Sunday, September 09, 2012

A very lame media.

I am going to leave Mitt Romney alone today, because this is getting way too easy. He says that Obama wants to take God off of our currency. He wants to keep some portions of Obamacare. He ripped the debt ceiling deal that his own VP backed, and he.....wait a minute; let me back up a little bit. Did he say that he now approves portions of Obamacare?

"Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has called for scrapping President Barack Obama's 2010 U.S. healthcare law, said in remarks aired on Sunday that he likes key parts of "Obamacare" despite his party's loathing of it and wants to retain them.

Romney, who faces Obama in the November 6 election, has vowed throughout the campaign to repeal and replace the Obama healthcare law. But asked about the Obama healthcare law on NBC's "Meet the Press" program, Romney said, "Well, I'm not getting rid of all of healthcare reform."

So now he was against Obamacare before he was for it, or was it the other way around? I am going to have to leave Flipper alone; dude has my head spinning. I honestly don't know how his supporters keep up with him.

Anywhoo, back to my issues with the "lame- stream- media": (I am starting to feel like Sarah Palin) Seems that CBS thought it would be cool to hire republican strategist and pollster, Frank Luntz. I am sorry, did FOX suddenly go out of business? Why is a news organization striving for any kind of journalistic credibility hire this republican shill?

"CBS News has reportedly hired Frank Luntz, the Republican strategist and pollster best known for helping Republicans craft often-deceptive messaging to torpedo liberal policies. In his post announcing the move, Politico media reporter Dylan Byers writes that Luntz will "make a number of appearances across the network between now and Election Day." Luntz's hiring comes only a few months after New York Times Magazine contributor Robert Draper reported that Luntz orchestrated a 2009 meeting where prominent Republicans formulated a plan to win back Congress and the White House.

In his book Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives, Draper reported that Luntz "organized a dinner" on Obama's inauguration night featuring a handful of "the Republican Party's most energetic thinkers." The attendees -- which included current vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan -- reportedly emerged from the nearly four hour dinner "almost giddily" after having agreed on "a way forward."

According to Draper, the Republican plan involved showing "united and unyielding opposition to the president's economic policies," with an eventual goal of defeating Obama and taking back the Senate in 2012:"

The "lame-street-media" just got even more lame.
Finally, I know that he is not little JonBenet Ramsey or Caylee Anthony in America's eyes, but could we try to remember little Amir Jennings? I am sure the little man's family would like to have some closure.

His Mother isn't talking, which is sad, so some national spotlight might lead to someone coming forward with some information about what happened to the little guy.

Sadly, there is no story here to see for the "lame-$tream-media-" . They are too busy hiring republican pollsters.



  1. Mike Hunt7:26 PM

    "CBS News has reportedly hired Frank Luntz, the Republican strategist and pollster best known for helping Republicans craft often-deceptive messaging to torpedo liberal policies"

    Well, that is interesting, considering that the entire CBS News organization is best known for helping Democrats craft often-deceptive messaging to torpedo conservative policies.

    Wonder what he's there for? Maybe CBS senses a Romney win and is trying to position themselves for the post-liberal future. Everybody lovesa winner.

  2. Barcadim7:42 PM

    Field are you criticizing Romney becaue he is not ignoring that there is a need to help those in need with healthcare coverage? Strange. It's almost like you would criticize him no matter what he did.

    He does seem to care about people, despite the disingenuous attempts to paint him as some kind of ruthless rich guy.

    Say what you will, but Romney really did give away his inheritance and start over, living in a tiny little basement apartment in Utah. What he had was smarts.

    I wouldn't have blamed him for staying wealthy with what his parents passed down (of course, it's possible that the monetary inheritance wasn't all that much for maybe his folks left most it to the church) but it speaks to character that he gave it away, however much it was.

  3. Anonymous8:40 PM

    CBS sees the writing on the wall, they have actually started reporting some stories that everyone else in the Lamestream media hides to protect the half black guy.

    MSNBC is filled with whackjobs and morons, some of the lowest rating in TV and only the fringe who has no shame watches them.

  4. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I am going to leave Mitt Romney alone today, because this is getting way too easy. He says that Obama wants to take God off of our currency.

    Did the democrats or did they not remove god from their plank?

    Did they or did they not not want it back in and booed three times.

    Obama knew that was the last straw for many Americans so he made it be put back in, despite the democrate delegates not wanting god in there.

