Thursday, August 30, 2012

Women of color in a strange place.

This might be a two post night, because Mitt will be giving what is being billed as the "speech of his life" tonight, and I might have a few things to say. (I will definitely be tweeting about it.)

Anyway, I want to talk about three women of color with this post. Two of them lean right politically, and I am not too sure about the other one.

Two of them gave speeches at the republican convention last night, the other one also made news, but not in the way she wanted to.

I will talk about Condi first, because I think she has the most stature of the three. Condi stood in front of a room full of republicans last night and declared to us all what a great country America was. She said it was great because as a child of Jim Crow era Alabama, she never expected to become Secretary of State one day.

The theme of her speech was that anyone can make it in America, and that America opens her arms to all who will come if they are willing to work hard and buy into American ideals. She said it all to rousing applause and standing ovations from the the very white,very conservative crowd.

The problem is, of course, that Condi's party has been actively -- and not so secretly--- planning to suppress the vote of poor people and people of color because they believe that if those people vote they will not get the result that they like. If this sounds a lot like the poll taxes from Condi's Jim Crow days it's because it is.  

Shame on Ms. Rice for invoking the civil rights movement and their struggle for equal rights in this country in such a forum. Offering sound bites so that folks ----who could give a damn about her rights as a human being-- can feel good about themselves was as disgraceful as her signing on to a war that caused thousands of young Americans and Iraqis to lose their lives.

Condi, I know that you were friends with those four little girls from Birmingham. I am sad to say that Addie, Cynthia, Carole, and Denise are crying from their graves.

The other lady of color who was front and center last night was Mia Love. (Love the name) Ms. Love is a rising star in the GOP because she is allegedly the kind of Negro that they like: Hard working, educated, speaks well....

Anyway, she too gave a rousing speech and praised the party that gave her an opportunity to be running for congress from the very lily white state of Utah.

The theme of her speech seemed to be the "American dream". 

Ms. Love, of course, isn't from Utah. Her parents are Haitian, and she migrated to Utah from Connecticut.

Ms. Love represents the typical immigrant who came to America looking for a better life with her family. Her American experience is not like the American experience of the Negro born in America. She came here looking for a better life, and like most immigrants she found it. You could argue that anything would be better than the Third World existence that most immigrants left behind.

Ms. Love, in her mind, isn't burdened by America's sad history when it comes the blacks who were brought here under quite different conditions. So sadly she doesn't even view herself as one of those American blacks. When her white friends in Utah tell her that she is "different than those other blacks", she actually believes it.

I can speak to this, because I too came to America from a different country. I was brought here by my family as well. The difference is that my parents didn't come to stay. They came for an education and went back home to the country that they loved. I was taught to understand that I am no different than the Negro in America, the only difference is that my ancestors came off the boats just a little bit sooner.  Ms. Love is the type of Negro who looks down on the American born Negro, because she has failed to understand their history and where she fits into it.

 “President Obama’s version of America is a divided one — pitting us against each other based on our income level, gender, and social status. His policies have failed! We are not better off than we were 4 years ago, and no rhetoric, bumper sticker, or campaign ad can change that.”

“Mr. President I am here to tell you we are not buying what you are selling in 2012.”

More rousing applause. "We are not buying what you are selling". "We"??!!

 Mia is talking about Obama "dividing" us. What she fails to realize is that she is doing some dividing of her own. The type of dividing that some people just love to see.

Finally, the  third woman of color I would like to talk about is that camerawoman from CNN who had peanuts and slurs rained down on her from some of her friendly wingnut friends.

It seems like she is finally talking about the incident. Sort of.

Carroll said no one took the names of the attendees who threw peanuts at her Tuesday on the convention floor and told her, "This is what we feed animals." She alerted fellow camera operators, producers and CNN security. The head of the delegation — she was not certain of the state — told her the perpetrators must have been alternates, not delegates.

But Carroll, 34, said that as an Alabama native, she was not surprised. "This is Florida, and I'm from the Deep South," she said. "You come to places like this, you can count the black people on your hand. They see us doing things they don't think I should do."

Carroll noted of the Republican convention, "There are not that many black women there."

Ms. Carroll, Ms. Love would tell you that it's all in your head, and if you just work hard and speak properly these types of things will never happen to you.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Field, "More rousing applause. "We are not buying what you are selling". "We"??!!

    Mia is talking about Obama "dividing" us. What she fails to realize is that she is doing some dividing of her own. The type of dividing that some people just love to see."

    Yes, you are right Field. There is even division among black immigrants about African Americans. Some relate very well because they have been victims of injustice by Whites. Others see AAs as lazy good for nothing Negroes, much like the Whites do.

    Come to think of it, even AAs think negatively of AAs. Remember Gabby's triumph at the Olympics and the criticism about her hair? Let's face it, our own self-hatred has divided us, not the wm. And I don't see any unity on the horizon. It's effing depressing.

    Mia Love not only has validated what Whites think of Blacks, but she has further divided Blacks who are immigrants.

    I HOPE SHE IS NOT JAMAICAN....Field, please tell me she is not Jamaican. That would make my depression about as bad as it can be.

    depressed Negro

  2. This is a sad testament to the artificial divisions brought upon black people worldwide. Non-American blacks are taught to look down upon us and view us as lazy, uneducated, and ignorant (and we American blacks are taught negative things about our Caribbean, African, and other black brothers and sisters). While these attributes may possess more of my brothers and sisters than I would like, they do not by a long shot represent all of us. Unfortunately, it has always been the aim of the man to use house negroes to cause division amongst the slaves, and this is evident even today in the manifestation of people like Ms. Love.

  3. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Great post FN. As always.

    Cheers, gaz

  4. Interesting take on matters. I met a brotha fron the Congo who was raised by a white family in south carolina. His view of the country was pretty interesting and almost made me think his "family" adopted him as a joke. He once asked me why all blah americans vote for democrats. I didn't have enough time to fully answer his question but referred him to Michael Fauntroy's book "Blacks and the republican party", at least I think that was the title. I find it interesting to get other sistas and brothas from other country's views on things. What is most interesting is we all have many similarities.

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    The best kind of response to Blacks like Love is to severely ostracize them from every corner of the "black race", whether AAs or immigrants.

    Love is an idiot. Even the majority of black African American Republicans have stayed away from the convention. That says a lot about how confused and self-degrading it is to be a black GOP in a sea of racist Whites.

    It will be interesting to see how Mitt handles this racial division as more outrageous racist crap grows from within the GOP. Right now, he has ignored and remained quiet about it. It looks like he is taking a page out of Obama's political book on how to treat Blacks.

  6. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Dude, I let you off the hook on your promise to run naked down Broad Street when the 'O'man won in 2008. You gonna make amends when he wins in 2012???

  7. Good post on Condoleeza, Field. Sorry I missed the remarks of Ms Mia & the "incident" w/ the CNN reporter.

  8. Mia wasn't as bad as kelly ayotte. She was so bad it brought tears to my eyes, those poor people she represents. Republicans love them some stupid.

  9. Anonymous8:32 PM

    PilotX, "I met a brotha fron the Congo who was raised by a white family in south carolina. His view of the country was pretty interesting and almost made me think his "family" adopted him as a joke. He once asked me why all blah americans vote for democrats. I didn't have enough time to fully answer his question but referred him to Michael Fauntroy's book "Blacks and the republican party", at least I think that was the title."

    What did his white Southern "family" tell him?

    And why didn't you have the time to explain it to him? It only takes a minute:

    "Most Blacks vote Democrat because the GOP has consistently developed policies that go against the poor and support the rich. In addition, the GOP has had a track record of covert and overt racism. That's WHY most Blacks will not vote Republican; it is not in their best interest."....end of story.

    PilotX, the answer is not complicated unless you want to make it so. No one, or at least 'most', wants to be referred to some book you can't even remember the title of. It sounds like you 'couldn't' explain it like some black 'dumbocrats' can't.

    After talking to you, I am sure he was left 'in the dark' ;and left with what he was taught in South Carolina by his white southern family.

    You do more harm than good. Sometimes I wish you would just STFU.

  10. Anonymous8:35 PM

    California Girl said...

    Good post on Condoleeza, Field. Sorry I missed the remarks of Ms Mia & the "incident" w/ the CNN reporter.

