Monday, September 03, 2012

Mitt's laborers.

It’s Labor Day, so it is the perfect time for us to remind our republican friends--- who have been chirping about all that they built--- who really built this country.    
I have a hint for you: It wasn’t Mitt or Paul’s Ryan's daddy.
Anyway, is it just in my mind or was Mitt talking to some of us folks when he tried to play "white identity politics" with his welfare Queen meme? I got the impression that Mitt was using folks like me to blow dog whistles and pander to his base. Those Negroes don’t want to work, they want things for free. Obama is their president. I am your candidate. I want people to work for a living. Obama and his supporters want free stuff. (He trotted out the same line when referring to college students receiving student loans. As if money for a college education is a bad thing.)  
Yes, because we all know that the poor middle aged woman who leaves her home in North Philly at 5 o-clock every morning, and takes three different buses to get to the burbs to clean some old woman’s shit, doesn’t really work hard. That’s for the guy wearing the Brioni suit with the custom made shirts who sits on his ass all day and cuts deals.

 Mitt, I think we just all want the same opportunities that were available to you. I want to be able to take advantage of tax loopholes. I want to be able to get a good education and make the same type of connections while getting it. I want to be able to play on the same level playing field with someone whose father might have been wealthy and well connected. I want to be rewarded for my hard work and entrepreneurial spirit. That is what America is supposed to represent. I don’t want to be working in a society that won’t reward me for my hard work because the deck was stacked by you (Mitt) and your wealthy influential friends against me.     
It’s really that simple.

Happy Labor Day everybody.    

*Pic from Radio Man's Kansas City.


  1. Labor Day is better without Republicans and their magic underwear wearing social seccurity vouchers...lol7:42 PM

    Happy Labor Day.
    To all the folks out there working for a living, as opposed to the 'job creators'; keep up the good work and enjoy your time off before heading back in to earn your paycheck. And to all you wanna be judeo-christian taliban, conservative, racist anon's who wouldn't know a good days work if it bit you; a hearty Labor Day BBQ (shared by a group without any of you invited) flavored "Fuck You and enjoy your upcoming extinction!"

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    My God, anon7:42pm. Do you not know anything except hatred and more hatred. I bet you wish there were more folks you could hate, huh?

    I predict that trologdites like you are doomed REAL SOON. There just isn't enough room in the human heart for haters like you. It just doesn't feel good FOR ANYBODY, except you and Satan, of course.

  3. Brother Field.....happy Labor Day. Brother you are a hard working man. Showing up at "the big house" during the day, then coming down to the fields to spread some needed info to end the day. I can imagine someone had this role during the time when the oppression was the norm. Again, you labor hard. StillaPanther2

  4. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Sorry Field,
    The masters left you out of the loop. Labor day was canceled by Obama this year, due to lack of participation.

    "Things keep getting worse. And now we're hitting Jimmy Carter malaise territory: a 30-year low in the labor force, achieved thanks to the same failed Democrat philosophies Carter tried. Spreading wealth really means spreading poverty and misery, with the government as middleman. Progressivism -- punishing successful people in the name of arbitrary guidelines of "fairness" -- can't work, won't work and has never worked in all of human history.

  5. NSangoma9:05 PM

    Lighten up on the Mormon magic underwear, or you may never visit the Mormon home planet: Kolob.


  6. the old perfesser9:07 PM

    field goes deep into Indian territory:

    As if money for a college education is a bad thing.

    Student Loan debt now totals ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

    A lot of those loans are heading for default.

    What should Obama do?

    Should he lift the burden from the necks of students who took the debt and hand it off to taxpayers? Inasmuch as you're into the transfer of wealth from those who have some to those who don't, that's probably what you think.

    What lunacy impairs students and their parents that allows them to believe that borrowing heavily to finance a degree in ART is a good idea.

    Is there treatment for this derangement?

    Meanwhile, most students who've studied finance, accounting, engineering and science are finding jobs.

    If Obama were smart enough to open federal land to oil & gas drilling millions more would find jobs. Even art majors can learn to drive trucks to well-sites. All it takes is a commercial driver's license for small trucks.

  7. Captain Skidmark9:18 PM

    NSangoma said...

    Lighten up on the Mormon magic underwear, or you may never visit the Mormon home planet: Kolob.

