Saturday, September 01, 2012

Paul's fables, and the LAPD gone wild.

I have what might be considered some bad news for my friends in the dumbocratic party: I happen to like Paul Ryan a little bit. (Yeah I know he listens to AC/DC, but we can probably get past that.) I disagree philosophically with him on how to make the country better, and I probably agree with his policies five percent of the time.

Still, he seems like cool people, the kind of dude I wouldn't mind throwing back a few Red Stripes with on a Sunday evening while he cheers on his Packers and I get my holla on for #7 and Gang Green.   

Which is why is has been so disappointing to hear that Paul has been playing fast and loose with the truth when it comes to his personal life. (Notice I didn't say when it comes to his politics, because I know that as a republican he has to lie to get elected. He has been telling some real political whoppers of late, but that is how politics works these days in America: tell a lie, and hope that it sticks, because the "lame street media" will ignore it, and your base will want to believe that it's true.) The other lies I can live with, but then I heard about a couple of others which kind of left me wondering about my man Paul.

First, he lied about the time it took him to run the marathon.

"In a radio interview last weekRyan claimed he ran a marathon in just under three hours, an almost unbelievably impressive time. For the record, winners of the New York City Marathon usually clock in around 2 hours and 10 minutes, while the average marathon time is somewhere around 4 hours and 30 minutes. That would make Ryan one impressive athlete.

But despite Ryan's claims that his best time was "two hour and fifty-something," it turns out Ryan's actual time was much, much higher. Runner's World delved into the matter and found several factual inaccuracies with Ryan's story.

From Runner's World: "Ryan's name does not show up in the 1991 race results provided by Grandma's. Runner's World checked 11 years of results for Grandma's Marathon, from 1988 through 1998, and found a finisher in the 1990 race by the name of Paul D. Ryan, 20, of Minneapolis. Ryan's middle name is Davis, and he was 20 in 1990. The finishing time listed was 4 hours, 1 minute and 25 seconds."

So there you have it. Ryan's best time is significantly higher than previously stated. To be fair to Ryan, though, 4 hours is still a pretty impressive time, just not nearly as amazing as his earlier record. [Source]

That is "pretty impressive", so why lie about it to make yourself look even more impressive?

Then there is the other lie. This one wingnuts should find ironic because my man Paul actually plays the race card.

"The cheerleader who Paul Ryan dated in college and helped forge his uncompromising opposition to racism says that she may not be a Republican but still supports the 'nice guy'.
Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Deneeta Pope said she met the future vice presidential candidate through friends at Miami University some 20 years ago.

Pope, 40, said: 'Paul is a very nice guy, a kind guy and a family guy. He's very approachable and a very likeable person.'
The relationship and the negative reaction he said he suffered from his so-called friends were a formative experience in the political evolution of the VP pick who described himself as a 'big, big fan' of Martin Luther King and is a staunch advocate of civil rights.

But Pope, an I.T. specialist and realtor living in Chicago, denies that they experienced any racism as a couple. [Source]

Oh ohh. Did she say that they didn't experience any racism? Yes, I think she did.

Well why did Paul say......

"In a 2005 interview, Mitt Romney’s future running mate said that he had been confronted with racism personally, because he had dated an African-American and also had a brother with a black wife.
‘I have a sister-in-law who’s African American,’ he told Milwaukee Magazine.
‘My college sweetheart was black,' he added.

‘I just experienced some ugly comments, some racist views from people who I thought were friends of mine.'' [Source]

Another lie? Hmm, maybe. But, to be fair to Paul, his friends at Delta Tau Delta could have been telling him to cut the jungle fever crap and get on with his life. Maybe Paul didn't tell Deneeta the ugly details because he wanted to protect her from the evils of color arousal. (Apparently it worked, because Deneeta married another guy just like Paul.) If that's the case I might have to apologize to Paul. If not, I might need a psychological profile of the guy before it's too late.

Finally, I see that the LAPD is up to their old tricks. Sadly, three very ugly incidents have us all thinking Daryl Gates, again.

They beat the crap out of a poor woman for using her cell phone while driving, the commander tried to cover it up and thankfully he was removed from his command.