    The delegates are seated by State. Florida has 50 delegates at the convention. Too bad she couldn't get a name or a state or an area or anything, real easy to see who is sitting next to the FOX setup and pursue this. Something this horrible is a piece of cake to pursue and investigate, they should. Imagine someone getting elected and being stupid enough to pick out one of the Black news people and do something that sounds right out of a movie, throw peanuts and call them an animal. Than that person doesn't remember names, faces, even the state and just wants it to go away after reporting it to the network she works for. Sounds like a movie.

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    My dear brother Mr. Field, you hit the 'jackpot' with this post. People will be coming out of the woodwork to comment on this one. This post strikes at the heart of Blacks in America...whether AAs or immigrants.

    I am glad you took my advice. I knew you were listening. But I understand you had to wait awhile to make it look like it was your idea. Is this kind of 'hard to prove' behavior a Jamaican thing?

  12. Anon@8:35PM, you do realize that the two men were escorted out, right?

    I am sure that if it was a sham the republicans in Tampa would have been quick to say that there is no record of these men.

  13. Anonymous9:12 PM

    field negro said...

    Anon@8:35PM, you do realize that the two men were escorted out, right?

    I am sure that if it was a sham the republicans in Tampa would have been quick to say that there is no record of these men.

    Of what men? What record?
    Who escorted them out? Nobody saw this? No one knows the names? You don't get thrown out of the convention with all those newshounds and no one notices. Except so far the Woman and her colleague at CNN.

  14. Forest Nappy9:14 PM

    PilotX said...

    Mia wasn't as bad as kelly ayotte. She was so bad it brought tears to my eyes, those poor people she represents. Republicans love them some stupid.

    Mama always said stupid is as stupid does.

  15. BlackconX9:37 PM

    It's great to see free, bright, high-achieving black women like Condi Rice and Mia Love. How come the democrats don't have any?

    These conservatives are a huge contrast to the ghetto trash criminals associated with democrat party.

    It's really a sign of desperation how the Obama campaign consists soley of screaming "racist! racist! racist!" over and over again, using made up peanut stories and talking about putting y'all back in chains. It's absolutely pathetic.

    I can't wait until Romney crushes Obama in this election. Then we can move to a true "post-racial" America.

  16. love boat9:37 PM

    field goes all out to prove he detests negroes who've accomplished something whitish:

    Ms. Love, of course, isn't from Utah. Her parents are Haitian, and she migrated to Utah from Connecticut.

    Migrated? What is she? A bird?

    IN any case, migration, when used to describe people in today's world, implies moving from one country to another. But moving from one state to another? No.

    Something tells me she was born in the US. Perhaps you're unaware of the fact that almost everyone in America has lived in more than one state. I've lived in six.

  17. Obama honored fallen Navy Seals by sending their parents a form letter signed by electric pen.

    Heavy D got a personal letter, signed by hand.

    We need a new Commander in Chief. Now.

  18. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Anon, "Something this horrible is a piece of cake to pursue and investigate, they should. Imagine someone getting elected and being stupid enough to pick out one of the Black news people and do something that sounds right out of a movie, throw peanuts and call them an animal. Than that person doesn't remember names, faces, even the state and just wants it to go away after reporting it to the network she works for. Sounds like a movie."

    It NEVER is as simple as you think it should be in racist America. Racism is a cold-hearted complicated and cunning issue, esp at the GOP convention IN FLORIDA where they unite to suppress black votes everywhere in America. Whites don't care much about what happens to Blacks. Hell, the offenders said it clearly "Blacks are animals."

    It's pretty hard for the heart of a white person to "feel" 'anything' for a black person- let alone see them as a full-fledged human being with dignity and part of God.

  19. your mind is a terrible thing9:47 PM

    field pullaborates:

    Shame on Ms. Rice for invoking the civil rights movement and their struggle for equal rights in this country in such a forum.

    Yeah, shame on that woman for making it clear that the real barriers for blacks are in their heads.

    Offering sound bites so that folks ----who could give a damn about her rights as a human being-- can feel good about themselves was as disgraceful as her signing on to a war that caused thousands of young Americans and Iraqis to lose their lives.

    A war the cost thousand of American lives? About 6,000. Over it's duration.

    Here in the US, MORE blacks kill other blacks EVERY YEAR. But you ventilate about what it takes to create a reasonably free, democratic, capitalistic nation in an unstable region.

  20. Hey PilotX, maybe you should move to South Africa:

    Cadet pilot training course applications from white men are no longer being accepted by South African Airways (SAA), it was reported on Friday.

    SAA spokesperson Kabelo Ledwaba told Beeld that the cadet programme was being advertised online as an initiative to bring pilot demographics in line with the country’s broader demographics.

    “Only 15% of SAA’s pilots are currently black, and this includes Indians and coloureds. The rest are white, and 91% of them are men.”

    I have flown SAA on flights to South Africa, Zambia, and Botswana. Considering that pilots are chosen on the basis of identity politics rather than ability to fly the plane, I won't anymore.

  21. Well, the sales is winding down here in New Orleans. I'm kicking back with a couple Heinekens, eating a panini, and watching BET on MY NEW 70 INCH FLATSCREEN MOTHERFUCKERS!

    I loves natural disasters!

  22. Big Boy9:58 PM

    "It's pretty hard for the heart of a white person to "feel" 'anything' for a black person- let alone see them as a full-fledged human being with dignity and part of God."

    Especially when they claim some sort of racist attack when someone possibly tosses a peanut near them.

    Damn but you negroes need to grow up!

  23. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Carroll, the black woman who was insulted, shamed, and ridiculed by two cowardly racist-pasty-ass-dickless-stringy-haired-male albinos, is an example of what AAs have had to put up with for generations since slavery.

    Let's face it: There will never be racial harmony in America. There are too many corrupt white perpetrators of racism in America where they find it necessary and fun to degrade Blacks in order to feel better about their evil asses.

    This country is on the road to end on a divisive-destructive racial note. It can't be otherwise. Racism in America is a disease that cannot be resolved....Period.

    I feel for Carroll. I know she hurts and is afraid. She also wants to keep her job at CNN. Inside herself, however, I bet she is boiling angry and fearful. That is the "split" within- between holding on to her job and the psychological and emotional violence that was done to her dignity and self-regard. You see, CNN is only going to do so much, which will never be enough for what those two white demons did to her heart. IT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.

    I DO hope CNN will surprise everyone and be as merciless as those two evil-doers and reveal perpetrators names and faces on National TV for ALL Americans to see.

    It would be a great opportunity for a much needed teaching moment. We should not let this one slip between our fingers.

    It must be done because there are too many Whites like the ones on FN who believe "it's no big deal". Or, "It's another n----r hoax; it didn't happen."

  24. Emma Moron10:15 PM

    "I feel for Carroll. I know she hurts and is afraid. She also wants to keep her job at CNN. Inside herself, however, I bet she is boiling angry and fearful. That is the "split" within- between holding on to her job and the psychological and emotional violence that was done to her dignity and self-regard. You see, CNN is only going to do so much, which will never be enough for what those two white demons did to her heart. IT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN."

    Yes we must never forget the possible throwing of a peanut that may have been directed in the general vicinity of a CNN employee who happened to be black. This dark moment in American history must forever be seared into our national consciousness.

    I think we need a peanut incident memorial on the National Mall. Perhaps a "million Peanut March" each year to commemorate this moment of tragedy.

    Never again must any black person live in fear of a hurled peanut.

  25. paulie walnuts10:18 PM

    Clint Eastwood just hurled about 100 pounds of peanuts at Obama.

  26. al sharpton10:25 PM

    The criticisms of Obama have a theme -- his incompetence and inability to accomplish anything that matters. Even Democrats know he's stuck in his own mud.

    However, it seems Democrats are hoping they can draw attention away from Obama's dismal failed administration by pushing some story about two white guys throwing peanuts at a CNN camera-woman.

    The story sounds suspiciously like Tawana Brawley saying she was attacked by several white guys and smeared with dog poop.

  27. Anonymous10:26 PM

    It must be done because there are too many Whites like the ones on FN who believe "it's no big deal". Or, "It's another n----r hoax; it didn't happen."

