Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The republican party.

I am trying to watch the GOP convention. Trying. Between John Boehner's "man walks into a bar" joke, and the whole "you didn't build that" theme, (I think we all know who built it, and we did it free of charge) I am starting to think that the strip bars in Tampa are going to be filling up a bit early tonight. *yawn*

I am just waiting for my friend from New Jersey to tear himself away from the buffet table and give his speech. It should be interesting. I am sure that as a pro choice politician from the Northeast corridor he won't be talking about things like abortion. And, given his party's position on that issue, that's probably a good thing. Governor Chris will be the guy to tear that Obama fellow a new one, and my wingnut friends are hoping and praying that he will deliver.

Rick Santorum is speaking now. He is talking about life and liberty and how we must kick the beige dude out of the people's house "for the sake of our children". Of course Rick is talking about the unborn again. Rick really cares a lot about the unborn, the kids who are here and living in poverty on the other hand; not so much.

Ann Romney is going to give a speech as well. She will be the one trying to "humanize" her husband. Good luck with that. I can't say anything bad about Mrs. Romney. The poor lady has had to overcome so much. (No, not living with a robot for all these years.) She deserves our praise. Even if she has to brag to us that she shops at Costcos. (Memo to Mrs. Romney, that is nothing to brag about. That ought to be reason enough not to vote for your husband. Now I know where he gets those f****d up looking jeans.)

Artur is talking now. I would like to listen to what he is saying but I just can't. Because honestly, I have heard that song before, and the dance he is doing to it still looks the same. I know Artur, you are still mad at Obama because he didn't talk to you at Harvard.

I still haven't heard any of the republican speakers send their prayers to the people of the Gulf Coast. Seven years after Katrina, those poor folks are looking at another b***h slap from the gal upstairs. Artur should have started his speech by saying let's keep those folks on the Gulf Coast in our thoughts and prayers, but he didn't. He just couldn't wait to get into his jig.

So while the republicans party in Tampa, their fellow Americans are looking at a potential disaster just hundreds of miles away. The imagery couldn't be more fitting.




  1. Robert Byrd11:06 PM

    "I think we all know who built it, and we did it free of charge"

    If you call $10 trillion in welfare payments "free", I guess.

    That was some expensive cotton.

  2. "Seven years after Katrina, those poor folks are looking at another b***h slap from the gal upstairs."

    B***h slap? I think you mean electronics super sale! With free beer!

  3. "Now I know where he gets those f****d up looking jeans"

    You mean like these?

  4. "If you call $10 trillion in welfare payments "free", I guess"

    Most of that 10 trillion went to YOUR peeps. And I am not even counting the GI Bill. ;)

    "I think you mean electronics super sale! With free beer!"

    Who needs "beer" when you can make your own moonshine

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Field said, "...and the whole "you didn't build that" theme, (I think we all know who built it, and we did it free of charge) ..."

    Field, FYI: Slaves don't work for money.

    We were slaves at the time. We were supposed to do whatever the master wanted.

    The master paid his hard earned money for us from the hot slave trade at the time. We were owned by the master....get it? We weren't working for money like some free men.

  6. who got ma money?11:25 PM

    Robert Byrd posted:

    "I think we all know who built it, and we did it free of charge"

    If you call $10 trillion in welfare payments "free", I guess.

    $10 trillion paid to people who had no connection to life in the US prior to 1865.

    Christie spoke about the Second American Century. But his idea is hamstrung by the fact that blacks want to stand in the way, blacks going so far as to pretend there was no First American Century.

  7. Anonymous11:29 PM

    That's because Blacks hate America more than they want a continuation of American prosperity.

    They would rather wreck the whole thing.

  8. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Be grateful for the slave trade. You've ended up in America, the richest country on the planet.

    Hell, if that hadn't happened we would still be back in Africa and that would be NO FUN.

    Field, you need to learn how to see the silver lining in things.

    Jesse Lee Peterson

  9. free beer11:33 PM

    Not so remarkably, when it comes to the Romney campaign and the Repubican Convention, field is unable to point to any achievement by the Obama Administration that counters the claims being aired tonight in Tampa.

    As for New Orleans, it's being hit by a rain storm. So far, Isaac wins the award for the wimpiest hurricane ever.

    But leave it to the Chicken Littles among the Democrats who seem to be begging for the arrival of an actual natural disaster.

    However, who knows what benefit Democrats would receive from a Category 5 hurricane that rips apart New Orleans? If that were to happen, Obama would be the biggest loser.

    Anyhow, it looks like Best Buy will get through the storm without losing its inventory to looters.

    Meanwhile, much of the black population of New Orleans departed after Katrina and hasn't been seen around town since. Therefore, even a second flooding of the Lower Ninth Ward would mean little.

  10. "Be grateful for the slave trade. You've ended up in America, the richest country on the planet."

    Lord have mercy!

    Jesse Lee, you need help.You must have been hanging around with Artur.:)

  11. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Gov Christie hit the ball out of the park with his speech. Romney is going to win this thing.

  12. "... Isaac wins the award for the wimpiest hurricane ever."

    Kind of like that convention going on to the South of it.

  13. Jesse has a point. American blacks are the richest, most free, healthiest, best educated negroes on the planet.

  14. internally com-busted11:40 PM

    Chevy is getting closer to shutting down production of the Volt permanently.

    Solyndra collapsed in bankruptcy, and if GM were dependent on the Volt, it would also collapse.

    However, given the fact that it competes in segments of the car market where it makes no money or loses money, it may well head into bankruptcy a second time.

    The Chevy Impala and Malibu are two cars it should not manufacture. The company makes NO money from these two models.

