Sunday, September 02, 2012

Partying done right, Clint gets cut, and no love for El Pato.

I don't give enough praise on this blog when praise is due, so tonight I am going to give a big shout out and props to all the young heads who showed up at the Parkway last night to make the "Made In America" concert a huge success. It's always a beautiful thing to see young people of all colors and different backgrounds vibing together.

Nothing like music to bring folks together. People are here from all over the world, and, so far, Philly has represented like the world class city that I know it is. (The Boss is in town as well, and I am sure that he will deliver the goods for his fans. ) 

Let's hope that they keep the party going tonight with nothing but positive vibrations. Ron Howard should have a pretty good documentary on his hands.

Speaking of filming, can someone tell me why Mitt Romney cut Clint (and the chair) out of the RNC video? I thought that wingnuts were all excited about what a terrific speech Clint gave. What happened? I told you all you can't trust Mitt. You wingnuts better be careful what you wish for. What kind of red blooded American cuts Clint from his video? I know. One who refuses to show his taxes.

But O, always the classy one, still happens to love Clint.

“He is a great actor, and an even better director,” Obama told USA Today aboard Air Force One en route to a campaign stop in Iowa Saturday. “I think the last few movies that he’s made have been terrific.” [Source]
O, I keep telling you, you are way too nice.
Anyway, I wonder if RNC delegate Mark Harris will show up in the video. Mark and his wife are typical wingnuts who don't seem to get out much. If they did they would notice that not everyone in America looks exactly like they do.

"During a trip to Epcot at Disneyworld, Pennsylvania delegate Mark Harris and his wife were shocked and offended to find a Mexican employee working at the amusement park’s American pavilion, which showcases the different cultures in the United States. According to the couple’s blog, Harris complained to staff that he was “highly offended” that a “person from Mexico” was working in the American pavilion when other nations’ pavilions were staffed by people from each respective country:"

Mark even posted about the "sad" incident on his blog. Poor Mark, one day he will look around and realize that America has changed. And if he and his friends on the right don't change with it, they will find themselves in the political wilderness for years to come.

Finally, I have to give Mr. Ryan credit for coming clean about his running skills.

"Representative Paul D. Ryan has taken back his claim that he had run a marathon in under three hours, an assertion that had drawn great skepticism in the running community and one that came after his convention speech faced scrutiny for some questionable and misleading statements.
Mr. Ryan issued a statement that was published over the weekend by The New Yorker magazine and Runners’ World clarifying his marathon performance:
“The race was more than 20 years ago, but my brother Tobin — who ran Boston last year — reminds me that he is the owner of the fastest marathon in the family and has never himself ran a sub-three. If I were to do any rounding, it would certainly be to four hours, not three. He gave me a good ribbing over this at dinner tonight.”
In the interview with the radio host Hugh Hewitt last week, Mr. Ryan was asked what were some of his best times in marathons, and he replied, “Under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something.”
Mr. Ryan is known for his dedicated physical fitness regimen. But as serious runners know, a marathon run under three hours is quite a feat, and requires a pace of under 7 minutes a mile for the whole race, as The Los Angeles Times pointed out."

Now if we can only get him to come clean about all the other whoppers he has been telling of late. 



  1. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Here is a video that ALL-Dems and Repubs- can agree on:

  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Field, you lied about running down Broad St. naked. So how can you talk about Ryan?

  3. Anonymous12:26 AM

    FN: How can you call Seal a HN, when it was Heidi's fault that the marriage ended?

    See, this is what I'm talking about: The bm is always blamed to be at fault, even by YOU.

  4. Jeremiah Wright1:13 AM

    Everything about Obama's life is a lie.

  5. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Harris is from Snyder County, a place known for voting well against their the faint hope that it inconveniences those citizens with darker comlexions.
    Still, they do have Middleswarths.

    Ryan lies because he thinkerates he am too smarteriffic to be caught. Mostly, it is that the adults leave him to his fantasies.

    Clint reminded us all that the GOP is filled with old men who spend much of their time yelling at empty chairs.


  6. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Harris is from Snyder County, a place known for voting well against their interests...

    This is a racist dog whistle for going against what they are supposed to vote black no matter what


  7. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Clint reminded us all that the GOP is filled with old men who spend much of their time yelling at empty chairs.

    They were speaking softly at the empty chair having been left no choice because the president was out golfing, fund-raising, campaigning throwing a party, on vacation or occasionally behind closed doors with white liberals only.

