Saturday, September 08, 2012

The silence of the sheep.

Let us, for purposes of this article, call the main stream media, sheep.
Sheep have certain characteristics that fit the frauds who have been pretending to be real reporters and journalists in America these days:

1.  Timid, fearful, easily panicked

2. Dumb stupid, gullible

3. Very vulnerable to fear, frustration, pests, hunger

4. Esily influenced by a leader, by the shepherd

5. Stampede easily, vulnerable to mob psychology

6. Little or no means of self-defense; can only run

7. Easily killed by enemies

8. Jealous, competitive for dominance..... (Source)

You get the idea.

Let’s take, for instance, this latest Mitt Romney pronouncement while visiting his friends over at FOX NEWS:
"We understand you went to the American Legion the day before and you talked about the service and sacrifice of the military there,” Baier continued. “Do you regret opening up this line of attack, now a recurring attack, by leaving out that issue in the speech?'I’m going to regret you repeating it day in and day out,” Romney replied. “Hahaha. No. When you– when you give a speech, you don’t go through a laundry list, you talk about the things you think are important.”
Romney added that he thinks it’s important for the military to be “strong,” and that he used the word “military” in his convention speech interchangeably with “troops.” [Source]
Now, I have to ask you, why isn’t this story being reported on major news outlets? Can you imagine if the other guy running for president had made similar comments?
But the plethora of  sheep who masquerade as journalists in America have nothing to say. They won't follow up to Mr. Romney; they don’t want to know how the troops in the battlefield feel; they don’t try to connect the dots and focus in on Mitt Romney’s obvious disdain for the American soldier. He didn’t mention them in his acceptance speech, and he rarely talks about them when he is out stumping in Middle America.

So what gives?   Folks, this is what they call in basketball parlance a make up call. In 2008 the perception was that journalists (sheep) were fawning all over the “chosen one”. Now they will be damned if they make that mistake again; so they bend over backwards to make a non-story out of  something that should be leading every news cycle.
I guess the sheep in the press were scared that Mitt would do his Etch A Sketch "Jedi mind game" on them.
“I think they’re the same thing,” he told Baier, in a comment that practically echoes his one-time insistence that “corporations are people, my friend.” An analysis of Romney’s speech reveals he used the word “America” more than any other, but said “military” just twice.


  1. Corporate media, whores? Do say.

  2. PS whaddup with authentication? Give us dyslexics a break eh?

  3. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Hypocrisy thy name is Field Negro the Obamabot.

    Not even worth Clinton's spittle talking about this ridiculous post.

  4. GrannyStandingforTruth8:42 PM

    I agree with your sidebar House Negro, but that's his true asshole. He was arrogant and ill-tempered growing up with his little thieving ass. From what I observed of him during the O.J. trial he hadn't changed much. Only difference is that he works for a living now, instead of using sticky fingers to obtain material things. I wonder how he would take it if folks brought up Marcia and him mixing intimate pleasure with business.

    Cochran was down-to-earth and a good person who fought for the underdog.

  5. Lawmaster9:47 PM

    This is what you are running with now, that Romney didn't mention the military in a speech?

    Hmmm. That might not be as sensational to everyone as you think. I thought you were a dedicated Taxer. Shouldn't you be pushing the idea that Romney hasn't paid his taxes in ten years?

    And what about the War on Women, how's that going? I think the women surrendered.

    In other news, the economy sucks, and no one is getting jobs. Maybe the sheep could cover that one a little harder. Just sayin'.

  6. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Johnnie Cochran was a scumbag.

  7. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Granny, "I agree with your sidebar House Negro, but that's his true asshole."

    Wow, Granny speaks! I thought you were dead. Does this mean that you have managed to get beyond your stale-ass post about Zimmerman on your blog?

    Your pattern is obvious: after months of NO-BLOGGING, you use FN to let folks know that you are back. You repeatedly play this childish game of yours.

    You are such a shameless Negro.

  8. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Johnnie Cochran

    A cockroach dirtbag that someone should have aborted at birth.