    He goes commando all the time anyway. He say man who go to bed with itchy ass, wake up with smelly fingers.

  8. Anonymous9:20 PM

    the old professor said, "What lunacy impairs students and their parents that allows them to believe that borrowing heavily to finance a degree in ART is a good idea."

    Without ART, all of humanity would wither and die, you fool. Maybe you get an education before you start judging, you idiot.

  9. Anonymous9:23 PM

    NSangoma said...

    Lighten up on the Mormon magic underwear, or you may never visit the Mormon home planet: Kolob.

    He goes commando all the time anyway. He say man who go to bed with itchy ass, wake up with smelly fingers.

    9:18 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    the old professor said, "What lunacy impairs students and their parents that allows them to believe that borrowing heavily to finance a degree in ART is a good idea."

    Without ART, all of humanity would wither and die, you fool. Maybe you get an education before you start judging, you idiot.

    Yet society just doesnt get you artists and you are broke until the creators do so well in creating that they have an abundance to waste on art.

  10. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Without FART's, all of humanity would wither, blow-up and die, you fool. Maybe you get an education before you start judging, you idiot.

  11. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Ladies, Gentlemen, Transsexuals, Oppressed minorities, 99 percenters, undocumented Aliens, Radical Islamicist's, death dealing infanticide proponents, welfare kings and queens everywhere - Welcome to the 2012 Democratic Convention

    Bienvenido A la convencion Democratico

    Now Please grab your crotch for the national Anthem - Uhhhh!

  12. s.a. hayek9:34 PM

    field gives out the wail of the perpetually aggrieved:

    Mitt, I think we just all want the same opportunities that were available to you.

    Which opportunities were denied you? Can you answer without lying?

    I want to be able to take advantage of tax loopholes.

    What tax "loopholes"? The mortgage interest deduction? The capital gains tax rate? Long-term capital gains tax rate = 15% The dividend tax rate? Again 15%.

    You pension plan, your TAXPAYER funded pension plan, comes 100% unemcumbered by taxes. Your healthcare? No taxes. Paid for by taxpayers.

    I want to be able to get a good education and make the same type of connections while getting it.

    If you can't make worthwhile and valuable connections throughout your life in America, you're truly an idiot.

    As for what you believe about Romney's connections, well, you should try working in the realm of reality. There are Private Equity firms across the US and in many other countries. The Saudis and Kuwaitis love putting money into American investments of all kinds.

    Those with the money get pitches EVERY DAY from people with investment plans. However, most people -- you included -- are mystified by the reality and pretend it's something other than what it is.

    But, because you -- and your fellow whiners -- have no knowledge of finance and the financial world, you ramble on foolishly and get nothing.

    I want to be able to play on the same level playing field with someone whose father might have been wealthy and well connected.

    Only a bonehead would believe that Venture Capitalists and Private Equity firms want to know about the father of someone seeking funding for an idea. Your naivete is so extreme you should be embarrassed.

    I want to be rewarded for my hard work and entrepreneurial spirit.

    Someone employed by the government to perform a routine courtroom task is NOT an entrepreneur. However, if you want to face failure on a regular basis and willingly accept the fact that you might be out of business on very short notice, you can jump into the world of entrepreneurs.

    That is what America is supposed to represent.

    America is a place where you can succeed beyond measure, and it's a place where you can fail. It's that simple. But there's usually not much of a reward for failure, except that anyone who fails can always get up and take another shot. Not that you'd know.

    I don’t want to be working in a society that won’t reward me for my hard work because the deck was stacked by you (Mitt) and your wealthy influential friends against me.

    I believe you work in the most protected environment of all. Moreover, you work short hours, and unless you commit a felony, you can't get fired. You are an example of the Unentrepreneur.

    You've chosen a life of safety and security. Twice, in fact. YOu left a half-baked country that's an economic and social mess for the opportunity of achieving safety and stability in the US.

    And the reason there's money enough in this country to pay your guaranteed salary, benefits and fund your pension is due to the people who really create the wealth, and no matter how strenuously you deny it, Romney is part of the crew who creates wealth.

    Obama, on the other hand, is one of the moochers.

