Friday, August 17, 2012

The Special Opsing of Obama, and stimulus lies and insider trades.

The republicans are hoping that lightening strikes twice when it comes to the general elections here in America. Remember the "Swift Boating" of John Kerry? Well, here we go again.

I guess we could call this one the special opsing of Barak Obama.

"The leader of a group of politically active special operations veterans who oppose President Barack Obama said Friday that the level of credit the president is claiming for the raid that killed Osama bin Laden is “pretty gross.”
“I absolutely believe that the president, as should any president who presided over this type of operation, should get some credit,” said Scott Taylor, a former Navy SEAL, speaking on CNN’s “Starting Point.” “But to the level of credit they have taken, it’s pretty gross.”

Taylor is the president of a group, called the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc., that is reportedly composed of former Navy SEALS and other special operations veterans. They recently produced a 22-minute video that charges, “Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden. America did.”
Soledad O’Brien, the host of “Starting Point,” asked why the group, in their video, had edited out a segment of a speech in which Obama praised the men who carried out the bin Laden operation.

“Because of course the personal credit taken certainly overshadows that, doesn’t it?” Taylor said on CNN. “So does the year-anniversary commercials, so does the high-level access to Hollywood producers, giving them [information on a] want-to-know basis rather than need-to-know basis, which is what’s supposed to happen with classified material. Again, this group is very serious, we’re very motivated, we’re the subject matter experts. It affects us the most and we’re worried about future operations being hindered and our brothers and sisters being put in harm’s way unnecessarily because of politicians.”

The group, which says it is nonprofit and nonpartisan, despite a number of its members having close ties to the Republican Party, has especially harsh words for the Obama administration on the subject of national security leaks." [Source]

Nice try wingnut. But I think we all know what's going on here.

Here are a few interesting words from one of these right wingnuts:

“I have to admit that I’m a Birther,” said SOS founder Larry Bailey, a retired 27-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, in an interview. “If there were a jury of 12 good men and women and the evidence were placed before them, there would be absolutely no question Barack Obama was not born where he said he was and is not who he says he is.” After nattering on about how some bizarre conspiracy theory regarding who Obama’s “real father” is, he throws in this craziness, “Barack Obama’s a born red-diaper baby. He’s a socialist.” [Source]

Yes Larry, we suspected as much.

Folks, all you need to know is that this group is made of former tea party types, and they are being funded by the usual GOP suspects.

It's a nice try, let's just see if the American people fall for this political three-card monte, again.

Finally, while a bunch unhinged former military dudes cry about not getting enough credit for killing Osama bin Laden, the republican candidate for president still refuses to release his tax returns. (BTW Mitt, that was really weak of you to put your wife out there to fight your tax battles for you.)
And then there is his vice presidential running mate who just might have...well here, read for yourself:

 "Ever since the Richmonder blog posted a story last weekend pointing to suspicious-looking stock trades made by Paul Ryan on September 18, 2008 – the day that Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson met with Congressional leaders to warn of an economic collapse and the need for a giant bailout – the press has been at sixes and sevens. Was it insider trading? Wasn't it? First the story circulated rapidly. Then, when the Romney/Ryan campaign quickly issued denials, some journalists, most notably Benjy Sarlin of Talking Points Memo , leapt to “debunk” the story. Matt Yglesias of Slate , who first credited the story, apologized and backed off.

Earlier this week, I posted an article challenging the denials made by the Romney/Ryan campaign.

John Carney, a senior editor at has responded to my post on Paul Ryan’s insider stock trades in September, 2008. Unlike the Romney campaign, he does not try to claim that Congressman Ryan did not have time to do the trades before markets closed at 4 PM. (There is, of course, the possibility that Ryan traded after hours; that was no part of my story.) Nor does he take refuge in the pathetic argument that some anonymous trustee did it. His objection is that Congressman Ryan’s trading that day followed a larger pattern evident in other transactions that year." [More] 

I am not sure I like this Ryan fellow. First he lies about getting stimulus dollars for his district, and now this.




  1. Sargent York9:02 PM

    Obama was much quicker to take credit for Osama's killing than he was in deciding to let the operation proceed. He had put it off for months on the advice of his consigliere Valerie Jarret. When she finally let him make his "gutsy call", he was out golfing - that's whay he's dressed like that in the picture.

    The Seals are right to critcize the irresponsible release of classified information solely for the purpose of gaining politically from the military's success.

    Obama is a joke of a President whose self-promotion comes before national security. Kudos to the Seals for pointing this out.

  2. Man, speaking of Rawmoney being weak Newsweek had a scathing article about him being a wimp. The story seemed highly partisan and kind of out of place in a "news" magazine but if what they printed is true your boy is a big wuss. The pne that stood out to me was him riding on the back of a jetski while his wife piloted it. Now I'm all about gender equality but I ain't holding on to my wife while she drives a vehicle. Aw man, that violates so many man laws that he should have his man card revoked. I can't vote for a B like that. Damn Mittens! I don't even like you but I didn't want to see you go out like that.

  3. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Field, You are pathetic. Spit on Navy seal when you know Obama has leaked like a sieve to play politics with soldiers lives, taxes, and now insider trading stories that were disproven. Democrats are like the little bitch down the block that makes up stories about you after you dump her.