    Yeah as if a Black woman wouldn't snap her fingers shake her weave and say "oh no you din'nit"

    Amazing how the small minded put more and more made up details to a clearly concocted story. EVERY Mainstream Media person is saying nothing but racism, racism, racism. Chris Matthews (or Leg tingle's) as you know him is foaming at the mouth looking for racism, no way in HELL a true incident of racism would go UN-persued or unreported, this was made up and is a lie. As are most race baiting nonsense issues with AA.

    Enough already, enough. Obama is never going to get any more I feel sorry votes. We see how it has been repaid, there will never be enough, never. You don't want equality you want subservience and that is just not a possibility ever.

  28. Please don't call me Leg tingles. That's homophobic.

    And I am finding plenty of racsism down here in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac. As a matter of fact , I was just raped by a group of black males, an act most certainly caused by the anger at the racist profiling of suspected looters by The Man. My ass tingles.

  29. Tarzan10:54 PM

    "PilotX said...
    Interesting take on matters. I met a brotha fron the Congo who was raised by a white family in south carolina. His view of the country was pretty interesting and almost made me think his "family" adopted him as a joke. He once asked me why all blah americans vote for democrats. I didn't have enough time to fully answer his question but referred him to Michael Fauntroy's book "Blacks and the republican party", at least I think that was the title. I find it interesting to get other sistas and brothas from other country's views on things. What is most interesting is we all have many similarities.

    8:00 PM"

    Just what the hell has that to do with ANYTHING?

    Why in the hell whites keep adopting blacks is beyond me. Let your OWN take care of your "orphans".

  30. It might be time for Clint to hang it up. Dud was talking to a chair. A chair!

  31. The klanners put up with kinda sleezy as long as she's tom-black, and they'll ignore that she's a dyke as long as she doesn't bring it up, but when they talk among themselves, she'll always be "that nigger."

  32. STFU Whitey you racist motherfucker. Condoleeza Rice is more than you'll ever be.

  33. James Brown11:14 PM

    Romney's speech tonight was devastating for Obama. Romney has a positive message of renewal and clear vision of a properous and united America. It's time for Obama's message of fear and resntment to be rejected once and for all. No more hate, divsion and decline for America. It's time to be America again!

    God Bless the United States of America!

  34. Anonymous11:27 PM

    You said it Jimmy.

  35. fuzzy muzzy11:32 PM

    Romney delivered a true stemwinder of a speech. A speech that rang true, rather than one of Obama's hollow harangues.

    And after Romney finished speaking, his family and Paul Ryan and Ryan's family joined Mitt on stage. The crowd-sized families made a good scene.

    Can you imagine Obama pulling together his relatives? What would they look like parading around on stage?

    Moms Mabley, drunk drivers, wife beaters, drug dealers, goat herders, a mother named Stanley.

    A psychiatric ward for a family.

    Moreover, Mitt made it painfully clear that Obama, who grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii is a true outsider -- someone who knows almost nothing about America and Americans, as his presidency has proved.

  36. Carney11:41 PM

    paulie walnuts said...
    Clint Eastwood just hurled about 100 pounds of peanuts at Obama.

    I'm sure Michelle got most of them.

    10:18 PM

  37. barack alinsky11:42 PM

    field worries:

    It might be time for Clint to hang it up. Dud was talking to a chair. A chair!

    Dud? Obama's a dud. Clint's a dude.

    Yeah, Eastwood was speaking to a chair, an empty chair. A symbol of Obama's empty suit.

    Next, because Obama can't run on his record, he's going to get as nasty and dirty as possible, smearing Romney in any way possible.

    But he'll have trouble once he starts on Romney's religion. Inasmuch as Obama was born a muslim, he's stuck with starting his campaign as someone who's never renounced his particpation in the death cult of Islam.

  38. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Field, "It might be time for Clint to hang it up. Dud was talking to a chair. A chair!"

    Is that all you have say about tonight? What about the guy who is running for President? How did he do?

    Since you have not said a word about his speech it must mean Romney did VERY WELL! In fact, he hit it out of the ball park, wouldn't you say?

    After Mitt's speech, we can ALL conclude that Obama is toast, as it should be. He has been a lousy's time for CHANGE.

  39. the party's over11:53 PM

    Where's the news on that camera-woman pummelled by flying peanuts?

    Could the story have been a fabrication from the mind of David Chalian minutes before he was fired by Yahoo for talking on an operating microphone about blacks drowning in New Orleans?

    So it seems to be true that blacks can't swim. And it also seems to be true that a lot of dogs don't like blacks, and on top of that, no one seems to know why blacks say "ax" when they should say "ask".

    I'm looking forward to Biden's speech. It's gonna be a doozy. I can tell. Straight out of "Animal House", as if John Belushi's character, "Bluto", came back to life, drunk.

  40. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Dear Mr Field, Obama is going to lose big time and I am very concerned for your emotional and psychological well-being when Mitt puts a whuppin on Obama in Nov.

    I am praying that you and FN will be able to recover from a devastating defeat.

  41. "And it also seems to be true that a lot of dogs don't like blacks"

    This is true. Dogs hate black people. I know this because I am Native American.

  42. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Chuck Todd: Democrats Wish they had the diversity of Republicans.

    Amazing How the racists at MSNBC cut away last night from every Hispanic/Black Speaker at the Republican convention. I guess they don't want people to know the truth. It is going to be amazing at the lily white democratic convention next week.

    It was great when the balloons were let loose at the end of the convention tonight O'Reilly mentioned that When Sandra Fluke finishes her speech next week they are going to let loose about a million used condoms to celebrate.

  43. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Stop projecting your own hatred toward Blacks onto dogs.

    The reason you come to FN blog 24/7 is because you blame Blacks for your hatred and you are seeking 'relieve' from FN blog by making insulting remarks about Blacks.

    It's not working is it? But keep trying. A loser like you will eventually die wasting your life on FN. It's a hell of a blog isn't it?

    I keep telling brother Field that he is a compassionate genius for ALL of humanity. Don't you agree? I mean, where else could someone like you(loser) go?

    FN welcomes the lonely and disenfranchised. You have a home here even though other Whites look down on you.

    Welcome home doggy!

  44. Anonymous12:42 AM

    - I wondered about when the -- what do you want me to tell
    Romney? I
    can't tell him to do that. I can't tell him to do that to
    You're crazy, you're absolutely crazy. You're getting as
    bad as
    Of course we all now Biden is the intellect of the
    Kind of a grin with a body behind it.

    And -- so -- they are just going to come around and beg
    for votes every few years. It is the same old deal. But I just
    think it is important that you realize , that you're the best in
    the world. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether
    you're libertarian or whatever, you are the best. And we should
    not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we
    got to let them go.

  45. Toreador12:45 AM

    The Demomedia excoriates Republicans for being white (because white = bad). When Republicans showcase prominent minority Republicans like Condi Rice, Mia Love, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Allen West, the Demomedia refuses to cover them, or accuses the Republicans of pandering and calls the minority Republicans "Toms" or worse.

    Republicans keep trying to reach out to show they are inclusive, and the Demomedia does their best to scare blacks into staying on the plantation.

    Blacks are a scared hostage to the democrats, brutalized into loyalty to their abusers. It's a tragedy.

  46. I speak the truth about dogs and their feelings for black people. This a fact of the world and something I know in my bones. You cannot question me on these matters, I am Native American.

  47. Mikey Vick12:48 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Stop projecting your own hatred toward Blacks onto dogs.

    Like you don't know most dogs hate blacks and blacks hate dogs. Smell the coffee grounds, dogs can sense evil and bad thoughts. Dogs go crazy whenever blacks are around - Not many black people have dogs and the ones that do usually get little poodles and name them white mafia names. Or the dumbass thugs who get pitbulls to make themselves look tough and then abuse the shit out of the dogs.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Chief Windbreaker, "You cannot question me on these matters, I am Native American."

    ROFL. Why would anyone want to question you on any matters? You lost the war to a dreadful evil white bunch. FYI: Today, they are still the same.

    Chief Windbreaker, I know you are White because only White farts like you stink up the world. Shit eating dogs love farts like you. Now go to bed, you should try to go to school tomorrow for a change. You are flunking.

  50. GESNL1:10 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I can't wait to see what SNL does with it

    I'm sure Valerie Jarret is faxing them the script right now.

  51. Anonymous1:15 AM

    "Or the dumbass thugs who get pitbulls to make themselves look tough and then abuse the shit out of the dogs."

