Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Going nuts in Tampa, and CNN has a major fail.

Everyone in new media is talking about how two republicans at their convention in Tampa threw nuts at a CNN camerawoman (yes woman, stay classy wingnuts) and called her an animal. This, of course, is not news. We have come to expect this type of behavior from the Neanderthals on the right.

But this post isn't even about the knuckle dragging bunch in Tampa and their frat boy like and ignorant behavior. This is about the main stream media,-- CNN in particular---and how they have bent over backwards to avoid real stories in order to make this election about two viable candidates for president.

The fact that a CNN camerawoman was harassed and CNN hardly reported it is a disgrace. But we have come to expect this. No wonder their ratings are tanking.  We haven't heard, for instance, any questions about Mitt's church and their pre 1978 view of blacks. We haven't heard any questions about Paul Ryan co-sponsoring a very draconian bill towards women with Congressman Todd Akin, and let's not forget his bill which specifically calls for cuts in Medicare.

What we have seen and heard, was a disgraceful report from CNN's Gloria Borger. ( I am no Ron Paul fan, but good for him for walking out on her interview)

“In 1968, France was a dangerous place to be for a 21-year-old American but Mitt Romney was right in the middle of it.” — CNN

Come again?

That, my friends, is what some are calling the "most ridiculous statement" ever on television.

I will let Tommy Christopher tell it:

When a friend tweeted me about a line from CNN’s Romney Revealed documentary, I thought he must have misheard or paraphrased it, but as it turns out, Gloria Borger’s narration of the Mitt Romney profile really did contain the most ridiculous sentence I’ve ever heard on television, so ridiculous that I’m half-suspicious CNN is actually a cabal of master satirists who are making fun of the Republican presidential candidate.

The portion of the documentary in question covers Mitt Romney’s stint as a door-to-door Mormon recruiter in 1968 France, a duty which helped him to avoid military service in Vietnam. Earlier in the doc, narrator and interviewer Gloria Borger glossed over the fact that Romney sought, and received, four deferments during the Vietnam War (and later lied about it), instead saying simply that he was “exempt as a student, and with a high draft number.”

The doc also notes, as an example of Romney “becoming his own man,” that he protested in favor of the draft that he so skillfully avoided, before moving on to the time he spent in France, a time that Romney once described as “tough” because the French were “not happy to see Americans, because we were in Vietnam at the time.”

Yes, you heard that right. Not only did Mitt Romney protest in favor of sending other people’s children to die in Vietnam, even as he avoided service himself, he then complained about how those dying Americans made it “tough” for him while he was in France avoiding service." [Source] 

Folks, all I can say is that you get what you deserve in this country.You can thank your friendly neighborhood cable network and their corporate masters for that.



  1. C'mon Field, French mimes can be a rough bunch. Especially for a punk like Rawmoney. HA!

  2. Anonymous7:45 PM

    And Obama did how many tours of service? Taliban training doesn't count. Pilot X you're an idiot plain and simple. What do you fly a crop duster ? Naw homeland security wouldn't let a Muslim like you near chemicals would they. Yeah probably. Muslims are taking over the DNC with Obamas help. They're probably at HS too.

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    field jiggin' for his democrat masters.

    "Everyone in new media is talking about how two republicans at their convention in Tampa threw nuts at a CNN camerawoman"

    Is the "new" media talking about democrats living this on Mia Love's wikipedia page-

    ‘dirty, worthless whore’ ‘House Nigger'

    Not suprising. liberals be hatin' on negros leaving the democrat plantation.

    "let's not forget his bill which specifically calls for cuts in Medicare."

    These would be the same cuts Obama has implemented.

    "corporate masters"

    These same corporate masters give overwhelming to Obama and the democrat party.

  4. I like the obvious deflect. Bring up Barack and ignore Rawmoney's obvious hypocrisy. Richy Mitt was cheering on kids dying in the Nam and promoting the draft while eating croisants and spreading the good word of Mormo. There is no shame, sense of irony or introspection in the gop.

