Saturday, September 22, 2012

Criminal behavior.

There are truly heinous crimes, and truly dumb crimes. With this post I would like to give you an example of both.

"Two 13-year-old Wisconsin boys have been charged with first degree murder for the brutal slaying of one boy's great-grandmother, whom they allegedly bludgeoned with a hammer and hatchet before robbing her spare change and going out for pizza.

Both boys, Antonio D. Barbeau and Nathan J. Paape, were charged Friday as adults in the death of Barbeau’s great-grandmother, 78-year-old Barbara J. Olson, prosecutors said.

In a crime that was both gruesome and callous, the boys are accused of going to Olson’s Sheboygan, Wis., home on Sept. 17 “to get some money,” the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

Barbeau allegedly told his friend they should kill the elderly woman and they armed themselves with a hammer and hatchet.

The boys got a ride to Olson’s home from Paape’s mother and they “hid their weapons in their clothing,” police said. [Source]

I bet they ordered Papa John's.

And then there is the dumb:

"He may be a conservative, but he's pretty liberal when it comes to calling 911.
Orange County resident Terrence Bonney, 53, called emergency services several times on Saturday to complain about President Barack Obama. The president was visiting Central Florida that day, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

After his first call, Secret Service agents were alerted to Bonney's behavior and responded to his home. They searched his house but didn't find any threats, so they left. That is, until Bonney called 911 several more times to complain.
While he was being arrested, Bonney allegedly told officers that he had a photo of Obama with a noose around his neck, but "did not intend on hurting the president," according to a police report obtained by the paper.

"It's like I shot JFK," Bonney allegedly said during his booking, according to WKMG. "I guess you can't threaten the president."

No Terrence, you cannot.

Finally, I am glad that Maxine Waters was vindicated after three years and over a million dollars spent investigating her. Good job by Lauren Victoria Burke reporting on this story. There was no criminal behavior found here.

As most of you probably know, I have a problem with black politricksters who betray our trust, and even though I don't always agree with her politics; it would have been disappointing to know that Mrs. Waters was found guilty of wrong doing.


  1. NSangoma7:44 PM


    "I guess you can't threaten the president."

    Tea party member, genius section.


  2. Scumbags come in all colors, but blowhard conservatives pretty much all seem to be white.

  3. The anons will most likely try to spin the brutal crime those two boys committed by spouting off black crime stats, thereby showing that it's The Blacks™ that are the real criminals.

  4. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Oh God, I can't believe I took one look at the pictures of the stupid hair and pouty little mouths on those "youths" and said they would be the type. My prejudices just don't quit. Sigh....

  5. Maxine Waters was guilty.

  6. akila9:04 PM

    "I guess you can't threaten the president"

    Unless it's Bush.

    You can't even critize Obama.

  7. Stanley9:07 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Scumbags come in all colors, but blowhard conservatives pretty much all seem to be white.

    It is ironic how the self-styled anti-racist attorney always makes such racist statements.


  8. Facts9:09 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    The anons will most likely try to spin the brutal crime those two boys committed by spouting off black crime stats, thereby showing that it's The Blacks™ that are the real criminals.

    Actually Mack, this is a man-bites-dog story. Blacks absolutely dominate this type of crime.


  9. Obama's entire life story is a fraud:

  10. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Field, the story of those 'white' boys is rare, and you know it. You hardly hear or read of Whites killing each other in the streets or at home like Blacks do.

    Why don't you come clean and admit that the majority of criminal behavior in America is done by the brothers? It doesn't take a genius to know that.

  11. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Blogger Mack Lyons said...

    The anons will most likely try to spin the brutal crime those two boys committed by spouting off black crime stats, thereby showing that it's The Blacks™ that are the real criminals.

    Wrong, you are projecting. Whites despise this behavior and demand justice. As a Black liberalidgit You would find a way to blame a White person or society for what they did if they were Black. Or demand that the death penalty not be applied because the poor babies are just crazy because society has been so cruel., especially if they are Black.

    Bullshit, Got proof evidence? Conviction? Yes? - Kill them now before they lead a life of further evil.

    Go ahead and try and deny it.