    Yeah, like the white pitbull owners who often get attacked and 'killed' by their pets. Only Whites get killed by pitbulls. It's become a real problem because pitbulls hate folks like you so much.

    Now that is where REAL dog hatred lies!

  52. Next time I hear some klanner go off about "democrats & hollywood" I'm playing them Clint Eastwood's semi-senile rant tonight with all of the starfucking klanners lapping it up like whipped cream off a stripper's moneymakers. What kind of self-indulgent flying by the id of his pants was that? How can the GOP go all ga ga hollywood while loudly running against hollywood? Were all of the preachers who run the party out for a sauna and rubdown at the local bathhouse? I can't wait to see what SNL does with this steaming pile.

  53. My school is the wind, the forest, the earth itself. My knowledge is timeless, not my possession but my birthright.

    Dogs hate black people.

  54. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Jewey's Conspiracy said...
    How can the GOP go all ga ga hollywood while loudly running against hollywood?

    Clint Eastwood is not Hollywood.

  55. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Had a tough time at the welfare office today but it all worked out well. I was sittin around saying shit I needs some money den I saw my black dog and said dere you go.

    I go downs to the welfare office and at first the lady says you crazy man you cant get the welfare for a dog I said why not my dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no clue who its daddy is.

    So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify.

    My dog gets his first check Friday. Damn, this is a great country!

  56. Fence-Jumper1:34 AM

    OK. About blacks & dogs: I read gas meters about 25 years ago, for a year and a half. Black & White neighborhoods.

    I saw every dog you can just about name.

    Dogs HATE guys in uniforms, and WAIT for you to hop over the fence. (They know the time of the month you come aroud)Bastards.

    MOST were really nice. Some were bored, I guess, and just looking to attack. I got to where I'd use a can of mace a week. I have been in hand-to-hand fights with Dobermann's. Rotweillers. Pit Bulls, German Shepherds. name it. I could write a book about this. Was bitten many times. Black's would chain their dogs to the gas meter, with about a 20 ft. chain, thinking I couldn't read their meter from that far. I had Dobermands spittig in my face, while I marked-down their bill. Then, I would mace them to doggie Hell. If I COULDN'T see it. I'd just lookt at their last month's bill, and Double IT.

    They'd always call crying....but, the dog wouldn't be there the next month.

    Sorry. I could tell you more about chunking the little-ankle-biters on the roof, but I have to get some sleep.

  57. Shiftless Wayne1:35 AM

    One day until the EBT cards get recharged.

    I loves America.

  58. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Brother Field, I am sorry Romney's devastating speech on Obama ruined your second post tonight. I found his speech brilliantly slammed the hell out of Obama's Presidency.

    Remember this 'Obama crusher' in his speech?

    "Many of you felt that way on Election Day four years ago. Hope and Change had a powerful appeal. But tonight I'd ask a simple question: If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn’t you feel that way now that he’s President Obama?

    You know there’s something wrong with the kind of job he’s done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him."

    Brother Field, what are you going to do? Didn't your heart sink when Romney said the above? It had to be demoralizing to Democrats, including Obama himself. Afterwards, Michael Moore, a die hard Democrat, predicted a Romney win.

    My dear brother Field, it's all over.... Romney will carry 30-40% of the Black and Latino vote.

  59. Anonymous1:46 AM

    "My school is the wind, the forest, the earth itself. My knowledge is timeless, not my possession but my birthright.

    Dogs hate black people.

    1:20 AM
    I know. The wind, forest and the earth is your school. But you need to stop doing that and get your sorry ass in school before you flunk out.

    As far as dogs hating Blacks, it's irrelevant and no one cares....whether Black or White.

  60. elia said...
    STFU Whitey....!


    I didn't make the facts, I'm just pointing them out.

    The only black faces you'll see in that arena this week belong to people working for it and the few rentas they trot out to check the tolerance box. As if black people are to be "tolerated" (at least until they throw peanuts at you and call you an animal anyway) like cancer treatment or the neighbor kid's trombone practice. What else can you expect from a party running on promises to cut taxes, increase defense spending, and then eliminate the deficit by cutting "handouts" to black people? Oh, maybe an all time low of 0% black people supporting it's candidate for president.

  61. Reince Priebus2:01 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    The only black faces you'll see in that arena this week belong to people working for it and the few rentas they trot out to check the tolerance box

    Right, Whitey. Our negroes are better than your negroes. We dont have to rent them, they are free negroes, not plantation negroes.

    Now stop whooping your negroes and go to bed.

  62. Anonymous2:03 AM

    When Romney said,

    "President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. MY to help you and your family."

    Brother Field, that had to be music to 'every' American, esp Blacks. Romney may turn out to be a black man in white skin.

    As I have said in the past, I will be voting for him. I won't be able to take another four years of a President who insulted and ignored the entire black race. I won't waste my precious vote on him again.

  63. Only THREE comments worth reading after Field's last night.

    This was a GREAT post by Field as usual, but the comments by the meth motivated assnon, with NOTHING better to do than post junk until late in the night, can't even be printed off and used as toilet paper.

    Then again, I've run out of newspaper to place under the cat's liter box.

  64. Will Clint's chair star in his next movie? That was sad to watch. And to think, after all those great Spaghetti Westerns:)

    Oh yeah, Mitt's speech, I think Clint's chair was better.I couldn't even bother to waste my time posting about it.

    That was almost as sad to watch.

    Mitt, thank you for wasting an hour out of my wonderful life.:(

    War with Iran? A put down of Russia? A plan to bring us 12 million jobs? What, exactly, is the plan? *crickets*

    And oh yes,the family. Why is he even campaigning? He could win with the votes in his family alone. WTF?

    Liked your dadddy, Mitt. You, on the other hand, not so much.

  65. unleash the hounds7:41 AM

    field slept through one of the best segments of the speech:

    And unlike the president, I have a plan to create 12 million new jobs. It has 5 steps.

    First, by 2020, North America will be energy independent by taking full advantage of our oil and coal and gas and nuclear and renewables.

    Second, we will give our fellow citizens the skills they need for the jobs of today and the careers of tomorrow.

    When it comes to the school your child will attend, every parent should have a choice, and every child should have a chance.

    Third, we will make trade work for America by forging new trade agreements. And when nations cheat in trade, there will be unmistakable consequences.

    Fourth, to assure every entrepreneur and every job creator that their investments in America will not vanish as have those in Greece, we will cut the deficit and put America on track to a balanced budget.

    And fifth, we will champion SMALL businesses, America’s engine of job growth.

    That means reducing taxes on business, not raising them. It means simplifying and modernizing the regulations that hurt small business the most.

    And it means that we must rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare by repealing and replacing Obamacare.


    President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. MY promise…is to help you and your family.

  66. BARBBF8:56 AM

    Left Labels Mia Love a “Token” “Aunt Tom”

    First it was an abortionist who believes he’s doing a public service to the world by killing “ugly black babies.” Now the Left is demeaning any black person who dares leave the liberal plantation. The latest runaway liberal slave is Mia Love. Love is the mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, and the Republican Party 2012 nominee in Utah’s 4th congressional district. Here’s how she was treated after she spoke at the Republican National Convention Tuesday evening:

    Tuesday night after rising GOP star Mia Love brought down the house with her inspiring convention speech, the stomach-turning Left labeled the black conservative a “token” and an “Aunt Tom.”

    Meanwhile, revoltingly racist, woman-hating Wikipedia vandals were hard at work updating her entry with disgusting slurs like “House Ni***r” and “dirty, worthless w**re.” The page called her a “total sell-out to the Right Wing Hate machine and the greedy bigots who control the GOP.”

    Let’s tell the truth about who’s really treating blacks like their slaves. It’s the Democrats. Since more than 90 percent of blacks vote for Democrats, it’s fair to say that blacks are living on the Democrat plantation. They are slaves to a political party that only uses them when it’s time to vote.

    Slowly but surely some Blacks are beginning to wake up and head for the underground railroad to political freedom. Artur Davis, a former Democratic lawmaker from Alabama who switched parties and spoke at the Republican convention Tuesday, has upset the Congressional Black Caucus for his ideological switch.