    Why don't you just talk about the job Obama is doing as President instead of this vile shit poor attempt at character assassination. Each one is a lie, has been proven to be a lie and this time is destroying Obama because New Media uncovers the lies quickly. You didn't even have time to post the latest crap from Media Matters on Ryan supposed insider trading and it was already disproven as a complete lie Yesterday.

    Pathetic. This is exactly why Obama will lose, despicable people who show they will sink to any low no matter how vile. Everyone has your number this time.

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    PilotX said...
    Man, speaking of Rawmoney being weak Newsweek had a scathing article about him being a wimp. The story seemed highly partisan and kind of out of place in a "news" magazine but if what they printed is true your boy is a big wuss. The pne that stood out to me was him riding on the back of a jetski while his wife piloted it. Now I'm all about gender equality but I ain't holding on to my wife while she drives a vehicle. Aw man, that violates so many man laws that he should have his man card revoked. I can't vote for a B like that. Damn Mittens! I don't even like you but I didn't want to see you go out like that.

    HAHAHAHA A guy like you who takes it in the ass, supports the first gay prez of the US who throws like a girl, has a wife who bitch slaps him when he gets out of line (I know it's a black thang) and wears his moms jeans and helmet while riding his daughters bike..HAHAHAHAHA you are going to tell us about manliness...HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA

    Democrats are panicking, they have nothing left but idiotic shit. Funny as hell. When the chips are down you see what people are made of and brother you are shit.

    Thanks for the laugh powder puff.

  5. Anonymous9:25 PM

    They won't be satisfied until they get a KrystallNacht to rid the country of those they, in their infinite something, consider UnterMensch.

    Wonder why Ryan and Mitt and the Mitt offspring declined to serve?

    Ryan sounds like he is a "Liar fer Jeebus".

    Odd that SEALs would shill for those who have promised to eliminate Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and retirements for federal and military.


  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    Um Field, you wanna run down the difference between VOTER FRAUD and VOTER registration FRAUD again? Seems some of our slower (conservative) posters don't seem to grasp the concept. They usually struggle with somple concepts. they must have gone to Bobby Jindal's private schools. Ha! You're a good resource because unlike our white friends you've actually been to a post graduate school and it wasn't in Louisiana.

    Why don't you tell us? What is the difference between Voter Fraud and fraudulently registering ficticious peopel to vote, including forging of signatures?
    This guy is getting charged with signing false signatures and election falsification. BOTH are felonies with five years.

    You are one of those guys who gets caught with a stolen car and tells the cops, I dint do nuffin someone gabes dis to me and expects to get off. Uh-huh...sure.

    So tell us, you seem to think one is legal and one is not and neither are connected. Tell us, with your wonderful education why is Voter Registration Fraud OK with you and what is it used for how is it not important as you are trying to say?

    Don't be a coward, answer this seriously without blaming slavery or Jim Crow or some other stupid shit you usually deflect with.

  7. John Corzine9:41 PM

    Worried that Ryan might have sold his stock based on what Bernanke might have told him? Were you concerned at all that Obama got Tony Rezko to help him pay for his mansion?

    How do you keep a straight face with this shit?

  8. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Funny how today the fed advised they were going to stick the taxpayer with all the losses for fannie and freddie again. It was announced unemployment significantly increased in 44 of "57" states last month with New York and New Jersey the highest since Jimmy Carter times or 1977 at 9-10%, Obama had a disasterous week is getting exposed all over the place, had to bench biden, got attempts at injecting race thrown back at him and the ONLY thing his campaign can think to do is talk about Mitts taxes again...Man is he going down in Flames. Well everyone knew he sure couldnt talk about his job performance.

  9. Sealy Dan9:43 PM

    "Odd that SEALs would shill for those who have promised to eliminate Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and retirements for federal and military."

    That would be odd, if were even remotely true.

    What is odd is what liberal democrats believe. Odder still is that they expect anyone else to believe it.

  10. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Ryan sold his bank stocks on September 18 BEFORE the Paulson/Bernanke meeting.

    Therefore, there is no way to prove Ryan had any "insider" information about the coming crash on the same day.

    Therefore, Ryan is TOTALLY innocent and knew nothing about the failing economy.

    Field, WHY are you trying to paint Ryan as a liar? Anyone can look and listen to the man and can tell he is an honest man who doesn't lie.


  11. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Actually the Ryan Insider trading piece the Obama campaign tried to get out there was retracted by the author as being wrong 4 days ago on 8/13

    "Earlier today, columnist Matt Yglesias ran an item accusing Paul Ryan of insider trading while in Congress.

    Apparently this was something the Obama Campaign really wanted out there, because it aired on a number of lefty blogs as well as a number of what used to be called legitimate news sources..many of whom feature ex-Journalistas like Matt:…………

    Instead of confirming anything ( of course!) Matt just followed orders and put something out there…which now, after the slander’s been aired, he graciously decided to apologize for and retract:

    Let me apologize. I originally had a too-credulous item here linking to a piece at The Richmonder alleging that Paul Ryan has sold bank shares after a closed door meeting with Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke on the financial crisis in 2008. As Eric Platt explains he certainly seems to have sold the shares on the same day as the meeting, but the meeting happened in the evening by which time the markets would have been closed. One can perhaps construct a scenario by which the Richmonder’s theory of the case holds up, but they don’t have the goods and I shouldn’t have passed their analysis on with no qualification and so little scrutiny of my own.