  8. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "Now if we can only get him to come clean about all the other whoppers he has been telling of late"

    Field, looks like it was Obama who did they lying, even though they cut off the video and eliminated Obamas comments in Janesville - here is the original, whoops he did say that.

    Amazing how many lies Obama has gotten caught in, had to literally walk balk and yet they still try and say everyone else is a liar.

  9. Anonymous6:21 AM

    The Democratic convention

    Started off with a barely attended muslim/nation of Islam worship.

    Now one drunk delegate and one almost arrested. It's only begun from the "classy" party.

  10. Anon 6:21 AM, it's called real people. Don't tell me that those "good ole boyz" haven't been arrested a time or two for pounding back too much moonshine. :)

    Come on now.

  11. Anonymous7:55 AM

    field negro said...

    Anon 6:21 AM, it's called real people. Don't tell me that those "good ole boyz" haven't been arrested a time or two for pounding back too much moonshine. :)

    Come on now.

    No doubt, but it's choosing when and where you let go that makes a difference. I mean, I attend conferences all the time and in almost each one there is someone new who trashes their career or loses their job because they aren't smart enough to know when not to let fly. These aren't good ole boys, they are partying on our dime and representing the democrats of their state while on the job. I guess they did that.

    Being an adult sucks when you can't just do whatever you want whenever you want.

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Hey Field,
    I am assuming that there will be a lot of Black folks who will try but cannot attend the Democratic convention, they are demanding Government approved ID to get in. Will you protest this for having a disparaging impact on minorities? I mean it's not like voting is more important than a convention.

    Oh, to make it worse they have made it a police state in the area around the convention people walking to stores or their houses that fall into a restricted cordoned off Area are being forced to stop and provide Government approved ID, with vehicles going through a blocked off checkpoint. Now if that won't have an impact on those black folks who can't get ID to vote I don't know what will.

    Or maybe that's how they will explain the empty seats? They had to turn away millions of people who just have such a tough life they can't get a free government provided ID.

  13. "Or maybe that's how they will explain the empty seats?"

    They won't need to. They'll just call Clint in to come talk to them.

  14. KickTheEmptyChair11:54 AM

    Blogger Dr.Reine said...

    "Or maybe that's how they will explain the empty seats?"

    They won't need to. They'll just call Clint in to come talk to them.

    That was actually pretty funny.

    Even funnier when you realize that sadly, you don't understand what the metaphor means if Clint should actually do this.

    Happy National Empty Chair Day. Don't be an empty chair and neglect to kick yours.

  15. Hillary 201212:42 PM

    The Democrat convention: An Empty Chair speaking to empty chairs.

  16. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Field, you lied about running down Broad St. naked. So how can you talk about Ryan?

    No, No, he pulled a Barackism - He may have said running naked down broad st, but you misunderstood. What he really meant was running down the street with a naked broad. She wouldn't do it, so it's your fault.

    See How presidential-like that is?

  17. Anonymous1:16 PM

    "The Democrat convention: An Empty Chair speaking to empty chairs."

    What are you talking about? Have I missed something? Anyway, I will be watching TV this week to view the Democratic Convention. It is always a well-run and exciting convention.

    I don't watch TV at all during the week of Republican Convention. It's too boring and weak.

    However, I plan to vote for Mitt/Ryan ticket in Nov. I believe they will be better for the nation and for race relations. Obama has been very disappointing. I could not in good conscience vote for the brother again.

  18. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Field, thank you for letting me know what's going on with Heidi Klum and Seal. It is so sad about their break-up. Heidi Klum is the most beautiful woman on earth. It must be a great loss for Seal.

    Brother Field, why is it that brothers just can't keep these beautiful women?

    There must be something in their psyche that won't allow them to hold on to such beauty. I mean, OJ lost a beautiful woman.....well, sort of.

    Even Usain Bolt had a beauty but the entire country of Jamaica just couldn't have such beauty with Bain.

    I don't get it. Can someone explain to a brother why this is happening? Why can't a bm live in peace?

  19. Anonymous1:50 PM

    You folks need to read this article. It could be the difference in Obama winning or losing. One thing for sure, there won't be a big turn out of AAs this November:

  20. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You folks need to read this article. It could be the difference in Obama winning or losing. One thing for sure, there won't be a big turn out of AAs this November:

    Interesting Article, one thing wasn't so accurate was

    "Since then, minority communities have been hurt badly and disproportionately by the slow pace of economic recovery, and if any group can say their hopes have been dashed, they can."