    Like the so-called house slaves (although the more derogatory “N” word was used) who kept the field slaves in their place, the Congressional Black Caucus functions in the same way. They make their money and increase their power by delivering the black vote to their white masters.

    Somebody has to say it.

    The majority of Blacks believe the Democrat Party is their best friends. They believe by taxing the wealthy, they will benefit. Their benefit is to remain wards of the state and in the back pocket of the Democrat Party.

    Harriet Tubman (1822–1913) was a black woman who helped to free slaves by using a network of antislavery activists and safe houses that became known as the Underground Railroad. Tubman said the following that applies to so many blacks who vote zombie-like for any politician with a “D” after his or her name:

    “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

    Too many Blacks don’t know they’ve been enslaved. Young blacks like Mia Love and Artur Davis are modern-day engineers on the Underground Railroad helping to guide enslaved Blacks to ideological freedom and economic liberty. All aboard!

  67. Anonymous8:58 AM

    "We are not better off than we were 4 years ago, and no rhetoric, bumper sticker"

    Love the bumper sticker talk. The irony.

  68. BARBBF9:05 AM

    Martin Luther King, Jr. and his father were both REPUBLICANS....

    By Dr. Alveda C. King – Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    In 1960, Senator John F. Kennedy defeated sitting Vice President Richard Nixon in the bid to become president. The black vote swung the tide! My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., or “Daddy King”, was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican. Daddy King influenced a reported 100,000 black voters to cast previously Republican votes for Senator Kennedy even though Kennedy had voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Law. Mrs. King had appealed to Kennedy and Nixon to help her husband, and Nixon who had voted for the 1957 Civil Rights Law did not respond. At the urging of his advisors, Kennedy made a politically calculated phone call to Mrs. King, who was pregnant at the time, bringing the attention of the nation to Dr. King’s plight. Moved by Mrs. King’s gratitude for Senator Kennedy’s intervention, Daddy King was very grateful to Senator Kennedy for his assistance in rescuing Dr. King, Jr. from a life threatening jail encounter. This experience led to a black exodus from the Republican Party. Thus, this one simple act of gratitude caused black America to quickly forget that the Republican Party was birthed in America as the anti- slavery party to end the scourge of slavery and combat the terror of racism and segregation. They quickly forgot that the Democratic Party was the party of the Ku Klux Klan. Banished from memory was the fact that the Democratic Party fought to keep blacks in slavery and in 1894 overturned the civil rights laws of the 1860’s that had been passed by Republicans, after the Republicans also amended the Constitution to grant blacks freedom, citizenship and the right to vote. Forgotten was the fact that it was the Republicans who started the HBCU’s and the NAACP to stop the Democrats from lynching blacks. Into the dust bin of history was tossed the fact that it was the Republicans led by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen who pushed to pass the civil rights laws in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Removed from memory are the facts that it was Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools, established the Civil Rights Commission in 1958, and appointed Chief Justice Early Warren to the U.S. Supreme Court which resulted in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision ending school segregation.

  69. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Blogger Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    Only THREE comments worth reading after Field's last night.

    This was a GREAT post by Field as usual, but the comments by the meth motivated assnon, with NOTHING better to do than post junk until late in the night, can't even be printed off and used as toilet paper.

    Then again, I've run out of newspaper to place under the cat's liter box.

    Notice how you said nothing at all but how someone else's comments weren't good.

    What kind of "liter" are you going to put under the cat's "liter" box? A liter of gas? A liter of ripple? A liter of sow urine? A dead giveaway of a low IQ is the incorrect use of words that sound alike but mean a completely different thing.

    We are glad you came to this Cite err....sight

    You will Never be a Doctor.

  70. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Field Said

    "War with Iran? A put down of Russia? A plan to bring us 12 million jobs? What, exactly, is the plan? *crickets"

    Field is your leg tingling?

    Matthews is sad/pathetic and scary, if he is your hero I really, really, really feel for you. He is Gary Busey.

    Well now you can be an example and a Leader.

    Oh just FYI - Iran almost has Nukes and has promised to use them right away.
    Russia demanded we abandon Missile defenses has sent nuclear missile subs off the coast of California and an entire squadron of nuke carrying bombers into Alaska. Putin has made demands on Obama that Obama had to ask for patience and forgiveness saying he will have more flexibility after he gets re-elected to do whatever it is for the Russians that the America public will obviously not like.

    So what would Obama do? More fake sanctions against Iran until they have Nukes and then just blame someone else?

    Russia? Putin is bitch slapping your mom jeans wearing little toy president. He knows his wife is the strength of the family and has told him stay the hell out of Syria, stay out of Cuba where he is rebuilding Naval bases, stay out of space -

    Liberals have to be some of the silliest people on earth. Obama has been giving head to Putin, it obviously didn't appease the bear. .

  71. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Oh my Field, maybe Obama is right. Iranians are liberals. They say getting caught with twice as many nuclear centrifuges is purely a political ploy. Maybe the Nuclear Commission is racist, yes that's it, they don't like murderous Islam.

    DUBAI | Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:47am EDT

    (Reuters) - A report by the U.N. nuclear watchdog that accused Iran of doubling the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges it has in an underground bunker was politically motivated, an Iranian lawmaker said on Friday.

  72. Mitt Romney11:19 AM

    President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. MY promise…is to help you and your family.

  73. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Field please tell the truth regarding the recent move by several states to implement voter ID laws.
    In 2005 a bi-partisan commission that included President Jimmy Carter and was part of an effort by the Federal Election Commission to develop methods to insure the integrity of the voting process agreed on five main ways to accomplish this.
    Voter ID was one of the five methods.
    President Carter had been part of a team of people who monitored elections in foreign countries and the FEC committee came to the conclusion that requiring voters to produce ID before voting or sign an affidavit attesting to their identity was an effective method to prevent voter fraud.
    Your commission of these easily researched fact is part of the Democrats attempt to transform this election into a racially charged "civil rights" issue.
    Once again the Left's inability to tout the record of the most inept, ineffectual, and incompetent president in my 57 years has led to the distortions and misdirection that has been the hallmark of this election season.
    Face it, this president, but for his exotic background, lack of vetting by the MSM, and ability to seal off from the public details of his past wouldn't have been able to garner the nomination of a political party that truly cared about the direction of this country. The truth hurts, doesn't it?

  74. Anonymous11:38 AM

    For years we’ve all been told how insensitive we are to black folk, how utterly and thoroughly “racist” we are, and how we can never criticize any black person or hold him accountable for any of his choices, deeds or actions, since those are only a natural response to our racism.

    In other words, when a black person screws up, it’s always a white person’s fault. So when a black man gets elected president and proceeds to destroy Western Civilization as we know it, we cannot complain, we cannot criticize, we can’t even vote against him.

  75. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Field, I've noticed that you spend a lot of time criticizing Romney but you spend NO TIME talking about attributes of Obama.

    What gives? Surely there must be something good about Obama(other than his skin color) that merits a holler. Is Obama that slouch of a President that you can't find anything good about him? That being the case, why do you bother to criticize Romney who HAS good points? You are stranger than Clint Eastwood.

  76. Anonymous11:47 AM

    you have to remember that wayane is a commie traitor just like bongo.he and commie negroes and commie whites have put you where you are today because they destroyed the black family with welfare and crappy schools.mitt is not the problem you are you promote racism in you shitty schools that turn out morons who hate whitey but can't read or write or speak standard english.more money is spent on black schools than is spent in wealthier schools yet whites do better than blacks most of whom do not graduate because their parent could give a shite about education or their off spring.that is your fault field not whities so what are you going to do about wayne the whinner.

  77. Anonymous12:06 PM

    "For years we’ve all been told how insensitive we are to black folk, how utterly and thoroughly “racist” we are, and how we can never criticize any black person or hold him accountable for any of his choices, deeds or actions, since those are only a natural response to our racism."

    Obama is being held accountable for his actions. It cannot be otherwise because he is the President. Where do you get the idea that he cannot be held accountable? That is ridiculous.

    However, it IS true that many Whites ARE insensitive and ARE racist toward Blacks. Look at what happened to the black camerawoman at the RNC! How much proof do you need? However, white racism is nothing new, it's been that way since the birth of America, and it isn't going to change much. As Einstein once said:

    "Racism in America is a white man's disease. It is not curable by any earthly human means. It's in the genes."

