Sunday, September 23, 2012

Black v. Brown, a republican's dream.

It's one of the oldest political tricks in the book: divide and conquer. And Ann Coulter, bless her tortured soul, has been doing her best to put it into action.

Ann is known for her provocative comments, and this time she figured she would try to put a wedge between two of the democratic party's most loyal constituent groups.

"During the "This Week" roundtable's discussion of the politics of immigration reform and the Latino vote, conservative commentator Ann Coulter made the provocative claim that "Democrats are dropping the blacks and moving on to the Hispanics," while arguing that immigrant rights should not be considered civil rights."
This of course is how you weaken the brown coalition; get black folks and Hispanics fighting over the left over crumbs that have been given to them from the American pie.

Ann has a special place in her heart for the American Negro. She has previously declared that they are her Negroes.

"That's why the Democrats are dropping the blacks and moving on to the Hispanics," seeming to claim that Democrats are more aggressively courting the Latino vote than the African American vote, which polls show is firmly behind President Obama.

Coulter, author of the new book "Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the Seventies to Obama," also argued that groups on the left, from feminists to gay rights groups to those defending immigrants, have commandeered the black civil rights experience.

"I think what - the way liberals have treated blacks like children and many of their policies have been harmful to blacks, at least they got the beneficiary group right," Coulter said. "There is the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow laws. We don't owe the homeless. We don't owe feminists. We don't owe women who are desirous of having abortions, but that's - or - or gays who want to get married to one another. That's what civil rights has become for much of the left."

When asked whether immigrant rights were not civil rights, Coulter responded, "No. I think civil rights are for blacks… What have we done to the immigrants? We owe black people something. We have a legacy of slavery. Immigrants haven't even been in this country." [Source]

Unfortunately, I suspect that a lot of black folks agree with Mrs. Coulter. There is not a lot of love between some black folks and Hispanics, who they feel-- and rightfully so-- can be just as racist and ignorant as the folks in the majority population. It's a fragile coalition, and it has been brought together because of the injustice reaped on each group --in one way or the other-- by some in the majority population who views them both in the same disdainful way.

Still, I find some of Ms. Coulter's comments to be interesting and true. But I think some of her conservative friends would strongly disagree with her. To them, America owes the Negro nothing. Her comment that "we owe blacks something"  might cause some eyebrows to be raised  in wingnutville.

Ann is a loose cannon, and when loose cannons fire there is no telling where the cannonball will drop.

Finally, WTF is wrong with the po po in Houston?

"A Houston police officer shot and killed a schizophrenic, wheelchair-bound double amputee threatening people with a pen at a group home for the mentally ill after authorities said the man advanced on the officer's partner.

The shooting occurred early Saturday morning after police responded to a call that resident Brian Claunch was acting aggressively after his caretaker refused to give him a cigarette and a soda, the owner of the home and police said."
"But field, the officers were in fear of their lives. Read the rest of the story." 
"The officers made verbal commands for the suspect to drop whatever he had in his hand, to stay still and to speak with the officers, but the suspect continued to make threats," Jodi Silva, a police spokeswoman, told CNN affiliate KTRK in Houston.
Claunch, who lost an arm and a leg in a train accident, trapped one of the officers with his wheelchair in the corner of a room and attempted to stab the officer with an object that turned out to be a pen.
Officer Matt Marin, "in fear of the safety of his partner and the safety of himself, discharges his duty weapon, striking the suspect," Silva said.
Marin shot Claunch once. He died at the scene, according to investigators." [Source]
"Trapped an officer with his wheelchair"?  Houston, I think that we just might have a problem.




  1. Reminds me of the time I got run over on my bike, on a sidewalk/ store-driveway by a ranking cop's mom and I got a ticket for obstructing traffic.

  2. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Ann Coulter speaks the language of the Republican Party fluently. They have their own unique dialect. It is called ignorish!!!!!