    Who you kidding? Sounds like yourself spinny.

  5. I'm so glad Rawmoney is there to protect the little phrase on our coins. The world is safe. I notice he called it the "democrat" convention. Geez, remember when there were at least a few grown ups in the gop? Those days are now gone.

  6. "Who you kidding?"

    You're asking that of a guy who runs the biggest democrat House Coon blog on the internet while calling himself Field Negro.

    Obviously, he is kidding himself.

  7. Leave my man Chris D. alone, he's an Alpha man. Ha!

  8. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Sequestration has already caused drastic cuts to the military with more deep, automatic cuts looming. Leon Panetta has warned against them as disastrous. The Pentagon is blaming sequestration as the reason they are disenfranchising the military vote.

    Call me a cynic, but I don’t believe the Pentagon.

    The Pentagon claims they do not have the money to comply with the MOVE Act (Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act), passed in 2009, which is aimed at making it easier for overseas military personnel to vote from their home state.

    The Pentagon could have mentioned it sooner since they have had three years to comply and notify Congress.

    The Pentagon says they will look at it after the 2012 election.

    The Pentagon officials have decided it won’t be cost effective before they have even made a sincere effort to establish the offices. How do they know they won’t work and who are they to decide? It’s the law!

    After this election, they will do some surveys to see how people feel about the law.

    It is interesting to note here that Romney leads Obama with the military 58% to 34%. Suspicious, isn’t it?

  9. Anonymous8:53 PM

    PilotX said...

    I'm so glad Rawmoney is there to protect the little phrase on our coins. The world is safe. I notice he called it the "democrat" convention. Geez, remember when there were at least a few grown ups in the gop? Those days are now gone.

    Only problem is to democrats like you, being a physco, god hating, cigar smoking he-she is part of what you consider being a grown-up. Not so much for the rest of the world there Alice.

  10. Democrats accuse Republicans of disenfranchising minorities because they want to combat fraud by requiring everyone to show an ID, and then they go and try to intentionally disenfranchise our brave men and women in uniform by taking their ballots away!

    This a story the "lamestream" media needs to cover! The Democrats are beneath contempt!

  11. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Add this to the list… Obama goes off TelePrompter, pulls a Biden.
    Barack tells audience, “Stamped with 3 proud words… Made in the USA

  12. Anonymous9:32 PM

    So Nooa Performed some real science experiments, with controlled testing and not sticking sensors near major heats sources etc, guess what? CLimate change is a hoax.


  13. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I can't believe this, it's incredible a photo of Obama with Karl Marx!!!!

  14. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Obama with Karl Marx photo

  15. NSangoma9:39 PM

    Allen West, our hero:
    In a noble effort, Thomas Mann, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Norman Ornstein, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, earlier this year published a book, It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism, in which they insisted that Republicans are indeed the guilty party.

    The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. When one party moves this far from the mainstream, it makes it nearly
    impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the country's challenges.

    That's a strong indictment from these fans of Washington centrism and compromise. (Their Republican rogue's gallery includes Newt Gingrich, Grover Norquist, Rep. Allen West, and the House Republican leaders who countenance the extremism within their caucus.)


  16. N. Tacoma9:42 PM

    What's that, the daily kos thinks Republicans are the extremists and are to blame for everything?

    Holy shit! That is news Mr. Sangoma!

  17. Lombardo Colon9:53 PM

    Good news about the NOAA study disproving Global Warming once and for all. I hope the "Lamestream media" as Field puts it sees fit to get ths story out as quickly as possible.

    This should have been obvious all along. If humans had a "measurable" impact on global temperatures we would have measured it. It would be a matter of knowledge not belief

  18. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Top 12 reasons the Democrats are losing:

    12. The magical black man has failed and no amount of angry screaming and yelling from his surrogates can recapture the euphoria of “Hope and Change”.

    11. Democrats’ lies about the auto industry “thriving”, the economy “on the rebound”, and Romney-Ryan (which Democrats say like the two of them are married and they have one hyphenated last name now) eviscerating Medicare are blatant, amateur, and frankly very sad.

    10. Democrats realize they are losing this election and it showed in both the faces of the people in the seats and the caliber of people who attended the Convention in general.

    9. Even big-name acts giving a free concert last night couldn’t draw people to the Democrats’ toxic abortion-celebration and wishcasting festival.