  5. You're right about that. Unfortunately, if the voters swing right, they'll take us with them.

  6. “In 1968, France was a dangerous place to be for a 21-year-old American but Mitt Romney was right in the middle of it.” — CNN


    Yes, the office girls sunning themselves topless near any fountain at lunchtime, the constant flow of wine, the continental food and omnipresent coffee. The Follies' 5 shows a day. A 21 year old Mormon "Elder" there in 1968 was looking at the constant threat of death or dismemberment. Who can ever forget the sight of C-5s lined up at Dover full of fallen young American Mormon Elders from France in bodybags.

  7. Anonymous8:39 PM

    California Girl said...
    You're right about that. Unfortunately, if the voters swing right, they'll take us with them.

    As opposed to staying with the worst post-recession recovery president in history?

    Hey Whitey's Conspiracy and PilotX, i thought the left hearts draft dodgers. Masaybe not?

  8. What kind of Foul is Mitt Romney? A Chicken Hawk or a Vulture Capitalist?

    Ha Trick question! R-Money is a cowardly draft-dodging scumsucking chicken hawk and a never-done a day's worth of work, job-destroying Capitalist.

  9. Irony of ironies, these two fools are telling us government is the problem and can't create jobs while running for government jobs so they can create jobs. Anyone else see the obvious problem?

  10. Anonymous9:27 PM

    "The fact that a CNN camerawoman was harassed and CNN hardly reported it is a disgrace. But we have come to expect this. No wonder their ratings are tanking."

    Well, Mr Field, no one on FN has mentioned it either and you have a majority of POCs on your blog. Obviously, Blacks don't care about the dignity of a black female trying to do her job with a camera.

    However, if the cameraman had been a bm, THEN the MSM would have said more...not much more, but more.

    Let's face it. Nobody cares what happens to a Blacks. the mood of the country is Blacks should be pushed around.

  11. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Everyone in new media is talking about how two republicans at their convention in Tampa threw nuts at a CNN camerawoman (yes woman, stay classy wingnuts) and called her an animal. This, of course, is not news. We have come to expect this type of behavior from the Neanderthals on the right.

    Never happened. Bullshit. Maybe they spit them at her and screamed nigger. BULLSHIT if a camerawoman was filming, makes sense she would have filmed this or gotten them after. BULLSHIT.

    This is the best democrats have? Talk about some ficticious story of a black woman going nuts?

    How lame, how weak - how expected.

  12. Anonymous10:00 PM

    anon9:27pm, sources at the convention verified it and so did CNN. Sounds like NO AMOUNT of validation and proof will be enough for your mind. How perfect! No matter what happens it didn't happen unless it is to your advantage, of course.

    But you don't worry. No one cares about the incident anyway, including Blacks. So your redneck brothers are safe.

  13. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Amazing that the racist PilotX has not commented on the abuse of the CNN camera woman. I know, it's too scary to even mention it.

  14. Anonymous10:03 PM

    PilotX said...
    Irony of ironies, these two fools are telling us government is the problem and can't create jobs while running for government jobs so they can create jobs. Anyone else see the obvious problem

    You have the mind of a twelve year old. Go kick the tires and check for leaks bonzo..

  15. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Grung_e_Gene said...
    What kind of Foul is Mitt Romney? A Chicken Hawk or a Vulture Capitalist?

    Ha Trick question! R-Money is a cowardly draft-dodging scumsucking chicken hawk and a never-done a day's worth of work, job-destroying Capitalist.

    Then you should vote for him cause we all knows you likes you some fried sicken..sheeeettt.