  3. Anne does speak the truth, "we will nominate Mitt Romney and we will lose in November". Such a brilliant man.

  4. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Field, I work in a nursing home and if a law dog came in strappin with iron on his hip I would ceremoniously escort his ass outside and read him the riot act as this company does not allow weapons on site and in doing so could get your ass in some deep shit with the owners and their high dollar lawyers. So I suspect that place could in fact be a no gun zone as well regardless of the situation.

  5. Ann is not aging with class or grace. Everyone has "civil rights." The enfranchisement of one group is not through the disenfranchisement of another. Or that's how it's supposed to go. The voting rights of African-Americans, Hispanics, & the elderly are being undermined right now, in PA & many other states. Voting rights are civil rights.

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    "That's why the Democrats are dropping the blacks and moving on to the Hispanics," seeming to claim that Democrats are more aggressively courting the Latino vote than the African American vote, which polls show is firmly behind President Obama."

    This is absolutely true. Another reason I won't vote for Obama. He sold us out and hasn't even been held accountable for his treatment of Blacks. He even has had conversations with the Hispanics but he hasn't even acknowledged our existence.

    The amazing thing about our folks like FN Negroes(if you can call them that) are busy beating up on Romney but remaining silent about Obama's behavior toward us. The only honest Blacks speaking out about this are Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.

    It's a bitch being Black in America...very depressing.

    depressed Negro

  7. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "This of course is how you weaken the brown coalition; get black folks and Hispanics fighting over the left over crumbs that have been given to them from the American pie."

    Easy enough to do because the reality is Hispanics are far more important to Obama and the Dems than Blacks are. Hell, Obama doesn't even have to explain his actions toward us. But he has had to explain to the Hispanics. YOu see, the Hispanic vote is not an automatic vote for Obama and the Dems. But the Negro vote is...that is those who will vote but that number is quite dubious.

    BTW, have Hispanics EVER wanted to to be around Blacks? The Mexicans are the biggest racists on the planet. You FN Negroes ought to know that yet once again, you manage to DENY that. But you will soon find out once they have surpassed us. That isn't too far away, thanks to Obama.

    Since Obama has been in office, Blacks have been nothing but a burden to him while the Hispanics are very promising. Field, you are a fool when it comes to understanding racism beyond the Whites.

  8. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Frankly, I am glad Ann Coulter is speaking up for us Blacks....No one else is.

  9. Barack cannot speak to blah peoples' issues, at least not during his first term, because he'd be branded a racist and that's all conservative commentators would talk about. Let's not be completely disingenuous.

  10. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Thanks PilotX for making clear 'why' Obama can't speak to our issues. Well, he has certainly spoken to the Hispanics' issues without any reservation. Looks like we Blacks are total losers.

    If Obama can't speak to our issues, what good is he to our issues? NOTHING!

  11. Anonymous12:30 AM

    "Thanks PilotX for making clear 'why' Obama can't speak to our issues. Well, he has certainly spoken to the Hispanics' issues without any reservation. Looks like we Blacks are total losers."

    We aren't so much losers as we are a heavy load for Obama to carry. I don't blame him for dissing us. Because we will vote for him anyway regardless of how badly he treats us, and it's been pretty bad.

  12. Anonymous12:44 AM

    This shit is toooo depressing. Why are we always the losers no matter what?

    Why is there always a reason WHY we must come in last? According to PilotX it's because of racism. That is, Obama might accused of being a racist by the Whites. They still control our asses with the threat of racism.

    Well, isn't that a bitch! BTW, PilotX, they still call Obama a racist and we have the highest unemployment rate in the history of our race! Got anymore stinkin thinkin reasons why Obama is treating us so badly?

    You are a tomming self-deluded fool.

    depressed Negro

  13. Anonymous12:54 AM

    It must be tough on the wingnut welfare dole. No longer is it a sinecure and a pathway to MSM punditry.

    I have always marveled at the heroic, brave fauxperts willing to pass judgement on an officer shooting someone. Either they believe the officer is too eager and doing Darwin Awards....or they believe the officer should emulate a movie character and shoot more.

    The GOP has been ridding itself of heretics and apostates...Blah People and Illegals and feminazis. They might want to read their Party history.