    GM, despite all the crapola from Obama, earns all its profits from SUVs and pick-up trucks.

    It should make those vehicles and drop the others.

  15. Anonymous11:45 PM

    field negro said...
    "If you call $10 trillion in welfare payments "free", I guess"

    Most of that 10 trillion went to YOUR peeps. And I am not even counting the GI Bill. ;)

    No, Actually it didn't, the majority of government levied taxpayer charity is distributed to those who cannot succeed in many, many forms excluding welfare.

    Anyway, I see you were watching Rachel Maddow tonight with the key words you are using. I switched over every now and then to MSNBC - My god what a hateful people. They went into contortions to find reasons to hate and spin and twist. Sharpton was his usual envious hateful idiot, "dey needs to gets together and gets the message straight, I'ze confused, Ann was about love, Christie was about respect. Duh-uhhhhhhh. Liberals.

    I heard them mention the GI bill a dozen times, coincidentally just like you do, as if that equates to todays entitlements.

    Let me explain something to you, those GI's weren't given anything, they earned it, they earned it through, blood, sweat and sacrifice, the majority of them if not all KNEW they would not make it back alive, yet they met their obligation out of duty, honor, love and courage of their country. They risked life and limb and many were killed to fight for this country and fought the german democratic socialist party and Japanese communist statists. Than they built this country from the ground up.

    How dare you small minded liberals insist that some buckwheat sitting on a couch playing x-box who didnt even have the courage to study in school is just as worthy of receiving compensation on a level similar to those brave souls, there is NO comparison whatsoever. It isn't bravery to do nothing and go with the flow. It's bravery to stand up and say enough of this and do something. I know. I know, there were slaves in their family history....yeah there was, some might even know the names of some of those long ago deceased family members, not many, but some.

  16. union of black dictators11:47 PM

    Has any black nation ever held a political convention?

    Has any black nation ever practiced democracy -- without the tutelage of a benevolent white government handing over the power?

  17. Anonymous11:48 PM

    field negro said...
    "... Isaac wins the award for the wimpiest hurricane ever."

    Kind of like that convention going on to the South of it.

    Yeah, stand up be strong, you can accomplish something is wimpy to those who say, look at them , gibs me dat, gibs me dat, gibs me dat.

    what is obama going to do for us again? Free rubbers and pills, free abortions...and then what? What was he going to do for the economy? How is he going to join us all together as americans should he be re-elected when he spent all this time driving us to hate each other? Really, whats his plan other than, Mitt is evil and white, so vote for me? What exactly has he done and will he do if re-elected?

  18. Two Pack11:49 PM

    The only thing slavery means to the modern american black person is a reason to say "gibs me dat"

  19. africans love islam11:58 PM

    Unemployment has been over 8% since Obama became president.

    But, yeah, we know, it doesn't matter all that much because under Obama gay marriage became legal, so, yeah, we can see, the high unemployment is okay because we have gay marriage. Yeah.

    Oh, and we have high gasoline prices, but that's okay because Chevy was selling about 1,000 electric cars a month. So again, things sort of balanced out.

    Or, there's the big one -- the dead Osama bin Laden. So yeah, he's dead and that settles everything even though we're still going through long security lines at the airport and the US military is still in Afghanistan, fighting for who knows what?

    And Hey, how about that whole muslim prayer business coming up at the Democrat Convention? Muslims tied to terrorism are going to be at the Dem convention on how to beat one's wife, how to perform legitimate rape and how to expand the caliphate to global proporitions.

    Obama's gonna love it. Like old home week for America's most anti-American president ever.

  20. Anonymous11:59 PM

    still haven't heard any of the republican speakers send their prayers to the people of the Gulf Coastbut at the top of her remarks, she deviated from her script to reference Hurricane Isaac, which made landfall in Louisiana tonight.

    You weren't listening apparantly

    Ann Romney:

    We "hope and pray that all remain safe and no life is lost and no property is lost," she said.

    But note the big difference is, Obama is president. He is in charge right now. It's one thing to say, god bless and help them, if you need anything call Bobby Jindal, but I am going to campaign right now, something unprecedented, no president of the opposing party ever campaigns on the night of a convention. Obama has to, he is losing.

    Someone like Mitt gives and doesn't brag about it, as Ann says the blessing is in helping someone. Not as Obama would do, have you help someone by raiding someone elses money, then brag that he did it while he wasn't even involved and gave nothing.

    Liberals like he are disgusting.

    1. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Animosity is one thing but your vitriolic drivel is quite another. Trivializing slavery and saying that our people have been somehow repaid by the welfare system has uncovered your inbred stupidity and most of all your dumb assed red neck philosophy. You need to do stand up because you're comical underneath that veil of excrement.

  21. Valerie Jarret11:59 PM

    union of black dictators said...
    Has any black nation ever held a political convention?

    Has any black nation ever practiced democracy -- without the tutelage of a benevolent white government handing over the power?

    Well, today in America, we have a white nation ruled by blacks. Does that count?

  22. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Valerie Jarret said...
    union of black dictators said...
    Has any black nation ever held a political convention?

    Has any black nation ever practiced democracy -- without the tutelage of a benevolent white government handing over the power?

    Well, today in America, we have a white nation ruled by blacks. Does that count?

    Shhhhhhhh....don't say words like "count's" the math's is like kryptonite to liberals. Hey, how many jobs added or saved in non existant cities is Obama up to now with the stimulus? How much money did we save on cash for caulkers? (What a joke that was) Oh...I know, how did cash for clunkers work out?