  16. Anonymous10:17 PM

    As I watch the rnc convention it’s not the white anti-Obama tirade that bothers me it’s the ignorance of our people that drains my brain. After the years of immorality, destruction, and humiliation that has been heaped upon us throughout the centuries; we still continue to accept the disrespect.
    During the period of the 60’s and 70’s we had developed a sense of pride that to this day has not been duplicated. We were our Women’s Kings and they were our Queens, we wore our hair as crowns of distinction (we would not have stood for the insulting way people on both sides talked about the young gymnast hair that now has her in long flowing locks).
    Our politicians have been weakened by their desire to appease, which does not allow them to support an African-American President from a position of strength, because before Him they did not do their jobs; as a result they expect Him to cure all the ills of their various communities.
    Because of the lack of the type education that would allow our children to learn about the greatness of our people, and our contributions to both the world and this country, (after all who taught Socrates, and it should be known that we did more than develop uses for the peanut). As a result of this Mis-education of our children are left to create false identities that in the end could only lead to very diminution of communities and in the end of a people.
    And so as you look at the rnc convention it’s time for us to take a deeper look at ourselves for regardless who the president is, our plight will remain the same, unless we change. As a people we must look at those who are our elected officials, pastors, who want to build bigger churches and not bigger safer communities; after school programs that concentrate on economics, heritage and the building of higher self esteem.

  17. Anonymous10:41 PM

    These days news companies are nothing but subsidiaries of corporations, and as such they are instructed not to disrupt the apple cart. They are just hedging their bets so if Romney wins he won't hold a grudge against CNN and its parent Time Warner.

    That's America.


  18. Anonymous10:49 PM

    PilotX, thanks for being on FN. I really appreciate your comments. They are politically astute. That's probably why some of the trolls 'try' to attack you. Keep up the good work, my brother.


  19. Lt. Commander Johnson10:50 PM

    Do you might even was because this NEVER happened? CNN would be all overs the names of the folks involved.

    Kinda like that feminist black Democrat "Professor" was found to have hung a noose on her own door, turned out to be a farce. She probably still works for Columbia U. Teaching.

    (You didn't post about that field, when she got busted for it)

  20. Anonymous10:51 PM

    PilotX, thanks for being on FN. I really appreciate your comments. They are politically astute. That's probably why some of the trolls 'try' to attack you. Keep up the good work, my brother.


  21. CNN isn't talking about the nut story never happened.

    Man, negroes will believe anything their handlers tell them.

  22. Iron Mike10:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    Irony of ironies, these two fools are telling us government is the problem and can't create jobs while running for government jobs so they can create jobs. Anyone else see the obvious problem?

    Yes. Dumb motherfuckers like you can vote.

  23. Anonymous11:04 PM

    "Kinda like that feminist black Democrat "Professor" was found to have hung a noose on her own door, turned out to be a farce. She probably still works for Columbia U. Teaching"

    what Black Dem Professor? link please.

    No black professional would have anything to gain from such an atrocious act. Those two white GOP conventioners DID throw nuts at the female camera operator. And, I bet they called her the N-word underneath their breath, which is typical of ALL Republicans.

    Any Black who is a member of the GOP are dumb asses and have lack of self-respect and no dignity..

  24. Yes Romney doesn't have military experience, but he is an honest man who will not use the military purely for political gain as Obama has done.

    Obama's attempt to steal the glory for Osama's death from the men who completed the mission was as false as it was shameful.

    Here's what the military thinks of their current Commander in Chief:

  25. "No black professional would have anything to gain from such an atrocious act."

    Ha! Only someone who lived in a liberal bubble could say that.

    Most such cases are faked, alost always for personal gain.

    Here's a link to a number of phony hate crimes:

  26. White Educator11:35 PM

    Anon, if you weren'tso stupid, you could Google this yourself.


  27. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Perhaps Goober Stainpants has no personal knowerating of professional AfAm female camera operators. Mayhaps the only graduates of higher education in Gooberville are those from the Bibble KKKollege of Heeyuckistan.

    Sure, Mitt and many other wealthy lads avoided mil service during VietNam. And the Romney children have yet to darken the door of any recruiter or service academy. Yet they all cheer on others having to join and die. Pretty brave and heroic of the Romney clan.

    Must be tough to be wite dudez who recognize that the majority of US citizens will prefer the darker hued candidate.