  13. Misery Pays9:37 PM

    Yes, because we all know that the poor middle aged woman who leaves her home in North Philly at 5 o-clock every morning, and takes three different buses to get to the burbs to clean some old woman’s shit, doesn’t really work hard"

    It's not that women anyone has a problem with Field, she is a hero, It's the 30 year old woman with 13 kids by nine different guys who never graduated high school, never had a job, and just got pregnant again.

    We are sick of paying for other people to have kids, when we put off having kids until we can afford it.

    You should tired of that shit too, since those 13 kids will grow up wild on the street and will rob your ass before they learn to read.

    Or I guess from your perspective, those kids make up your business clientele right? The more welfare bastards the government can produce, the more your docket fills up. Well if Obana wins, you should be flush for the rest of your career.

  14. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "Now Please grab your crotch for the national Anthem - Uhhhh!"

    Anon, you have made a very racist statement. I am surprised Field would allow such a scumbag comment. It is typical anti-flag-anti-national Anthem....very unpatriotic and evil on Labor Day!

  15. artsy fartsy9:42 PM

    anon 9:20 says:

    Without ART, all of humanity would wither and die, you fool. Maybe you get an education before you start judging, you idiot.

    Leave it to a moron like you to miss the point.

    Again, bonehead, the question addresses the intelligence of BORROWING HEAVILY to finance and ART degree.

    Do you know any artists who survive solely on the income they derive from producing art?

    There are loads, millions, of people who've studied ART and earn $ZERO after spending whatever they spent on ART school.

    If their parents were willing to pay the bill to please their kids, no problem.

    But the issue is ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in student loans, many of which are heading for default.

    Do you know who gets the bill when lenders can't collect from students? It gets handed off to taxpayers.

  16. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "You should tired of that shit too, since those 13 kids will grow up wild on the street and will rob your ass before they learn to read."

    Does anybody these post-modern days NOT know how to read? Field, please say it isn't so!

  17. Anonymous9:46 PM

    "Do you know who gets the bill when lenders can't collect from students? It gets handed off to taxpayers."

    So what! that's the price of doing business in our educational system. Many DO pay off their loans.

  18. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "I want to be able to play on the same level playing field with someone whose father might have been wealthy and well connected. I want to be rewarded for my hard work and entrepreneurial spirit. That is what America is supposed to represent."

    Newsflash: Life is easier if you have a rich father. That is life.

    But all of the democrat socialist initiatives are about destroying the level playing field. They want the government to decide who gets what. Is picking winners and losers a level playing field? You are just substituting one set of connections for another, and the government can be infinitely more repressive.

    Let us all get in the game.

    The democrats hold onto power by scaring people with the idea that they aren't good enough to compete, that the evil "rich" will take away all they own unless the government protects them.

  19. gotta gubmint job9:59 PM

    anon 9:46 says:

    So what! that's the price of doing business in our educational system. Many DO pay off their loans.

    How dumb are you? The price?

    Again, the discussion is NOT about the people who repay their loans. Just like the discussion about the housing/mortgage crisis was NOT about the people who repay their mortgages.

    We're discussing those who don't pay up.

    Meanwhile, when a student borrows money, the college collects its tuition -- or the kid can't go to class.

    If the student has his name on the loan papers, then he's responsible for repaying it to the lender. If the kid drops out or graduates and has no job there's a good chance he'll default.

    If the lender can't squeeze any money out of the student and he defaults, the loan is often bought by a collection agency that will dog him for years. Decades.

    But based on financial accounting principles, the lender has to book a loss. If the lender is part of the guaranteed student loan program, the final bill goes to the taxpayers.

    So the taxpayers get to repay the loan on which the student defaulted AND provide other benefits to the unemployed student.

    That's nice, but we -- the US taxpayers -- can no longer afford the generosity.

  20. Micheal Junk Son10:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Now Please grab your crotch for the national Anthem - Uhhhh!"

    Anon, you have made a very racist statement. I am surprised Field would allow such a scumbag comment. It is typical anti-flag-anti-national Anthem....very unpatriotic and evil on Labor Day!

    Scumbag? Scumbag....No---No that isn't until thursday when Sandra Flukes them all for free speaks, then she is going to tell you all about democrats making sluts out of women so they can fluke and fluke their brains out get abortions and have you pay for scumbags because if you cant fluke all day everyday with anyone you want and have someone else pay for it that woudlnt be the democratic party.