  9. I heard that the baguettes could get so thick in France '68 it was hairy as the so french ladies underarms.

    What can you expect from a chicken hawk vulture capitalist like Romney?

    He treats all Americans (military or manufacturing) as though they're interchangeable tokens...

    "The troops" are poor people not worth mentioning, "the military" are rich corporatists like Romney...

  10. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Field, you calling the MSM silent while you remain mute about Obama's shortcomings is the kettle calling the pot black.

    Regarding Obama, he has NOT done a damn thing for Blacks, including NOT communicating AT ALL with Blacks. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the only choice on the ballot. He is UNTRUSTWORTHY and has proved that he could care less about us.

    Yet, you haven't said "a word" about Obama. I would say that you are part of the sheep from the "black" side. You are just as crooked;and--because of your deafening silence about our betraying President, you are just as bigger liar.

    Don't think for a moment that many hearts aren't thinking about this, esp Blacks, but Whites as well.

    This is a crooked man who is good at getting elected but could give a shit less about what he promises. Of course, that's irrelevant to you. How do you sleep at night?

  11. Wesley R11:44 PM

    Johnnie Cochran kicked bigots' ass day in and day out.
    Romney cares more about the corporations who make money from the wars then the soldiers. War is big business for Romney's friends.

  12. "Romney cares more about the corporations who make money from the wars then the soldiers."

    Come on Wesley, you aren't even trying. Can't you come up with some fresher agitprop than that?

  13. Anonymous12:17 AM

    How does Field sleep?

    First he lies one side, then he lies on the other.

    What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer?

    An offer you can't understand

  14. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Anonymous Wesley R said...

    Johnnie Cochran kicked bigots' ass day in and day out.
    Romney cares more about the corporations who make money from the wars then the soldiers. War is big business for Romney's friends.

    And yet our military thinks Obama is a piece of shit, wonder why that is.

  15. "And yet our military thinks Obama is a piece of shit, wonder why that is."

    Anyone who knows anything about Obama knows he is a piece of shit.

    The problem with this country apparently is adding together the people who don't know anything and the pieces of shit gets you to almost 50% of the vote. You just need a few evil fucks to get you over the finish line.

    Motherfuck Obama.

  16. Lettie1:23 AM

    Why has the wealth of American families vanished? Profiteering from Wall Street. What did Obama do about it. Nothing, other than giving Wall Street a huge subsidy, unprecedented. Obama seems to be running against himself as a reborn populist. If he uses the power of the Justice Dept to indict a bunch of the crooks, he will win back the majority since the issue cuts across party lines. He's that cynical but maybe not that bold.

  17. Anonymous said..
    A cockroach dirtbag that someone should have aborted at birth.

    Same thing can be said of Southern juries up until around 1975.

  18. GrannyStandingforTruth1:28 AM

    Anonymous 10:18:

    Did you wake up the wrong side of the bed this morning? I'm having a lovely day, myself. BTW, I don't need Field's blog to let people know when I'm back. I correspond with too many people through emails and people know when I'm back through other blog's sidebar. I'm doing the same thing that I've been doing for years making my rounds to different blogs and Field's blog is one of them.

    The majority of times, I just read the topics like I do every other blog that I frequent and keep stepping. Besides which, I don't feel like wading through all of the bulldung on here to make a comment. I like maintaining a normal blood pressure, peace of mind, and chatting with people who hold intelligent conversations instead of a bunch of hateful, juvenile diatribe.

    And let me add that no one is holding you hostage or forcing you to come over to my blogspot. However, I noticed you make it a point to be the first one over there to make a comment whenever I do choose to write anything. Why is that? Instead of trying to keep tabs on me you should do yourself a favor and get a hobby or a life like normal people in this world have or work on your anger problem.

    Trust me, I do not spend my days, hours, minutes, or second keeping tabs on what you're doing, where you are, where did you go, or anything pertaining to you as you do me.

  19. Brown Robert1:34 AM

    You may be back Granny, but do you have back?