    As Brad DeLong writes, for one reason or another Ryan did quite a lot of trading of individual bank stocks in 2008 so the timing of this particularly transaction isn’t particularly noteworthy when put in that context.

    Given the source, I suppose we should be glad for even this much. I’m sure similar ‘mistakes’ are on the way.

    They literally will say and do anything to get Barack Obama re-elected."

  12. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Maybe you should remember this

  13. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    PilotX said...
    Man, speaking of Rawmoney being weak Newsweek had a scathing article about him being a wimp. The story seemed highly partisan and kind of out of place in a "news" magazine but if what they printed is true your boy is a big wuss. The pne that stood out to me was him riding on the back of a jetski while his wife piloted it. Now I'm all about gender equality but I ain't holding on to my wife while she drives a vehicle. Aw man, that violates so many man laws that he should have his man card revoked. I can't vote for a B like that. Damn Mittens! I don't even like you but I didn't want to see you go out like that.

    HAHAHAHA A guy like you who takes it in the ass, supports the first gay prez of the US who throws like a girl, has a wife who bitch slaps him when he gets out of line (I know it's a black thang) and wears his moms jeans and helmet while riding his daughters bike..HAHAHAHAHA you are going to tell us about manliness...HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA

    Democrats are panicking, they have nothing left but idiotic shit. Funny as hell. When the chips are down you see what people are made of and brother you are shit.

    Thanks for the laugh powder puff.

    9:23 PM
    I have read some put-downs for many years but this one takes the cake. I mean, it is unmerciful. Obviously you don't like PilotX....neither do I.

    But I could not beat up on him like this. YOU have put an ass-whuppin on PilotX so SEVERE that he may never post again. Lord have mercy.

    I don't know who you are voting for, but whoever it is is going to win. If you could take a minute to tell me who you want to be President I will vote for him. I want to be on your side, not against you. I'm sure PilotX and some of these FN Negroes feel the same way. Lord have mercy.

    Prairie Dog

  14. Matt Yglesias10:04 PM

    Will Field "graciously retract" this slander about Ryan?

    I doubt it.

  15. altered states10:09 PM

    field wrote:

    I have a few Jamaican friends in the NY area with their own businesses;

    In the NY AREA? What's the NY AREA? Newark, NJ?

    Oh, there are a few black lawyers who specialize in getting black illegal aliens into the country. And there are some black ministers with store-front churches.

    Of course, here in NY City we're plagued with black political representatives who get into office long enough to steal a lot of money, especially by setting up phony non-profit organizations that collect taxpayers' money for doing nothing.

    Then it's off to jail they go.

    let me know if you need a job. I will put in a good word for you, even if you are an ignorant racist.

    There are no blacks with Wall Street businesses. The few that were around are now either in jail -- Alan Bond -- or dead of a drug overdose -- W.R. Lazard.

    Most likely, the only blacks you know in the NY AREA are those with government jobs.

    The only bookstore in Harlem is now closed. The Hue-Man Bookstore.

    The only businesses on 125th Street are chain stores and some churches.

    Because that's just the kind of guy I am.

    The kind of guy you are? Misinformed, and determined to stay that way.

  16. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Where the hell is Field? I am depressed over this Ryan debacle. That Shaft movie doesn't cut it anymore. I guess it's because I have been watching it again and again. So much I am sick and tired of it..I'm depressed!

    This Obama attack by Navy Seals is helping either. Does anyone think that it's the President who authorizes such international risks. He, and only he can give authorization for 'any' high level military operation.

    If that operation had been a failure, you can BET Obama would have been blamed 100%! So why do some want to take away the credit due him?

    He IS the President who had the guts to go into Pakistan and get Bin Laden. Some of you folks just can't give Obama credit for anything, can you? You are such small people. You fail to glorify God's children. You are sickening.

  17. news weak for blacks10:26 PM

    piles of lots of Xcrement said:

    Newsweek had a scathing article about him...

    Newsweek? Newsweek? Not long ago Newsweek was sold for the astonishing sum of $1. A buck.

    Why? Because all it did for its owners was lose money, something Obama believes in. What kind of business is it that actually earns a profit? In the liberal mind that profit represents some kind of robbery of the people who work for the business, but didn't build it.

    So now Newsweek has gone totally digital. That silly rag is no longer weighing down the mail bags of our valiant mailmen.

    As an online publication, its circulation will spiral down to zero unless there's a way to get advertisers to cover all its costs.

    But there isn't, so you can kiss Newsweek goodby.

    There's a declining amount of room in the media world for liberal publications. All of them are shrinking, including the NY Times.

    Many are already gone. Are there any black journalists who actually draw a paycheck? There are lots of black bloggers who pretend to be journalists, but they don't get paid.