Then there is poor Brian Mulligan; he must have felt like the white Rodney King after the LAPD put a serious beat down on his behind. (Check out this picture of what used to be Brian's face.)  

What happened to Ms. Jordan, and Mr. Mulligan is bad, but at least they are still alive and here with us to tell of their horrible experiences. Alesia Thomas, unfortunately, is not.

 "Los Angeles police are embroiled in another excessive force investigation after a mother of two died during a chaotic July arrest in which an officer kicked the woman in the groin while she was handcuffed, officials said." [Source]

If LA's finest continue to act this way we could be looking at more riots down the road. Count on it.  




    1. Perhaps you're just taking the mickey, but that's a "lie" I can understand. A 1990 marathon? Yeah I can se how you'd slip an hour out of that.

      As for the racism, you explained that yourself. He kept it to himself.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      HA-HA how lame can you get.

      Times are tough when the MSM and democrats have to actually publish articles about some dude saying he ran a marathon faster than he actually did - 20 Years Ago!!

      Snifff....Snifff....Methinks I smell the rancid odor of sheer desperation. Or is that just the official cologne of the Moonbats?

      Well at least Obama was able to visit Louisiana and take a look at all the storm damage, I think Biden was in these photos as well.

    3. The lapd has a looooooong history of whoop'n ass. They used to recruit officers from the south. No better recruiting slogan to a bubba than "come to la and get paid to beat n***ers". "Well gotdamn jethro, we been doing that for free might as well get paid.

    4. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Maybe it's working, Obama met with the job council to continue his laser like focus on the economy or was that beer recipes?? Hmmmmm

    5. I don't like anything about Ryan, but I can see a guy not passing on his "friend's" BS to a lady he's seeing.

      LA isn't ever more than one shitstorm away from a riot. Minorities there are still policed like an occupied people 20 years after Gates traded in his stars for a hood, robe and 50k watt microphone.

    6. Anonymous7:31 PM

      PilotX said...

      The lapd has a looooooong history of whoop'n ass. They used to recruit officers from the south. No better recruiting slogan to a bubba than "come to la and get paid to beat n***ers". "Well gotdamn jethro, we been doing that for free might as well get paid.

      Lot of violence with LA cops involved. You would never know how peaceable and law abiding the people are considering the cops actions.

    7. You know, when you think about it, an octogenarian white man talking shit about an Obama that doesn't exist is a perfect metaphor for today's republiklan party.

    8. No way whitey, you saw how diverse the gop is. They had all two blah women as speakers.

    9. KickTheEmptyChair8:23 PM

      Whitey's Conspiracy said...

      You know, when you think about it, an octogenarian white man talking shit about an Obama that doesn't exist is a perfect metaphor for today's republiklan party.

      Ohhh look he used a Klan reference and is talking about race again...bless his heart. You are just cutting edge!!! Your rapier wit is blindingly superb.

      They already made a song about this new phenomenon.

    10. Anonymous8:24 PM

      It is scary that the LAPD still continues it brutal tactics against Blacks. How does that happen under a mayor who is Latino? Wait.....this only happens to Blacks...never mind. Looks like Blacks are losing everywhere when it comes to respect and dignity as human beings.

      FYI: If the Watts riots haven't changed a damn thing for Blacks, do you REALLY think another one will?

      Like I said before, "It's depressing to be Black in America." Let me add, "It's unsafe to be Black in America."

      Field, I am closing the curtains and having my two glasses of wine and going to bed.

      Field, where is that damn visa to Jamaica? I want to go live in Jamaica where it's safe!

      depressed Negro

    11. Frank Zappa's Ghost8:26 PM

      Maybe they are not as stoopid as we thought:


    12. Anonymous8:30 PM

      PilotX said...

      No way whitey, you saw how diverse the gop is. They had all two blah women as speakers.

      Talent not numbers Simbah, there is a lot of numbers in Somalia, we are not going to put them in charge. Diversity is chaos, you wind up with Haiti like cities in the middle of the U.S.

    13. Wow looks like kicker likes his new name. Let's see if you stick around or use multiple names like the rest of the trolls.

    14. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Anonymous Anonymous said...

