sleazy little prick Huh Whitey?

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    That should have been "hears" not heres, pardon my Whitey-ism.

  4. BTW Toure' ought to apologize for his regular gig on that postnatal abortion of a chat, not for a few historically validated truths about politics in ameriklan. .

  5. a non asked...

    "What do you hear when I say sleazy little prick Huh Whitey?"


    Dracula theme music and Romney's robatic laugh?

  6. Anonymous7:05 PM


  7. Anonymous7:08 PM

    You are right Field the things they say, just the other day Limbaugh Said:

    About Obama, he told POLITICO: “In many ways — especially for progressives — Obama is too white for them. He plays golf, he’s too cozy with bankers. But when it comes to knowing how to fight, he’s black”

    Oh wait, that was one of your deranged lefties, that was Bill Maher. Isn't Bill such a clean articulate guy?

    Toure is one of those mindless idiots like Whitey who hears racism when someone farts and is now astounded how little credence the world gives them. He is constantly fighting with people on Twitter, because he constantly makes racist comments that are so disconnected they highlight his delusions. A hateful little man.

  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    a non asked...

    "What do you hear when I say sleazy little prick Huh Whitey?"


    Dracula theme music and Romney's robatic laugh?

    Are you mixing Horror movies with sci-fi? Leave it to you to fuck up two genres.

  9. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I used to think we could all get along, until I started reading Fields blog. Now my eyes are opened by such intellectuals as Whitey and Pilot X. I'm white so I must be a racist. Guess I just better suck it up and get fitted for my robe and hood. I just wonder how all us white folks fit in a trailer park in Alabama. You negroes be pathetic,and I think that's crackerization.

  10. So talk to me like I'm stupid:

    I don't use the "N-word" in my conversation and find it distasteful.

    But it's not radioactive, and it's not the "Secret Word" that destroys all life upon being uttered.

    What the hell is wrong with what Touré actually said?

    It's either true or false, that the Republicans are seeking to incite racial hatred on the part of whites against blacks and Hispanics, and fear against gays and lesbians. This is not a secret.

    What did Touré actually do?

    Does it really come down to the fact that he used the Bad Word?

  11. Anonymous8:33 PM

    What did Touré actually do?

    Does it really come down to the fact that he used the Bad Word?

    No. He disregarded the disgusting campaign of Obama where so far Obama has said nothing about his job performance, nothing about policy, nothing about the state of the country or what he would do if re-elected. Rather he has called Romney a Thug, A Dog catcher, a felon, a murderer and more. When Romney finally had enough and ripped apart President Obama’s campaign strategy as one of “diversions” that have taken the nation’s highest office to a “new low” that appears “angry and desperate.” someone had to pull out the race card, they sure as hell couldnt talk about Obamas performance.

    Obama does seem unhinged, angry and desperate, what other president of the United States attempts to get re-elected by telling people his opponent is a murdering felon? That isn't a president, thats a lowlife thug.

    This is clear, truth and hard hitting to Obama who does appear extremely desperate and angry - so the usual intellectual weaklings having nothing else but to accuse Romney of racism and say his fighting back is trying to make Obama a nigger - because he said he was angry.

    Every time you disagree with a Black racist the first thing they rely on for their underperformance or stupidity is race. So be it.

    Romney didn't call Obama a Nigger - Toure did.

  12. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Obamas Firsts:

    -First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student then denies he is a foreigner.
    -First President to have a Social Security number from a state where he has never lived.
    -First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
    -First President to violate the War Powers Act.
    -First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
    -First President to require that all Americans purchase a product from a third party as a condition of citizenship.
    -First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.
    -First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
    -First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
    -First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
    -First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
    -First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
    -First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
    -First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
    -First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
    -First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
    -First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
    -First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
    -First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
    -First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
    -First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
    -First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
    -First President to appoint 45 czars to his office.
    -First President to surround himself with extremist fringe devotees to the institutionalized “progressive” left’s radical agenda.
    -First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.
    -First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
    -First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing to earn it.
    -First President to go on multiple global “apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
    -First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayer.
    -First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
    -First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
    -First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
    -First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences”.
    -Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
    -First President to side with a foreign nation over one of America’s 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona).

    and oh so many more.

  13. NSangoma9:03 PM


    Sékou Touré, no Touré Neblett.

    SIHT !!, no wonder the Negroe just calls himself, Touré.


  14. Anonymous9:09 PM

    As a small business owner all I can say is that I think the current sentiment in the small business community is that we didn't sign up for this shit. Y'all can vote for whatever the hell you want but we are not going to be a part of it.

