Thursday, August 09, 2012

Usain comes up golden and Mitt cries foul.

Let me start this post by saying congrats to my yawdie family for going 1-2-3- in the men's 200 meters earlier today. Usain, you are the truth.

Staying with the Olympics, I have to rip my man Yohan Blake, --the world's second fastest man-- just a little bit.

Yohan, WTF were you doing wearing a $500,000 watch? Do you know how many families in Jamaica that kind of money could feed for a year? Look, I know it was an endorsement, and you probably didn't pay a dime for it, but next time tell Richard Mille and the Tourbillion folks to donate the cost of that watch to a needy charity on the rock.

OK, so let's talk a little politics.

Mitt Romney's camp has been going crazy about an ad. that's set to run which seems to imply that he cost a woman to lose her fight with cancer. The wingnuts have been crying foul, and they claim that this is the lowest of the low. Even dumbocratic turncoat, Lanny Davis, has been critical of the ad.

"Davis says both Romney and Obama, and their supporters, have sponsored ads “that make us all want to take a shower.” But when it comes to the cancer ad, he said the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action has gone too far.
“Bill Burton needs to go back to ethics school,” Davis said of the group’s senior strategist, who is a former Obama White House spokesman. “He knows perfectly well that the ad is misleading and disgusting and he needs to apologize for it.” [Source]

Why should he? Maybe Lanny hasn't been hearing some of the stuff coming from Mitt and his supporters, lately. I have some news for you Lanny, politics is dirty business, so you and the wingnuts crying a river better get used to it.

Anyway, maybe Mitt Romney didn't cause that woman in the ad. to lose her life, but is there any doubt that he did business with people who caused the death of others?

"When Romney struggled to raise funds from other traditional sources, he and his partners started thinking outside the box. Bain executive Harry Strachan suggested that Romney meet with a group of Central American oligarchs who were looking for new investment vehicles as turmoil engulfed their region.
Romney was worried that the oligarchs might be tied to "illegal drug money, right-wing death squads, or left-wing terrorism," Strachan later told a Boston Globe reporter, as quoted in the 2012 book "The Real Romney." But, pressed for capital, Romney pushed his concerns aside and flew to Miami in mid-1984 to meet with the Salvadorans at a local bank.

It was a lucrative trip. The Central Americans provided roughly $9 million -- 40 percent -- of Bain Capital's initial outside funding, the Los Angeles Times reported recently. And they became valued clients.

"Over the years, these Latin American friends have loyally rolled over investments in succeeding funds, actively participated in Bain Capital's May investor meetings, and are still today one of the largest investor groups in Bain Capital," Strachan wrote in his memoir in 2008. Strachan declined to be interviewed for this story.

When Romney launched another venture that needed funding -- his first presidential campaign -- he returned to Miami.

"I owe a great deal to Americans of Latin American descent," he said at a dinner in Miami in 2007. "When I was starting my business, I came to Miami to find partners that would believe in me and that would finance my enterprise. My partners were Ricardo Poma, Miguel Dueñas, Pancho Soler, Frank Kardonski, and Diego Ribadeneira." [Read more.]

Mitt, there is one little problem; your partners were also financing death squads in El Salvador.

Of course you probably won't hear anymore about this story, because the PACS supporting Obama are probably now afraid of folks like Lanny Davis condemning them for playing dirty politics. But is it dirty politics if it's the truth? Shouldn't the American people know everything about Mitt? He won't show us his tax returns, so let's keep digging about his past business practices.

Finally, speaking of dirty politics, I am glad to see that a former republican came out and admitted that they were trying to suppress minority votes down there in Florida. He should know, he was in the room when they were plotting to do it.

Jim Greer was a republican party chairman in Florida and is always the case with these types of situations; he started singing like Aretha Franklin when he found himself in some hot water.

"In the deposition, released to the press yesterday, Greer mentioned a December 2009 meeting with party officials. “I was upset because the political consultants and staff were talking about voter suppression and keeping blacks from voting,” he said, according to the Tampa Bay Times. He also said party officials discussed how “minority outreach programs were not fit for the Republican Party,” according to the AP."

Yes Mitt, politics is a dirty business, but I am sure that you and your peeps already knew that.