  14. Depressed Negro, you need an Ann Coulter type on your side like JJ. Maybe that is all you need. :)

  15. It is true that Coulter is an unpleasant human being.

    It is also true that agitating to enter and stay in a foreign country and bring unlimited numbers of your countrymen and women with you is not an issue of "justice" in the same way that discrimination based on race and historical linkage to slavery is.

  16. BARBBF9:07 AM

    What Obama said to the CBC seems to show that he has no respect for Black Congressmen..or Black voters:

    President Obama Wrong for the ‘Stop Complaining’ Comments, Says Maxine Waters

    11:35 PM EDT 9/26/2011 by Terry Shropshire

    Maxine Waters fired off at President Obama in the wake of his Congressional Black Caucus convention speech in which he told blacks to “stop complaining,” “stop whining’ and “stop grumbling” and to “start fighting.”

    Waters took great umbrage at what she characterized as condescension and hypocrisy on the part of Obama, who she said doesn’t have the courage to dare utter such words at any other demographic in America, particularly to Jews, gays and lesbians, Hispanics and Wall Street.

    “He would never talk to the gay, lesbian, or Latino communities in that manner,” Waters fired off. “I’m really kind of confused as to who he’s speaking to.”


    “I’m not sure who the president was addressing. I found that language a bit curious,” Waters said. “The president spoke to the Hispanic Caucus … he certainly didn’t tell them to stop complaining and he never would say that to the gay and lesbian community, who really pushed him on don’t ask don’t tell or even in a speech to APEC, he would never say to the Jewish community, stop complaining about Israel.”

    Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, speaking on Tavis Smiley’s PBS program, rationalized the president’s words as that of a family member who cajoles and pushes a sibling or child to step up their game and stop whining about their circumstances.

  17. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Pilot X at 12:13 said:

    Barack cannot speak to blah peoples' issues, at least not during his first term, because he'd be branded a racist and that's all conservative commentators would talk about

    Thats the problem with Barrack.....

    Hes always WORRIED about what the Republicans will say... Theres no fight or sense of just " Doing The Right Thing" withought politically calculating if it will benefit his presidency or re election efforts.

  18. free rent, free food, free healthcare, all for me11:32 AM

    field expresses his true contempt for blacks and hispanics in a single sentence:

    This of course is how you weaken the brown coalition; get black folks and Hispanics fighting over the left over crumbs that have been given to them from the American pie.

    There it is. The doofus field believes blacks and hispanics are incapable of creating and enlarging the pie, and that they're only conditioned to fight over the excess created by others -- obviously whites and asians.

    You really do acknowledge your belief that blacks and hispanics are unable to contribute to the prosperity of a nation. In your view, it's a one-way street of scrambling for the leftovers.

  19. Anonymous1:07 PM

    BARBBF said...
    What Obama said to the CBC seems to show that he has no respect for Black Congressmen..or Black voters:

    President Obama Wrong for the ‘Stop Complaining’ Comments, Says Maxine Waters

    11:35 PM EDT 9/26/2011 by Terry Shropshire

    Maxine Waters fired off at President Obama in the wake of his Congressional Black Caucus convention speech in which he told blacks to “stop complaining,” “stop whining’ and “stop grumbling” and to “start fighting.”

    Waters took great umbrage at what she characterized as condescension and hypocrisy on the part of Obama, who she said doesn’t have the courage to dare utter such words at any other demographic in America, particularly to Jews, gays and lesbians, Hispanics and Wall Street.

    “He would never talk to the gay, lesbian, or Latino communities in that manner,” Waters fired off. “I’m really kind of confused as to who he’s speaking to.”


    “I’m not sure who the president was addressing. I found that language a bit curious,” Waters said. “The president spoke to the Hispanic Caucus … he certainly didn’t tell them to stop complaining and he never would say that to the gay and lesbian community, who really pushed him on don’t ask don’t tell or even in a speech to APEC, he would never say to the Jewish community, stop complaining about Israel.”

    Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, speaking on Tavis Smiley’s PBS program, rationalized the president’s words as that of a family member who cajoles and pushes a sibling or child to step up their game and stop whining about their circumstances.

    9:07 AM
    I am glad there are some Blacks with enough self-dignity who have taken notice and aren't rationalizing and deluding themselves about Obama.

    Someone needs to try to reach that tommin PilotX and Granny. Obama could literally shit on us and they would still make excuses for him.

    A moron could discern that Obama could care less about Blacks. Every group OTHER THAN BLACKS has been recognized and addressed by Obama.

    Anybody with a nose for politics can see that Obama sees us as a nonentity. I find it amazing that Negroes like PilotX, Granny and Field continue to kiss his ass. NOT ME.

    I am telling all brothers and sisters: Don't vote for Obama unless you want to be ignored and treated as though you don't exist. Discrimination, racism, and unemployment has never been so high under the Obama Administration.

    Cornel West and Tavis Smiley have been right. Unfortunately Blacks don't want to hear the truth.

  20. "You are a tomming self-deluded fool."

    OK depressed, you tell me what would happen if Barack shows one iota of preference towards us darkies.

  21. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Obama has shown more support and respect to gays, gay marriage and Latinos than to Blacks--who voted for him at 95%.

    I personally hope the Ann Coulter bangs away at Obama and the Dems regarding favorable treatment of Hispanics and disrespectful treatment of Blacks. She is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.

    He has shown no support OR RESPECT to AAs. There is NO REASON for that unless you want to make EXCUSES, which some Negroes have fabricated in their twisted denying minds a weak explanation why Obama has ignored them.

    Such ignorance!

    Obama's position on gay marriage is also a problem for the Christian Faith, esp for Black Christians.

    All of the above is going to cost Obama.

  22. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Black folks have been sold this notion that Obama is the fufillment of Dr. Kings dream, and that by voting for him we are fufilling that dream.

    The narrative that the Entire Black Agenda hangs in the balance of re- electing Obama is False , and should be rallied against.

    Obama should feel the political pressure from his constituents just like when he gave a Univision forum last week complete with answers , and spefic things he would do to support his hispanic voters if he wins again...

    Wheres our Symposium on "Mass Incarceration"???

    Surely thats more IMPORTANT... than the rights of Gays to marry.... Yet somehow we are forced to carry the LGBT struggle as our own while completely ignoring the disproportionate number of young black males in prison behind the drug war...

  23. Barack is a capable politician who got elected prez of the US. He is from Chicago where the blue print was created. Harold Washington showed us how it could be done and Barack followed the plan to perfection by creating a coalition that crushed his opponent. He knows if he shows preference to blah people that coalition will crumble and he will be defeated in a landslide because just like when Harold was elected in 83 whites were somewhat skittish but willing to give him a chance because he was fair to everyone just like Barack. The white anons here pretending to be blah and moaning about Barack's supposed disrespect ignore the right wing meme of him giving us handouts. I'm trying to figure out if he's disrespecting me or giving me handouts. Maybe this is the new trial talking point.

  24. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Is there a brown coalition? Your problem is, that you've been correctly pigeonholed by Obama, cos you hate white people, more than you love, think about or even understand your freedom, you fool. Have you ever cracked a history book, or are you fed lines you parrot for the fraud in the whitehouse?

    Who created African slavery? Africans, and slavery is still legal in Africa and Arab countries. African tribes, like the Luo (Obama's father's Kenyan tribe) sold fellow Africans into slavery, and they were selling other African peoples to the Arabs for 10,000 years.

    Who created the trans-Atlantic slave trade? Hispanics, yes, the brown people you claim are your brothers, you know, the same ones in Mexico who are seriously, persistently racist. Who did you think created it, the English? After the Spanish committed genocide against the indigenous peoples of what became Latin America, they decided to import African slaves, like their Arab trading partner did. Mexico, Central and South America imported approximately 9 million African slaves to Latin America and worked virtually all of them to death. Latin America imported 36 times more African slaves than the US did, yet today, have very small numbers of Afro Latinos, while black Americans are far more numerous.