    I have seen more owners get out of the business or retire in the past couple of years than ever before and with the ACA on the horizon the jobs these businesses produced will not be replaced. The economics no longer work. This is why unemployment is always so high in socialist countries. What you have to go through to have employees is just brutal.

    But here's the thing about what Obama said --- he has it exactly backwards. The government didn't build any of that shit he is talking about --- we built it. We are the ones who paid for it. Not only did we build our businesses we built the schools and the roads and everything else he thinks was generated out of thin air. If you want to get technical about it the businesses and taxpayers that came along before we did built it all and now we are building what comes next.

    And not only that, but we did it with the albatross of a predatory, corrupt and overbearing government hanging around our necks at every juncture.

    And now we have had enough.

    I haven't made more than $50k from my business but one or two years of the past 15. But now that it is time to cash out after providing literally hundreds of jobs I get the stink eye and get castigated for being a member of the 1%. Even though I can remember sitting on the edge of the bed and holding my head in my hands wondering what I had done risking everything I had to create a business and wondering how it would all work out when I had just finished working several days in a row with no sleep... I am the enemy. Even though I didn't take a paycheck for the first year of the business and later skipped other paychecks to meet payroll or to pay taxes I am somehow at fault for the fact that all of these people sitting on their asses or working their cushy government jobs with the large pensions funded by armies of tax collectors and regulators may have to go without.

    Well, I already went without so they can bloody well shut the fuck up and take their turn in the barrel! If they want to risk everything they have or work their asses off with no guarantee of success only to be told at the end that they were not responsible for their own success and don't deserve their rewards then they are welcome to go down that path and see what it is like. But the number of people who will pursue the American dream and build the economy from the roots up will be greatly decreased in the current atmosphere and all of these self-entitled idiots will sit around wondering why the government is still going broke and why no one is hiring.

    No country can survive socialism. It just doesn't happen. Sooner or later the bill comes due. But before it does you always get demagogic idiots like Obama, or Chavez who try to blame their failures on the only people who are keeping everything afloat. It is not enough they sank the damn ship... they have to come after the people in the life boats too.

    That is the sort of mentality we are dealing with.

  15. Anonymous9:41 PM

    All I can say is be careful brothers and sisters, as there are some angry and frustrated white males on the right out there shooting people up in theaters, office buildings and at places of worship.

    Their manhood is at stake.

    Be careful.

  16. Anonymous9:58 PM

    NSangoma said...

    Sékou Touré, no Touré Niglett.

    SIHT !!, no wonder the Negroe just calls himself, Touré.

    Toure Niglett he be small

  17. Anon@9:09pm, you should have thought of this "albatross" like government around your neck when W was starting wars and cutting taxes for the rich. Did you ever wonder how we were going to pay for Iraq when you and the FOX NEWS clowns were crying for more Iraqi blood?

  18. Anon@9:41PM, I think there are some in Jonesboro, Ark.

  19. Anon, I doubt you ever owned a business. If you did you would know the main reason for starting a business is to turn a profit. If your business was profitable and the public actually wanted your product you would have no problem with the current administration but instead of admitting you created a business that was unprofitable you choose to blame the occupant of the WH. That is silly. The law of supply and demand dictate which businesses are successful and which are not, you don't seem intelligent enough to run a successful enterprise so blame away buddy and cry about socialism instead of getting off your ass and creating something somebody wants to buy. Also, in a recession there is less money in the economy so government has to spend to keep the economy going but imbeciles like yourself will vote for Rawmoney and Eddie Munster who will make the recession worse by cutting government spending. Get your resume ready because I doubt you will ever be a successful entreprenure.

  20. Question for commenters blasting our present president. If President Obama did all those things that you have enumerated, how can I guy do all these things and millions of white males in power can't stop him. Forget being being president...this guy needs a cape with a (S)on it. Why did you and yours not stop this man before he smashed-mouth his way to the White House. Seem like Superman, Batman, Aquaman and all those strong men rolled into one. I want to touch his robe.....oops. StillaPanther2. PS, Brother Field...was in Atlantic City for the Grand United Order of Oddfellows this last week. Our headquarters are in Philly...again the lines were too long for the subs.2

  21. Brother Field .....(GUOOF) olderst fraternal society in America.... Freed slave sailor from America obtained charter from England prior to AAs freedom in America. Been in it for one year and the order needs some youth. i am 61 and THATS CONSIDERED YOUNG. Wanted to be of sevice to society because of the fear factor assc. With the other I.AM.A

  22. Anonymous11:05 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@9:09pm, you should have thought of this "albatross" like government around your neck when W was starting wars and cutting taxes for the rich. Did you ever wonder how we were going to pay for Iraq when you and the FOX NEWS clowns were crying for more Iraqi blood?