    And more importantly, do have anything new to say, or is just more of the old put-upon negro sob stories?

  20. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Granny, "And let me add that no one is holding you hostage or forcing you to come over to my blogspot. However, I noticed you make it a point to be the first one over there to make a comment whenever I do choose to write anything. Why is that? Instead of trying to keep tabs on me you should do yourself a favor and get a hobby or a life like normal people in this world have or work on your anger problem. "

    What makes you think I want to be on your blog? Your accusation that I am on your blog is bullshit. I have no interest in commenting on your blog. It is of no interest to me. so you can take that outrageous accusation and stuff it.

  21. Anonymous1:39 AM

    It is now clear that granny lives in Richmond, Ca. I can tell by her words and her sob stories. All Negroes in Richmond give the same ole story.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth2:36 AM

    Field, your topic is so true. I guess they were scared to let people see that Koch brother shake Romney's hand before Romney went on stage. Why try to hide something that is common knowledge? Everyone knows that the Koch brothers are funding Romney's campaign. Even the trolls are on the Koch brother's payroll.

  23. I would advise you to stop referencing the Koch family in public forums. You are treading a perilous path.

  24. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Poor Granny, she stays in trouble.

  25. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Dr.Reine said...

    Anonymous said..
    A cockroach dirtbag that someone should have aborted at birth.

    Same thing can be said of Southern juries up until around 1975.

    Y'all come back now, hear?

  26. Hi Granny, nice to see that you are still holding it down.

    And yes, my wingnut trolls are still here.

    Anon@10:19PM, must have been related to Nicole.


    I hear ya cecilhenry, we have to keep working on getting the word out there about what a bad guy Obama is.

  28. Anonymous7:54 AM

    "Anon@10:19PM, must have been related to Nicole."

    Nope. Just an ordinary citizen against injustices and murder. I am sure a criminal lawyer such as yourself wouldn't know much about justice. For you it's all about winning....much like Cochran did.

  29. Nope. Just an ordinary citizen against injustices and murder. I am sure a criminal lawyer such as yourself wouldn't know much about justice. For you it's all about winnin

    Funny thing about justice as some white people see. You don't give a damn about it as long as white folks are getting away with murder. But can't seem to let go mention of ANYONE involved in helping ONE black man do what your people have done and will continue to do in numbers too great to count in the future.

  30. Anonymous8:48 AM

    "Funny thing about justice as some white people see. You don't give a damn about it as long as white folks are getting away with murder. But can't seem to let go mention of ANYONE involved in helping ONE black man do what your people have done and will continue to do in numbers too great to count in the future."

    This is NOT about a Black or White issue. It's about "Justice", which has no color. You really ought to STFU, Sistah, because you don't know whether the poster is White or Black on FN. So stop trying to pigeon hole posters into a specific race by their comments.

    Although I must say 'anybody', Black or White, will conclude that you are Black from the hood by your ignorant-ass language and pattern of thinking. Yours is a very distinct kind of black thinking that leads me to assume that you are from the Wash, DC area. Am I right?

  31. "This is NOT about a Black or White issue. It's about "Justice", which has no color. You really ought to STFU, Sistah, because you don't know whether the poster is White or Black on FN. So stop trying to pigeon hole posters into a specific race by their comments. "

    ONLY a po' hick would say something as stupid as justice has no color, the hell it don't!!! EVERYONE in America with common sense which you clearly lack, KNOWS that the color of justice is green, followed by white, with black/brown so far in third place it shouldn't be counted.

    And you can take your "sistah" and stuff it up your ass!

  32. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Dr.Reine said...

    "This is NOT about a Black or White issue. It's about "Justice", which has no color. You really ought to STFU, Sistah, because you don't know whether the poster is White or Black on FN. So stop trying to pigeon hole posters into a specific race by their comments. "

    ONLY a po' hick would say something as stupid as justice has no color, the hell it don't!!! EVERYONE in America with common sense which you clearly lack, KNOWS that the color of justice is green, followed by white, with black/brown so far in third place it shouldn't be counted.