      It is scary that the LAPD still continues it brutal tactics against Blacks. How does that happen under a mayor who is Latino? Wait.....this only happens to Blacks...never mind. Looks like Blacks are losing everywhere when it comes to respect and dignity as human beings.

      FYI: If the Watts riots haven't changed a damn thing for Blacks, do you REALLY think another one will?

      It did, it caused massive white flight and now the tax base is nil, Blacks were left to run and fund the place, they made it Mogadishu and now the Latinos are beating the blacks out of town, literally.

      White man says - I told you that you would miss me.

      Bienvenido Negrito's Asta La Bye-Bye, your only hope is the White man, yet you have made him your enemy.

    15. Tell me something whitey, do you think herman cain is a talented politician? Sarah palin? Virginia foxx? Michele bachman? I think if that's what they consider talent they can keep that shit. Wonder how they lost the wh with all that "talent". The gop loves them some dumb.

    16. Dr rj rushdoony the father of the homeschool movement and christian reconstructionalism who held the belief that all education and social laws should be based on the bible. In 87 he called for a return to the gold standard, which is included in this year's gop platform. Coincidence or just more nonsense from the far right wing religious nuts who permeate the gop?

    17. KickTheEmptyChair9:04 PM

      PilotX said...

      Tell me something whitey, do you think herman cain is a talented politician? Sarah palin? Virginia foxx? Michele bachman? I think if that's what they consider talent they can keep that shit. Wonder how they lost the wh with all that "talent". The gop loves them some dumb.

      Pilot are you not connecting the dots? It was called an Economic crash. Even McCain was leading in the polls until the housing bubble popped big time. Now we all know how the housing bubble started don't we, you know living beyond your means and borrowing and spending what you don't have. I mean you seriously don't think some radical black law associate linked to the nation of Islam and Muslim with a name like Barack Hussein Obama with a do nothing one term senatorial term would have ever gotten elected if people didn't freak out do you?

    18. KickTheChair9:10 PM

      PilotX said...

      Dr rj rushdoony the father of the homeschool movement and christian reconstructionalism who held the belief that all education and social laws should be based on the bible. In 87 he called for a return to the gold standard, which is included in this year's gop platform. Coincidence or just more nonsense from the far right wing religious nuts who permeate the gop?

      Oh Pilot, you need so much help, so many dots circling your little head and no where to connect them. The reason the WORLD is moving to gold is because the dollar is the current global currency, everyone knows Bernake and Obama are manipulating the shit out of it and printing and printing and printing making it's value less and less. Imagine you are a chinese investor you buy U.S bonds (which is how we borrow on our future debt) and then you find out that the guy who owes you money and will pay you with paper is just printing the stuff making the value less. This is why the world moved to the gold backed monetary standard to begin with, you can't print gold.

      What will happen now is the dollar will eventually crash, Bric nations are already trading in gold and Euros and we get stuck with an economic disaster because someone didn't want to admit they screwed up the economy.

      Know what happens when they find the assets we say we have versus are debt are not backed by physical gold? You won't be able to wipe with a dollar and all EBT cards will not be refilled.

    19. Field, I totally agree with your FNB bestowed to Robin Roberts. As one who has survived this life threatening illness x2; a graceful curtsy to her & how she's handling this next challenge. Ms. Roberts has shown grace, humility & courage in the face of this latest battle; not withstanding the recent overwhelming loss of her mother whom she loved and admired deeply. She brings out the love and warm wishes for her complete recovery in MOST of us for there will always be the haters!

    20. Just out of curiosity kicker, what is your career field. You seem very knowledgable about finance just curious what you do for a living. I agree that mccain's response, or lack thereof, switched a few votes but no one except you and sean hannity though Barack had any dealings with any radicals. Btw, america's dollars are backed by all of the assets the government owns, which are quite substantial so I really don't see a mad rush to dump dollars or do you know something the rest of us don't?

    21. Bull Conner11:52 PM

      "7:24 PM
      PilotX said...
      The lapd has a looooooong history of whoop'n ass. They used to recruit officers from the south. No better recruiting slogan to a bubba than "come to la and get paid to beat n***ers". "Well gotdamn jethro, we been doing that for free might as well get paid.
      7:27 PM

      Anonymous said...
      Maybe it's working, Obama met with the job council to continue his laser like focus on the economy or was that beer recipes?? Hmmmmm"

      PileofCrap says: The lapd has a looooooong history of whoop'n ass. They used to recruit officers from the south."