    Sheez the mind of a failed college associate who claims he was a professor running student workshops in government office.

  23. The reality is that blacks have virtually zero relationship to high level scientific and other intellectual achievement, as it is beyond their abilities and interests. The only way blacks can relate to significant intellectual and scientific endeavor is to complain about the injustice of the fact that whites have done virtually all of it, and that blacks, along with other non-achieving peoples, like Muslims, have done virtually none of it, and to look for ways to make themselves and other non-achieving peoples seem equal to whites.

    If blacks, with their inadequate civilizational accomplishments and abilities, are put in charge of a society, as is now the case in the U.S., it must result in all high level endeavors being converted into a project of racial equality and being dragged down for the sake of the advancement and self-esteem of blacks and other nonwhites.

  24. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Charles Bolden, you don't know what you are talking about. You obviously don't know Dr Reine and her colleagues.

    All of them are scientists. Blacks are some of the smartest scientists on the planet. Carson is considered one of the most brilliant scientists EVER! You are just ignorant of the existence of such esteemed Blacks. But it's understandable...you are a racist.

  25. The purpose of America’s space program is … what? To make Muslims feel good about themselves. What does America’s space program have to do with—of all things in the world—Muslim self-esteem? Why not say that the purpose of America’s space program is to encourage dairy farmers to milk their cows more often? Why not say that the purpose of America’s space program is to make children brush their teeth? It sounds utterly senseless, doesn’t it? But it’s not senseless. It’s logical and simple. In liberal society, diversity, the raising up and equal inclusion of the Other, is the highest good, the ultimate purpose of ALL human activities. The natural good of any activity has been displaced by diversity. Fishing is not about catching fish, it’s about including the Other and enhancing his self-esteem. Education is not about the transmission of knowledge; it’s about including the Other and enhancing his self-esteem. Running a business is not about producing a good or service and making a profit; it’s about including the Other and enhancing his self-esteem. Exploring space is not about exploring space; it’s about including the Other and enhancing his self-esteem.

    And what is it that drives all this? Ultimately, it is the intellectual and civilizational inferiority of blacks and certain other nonwhite groups, and whites’ misplaced guilt over it. Every institution, every standard, every accomplishment must be degraded and perverted in order to make blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Laotians, etc. seem as capable and intelligent as whites.

  26. Brother Bolden ...you left out your comparison of whites versus Asians. How do we stand against them?

  27. Anonymous2:07 AM

    A Black Panther Forever said...

    Brother Bolden ...you left out your comparison of whites versus Asians. How do we stand against them?

    Sticking purely with genetics/DNA and scientific testing:

    Average IQ Levels by race
    Chinese/Japanese/Korean 105-107
    German/Italian 102
    Anglo-Saxon 97
    Vietnamese 96
    Irish 93
    Cambodian/Laotian/Hmong 89
    Thai 87
    Mexican 87
    Filipino 86
    African-American 85
    African - 70 Border line retarded.
    American Liberal - 45 (due to snorting excessive powdered unicorn horn and mainlining communist fairy-dust)

  28. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Obama has me thinking.

    If the party of big government thinks that people cannot control what they eat and need laws banning things to help them like cig's, transfat, salt, soda's etc, what makes them think legalization of drugs is going to work out any better with someone who can't resist a big gulp?

  29. Anonymous3:04 AM

    You REPUBS on the site totally blow my mind.
    Relax...take it ez. I can understand your feelings of bitterness knowing Mitt's history. You have nothing to offer ALL AMERICANS! From everything I've been reading yur pissed off about what's about to happen..OBAMA 2012!
    Your world is getting smaller. "Let kick" are favorite can. Sticks and Stones...remember that? So say all the shit you want...doesn't matter the ONLY way Mitt gets to the WH is by invitation only. and that invitation will be from the President...OBAMA!! See you on election day

  30. Anon@11:45 pm, it's too bad that those " colored" GI's didn't get the same privileges when they came home.
    A house and an education from Uncle Sam ( instead of being denied basic human rights because of the color of their skin) would have been nice.

    BTW, which one of Mitt's five sons signed up to shed their "blood sweat and tears" for the shining country on a hill that their father loves so much? *crickets*

  31. Anon@3:04 a.m., isn't it funny watching them become more unhinged with each passing day?

    Slappy and his sciences again. This from a guy who spends all of his miserable life on the Internet talking to a group of people he hates. It's actually kind of pathetic.

  32. cain't do no readin writin rithmetic7:41 AM

    Ever wonder why there are no black journalists like this guy? You'd think that Africa, home to almost a billion blacks, would have producced at least one respected black journalist whose work would have been trusted by the non-black world.

    Malcolm W. Browne, Pulitzer-Prize Winning Reporter, Dies at 81


    Published: August 28, 2012

    Malcolm W. Browne, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter whose four-decade career included covering the Vietnam War — and taking one of the most memorable photos of the conflict — and a lively second act as a science writer who explained chemical weapons and described the rise of synthetic body parts, died on Monday in Hanover, N.H. He was 81.

    Malcolm Browne/Associated Press

    From a sequence of images taken by Malcolm Browne, one of which won the World Press "Best News Picture of the Year" award in 1963, a Buddhist Monk set himself on fire in Saigon.

    The cause was complications of Parkinson’s disease, said his wife, Le Lieu Browne.

    Mr. Browne, who lived in Thetford Center, Vt., and Manhattan, spent most of his career writing for The New York Times, which sent him to Argentina, Vietnam, Bosnia, Pakistan and wherever else his curiosity called him after he became a science writer in the late 1970s.