  28. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Dear Mr Field, I hope you listened carefully to Condi Rice tonight. Her speech was spectacular and very moving.

    Won't you join me in joining the GOP? Blacks have a great future there that will be exciting and not boring like the Dems.

    Looking forward to your carefully considered answer...take your time, I got time.

  29. Goober Stanpaints, esq.12:27 AM

    "Perhaps Goober Stainpants has no personal knowerating of professional AfAm female camera operators."

    That's because there aren't any worth a shit.

    As a matter of fact, the only professional AfAm females of note are walking the street.

  30. Anonymous12:37 AM

    The Negrofication/Africanization of America continues. So many Negroes could not behave themselves that all those suspensions must be racist, so now, interrupt away. No one will learn anything, smoke, curse, shout out, whatever in class it's ok. We won't raise anyone up, but we will drag everyone down.

    White Flight come on down. It is easy for whites to rebuild. It has been done time and time again. It will take at least 30 years before Negros totally destroy any city and then follow to the next white haven to leech.

  31. The problem is, you eventually run out of places to go.

    At some point, you need to restore property rights in this country and allow freedom of association. Once negroes have to live on their own, maybe they'll start getting their shit together.

  32. Romney was in France to get the French to stop drinking wine, stop making sexy movies, stop exhibiting paintings of naked women. He failed miserably.

  33. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Cleveland Brown said...

    The problem is, you eventually run out of places to go.

    At some point, you need to restore property rights in this country and allow freedom of association. Once negroes have to live on their own, maybe they'll start getting their shit together.

    Very good points. I do doubt they will ever get their shit together. There isn't a city, nation, country where they have ever. It's always someone Else's fault.

  34. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Just in time for you Democrats to celebrate the Islamic Jumad at the up and coming Democratic National Convention. An Islamic guide on why and when you are required to beat your wife and how to do it properly.

    You guys are such manly men, I had not seen the wisdom of your alliance with Islam against America before now.

    But now see exactly who you are.

    Bless your hearts .

    There does seem to be quite a lot of rules in Islam for Blacks to follow with pretty severe punishments. I wonder how all those stonings are going to go down with Black women and if you beat them, will they turn around and kick your ass considering most are bigger than the men?


  35. Julius Rosenberg1:26 AM

    Obama:“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”

    Medvedev:“I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

    What do you think those guys were talking about, Field?

  36. khia2137:20 AM

    Wolf Blitzer admitted that it happened on air last night, but CNN's stance was that it did not want to become the story. There is an ethical problem with the network having to cover itself as a story, but the gravitas of the incident outweighs the conflict.

  37. Anonymous7:35 AM

    24/7 CNN, self-styled as "the most trusted name in news", is responsible for the world's GROUP THINK because they refuse to give the people access to REAL EVIDENCE while, instead, they only concentrate on FABRICATING PERCEPTIONS & MANUFACTURING CONSENT.

    The result is that the public no longer has an OPINION independent of CNN's 'GROUP THINK'. In this CNN 'reality' straight, right or left (Neptune's TRIDENT) are interchangeable.

    CONDITIONING:/ A process of behavior modification by which a subject comes to associate a desired behavior with a previously unrelated stimulus.

    The first principle of people control is not to let them know you are controlling them. If people knew, this knowledge will breed resentment & possibly rebellion, which would then require brute force & terror, & old fashioned, expensive & not 100 % certain method of control....

    It is easier than you think to control people indirectly, to manipulate them into thinking what you want them to think & doing what you want them to do.

    Another technique is to keep them entertained. Roman emperors did not stage circuses & gladiator contests because they didn't have television. We have television because we don't have circuses & gladiator events(See UFC). Either way, the purpose is to keep the people's minds focused on entertainment, sports, & peripheral political issues. This way you won't have to worry that they will ever figure out the real issues that allow you to control them.....