    There has been no slow recovery as Obama wants you to think (vote for me again, I need more time) there is no recovery at all and AA's have been trashed under Obama's policies more than any other group.

    Three years into the Obama recovery, median family income had declined nearly 5% by June, 2012 as compared to June, 2009. That is nearly twice the decline of 2.6% that occurred during the recession from December, 2007 until June, 2009. As the Wall Street Journal summarized in its August 25-26 weekend edition, “For household income, in other words, the Obama recovery has been worse than the Bush recession.”

  21. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "The Democrat convention: An Empty Chair speaking to empty chairs."

    What are you talking about? Have I missed something? Anyway, I will be watching TV this week to view the Democratic Convention. It is always a well-run and exciting convention.

    The Majority of high level democrats are not attending and avoiding it like it is a disease. They don't want to be associated with the freak-fest. Dems are very worried the stadium will be empty so are giving out free tickets at gay bars, transvestite clubs and stuffing roadside condom dispensers with the tickets.

    Oh they also are busing in college students from across North Carolina, trying to get some nursing homes to participate as well as Black Church's. Bus loads full of SEIU paid attendants are already on route.
    Pretty sad to be a freaky Moonbat.

  22. Obama's calmness and personal decency are his secret weapon. The republiklan try and try to goad him into "angry black man" mode, but he never takes the bait, and always responds with calm and class.

    A white politician from either party with his attributes would be +10 in the national polls with 400+ electoral votes on his side. Obama's the classic black professional: 2x as good with 1/2 the credit.

  23. Wingnut@1:50, did u know that Obama created more jobs in 4 years than W did in 8?

    All leading economic indicators point to a recovery, do we really want to go back to the days of W? :(

    Romney/Bush in 2012?

  24. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "The republiklan try and try to goad him into "angry black man" mode"

    But Barack isn't even black. He's half white / half Kenyan.

    A white politician with Obama's attributes would be hard to find. Most white's would have a hard time getting admitted to Ivy League schools with those kind of grades and test scores. Most white politicians would have had to demonstrate some competence or ability in their early offices in order to advance so quickly to the Presidency. Most white politicians who sold their life using an "autobiography" actually penned by a domestic terrorist would have had to offer some backup documentation in order to be vetted for the most important job in the country.

    Also, it would be hard to find a presentable white politician who hated America to the degree Obama does, and who would work so hard to diminish the country that has entrusted him with its highest office.

    Even if you could find such a mythical white politician, he wouldn't have received all the "affirmative action" votes from an American electorate desperate to patch things up with angry black people by electing a black(ish) President.

    A white guy with Obama's attributes would be 20 points down at this point, and that only because the absolute floor for democrats is about 40% (the idiot, felon, moocher, anti-white, and plantation vote).

    I know liberals aren't good with math. I think that "classic black professional" equaton you used is inverted. Even so, I wish Obama was even half as good as he would have to be if he was white, and I'd be willing to give him twice the credit. Unfortunately, the guy is worse than an Empty Chair.

  25. Fill that Chair3:30 PM

    field negro said...
    Wingnut@1:50, did u know that Obama created more jobs in 4 years than W did in 8?

    All leading economic indicators point to a recovery, do we really want to go back to the days of W? :

    WRONG. Obama has created ZERO NET JOBS.

    And yes, it would be great to back to the days of W when unemployment was 5%.

    Romney/Ryan 2012.

  26. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Obama's calmness and personal decency are his secret weapon. The republiklan try and try to goad him into "angry black man" mode, but he never takes the bait, and always responds with calm and class.

    A white politician from either party with his attributes would be +10 in the national polls with 400+ electoral votes on his side. Obama's the classic black professional: 2x as good with 1/2 the credit.

    Right on Whitey, if it wasn't because of racism and the mainstream media being against Obama, people would realize right away he is twice as good as any white man could be and the economy is doing great. It's just that people are being fooled because they don't like Black Men.

    This is a fantastic post, do you mind if I use this as an example of liberalism on other boards?

    Thanks again.

  27. Anonymous3:44 PM

    field negro said...

    Wingnut@1:50, did u know that Obama created more jobs in 4 years than W did in 8?

    All leading economic indicators point to a recovery, do we really want to go back to the days of W? :(

    Romney/Bush in 2012?