  33. Anonymous7:55 AM

    304 AM
    field negro said...

    Anon@11:45 pm, it's too bad that those " colored" GI's didn't get the same privileges when they came home.
    A house and an education from Uncle Sam ( instead of being denied basic human rights because of the color of their skin) would have been nice.

    BTW, which one of Mitt's five sons signed up to shed their "blood sweat and tears" for the shining country on a hill that their father loves so much? *crickets*

    Not sure I understand the point in reference to government charity and WWII vets. Mitt's sons were not alive for WWII and aren't taking any charity, they give to charities and serve them.

    Black Soldiers were also segregated during WWII few saw the front lines and battlefields serving as cooks and clean up men. The GI bill did help Blacks though, it opened up college to many and led to passage of the lanham act in 1946 that federally funded black colleges. In fact the GI bill was the reason Martin Luther King and people like him were able to be educated by forcing expansion of colleges to and for blacks


  34. My Brother Field....this is the "season to be nice"---at least that's what I see. All I see is a family that use their wealth to stay above scrutiny. Wit h mad money you will usally have positive outcomes in education, job opportunity and illnesses. I can admire a uninsured mother with 5 kids overcoming adversities versus a women that have the best at her disposal. When my wife was sick i did not have the luxury of "sitting wth and doting" with her. My job had to have me there from 3p to 12p. Cat Scratchers.....this was before family leave thingeee. Now as far as those 5boys...drop that Americana from your lips. I have 5 brothers and we all have diverse life experiances. All served this country and 3 of us in the jungles of RVN. Yes.....Thank you America for insuring the benefits were there. We all used them wisely. Which gets me to the last point, 2 are Liberals and 3 are Conservative and moi. Now according to the definition of "a true American", which brothers do I give the Western handshake and which the dap? Lighten up people, save your anger for midnight Nov.5. Oh yeah...getting back to "My 5 Sons"...not one of them wanted some "real adventure"?. History fact. US gov broke Mohammad Ali for his religious beliefs and the military. I am aware that the boys came along after the draft.

  35. private no class obama8:05 AM

    field challenges:

    BTW, which one of Mitt's five sons signed up to shed their "blood sweat and tears" for the shining country on a hill that their father loves so much?

    In which branch of the US military did you serve?

    Let's consider Obama? Like you, he's an anti-American with a government job.

    Inasmuch as military service among family members of US presidential candidates seems important to you, then what about our White House Clown, who probably never even registered for the draft, as guys his age are required to do?

    Or Clinton, who's a true draft dodger, rather than simply an exploiter of the deferrment system?

    What about Biden? What kept him out of the service during Vietnam?

    Meanwhile, don't pretend Biden's son was in harm's way during his tour. Nor should he have been.

    In fact, it's ridiculous to send the sons and daughters of high-ranking Americans into war zones. Their high value as targets makes them a danger to everyone else in their units.

  36. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Speaking of Racism - Amazing how MSNBC did not show one Black or Hispanic speaker at the RNC last night. Are they afraid of stepping on the liberal lie? What do liberals have if they don't have race and class lies?
    No wonder MSNBC is in the toilet. Who would watch such drivel; hardly anyone it seems.

    "When popular Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, took the stage, MSNBC cut away from the Republican National Convention and the Hispanic Republican from Texas’ speech.

    MSNBC stayed on commercial through former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis’ speech, as well. Davis, who recently became a Republican, is black. Then, when Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno’s wife Luce’ Vela Fortuño took the stage minutes later, MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews opted to talk over the First Lady’s speech. And Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval? Noticeably missing from MSNBC, too. Mia Love, a black candidate for Congress in Utah, was also ignored by MSNBC.

    Congress in Utah, was also ignored by MSNBC.

    Why is MSNBC trying to exclude conservative Republicans of color in their coverage? Could it be that they are aghast that they’re not on the side of the infallible Barack Obama? Could it be because it cuts against their persistent whine that the GOP is the party of “dog whistle” politics aimed at working-class white voters?

    Shhhh...do you hear that...? Me either.

  37. fighting fools8:14 AM

    black panties forever said:

    History fact. US gov broke Mohammad Ali for his religious beliefs and the military.

    Not quite. Muhammad Ali refused to be inducted into the army, where he would have been treated like Joe Louis, doing PR.

    Refusing induction is a crime, as others less fammous than Ali learned.

    Moreover, Ali was a pawn of the Nation of Islam. He fell for the NOI lunacy and permanently impaired his reputation while depriving himself and the boxing world of what might have been his greatest years as a boxer.

    There was nothing heroic about Ali's refusal to be inducted. But because he was a member of the Nation of Islam, the country was given an early taste of Islam's view of America.

  38. Anonymous8:17 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@3:04 a.m., isn't it funny watching them become more unhinged with each passing day?

    People calling out lies and speaking the truth aren't unhinged. It might seem that way to liberals who lie for so long to actually get held accountable but it isn't. Now if conservatives start claiming they are hearing things no one else can hear to make things up than maybe, you know like dog whistles and stuff.

  39. Anonymous8:29 AM

    You REPUBS on the site totally blow my mind.

    That was just a puff of air that did it.

    Relax...take it ez. I can understand your feelings of bitterness knowing Mitt's history. You have nothing to offer ALL AMERICANS! From everything I've been reading yur pissed off about what's about to happen..OBAMA 2012!
    Your world is getting smaller. "Let kick" are favorite can. Sticks and Stones...remember that? So say all the shit you want...doesn't matter the ONLY way Mitt gets to the WH is by invitation only. and that invitation will be from the President...OBAMA!! See you on election day

    Mitt seems to have a hell of a good history, obamas been digging for months and keeps finding good things, unlike Obamas history.