    Meanwhile, I occasionally run into Fruits of Islam selling Louis Farrakhan's Final Call in subway stations. The height of black journalism.

  18. Bushdidit10:26 PM

    "If that operation had been a failure, you can BET Obama would have been blamed 100%!"

    No, if it had been a failure, the military personnel in charge of the operation would have been thrown under the bus. If one is thing is certain about Obama, it's that he always blames others for any failures.

  19. Anonymous10:33 PM

    He IS the President who had the guts to go into Pakistan and get Bin Laden. Some of you folks just can't give Obama credit for anything, can you? You are such small people. You fail to glorify God's children. You are sickening.

    He is the president who after months of having an unelected woman (valerie Jarrett) tell him not to go after the intelligence our military generals were demanding/pushing he act on as it was too risky, decided three times not to go. In fact on the night he said yes he had previously canceled blaming it on weather until a general insisted, it was then he was advised so many people knew about him knowing where bin laden was for months that it would inevitably leak and really shame him that he did his usual kick the can coward routine and he could not afford to keep saying no.

    He said yes, the seals went in and did the job. All he had to do as a leader was thank them and he would have gotten all the credit, instead like that horrible boss you had once, he decided that you didn't do anything and he did it all and leaked information that got men killed and put them in serious harm. No leader of any worth is this weak, shallow and narcissitic, You don't leak state secrets when you have enemies even if it means you need a bump in the polls. This shows he cares not one whit for who gets hurt or killed or at all for the US, to him everyone is fodder and pawns to be used for his power hunger.

    Now the left is trying to attack men of honor who laid their life down for the country, men who know how to give it all to achieve skills very few have on this planet, claiming they are lying - all to protect the narcissist. That is what is sickening.

  20. barack jimmy carter obama10:38 PM

    Is it any surprise that field knows there's so little to say in support of Obama and VP Hee Haw that his only way to comment on the coming election is to reach for silly stories about the Republican candidates?

    As the election gets closer, it becomes more and more evident that Democrats can point to NO achievements of the Obama administration.

    Even the killing of bin Laden turned out to be nothing more than a feel-good moment. A big hurrah went up from everyone in America except the muslim community, whose members felt they lost a leader.

    Sure, it proved that SEAL Team 6 is good at what they do. But we're still going through long security checks every time we go to the airport. Thus we live with the legacy of bin Laden.

    That's what Obama has done for America. He's accomplished nothing that improves life for Americans, but his actions have left the country with more burdens than ever.

  21. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Hey the next time the president avoids the real press like the last few months and has an interview with People and Entertainment tonight maybe they can ask the questions some Americans would like to know Instead of trying to hide behind someone elses taxes:

    Why did you cut 717 Billion from Medicare?

    How do you explain the July increase in unemployment and slow growth in GDP?

    Do you condemn the ObamaSuperpac Despicable and desperate ad campaign?

    Why is your plate to full for your own jobs council?

    Did you approve of David Plouffe profiting from a sponser of terrorism?

    Can you explain to business owners your "you didn't build that" comment?

    Do you condone your staff using personal email accounts to conduct business?

    Why didn't you stop the restructing of Solyndras loan?

    Can you reconcile the conflicting responses to national security leaks?

    Fast and Furious, a cartel figure says that the ATF had a deal to give guns to one cartel in order to get info to squash two other cartels. Is this the kind of information you are hiding with Executive Privilege? Who is responsible for Brain Terrys death?

    Recent emails highlight there was collusion within the DOJ to dismiss the Black Panther voter intimidation case, did you approve this? Are you aware Holder perjured himself under oath?

  22. Anonymous10:59 PM

    My, my. How things change. I was a former Obamaholic and now I find Obama not trustworthy. I find it hard to believe a word he says. The same goes for Ryan.

    However, what disturbs me more than anything today is Obama won't take questions from WH press reporters. It's been this way for months.

    I am surprised that an observant straight-talking blogger like Field hasn't mentioned it.

    Obama's behavior toward the press is symbolic of who he is, and what he thinks of the press.

    It seems as if Obama is trying his best NOT to win in November. AND WHY ISN'T FIELD POSTING ABOUT THIS?

  23. Mr Field,

    Don't worry about this new group. Remember, that there are only about 5% of the voters in about ten key states who are undecided and need to be persuaded. A paranoid, hate-spewing birther running what is probably an Astroturf organization spewing lies about Obama in an effort to swiftboat him will backfire. It is they who will look ridiculous, and it will lose them more votes than it will gain. I watched an MSNBC show with an SOS spokesman on it, and he was perhaps the worst at the job I have ever seen. He said that the organization does give full credit for Obama in giving a tough order, but he took too much credit for it the night of the announcement. The host proceded to show clips of Obama effusively praising and thanking the military and others for their skill and dedication. Then the host started waving the transcript and saying it is a LIE that Obama gave himself credit at the expense of the military and other intelligence pros. Once again, we are dealing with people (your trolls) whose minds close to facts and reason (Bill Maher talks about "the bubble" the Right is in, which keeps truth and logic from ever penetrating.) My point is that this SOS group is probably the worst bunch of extremists yet assembled, led by someone who seems unhinged in his irrational hatred of the President, and staffed by incompetents like the spokesman. You needn't worry that they will have any impact, except to help the Dems.