      Provide a link to support this allegation, if you please.

    22. Honkie of the Jungle11:58 PM

      Or, mebbe, when you say "South", youre talking about Mexico. Them greasers hate niggers more than Southern whites do.

    23. Pilox X said...
      "No way whitey, you saw how diverse the gop is. They had all two blah women as speakers."
      Yeah, I saw that they had more black people on stage than they did in the audience Pilot. The Democrats fuck up almost everything, but at least if you get a crowd of us together we look like the same America that lives here in 2012. The klan-con looks like the last stand of America cica 1955; any black or brown faces are working.

    24. Tell me something whitey, do you think herman cain is a talented politician?
      No. Couldn't be elected dogcatcher in Cat-town. No amount of money could buy enough talent to polish that turd.
      Sarah palin?
      Oh yes, a natural populist, always positions herself as the victim even as she slips the knife in. With the right handlers and timing she could have been significant, but she rolled the dice on McCaine as much as he rolled the dice on her and now she's as toxic as an ebola milkshake.

      Virginia foxx? Michele bachman?

      Creatures of the most corrupt institution in the land, the "safe" district, they're both true-believers. Neither is in danger of ever accomplishing anything, but both inspire fear that others ultimately exploit.

    25. Honkie of the Jungle12:50 AM

      What? PilotX can't provide a LINK that says the LAPD "rercuited" officers from the South?

      Why am I not shocked?

      And this rodent actually flys a plane?

    26. Anonymous2:17 AM

      Honkie of the Jungle said...
      What? PilotX can't provide a LINK that says the LAPD "rercuited" officers from the South?

      Why am I not shocked?

      And this rodent actually flys a plane?

      12:50 AM
      Please don't call brother PilotX a rodent. It's misleading because rodents don't fly planes. Well, maybe they do for UA because UA is trying to cut back and save money. Hell, these days airlines are trying everything to survive.... Do rodents have a union?

      FYI: Rodents don't talk. Soooo, Are you saying what's damn near impossible-- that Pilot is a talking rodent? You DO understand that PilotX is Black?

      Is "rodent" the new N-Word? That is f**k-up! Mr. Field, please say it ain't so......Mr Field, I want you to know that the white troll who called PilotX a low-ball rodent is not an employee of Anon, Inc. That is against Bain's policy to use the word rodent(we are a subsidary of Bain)

      This lone Whitey, operating as a maverick, has come up with a word for PilotX that is worse than the N-word! PilotX, a very proud 'self-made' black man, with a 'self-made' IQ higher than any troll alive does not deserve such abuse from Whitey.

      Now, if PilotX has a self-made high IQ, does that make brother PilotX a self-made genius? I think so.

      Whitey, (not you, Whitey C., but the white troll) the karma you are building for yourself by calling PilotX a "rodent" is going to cost you. I mean, this is going to set your soul on fire. The gods just won't put up with that shit. I hope it is worth it to you.

    27. Anonymous2:22 AM

      Lord have mercy. IS there no limit to what the human mind can't figure out outside of 'time'?

    28. savethebeavers2:56 AM

      12:50 AM
      Please don't call brother PilotX a rodent. It's misleading because rodents don't fly planes. Well, maybe they do for UA because UA is trying to cut back and save money. Hell, these days airlines are trying everything to survive.... Do rodents have a union?

      FYI: Rodents don't talk. Soooo, Are you saying what's damn near impossible-- that Pilot is a talking rodent? You DO understand that PilotX is Black?

      Is "rodent" the new N-Word? That is f**k-up! Mr. Field, please say it ain't so......Mr Field, I want you to know that the white troll who called PilotX a low-ball rodent is not an employee of Anon, Inc. That is against Bain's policy to use the word rodent(we are a subsidary of Bain)

      This lone Whitey, operating as a maverick, has come up with a word for PilotX that is worse than the N-word! PilotX, a very proud 'self-made' black man, with a 'self-made' IQ higher than any troll alive does not deserve such abuse from Whitey.