    Anyway, read our lips, make our day, do you feel lucky punk? I bet you your next government check you will not figure out what the heck that all means until someone points it out to you.

  40. "Gov Christie hit the ball out of the park with his speech. Romney is going to win this thing."

    Yeah, now let's see if he can "run his big fat ass around the bases".

  41. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    "Gov Christie hit the ball out of the park with his speech. Romney is going to win this thing."

    Yeah, now let's see if he can "run his big fat ass around the bases".

    Cellulite much?

  42. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "Slappy and his sciences again. This from a guy who spends all of his miserable life on the Internet talking to a group of people he hates. It's actually kind of pathetic."

    5:13 AM
    How can Slappy, an engineer be miserable? Field, I believe you are a jealous frustrated engineer who never got his PE. :)

  43. Anonymous10:15 AM

    As usual, another great post. I especially liked the last sentence. "The imagery couldn't be more fitting." It's so similar to the two Americas we live today, the top percentage is doing great, partying even, while they wheel and deal and ship our jobs overseas. We experience a hurricane of emotions trying to cover living expenses on less, send children to college, find care for our elderly parents and find a decent place to live on less.

    Reading through the comments, many are concerned about welfare payments, smy. Let's not forget who receive the greatest amount of welfare from the fed govt in this country, the uber rich and large corporations/businesses. The amount of tax credits and "good ole boy deals" they receive far exceeds any welfare payment. Not to mention that big welfare payment Bush and Paulson paid out just before they left office to the banksters. For the record, we built it and we built it from free! There is no amount of compensation that can justify tearing you away from your homeland and family and casting you in a foreign land to be abused and mistreated.

    Keep up the fight Field, you are most definitely THE BEST!

  44. Anonymous said...
    Cellulite much?

    It's very clear that the Gov from New Jersey has a TON, pun intended, of cellulite!! And the repubs have the nerve to put him on display!

    Just nasty!

  45. he done her wrong...10:23 AM

    She didn't listen:

    Jealous Man Shoots Girlfriend in Chest on Herkimer St.

    She was taken to Kings County Hospital where she remains in critical condition

    Police arrested Bed-Stuy resident Teddy Love Tuesday night for attempted murder after he shot his 34-year-old girlfriend in the chest following a domestic dispute.

    According to 81st Pct. police, they were called to 848 Herkimer Street near Buffalo Avenue at around 9:15 p.m. on Tuesday, following reports of gunshots heard inside the apartment.

    Love, 33, shot his girlfriend in the chest at the Herkimer Street apartment over an argument of an alleged Internet relationship he thought she was hiding, police said.

    The victim was taken to Kings County Hospital where she is listed in critical condition.

    Love, who has a record of prior arrests, later was picked up by 90th Pct. police at an address in Williamsburg where he lived prior to the incident.

  46. Farmer Brown10:42 AM

    All you people hatin' on Gov. Christie's "fat ass", must have never been to a Goled Corral, and seen all the black fat asses fighting for food at the buffet.

    Looks like cows feeding from the trough. Sounds like it, too.

  47. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Dr Reine said, "It's very clear that the Gov from New Jersey has a TON, pun intended, of cellulite!! And the repubs have the nerve to put him on display!

    Just nasty!"

    10:16 AM
    Your own comment is nasty. That's very abusive for a doctor. I'd hate to be your patient.

    FYI: In the black race it's COMMON to see huge baby black elephants waddling around in and around the black community. And you and Field have the 'nerve' to talk about Gov. Christie? You both should STFU.

    By black social health standards, Christie is plump, not fat.

    Queenie, you need to stop judging others and living in delusion; and start looking in the mirror at yourself.

    Gov Christie has been a good Governor of NJ and will probably be the next President after Romney. I really don't know how Field can be critical of an outstanding Governor like Christie when his own Gov and state sucks....

    TNB...always pointing at someone else's faults while ignoring the shit they are standing in.

  48. Anonymous11:12 AM

    anon, 11AM, you nailed it. Every time I go out in our community or to a restaurant, there are obese brothers and sisters all over the place.

    It's effing depressing that so many of my folks are in the 300-500 lb range.

    It's depressing to be Black in America. Some of our folks who talk about Gov Christie's 'size' and joke about how he eats, are missing what's most important:

    Christie has been a superb Gov and an excellent politician. That's what's 'most important'. His skills as Gov and politician transcends his size.

    depressed Negro

  49. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Just like a Negro to talk about a fat white guy when damn near the entire black race spends over half their lives shoveling fried foods, mashed potatoes and ribs down their throats.

    Besides an urgent need for us to talk about all the black on black killing by guns, we need to talk about all the killing by food we are doing. Instead, we are talking about fat Christie. We live in denial and delusion.

    Hell, if we were so smart, good-looking and perfect, we wouldn't be in last place, now would we? We really need to STFU and start looking at ourselves because there is a LOT OF SHIT we need to overcome. Until we do, all we are doing is pissing in the wind, generation after generation.

    I pray for a skilled blogger and leader to begin this journey. We 'desperately' need it.

  50. We are not in a postion to reject able leaders because they are "fat" or some other superficial attribute like race or religion.

    Obama has proven himself not up to the task. Kudos to America for giving a half-black man with a muslim name a chance, but in the end he was the underqualified face of discredited liberal policies that have once again failed.

    What America needs now is competence. That's why I am holding my nose and voting for Romney.