  24. Posoiden11:08 PM

    " PilotX said...
    Man, speaking of Rawmoney being weak Newsweek had a scathing article about him being a wimp. The story seemed highly partisan and kind of out of place in a "news" magazine but if what they printed is true your boy is a big wuss. The pne that stood out to me was him riding on the back of a jetski while his wife piloted it. Now I'm all about gender equality but I ain't holding on to my wife while she drives a vehicle. Aw man, that violates so many man laws that he should have his man card revoked. I can't vote for a B like that. Damn Mittens! I don't even like you but I didn't want to see you go out like that.

    9:08 PM

    You are so stupid, PilotX. I have a personal watercraft...(it wasn't a jet-ski you dumbass), and 95% of the time, I'm the driver. When they have 750 hp, you gotta be careful. My girls, I will let them drive sometimes, but I always have control of the "dead mans cord".

    Letting a woman pilot a watercraft is not "wuss".

    I hope you crash, next flight.

  25. Anonymous11:17 PM

    My point is that this SOS group is probably the worst bunch of extremists yet assembled, led by someone who seems unhinged in his irrational hatred of the President, and staffed by incompetents like the spokesman. You needn't worry that they will have any impact, except to help the Dems.

    Of course this might make sense if congress hadn't already demanded investigation into leaks that have been traced to the whitehouse - the rest of your post is garbled words seemingly pieced together randomly from the liberal news talking points. The SOS is incompetent? Irrational Hatred? Extremists?

    You must have a low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.

  26. Ryan is caught on the horns of a dilemma. Explaining why he wasn't insider trading would require the disclosure that he was "loss harvesting" which requires a 30 day flip on regulated securities. It's another of those tax avoidance schemes that the rich discuss in quiet tones over Johnnie Walker Blue at the club, and too douchy-waspy to bother articulating as an excuse in an election dependent on blue-collar white-ethnic Catholic turnout for a come from behind win.

  27. Anonymous11:20 PM

    You are so stupid, PilotX. I have a personal watercraft...(it wasn't a jet-ski you dumbass), and 95% of the time, I'm the driver. When they have 750 hp, you gotta be careful. My girls, I will let them drive sometimes, but I always have control of the "dead mans cord".

    Letting a woman pilot a watercraft is not "wuss".

    I hope you crash, next flight.

    Tee-hee the funniest thing is that Pilot X is a Flight Attendant, he serves drinks and sells chips on flights.

    Irish Spring - Manly yes, but Pilot likes it too.

  28. Truth Wins11:22 PM

    These Seals will be to Obama what the Swift Boat vets were to Kerry.

    America hates phony heros.

    Goodbye Barry.

  29. Anonymous11:23 PM


    Because it will be very hard and expensive to have that Obama tattoo removed from his ass.

  30. Seems like a few of your posters have to ride in the side car while their "significant other" actually rides the bike. Must have touched a nerve, anyhoo nice to see macho Rawmoney has so many admirers. Your blog is never boring.

  31. Vince Foster11:42 PM

    This just in: The reason Hillary turned down Obama's offer to replace Biden on the ticket is that the party is going to dump Obama and put Hillary on the ticket!

    Maybe Hillary will let Obama be her VP.


  32. Anonymous11:44 PM

    The Obama campaign official Ben LaBolt told Reuters’ Mark Hosenball last night. He lambasted the group’s accusations about national security leaks this morning.

    “No one in this group is in a position to speak with any authority on these issues and on what impact these leaks might have,”

    OK. Great now that we know the senator and congressman were correct and you confirm these "ARE" leaks. Where did they come from, the military of the white house. Lets see Obama try and throw generals under the bus. Everyone already knows it was the whitehouse.

    I tell you, the amateur nature of everything surrounding Obama is mind boggling. You think these liars would be smart enough to craft a denial statement that did not confirm the leaks were in fact leaks.

  33. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Hey Pitot X - Lower your flaps, still waiting for your highly educated definition between what you said the difference that matter to you apparantly between voter fraud and voter registration fraud. See post below for your convienance.

    PilotX said...
    Um Field, you wanna run down the difference between VOTER FRAUD and VOTER registration FRAUD again? Seems some of our slower (conservative) posters don't seem to grasp the concept. They usually struggle with somple concepts. they must have gone to Bobby Jindal's private schools. Ha! You're a good resource because unlike our white friends you've actually been to a post graduate school and it wasn't in Louisiana.

    Why don't you tell us? What is the difference between Voter Fraud and fraudulently registering ficticious peopel to vote, including forging of signatures?
    This guy is getting charged with signing false signatures and election falsification. BOTH are felonies with five years.

    You are one of those guys who gets caught with a stolen car and tells the cops, I dint do nuffin someone gabes dis to me and expects to get off. Uh-huh...sure.

    So tell us, you seem to think one is legal and one is not and neither are connected. Tell us, with your wonderful education why is Voter Registration Fraud OK with you and what is it used for how is it not important as you are trying to say?

    Don't be a coward, answer this seriously without blaming slavery or Jim Crow or some other stupid shit you usually deflect with.