    Sigh, the liberal mind of talking points and absolutes. What in the world makes you equate a business owner tired of creating and being regulated to death with other never ending talking points that liberals have been spewing for years. Talking points I might add that highlight clearly how little liberals understand how the economy works.

    Iraq Wars, Fox News, Cries for Blood, the rich don't pay enough so those who dont pay anything can have it good....blah---blah---blah.. I guess it would have been to much to ask for you to actually take a look at the perspective of the guy who is getting taxed and regulated out of business , nope it's all give me more, take more. As if someone owes something to those who never tried, never got off the couch, decided to play video games and wait for that job to be handed to them or that handout to come because they have it rough, it's too hard to stay in school, learn, improve oneself - the man didn't make it happen for me and they hold me down in school.

    Anyway, no sense rationalizing with a fountain of talking points. But if you ever feel like learning something, while I was against the Iraq War and actually watched it on CNN and not FOX News - (much to your chagrin I'm sure) nevertheless look up the employment indices, economic indicators around that time and see how the Iraq war boosted the US economy. Now, so you don't twist this and say I was for war, I am not. Not anymore than I was for Obama spending over a billion dollars on a "no fly zone" for Libya without congressional approval. I just hate mindlessly spouted talking points mentally copied and pasted by the liberal lazy sycophants. It's easier to repeat what you hear them say FOR YEARS then it is to educate yourself on how the economy and deficits really work.
    And obviously really easy to make distorted connections in your mind for fleecing some of our citizens for no other reason then they have created in contrast to those who have not.

    Yet with all of that you miss the most important fact, it's collapsing. You can't fleece people who aren't earning the money. Small businesses are the ones that prop up the charity programs of this nation (entitlements) when the businesses run dry, so do the entitlements. The ship is sinking fast and all the name calling in the world won't change it, only creative productive and joint sweat and effort will. Joint meaning working together, not one group pointing a finger with one hand and holding out the other to take and grab.

  23. Anonymous11:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    Anon, I doubt you ever owned a business. If you did you would know the main reason for starting a business is to turn a profit. If your business was profitable and the public actually wanted your product you would have no problem with the current administration but instead of admitting you created a business that was unprofitable you choose to blame the occupant of the WH. That is silly. The law of supply and demand dictate which businesses are successful and which are not, you don't seem intelligent enough to run a successful enterprise so blame away buddy and cry about socialism instead of getting off your ass and creating something somebody wants to buy. Also, in a recession there is less money in the economy so government has to spend to keep the economy going but imbeciles like yourself will vote for Rawmoney and Eddie Munster who will make the recession worse by cutting government spending. Get your resume ready because I doubt you will ever be a successful entreprenure.

    This is like a class for the mindless and then Pilot Jumps in and adds the IQ deficient portion. Who the fuck elevated a stewardess to have a clue how the economy works and better yet how to create and run a profitable business. STFU and go get my peanuts and go take a business class or two and learn something before you dare speak to your betters as if you know something again.

    I have to laugh at your childlike Naivete at how you think the economy works and how you think more spending (taking) from others will make that better. Really, look around you clown - hows it working? How has it worked in any other socialist country ever - has it ever worked?

    Dumbass without someone giving you a job you would starve - you are lost.

  24. Huey Newton11:14 PM

    A Black Panther Forever said...
    Question for commenters blasting our present president. If President Obama did all those things that you have enumerated, how can I guy do all these things and millions of white males in power can't stop him

    Becasue this country has been Black Run America since 1965.

  25. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Also, in a recession there is less money in the economy so government has to spend to keep the economy going but imbeciles like yourself will vote for Rawmoney and Eddie Munster who will make the recession worse by cutting government spending. Get your resume ready because I doubt you will ever be a successful entreprenure.

    They should take away voting rights from anyone this arrogantly stupid. Go to your bathtub - fill it up - now get a bucket and take a bucket full of water from the back and pour it into the front - did that make the water rise? If you don't get that example of your economic thinking you are doomed.

    In your obviously weak economic mind; to you the government taking more from people who create, then going into a backroom to divvy that up to the people they think should have the money actually makes the economy grow? Really?

    Then what happend to the trillion dollar stimulus money? Find that out and come back and speak with knowledge cause right now you sound like an economic illiterate who is repeating something he heard AL Sharpton say and at the very least, that is not the slightest bit impressive.