    If you want to dispute that fact, google "NPR Afro Latino" to listen to the several interviews with Afro Latinos who have reported the terrible racism Hispanics have towards black people. Talk to members of the black community in Los Angeles, about the ethnic cleansing of black people from neighborhoods since the democrats open borders policy allowed Mexicans to take over entire communities, and towns, and jobs.

    Google to educate yourselves about what happened to Jamiel Shaw Jr, a great kid, good student, a football star being scouted by Rutgers and Stanford, a much loved son and brother. Killed by a racist illegal alien gang banger, from the 18th st gang, who had a tattoo on the back of his neck that read "KB", the KB stood for "kill blacks". Read what his father is still fighting against to this day. And how racist Hispanic supremacist, Obama's pal, LA mayor Antonio Villaraigosa did to the Shaw family, threatening them, asking them to show social security cards to prove they are "documented" in the US, merely because they were getting petition signatures in a park to amend special order 40, cos the illegal alien gang banger who murdered Jamiel, had a long, violent criminal arrest record, but got away with it, cos he was Hispanic.

    Read about 14 year old little Cheryl Green, killed by illegal aliens, because she was black, and the many others like her, killed by illegals all across California, in the LA blackout. Read about the ethnic cleansing in Highland Park neighborhood, and in the Hawaiian Gardens complex in California, read about the murders of those 3 black college students by illegal aliens as part of their Hispanic gang initiation. continued below

  25. Anonymous3:43 PM

    If you're so stupid, that you'll sell your freedom out so willingly, because you hate white people, you reveal you don't have a problem with slavery, especially when you'll pimp your children, your brothers and sisters, your parents and grandparents out to brown Hispanic and Arab clowns, just shows you're morons. If you're looking for uncle Toms, find a mirror.

    It was the republican party who fought to end slavery, then they fought the KKK that was formed by a white democrat by the name of Joseph Kennedy, after the south lost the civil war. All those KKK cowards wearing the sheets and hoods were democrats, and they killed white republicans as well as black republicans. The democrat party wrote the black codes and Jim Crow laws, here's a clue, it wasn't democrats who fought and ended the Jim Crow laws, it was republicans. It was republicans who fought for and gave women, and black Americans the right to vote. Most black Americans were republicans, and that only changed when Dr. King agreed to register as a democrat if JFK would support the civil rights voting act the republicans had written and been pushing since before it's passage in '64. Since that time, healthy, strong black families have been on the decline. You have black leftists on the payroll to promote black genocide, which is what the abortion industry, Planned Parenthood is all about. Read the speech Hillary Clinton's hero, Margaret Sanger made to the KKK, about the need to get black leaders to shill for abortion in the black community. Sanger considered black people inferior. Hillary and Bill Clinton implemented the outsourcing of US jobs, through pushing through NAFTA, and the NAFTA Clinton signed was written by Obama's Rahm Emanuel. Clinton imposed most favored nation trading status with China. The Clintons got rich selling out our nation's jobs, our economic independence, and since then, you've had shills like the Obama's telling you to blame whitey, well, guess what fools, the Obamas, the Clintons all those leftists who've been leading you around like a bull with a ring through the nose has been buying and selling you for decades and still are doing it. Like the bull, they distract you by waving a red rag while they sneak up and trap you with that ring and chain.

    Google to read how Michelle Obama took a quarter million dollar raise at University of Chicago Medical Center, when Barack as senator, wrote and passed legislation to steal the emergency room health care for the poor on the south side of Chicago, that the Reagan administration had been paying the hospital to provide since the '80s. Barack and Michelle got their millions in bribes to let the hospital take the money and tell the poor to go somewhere else. Don't believe me? Fine, google the name Dontae Adams, he was a 12 year old whose mother exposed Michelle and Barack's fraud to the Chicago press, after she learned about it first hand, when Dontae's lip got bit off by a pit bull, and she took him to the hospital. continued below

  26. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Google to learn what Barack and his friend Valerie Jarrett got up to. THey took federal govt money intended to build good quality public housing in Obama's district in CHicago, he gave it to her, and she built crappy slums that were substandard even when new. Lousy wiring, lousy heating systems. Low building standards, people had to move out within the first year and now those buildings are abandoned, Valerie Jarrett got millions the poor got screwed, all under Barack.