    Field, You are yanking my chain right? You are making a funny to see how react? I know MSNBC had Stephanie Cutter saying this incredible lie all week, but you are an intelligent man. Do you really believe this stuff? Outside of the MSNBC really and I mean really stupid commentators do you actually believe all indicators point to a recovery and not that we are IN a recession? Please confirm before I waste any time providing you real figures and information ( I want to get the joke if you mean it that way)
    You have to, you just have to be joking.

  28. Fill that Chair3:51 PM

    field negro said...
    Romney/Bush in 2012?

    Bush isn't running this time, Romney is.

    We had 8 years of a 'legacy' hire, and he sucked.

    We've had 4 years of an 'affirmative action' hire, and he sucks.

    It's time to hire someone on merit.

    Romey/Ryan 2012.

  29. Wow! Despite 4 years of republiklans obstructing the economic recovery and race-baiting the president, plus four months of pants-on-fire pandering, Romney and Ryan got no convention bounce whatsoever (even Rasmussin put it within the margin of error.) With his charisma deficit, Mass. political roots and vulture-capitalist background, Rawmoney was hoping to run as a generic republiklan, but he's underperforming even that by 3-4 points. For a challenger (just as in an open election) convention bounce is everything.

    I suspect two reasons. First, the country is both deeply and closely divided. Each side can count on about 45% of the popular vote and 250ish electoral votes. Second, conventions can't really teach more than 1 new thing about a candidate. Whatever you are going into the conventions, you're that +1 coming out. Romney tried to do the whole intro in his convention which was bad enough, but then he let it all get hijacked by an old man yelling at a chair. So, he went in amorphous and then didn't even get a +1. So he flopped instead of bouncing.

  30. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Wow! Despite 4 years of republiklans obstructing the economic recovery and race-baiting the president

    Stopped reading right there. How have the Republicans obstructed the economic recovery? How did they accomplish this during the two years Obama's party controlled the House and a supermajority in the Senate?

    Can you give one example of how the Republican Party has "race-baited" the President?

    Wow! What a fool you are Whitey.

  31. This anecdote is revealed in a New Yorker article on the relationship between Bill Clinton and Obama:

    Tim Russert told me that, according to his sources, Bill Clinton, in an effort to secure an endorsement for Hillary from Ted Kennedy, said to Kennedy,

    “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”

    Clinton is giving a keynote address at the Democratic convention this week in Charlotte, North Carolina.

  32. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Whitey - it's one thing to have different views of reality, it's another to attribute them solely to someones skin color, SOLELY.

    At this point I am certain you have a serious neurosis. In your years of being a white knight super-hero out to save Blacks from themselves and "white society" you have turned into someone who thinks he must loathe himself and all others who simply look like him, in order to be authentic and accepted. Even if this means discarding all fact, reason and logic.

    I will offer you my opinion, with this type of neurosis you will not only be wrong more often than right, you will alienate yourself from those you purport to "protect" from yourself and especially those you loathe without rhyme or reason.

    As far as your "fact's" they are ludicrous and completely built on your racial pandering and self-hate, eliciting outright dismissal for emanating from a lunatic.

  33. Hey Whitey, you in on this lawsuit?:

    Apparently, it has now been learned that:

    President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.

    As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.

    Get that? Obama was a key contributor to causing the crisis that he was able to blame on Republicans! He helped cause the crisis that got him elected!

    Life sure is funny sometimes.

  34. "At this point I am certain you have a serious neurosis. In your years of being a white knight super-hero out to save Blacks from themselves and "white society" you have turned into someone who thinks he must loathe himself and all others who simply look like him, in order to be authentic and accepted. Even if this means discarding all fact, reason and logic.""

    That was simply a brilliant analysis of Whitey and his ilk. Good job, Anon

  35. "Most white's would have a hard time getting admitted to Ivy League schools with those kind of grades and test scores.."

    Please provide a link showing us Obama's test scores.

    Take all the time you need, I will wait......

  36. Here you go wingnut. Take all the time you need to read this chart. You do know how to read a chart, right?

  37. Larry Summers6:01 PM

    field negro said...
    "Most white's would have a hard time getting admitted to Ivy League schools with those kind of grades and test scores.."

    Please provide a link showing us Obama's test scores.

    Take all the time you need, I will wait......

    You'll have to get through all the legal barriers Obama has put up to keep anyone from seeing them.