    In other words, 'most' Whites are born racists.

    Hence, Obama is responsible for the lousy job he is doing. And 'most' Whites are racists. We should not conflate the other. It becomes too confusing.

  78. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "Obama is being held accountable for his actions. It cannot be otherwise because he is the President. Where do you get the idea that he cannot be held accountable?"

    It is not being held accountable when all crticism of the President, indeed any opposition at all to his policies, is labelled "racist".

  79. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "any opposition at all to his policies, is labelled "racist"."

    When the shoe fits.

  80. Anonymous12:55 PM

    However, it IS true that many Whites ARE insensitive and ARE racist toward Blacks. Look at what happened to the black camerawoman at the RNC! How much proof do you need? However, white racism is nothing new, it's been that way since the birth of America, and it isn't going to change much. As Einstein once said:

    any proof would do especially considering the illogical story that makes no sense.

  81. Anonymous12:57 PM

    " BARF said...
    Martin Luther King, Jr. and his father were both REPUBLICANS...."

    As if the Republicans of yesteryear are the same as today.

    Did you go to sleep for 50 years or what? So, stupid.

  82. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " BARF said...
    Martin Luther King, Jr. and his father were both REPUBLICANS...."

    As if the Republicans of yesteryear are the same as today.

    Did you go to sleep for 50 years or what? So, stupid.

    Nope we saw the same media twists you did. Only you are stupid enough to believe the lies...there you have the difference.

  83. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "any opposition at all to his policies, is labelled "racist"."

    When the shoe fits.

    Do you ever worry someone is going to think you are worthless and weak for needing to always make excuses for your failures? And for each of those excuses being it is someone else's fault simply because you are ugly?

    Must be strange going through life feeling inferior but blaming it on the skin color of some random person you have never met and will never meet. I never got a gift that was cheap and useless but wrapped well that I remembered.

  84. NeberTrustThem1:12 PM

    Over 200,000 votes for Obama in Wisconsin may have been fake.

    Since the 2008 election of Barack Obama, 3/5th of black voters have vanished from the rolls. The only explanation is that much these people were fictional! 41% of the entire 2008 “electorate” of the city of Milwaukee has vanished without a trace.

    Left-wing media refuses to admit the obvious.


    Sixty percent of Milwaukee’s black voters have disappeared.

    Democrats have feared for years that one of the particular challenges of running campaigns in 2012 would be simply locating their voters. The party’s constituencies (young people, immigrants, minorities) tend to be among the most mobile demographic groups. And as NPR speculated this week in an analysis of battleground-state foreclosure figures, the housing crisis will likely only have made things more difficult for Democrats looking for their supporters.

    New data from Milwaukee give an indication of how dire the Democrats’ disappearing-voter problem already is. This spring, the League of Young Voters, which was created to mobilize young minority communities, collaborated with the liberal Wisconsin Voices coalition to dispatch teams of young canvassers. Starting in April, they spent eight weeks knocking on 120,882 doors across 208 of Milwaukee’s 317 wards to raise awareness of the gubernatorial recall election scheduled for June. The doors had one thing in common: the voter file said they were all home to a registered voter whom a commercial data vendor had flagged as likely to be African-American.

    But the voter file represented a fiction, or at least a reality that had rapidly become out of date. During those eight weeks, canvassers were able to successfully find and interact with only 31 percent of their targets. Twice that number were confirmed to no longer live at the address on file — either because a structure was abandoned or condemned, or if a current resident reported that the targeted voter no longer lived there.

    Based on those results, the New Organizing Institute, a Washington-based best-practices lab for lefty field operations, extrapolated that nearly 160,000 African-American voters in Milwaukee were no longer reachable at their last documented address — representing 41 percent of the city’s 2008 electorate. It is a staggering figure in a battleground state where Democratic prospects rely on turning out Milwaukee’s urban population, an ever more urgent cause since Paul Ryan’s presence on the ticket could help mobilize core Republican constituencies in the city’s suburbs. Over half of those identified as displaced were under the age of 35, and thus also less likely to be reachable through traditional landline phones.

  85. Anonymous1:14 PM

    " I never got a gift that was cheap and useless."

    Why would someone need to give you what you already are?

  86. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Dr. King WAS NOT a Republican. He went out of his way to make the point he was non-partisan. In fact he campaigned for LBJ in 1964. Don't listen to low information trolls about my frat brother's political affiliation. Listen or read his own words about his politics. Go to the King Research Center's website run by Stanford University and get the facts yourself. In fact type in the words "non partisan" in their search engine and see what you find.


  87. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Anybody else think "aw damn, grandpa got hold of the liquor cabinet key again" when Clint was talking?


  88. Anonymous1:17 PM

    "Nope we saw the same media twists you did. Only you are stupid enough to believe the lies...there you have the difference. "

    Ignorance rules the rightwing trailer trash.

    Which is what conservatives want. Ignorant constituency.

    They certainly have it in you.

  89. Anonymous1:27 PM

  90. July 28, 1960
    King advocates political nonpartisanship

    In a televised conversation with CBS, King comments that nonpartisanship creates a ''better bargaining position...the Negro will not be inextricably linked to any political party.''

    July 16, 1964
    King opposes nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater by Republicans

    King asserts that nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater by Republicans will aid racists.

  91. Left Labels Mia Love a “Token” “Aunt Tom”


    That's like giving a rooster credit for the sunrise. All anyone on the left has done is notice and comment on the klanners using their toms as token klanners, just like roosters notice and comment on the dawn. If kinda sleazy and the love doll don't want to be noticed as toms and tokens, they should quit being toms and tokens.

    "Clint Eastwood isn't Hollywood"

    Too ridiculous to answer.

  92. Whitey, I learned in Leon, Mexico that roosters often start crowing well before dawn. He was just lucky I couldn't find his ass.

    "By Dr. Alveda C. King – Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."

    Notice the dimwitted conservatives never produce proof, voting registration form or such, that Dr. Kiing was a Repub. They rely on his neice who was a kid when he was killed. Really? This is your proof? Alveda King? Did he show his neice his registration? Did he take her to the polls when he voted? His own kids don't say this non-sense. So we can either take the man at his word that he was non-partisan or the word of his slightly dull neice who was a kid when he was killed. Not a tough choice.

  93. I guess Ralph Ellison was right, blah people are actually invisible to white people.

  94. Kingnut2:26 PM

    "any opposition at all to his policies, is labelled "racist"."

    When the shoe fits.

    Perfect illustration of the intellectual bankruptcy of liberalism.

    A black person cannot be disagreed with because that would be racist.

    The only condition that satisfies this mindset is the conference of absolute infallibility to black people.

    You have to be deeply twisted or incurably stupid to be a liberal.

  95. PilotX said...
    I guess Ralph Ellison was right, blah people are actually invisible to white people.

    Yeah, even living in Metro DC, I expereince this a lot more often than one would think living here.

  96. "You have to be deeply twisted or incurably stupid to be a liberal."

    Or be a conservative to dismiss the fact that many oppose the prez because of his skin color. No one is saying that any/all opposition to a person of color is racist in intent but only a fool would say some of it isn't. Conservatives live in a fact free ideological bubble.

  97. And can someone pass a meth laced cookie to the Assnon who types/spell checks better than a future Doc.


    Dr. Reine

  98. Obama EPA administrator Lisa Jackson, who launched an enormously expensive program to make America’s minority communities green, has sent millions of taxpayer dollars to environmental causes in nations overseas, including China, Russia and India.

    The Obama Administration has been a disaster for America t the extent the effects may ultimately be fatal. Eric Holder has turned the Justice Department into a completely politicized, racist, anti-white gestapo. Over at the State Department, John M. Robinson, the Chief Diversity Officer, wants America’s diplomats to know that common phrases and idioms like “holding down the fort” are, in fact, deeply racist. Charles Bolden has turned NASA from a space agency into a Muslim outreach program.

    This is the kind of thing that we must expect to happen when blacks are put in charge of a white country. I don’t intend to shock or offend anyone when I say this, but the reality is that blacks have virtually zero relationship to high level economic, political, scientific and other intellectual achievement, as it is beyond their abilities and interests. The only way blacks can relate to significant intellectual and scientific endeavor is to complain about the injustice of the fact that whites have done virtually all of it, and that blacks, along with other non-achieving peoples, like Muslims, have done virtually none of it, and to look for ways to make themselves and other non-achieving peoples seem equal to whites.