    And you can take your "sistah" and stuff it up your ass!

    Well sure as hell aint puttin anything up that stanky fat ass of yours bitch.

    You are right you life sucks - kill youself

  33. Anonymous11:40 AM

    n January 1980, ABC News and Harris Survey's released the following headline - Carter Now Far Ahead of Both Reagan and Bush, with the introduction statement: "President Carter so dominates the American political scene now that his margin over Ronald Reagan in a post-Iowa trial heat has risen to an overwhelming 65-31 percent. And against George [HW] Bush, the GOP candidate who finished first in the recent Iowa caucuses, Carter leads by only a slightly lower 62-32 percent."

    A chart of the 1980 polls leading up to the election, recently published by Forbes, offers some additional insights to some of our failed memories.

    Fortunately for America, the polling wasn't reflective of reality. Will history repeat itself?

    current polls, in reflection upon 1980, are interesting.

    Some comparative statistics, 1980-2012, are equally revealing (see below). The key statistical similarities tell their own story, but when you further juxtapose Jimmy Carter's philosophical want and solution for bigger government vis-a-vis Ronald Reagan's return to smaller government, lower taxes and empowerment of private enterprise; and Obama's Carter-minded approach vis-a-vis Romney's Reagan-minded approach, the question arises - will history repeat itself? In addition to statistical analytics and philosophical divides, you also have similarities in the incompetence factors of Carter and Obama against the leadership/experience competency of Reagan and Romney.

    As if this historical perspective is not enough, compound the analysis with Obama's oppressive $5,000,000,000,000 of additional US debt (more than all previous US Presidents combined), consecutive trillion dollar deficits to support reprehensible spending, nearly $16,000,000,000,000 in borrowings that exceed our annual GDP, Obamacare taxation, and a fractious divide unmatched in recent history - the argument becomes even more compelling for change.

  34. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Is this something the Obama Media should mention F-F-Field?

    Obama At DNC: “I Will Never Turn Medicare Into A Voucher” – Next Day: HHS Pilot Program To Send 2 Million Poor Seniors From Medicare Into Voucher Programs…

  35. Politicians have always lied about what they will do or what they have done, but modern democrats have taken it to a new level. The Obama's even lie about who they are:

  36. Hey Field, did you know that Democrats like the blacks? And the Hispanics? And the gays? And women? We didn’t know that. Now we do.

    We’ve all moved forward out of the Stone Age and progressed as a society to the point where black men can make death threats against Barack Obama, Hispanic female delegates feel unafraid to say they want to kill Mitt Romney, and everyone’s cool with it! Because politics is all about being cool. As actor Kal “Kumar” Penn—whose nose is buried so far up Obama’s ass that it’s sticking out of his mouth—enthused from the convention sidelines, he “felt like it was cool to be engaged in politics” the first time he laid his fawning brown eyes upon Barack Obama. What a cool thing to say!

    Because Republicans are the only party that makes things racial, the DNC was blacker than a family reunion at the Atlanta Airport Holiday Inn. Democratic strategists are obviously worried about the zero percent of black voters that currently support Romney and decided to aggressively target that zero percent with an endless parade of melanin mouthpieces. Congressmen John Lewis and James Clyburn—both of whom, against all available evidence, claimed they were called “nigger” after the Affordable Health Care Act was passed, spoke in marble-mouthed tones of how they dreamed of a day when it was no longer necessary for black politicians to falsely allege they were called “nigger” to win votes. Emanuel Cleaver II (a black man) of the Congressional Black Caucus (a black organization), who falsely claimed someone purposely spit on him during the same incident where Clyburn and Lewis falsely claimed they were called “nigger,” was also granted a speaking slot: “We are one! We might be black, brown, yella—it does not matter! We are one!” Hmm….one color seems to be missing.

    (As usual.)