    8. Too much talk of “enemies”, “fighting”, “rising up”, and other violent imagery and too obvious of an attempt to create a bizarrely dystopian predication of “the other side” putting black people in chains, reducing women to chattel, and exterminating gays. This is another thing that Democrats do when they are desperate that they don’t feel the need to do when they know they are winning.

    7. It was shameful parading Gabby Giffords around like a prop when the former Congresswoman clearly didn’t have enough mentally faculty to be there of her own volition.

    6. John Kerry can’t be a real person. He’s too strange, dour, and pompous to not be a Kroft puppet parody of a politician.

    5. Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm beclowned herself on stage, forever erasing Howard Dean’s “Yee-ha!” moment in 2004 from history as the strangest thing a Democrat has ever done in front of an audience.

    4. Heavy-accented people shouting in Spanish about “Dreamers” made me see these people as “Drowners” instead. I can’t stand listening to Spanish. I think children w

    3. Joe Biden has the power to make you lose segments of memory and time when he speaks.

    Even Barack Obama doesn’t subscribe to the charade of Barack Obama anymore. He didn’t even try last night. I think he really doesn’t care anymore. I’ve reported on this site that plans are already in motion to purchase a $35 million Hawaiian estate for the Obamas to live in come 2013.

    1. Cardinal Dolan closed the Convention by essentially scolding Democrats for gleefully supporting the killing of babies in the womb.

  19. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "Seems that CBS thought it would be cool to hire republican strategist and pollster, Frank Luntz. I am sorry, did FOX suddenly go out of business? Why is a news organization striving for any kind of journalistic credibility hire this republican shill?"

    Field, that is a very smart move by CBS. Have you ever heard of "fair and balanced news"? Well, CBS is leading the way and this is a good start at not being one of "the sheep" that you mentioned in your previous post.

    Is Frank Luntz the right one? We'll have to wait for the ratings over the next month and half. My guess is he will do very well and so will CBS. You are much too narrow-minded, constantly miss the big picture.

    Furthermore, FN is quite biased yourself, as anyone Liberal or Conservative can see. It makes me wonder what kind of lawyer you are at "getting just the facts".

  20. Anonymous11:01 PM

    "According to Draper, the Republican plan involved showing "united and unyielding opposition to the president's economic policies," with an eventual goal of defeating Obama and taking back the Senate in 2012:"

    This is another reason to NOT elect Obama. Nothing will be accomplished because Obama lacks the power and self-fortitude to NOT give in.

    When it comes to standing up to the Republicans Obama is not the man. This man folds like a kimono in a soft breeze--very weak.

  21. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "Finally, I know that he is not little JonBenet Ramsey or Caylee Anthony in America's eyes, but could we try to remember little Amir Jennings? I am sure the little man's family would like to have some closure."

    Why haven't you posted this before on a "consistent" basis? You are WORSE than the MSM. But so are ALL of the black blogosphere. That's all you do is complain about the MSM's shortcomings but you aren't doing shit either. TNB.

  22. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "His Mother isn't talking, which is sad, so some national spotlight might lead to someone coming forward with some information about what happened to the little guy."

    Well, ain't that a bitch? The child's own Mother won't talk in order to find her child.

    Field, why don't you criticize the Mother like you criticize the "lame Media?" We all know the answer to that question, don't we?

    Between you and Dr Reine and Granny, racism among our peep is alive and well. I swear. Some of us are just as racist and unfair as a bunch of rednecks.


  23. "Top 12 reasons the Democrats are losing:"

    Um, hate to break it to ya but Brack is up in the polls.

  24. "Good news about the NOAA study disproving Global Warming once and for all."

    First off there was no such "study" and the conclusion extrapolated by the conservative site you got this information, a non-scientific site BTW, is erroneous. Go to the actual National Climate Data Center NOAA site of you want the latest info on the state of the climate and the latest observations without the political filter. No need to thank me.

  25. Anonymous11:41 PM

    To All FN readers and posters:

    The Redskins kicked the Saints ass today. I mean, it wasn't even a contest.

    The Redskins are on their way to the Superbowl!

  26. Anonymous11:58 PM

    @ ANON. at 9:57

    Where do you get your wild ideas?
    out of a hat?