  99. Kingnut2:43 PM

    PilotX said...
    "No one is saying that any/all opposition to a person of color is racist"

    NBC is. Every day. Over and over.

  100. Dr. Mayo2:47 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o nothing said...
    And can someone pass a meth laced cookie to the Assnon who types/spell checks better than a future Doc.

    You are not a "future Doc".

    You are a current moron. I would bet heavily that your current condition will determine your future prospects.

    You will never be a doctor.

  101. Dr. May-I-Have-Some-Teeth said...
    I would bet heavily that your current condition will determine your future prospects.

    Don't confuse my future with your prospects for having a life off the internet. Or a real woman for that matter.

    You should hope Mitt doesn't get elected or else you'll have to get off your triflin', living on the internet all day long ass and get a real job. Mentally disabled an unable to work doesn't seem like something the Repubs would support indefinitely.

  102. We need a new Commander in Chief:

    God Bless those people.

  103. Dr. Mayo2:58 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o never said...
    Mentally disabled an unable to work doesn't seem like something the Repubs would support indefinitely.

    That's why you are such an ardent Obama supporter.

    Deep down, you know the truth.

    You will never be a doctor.

  104. Mentally disabled an unable to work doesn't seem like something the Repubs would support indefinitely.

    That's why you are such an ardent Obama supporter.

    And why you SHOULD be. Your parents + disability benefits aren't going to be around forever to take of your sorry ass. Especially if Mittens get elected.

  105. Uh oh. Voter fraud is gonna be way down this year:

    Sixty percent of Milwaukee’s black voters have disappeared.

    New data from Milwaukee give an indication of how dire the Democrats’ disappearing-voter problem already is. This spring, the League of Young Voters, which was created to mobilize young minority communities, collaborated with the liberal Wisconsin Voices coalition to dispatch teams of young canvassers. Starting in April, they spent eight weeks knocking on 120,882 doors across 208 of Milwaukee’s 317 wards to raise awareness of the gubernatorial recall election scheduled for June. The doors had one thing in common: the voter file said they were all home to a registered voter whom a commercial data vendor had flagged as likely to be African-American.

    But the voter file represented a fiction, or at least a reality that had rapidly become out of date. During those eight weeks, canvassers were able to successfully find and interact with only 31 percent of their targets. Twice that number were confirmed to no longer live at the address on file — either because a structure was abandoned or condemned, or if a current resident reported that the targeted voter no longer lived there.

    That sure is odd. Sixty percent of the registrations from 2008 can't be found?

  106. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Condi or maybe it sure be Coondi, has whored herslf out to the hard right wing.

  107. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Jealous racist. Condi is more than you'll ever be.

  108. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Left Labels Mia Love a “Token” “Aunt Tom”


    That's like giving a rooster credit for the sunrise. All anyone on the left has done is notice and comment on the klanners using their toms as token klanners, just like roosters notice and comment on the dawn. If kinda sleazy and the love doll don't want to be noticed as toms and tokens, they should quit being toms and tokens.

    Isn't it funny that in todays world a Black person will accept a white person calling an accomplished black woman, one who made it on her own and reached one of the highest offices of the country disparaging names.

    Whitey if she is a Tom what exactly is a turd like you? What kind of black woman is ok in your book? Name me one you admire.

  109. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Republican had Dirty Harry

    and Now Democrats will have Dirty Sandy.

    We go from "make my day" to "pay my way'

  110. "Field, I've noticed that you spend a lot of time criticizing Romney but you spend NO TIME talking about attributes of Obama."

    Sorry, I guess I am trying to see what it feels like to be a rapepublican.

  111. Ben Dover3:46 PM

    "Sorry, I guess I am trying to see what it feels like to be a rapepublican.

    Oh you will. Count on it.

  112. Anonymous3:59 PM

    When the week began, and the Republican National Convention bore the unfortunate burden (again) of coinciding with a hurricane near New Orleans, some thought that it was inevitable that President Barack Obama would upstage challenger Mitt Romney–not by campaigning, but by visiting areas affected by the storm, quietly reminding voters that he is still President, and drawing an implicit comparison with George W. Bush.
    Yet somehow Obama spent the week campaigning, at rallies and online, while Romney, who only yesterday accepted his party’s nomination for the job, has beaten Obama to the scene, and will visit hurricane-ravaged communities in Louisiana today, the Hill reports.

  113. "Yet somehow Obama spent the week campaigning, at rallies and online, while Romney, who only yesterday accepted his party’s nomination for the job, has beaten Obama to the scene, and will visit hurricane-ravaged communities in Louisiana today, the Hill reports."

    Well, Louisiana was rebuilt with gubment money. Do you think Flipper will remind the people of that? Or will he write a check with some of that Bain cash he has been stashing?

    "Oh you will. Count on it."

    I don't think so.

    Unlike you, wingnut, the party in power doesn't affect my life. I work hard every day regardless of who is sitting in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And I don't mind paying my taxes to make the country better.I just don't like people lying to me that they are going to lower my taxes when I know that they will not. (Have to fund those wars)

  114. "Jealous racist. Condi is more than you'll ever be."

    She does have nice shoes.

  115. Anonymous4:55 PM

    field negro said...

    "Yet somehow Obama spent the week campaigning, at rallies and online, while Romney, who only yesterday accepted his party’s nomination for the job, has beaten Obama to the scene, and will visit hurricane-ravaged communities in Louisiana today, the Hill reports."

    Well, Louisiana was rebuilt with gubment money. Do you think Flipper will remind the people of that? Or will he write a check with some of that Bain cash he has been stashing?

    No, it was rebuilt with our money, that the government took and gave to demanding blacks. You did see the documentaries about all those fraudulent claims didn't you?

    What does that have to do with Obama campaigning, not doing his job? And you asking someone to write a personal check? Nothing.

    Unlike you, wingnut, the party in power doesn't affect my life. I work hard every day regardless of who is sitting in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And I don't mind paying my taxes to make the country better.I just don't like people lying to me that they are going to lower my taxes when I know that they will not. (Have to fund those wars)

    Nope, you like people lying to you that they won't raise your taxes when they will by hiding it in a cookie that says they will take more from others because they made more than you those meanies.

    The minds of liberals - not much to them. Hate/Envy/Anger/Greed.

  116. Anonymous5:15 PM


    Projection, you.

  117. "What kind of black woman is ok in your book? Name me one you admire."

    The kinds of black women who don't seek klanner validation are ok in my book. Among the many black women from numerous fields who I admire, Shrilly Sherrod certainly deserves special mention for her tenacity, talant and integrity.

  118. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Field , seriously I used to think you made a lot of sense , and I respected your opinion ,but the last couple of days has made me rethink that. Seriously I think you would vote for David Duke if he ran on the Democratic ticket. And how can you defend idiots like Pilot X and Doctor what's her face? They are morons . It also appears they are the only 2 blacks reading your blog. But you have shown me the light. I am ready to embrace my racism. Thank you Field.

  119. I See You All The Damn Time5:46 PM

    "Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    PilotX said...
    I guess Ralph Ellison was right, blah people are actually invisible to white people.

    Yeah, even living in Metro DC, I expereince this a lot more often than one would think living here.

    2:34 PM"

    Oh, you're not "invisible" to white folks. They see you quite clearly. Did it ever occur to you, that maybe they just don't give a crap about you? It's not like they have some responsibility to "like" you, you know?

  120. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    "What kind of black woman is ok in your book? Name me one you admire."

    The kinds of black women who don't seek klanner validation are ok in my book. Among the many black women from numerous fields who I admire, Shrilly Sherrod certainly deserves special mention for her tenacity, talant and integrity.

    Sorry never heard of a Shrilly Sherrod, she sounds high pitched though.

    Do you visit the schools in the inner city to encourage little black kids not to learn, read and write properly so they don't act like the rest of the "white world"
    You know we can't have them acting white, because apparantly to you anything white is the klan. Amazing. You have to be one of the sickest individuals I have seen on this blog. Of course assuming you really are white and have any standards other than scraping your boyfriend dried sperm off your chin before you go prey on the poor.

  121. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Anonymous I See You All The Damn Time said...