  34. “If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. … If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

  35. Anonymous11:51 PM

    PilotX said...
    Seems like a few of your posters have to ride in the side car while their "significant other" actually rides the bike. Must have touched a nerve, anyhoo nice to see macho Rawmoney has so many admirers. Your blog is never boring.

    C'mon Pilot we know your Boyfriend drives you to work, whats with the fake machismo from you tonight? You already asserted you "catch" for the other side - Who cares.

  36. Mr. Macho won't even release 5 years of tax returns. Man, must be some hella embarrassing stuff. Anybody else wanna peak?

  37. Rmoney seems to have gotten about a 2 point Ryan bounce. That's what was left of McCaines Palin bounce a week after her Katie Couric interview.

  38. Pop Warner12:08 AM

    PilotX said...
    Mr. Macho won't even release 5 years of tax returns. Man, must be some hella embarrassing stuff. Anybody else wanna peak?

    I wanna see Obama's college transcripts first.

  39. Anonymous12:08 AM

    PilotX said...
    Mr. Macho won't even release 5 years of tax returns. Man, must be some hella embarrassing stuff. Anybody else wanna peak?

    he is macho, he told that bald headed clown wrangler axelrod to go stuff it with his deflective stunts and publicly announced it. Everyone can see immediately Obama got toasted BAD and has nothing else so they go back to taxes, it's sad that he had to go back to taxes. Not bright enough to see that issue went no where and now they look simpleminded and lost.

    Why isn't Obama talking about his presidency?

  40. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Obama didn't make the decision to say yes to Valerie to allow the military to go as they were waiting on; someone else did that.

  41. You Hypocrites12:35 AM

    Who are you gonna trust: Some mulatto goober who can't even release his "school records", or a bunch of guys who went thru special ops, passed, and performed?

    Oh. Let me guess. I wonder why.

  42. Sendlawyersgunsandmoney12:38 AM

    Good grief, the idiot parade is out tonight. Nice to see all the conspiracies and bullshit on display. Suck it all after Mittens gets beat


    here's the funniest part of the article

    "Where Reagan saddled up a horse with the masculine name of El Alamein, Mitt saddles up something called Rafalca—except that he doesn’t even really do that, his wife does (dressage). And speaking of Ann—did you notice that she was the one driving the Jet Ski on their recent vacation, while Mitt rode on the back, hanging on, as Paul Begala put it to me last week, “like a helpless papoose”?"

    What a punk. No way this guy represents 'merica

  44. Wesley R12:56 AM


    One of the Anti-Obama Vets was on Hardball today and they were proven to be full of shit. They showed clips of the President giving all of the credit to the troops.

  45. Lying1:00 AM

    Pilot. You are too damn stupid. You rant & rave, like a little girl, but you can't defend the crap you say.

    Once again, you will have the opportunity, to defend this:

    Anonymous said...
    You are so stupid, PilotX. I have a personal watercraft...(it wasn't a jet-ski you dumbass), and 95% of the time, I'm the driver. When they have 750 hp, you gotta be careful. My girls, I will let them drive sometimes, but I always have control of the "dead mans cord".

    Letting a woman pilot a watercraft is not "wuss".

    I hope you crash, next flight.

  46. Lt. Commander Johnson1:17 AM

    “Never in my life, inside or outside of politics, have I witnessed such dishonesty in a political leader. He is the most mendacious political figure I have ever witnessed. Even by the low standards of his presidential predecessors, his narcissistic, contumacious arrogance is unequalled. Using Obama as the bar, Nero would have to be elevated to sainthood. Many in America wanted to be proud when the first person of color was elected president, but instead, they have been witness to a congenital liar, a woman who has been ashamed of America her entire life, failed policies, intimidation, and a commonality hitherto not witnessed in political leaders. He and his wife view their life at our expense as an entitlement – while America’s people go homeless, hungry and unemployed.”

    Your boy is going doooooooown.

  47. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Vince Foster said...
    This just in: The reason Hillary turned down Obama's offer to replace Biden on the ticket is that the party is going to dump Obama and put Hillary on the ticket!
    I have always thought that the Dems would drop Obama before election time. Thanks for the news. It's about TIME!

  48. Anonymous1:32 AM

    It's all over for Obama. There is no way he can win.

  49. PirotX:
    What a punk. No way this guy represents 'merica

    Do you mean this guy:

  50. How many of you idiots just changed your vote from Obama to Mitt because you don't like the way bin Laden was taken out? Well, that's exactly how many other Americans will change their votes. This election isn't about that, or any other ludicrous right wing assertions. This is election isn't riding on Paul Ryan or Joe Biden. There's a few hundred thousand votes to be had in swing states, mostly educated white suburban women, & it's up to Mitt to get them. Well, actually, it will ride on Paul Ryan if Mitt;s dumb enough to send him after those votes, with his proposals to gut everything most of those women want from government. I don't think he is.

  51. Make Me Puke2:16 AM

    No. THIS is what the majority Whites/Asians/Hispanics need to see:

    We are targeted. Roll over, or fight back.