  51. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Field just won't be honest and acknowledge that Obama has been quite incompetent and untrustworthy. In short, Obama has been a terrible President, one that we cannot afford to elect a second time. Field, makes no mention of the ineffectiveness and dishonesty of Obama.

    Yet, with each post, Field bangs away at Romney- who knows and understands business infinitely more and better than Obama could ever know.

    It is a FACT, that Obama's words have proven to be cheap and virtually worthless.

    I am beginning to understand the hard fact about FN. It is a slanted, biased and blatantly in-your-face-dishonest.

  52. Ha! A troll is upset msnbc didn't show all two negroes that had a speaking gig not in prime time. Me thinks its the gop trying to play hide the negro. Wanna contrast how many people of color speak the the dnc convention? Puleeze the gop convention is still as white as a klan rally. Also remember all the teleprompter jokes, well I haven't seen such bad reading since, well ever. Kelly ayotte was painful to watch and jan brewer who doesn't have a college degree. Kinda like the trailer trash here bragging about science when they dropped out of the third grade. Sad.

  53. One troll had the nerve to bring up clinton dodging the draft. Well it seems mitten's punk ass was protesting FOR the war while going to france. Typical chickenhawk republican.

  54. Anonymous1:23 PM

    " Like you, he's an anti-American with a government job."

    Oh, so it's anti-American to have a government job?

    Stop the presses!

    Somebody should tell all those republikkklans in office, and the one who has been running for president for 6 or 8 years.

    Did you see the story about an RNC attendee throwing nuts at a bllack CNN camerawoman and yelling "this is how we feed animals"?

    What a disgusting breed, these republikkklan fukkkers.

  55. Anonymous1:25 PM

    field, you've got one of the best blogs and one of the worst commment sections (for the crazies) on the Nets. Are they real humans? Half at least must be just trying to bait you.

    I know they say sunlight is the best disinfectant, but some of these germs are beyond help.


  56. PilotX said...
    "Ha! A troll is upset msnbc didn't show all two negroes that had a speaking gig not in prime time."

    Too much. The Twosqueegy Airman criticizes the Republicans because MSNBC edited out all minority speakers in order to push their propaganda making it appear the Republicans hate minorities.

    And PileitX watches it all without understanding it. Not only that, he cheerleads it.

    I wish he was just smart enough to know how dumb he is. But he's not.

    Vote Dumbocrat!

  57. Anonymous1:30 PM

    PilotX, that 's all you black dems do is look at the white folks in the GOP while ignoring what's going on with your sorry deluded asses. You live in a world of ignorant non-factual unscientific reality.

  58. "I still haven't heard any of the republican speakers send their prayers to the people of the Gulf Coast."

    We should all pray that this hurricane doesn't adversely impact any black people in any way.

    Please Lord, make sure all the white people do whatever it takes to protect the helpless black people, and if anyone has to be hurt by this storm, please let it be white people!


  59. Anonymous1:36 PM

    "I wish he(PilotX) was just smart enough to know how dumb he is. But he's not."

    you can't be dumb and pretend to be smart and expect to fool everyone. The more PilotX talks, the more obvious he is not a pilot.....probably a flight attendant or luggage handler who loads luggage on planes.

  60. Anonymous1:38 PM

    So NBC is racist and implemented a Whites only speech policy. Will they do that at the Democratic National convention, no Hispanics or blacks?

  61. Anonymous1:39 PM

    "Please Lord, make sure all the white people do whatever it takes to protect the helpless black people, and if anyone has to be hurt by this storm, please let it be white people!


    1:35 PM
    Ignorance knows no bounds.

  62. "Ignorance knows no bounds."

    Yes. Imagine blaming President Bush for a hurricane.

  63. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "I wish he(PilotX) was just smart enough to know how dumb he is. But he's not."

    you can't be dumb and pretend to be smart and expect to fool everyone. The more PilotX talks, the more obvious he is not a pilot.....probably a flight attendant or luggage handler who loads luggage on planes

    He is a flight attendant. But don't underestimate affirmative action. Remember you are talking about a race who says they can't obtain an ID to vote and who someone like Al Sharpton is a Hero.

  64. Lt. Commander Johnson1:50 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    "I wish he(PilotX) was just smart enough to know how dumb he is. But he's not."

    you can't be dumb and pretend to be smart and expect to fool everyone. The more PilotX talks, the more obvious he is not a pilot.....probably a flight attendant or luggage handler who loads luggage on planes.

    1:36 PM"

    Anon, when it comes to PileofcrapX, just remember:

    "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." - Mark Twain

  65. Rachel Mudhole1:57 PM

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,....a piss-ant Liberal bites the dust:


    I'll bet MSNBC is hiring!

  66. Field:

    I've headed on down to New Orleans to give a "boots on the ground" perspective to the post-Hurricane Isaac scene. I have adopted a disguise in order to blend in:


    I will keep you posted. Wish me luck.

  67. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Yeah, Chalain was just telling the truth about those people(example: the nut thrower).

    Sometimes that can get you fired.

  68. barry hussein and his seals3:53 PM

    pile it lite said:

    One troll had the nerve to bring up clinton dodging the draft.

    Clinton did dodge the draft. Truly dodged. His technique involved lying to his draft liaison officer while he was supposed to be enrolled in school in England. Clinton had taken the year off, which, if known to his draft liaison officer, would have meant immediate induction. But when the ruse was uncovered, Clinton was then over draft age and the incident was overlooked.

    Well it seems mitten's punk ass was protesting FOR the war while going to france.

    Perhaps true. But Romney did not violate the terms of any school deferment he might have had. That's the difference.

  69. michael phelps4:00 PM

    David Chalian at Yahoo said something about the Romneys and black people drowning in Louisiana.