    This sounds like the same kind of drivel about how Bill and Hillary would divorce after his time in office. Well that didn't work out for you and I DOUBT whether the Obamas will ever buy a place in Hawaii since they have a great home in Chicago and will continue to visit the Aloha state for many years to come because of relatives and friends....

    Aloha from Maui Makaii

  27. "This sounds like the same kind of drivel about how Bill and Hillary would divorce after his time in office. Well that didn't work out for you and I DOUBT whether the Obamas will ever buy a place in Hawaii"

    Yes, they obviously have a very loving and close marriage. They definitely are NOT staying married just for Hillary's political career or anything like that. No way.

    And BTW, the Obama's are having a $35 million home in Hawaii purchased for them by billionaire "friends":

    Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho

  28. Anonymous1:14 AM

    "This sounds like the same kind of drivel about how Bill and Hillary would divorce after his time in office. Well that didn't work out for you and I DOUBT whether the Obamas will ever buy a place in Hawaii since they have a great home in Chicago and will continue to visit the Aloha state for many years to come because of relatives and friends....

    Aloha from Maui Makaii

    11:58 PM
    Dear Mr. Makaii, this is a serious question, SERIOUSLY. Are there Blacks in Hawaii and if so, are they discriminated against?

    You see, I am thinking of moving from Philly to Hawaii. But only IF there is no racism against Blacks.

    I know there are a lot of Asians there and from what I can tell about the Asian psyche, they have absolutely NO prejudices whatsoever against Blacks, esp the Japanese.

    From what I understand that's why the Hawaiian race is so very mixed. They have a little of every race in them. It sounds too good to be true, but I am looking forward to being free in the great state of Hawaii.

    I once had thought of moving to Puerto Rico but I heard that they are some of the biggest racists on the planet, next to the Mexicans and Thais.

    Mr. Makaii, I would love to hear from you before I make the long move from Philly for nothing. Although, I suppose any place is better than Philly?

  29. SickupandFed1:38 AM

    Dear God! Mittens is a liar. And when he's not lying, he's making shit up.

    Look, I hate the klan but I have more respect for them than I have for that lying piece of filth. And I wish that these clowns in the g-no-p would have the guts that the klan Klowns have.

    G-No-P? Just be fucking honest! It's all because of the color of his skin.

    What up Field?

  30. GrannyStandingforTruth1:44 AM

    @Pilot, why waste your time giving them correct information for the National Climate Data Center NOAA site? You and I both know that their reading comprehension skills are not up to par. Judging from their comments, they probably struggled comprehending "See Jane run. Run Jane run. See Sally jump. Run Dick run." They cannot even hold a civil, intelligent, mature conversation without juvenile namecalling and kiddie games. You know the Republicans are desperate when they send the mentally challenged over to disrupt a blog.

    Obama/Biden 2012

  31. Anonymous1:50 AM

    SickupandFed, "G-No-P? Just be fucking honest! It's all because of the color of his skin.

    What up Field?"
    You had me going with you there until you ended with "What up Field?" Now I know you aren't that concerned about skin color. You just said that to get Field's approval, which you may or may not get. By now, you ought to know how fickle Field can be.

    You are a big shameless Field ass kisser on FN.

  32. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Granny, "@Pilot, why waste your time giving them correct information for the National Climate Data Center NOAA site? You and I both know that their reading comprehension skills are not up to par."

    I with you Granny. Let's hope PilotX listens to you for a change and learn not to be so stupid in wasting his time with stupid people. It's a shame that he is such a slow learner.

  33. Anonymous2:09 AM

    If CBS is hiring Luntz, it will not bode well for their future in journalism. When you have one Liar Fer Jeebus, it isn't long before said LFJ tries to infiltrate the organization with others equally bereft of talent or merit. After a while, the LFJ has created a fulfillment of their prophecy. Much like the bush appointees, it takes but a few rats to poison the well.

    Some bloggers call the MSM part of the Village, where it is of import to have invitations to the correct parties...telling the Truth, not so much.

    Mr Romney has already shown what he is more than willing to do to the US working class. Given this, why would any of this group vote for him at all? Other than the silly obsession over witeness.


  34. GrannyStandingforTruth2:23 AM

    These ignorant trolls believe the National Enquirer is scholarly written work.

    Well, I'm out and leaving again for a respite. I have more important things to do other than polluting my eyes with the trolls asinine excrement.

    Obama/Biden 2012. Yes we can do it again and we will!