  26. Hey wingnut, I actually own a business, and I am quite sure that living and doing business in Philly -where I pay a business privilege tax, a net profit tax,use and occupancy tax, and even a tax on my gross- I am taxed much more than you are. But I don't mind, because I understand how government works. It's a small sacrifice for living in such a "great country". Suck it up and go out and work harder. Stop blaming Obama and black people for failures in your life. I bet that there aren't black people within a 100 miles of your business.

    Anon@9:41PM, you must be a psychic.

  27. "In your obviously weak economic mind; to you the government taking more from people who create, then going into a backroom to divvy that up to the people they think should have the money actually makes the economy grow? Really?"

    Do you even read what you write?
    Read that quote again and tell me if you really want to call PilotX and "economic illiterate."

  28. Anonymous11:35 PM

    “You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
    You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
    You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
    You cannot lift the wage earner up
    by pulling the wage payer down.
    You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
    You cannot build character and courage
    by taking away people’s initiative and independence.
    You cannot help people permanently by doing for them,
    what they could and should do for themselves.”

    Abraham Lincoln

    Einstein once said,
    ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats ….
    yet they are still POOR.
    What Does the Have to Say for Democratic Management

    10 Poorest Cities in America All Run BY DEMOCRATS
    City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level
    1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
    2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%
    3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
    4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%
    5. Miami , FL 26.9%
    5. St. Louis , MO 26.8%
    7. El Paso , TX 26.4%
    8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
    9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
    10. Newark , NJ 24.2%

    Democratic strongholds; bankrupt cities;

    In June, Stockton, Calif., became the largest U.S. city to file for bankruptcy. San Bernardino, Calif., was the most recent city to approve a bankruptcy filing after City Council members learned the city had only $150,000 left in its bank accounts.

    Central Falls, R.I., and Jefferson County, Ala., both filed for bankruptcy in 2011. Harrisburg, Pa., and Boise County, Idaho, also filed for bankruptcy, but their claims were rejected.

    In Michigan, seven local governments are under emergency manager laws. View our map and story about the state's efforts to turn around the distressed municipalities.

  29. "Becasue this country has been Black Run America since 1965."

    My goodness! I think it's time for me to go to bed.

    "Houston, we have a problem." :)

  30. I sure hope that people pay attention to the Troll warning on my sidebar.

    This is serious stuff.

  31. Anonymous11:46 PM

    field negro said...
    "In your obviously weak economic mind; to you the government taking more from people who create, then going into a backroom to divvy that up to the people they think should have the money actually makes the economy grow? Really?"

    Do you even read what you write?
    Read that quote again and tell me if you really want to call PilotX and "economic illiterate."

    Nevermind, you don't have a clue. I suppose to you the dollar they get from raising taxes doesnt get eaten up to support the inflated government overhead then what is left the government decided which cronies should be given the earmarks and spending. Funny how you make challenges but NEVER explain them, at this point I am sure you can not. It's all to convienant to say, ha-ha, but never back anything up. Anyone who thinks government spends money more efficiently then private industry is completely and totally economically illiterate. Of course I don't follow a bunch of politicians like you do who you expect them to have their hands out and "gets theirs" as long as they pass some along.

  32. Anonymous11:52 PM

    field negro said...

    Hey wingnut, I actually own a business, and I am quite sure that living and doing business in Philly -where I pay a business privilege tax, a net profit tax,use and occupancy tax, and even a tax on my gross- I am taxed much more than you are. But I don't mind, because I understand how government works. It's a small sacrifice for living in such a "great country". Suck it up and go out and work harder. Stop blaming Obama and black people for failures in your life. I bet that there aren't black people within a 100 miles of your business.

    You lost me at blaming black people and your obama talking point of "suck it up" I always will go out and suck it up" but I am tired of others sucking me dry as well. Lets see how you do when Scranton goes bankrupt and the rest of Philly plummets with White flight and government cuts back on those fees you charge for the poor people who are also getting taxpayer money to live.

  33. Anonymous12:17 AM

    How to respond to attacks against Obama

    Step 1. Plug your ears, and scream RACIST while loudly stomping your foot.

    Step 2. If this fails, point out that the common proletariat does not know what is best for them, and politely suggest they shut up, and listen to those who do know better than them; namely the Democratic Party.

    Step 3. If that doesn't work, point out that since they are brainwashed by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, they do not know what they are talking about, and thus their arguments are invalid.

    Step 4. If the Enemy of the State person still persists in arguing against Obama, ask them why they oppose progress and wish to see middle class American babies starve.

    Step 5. Point out that the One Percent of wealthiest Americans are keeping everyone else from getting their Fair Share(TM) and that their propaganda machines have brainwashed many Americans.