    Just as a truly educated person is difficult to control, so too is an economically independent person. Therefore, you want to create conditions that will produce people who work for wages, since wage earners have little control over their economic destiny... You'll also want to control the monetary, credit, & banking systems. This will allow you to inflate the currency & make it next to impossible for wage earners to accumulate capital. You can also cause periodic deflation to collapse the family businesses, family farms, & entrepreneurs, including independent community banks...

    Operant Conditioning :/ A process of behavior modification in which a subject is encouraged to behave in a desired manner through positive or negative reinforcement each time a specific behavior is exhibited, so that the subject comes to associate the pleasure or displeasure of the reinforcement with the behavior......(See Tv box,Rat in box,Ghetto Projects,work bonuses, pink slips,Dog treats, trick or treat) LMAO

    PEACE to the field

  38. The two GOP convention attendees who threw nuts at a black camera woman and called her an animal are a reflection of their party's animus towards minorities. While CNN may have deferred reporting on this incident, this incident and the lies that have been holding forth from the convention stage have managed to reach the public.

  39. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Blogger Sharon from WI said...

    The two GOP convention attendees who threw nuts at a black camera woman and called her an animal are a reflection of their party's animus towards minorities. While CNN may have deferred reporting on this incident, this incident and the lies that have been holding forth from the convention stage have managed to reach the public.

    Actually Sharon the only lies have been coming from the Main Stream Media who literally are exploding with incompetence as the truth is being spoken. This nut nonsense never happened, funny how they report on it so you know, but don't report on it....You are being led by the nose.

    How is something reported but not reported? It is more ethical for the News Media to spread rumors without facts.....

    It never happened. It is just more nuts dangled to distract from the truth.

  40. It would be alright if the dudes asked "guess what" before throwing. Anything else would have been unacceptable.
    I love the troll who says "this is what the military thinks of Obama" as if there is one group collective thought that permeates the military. Wow, no wonder they question my intelligence, the trailer park is just full of geniuses.

  41. Anonymous12:15 PM

    PilotX said...

    It would be alright if the dudes asked "guess what" before throwing. Anything else would have been unacceptable.
    I love the troll who says "this is what the military thinks of Obama" as if there is one group collective thought that permeates the military. Wow, no wonder they question my intelligence, the trailer park is just full of geniuses.

    Rest assured, there is no question at all about the level of your intelligence.

  42. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Dirty Barry VS Dirty Harry

    Dirty Barry and the quest of the Chocolate Starfish coming soon.

  43. PilotX said...
    "I love the troll who says "this is what the military thinks of Obama"

    Thank you PilotX. It's an important message:

    We need a new Commander in Chief. Now.

  44. I heard Debbie Wasserman Schultz threw dead fetuses at Mike Huckabee and said "chow down fatboy". For some reason,CNN refuses to report this story.

  45. I see the unwashed masses have found youtube. Its only a matter of time before they start spouting about chemtrails and haarp. Gotta love these trolls.

  46. We need a new commander in chief? I hope they don't mean punk ass Rawmoney who looks like a scared b holding on to his wife while she drives the jetski. His man card has been revoked.

  47. Did this guy ever have a man card?:

  48. Or how about this guy?:

  49. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Britefart died and took the sould of CNN apparently.

    What the hell does it matter if Obama never served in the military. Where in the constitution does it require military service for the commander in chief?

    America was founded on the premise that the military and government should be seperate entities.

    But cowardly Romney did indeed dodge the draft, then protested in favor of the draft, sending other's kids into the fireworks.

    Others' kids. If he had had kids then, then they would have gotten deferments as well.

    He is indeed a shi*bag.

    Such a shi*bag, that he's so unliked it took someone with a little (very little) likeability to get his campaign "exciting".

    F'em both.

    Obama is a sure win in November.

  50. Anonymous1:08 PM

    "But cowardly Romney did indeed dodge the draft, then protested in favor of the draft, sending other's kids into the fireworks."

    Two lies in one sentence. Fuck you, Troll.

    That's all the left has, lies.