  12. Anonymous10:11 PM

    His own great-grand mother? And his boy didn't tell him this was a bad idea? My guess is the bubbas in lockup are gonna have some fun with these fools.


  13. Moving right along.

  14. Anonymous10:35 PM

    How does it feel to be completely outsmarted and punked?

    Romneys owed and paid state and federal income taxes every single year stretching back to at least 1990. Harry Reid's imaginary friend is unavailable for comment. Their effective tax rate, on average, was over 20 pecent (nearly double the average effective rate in America, according to the non-partisan Tax Foundation). Does this qualify as a "fair share"? In the last two decades, the Romney's donated 13.45 percent of their adjusted gross income to charity. This totally dwarfs the long-term giving of the Obamas and the Bidens, in case anyone in the class warfare camp is keeping score. But remember, Mitt Romney is callously dismissive and uncaring toward poor people and the '47 percent.' Overall, the Romney family paid every cent they owed -- and more -- forking over nearly 40 percent of their income to either the government or charitable organizations, including their church. I've got to hand it to the Romney campaign: They played a long game here, and did so masterfully. One of the most obnoxious and relentless arrows in Democrats' attack quiver has been the tax returns issue. See how greedy and secretive Romney is? Even his own father released 12 years of returns! He's probably a tax cheat! That's all gone now, and the whiners look petty, small, and stupid. And Mitt Romney looks like the remarkably generous, law-abiding, productive member of society that he is. Bravo.

  15. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "Why don't you come clean and admit that the majority of criminal behavior in America is done by the brothers? It doesn't take a genius to know that."

    9:34 PM
    This question was for Field, but everyone knew he wasn't going to respond simply because it's true.

    How about you, Mack Lyons from Detroit? Can you handle the truth better than Field can?

    I bet Field gets his ass handed to him in court. Like Romney will do to Obama in Nov. LOL

  16. Does anyone else believe giving to a billion dollar industry, the church of Mormo, constitutes charitable giving? Just curious. They can buy a lot of magic underwear.

  17. Well at least the LDS doesn't have to waste its money defending child molesters like Ryan's church.

  18. Pilot X said....

    "Well at least the LDS doesn't have to waste its money defending child molesters like Ryan's church."

    Pedos avoid parent-involved kids like the plague, and that's pretty much the definition of Mormon kids, also, they have no clergy to worry about, just volunteer administrators who aren't in the same position of trust and power as clergy.

  19. Wesley R12:26 AM

    Having worked more then a decade in Juvenile Detention I have alot of stories about crimes kids have done. Some are funny like when two fools robbed a liquor store and their 'getaway' was riding their bikes, but most are like the post you made, people looking for victims. Also, we used to get Papa John's all the time, but we turned to Papa Murphy's until he turns out to be a wingnut like John's.

  20. Facts are Facts12:36 AM

    field negro said... Moving right along.

    Eventually, field, your willful ignorance will bring you down.

  21. Anonymous12:38 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Does anyone else believe giving to a billion dollar industry, the church of Mormo, constitutes charitable giving? Just curious. They can buy a lot of magic underwear."

    The Mormon church does a lot of good, PilotX.

  22. Real Clar Politics Daily Tracking 9/22/12

    Swing State Senate Races Where Obama Leads by 3 or more percentage points:

    Florida Senate Nelson (D) +8.3

    Wisconsin Senate Baldwin (D) +3.6

    Michigan Senate Stabenow (D) +9.5

    Virginia Senate Kaine +4.4

    Ohio Senate Brown (D) +7.2

    That's what coattails look like 47 days out.

  23. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Whitey couldn't be happier if Obama came on his face.

  24. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Real Clar Politics Daily Tracking 9/22/12

    Swing State Senate Races Where Obama Leads by 3 or more percentage points:

    Florida Senate Nelson (D) +8.3

    Wisconsin Senate Baldwin (D) +3.6

    Michigan Senate Stabenow (D) +9.5

    Virginia Senate Kaine +4.4

    Ohio Senate Brown (D) +7.2

    That's what coattails look like 47 days out.

    This old man never learned, how many times have you had to eat shit? It's coming again and you will be eating it for a long time.