    Barack gives contributors, GE billions to outsource $360,000 US jobs to China, and then another billion to outsource more US jobs to Vietnam, Obama's given hundreds of millions to his contributor Bill Gates of Microsoft so he can outsource US jobs to Sri Lanka, Bosnia and Armenia, Obama gave billions to GM to outsource US jobs to China, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, not to keep jobs in the US. Those good paying jobs that helped fuel a strong, healthy black middle class and give parents the ability to give their kids a better future. You drive through those neighborhoods in not just Detroit, but throughout Michigan, and you see the life bled out of communities, and it's all democrats fault. and it's much more than that, democrats have been selling out the American dream to corporations and foreign nationals. Barack hasn't been ignoring you until his second term, Barack ignores you, cos he knows the majority are so chained up on the democrat plantation, they can take you for granted. They're waving crumbs at Hispanics cos to the left Hispanics are above blacks. Get it.. to Obama and the democrats and leftists, black Americans are down there with white American men and conservative men and women. Above Hispanics are gays, above everyone else are Muslims. You've put yourselves at the bottom, and that won't change.

    You like to rant about how people died to give you the right to vote.. yet you've chained yourselves up as slaves to the same democrat party who enslaved your ancestors. And they got you to slap the chains on yourselves, your children, by getting you to hate the same republican party that freed your ancestors and who fought to outlaw Jim Crow and fought to end the KKK.

  27. I don't want to depress the wingnuts unduly, (well OK that's a lie, I love it) but of the 19 presidential candidates since 1936 who led in the opinion polls at this stage of the election, 18 won the popular vote (Dewey in 1948 is the exception), and 17 won the Electoral College (Gore and Dewey being the exceptions).

  28. The reason African Americans hate the Republican party is because the Republican party hates them.

    Even if your diatribe wasn't complete bollocks from start to finish (which it is) why would an African American vote for a Republican party that Anno 2012 hates him?

    Racism permeates every aspect of the Republican Party TODAY. Racism is the only reason for the Tea Party's existence.

  29. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Pilot X ...."The white anons here pretending to be blah and moaning about Barack's supposed disrespect ignore the right wing meme of him giving us handouts. I'm trying to figure out if he's disrespecting me or giving me handouts. Maybe this is the new trial talking point."

    "Right Wing" Meme of Handouts

    No one cares about this falsehood except Obama... For re-election purposes, and the left wing media.

    This notion of rallying the troops around Barrack ,because the Republicans hate black people is Crap; because as soon as he can... Obama wil pull out the BIPARTISAN Flag , and SWEAR that we have to get along/ work together
    (Grand Bargain)

    Its very simple to discern the two groups of Anons....

    On group talks about black folks being disrespected by Obama, and the other group rails on about the Democrat party of Yesteryear , and Abe Lincoln and the Republican party of ancient history....

    Very Easy...

    I can assure you I am black , and

    I dont buy the notion of a nation of handouts...

    I also dont believe that Barrack's re- election has ANYTHING to do with a Black Agenda at all.

    Remember hes the president for the 100% ..... he just so happens to give specific forums, and meetings to specific constiuents that voted for him.....

    but for black folks that turned out 95%... We get...

    " Im not The President of Black America"

    maybe he meant to say "Im the President for Gay Americans," or Latino Americans... He sure knows how to address them , and respect the POWER of their vote... Ill let you draw your own conclusions as to how he feels about the "Blah" vote.....

    He asssumes he will get it; because... "Hey... Where else can They Go" ?? Im certain he already knows this.