    Step 6. It's Class Warfare(TM). The rich are using the conservative poor to do their bidding, while income gaps continue to grow.

    Step 7. Still arguing with the conservative or libertarian kulak? Repeat step 1, only scream RACIST! louder, and stomp your foot harder.

  34. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Anon said, "Becasue this country has been Black Run America since 1965."

    Field said, "My goodness! I think it's time for me to go to bed."
    Field, it sounds like you are depressed. Well, the comments are effing depressing.

    May I suggest two glasses of wine before going to bed? It will help with the depression and help you sleep for a few hours.

    But between 3Am and 4AM you will awaken with a panicky doomed feeling in your gut. There will be sweat on your forehead and you will be peeping outside through your curtains looking for the KKK. Yep. Biden was right....The South and Jim Crow is just around the corner. May God help us all.

    It is so depressing to be a bm in America that I am exhausted. However, judging from the racist trolls here, it is shameful to be a fearful wm in America.

    I knew this American racism would eventually boomerang on the perpetrators. They are finished. They might as well leave America. There is no place for their racial hatred here anymore. People want 'peace' and 'unity', not more racism, hatred and divisiveness which the Dems and Repubs have to offer.

    These are scary and depressive times.

    BTW, do you have anymore movie recommendations that will take the edge off of my depression? I am burnt out on Shaft.

    depressed Negro

  35. Oy, I can't stand it when people use fake Lincoln quotes. Utterly unverifiable, long discredited by historians, no longer found in Lincoln biographies. Lincoln quotes are like Yogi-isms, the strange sayings of Baseball Hall of Famer Yogi Berra, most of which were never uttered by Yogi. You try to chase down the source of those Lincoln quotes you'll just go in circles. They'll never lead to Abraham Lincoln. Field would call those quotes "double hearsay" & he knows what that's worth in court. That Einstein quote isn't definitively Einstein either. Nobody has yet produced an Einstein document or contemporary account of him saying it.

  36. Commenters state with regularity this concept of a Black Run Nation? Is this the old theme of "blame it on the butler"...I too share your pain in being present wchen the country may be a free-fall. Having been there in the 60s as a young man, I am so dissapointed of here and now. To say that a group 10-13 percent of the population destroyed our economy lend me to wonder how this small segment of the population pulled down this great country. Why the best and brightess not see how this happen? Did we not have some reserves to buffer the onslaught? Well as I sit here fearful of the young thugs at night....I got to be fearful of the these all powerful Blacks that are now running this country. When Romney take the White House will we (powerful Black that have been running this country since 1964) still be running the show?

  37. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Toure was right and I'm glad he called out the big ass-elephant in the living room. It's too bad he couldn't handle the GOP backlash. Very few Dems can.

    Obama IS angry. Hell, you'd be angry too if you had to suck up the racism thrown at you for almost 4 years. Now Obama knows what it means to be a Black Man in America. And it doesn't matter whether you are poor, middle class, rich, wealthy or the President of the USA.

    To many Whites, whether Repub or Dem or Independent- they are trained to fear angry bm. Hence, Obama had better watch his anger, even though it is justified at the GOP-- Whites perceive it to be something over-the-top. Yet, it is far less than the anger of those raging crusty pasty white Repubs. Hell their anger almost caused the sinking of America. We lost out triple A rating because of their out-of-control angry hysteria.

  38. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Poor Lincoln and Einstien, people are always laying quotes on them which they never said. Yet, no one can refute the lies about what they said.

    This reminds me of a saying:

    "A lie is much faster than the truth. A lie can be half-way around the world before truth can get its pants on."

    Doesn't this sound like something Abraham Lincoln or Einstein might say?

  39. Anonymous1:33 AM

    A Black Panther Forever said...
    Commenters state with regularity this concept of a Black Run Nation? Is this the old theme of "blame it on the butler"...I too share your pain in being present wchen the country may be a free-fall. Having been there in the 60s as a young man, I am so dissapointed of here and now. To say that a group 10-13 percent of the population destroyed our economy lend me to wonder how this small segment of the population pulled down this great country. Why the best and brightess not see how this happen? Did we not have some reserves to buffer the onslaught? Well as I sit here fearful of the young thugs at night....I got to be fearful of the these all powerful Blacks that are now running this country. When Romney take the White House will we (powerful Black that have been running this country since 1964) still be running the show?

    Disengenious White Liberals.

  40. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Poor Lincoln and Einstien, people are always laying quotes on them which they never said. Yet, no one can refute the lies about what they said.

    This reminds me of a saying:

    "A lie is much faster than the truth. A lie can be half-way around the world before truth can get its pants on."