  37. Tei Takuri12:38 PM

    This year’s DNC was so gay that Freddie Mercury cried pink tears from heaven. A video was shown that, ten seconds in, demonstrated how society could benefit from attending a congenial LGBT potluck dinner. A young man named Zack Wahls gave a speech about being raised by lesbian parents, which is one of the most dire and pressing issues currently facing this country. Barney Frank slobbered all over the mic about his gay marriage because gay marriage affects all of us, even though it doesn’t really affect many of us at all

    Sandra Fluke, the woman who couldn’t afford all the birth control she needs even though it’s very cheap, spoke ominously of the Wicked War on Women’s Wombs. Several other women spoke about being women and how women’s issues affect all women and how women need to focus on being women and how they’re not at all maybe a tiny bit narcissistically fixated on being women and therefore unwittingly reinforcing negative stereotypes about women.

    Severely included were the Hispanics, or the Latinos, or the Chicanos, or the illegal aliens, or whatever those diminutive scamps are calling themselves these days. Speedy Gonzalez’s cousin delivered a heart-wrenching speech about the DREAM Act. Then the Frito Bandito’s mother spoke movingly about how she swam the Rio Grande with her small son hidden safely beneath one of her sagging breasts. The Taco Bell Chihuahua, Señor Wences, and José Jiménez all delivered speeches entirely in Spanish. And none of it—no, NONE of it, you racist!—constituted racial pandering.

    What a cluster fuck! I think I'll vote for the party that had Clint Eastwood and his chair instead.

  38. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Dr Reine, "And you can take your "sistah" and stuff it up your ass!"

    9:18 AM
    Come on, Sis. Don't be like that. You don't know I am Black? What the hell is wrong with you.

    Will some FN Negro tell this jungle bunny that I'm Black? If N'Sagnoma were here he'd tell you. I bet even Field would tell you.

    Of course, he's pissed because I don't buy Obama's BS. I don't. He has eff'd over us long enough. If Negroes have any sense they won't vote for him.

    I remember a person by the name of Dr. Queen who was a Republican and had a problem with Obama. Now, there is a Dr. Reine, who is Dr. Queen's alter ego, who stands up for Obama even though he has not done one damn thing for us.

    My goodness, these days you just don't know about these doctors. They are crazier than Mold and make less sense than Granny. But Granny is old, her brain has shriveled up, but what is that nut Reine's excuse?

    There is none. She's just crazy, lonely, and without a man.

    I'm no hick, stupid....just like you ain't no doctor.

  39. Anonymous1:27 PM


    Why was it already in the prompter that 2/3 's voted to put god and Jerusalem back in the Democratic charter? When you hadn't taken a vote yet?

    Debbie, why as a Jew did you take out Jereusalm as the capitol of Israel,

    Debbie, why did you put god back in when clearly the vote was booed by the delegates three times? .

    Debbie, why do you lie and why are you evil?

    Surprised someone in the media is asking basic questions.

  40. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Whatta ya think F-F-F-Field is this another thing the Obama Bot media are acting like sheeple on and not even touching or reporting? This is a major thing when the president of the USA lies and breaks the law!!!!

    On Sept. 4, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) made a startling assertion saying that Obama circumvented the law when he summarily waived the work requirements in the welfare law. Perhaps not as shocking, few news outlets seem interested in the story.

    In its Sept. 4 letter, the GAO found that Health and Human Services (HHS) should have formally submitted a letter of its intent to make the changes to Congress and the Comptroller General before any waivers can be legally issued.

    The letter also said that the GAO had not determined if HHS had the legal right to even make such waivers available. The GAO is basically saying that the Obama administration is breaking the law with its waivers.

    But, according to a review of the shocking news of the GAO's determination, neither CNN, nor CBS, nor ABC have bothered to report the story.

  41. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Oh My, Obama broke the law again, he was to have submitted cuts due to sequestraton last week as enacted and signed by congress and he into law, he hasn't done so. No surprise considering that democrats and the senate have not produced ONE budget since he took office, also required by law. Now Obama is pressuring Defense contractors not to follow the "warn' law act for mass layoffs and not tell anyone till after the election.