      Now, if PilotX has a self-made high IQ, does that make brother PilotX a self-made genius? I think so.

      Whitey, (not you, Whitey C., but the white troll) the karma you are building for yourself by calling PilotX a "rodent" is going to cost you. I mean, this is going to set your soul on fire. The gods just won't put up with that shit. I hope it is worth it to you.

      Aallright no more Rodent - Is ass beaver ok?

      How do you self make an IQ? this like something you bake in the ovens? Or just make up?

      dont worry about my soul it will be ok pile it be a A-Fee-Ist so god says he dont like him. he only believes in Obama and global warming

    29. Anonymous4:36 AM

      Oh how the mighty have fallen I guess we will see a lot of homeless people at the DNC convention they can't give the tickets away.

      Dems Giving Away Tickets to Obama’s Speech

      Dunwoody Democrats have a chance to see President Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in person at next week’s Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC.

      The DeKalb Democratic Party sent out this message Thursday night.


      In Atlanta: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N Highland Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30307

      In Macon: Bibb County Democratic Party, 835 Forsyth St. Suite A, Macon GA 31201

      Here’s the rules:

      Everyone who is at Manuel’s Tavern or the Bibb County Democratic Party by noon is eligible for two tickets. Arrive early if you want, but it won’t give you a better chance to win. Just be there by 12 noon!

      If less than 50 people arrive, everyone will get a pair! If more than 50 folks arrive, we will do a random drawing to determine our winners.

      There is no cost involved. We’re not selling the tickets, we’re giving them away.

    30. Anon@4:36, I had a free pass to the RNC and I threw it away. What's your point?

      PilotX, you must be doing something good in life because you really seem to bother these right wingnuts. Getting a lot of hate thrown your way from certain people can be a good thing.

    31. Anonymous8:37 AM

      field negro said...

      Anon@4:36, I had a free pass to the RNC and I threw it away. What's your point?
      Someone didn't have their thinking coffee yet.

      You aren't a conservative and in 2008 people were paying for tickets to get in to an Obama speech. Now, they have had to book smaller halls because of vast reductions in the numbers of people who care and then they are hijacking homeless people and busing in SEIU to put some bodies in the seats.

      Democrat politicians are running from the convention as well.

    32. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Record black unemployment, rampant black violence, 50+% black dropout rate, 72% black illegitimacy...

      And your whining about THIS??

    33. Mr Field,

      I have run 12 full marathons, one fast enough to qualify for the prestigious field at Boston. I got to know many runners in the large, diverse community here in Atlanta, ranging from the competitive to the frivilous. One thing I am sure of is that NO runner, not even a dumb one, would make a mistake of over one hour in their marathon finishing time. This is especially true as the 3-hour mark is THE barrier that amateur runners all seek to break, demarking the competitive runners from the recreational ones. Paul Ryan flat-out lied because he didn't think anyone would check. Foolish man.

    34. Run Jobu Run10:09 AM

      Jobu said...

      Mr Field,

      I have run 12 full marathons, one fast enough to qualify for the prestigious field at Boston. I got to know many runners in the large, diverse community here in Atlanta, ranging from the competitive to the frivilous. One thing I am sure of is that NO runner, not even a dumb one, would make a mistake of over one hour in their marathon finishing time. This is especially true as the 3-hour mark is THE barrier that amateur runners all seek to break, demarking the competitive runners from the recreational ones. Paul Ryan flat-out lied because he didn't think anyone would check. Foolish man.

      Oh my god, Ryan really screwed up, I am so crushed. What will we do and here we thought we liked his brains.

      So are you posting this because everyone you know has turned away in boredom from your narcissism?

      Yeah Ryan is evil - just vote for Obama you can tell him you are the bestest runner ever and he can tell you how he saved the economy and stopped the oceans from rising and put out the fire in the sun or something like that.

    35. Mr. Sarcastic Troll;

      I merely point out that Ryan's lying about his marathon time is indicative of his larger problem with not telling the truth. And if anything brings out one's feeling of superiority, it is the stupidity and inanity of the right-wing trolls who post here.