    Doesn't this sound like something Abraham Lincoln or Einstein might say?

    Yup David Axelrod and Obama said something close to that and are sticking to this for their campaign:

    "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

    oh wait that was Joseph Goebbels; same thing.

  41. Anonymous2:02 AM

    field negro said...
    "In your obviously weak economic mind; to you the government taking more from people who create, then going into a backroom to divvy that up to the people they think should have the money actually makes the economy grow? Really?"

    Do you even read what you write?
    Read that quote again and tell me if you really want to call PilotX and "economic illiterate."

    Hell yes, what do YOU think what was written means?

    For all you government spending chaps. Riddle me this:

    When government/Obama buys votes/spreads the wealth/makes sure his cronies get money where does that money come from? It's got to come from somewhere. Is it increased taxes like you love? Well if it does come from taxes then it means the people paying taxes now have less money to spend; so you gain nothing it is a wash other than supporting more big government jobs and propping up an aritifical middle class with corruption.

    Does the money come from future borrowing? Well I guess this means improvements today will have to be paid for by people in the future and they will be poorer and the economy will be poorer wont it. Only now we have "borrowed so much" the interest payments are consuming our GDP and there isn't much left that we can borrow.

    I know, I know maybe you think we can just print more Obamabucks (forget that the world is moving away from the dollar because of this and it continues to decline in value) so this causes inflation, dollar is worth less, everyone gets poorer and anyone with savings watches it get destroyed. Have you seen the price of everything the last year or so? Amazingly high and it isn't even close to being over yet. More borrowing, more printing, more inflation.

    Maybe the answer is to improve productivity, reduce waste, fraud and corruption and so on and cut spending and most of all stop lying and buying votes through creating destructive dependancies.

  42. Anonymous3:31 AM

    After reading the majority of the post within this blog, I can begin to understand,the nature of the insentivity of the so called American dream. While it is true that many of the rich create jobs many of them have been outsourced to other countries.
    While the n word has been and is being used on both sides in a destructive way, we allow ourselves to use it for for or bad. The problem is that truth behind the word has never been truly understood by both sides.

    The real truth is that we are being played by both sides, no jobs the economics of this country is in the dumpster, and while we are quibbling about bs the crooks are laughing all the way to the banks,no matter what country the bank is in. The laws are formatted in one room, and across the hall they fingering away to get around the.


  43. "Poor Lincoln and Einstien, people are always laying quotes on them which they never said. Yet, no one can refute the lies about what they said." Your paper retains an "incomplete." Any further delay in removing or supplying acceptable sources for the red-lined quotations will result in a "F."

  44. Anon@2:02am, I have seen the price of food going up. But my god man, do you believe that Obama controls the weather as well?

    Maybe now u wingnuts will start paying attention to global warming and other weather factors. Maybe.

    Anyway, to understand part of the problem woth this country, see what Anon@3:31 said.

  45. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Missed any discussion of Touré's comment in the MSM. One thought about all this: the coding, dog-whistle racism used by even the #1 Republican candidate is of the if-it-makes-a-difference-I'll-use-it variety. Part and parcel of kitchen-sink fighting. What's noteworthy is that there's no downside--no public opprobrium when they're caught race-baiting. As long as there's no downside for racial slurs, go to it! Maybe win a few votes.

    That's the saddest part of all this.

    It's 2012, and code words are O.K. in the "best" circles.


  46. Anotherbozo,that is a good point. But they have been doing it for years to black (and white) candidates (see Willie Horton) to play on the fears of their base.

  47. Anonymous10:00 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@2:02am, I have seen the price of food going up. But my god man, do you believe that Obama controls the weather as well?

    The drought has had nothing to do with food prices rising the past few years, that is creeping up now. What has impacted them is simple economics, the value of the dollar has decreased.

    Obama doesn't control the weather, but he is supposed to be controlling responsible messaging and he does control certain decisions that immediately impact the economy. In example leveraging off of your drought point:

    Obama recently decided while in a swing state seeking votes; that giving 170 million to farmers would be the solution to the drought, corn crop shortage issue. Essentially buying up cows, chickens, pigs to subsidize the "lost income' for farmers.

    Thats nice on the surface, makes great press for those who don't see the economic engine; it really helps those poor farmers who lost half their crops by government taking all these animals they wouldn't have sold - who said they wouldn't have sold them? And giving them income theoretically they wouldnt have. "Theoretically"

    The problems with this in my opinion horrible decision are as follows:

    -the farmers income would not suffer, it would/will be higher because they raised the price of corn to reflect the shortage - Supply and demand. As is happening, corn is at record prices and rising.