  51. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Paul Ryans many, many lies:

    Of course the facts are just for democrats. Republicans avoid them at all costs, except when it helps them out.

    I like how the liar above calls others trolls. IT appears to be the very definition of one.

  52. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Paul Ryan went out and told so many lies that, if you were actually a Christian who believed in things like the Bible, you'd pretty much have to declare him "the Antichrist."

  53. oh lawdy, lawdy, lawdy1:18 PM

    Headlines from New Orleans that read as though they were written for a Hollywood disaster movie:

    Dam break feared; 50,000+ ordered out...

    UPDATE: Half of Louisiana loses power...


    New Orleans dodges direct blow...

    ... But looting hits city

  54. paulie walnuts1:24 PM

    Have the two nut throwers been identiftied?

    They threw nuts at a black camera-woman. Did she point her camera at them?

    This story seems to have died, which is odd for a story that seems to express anti-black sentiments.

    Is it possible a couple of Democrats crashed the convention and staged the nut attack?

  55. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I could see James O'keefe doing the very above at the DNC.

    Fortunately, Britefarts little lie-factory-buddy will soon be behind bars.

  56. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Paul Ryans many, many lies:

    Of course the facts are just for democrats. Republicans avoid them at all costs, except when it helps them out.

    No actually, the lies that you spew and copied are really just called facts by democrats, they are really lies for those of us who have brains and research more than Leg Tingles, Not So Sharpton, Rachel Madcow spew at you.

    Politifact has come out completely leftist and relies on the site he created with leftists as verification of the lies he spews. Here is the truth with evidence and links. Ryan spoke the absolute truth, that is why Democrats are melting down and having brain seizures, can't speak the truth...truth is racist.

  57. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    I see the unwashed masses have found youtube. Its only a matter of time before they start spouting about chemtrails and haarp. Gotta love these trolls.

    What in the hell are you jabbering about Jabberwocky? You sound like one of those Negroes who just learned a new word and starts fucking with a friend saying "you stupid you don't know that word means" You forget you can't pull that idiocy on someone who would never be your friend.

    We have been using you tube before you knew what it followed us into the technology, are you really this stupid? Look Ma'z I know's how ta use the You Tubes..I'ze is computer illiterate..YO.

    Now if you want to talk about who believes in conspiracy theories like globull warming - climate change, the white man invented aids, 9/11 was an inside job....look in the mirror Cornelius.

  58. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Anonymous oh lawdy, lawdy, lawdy said...

    Headlines from New Orleans that read as though they were written for a Hollywood disaster movie:

    Dam break feared; 50,000+ ordered out...

    UPDATE: Half of Louisiana loses power...


    New Orleans dodges direct blow...

    ... But looting hits city

    What is really interesting is someone is pulling down all the links about the Black Looters in New Orleans as fast as they are put up. I wonder who is trying to edit what the public sees and why they are frantically trying to hide real news.

    Soon enough it will be racist and outlawed to report on any reality of blacks in America.

  59. "... But looting hits city"

    It's just a little payback form the Man. Things are a little crazy here, but I bet white people are looting too.

    By the way, my disguise is working and no one has 'outed' me yet.

    I love President Obama.

  60. boot camp2:02 PM

    From the moron department:

    ...Mitt Romney’s stint as a door-to-door Mormon recruiter in 1968 France, a duty which helped him to avoid military service in Vietnam.

    With respect to the US military in Vietnam -- 75% of all who served there had ENLISTED. Many were career military. Draftees sent to Vietnam accounted for 25%.

    If drafted, would Romney have been sent to Vietnam? The odds are well below 50-50. Moreover, if he'd been sent to Vietnam, his military occupational specialty may well have been a non-combat specialty.

    Earlier in the doc, narrator and interviewer Gloria Borger glossed over the fact that Romney sought, and received, four deferments during the Vietnam War (and later lied about it), instead saying simply that he was “exempt as a student, and with a high draft number.”

    No one was EXEMPT from the draft as a student. Being a student was the MINIMUM requirement for receiving a DEFERMENT. A Student Deferment.