    He doesn't want us to know unemployment will skyrocket, he doesn't want us to know it's because of his spending, he doesn't want us to know he is simply a law breaking president.

    I guess he doesnt' care about US citizens getting laid off or warned as long as he can borrow money to buy the votes of illegal aliens instead.

  42. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "Come on, Sis. Don't be like that. You don't know I am Black? What the hell is wrong with you."

    What's "wrong" with me is sanctimonious n*gga repubs like you who come on Black blogs talking that dumb shit.

    "Will some FN Negro tell this jungle bunny that I'm Black? If N'Sagnoma were here he'd tell you. I bet even Field would tell you."

    And I'd bet they wouldn't since as an Assnon, no one gives a rat's ass WHO you are.

    "I remember a person by the name of Dr. Queen who was a Republican and had a problem with Obama."

    And education with a touch of reading comprehension skills would do your dumb ass some good. I have NEVER been a registered Republican, though I DID support McCain in the previous election. And I'd do the same if today.

    "Now, there is a Dr. Reine, who is Dr. Queen's alter ego, who stands up for Obama even though he has not done one damn thing for us."

    And WTF was Prez. Obama supposed to do for you? Check yourself, we are an entire COUNTRY of people and if you think Prez Obama hasn't done anything for anyone of color, you're stupider than you appear to be. So what, his policies don't affect you directly, get off your stupid ass and do something for your damn self!

    And I DO stand up for Prez Obama as the most disrespected Prez in US history, it's shameful but assholes like you see NOTHING wrong with it. And they way his wife/family has been disparaged is completely outrageous!

    So you damn right, I'm gonna support Prez Obama he did the absolute best he could under the fcuked up circumstances he inherited from Cheney/Bush.

    And let's get THIS shit straight for once and for all. I ain't no doctor....................yet MotherFu**er!

    Dr. Queen's Alter Ego

  43. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Field! You give negative posts one after the other about Romney. Where do you stand on the lies Obama has told?

    You have not said a damn thing about the promises he has broken. YOu have not said one thing about how he has treated the black race, AND, will continue to do so.

    What's with you, Field. And do us all a favor...drop Reine from FN! She lies more than Obama.

  44. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "And I DO stand up for Prez Obama as the most disrespected Prez in US history, it's shameful but assholes like you see NOTHING wrong with it. And they way his wife/family has been disparaged is completely outrageous!"

    Sis, I can't believe you wrote this. Everyone knows what Obama experienced was strictly political. What makes you think he has been disrespected more than any other President? How have you measured this? Let me color of skin? That's because you are a bonafide racist. You see EVERYTHING in Black and White.

    You need to get yourself together, if that is possible-- because Sis, you are off-the-charts. You need to STFU.

    We need to turn away from Obama. The man's track record with us proves he doesn't give a damn about us. Unemployment is at an all-time high for Blacks; the man hasn't even deigned to talk to us; he has told us to shut up and march; he has TOTALLY IGNORED us.

    And you are planning to vote for him? GTFOOH! Don't be stupid. May I suggest you consider someone else?

  45. I'm DONE communicating with you until you get a username.

  46. parvenu3:20 PM

    Field , you left out the most serious problem with sheep and exactly why sheep need a sheperd. Get This - if a sheep somehow falls over on its back IT CANNOT GET BACK UP ON ITS FEET without proper help. This is even a more serious problem than the problem of sheep wandering off and losing their way, because a sheep will soon die if left laying on its back.

  47. Shabazz3:22 PM

    Give the "sis" shit a rest already you fucking coon. IF you really are Black, you need your fucking head examined asap. A vote for mittens, or any other repuke is a vote towards slavery. If you really are Black, you don't give a fuck about yourself, your "Black" family, and all Blacks in general. It's bad enough as a Black person to have to deal with white, redneck hicks but it's worse IMO to have to defend myself against slave-catching coons like yourself.
    If you think the republikkkans treat you so well, why don't you tell them how you feel at the next bagger/klan rally/republikkkan convention? That's if you make it out with your life and dignity intact. Actually, you should be fine though as they're always in the market for a good rent-a-negro.