    As for racist was it the crotch grabbing or the Uhhhh...that you found to make you think of minority?

  21. blades and bullets are fun for the whole family10:15 PM

    Two dead and two others shot and wounded. That's what West Indians consider the mark of a great parade.

    Bloody violence at West Indian Day Parade


    9:25 PM, September 3, 2012

    Violence erupted at the West Indian Day Parade in Brooklyn this evening — leaving two dead and two others injured, authorities said.

    A 26-year-old man was stabbed in the neck in front of Sing Wah Kitchen on St. Johns Place near Utica Avenue — two blocks from the parade route on Eastern Parkway.

    The victim was rushed to Kings County Hospital where he died.

    A suspect was taken into custody at the scene, cops said.

    About 30 minutes earlier, a 27-year-old man was also knifed in the neck at Bedford Avenue and Eastern Parkway, cops said. He also died at Kings County.

    And a man and a woman were both shot in the hip around on Eastern Parkway near New York Avenue, cops said.

    “The young lady was dancing in the street and there was loud music coming from the truck,” said one witness.

    “At first she thought she got stabbed. But when she pulled up her clothes and looked at the wound, she realized she was shot and she freaked a little bit.

    “She wasn’t hurt badly. She was able to walk over and speak to the cop and the ambulance came and took her away on the truck.

    “It happened very quickly and nobody heard the shot,” the witness said.

    The bloodshed marred what had been a day of dancing, food and celebrating Caribbean culture.

    The festivities “remind me of back home,” said Ann Marie Jones, who originally hails from Jamaica.

    “The colors are so beautiful, they remind me of the vibrant tropical colors. They cheer me up.”

    Nine-year-old Melina Noel was waving Haiti’s flag and shaking a tambourine and dancing.

    “I like the bands, dancing and the music. It is so touching. It is like a celebration. It just makes me want to dance,” Melina cheered.

    “I’m having a good time. I’m going to keep coming back.”

  22. Anonymous11:23 PM

    POP! BARRACK IS LOSING” [To the tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel”[

    All around the states today,
    We see Patriots UNITING,
    The media claims “you can’t beat BO”, but
    Pop! BO is losing!

    A trillion scammed from Medicare
    “Death Panels” of BO’s choosing.
    Unless he’s stopped, our Seniors die,
    Pop! BO is losing!

    BO says, “The Private Sector’s ‘FINE’”
    And the Media claims “were cruising”.
    But our “lying eyes” now see the truth:
    Pop! BO is losing!

    Five trillions wasted on BO’s HOs,
    Graft spent at Barry’s choosing,
    Unless we stop, our Nation fails,
    Pop! BO is losing!

  23. Neil DeGrasse Tyson11:38 PM

    There may be a lot of stupid Americans, but there is no way collectively we could be so goddamn dumb as to re-elect Obama.

  24. Anonymous12:27 AM

    "There may be a lot of stupid Americans, but there is no way collectively we could be so goddamn dumb as to re-elect Obama."

    Collectively Americans ARE dumb. And it would be dumb to elect Obama. But we would be moronic imbeciles to elect Romney. It is better to be dumb than an imbecile.

    Hence, vote Obama in 2013!

  25. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Field, "It’s Labor Day, so it is the perfect time for us to remind our republican friends--- who have been chirping about all that they built--- who really built this country."

    Mr. Field, you obviously don't understand how a hierarchy works in America. Blacks did hard labor but it was at the direction of their masters. GET IT?

    Materials, architecture, transportation, food, blueprints, engineering, and all other technical matters were provided by Whites....AND SUPERVISED AND DIRECTED BY WHITES. Think about it, Mr Field. When your secretary types up your brief, does she claim she created it?

    It's like the CEO of a corporation. He gives directions that everybody follows, right on down to the "janitors"... Now, do you understand?

    Field, you are much too Leftist to understand how the capitalist system works, let alone who should get the credit in this system. You could NEVER be a tax or business lawyer. It's much too deep for you. May I suggest you stay in the "criminal" element of your profession?


  26. Unless we start paying people a fair wage for the work they do, we are doomed.
    Happy Labor Day, America!

  27. Emptor2:08 AM

    What's fair?