    Obviously Chalian believes blacks can't swim, which may be true. And once again, those who believe that blacks can't swim tie this lack of swimming skill to slavery.

    According the blacks-no-can-swim people, the lack water skills was ingrained into black DNA because slave-owners wouldn't allow slaves to learn to swim, fearing they might jump in the nearest lake or pond and swim away.

    Or maybe they'd jump in the Gulf of Mexico and swim to Cuba.

  70. das racis4:09 PM

    regarding field and obama:

    " Like you (field), he's (obama) an anti-American with a government job."

    Oh, so it's anti-American to have a government job?

    No moron. The statement lays out two conditions -- 1) both are anti-American; 2) both have government jobs.

    Condition 2 is NOT dependent on Condition 1. The two conditions are independent, which tells us what they really are.

    In fact, because both are anti-American AND because both have government jobs, the two are industrial-strength hypocrites.

  71. MSNBC once again serves as shameless propaganda source — this time going so far as to censor non-Caucasians out of its coverage of the Republican National Convention:

    In lieu of airing speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black American; Mia Love, a black candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah; and Texas senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz, a Latino American, MSNBC opted to show commentary anchored by Rachel Maddow from Rev. Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes and Steve Schmidt.

    Throughout this convention, Matthews has accused the Republicans of playing dog-whistle racist politics while on scene in Tampa. It isn’t clear, however, if Matthews will hurl accusations of racism at Davis, Love or Cruz for speeches his network failed to broadcast.

    Censoring skin is nothing new at MSNBC, which once used careful editing to report on a black guy who brought an AR-15 to a Tea Party event while tricking viewers into believing he was a white racist who wanted to shoot Obama for being black. There is simply nothing beneath these people.

    Deep down, anyone who goes to NBC for “news” knows that their point of view is a sham that needs to be propped up by lies.

  72. free food and drinks4:16 PM

    Has anyone determined the identities of the two people accused of throwing nuts at the black camera-woman?

    It took no time at all to turn up the name of the SEAL Team 6 member who wrote the book he's about to sell to literally millions and millions of people.

    We can't pretend a guy wants secrecy when he writes a book detailing his personal exploits.

    And we can't pretend that a couple troublemakers throwing nuts at a person operating a camera can stay anonymous for long. Perhaps she got a shot of them? Maybe? Perhaps?

    Hmmm. Or not? Do we know if these two clowns were invited guests?

    Or were they Democrats who crashed the convention and staged this event?

  73. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Or do they simply not exist?

  74. Repeal the 19th Ammendment4:29 PM

    In her speech at the convention, Romney’s wife said that women “care” more than men, that society treats women unfairly and forces them to work harder than men, and that “single … mothers hold this country together.”

    Mrs. Romney, along with the GOP which approved her speech, has inadvertently demonstrated once again why women should not have the vote and should not have prominent positions in politics. Because once women have the vote, they become a separate constituency with interests separate from those of men. This inevitably results in (1) female emotionalism and female resentment becoming central in politics, with everyone bowing down at the altar of the mistreated, overworked “moms” of America, who are thus turned into a new type of oppressed ubermensch; and (2) in women as a group demanding substantive equality with men as a group. In short, sexual socialism.

    And, as with all socialist egalitarian schemes, some equal humans are more equal than others. Thus women, according to Ann Romney, work harder than men, care more about the good of society than men, and women represent the “best of America,” which men do not. Thus women, under Obamacare, get free contraceptive pills and services as an absolute “right”—a right granted to no other “health care” need.

    Republicans say they believe in a free society. But the truth is that women’s political equality is incompatible with a free society, because women’s political equality moves society irresistibly in the direction of socialism.

  75. Lord Of The Jungle4:32 PM

    EVERYBODY knows any Republican worth his salt would have thrown bananas at her.

    Get real, people.

    They were obviously Democrat plants. (potted plants, at that).

  76. Toure4:38 PM

    Did she eat the nuts?

  77. Albert Eincrackerstein5:26 PM

    Field said: "(I think we all know who built it, and we did it free of charge)"

    Methinks you've been taking Black History Month a bit too seriously:


  78. "EVERYBODY knows any Republican worth his salt would have thrown bananas at her."

    republicans can't throw anything but sheets over their outside hanging lines.

    In fact, because both are anti-American AND because both have government jobs, the two are industrial-strength hypocrites."

    Actually Field has a government job AND owns his own business. (Actually hires people) That is something you will never do from the comfort of your mother's basement, wingnut.

    Republicans like to talk a lot, but I think we all know the real deal.

    BTW, Pilot Xis a real pilot. If you actually traveled outside of your county you might have even flown on a plan with his crew. :)
    Now that would be funny.

  79. Oh ohhh, looks like some of the unhinged folks in the comments section have been going to diners lately.


    Brothers, leave those white women alone. These wingnuts can't take it. :)

  80. Toupe6:26 PM

    That's a real man-bites-dog kind of story, field.

    You know it's a "hate crime" because a white dude was the perp.

    Switch the roles and it's a "random attack" of unknown cause not worthy of reporting.

  81. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Prosecutors claim Melo stabbed the black man in the head and back with a fork and punched him as he called him "n-----."

    The incident took place at about 2:45 a.m. on Nov. 5, 2011 in Bay Ridge but Melo was not arrested until after a traffic stop in April.

    Which means no one was arrested at the scene and the only side of the story they got was the Black Guys and the cops did not believe it credible so noone went to get Melo and now 9 months later his name popped up on an obscure warrant for questioning. He will get off.