    And BTW- Even though I don't know either of you,I moreso believe Dr. Queen is gonna be a doctor than I believe you are Black.

    I don't know, she just sounds more believable(and sane).

  48. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Anonymous Shabazz said...

    Give the "sis" shit a rest already you fucking coon. IF you really are Black, you need your fucking head examined asap. A vote for mittens, or any other repuke is a vote towards slavery. If you really are Black, you don't give a fuck about yourself, your "Black" family, and all Blacks in general. It's bad enough as a Black person to have to deal with white, redneck hicks but it's worse IMO to have to defend myself against slave-catching coons like yourself.
    If you think the republikkkans treat you so well, why don't you tell them how you feel at the next bagger/klan rally/republikkkan convention? That's if you make it out with your life and dignity intact. Actually, you should be fine though as they're always in the market for a good rent-a-negro.

    And BTW- Even though I don't know either of you,I moreso believe Dr. Queen is gonna be a doctor than I believe you are Black.

    I don't know, she just sounds more believable(and sane).

    Sane, WTF would you know about that. Slavery you dumbass - you gonna be starvin before anyone puts you in chains you cant charge for shit noone want wait and see what happens to negros when no body stops that half cracka motha who spendin everything till theres nothing left you gonna be giving head on the street if you want to eat

  49. Balzac4:42 PM

    Shabizzo said...
    "I moreso believe Dr. Queen is gonna be a doctor"

    You are right, Shabizzo, Reine wil never be a doctor.

  50. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Democrats.. party of Jews, Wall Street, and gays, with minorities and women as suckers.

    Republicans... party of Jews, Wall Street, and military industrial complex, with rednecks and Christians as suckers.

  51. GrannyStandingforTruth5:07 PM

    Hello Field, I'm doing great! I am still achieving excellence in my endeavors and doing what I do. To sum it up, this has been a very blessed year for me.

  52. GrannyStandingforTruth5:37 PM

    I am convinced that voting to re-elect President Barack Obama is a must this coming election, so that "we the people" can send these disrespectful, vicious, vile hate monger Republican party packing as far away as possible. The only thing the Republican Party has to offer is hate and more hate! Their paid trolls illustrate that in every comment they make. Their disrespect for women is way overboard and out of line. Their disrespect for common ordinary citizens is totally uncalled for. Let's face it, the Republican Party hates ordinary citizens and is gender and ethnic bias. They dislike seniors and want to evict grandma and grandpa from rest homes, make them go back to cutting their pills in half and choose between food or medication; steal their checks. The Republican Party wants to give tax cuts to the rich and expand poverty for the middleclass, poor and downtrodden; eliminate firemen, policemen, and teacher's jobs; deny students an affordable education. Facts of business, they want to eliminate education and keep the average American dumb and ignorant as the Trolls they breed. The Republican Party hates labor unions because they want you to work for pauper’s wages and eliminate your benefits. Their goal is to turn America into serfdom. They constantly whine about too much government, but yet want to run government offices. The only time they care about regarding our military is starting wars to make money for their rich friends. Other than they could care less about our soldiers. The Republican Party is the party of warmongers for profit only.

  53. GrannyStandingforTruth6:02 PM

    The Republican Party complains about spending money, yet when they had a Republican President and Congress they spent more money than all of the past President before them put together. Yep! Not only that, they deregulated, deregulated,and deregulated added to pollution and made our environment unsafe and ignored global warming.

    Trickle down economics did not work and will never work. The only thing that trickled down was more poverty that sucked middleclass families into the poverty vacuum. Millions of middleclass people got to experience what it felt like to be homeless. Grandma and Grandpa had to make a choice between eating or medication they needed for serious illnesses because they couldn't afford to pay exorbitant prices out of their meager fixed incomes, which added unnecessary stress to their medical conditions.