    Keep your head up and stay strong Dr. Reine because you will be a DOCTOR and a darn good one in the near future.

  35. Anonymous3:00 AM

    "These ignorant trolls believe the National Enquirer is scholarly written work."

    You have no education so what would you know about scholarly work or academia? You don't know what you are talking about. Go back to the hood where you can relate and take Dr Reine with you....neither one of you are educated.

  36. Top 12 reasons the Democrats are losing:

    I guess this isn't one of them

    Does the word reality mean anything to the wingut?

    Note I used FOX for my link. Don't want you people accusing me of some kind of bias. :)

  37. Five Thirty Eight which is an independent blog for polling geeks, is currently predicting that Obama will take 318 electoral votes.

    They currently rate Obama's chances of winning at 80.7%.

  38. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Individualism is a me-first philosophy. It cuts out everything else, including other people and reality itself. Because each person is equally valid as an individual, no one is “wrong,” and thus whatever the individual wants to think is reality is officially reality.

    There are exceptions of course, but only for the obvious stuff. You have to go to work and pay for the things you need. You can’t murder, rape, steal, etc. without some kind of justification. And you must be socially presentable or you’ll be ostracized.

    But with those out of the way, the individualist society creates a situation where perception equals reality. It is like an abuse of symbols, where we confuse the symbol for its referent. The word cow is a cow, not the animal in the field.

    The result is that we create a fantasy world that obscures the real world. The individualist in us wants to be equally valid, but needs other people to do that, so it ropes them into a tacit conspiracy to deny reality. Together they create their own consensual reality and enforce it on each other.

    If you find yourself wondering why modern people can’t think, this is the reason. Their brains can handle linear tasks but for anything broader, they are lost in a false world of their own creation.

    Groups tend to have an amplifying effect, which is why committees can’t do anything but the obvious and ineffective, democracies can’t make decisions, and our whole species cannot motivate itself to do anything about what everyone agrees are big, important problems.

    If there is an epitaph for humanity, this might be it: “their large brains led them to believe only in their large brains, which soon invented new worlds that were mathematically consistent but unrelated to the physical world, and thus disasters caught the humans by surprise.”

    We can reverse this any day of any year that we choose. Tell people that they’re not all equal, and that the one who guesses closest to reality itself wins. Watch them scramble to rediscover that mystery known as “real life.”

  39. That's why I watch Democracy Now for my news

  40. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny, "@Pilot, why waste your time giving them correct information for the National Climate Data Center NOAA site? You and I both know that their reading comprehension skills are not up to par."

    I with you Granny. Let's hope PilotX listens to you for a change and learn not to be so stupid in wasting his time with stupid people. It's a shame that he is such a slow learner.

    Now how can you ignore yourself? Have someone else pee for you?

  41. Dear Anonymous 6:23,

    Are you actually Brett Stevens or are you simply cutting and pasting his words without attribution?

    (p.s. If you are Brett, your blog truly sucks.)

  42. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Dear Anonymous 6:23,

    Are you actually Brett Stevens or are you simply cutting and pasting his words without attribution?

    (p.s. If you are Brett, your blog truly sucks.)

    Tehn you is happy cause you like suckin we hears only you aint suckin on dis so got get yourself gone sheep boy no clock sukcers allowed beyatch

  43. Jimmy Carter Lost11:14 AM

    field negro said...

    Top 12 reasons the Democrats are losing:

    I guess this isn't one of them

    You do understand what Narrowly means? 3 million for one month after non-stop fundraising by Obama doesn't mean much, after 5 consecutive months of Romney outraising Obama. Reaching aren't you. I guess it was the email from Michelle that said skip a meal and send Barack the money that did it.

    Does the word reality mean anything to the wingut?

    Note I used FOX for my link. Don't want you people accusing me of some kind of bias. :)

    Thinking like a saul alinsky moonbat, only moonbats ignore true information based upon the source, non moonbats simply confirm because we know the Obamabot media is fraught with affirmative action liars.

    That's allright Jimmy, we will see if the lies take hold. But I doubt it. Obama says Who you going to believe me or your lying eyes, it will get better, forget everything I said, forget the economy, I will make it better next time promise.

  44. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...

    Granny, "@Pilot, why waste your time giving them correct information for the National Climate Data Center NOAA site? You and I both know that their reading comprehension skills are not up to par."