    Eventually, the stakes were raised and being a student was no longer sufficient for receiving a deferment. You next had to be married to get a deferment. After a while marriage was not enough and getting a deferment required being married AND having a child.

    As for Romney's draft lottery number -- it was 300. He was in the first draft lottery, which was held in 1969. In that lottery, no one with a number over 195 was drafted.

    But prior to the lottery he was eligible for the conventional draft. It's not as though the draft started in 1969 when the lottery was held. The conventional draft had been in operation for years, which is why guys like Clinton and Romney sought DEFERMENTS.

    Moreover, deferments were not permanent. If someone was given a student deferment, then graduating or dropping out of school terminated the deferment.

    In any case, Romney obviously followed the rules for obtaining deferments. However, the draft lottery was another attempt by the government to draft men who, up to that point in 1969, had not been called for military service.

    Meanwhile, Clinton was a DRAFT DODGER. He had a student deferment, but LIED to his draft liaison officer, claiming he was in school in England when, in fact, he was not.

  61. Yo, y'alls missing the best deals since Katrina!

    I just gots me a panini maker!

  62. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Well get back to us when Clinton runs for president again.


  63. It looks like our prayers were answered and no chocolate people were harmed by Hurricane Isaac.

    Not only that, but the white folk done left their homes and stores open for bidness! Seven years is a long time to wait for new stuff, thank you Jesus!

  64. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Looty Jones said...

    Yo, y'alls missing the best deals since Katrina!

    I just gots me a panini maker!

    No u lissen heah looty we aint gotz no times for u to be hittin dat panini u push off'n 'dat zip up and go gets some good stuff like just a lil wet big screen tvs de plazma kinds , when dey dry we gone plugz em in

  65. Cleothus4:24 PM

    An Looty, while you be out, grabs me a case of 40oz Colt 45, and some cartons of Newports.

  66. Snoop Dopey Doop Panda5:01 PM

    Cleothus said...

    An Looty, while you be out, grabs me a case of 40oz Colt 45, and some cartons of Newports.

    Sho nuff and I gone be lookin fo dem Christian Louboutins, I done like the Christian part but those louboutins be some crazy ass shit, fo shizzle

  67. Anon @ 206 pm that was hilarious. That troll went back to the 90's to defend richy mitt's punk ass. Now we know where his wife buys his panties.

  68. Lt. Commander Johnson5:31 PM

    "Looty Jones"

    That has GOT to be one of the best handles I've ever seen on this blog.

  69. Anon@5:01 PM, it might be time for a new joke writer.

  70. My brother spent a horrifying year in Vietnam not because he supported the war, but because he was drafted & considered serving his duty as an American. Mitt Romney did indeed demonstrate & speak out in favor of the war, it's on the record, but where was his sense of duty? He should kiss my brother's ass.

  71. field negro said...
    Anon@5:01 PM, it might be time for a new joke writer.
    And while you're at it, add some teeth, a job, a REAL life!

  72. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    field negro said...
    Anon@5:01 PM, it might be time for a new joke writer.
    And while you're at it, add some teeth, a job, a REAL life!

    Teef...Teef...Whair my grill at....DAWKTUR HA-HA you so full a shit your mamma needs to hole sum.

  73. STFUX9:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    Anon @ 206 pm that was hilarious. That troll went back to the 90's to defend richy mitt's punk ass

    PilotX is too dense to realize that he himself went back to the 60's to trash Romney.

    Your weak ass is no match for the trolls on this site.

  74. From what I see, the trolls are only showing how ignorant and racist they are. Each attack they make only shows how immature they are. My 8 year old daughter and 10 year old son have more intelligence than these trolls. The election of President Obama has brought out the racists into the light. Whether you think the Repub party is racist or not, they are the party the racists support.

  75. Oh tv and news is thing that i will never understand seriously all of them are saying what they want and they add to much commentary.

  76. I recommend watching free movies online, thanks for sharing.