    Vote for President Obama 2012! He cares about "we the people" and serves us. But the Republican Party serves the Koch brothers whose pockets are already bulging from greed and who thinks that the American people are for sale.

    Meg Witman thought that the people of California were for sale too, but boy was she surprise to find out that they were not. Just like the Koch brothers will find out this coming November!

  54. GrannyStandingforTruth6:03 PM

    And yes Dr. Reine you will be a DOCTOR and you're going to be a darn good one too! Believe it!

  55. Trollio6:20 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "I am convinced that voting to re-elect President Barack Obama is a must this coming election, so that "we the people" can send these disrespectful, vicious, vile hate monger Republican party packing as far away as possible"

    What America will send away if it reelects President Obama is any chance of recovery, as capital and the productive class will leave this country in droves. I know I will.

    "only thing the Republican Party has to offer is hate and more hate!"

    No Granny, I know things get confusing at such an advanced age, but that was the Democrats you were watching last week.

    I feel sorry for all the scared, abused people the democrats create. Minorities, old people, single women - all manipulated into thinking that the successful people are plotting to take away their meager possesions in order to satisfy some twisted inner desire to be evil. On;y a sub-par mind would believe that.

    You must just not be smart enough to know that you are being lied too and used in this way. Bill Maher was right about one thing, we should require an IQ test in order to vote. That would solve a lot of our problems.

  56. "And yes Dr. Reine you will be a DOCTOR and you're going to be a darn good one too! Believe it!"

    Hey Granny, thanks for your support over the years and for staying in touch!

    And your comments are RIGHT ON POINT!!!

  57. Kinda like when W said of the number one terrorist accused of killing 3,000 'mericans "I don't thin kabout him much". He should have been impeached immediately.

  58. GrannyStandingforTruth1:47 AM

    Tollio, if you want to take your business and git, GO! You'll make more room for people who want to start a business that believe in WE THE PEOPLE, less competition, and those who don't mind paying their fair share of taxes; who are not consumed by greed and care about an environment free of pollution! When you leave that will eliminate some of the greed pollution that is trying to smother progress. We have young people coming out of college with fresh and innovative ideas who plan to start businesses.


    So, good riddance! Don't wait until November, LEAVE NOW! Trust me, you won't be missed! When you leave they'll be another business to take your place. What you miscalculated and underestimated is today UNITED WE THE PEOPLE stand. The days of your divisive BULLDUNG is OVER!

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth1:47 AM

    Tollio, if you want to take your business and git, GO! You'll make more room for people who want to start a business that believe in WE THE PEOPLE, less competition, and those who don't mind paying their fair share of taxes; who are not consumed by greed and care about an environment free of pollution! When you leave that will eliminate some of the greed pollution that is trying to smother progress. We have young people coming out of college with fresh and innovative ideas who plan to start businesses.


    So, good riddance! Don't wait until November, LEAVE NOW! Trust me, you won't be missed! When you leave they'll be another business to take your place. What you miscalculated and underestimated is today UNITED WE THE PEOPLE stand. The days of your divisive BULLDUNG is OVER!

  60. GrannyStandingforTruth1:59 AM

    Oops, btw, the only liars are Mitt and Ryan. The only thing is I'm trying to decide which one lies the most. And I'm not leaving you trolls out because y'all lie a lot too. The only thing I want to know or interested in hearing from you is how often are you treated for those bumps on your tongue caused by lying? Other than that, what you say goes in one eye and out the other one, not interested in your weak pathetic con game.

  61. GrannyStandingforTruth2:51 AM


    "Bill Maher was right about one thing, we should require an IQ test in order to vote. That would solve a lot of our problems."

    Yes, it would solve a problem because you would be the main one that would not be able to vote. BTW, I hate to rain on your parade, but my IQ is above 100, but I don't feel a need to lord it over people because I am not insecure in who I am.

    What you should be hoping for is that you get to live long enough to get my age and still have a sound mind because I don't see that coming to pass in the future for you. Oh well, you know what they say, Que Sera Sera!