    I with you Granny. Let's hope PilotX listens to you for a change and learn not to be so stupid in wasting his time with stupid people. It's a shame that he is such a slow learner.

    Now how can you ignore yourself? Have someone else pee for you?

    9:52 AM
    I am not that important. I am going to die soon. Nevertheless, I might be slow in your eyes, but I am faster than you.

    "Have someone else pee for you?"

    Don't know what you are talking about, other than it's your way of 'trying' to insult someone. It's very weak. A 5-year old can do better.

  45. Anonymous12:16 PM

    you people are so full of shit that is no wonder that you never invented the wheel.

  46. Taniqua Gibsmedat12:19 PM

    But we are the best beggars on the planet.

  47. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I noticed today that you have posted a warning to watch for "unhinged trolls" in the comment section.

    Is that just for today, or is it for the past? I truly resent the word "unhinged" simply because it is NOT true about us trolls.

    It far more the truth about your regular IDs like: Dr Reine, Granny, PilotX, Mack Lyons, Shabazz, and that stange twisted thinking Purple Cow. That's what's called "UNHINGED."

    Please correct this warning. And it would show your good character if you were to apologize to the innocent trolls who religiously come here in good faith EVERYDAY, to support FN. Show some gratitude, Mr Field.

  48. The klan trollerverse must be linked to your comments section via stormfart Field. These crackers sound like the holiday drunk table at my in-laws, and they're a Chappel-Show skit in progress.

  49. M-Z-S1:43 PM

    Whitey's Conspriracy is nothing but a motherfucking klan plant, here to spread disinformation.

  50. Good news for Whitey:

    Normalization of Pedophilia Moves Forward:

    Some of the scientists say pedophilia is a sexual orientation, meaning that it’s unchangeable, regardless of how much jail time or beatings or therapy someone is dealt. Others have reason to believe that pedophiles are born that way, and that some of them will suffer through entire lives without hurting a single child. If this research proves to be correct, it should help shape both our public policy and our public attitude, so that we’re protecting kids while also protecting pedophiles from angry mobs, cellmates, and themselves.

    Sound familiar? Liberalism marches onward. The did it with homosexuality, they'll do it with pedophilia. Within five years public figures will cower in terror when they are denounced by militant perverts as "pedophobes".

    Once we have renounced the notion that we are responsible for our own behavior, there is nothing that the degenerate liberal elite can’t or won’t insist we regard as normal.

  51. CBS' Norah O'Donnell did a masterful interview with Paul Ryan yesterday morning. She was pinning him down on each statement he'd made and he was telling her she was "mistaken", "wrong", etc.

    Last night, while watching a re-run of "The Good Wife", there was an eerily similar exchange between a political candidate and a woman holding him accountable for lying.

  52. Top 12 Reasons Why Obama's Going to Win in 2016

    1. Because Rawmoney must, but can't take Ohio.

    2. Because Rawmony/Ryan/Eastwood got a negative bump out of the Tampa convention.

    3. Because Rawmoney is still trying to sell himself to the (stubbornly reluctant) wingnutt base 58 days before the election.

    4. Because Rawmoney, a debate lightweight, is relying on the debates to swing the race.

    5. Because every move that the Obama team makes is aimed at swing voters.

    6. Because 58 days out, over a quarter of likely voters know next to nothing about Rawmoney.

    7. Because the Republiklan's conspiracy against an economic recovery under Obama is going to be the #1 issue in October.

    8. Because Rawmoney is a moderate New Englander running at the head of a radical Southern party.

    9. Because Rawmoney is running almost 5 points under the generic republiklan candidate, and has never been inside the margin of error.

    10. Because Rawmoney needs the 10% more of the white female vote that it has.

    11. Because the republiklan has substantially alienated minorities and recent immigrant groups.

    12. Because Rawmoney has been playing into Obama's carefully laid traps all along.

  53. Obama bin Biden3:43 PM

    "Rawmoney" is genius, Whitey. Keep using it over and over again.

  54. California Woman3:44 PM

    California Girl said...
    CBS' Norah O'Donnell did a masterful interview with Paul Ryan yesterday morning. She was pinning him down on each statement he'd made and he was telling her she was "mistaken", "wrong", etc.

    Last night, while watching a re-run of "The Good Wife", there was an eerily similar exchange between a political candidate and a woman holding him accountable for lying.