    "Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    PilotX said...
    I guess Ralph Ellison was right, blah people are actually invisible to white people.

    The angry sow mindset. This one clearly has a lot of issues...they don't like me they ignore me....
    Of course they do. The smell probably wafts out about 20 feet in advance of when you approach. You sound like you need some professional help - or a bath, a blanket and a brushdown by a blacksmith/groomer.

  122. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "...they don't like me they ignore me...."

    Because if somebody so much as looked at you you'd probably scream "racist!".

    God forbid somebody dropped a peanut while you were around...

  123. Barry Hates Black People6:30 PM

    By the time Barack Obama visits the place in Louisiana where Hurricane Isaac hit on September 3, he will have made 7 campaign stops and held 8 campaign events since the storm first made landfall.

    The storm, Hurricane Isaac, first made landfall on August 28, 2012, at about 6:45 p.m.

  124. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "...they don't like me they ignore me...."

    Because if somebody so much as looked at you you'd probably scream "racist!".

    God forbid somebody dropped a peanut while you were around...

    Do not pick it up..leave is waiting for you to bend over

  125. "Do you visit the schools in the inner city to encourage little black kids not to learn, read and write properly"

    No, I don't live or work in an urban core nor do I ever promote anything but excellence and achievement for our young people.

  126. "NBC is. Every day. Over and over."

    Well Fox is hosting racists and making racist comments day after day. Lead by Mr. O'Reill who was shocked us negroes can use forks and knoves and don't yell "more iced t mother f'er".
    I see where your choice lies.

  127. "I am ready to embrace my racism. Thank you Field."

    See? And you thought your words wouldn't have an effect on whites. Here's a racist troll looking for an excuse, any excuse, to be racist. Methinks it's already embraced it but hey I could be wrong.

  128. Damn Field, you'd vote for David Duke if he was a Dem? I might have to look at you in a different light.

  129. Anonymous7:01 PM

    PilotX said...

    "NBC is. Every day. Over and over."

    Well Fox is hosting racists and making racist comments day after day. Lead by Mr. O'Reill who was shocked us negroes can use forks and knoves

    Yup, I am sure Negroes like can use forks and knoves whatever the fuck that is.

  130. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    PilotX said...

    "NBC is. Every day. Over and over."

    Well Fox is hosting racists and making racist comments day after day. Lead by Mr. O'Reill who was shocked us negroes can use forks and knoves

    Yup, I am sure Negroes like can use forks and knoves whatever the fuck that is.

    The only racist I have ever seen on FOX were the black pampers. You name one qoute, one person that said something racist on FOX - just one, should be easy right?

  131. Anonymous7:05 PM

    The audience remains quiet even when the commander-in-chief thanked the soldiers’ families, and cited the 198 deaths of their comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The audience’s reaction was so flat that the president tried twice to elicit a reaction from the crowd.

    “Hey, I hear you,” he said amid silence.

    The selected soldiers who were arrayed behind the president sat quietly throughout the speech.

    CNN and MSNBC ended their coverage of the speech before it was half-over.

    Read more:

  132. Anonymous7:08 PM

    We need a new Commander in Chief. Now.

  133. "You anything white is the klan"


    No, I know a lot of white people to whom a person's color, heritage and creed are irrelevant. Not all of them are Democrats, but none of them are currently Republicans. Some were Republicans, a long time ago, but either they left the GOP or the GOP left them back in the 'early 90s when the GOP out here in Collie-4nia went all Willie-Horton on Latinos.

    I also know (hell, eat holiday dinners with) a lot of white people who will never accept black, brown or Asian people, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, etc as their social or political equals. They're all Republicans now. Some used to be nominal Democrats (usually voted GOP) but they all became open Republicans 20 years ago. Today, the national GOP is the functional equivalent of the CCC who're nothing but the KKK in street clothes.

    Thats why I call them the republiklan or varients thereof. Since they made up a slur-ish name "the Democrat Party" for the 200 year old "Democratic Party," I figure they're hardly in a position to complain credibly.

  134. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "I know a lot of white people to whom a person's color, heritage and creed are irrelevant. Not all of them are Democrats, but none of them are currently Republicans"

    Bullshit Whitey. It is the liberal democrats who are obsessed with race. Individualism is a conservative ideal.

    Most black folk are ideologically conditioned against associating with Republicans, due to the effort of shysters like you scaring them into staying on the population so you can make a buck.

    I don't hate black people, but I truly hate white motherfucking liberals like you.

  135. Mia Love was born in Brooklyn. She's a first-generation American.

    I know my share of persons belonging to the Black immigrant class, and yes, their perspective on America is somewhat different than that of African-Americans who can trace their family histories prior to desegregation. I'm won't state whether they're right or wrong, 'cause America's (allegedly) a free country. Still, the majority of Black immigrants I know (and their children) identify themselves as part of the African diaspora.

    OTOH, contemporary 'Black' Republicans are a curious lot for no other reason than their politics are radically divergent their professed group identity. How does a child of Haitian immigrants come to support highly restrictive, if not arbitrary and anti-democratic immigration policies? How does an Af-Am who experienced Jim Crow first-hand endorse a party that's actively seeking to usurp the rights of Af-Ams? We can't just dismiss Mss. Love and Rice as divergent. And it's way too easy to tag them as sellouts.

    I'm left with no option but believe Love, Rice, and other 'Black' Republicans know they're playing race cards in order to further their personal interests That suggests to me they're ill-suited for public service.

  136. Anonymous10:44 AM

    About every comment in here is completely racist in nature. As soon as you took these individuals and compared what they stand for to the color of their skin you walked down the racist path. These conversations and articles are merely fuel to keep the racist fire burning. Racism is in effect both ways here in the US. A black man wouldn't risk walking into a white trash trailer park the same as a white man will stay out of the ghetto. Each one knows the racial ignorance of each location. Each side feeds the others bad perception. The key to ending racism starts with the public getting past all of this and not playing into it. This blog aids the racial divide.... Collective ignorance.....


    Black America Still Paralyzed, Powerless, Irrelevant: Year 4 of the Obama Era

    by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon

    Three years ago this week, more than 2 million souls, at least half of them African American, converged upon the nation's capital. They came, in what my colleague Glen Ford called the Great Black Hajj of 2009 [6], to witness and celebrate the swearing in of the nation's first African American president. They wept and danced and sang and prophesied. They marveled at how far they had come. It was, their leaders assured them, the beginning of a new day.

    Three years later, it's clear that this is indeed a new day, a new era. But for most of black America, it's not the one they hoped for. Nobody expected urban poverty would begin to vanish overnight, or that millions of acres of lost black farmland would be restored. But promises were made, and expectations were justifiably high, not because Barack Obama had promised to investigate Wall Street, prosecute banksters, or stop the imperial wars and illegal foreclosures, but because humans do have the right to expect justice at home and peace abroad, whether their leaders deliver these things or not.

    The highly questionable political strategy of withholding back black demands for economic or social justice and peace, so as not to embarrass, pressure or visibly tie the black presidential candidate, and later the black president to his base was so widely accepted that by mid 2007 it was a staple of black stand-up comedy routines. Three years into the Obama era, the silencing of black demands lest they embarrass the president is no longer a tactic. It's a religion, rigorously enforced by the black misleadership class and its wannabees, who fall over each other in their eagerness to mock and scorn heretics like Tavis Smiley and Cornel West for daring to highlight the fact that black poverty and joblessness are at levels not seen in seventy years.

  138. watchdog4:23 PM

    It's a week after the Democratic convention. I almost wonder how many of the commenter’s here feel now. President Obama has seen a major boost to his numbers from his successful convention; Mitt Romney has seen his numbers go down from his not-so-successful convention.
    What with not being burdened by fact checking, Romney's prospects look bleaker every day.
    Also, most of the comments here have been very wing-nuttery in content and have focused on the usual disproven claims about black people (because we are apparently too stupid to know what’s good for us as we are all being duped as a people by the Democrats).
    Thing is, you can say whatever you want. Blacks still won’t vote for Mitt, why would we? Call out the lazy claims, call out the stupid claims. Ignore the fact that it was conservative Democrats who were responsible for keeping us down (and the fact that most of them switched parties in the 70s) and pretend the current makeup of both parties is the same as it was in the 60s.
    The republican'ts still won’t be able to get more than 3% of the black vote.