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. Prove it, Pilot. You post lots of comments. Link me to one where you support President Obama. Then I will apologize for saying I think you're diddleysquat,

  54. Full Of Flying Shit2:45 AM

    Screw PiltoX

    The only thing he's flown is crop-duster.

    If that.

    Hey Piolt....what are the wheels onn the plane(s) rated?

  55. Call Me Astounded3:47 AM

    PilotX said...
    Bob said...
    How many of you idiots just changed your vote from Obama to Mitt because you don't like the way bin Laden was taken out?

    I did.

    2:21 AM"
    I don't beleive it.

  56. Making Peace4:02 AM

    Pilot......if you're still awake....let's talk.....(I',m a horrile typist.)

  57. Anonymous4:24 AM

    On Thursday, the FBI revealed that the man who shot a guard at the Family Research Council's Washington, D.C. building had 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his bag, worked for an LGBT organization, told his parents he had "strong opinions with respect to those he believes do not treat homosexuals in a fair manner," and uttered, "I don't like your politics" before opening fire. FRC President Tony Perkins accused the Southern Poverty Law Center, which had labelled the FRC a hate group, of giving the shooter "license" to carry out his actions.

    Further, rumors were swirling that President Barack Obama would replace Vice President Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton. These rumors became more intense in light of a litany of gaffes by Vice President Joe Biden, the most prominent of which was when he told an audience in which half the attendees were black in a Virginia city known for its history of racial tension that Republicans were "gonna put y'all back in chains."

    One would think the mainstream media networks would have struggled over which of these two significant stories they would lead their Thursday evening broadcasts with.

    Yet, since these two stories hurt Obama, the evening broadcasts of NBC News, ABC News, and CBS News (all three!) led with stories about Romney's tax returns, further proving that the mainstream media, far from being the neutral arbiters they so desperately claim to be, wears the same jersey as the Obama campaign.

  58. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Wesley R said...

    One of the Anti-Obama Vets was on Hardball today and they were proven to be full of shit. They showed clips of the President giving all of the credit to the troops.

    Hardballs? Oh my god, my leg, I can't feel it, oh my god...ahhh there it's tingling...

  59. "...Man is he going down in Flames. Well everyone knew he sure couldnt talk about his job performance."

    Oh my! For your sake, wingnut, I certainly hope so. What happens if he wins? Are you all prepared to leave?

    "Good grief, the idiot parade is out tonight. Nice to see all the conspiracies and bullshit on display. Suck it all after Mittens gets beat"

    Don't say that, they will all start foaming at the mouth.

    "America hates phony heros."

    I agree, like the ones who lie about saving the Olympic Games.

    "Oh, there are a few black lawyers who specialize in getting black illegal aliens into the country. And there are some black ministers with store-front churches."

    Sorry, no friends who own churches, but I will ask around. Do you want to work in a church?
    I am sure you would be good at counting the offering. Just don't take any for yourself.I know you have to keep up that so called Victorian. ;)

    "Will Field "graciously retract" this slander about Ryan?"


    And I think you mean defamation. We have never met and I have never spoken to you, so slander would be out the door.

    BTW, truth is a defense to that charge. Your boy is a public figure, so tell him to prove that I defamed him.

  60. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I'm sure this is "racism" too:

  61. And I am sure that this is "reverse"-racism.

  62. Pot....Meet Kettle10:25 AM

    Love your sources, field.

    Kinda like your disdain for Breitbart or Rasmussen.

  63. Malcolm Xcrement10:56 AM

    No comment?

    field might be busy dodging bullets in The City Of Bruthally Love.

  64. Anonymous11:03 AM

    field negro said...
    And I am sure that this is "reverse"-racism.

    Am I missing something this is from 2007 as far as I recall this year conservatives wanted a law that prosecuted the hell out of these phony liberals who invent persona including military backgrounds, democrats wouldn't have it. They said being frauds and inventing entire lives was their livelihood and what they did. Barry Sotero Agrees.

  65. Anonymous11:16 AM

    "Democrats punt on Senate budget bill for third year

    In a stunning backtrack that virtually guarantees Congress for the third year will be unable to produce a budget, Senate Democrats’ top budget writer Tuesday canceled this week’s expected votes on a 2013 fiscal blueprint.

    Instead, Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, North Dakota Democrat, said he will use the next few months to try to breathe life into the shelved 2-year-old Bowles-Simpson deficit commission proposal."

  66. "field might be busy dodging bullets in The City Of Bruthally Love."

    Actually, "field" just came back from playing two sets of tennis with some wonderful loving people.

    Nope, didn't see any "bullets" in this beautiful city I call home.

  67. Field, check your boy at 2:21. The trolls are jacking identities again. I mean it's a free country and all but there are too many names to choose from than to try to imitate me. Ii know they would like to be as cool as me but still.......

  68. "And I think you mean defamation. We have never met and I have never spoken to you, so slander would be out the door.

    BTW, truth is a defense to that charge. Your boy is a public figure, so tell him to prove that I defamed him."

    There you go going all lawyer on him. You know these hillbillies dropped out of the 3rd grade.