  1. Yohan9:45 PM

    Yohan, WTF were you doing wearing a $500,000 watch?

    So I know what time it is, mon.

  2. NSangoma10:02 PM


    yallz boi, yallz boi, yallz boi

    Romney Calls Sikh Temple “Sheik Temple”


  3. Anonymous10:03 PM

    You have Romney on the brain or Media and Soros has you on speed dial.

    Hows the economy? Hows the debt? How's unemployment? How's government spending? Where is Obama? 2 months no news conference, every day campaigning or fundraising. No meetings with job councils. No budget from the senate since he took office.
    1.76 Million Illegal aliens now pushing blacks out for lower skilled jobs. 40 % of Illegals here long term remain on welfare, 65% of illegals on welfare.

    Waste of time, you will just lie. Politics are vicious but not supposed to be complete lies oh and if Mitt hits back hard with truth - then you will say you hear Dog Whistles.......

    "For the second straight day, CNN blew the whistle on a nasty and misleading Obama super PAC ad that ABC, CBS, and NBC entirely ignored as of Wednesday night. CNN hammered the ad, which links Mitt Romney to a woman’s death from cancer, each hour from 6 p.m. through 10 p.m. and twice grilled the man responsible for the ad, Bill Burton of Priorities USA.

    “I think it is deliberately mendacious,” stated CNN’s Piers Morgan on Wednesday. “It is a deliberate attempt to lie and smear about Mitt Romney. And I find it contemptible. I mean I’m really appalled.” The three networks showed no such disdain for the ad which will air in battleground states, because they failed to even mention it on Tuesday and Wednesday. [Video coming soon.]

    Bill Burton was President Obama’s national press secretary during the 2008 campaign, a connection that CNN reported and which makes his super PAC’s ad all the more relevant during an election season where the media should be policing false and misleading ads.

    “The President cannot hide behind a Super PAC on an ad as nasty as this one when that Super PAC is run by a friend and longtime deputy,” stated Erin Burnett. “Bill Burton knows the President’s ethics very well and it is fair to hold him up to this standard.”

    “The facts on this ad don’t even add up,” reported Burnett. Anderson Cooper called it “a factually bogus ad from the leading pro-Obama super PAC.” Correspondent Brianna Keilar, whose critical fact-checking first aired on Tuesday evening, stood by her reporting on Wednesday."

  4. Wesley R10:15 PM

    Mitt did the same thing during the Republican Primary, but typical of a Republican he cries when someone does the same to him.

    I watched the 200 live on the internet this afternoon. My phone is blowing up as we speak because NBC hasn't shown the race YET!!! They keep flipping back and forth between sports. The coverage SUCKS!!

    Looks like the Sixers are going to get The Lakers Center and lose their Olympian. If the rumor mill is true of course.

  5. Lanny Davis has bee a fauxnews shill for almost 3 years now. There are only 2 reasons that faux ever hires democrats 1) as knockdown strawmen to take dives and 2) to trash other democrats. Just ask Juan Williams.

  6. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Field, I am sick of these Romney posts. Can't you think of something else? I bet most FN readers would appreciate something different and interesting.

  7. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Field, politics may be dirty business for some, but NOT others. Mitt is clean. Do you think Mitt would run if he wasn't a wholesome honest man?

    Obviously Greer, like Mitt, refuses to engage in dirty politics. You see, Field, there are Republicans who want to keep it clean. Open your eyes, Field you are on the wrong side when it comes to honest truthful politics.

  8. SickupandFed2:34 AM

    Let me be direct and blunt.

    FU*K Mitt, his wife, and his 5 grand mammys. Pound him hard. Like theys say John Henry pounded steel. And when he cries, pound him some more.

  9. Anon@1:03, don't let outward appearances fool you, there is nothing wholesome or honest about Flipper. He has been running for president so long that now he wants it more than anything else in life, and he will do anything to get it.

    Laughing@ Anon@9:45.:)

  10. Wesley, I will drive the other AI to the airport. I would LOVE that trade.

  11. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Yohan might have won that race against Bolt if he hadn't been weighted down with $500,000 of watch.

    Question: Does he get to keep that watch and what's so special about it that it costs so damn much? Hell, I bet it doesn't keep any better time than a normal watch.