  25. "I guess you can't threaten the President." If you gotta guess..... You know those people wearing dark suits & sunglasses, following the President around? Yeah those guys. KInda difficult to miss.

  26. Field, maybe you shouldn't judge or comment on these fools you might have to represent them. Ha!

  27. "A ballot is like a bullet. You don't throw your ballots until you see a target, and if that target is not within your reach, keep your ballot in your pocket." Malcolm X, Fiasco doesn't believe there's a target. He was raised that way, apparently, by his dad. I think his view is narrow & lacks political maturity, but I don't see it as necessarily ignorant.

  28. "Field, maybe you shouldn't judge or comment on these fools you might have to represent them. Ha!"

    No, I don't do pro bono criminal work. We have a Public Defender's office for that. :)

    Hmmm, Flipper's taxes. I loved this take on it:

    BTW, I want to see more than just 2010 and 2011.

  29. Those haircuts are criminal in themselves.

    Even If they didn't kill grandma they deserve to go to prison for crimes against public decency.



    Co-sign Mr. Reid.

  31. "Those haircuts are criminal in themselves.

    Even If they didn't kill grandma they deserve to go to prison for crimes against public decency."

    Now that's funny PC. But we have a little guy over here named Beiber.

    I think he should be charged as a co-conspirator. :)

  32. Anonymous9:16 AM


    I read this post 2 times. It is very useful.

    Pls try to keep posting.

    Let me show other source that may be good for community.

    Source: Area manager interview questions

    Best regards

  33. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Co-sign Mr. Reid.

    You do Field? I read the article, saw Harry's comments, didn't understand how Mitt manipulated or played creative accounting with his tax forms - Harry Didn't say. Do you know what he manipulated? Was there another source not listed in the article that made you agree? Can Mitt go to jail for this? What did he manipulate? How did he scam us that you agree with Harry Reid?

  34. Shabizzo!10:55 AM

    Field don't need no facts, cracker!

    Republicans are bad! If'n you wander offa the plantation, they'll lynch yo ass!

  35. Why don't you go ahead & point out what I've been so wrong about A-non?

  36. "Why don't you go ahead & point out what I've been so wrong about A-non? "

    You will be waiting for awhile.

  37. Anonymous2:14 PM

    for every bad whitey you can find i can find 100 bad negroes.the difference between mr.romney and bogo is that romney is a descent man and bongo is not a good person.i the first thing that comes to mind when i hear bongo speak is fraud.but then so many affirmentive action lawyers are frauds and if they didn't get jobs by the door they wopuld be out robbing and raping old white woman.

  38. A non said...

    "romney is a descent man"


    Yes, he's descended from polygamists, multimillionaires and politicians. He'd never have been what he is had he not been born what he was.

  39. According to Pew Research, at 50% unfavorable / 35 favorable, Rawmoney is now the least popular major party candidate since modern polling began. If you think that's bad, just wait 'til 11/7.

  40. NSangoma4:43 PM


    field booty, where your Black Island Ass at, on this murder:

    Where was the 1-million hooded man march for this young man?

    What's the problem, Jordan "Timmy" Ashley had not been suspended from high school 3-times; not gangsta enough for you Negroes?

    Where was Revered Incorporated? Melissa Victoria Harris-Perry, where you at?

    Luckily for those punk-progressive Negroes at
    I've been banned again, or I'd be cussing them out too, right now.


  41. Obama, in contrast is 42% unfavorable 49% favorable.

    That leaves Mitt with a net -15 to Barak's +7, a 22% overall favorability lead that probably explains why former-undecideds are breaking his way by about the same margin..

  42. "when i hear bongo speak is fraud.but then so many affirmentive action lawyers are frauds and if they didn't get jobs by the door they wopuld be out robbing and raping old white woman."

    Hey Jethro, keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.

  43. Gringo Don't Want No Chitlin's10:23 AM

    Did you ever notice how many Mexican restaurants there are? Now, compare how many Soul Food restaurants you see. (KFC doesn't count)

    Don't know just what that means, but.....there you go.

  44. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Put this matter to rest and Gooble "Violent Crime by Race" and see the U.S. Justice Department statistics.

    No surprises in them however.