    -Despite the drought there is plenty of corn for human consumption and animal feed, it's the mandate for use of corn in ethanol that is causing corn to be used for ethanol rather then for animal feed and human food production. Farmers get a high price selling the corn for use in ethanol as opposed to using for animal feed and human consumption(high price due to government mandate of ethanol blend in gas) 40% of corn is sold for Ethanol use. Ethanol is a useless fuel that has scientifically been proven to not cut down on carbon emissions yet it is still a "feel good" fuel where we kid ourselves its cleaner and we need less foreign oil, while use of corn in ethanol raises the price of food.

    For the first time, more corn to ethanol plants than used as feed

    --The farmers chose to slaughter animals earlier getting more profit from selling corn for ethanol and were driving down the price of meat, while increasing the price of corn. Now the same thing will happen where there is a lower price of meat today and shortages and higher prices next year, only it cost 170 million to effect the same thing.

    Summation": Now with ethanol mandated and another 170 million vote buying gimmick added in; the cost of food, animal feed and gas will be increased AND the price of meat will be increased with market share going to other countries that can fill the void from the US meat shortage next year. So long and short term this is a really bad economical decision.

    Of course to add to the high price of food due to shortage of corn (again 40% of which is sold for ethanol due to forced government mandate making it more lucrative to sell for ethanol then use for food) the price of gas for transportation will add to the food shortage price, inflating it further.

    Solution: In this case the solution is so simple it blows the mind.

    Solution continued----

  48. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Solution continued---

    All that Obama needed to do was simply suspend government mandated ethanol blend requirements.

    What would that do?

    -Put 40% of corn back into use for animal feed/food production= no corn shortage
    -Eliminate the need for the new spending program/the farmers would have been able to make a living without this government "program" normal demand for meat and high demand for corn, while they did not slaughter large volumes of animals that will cause a meat shortage and even more high prices next season. There was also a bill just passed that spends something near 943 billion to subsidize farmers and allocates 772 billion for food stamps now that the prices of food will surely rise more (see how this cycle works)
    -Without ethanol gas prices would remain constant and have no further impact on food prices due to transportation costs and actually reduce pollution.

    To me this is a perfect example of vote buying or big government interfering that will result in another huge whallop to the economy for all, simply to avoid making an informed decision on ethanol use.

    It would have made perfect sense and actually helped the economy if Obama suspended ethanol, scientists would have backed it, they already published that ethanol pollutes more than gas w/o the blend, but it would have hurt with environmentalists who do not think. So a market is trashed, food and gas prices will rise for all, more money allocated for foodstamps due to the huge rise in food prices, further impacting this tough economy and it only cost another borrowed 170 million to do it.

  49. the black plague1:02 PM

    The title of an article that ran in yesterday's Wall Street Journal.

    Communities Struggle to Break a Grim Cycle of Killing

    In the comment section, there are now 767 responses.

    If you can't guess, I'll let you in on the subject -- black males killing other black males.

  50. tourette's syndrome1:18 PM

    field, you come off as the country's biggest political neophyte when you act as though comments about Obama (or Romney or Bush) have broken new ground for hostility.

    How naive are you?

    Answer: Very.

    Meanwhile, supporters of Obama are capable of doing no better than throwing out racial epithets in a way that supposes the Republicans are using these words, when, in fact, Democrats are the only ones resorting to the vocabulary of rappers and slavers.

    Meanwhile and with respect to calling up the slavery issue, it's becoming more and more apparent that Joe Biden is unhinged. An important screw is loose.

    As was stated in commentary appearing in today's NY Post, he suffers from logorrhea -- pathologically incoherent, repetitive speech.

    Even Obama noted Biden's derangement when he wrote as much in notes he jotted down during a Biden speech several years ago during his brief stay in the Senate.

    Biden is an asset to Romney. Everyone -- Democrats and Republicans -- are always waiting for Biden's next verbal bomb. Of course, Republicans wait in gleeful anticipation and Democrats are in dread.

  51. fool on the hill1:25 PM

    anon 8:33 pm said

    Obama does seem unhinged, angry and desperate, what other president of the United States attempts to get re-elected by telling people his opponent is a murdering felon? That isn't a president, thats a lowlife thug.

    Yes, it's sadly true. The unprepared candidate became an incompetent president, an experience that has turned him into a lowlife thug.

  52. cackling biden in the psych ward1:38 PM

    field writes:

    I don't know much about Touré...

    Hmmm, like 99.9% of America. His blatherings are childish and will do nothing to bring in votes for Obama.

    He's just another black clown running his mouth, uttering the one remaining word that can draw the attention of some members of the media.