  12. Anonymous6:00 AM

    If you watch the race, Yohan seemed to be favoring the arm carrying the watch. Damn. He could have actually won that race if his wrist watch arm had been a little lighter!

    Oh well. Everything is well and ends well. Another Jamaican won the Gold anyway. BTW, are gold medals worth half a million dollars?

  13. NSangoma6:14 AM


    I see yallz girl is now sporting that long whidte girl pony-tail.

    Mama, I gotz a pony tail just like the whidte gurls be having.

    Mama, we is free, nah.


  14. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Poor Obama - Just think of the mess he is going to inherit if he actually gets re-elected :)

  15. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Lanny Davis has bee a fauxnews shill for almost 3 years now. There are only 2 reasons that faux ever hires democrats 1) as knockdown strawmen to take dives and 2) to trash other democrats. Just ask Juan Williams.

    Whitey, I feel so bad. I just heard about your first job. They hired you to schuck peanuts and you thought HR said suck penis. Took a week to straighten that out and you have never been the same since.

    Explains many things.

    Any debate with a Democrat is always a diving proposition, when reality and facts enter the conversation moonbats eyes glaze over and they start name calling, playing the victim or claiming racism. When you are a moonbat you can't stay unemotional, logical and actually look at things, nothing you beleive in works has ever worked or will work so you just huff Unicorn farts and call everyone racist if all else fails. Now even that doesn't work.

  16. Great post, Field. On a scale of ugliness, I'd consider it this way:

    Bain's vulture capitalism: ugly.

    Mitt's Salvadoran sugardaddies: uglier.

    Rethuglican voter suppression: the ugliest.

    We gotta keep the focus on this latter. Keep on it, Holder.

  17. "Mitt is clean"


    But he won't prove it.

    He won't mention his failure to create jobs during his governorship.

    He won't talk about his being the architect of a program on which ACA is based.

    Most of all, he won't release proof that he's an honest man.

    He's as clean as a donkey's azz, of which you backwoods teakkkrakkkers are know doubt familiar.

  18. Storm On The Horizon12:05 PM

    It's coming...

  19. Obama Ain't God1:04 PM

    field, the woman died 22 DAYS after she was diagnosed with cancer.

    Even the Messiah's Obamacare couldn't have saved her.

    The ad is disgusting...even for Democrats.

  20. All the abuse the presidents family took. Did we hear them complain once?

    Romney could take a lesson on being a man from the presidents daughters.

  21. Lt. Commander Johnson1:53 PM

    What in hell's bells does that have to do with this ad, Farley?

  22. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Farley said...
    All the abuse the presidents family took. Did we hear them complain once?

    Romney could take a lesson on being a man from the presidents daughters.

    Gotta laugh at the mentally deranged. You justify any depravity with ridiculous statements pulled from the air.
    Oh wait, talking to Farley the embecile here who is "know" doubt unfamiliar with multi syllable words. In your speak Farley ; you beez pullin shit out your ass and makin no sense.

    When someone is a liar and completely full of shit you don't demand the other guy just take it. And really, you are a liberal who literally lives off the sweat of others, you want to talk about being a man? A guy who supports the first gay president of the US? The president who throws like a girl, wears his moms jeans and cried racism every time someone told the truth? You really are a mentally deranged faggot.

  23. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    What in hell's bells does that have to do with this ad, Farley

    In Farleys case it's "tinkerbells" he still thinks he is a fairy despite weighing 300 lbs, a load no amount of pixie dust will ever lift.

  24. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Lt C. Johnson, "What in hell's bells does that have to do with this ad, Farley?"

    Racism is irrational and illogical. Hate permeates everything for the person who has it. When you are running your life full of hate, everything is perceived the same way....Every subject is connected to hate and wrong. So it doesn't matter. Farley sings the same tune regardless of the subject matter.

  25. Colonel sphincter2:28 PM

    Leave Farley alone he had a big breakfast - 3lbs of bacon, 2 dozen eggs, 2loaves of white bread, two bags of pork rinds and hasn't made his poopies yet so he feels clogged. He did buy a lot of stuff with this months free disability/EBT allotment so he thinks it would really suck if he has to have a light lunch of 6 roasted chickens and a gallon of mashed po-taters if he can't make room by going poopies so is concentrating on pushing out as much shit as possible.