    Are you willing to pay a "fair" price for your food? Your gas? Your electricity?

  28. Anonymous2:20 AM

    I am very happy to see that the MSM's criticism of Clint Eastwood's speech is backfiring on them. America loves Clint Eastwood and what he did with an empty chair was laughed at and enjoyed.

    Except, of course, Obamaholics like Field; and nauseating boyish Rachel Maddow. It's time for MSNBC to dump her before their ratings hit the bottom of no return.

  29. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "There may be a lot of stupid Americans, but there is no way collectively we could be so goddamn dumb as to re-elect Obama."

    Collectively Americans ARE dumb. And it would be dumb to elect Obama. But we would be moronic imbeciles to elect Romney. It is better to be dumb than an imbecile.

    Hence, vote Obama in 201

    Typical Obamabot - dumb is better than da stoopid so dont be dumb and vote for da stoopid or is that don't be da stoopid and vote for da dumb because dat would be really dumb and stoopid if you did. Anybody see my chair, I feel dizzy, naw, naw that's ok, Obama's not in it, it's empty.

  30. Hey Slappy, I actually run a business along with my "gubment" job. Do you?

    I didn't think so. Kind of like that pe certificate you carry around.;)

    "I am very happy to see that the MSM's criticism of Clint Eastwood's speech is backfiring on them. America loves Clint Eastwood and what he did with an empty chair was laughed at and enjoyed."

    Yes, by others chairs, and people with the IQ of a chair.

    "There may be a lot of stupid Americans, but there is no way collectively we could be so goddamn dumb as to re-elect Obama."

    Oh ohh...

    "Mr. Field, you obviously don't understand how a hierarchy works in America. Blacks did hard labor but it was at the direction of their masters. GET IT?"

    Got it! *tipping slowly away*

  31. Anonymous5:10 AM

    The convention is going to be fun to watch, it's not often you know about a trainwreck in advance so don't miss it.

    And the big speakers are :

    Newark Mayor Cory Booker, who is a thorn in the side of the administration as he criticized the Obama administration’s Bain Capital attack ads.

    - Kamala Harris- The Attorney General of California. You know, the state that is $16 billion in debt and an example of what fiscal recklessness and social engineering does.

    - Former President Bill Clinton- Who hates Barack Obama and has been critical of this administration.

    - Elizabeth Warren- Senatorial candidate who, despite running in one of the most liberal states in the union, is in serious danger of losing to Scott Brown. She is also known for her cultural identity confusion.

    - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel- Because whenever possible, you want to associate your campaign with Chicago- which is known for it’s long history of corrupt politics and being the wasteland of unchecked violence.

    - House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi- The arrogant representative who “blessed” the “young, vibrant” Occupiers who will be shouting expletives and defecating on cop cars outside of the convention.

    - Eva Longoria- Because… Well, we don’t know why.

    - Sandra Fluke- The too-friendly law student who believes we should collectively pay for her birth control.

    - Senator John Kerry- Because nothing says, “Let’s defeat the rich, white guy!” like a rich, white guy that married into money.

    - Democratic National Committee Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz- The curly-haired loudmouth that insists Obamacare is not a tax, despite appearing to be a tax.

    - Caroline Kennedy- Maybe she can explain how her Democrat father would be considered a right-wing extremist by today’s standards.

    - And, of course, my personal favorite- Jimmy Carter!- Yes, folks, via video, ol’ Jimmy will appear to sing the praise of Obama and explain how by supporting Obama, we can experience a resurgence of the prosperity and good times our nation enjoyed in the late ’70′s.

  32. obama's empty chair9:37 AM

    field claims:

    Hey Slappy, I actually run a business along with my "gubment" job.

    Hmmm. Perhaps the court job put you in a position to offer some law-related service to people who would otherwise not seek your services.

    Something tells me that whatever your "business" is, it somehow depends on taxpayer funding, either directly or indirectly.

    Do you?


    And in the next week I'm expecting to win some funding for a new venture. An enterprise aimed at healthy packaged food.

  33. This anecdote is revealed in a New Yorker article on the relationship between Bill Clinton and Obama:

    Tim Russert told me that, according to his sources, Bill Clinton, in an effort to secure an endorsement for Hillary from Ted Kennedy, said to Kennedy about Obama,

    “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”

    Clinton is giving a keynote address at the Democratic convention this week in Charlotte, North Carolina.