    36. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Jobu said...

      Mr. Sarcastic Troll;

      I merely point out that Ryan's lying about his marathon time is indicative of his larger problem with not telling the truth. And if anything brings out one's feeling of superiority, it is the stupidity and inanity of the right-wing trolls who post here.

      No. You merely pointed out how you:

      "have run 12 full marathons, one fast enough to qualify for the prestigious field at Boston. I got to know many runners in the large, diverse community here in Atlanta, ranging from the competitive to the frivilous"

      Is "frivilous" a dish with calamari? I think I had that in an Italian restaurant once; frivilous diablo

      Did you confuse narcissism with a Napoleonic Complex? You know delusions of self grandeur? No one said you were superior other than you. How interesting that you impose this on yourself in such a openly narcissistic manner.

      Now if you were superior as you want someone to think or even relatively average, you would have understood the difference.

      Anyway, gotta run. Try and stay on the right track and watch out for narcissistic people - they just give you the run-around.

    37. Anonymous11:09 AM

      gotdamn it even the good one are crooks...

      ryan dumped deneeta cause she was a teef

    38. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Paul Ryan isn't as fast as he said...

      yeah and

      82 shootings in Blackopolis of Chicago in the last ten days.

      Where Rev Al or Jesse be at? Aint they leaders? Nah, they only take on white safe law abiding folk. They aint stupid and can't make money off a this.

    39. This just in, RNC convention draws lower ratings than in 2008. :(

    40. This just in, Ryan's speech "eclipsed in the ratings by a cable reality show called 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"'. :(

    41. field negro said...
      This just in, Ryan's speech "eclipsed in the ratings by a cable reality show called 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"'. :(

      And if you check, I'm sure you'll also notice that there weren't very many comments from the redneck crew during that time either.

    42. I guess the google machine doesn't work in the trailer park. How about I provide a link to the well known fact the lapd recruited from mississippi and alabama in the 50's and 60's when kickstand tells us what it does for a living. Deal? Or then again you can search for yourself but conservatives aren't a bright bunch so maybe ill help when I get to a real computer. But if you guys beat me to it let me know what you find.

    43. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Dear Mr Field, what's going on with your blog? There is too much emphasis on facts and not enough stress on 'feelings' and frivolity. Humans feel, and need to have fun.

      One thing the psychological health field knows is that Blacks and Whites don't know how to have fun with each other. They mistake 'chaotic excitement' like attacking and shooting each other as fun. The APA has determined through 'facts' that that is NOT having fun.

      Brother Field, and brother PilotX, don't misunderstand me, I am not a racist. Like Mr PilotX, I live on the Southside of Chicago and I am a Liberal White who believes in 'equal rights' for ALL Americans, although it is clear in our post-modern-post-racial America NOT ALL Americans are created equal.

      I don't know why GOD made the Earth this way. I mean, HE didn't make the planets that way. I suspect we might be other planets hell because there is nothing but peace and love there. We seem to be 'misfits' who enjoy being 'misfits'.

      That's where America, the beautiful, comes in. It's a place of refuge for misfits. They are free to discriminate, steal, rape and dominate others within the bounds of an injustice system. Although this system would be a screwed up system for most "normal" beings, it is a 'perfect' system for misfits.

      Why do you think Clint Eastwood stole the show at the RNC? I mean, we are 'still' talking about that. IMO, it was by design. I am a Liberal, but I tell you, the GOP are political geniuses.

      With that, I'm out...

    44. Anonymous3:42 PM

      field negro said...

      This just in, Ryan's speech "eclipsed in the ratings by a cable reality show called 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"'. :(

      Poor Obama, Poor Field for buying the party line. Ignore the man behind the curtain there is no one there it is an empty chair and his followers cant or wont think so....

      Honey boo-boo attracted 2.9 million viewers. Yes it topped the ratings FOR ABC ONLY. So yes sadly there are 2.9 million people in this country who like Honey Boo-Boo and I would bet they are Obama supporters. This out of a total estimated 21.9 million viewers who watched the RNC on all networks, internet streaming combined.