  30. And to add on Cow there was more false information. "Black Americans are far more numerous".
    Quick contest, what country has the second largest blah population. Nigeria is number one, a cookie for whomever can answer the question. We already know the factually challenged troll who thinks things were better for blah people in 64 is excluded, it obviously has disdain for facts, as do all conservatives as far as I can tell. "Small number of afro-Latinos" HA!

  31. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Purple cow.. "bollocks" British slang I think you tripped your self up there. So what are you, one of Barack's limp fellow lefty's from England, or are you one of those Muslims who grew up in England and is so many bricks short of a load he didn't know that we don't use that British slang word in the US?

    Under the democrat's black codes & Jim Crow, blacks were told if they were allowed to vote, they better vote democrat, or else. But I'll let Zo' do my talking for me about the racist democrat party

  32. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I forgot to use the html tags hope the link to Zo's video on black loyalty to democrats

  33. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Republicans, conservatives, and their ilk have no business, or credibility, commenting on race.

    They should stick to what they know, stoking fear in their white constituents.

  34. Yep, the Dems are soooooooo racist they elected the first blah prez and host the CBC, CHC and Asian/Pacific Islander caucus. Such racists. Ha! Conservatives live in bizarro world.

  35. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Pilotx tell me where I wrote "things were better for blah people in 64"? I did write that from 64 onward the healthy, strong black family declined. I know you fear the truth, but that doesn't mean the truth's going to be hid to help you promote the lies you're paid to push.

    Afro Latinos are 5% of Latin Americans under Latin American census data. According to the last US census in 2010, black Americans are 12.6% of the population. According to historic data, approximately 250 thousand African slaves were brought to the US, and in 2010 there are 38,929,319 black Americans in the US contrast that to the approximately 9 million African slaves brought to Latin America.

    Now, I went looking for what that 5% means in numbers in Latin America, and found, for example, in Mexico, where large numbers of African slaves were brought to build the country, the surviving Afro Latino population is .2%, in Argentina, there are no numbers at all for surviving Afro Latino populations, and further research reveals that during the 1940s when the leftist Peron regime, the black population in Argentina were being targeted and killed, those that could afford to, fled. In Brazil which was settled by the Portuguese, not the Spanish, around 50% of the population is Afro Latino. Latin America also includes Afro Latino statistics from Hispanic island, former plantation states, which have majority Afro Latino populations. Cuba, is majority Afro Latino, the Cuban president Fidel Castro overthrew was an Afro Latino, a black man. Puerto Rico, the Domenican Republic and Haiti all have 83% and above Afro Latino populations, but are still ruled by Hispanics.

    Yeah, it's a fact that when you contrast the numbers of Africans who were brought to the two continents, and the surviving populations today, you see that there are far more black Americans than there are Afro Latinos. You can try and twist my words to distract from the truth, but it still doesn't change that truth. Get over yourself

  36. "The reason African Americans hate the Republican party is because the Republican party hates them."

    *dropping $ in your offering plate*

  37. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Pilotx "blah" is right. Yeah, democrats ran a black candidate who was presented to the American citizenry, black, brown and white as something he was not. He's a lie, he's an uncle Tom, and the CBC, lol, don't make me laugh. Tell me what the CBC has done for black Americans lately.. nothing. Black Americans reach out to black democrats in congress, and complain of being ignored. When the uncle Toms of the CBC went to Cuba, they were kissing Fidel's backside, ignoring the suffering of Cuba's majority black population, Barbara Lee, Bobby Rush, and others had been written to by the mothers of black Cuban civil rights activists who had been thrown in Castro's jails, for committing the big crime of reading Dr. King's speeches in the public square. In February of 2010 two black civil rights activists in Cuba died of starvation and beatings in Castro's jails. The CBC said NOTHING, and the CHC don't make me laugh harder. They claim it's "rah, rah, rah, racist" to point out Hispanic gangs ethnic cleansing of black Americans out of their neighborhoods. Google and read about the late Terry Anderson, a black auto mechanic in Los Angeles, who started a radio show about how black Americans were being harmed by Hispanics in the city. His motto was, "if you're not mad, you're not paying attention.