  34. Anonymous10:31 AM

    "And in the next week I'm expecting to win some funding for a new venture"

    Would that be government funding?

  35. Chris Matthews10:39 AM

    "A record 46.7 million Americans received food stamps in June, up 0.4 percent from the previous month, the government said.

    Participation was 3.3 percent higher than a year earlier and has remained higher than 46 million all year as the unemployment rate has stagnated just above 8 percent. New jobless numbers will be released Sept. 7.

    “Unemployment is stubbornly stuck,” making it difficult to significantly reduce the number of food-stamp recipients, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in an interview last month"

    But the War on Women rages on, with heavy casualties, and Republican efforts to reinstitute slavery carry on unabated, therefore we have to vote for Obama.

  36. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Field I really don't understand your complaints in today's blog. You are a licensed attorney and have the potential to make MORE money than did Romney. What's stopping you? A law license is the passport to a world that few Americans enter.
    You have more education than the vast majority of the population, but you stick to the tired leftist play book that Whites have so many advantages that you can't make it. Perhaps it's as simple as you're too lazy or don't have the balls to risk being as successful as Romney.
    As they say, "Hater's goin' hate!"
    Stop whining, roll up your sleeves and get busy. Try becoming rich first before you bitch and moan that you can't do it.

  37. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Field never said he "couldn't make it". No doubt he can, but not unethically like Miss Romney.

    BTW, why on earth did Miss Romney get a law degree and not practice? What were his grades? Did he make summa cum laude?

  38. Mr Field:

    Here is a link to a relatively recent column about U.S. social mobility. It has numbers in it, which is sure to get your trolls' semen-encrusted underwear in a wad.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Field never said he "couldn't make it". No doubt he can, but not unethically like Miss Romney.

    Suggesting something as illogical as Field "couldn't make it" is Hee-Haw speak for "I HATE a ni@@ger being more educated and successful than I am!".

  40. Anonymous3:47 PM

    How sweet, Democrats stripped out pro-Israel from their party platform and Obama got endorsed by the communist party (it's about time he is one)

    More Jimmy Carter weakness and appeasement will result in the harming of many, many Americans.

    Obama is truly an Amateur.

  41. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Obama to move speech from 74,000-seat stadium to 20,000-seat arena?

    That decision has not yet been made, but it certainly appears the Democrats are laying the groundwork. Due to the weather, of course (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more).

    Not enough people to fill the buses for Astroturing.

  42. Ms.Reine said...
    "Suggesting something as illogical as Field "couldn't make it" is Hee-Haw speak for "I HATE a ni@@ger being more educated and successful than I am!"

    Nobody hates you for being more successful than they are, that's for sure.

  43. What were Obama's grades? How did he get into Harvard? How did he pay for it?

    I know:

  44. Remember romney's speech in detroit inthe empty stadium? Well there you go. Anyhoo hope labor day was good for my fellow field hands.

  45. Dick Trumka4:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Obama to move speech from 74,000-seat stadium to 20,000-seat arena?

    That decision has not yet been made, but it certainly appears the Democrats are laying the groundwork. Due to the weather, of course (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more).

    Not enough people to fill the buses for Astroturing.

    Field must have been charging too much for his Renta-a-Negroes.


  46. "And in the next week I'm expecting to win some funding for a new venture. An enterprise aimed at healthy packaged food."

    Yeah right."Expecting to win some funding"? That was too loaded to even respond. :)

    Good luck with the "health foods."
    But I don't think that there is a large market with the stormfront crowd for healthy eating.

    "Field must have been charging too much for his Renta-a-Negroes."

    I guess wingnuts can actually be funny.

  47. Anonymous6:06 PM

    The Freakfest Party of Evil continues.

    David Brody: Democrats Drop God from their Party Platform

    Guess what? God’s name has been removed from the Democratic National Committee platform.

    This is the paragraph that was in the 2008 platform:

    “We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

    Now the words “God-given” have been removed. The paragraph has been restructured to say this:

    “We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”

    The Brody File has calls into DNC to explain why God’s name has been dropped from the platform.