    He is probably doing that because he did so well, right Field?

  38. If Barack was admitted to Harvrad or wherever based on AA then they did a damned good job and got a great return on their investment. Each school can brag they have a US prez as a grad. Not too many schools can say that.

  39. go wingnut6:13 PM

    field negro said...
    "Here you go wingnut. Take all the time you need to read this chart. You do know how to read a chart, right?"

    A chart from Nancy "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it" Pelosi?

    I prefer ones that use real data:

  40. Larry Summers6:15 PM

    PilotX said...
    "If Barack was admitted to Harvrad or wherever based on AA then they did a damned good job and got a great return on their investment"

    Ya, great for them, not so great for the country that lost six trillion dollrs on that "investment".

  41. Anonymous6:36 PM

    field negro said...

    Here you go wingnut. Take all the time you need to read this chart. You do know how to read a chart, right?

    Field, no offense but you realize you aren't talking to a moon-bat that you can dazzle with bullshit and twisty pretzels. I remember this chart, Nancy Produced it to try and regain some credibility, it was exposed for the bullshit that it is then.

    The other anon provided real data, in addition lets not forget several things, democrats have controlled congress and the senate 2006-2010 then they lost the house. Obama has been president since 2008, This chart shows one year only it is misleading and also incomplete, we are near the end of Obama's term of 4 years, why are you showing 2010 only?

    I have to wonder what your agenda is, if Obama gets re-elected we are going to have 4 more years of record unemployment, debt and increased entitlements and economic crashes. Why would anyone want that? Think of it this way, if Obama should win re-election which he wont - he will go down as the first black man that achieved the presidency and subsequently destroyed the US for generations to come. Well on the bright side the DemonRat party would be eliminated.

  42. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Democrats To Bus In Blacks, College Students To Help Fill Stadium For Obama’s DNC Speech…

    Afroturf and AstroTurfing away. Why is this needed they already downgraded the conference twice due to lack of funds and participation.
    Isn't the president the one being re-nominated? The first Black Jesus to lower the waters, calm the seas and throw out all the usurpers?

  43. Anonymous7:09 PM

    This chart shows one year only it is misleading and also incomplete, we are near the end of Obama's term of 4 years, why are you showing 2010 only?

    showing 2 years up to 2010, nothing on 2011 and nothing for 2012 YTD.

  44. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Democrats To Bus In Blacks, College Students To Help Fill Stadium For Obama’s DNC Speech…

    Afroturf and AstroTurfing away. Why is this needed they already downgraded the conference twice due to lack of funds and participation.
    Isn't the president the one being re-nominated? The first Black Jesus to lower the waters, calm the seas and throw out all the usurpers?

    I hope they aren't charging the taxpayer for this, gas prices are the highest ever today and have doubled since Obama took office - Imagine that.

  45. "Isn't the president the one being re-nominated? The first Black Jesus to lower the waters, calm the seas and throw out all the usurpers? "

    I just saw "Black Jesus" in Louisiana. No "Browny you are doing a heck of a job" moment here.

    "I have to wonder what your agenda is, if Obama gets re-elected we are going to have 4 more years of record unemployment, debt and increased entitlements and economic crashes"

    Because the last republican who had 8 years did such a great job.

  46. Reince Shortbus9:08 PM

    "Democrats To Bus In Blacks, College Students To Help Fill Stadium For Obama’s DNC Speech…"

    Hey field, at least your Rent-a-Negro business must be booming this week. You don't give democrats a discount, do you?

  47. President Downgrade9:16 PM

    Obama screwed up big time. All he had to do was leave things alone, and we'd of been out of this recession two years ago, and he'd be a hero, like Reagan.

    His party would have held onto congress, and he would be in a postion to do whatever he wanted during a second term which he would have rolled to.

    Shit, he probably would have wound up on Mount Rushmore. Instead, he had to let Pelosi and Reid shove through 40 years of liberal wish list items and begin his downsizing of America project right away.

    Maybe a little of actual experience would have helped. Maybe a little patience. Maybe not quite so much hubris.

    Oops. I didn't build that.

  48. Went to the rockstargop blog to better understand what was said. After reading the explanation twice, I still have no idea what to make of these people. They are like a Buck Henry or Richard Pryor caricature of the easily offended white bigot. I'm astounded that blog is real.

    Btw I really liked her quivering video of the NFRW.

    Btw#2, "rockstargop" is a silly name.