    Meanwhile, as the days pass, it becomes more and more evident that no one can find evidence that Obama has accomplished anything.

    Oh, yeah, bin Laden is dead. As if the killing of bin Laden marked the end of Islam's war on the US.

    Nope. The war goes on because Obama has no idea what it means to win a war. His version of winning means the US should surrender to Islam.

    Unfortunately, few Americans understand that he is the Manchurian Candidate -- now Manchurian President, hoping for the opportunity to finish what he started, the final capitulation of the US to all our foreign critics.

  53. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Bob said, "Poor Lincoln and Einstien, people are always laying quotes on them which they never said. Yet, no one can refute the lies about what they said." Your paper retains an "incomplete." Any further delay in removing or supplying acceptable sources for the red-lined quotations will result in a "F."

    4:43 AM
    What red-lined quotations?

    You must be a frustrated English teacher.:)

    It might be helpful to read Anon's comment in it's entirety for context. From it you might ascertain what Anon was saying, like most FN readers did here.

    Billie Bob, this is a BLOG where people converse. FN is not a course in english. Get it?:)

  54. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Bob said, "Poor Lincoln and Einstien, people are always laying quotes on them which they never said. Yet, no one can refute the lies about what they said." Your paper retains an "incomplete." Any further delay in removing or supplying acceptable sources for the red-lined quotations will result in a "F."

    4:43 AM
    What red-lined quotations?

    You must be a frustrated English teacher.:)

    It might be helpful to read Anon's comment in it's entirety for context. From it you might ascertain what Anon was saying, like most FN readers did here.

    Billie Bob, this is a BLOG where people converse. FN is not a course in english. Get it?:)

    To me it was telling from the getgo that he had nothing to say about the topic, yet decided to tell us he was smarter because he knew of historically false qoutes attributed to two people, he no doubt has never read more than qoutes of.

  55. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Oh Joe biden off more than you can chew.

    Newsweek Cover - Obama Must Go

  56. huff and puff and blow your...4:40 PM

    Commentary worth repeating:

    Anonymous said...
    The bottom line put simply: had a Democrat Congress not insisted mortgages be given to unqualified buyers, mortgage companies and banks would not have needed to bundle bad loans.

    Mortgage companies and banks would not have failed. Construction would have continued to boom. The homeowner’s value/equity would be what it should have been.

    Foreclosures would NOT be ruling your day and mine. Banks would be making loans to small businesses. There would have been no stimulus.

    Had Congressman Barney Frank not been sleeping with the Fannie Mae Exec Herb Moses, there might have been a real rainbow beyond the clouds, as opposed to a Jesse Jackson rainbow, or a Kevin Jennings Safe Schools rainbow.

  57. Anonymous7:46 PM

    It boggles the mind when I hear or read whitey saying that Obama isn't prepared for the job of if they have some kind of secret knowledge which makes them aware of the difficulties of the office.

    Them whiteys are a silly bunch.

    Good people and they know everything. (At least they believe this is so).

  58. Anonymous1:36 AM

    What is the White Man's Burden ::: A PHRASE used to justify European IMPERIALISM in the nineteenth & early twentieth centuries; it is the title of a poem by RUDYARD KIPLING, the Freemason who wrote the Stainless Steel Masonic oath for THE SONS OF MARTHA.

    The phrase implies that imperialism was motivated by a high-minded desire of whites to uplift the less advanced black & brown peoples.

    PEACE to the Field

  59. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Field has been on my first-thing-to-read-in-the-morning list for a while, but with the Captain Renault reference, his number goes to the rafters and he is inducted into my blogger hall of fame.

    The man is an awesome writer!

  60. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Wow field,

    I know you're a staunch supporter of the first amendment but geez. ... I'd rather you close the comments section down on your post than to continue letting the serial trolls, downright bigots, and breathtakingly dumbest of dumb asses post. This is so upsetting and depressing. These fools have foxnation drudgereport biggovernment and all the other safe haven .com's out there for them to circle jerk to their satisfaction. Why here? Why one of the few outposts where a black man in America can speak his peice? No offense field, but this isn't a major news outlet. It's not even a news aggregator. So why leave this space open for nothing but hate and lies and vitriol? I love reading your posts. I hate the comments....

  61. actually it was Dr. Cornel West who coined the term "niggerized" after 9/11 in that for the first time white people felt

    "unsafe, unprotected, subject to random violence, hated for who [they} are. You become so scared that you defer to the powers that be, and you’re willing to consent to your own domination. And that’s the history of black people in America. That’s the history of black people in America." I think it was a brillinat analogy and observation.