  48. GibMeDat6:12 PM

    The NegroCratic Party - She is a teef and she is Trayvon

    Indicted Senator Ran On ACORN, Union Ticket
    Judicial Watch has uncovered an interesting twist—unlikely to get any mainstream media coverage—involving the New York state senator who just got charged for stealing taxpayer money earmarked to help the needy.

    Known as an advocate of education equality for poor minorities, Democrat Shirley Huntley got hauled away in handcuffs last week and slapped with a 20-count indictment that includes felonies such as tampering with evidence and falsifying business records. Huntley stole nearly $30,000 she steered to a fake charity that claimed to help poor parents navigate the city’s school system, according to the indictment.

    The 74-year-old state senator named her sham nonprofit Parent Workshop, according to the New York Attorney General’s office. The fake charity claimed to help low-income folks deal with the city’s huge and complicated public school system. Instead, authorities say, the money was pocketed by Huntley’s niece, who served as the group’s treasurer, and another man, who is listed as president.

    It turns out that Huntley ran for office on both the Democratic and Working Families Party (WFP) tickets, according to New York State election results reviewed by Judicial Watch. This is relevant because the WFP has very close ties to the famously corrupt nonprofit with close ties to President Obama, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). In fact, JW found that the WFP shares office space in Brooklyn with two ACORN spinoffs, New York Communities for Change (NYCC) and the Mutual Housing Association of New York.

    When ACORN finally got busted for fraud, Congress cut its federal funding (Defund ACORN Act) and the group simply rebranded, creating a series of spinoffs operated by the same crooked people. Read all about it in a Judicial Watch special report born out of an extensive investigation that tracked the group and its affiliated organizations throughout the United States. The probe also revealed that tens of millions of dollars in ACORN’s funds and other assets are still unaccounted for.

    Additionally, Huntley’s WFP is essentially a political operation of various unions, including the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). In fact, the WFP was co-founded by Patrick Gaspard, the SEIU’s political vice president before moving on the White House and the Democratic National Committee, former ACORN chairwoman Bertha Lewis and two other union bigwigs. Between 2006 and 2010, the SEIU gave $29,000 to Sen. Huntley’s campaign, JW’s probe found.

    Here’s an interesting side note on the indicted state senator; in a show of solidarity with a black juvenile delinquent shot in Florida by a Hispanic man after an altercation, Huntley posted an amusing photo of herself on her official government website. She appears in a hooded sweatshirt, similar to the one worn by the teen, who had been suspended from school, when he got shot. In the caption, Senator Huntley claims “I am Trayvon Martin.”

  49. "Nobody hates you for being more successful than they are, that's for sure."

    'Cause it's " for sure" that Hee-Haw's are nobodies!!!

  50. PilotX said...
    hope labor day was good for my fellow field hands.

    Not really PilotX, I was in the lab and later writing/debugging programs most of the d@mn day!!

    But the bar-b-que ribs ect. we had later were right on point!!!

  51. Who ya Gonna Call sowbusters6:43 PM

    Blogger Dr.Reine said...

    PilotX said...
    hope labor day was good for my fellow field hands.

    Not really PilotX, I was in the lab and later writing/debugging programs most of the d@mn day!!

    But the bar-b-que ribs ect. we had later were right on point!!!

    Bar-b-que ribs some sicken and some "ect" ectoplasm.

  52. "Hoping to win funding", probably the cash prize from the red neck olympics? Cow puck toss competition?
    I hear ya Doc, I was on massa's plantation yesterday too.

  53. Dr. Barbie Que7:40 PM

    Ms.Reine said...
    PilotX, I was in the lab and later writing/debugging programs most of the d@mn day!!

    Funny, I never anyone refer to mopping as "debugging" before.

    Maybe you were spraying for raoches as well?

    You will never be a doctor.

  54. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Dr. Jack-my-dad-a-soda
    Funny, I never anyone refer to mopping as "debugging" before.
    Maybe you were spraying for raoches as well?

    Funny, the adcoms didn't get that memo. But then they're educated, unlike a Hee-Haw like you.

    Even funnier is the fact that you can't spell "roach", a Hee-Haw's prized pet.


    Dr. Reine

  55. Democrat Shirley Huntley got hauled away in handcuffs last week and slapped with a 20-count indictment that includes felonies such as tampering with evidence and falsifying business records Cohiba Genios Maduro.