  26. Anonymous2:54 PM

    President Obama cannot run on his record, so he is committed to tearing down Mitt Romney. His campaign tried to use the tragedy of a woman’s death for political gain. Then, his top campaign aides were caught lying about it. Doesn’t America deserve better than a president who will do anything to stay in power?

  27. Anonymous3:33 PM

    ….Obama’s ties to Rezko were a nagging issue in the 2008 campaign. Rezko and Obama were friends, and Rezko raised as much as $250,000 for Obama for the first three political offices he sought. Obama also acknowledged a lapse in judgment over his involvement with Rezko in private real estate transactions related to the purchase of Obama’s home in the Kenwood neighborhood in 2005.

    Our Corrupt President: Blago Was Recorded Saying Obama Received An Under-The-Table $25,000 Payment From Rezko in other words, a dirty governor who’s now in jail was heard claiming that Barack Obama received an illegal payment from Tony Rezko, who’s serving 100 years in the pokey, and the FBI, which is under Eric Holder’s jurisdiction, decided it wasn’t even worth seriously investigating.

    Now thems some Black Panther fast and furious FACTS!

  28. Anonymous4:02 PM

    You have made the fatherland proud. Use any means to reach the end. You are truly following in the fuerhers footsteps.

    Saul Alinksy Says:
    "Does the end justify the means?" is meaningless as it stands: the real and only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, "Does this particular end justify this particular means?"

    "The morally squeamish intellectual may be shocked by this kind of thing but the masses are always convinced that right is on the side of the active aggressor.” - A. Hitler

    What have liberals become? Walking in the footsteps of Nazi Fascist communists. Sad.

  29. Celia R.5:00 PM

    "Now thems some Black Panther fast and furious FACTS!"

    I had decided not to vote for Obmama this time. Now I think that is no longer sufficient. I am voting for Romney.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. You anonymice are as manly as Romney. Who is less of a man than any woman, even you women anomymice.

    Project your fat jokes. You have nothing, especially if you think a person that weighs 145 lbs is fat. You must be a friggin' bean. Except for the fat in your heads.

  32. 145 pounds? You sawed-off little shit.

  33. "Storm On The Horizon said...
    It's coming..."

    Maybe it's already here. ;)

  34. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Farley said...
    You anonymice are as manly as Romney. Who is less of a man than any woman, even you women anomymice.

    Project your fat jokes. You have nothing, especially if you think a person that weighs 145 lbs is fat. You must be a friggin' bean. Except for the fat in your heads.

    So the pixie dust is working?

  35. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Farley said...
    You anonymice are as manly as Romney. Who is less of a man than any woman, even you women anomymice.

    Project your fat jokes. You have nothing, especially if you think a person that weighs 145 lbs is fat. You must be a friggin' bean. Except for the fat in your heads.

    So the pixie dust is working?

    Don't let him fool you. This is how online predators like Farley work, they are really fat ugly big men who try and pose as young thin teenage girls - although that would explain his intelligence.

    Farley just wants to see your appendectomy scar.

  36. Sugar Ray Sanford7:21 PM

    Fareed Zakaria was suspended today by both Time and CNN over plagiarism accusations.

    I knew that guy was a phony.

    Good riddance.

    Time to get rid of all of the phonies. Obama is next.

  37. Farley7:33 PM

    Ron Jeremey is a Hero of mine, anyguy who can take care of himself that way!!! He supports Obama too Hoot-Hoot!!!

  38. 30 rock7:41 PM

    Fareed Zakaria? Plagiarist? Who cares?

    There were a lot of years when Time Magazine threw a lot of weight.

    When Henry Luce was running Time it was a powerhouse, setting the tone for informed commentary in the US.

    Time journalists were princes in the media world and every word in the magazine seemed to matter.

    Moreover, it was a conservative publication. A seriously Republican operation. But it's been a long while since Time was truly relevant.

    Now? Time is going the way of Newsweek -- straight to digital.

  39. "Fareed Zakaria was suspended today by both Time and CNN over plagiarism accusations."

    Fareed is a smart guy, he gets a pass.

  40. I have read that he's the current endorser of the watch. Anyway, he's probably wearing it to support his endorsement.