      *FNC peaked at 10:45-11PM ET with 8.2 million viewers and 2.3 million in Adults 25-54

      *MSNBC peaked from 11-11:15PM ET with 1.7 million viewers and 544,000 in Adults 25-54.

      *CNN peaked from 10:30-10:45PM ET with 1.4 million viewers and 496,000 in Adults 25-54.

    45. Honkie of the Jungle4:00 PM

      Um, SO, PileofX, that means you CAN'T provide a link that backs-up your assertion that "the LAPD recruited from mississippi and alabama in the 50's and 60's".


      As Mr. field asks constantly for a "link" I'll wait too.

    46. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

      field negro said...
      This just in, Ryan's speech "eclipsed in the ratings by a cable reality show called 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"'. :(

      And if you check, I'm sure you'll also notice that there weren't very many comments from the redneck crew during that time either.

      Queenie Queefa:

      Has anyone of your present or current boyfriends called you boo?

      Did you once as a young girl of 14 perhaps have someone think you were sweet like honey? Please note family members count.

      Did you ever use the stage name Honey Boo-Boo until you lost your looks at 15?

      Who is Honey Boo-Boo? Queenie.

      You will never be a Doctor.

    47. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Dr Reine is a happily married woman. She has said so and she has also said she does not lie.

      According to Queen, she will have her medical degree from a prestigious University in 2017. Let's face it, she is a genius! I have never seen anyone so smart since AB.

    48. Mr Field;

      Not that it was understood by the dimmer people who comment here, but I pointed out, from experience, that if you run marathons, you understand what marathoners say and don't say about their times. (Why would anyone care what trolls think of a factual observation?) If you want to understand the finer points of a law, it helps if you are a lawyer. If you want to understand a theorem, it helps if you have credentials in math. Here is my question: is there an inverse correlation between the quality of your blog and the quality of your trolls? Because your commentary is good, are your trolls more likely to be bad? They don't seem even to be able to discern a simple point expressed in clear English. But, in keeping with the Fox News gambit, they are experts on everything despite being dumb and undeducated -- and when they are faced with their own ignorance and ineptitude, they go all ad hominum. Anyway ... keep eliciting the smartest (or dumbest) trolls you can! They won't know the difference!

    49. Mr. Field:

      I am not sure what is going on with posting, but I did want to make a simple point. When you are discussing a technical subject -- say, a law -- it helps if you are a lawyer. If it is a theorem, it helps if you are a mathematician. And if it is marathoning, it helps if you are a distance runner. Of course, you open yourself to attacks by the right-wing underwear patrol for ... what ... actually having achieved something. And funniest -- and most ironic of all -- your alias is accused of narcissim by ad hominem Underwear Boy, who don't undertand the nature of the word "credentials" and who can't even see fit to post under a consistant "nom." My theory is that the better your posts, the dumber the trolls, a straight inverse relationship.

    50. Dr. Mengle7:44 PM

      The good "DR." Queen will be on Medicare, if she every really does get some kind of a "Degree".

      She's an AA career "student".

      Just remember: everytime you go to see a "Doctor", there was ALWAYS one who was LAST in his or her class.

    51. I agree jungle as I also ask for links usually to claims involving specific numbers or claims. Field is a busy man but if you have time to post you have time to google. I would usually oblige you your request as I try to be as factual as possible but I'm out of town using a mobile device so my cuTting and pasting abilities are limited. As such it may be faster for you to find the info on your own or ask a history professor or any blah los angelino over the age of 50.

    52. PilotX said...
      How about I provide a link to the well known fact the lapd recruited from mississippi and alabama in the 50's and 60's when kickstand tells us what it does for a living.

      That's just it PilotX, the Hee-Haw doesn't "do" anything for a living, other than waste our tax dollars by being mentally disabled and on Medicaid.

    53. Honkie of the Jungle9:39 PM

      SO, can't you support your allegation & produce a link produces a link that supports, "the LAPD recruited from mississippi and alabama in the 50's and 60's"?

      Is that correct?

      Wheels Down.

      Withdraw, & conceed.

      I wouldn't bother to ask for an apolgy.

    54. Honkie of the Jungle9:43 PM


      I actually like & respect you, PileofCrapX.

      Happy Labor Day:)