  38. Anonymous5:14 PM

    You can drop all the shit you want, you still can't change the truth fn, and your censoring the truth shows you fear it.

  39. Anonymous8:47 PM

    It is heartening to read so many comments here by our folks regarding how Obama has treated us...which like SHIT.

    As I have said many times before, it is depressing to be Black in America. However, the 'root' of black depression comes from a out and out betrayal by our own kind, and that is the truth.

    Obama's behavior toward us is classic "HN" behavior that doesn't give a shit what we Negroes think. Well, I think he just might regret his treatment of us and be in for a BIG surprise when it comes to our vote this November 6. I am hoping there is STILL some "Black Pride and Self-worth" left in our race--to the extent we just cannot pull that lever for a man who has treated us like shit. I am praying for that.

    I pray that we will not vote for a man who insults, degrades and ignores us."

    The most depressing aspect about the Black Community and Obama relationship is that THERE IS NONE. This never-not-going-anywhere-relationship, is like being in a highly painful dysfunctional relationship-- where one loves the 'other'(Obama) but the other no feelings whatsoever for them(Blacks). AAs have long since been rejected by Obama. Anybody can see that. Yet, some Negroes like PilotX, Field, and Granny stand 'ready' and 'willing' "without reservation" to vote fpr a sitting President who has shown contempt and condescension toward us.

    Obama is a BLACK PRESIDENT who won't even deign to meet with ANY of our organizations, yet he claims to President of ALL the people.... I guess he just doesn't have the time to 'fit' us in his schedule because other groups have priority.

    Besides, haven't the Democrats taken our votes for granted anyway? And WHY shouldn't they? No matter how they piss on us, we are 'there' for them. Sounds like a slave-master relationship to me.

    Being Black is pretty damn depressing. We aren't valued at all.

    depressed Negro


  40. "Obama is a BLACK PRESIDENT who won't even deign to meet with ANY of our organizations, yet he claims to President of ALL the people...."

    I guess Romney is a better option? Please elaborate.

  41. xicano28:43 AM

    Your use of the word Hispanic kind of reveals and places on whitey's side, whether you acknowledge it or not, you know how denial works!

    It shows your indoctrination!

  42. It seems that the headline should have read "Black vs. Brown vs. Pink". Or perhaps you don't see gay people being targeted and used as scapegoats as being a problem.

  43. Anonymous6:47 PM


    P.I.G. Matthew Marin enjoys killing Houston citizens. This is second murder on record. In 2009, P.I.G. Marin came upon a man allegedly stabbing his neighbor at an apartment complex and fired killing the suspect who allegedly refused to drop the knife. Whatever happened to "off the pig"?

  44. Anonymous11:55 AM

    fn ann is a real constitutional scholar and she is a lot smarter than you.your boy bongo, the fraud, doesn't give a shit about black people or any one but him slef. as for that cop, you should know they are trigger happy because they can kill you for any reason and get away with it.i am surprised they didn't shoot any one else as they kill 10 times as many by standers as the armed do remember new york?

  45. Anonymous1:39 PM

    This is chess not checkers. Obama is trying to stay alive. These white people will use any excuse to get rid of him. JFK tried to do too much real stuff too soon and he got done in. I'm looking forward to Obama's second term. We as black people know the game we all have to play. The man is brilliant and is doing the best of which he is capable to change this corrupt system from the position he is in. Look how much Jackie Robinson had to put up with in the 40's and 50's before he could really speak his mind just because he was the first black person in once was an all white arena. Obama needs our unwavering support. Yes everyone makes mistakes even Obama but I believe he is trying to get us all a seat at the table. And consider the alternative the tea baggers would bring back slavery if they could. They would say that it was good for the economy. We have to fight their racist rhetoric together and learn to lead from the front of the pack ,crabs in a bucket time is long gone-we are in charge now.

  46. Anonymous9:04 PM

    So with Obama outright abuse towards blacks and Romney being nothing but a glorified a puppet for the right-wing, what do you angry readers suppose is the best solution when November 6 rolls around?