    This isn't a hate crime it's a stupid crime - no black guy should mess with a Greek Guy in a Bay Ridge Diner - you are no doubt going to get forked up. He's lucky he didn't get sprayed with Windex.

  82. Wow, sorry trolls but I'm not a Democrat. Sorry to ruin your obviously misguided perceptions.
    Do conservatives/Republicans have any sense of irony or introspection? My guess is no. To wit Palin and Santorum blaming Dems for "hate" speech and noting that no one on their side does such. Delusional or just plain dumb? Then again to be a modern Repub I guess you have to be both.

  83. Yo Field, I would doubt any of your trailer living hillbillies could afford a plane ticket. The welfare doesn't pay that much, just enough for their chew and case of Hamms. They are entertaining though. Maybe if Rawmoney is elected he can create a Walmart greeter job for em or on the fries at Mickey D's.

  84. Pilot Rex6:50 PM

    BTW, Pilot Xis a real pilot. If you actually traveled outside of your county you might have even flown on a plan with his crew. :)
    Now that would be funny.

    Good God man, that wouldn't be funny at all! I really hope a major airline wouldn't let such a racist moron touch the controls of a passenger jet.

    I bet he's the guy who sits next to the real pilot and holds his coffee or scratches his balls for him. That would make much more sense.

  85. "Mitt Romney would never make abortions illegal as president, Jane Romney said when National Journal asked her about the subject after a “Women for Mitt” event. “He’s not going to be touching any of that,” she said. “It’s not his focus.”

    Democratic warnings that abortion rights are under threat are an ungrounded fear tactic, Jane Romney said. “That’s what women are afraid of, but that’s conjured,” she said. “Personally, I don’t think abortion should be used as a football in the political arena.” [...]

    [The Republican platform] does not specify any exceptions.

    But as Jane Romney put it, “Mitt’s much more in the middle” when it comes to abortion."

    Uh oh, looks like Rawmoney's sister admits he is a baby killer. Hope the wingnuts don't find out about this next flip-flop. This would be a double twist flip-flop because he was pro-choice while governor, pro-life while running in the primaries now he's back to, uh........something as the nominee. That isn't a debt counter at the gop convention, that's the number of Rawmoney flip-flops.

  86. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Pilot Rex said...

    BTW, Pilot Xis a real pilot. If you actually traveled outside of your county you might have even flown on a plan with his crew. :)
    Now that would be funny.

    Good God man, that wouldn't be funny at all! I really hope a major airline wouldn't let such a racist moron touch the controls of a passenger jet.

    I bet he's the guy who sits next to the real pilot and holds his coffee or scratches his balls for him. That would make much more sense.

    That would be a flight engineer. No one with this inability to process logic could be a Captain or First Officer. He is entry level making about 30-35k a year.

    What does a flight engineer do? He gets to kick the tires, check for leaks and watch the little gauges in the plane and lets the White pilot and co-pilot know if they need to decide something. Pretty safe Affirmative action posting for the most part.

  87. "That would be a flight engineer"

    Ha! Typical white conservative. pretends to know something and is completely clueless.

    "What does a flight engineer do? He gets to kick the tires, check for leaks and watch the little gauges in the plane and lets the White pilot and co-pilot know if they need to decide something. Pretty safe Affirmative action posting for the most part."

    See the idiocy of some folks? Bet they can't name ONE major passenger airline that employs flight engineers. Ha! Flight engineers.
    Field, you need to work on your trolls, this is getting embarrassing.

  88. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Can you name one major airline that hires black pilots?

  89. "Can you name one major airline that hires black pilots?"

    No dumbass, they all still practice white affirmative action.

    Field!!!!!!!!!! The ignorance is getting too hard to handle!

  90. It was a fascinating first night. I was intrigued by the differing opinions of the talking heads, the most consistent being the speakers talked more about themselves than the nominee.

  91. Pilot X, it just keeps getting better.:)

  92. Neil "Barack" Armstrong9:34 PM

    Besides the take-off, and landing, A Chimp can fly a modern airliner. Auto-Pilot. Plus, you have a co-pilot.

    Except, for maybe, when they have to circle before landing.

    Pilots taking-off from an Aircraft Carrier, are trained not to even touch controls, until the plane is in the air, and cleared the deck.

    MUCH more difficult than a 737.

  93. PilotX, you've had these trolling hillbillies in dismay for a while now. It's one thing to be an educated negro, but to have a career in a field like Aviation which not just makes you a smart negro, but a "special" one to boot is just too much for a one tooth redneck to take.

  94. First Black Man On The Moon10:30 PM

    Hey, you career student, (on the taxpaers roll, I'm sure),"DR".

    Let PilotX refute what I said, and let him defend himself. He's a hell of a lot smarter than you.

    He doesn't need your help.

    PLUS. He's a man. Shut up and get me a beer and a sammich.

  95. Dr. Wright10:48 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 2037 said...
    It's one thing to be an educated negro

    It's another to be Reine....

  96. Good point Doc. I just love the cute little troll that tries to explain what its like to fly an aircraft and I bet it probably has trouble driving the family tractor. "Except when they have to circle for landing", do any of these fools ever have any clue as to what they're talking about? I mean damn, this hillbilly probably flip burgers but wants to inform us on how to fly an aircraft. You're right Field, you have a special breed of trolls.

  97. Ha! I wonder if this hillbilly would want to swap jobs. I'm betting it would find flying a transport category aircrtaft a bit more difficult than pulling the fries out of the grease when the little bell goes off. Sure a carrier pilot's job may be a bit more of a challenge than a guppy drive but it's safer and I make more money.