  69. PilotX, say the word and I will delete that comment. We can't have trolls being mixed up with normal folks. :)

  70. Anonymous12:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    Field, check your boy at 2:21. The trolls are jacking identities again. I mean it's a free country and all but there are too many names to choose from than to try to imitate me. Ii know they would like to be as cool as me but still.......

    How do they do that? Some people can't even get an ID to vote and some people have so many ID's, they have to use multiple absentee ballots.

  71. it wasn't a bad comment or anything. You make the call.

  72. Anonymous12:48 PM

    This is so funny even a normally insecure, feeling inferior to humanity liberal should laugh.

    Bark Obama and Joe Bite Me Biden

    Word has it Biden had been benched for good and will become unable to continue due to health reasons, whilst Hillary steps in. Even though Bill doesn't want her to because if/when they lose or if they win and they destroy the country further as is inevitable her aspirations for a 2016 presidency are done.

  73. Big Rod Laver1:06 PM

    I'm glad you're safe field. and I mean that sincerely.

    Let's have a Happy Saturday, and all just be friendly Americans.

    (tho, I have this scary image of you in tennis shorts. You should wear a skirt, now & then, to appease your LGBT readers:)

  74. PilotX said...
    it wasn't a bad comment or anything. You make the call.

    12:45 PM

    I don't even like PiloX, and I say delete it.

  75. your cheatin heart2:28 PM

    the negroidal way:

    Restaurant manager shot dead in front of workplace in Queens

    August 18, 2012

    A restaurant manager was shot dead in front of his workplace in Queens last night, law-enforcement sources said.

    Nevill Brown, 56, was chatting with a gal pal while seated in a parked car about 10:30 p.m. when a gunman dressed all in black walked up to the pair, shot him several times in the back of the head and fled without saying a word, sources said.

    Brown, who was pronounced dead at the scene, was a manager at the Cozy Corner Jamaican Restaurant on 243rd Street in Rosedale.

    The motive for the shooting remains unclear and no arrests have been made, sources said.

    Let's start the investigation by questioning the husband or boyfriend of Brown's female friend.

  76. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Barack Obama - It's a Miracle.!

  77. Anonymous4:39 PM

    bigot boy waynie hasn't done an article on the homo who tried to murder the Christians in D.C.?

  78. no more homework, no more books4:42 PM

    Obama renews call for aid to halt teacher layoffs


    August 18, 2012

    WASHINGTON — Tight school budgets have meant fewer teachers, larger classes and shorter school years, according to a White House report that President Barack Obama says shows the need for Congress to pass his proposals to help states reduce teacher layoffs.

    The study concluded that 300,000 education jobs have been lost since the official end of the recession in 2009 and that student-to-teacher ratios have increased by 4.6 percent from 2008 to 2010 and are on track to grow more.

    "If we want America to lead in the 21st century, nothing is more important than giving everyone the best education possible — from the day they start preschool to the day they start their career," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday.

    Obama is pressing Congress to act, part of an election-year strategy to portray Republicans as obstructionists.

    Republicans have proposed their own measures, but they have not advanced in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

    The partisanship has created a stalemate that Obama has tried to exploit during his re-election campaign.

    While the private sector has continued to create jobs, though at a sluggish pace, the public sector has been posting monthly job losses, contributing to an 8.3 percent unemployment rate.

    Obama's plan includes $25 billion in aid to prevent layoffs of teacher and pay for other education jobs.

    According to the report, average student-to-teacher ratios reached a low of 15.3 in 2008 but climbed to 16 students per teacher in 2010, equal to levels in 2000.

    It said that in many districts, class size is much higher because of steeper cuts in education budgets.

    The report says that since the fall of 2010, local governments have cut about 150,000 more education jobs.

  79. Anonymous5:02 PM

    The bottom line put simply: had a Democrat Congress not insisted mortgages be given to unqualified buyers, mortgage companies and banks would not have needed to bundle bad loans. Mortgage companies and banks would not have failed. Construction would have continued to boom. The homeowner’s value/equity would be what it should have been. Foreclosures would NOT be ruling your day and mine. Banks would be making loans to small businesses. There would have been no stimulus. Had Congressman Barney Frank not been sleeping with the Fannie Mae Exec Herb Moses, there might have been a real rainbow beyond the clouds, as opposed to a Jesse Jackson rainbow, or a Kevin Jennings Safe Schools rainbow.

  80. The Southern white way....

  81. White Stud6:01 PM

    I'll raise you 15 Trillion, and call;

  82. Anonymous6:11 PM

    My favorite whopper is that Ryan loves Medicare more than Obama. I mean, Jeeesus!

    Yes, Americans are naive folk. But are they THIS stupid?

    Field, you're a daily stop for this melanin-deprived type. You're happening these days, as we used to say.


  83. Anonymous12:38 AM


    By now we should all know how the system works in AmeriKKKa!

    REPUBLICANS = Raging Bulls outsourcing in a China shop.

    DEMOCRATS = Wall Street Bear Asses; rats gnawing at the HULL of their own ship.

    They keep the people drowning in the Deluge.Where Leonardo DICaprio cause the people need an Inception of another kind. This bird with a left-wing & right-wing Is sicks sicks sicks...

    PEACE to the Field