    Ryan was telling O'Donnell she was wrong because she was.

    Do women now have a "right" to be wrong without being corrected?

    Your inability to separate reality from the stuff you watch on the Lifetime Network is a good illustration of why "girls" shouldn't be allowed to vote.

  55. Anonymous4:08 PM

    11. Because the republiklan has substantially alienated minorities and recent immigrant groups.

    Imagine that by being clear that we are out of money and who knows where those payments will come from if at all next year and enforcing the laws of the US against illegal immigrants so there remains some money left to pay the minorities who depend on goverment for survival.

    Men like you will go down in the history books as the stupidest men ever to live infested with evil.

    Watch what happens in the next few months scum.

  56. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Anonymous Obama bin Biden said...

    "Rawmoney" is genius, Whitey. Keep using it over and over again.

    It's awesome, you can always tell a real intellect by the "creative" names he incessantly uses -- sorry uses over and over and over....

  57. Big John Holmes4:09 PM

    "Your inability to separate reality from the stuff you watch on the Lifetime Network is a good illustration of why "girls" shouldn't be allowed to vote.

    3:44 PM"

    Amen to that. And THAT would be BJ's or getting banged doggy-style.

  58. Anonymous4:13 PM

    California Woman said...

    California Girl said...
    CBS' Norah O'Donnell did a masterful interview with Paul Ryan yesterday morning. She was pinning him down on each statement he'd made and he was telling her she was "mistaken", "wrong", etc.

    Last night, while watching a re-run of "The Good Wife", there was an eerily similar exchange between a political candidate and a woman holding him accountable for lying.

    Did you understand any of the discussion about finances or you just didn't like that Ryan was telling her when she was wrong?

    How long do you think California can hold on with 16 billion in debt, loss of revenue that they didnt foresee would happen with more tax increases and unfettered illegal welfare? What are we up to 4 bankrupt cities, loss of pensions and retirement funds and 6 more real close? Do you still think you can buy everyone in Mexico a house, food, car, clothes, school them, allow them to displace american culture and still run a viable state? I don't, no bailout for california, may the californians live with the policies they create just like every other city in similar shape.

  59. Anonymous4:14 PM

    California Woman said...

    California Girl said...
    CBS' Norah O'Donnell did a masterful interview with Paul Ryan yesterday morning. She was pinning him down on each statement he'd made and he was telling her she was "mistaken", "wrong", etc.

    Last night, while watching a re-run of "The Good Wife", there was an eerily similar exchange between a political candidate and a woman holding him accountable for lying.

    CBS, Nora who? The Good wife? Shaddup and go make me a sandwich.

  60. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Top 12 Reasons Why Obama's Going to Win in 2016

    We aren't better off in the last four years, hell we aren't better off since 2010, compare the numbers if you can do math.

    16,000,000,000,000,000: The current debt thanks to Obama’s never-ending Cloward-Piven spending spree.

    46,700,000: The number of Americans now on food stamps.

    3: How many years its been since US manufacturing shrank so quickly.

    0: The number of times the Moonbat Messiah mentioned his signature accomplishments ObamaCare and Porkulus during his big DNC speech.

    368,000: The number of Americans who dropped out of the labor force last month, having given up on finding a job under these conditions.

    Add one more number: another 0 for the tally of informed and responsible citizens who will vote to reelect Obama.

    Oh did I mix the lists?

    Wheres the budget from the senate, why would you as an informed citizen even think of voting for the party of evil without knowing where we stand what they are spending and how long you have?

  61. "Did you understand any of the discussion about finances or you just didn't like that Ryan was telling her when she was wrong?"

    No understanding is involved, California Girl just "feels" that Ryan has no right to tell Ms. O'Donnell she is wrong, beacause that's too much patriachy-ness or something. To California Girl, Paul Ryan represents the husband she couldn't hold.

    She doesn't care where the money comes from, she just wants to be taken care of. Since she doesn't have a man, she wants the government to do it. Barack Obama is her surrogate dream husband, who tells her she can have whatever she wants. Even better, he'll take the money from the Paul Ryan types who have scorned her. She believes Obama, because she's desparate, and because he's black.

    She is lonley and lives a life without meaning. She resents happy people who are content with what they have. Her immaturity, narcissism, and greed are the fuel liberalism uses to burn down society.

  62. Anonymous6:56 PM


    ( – The federal deficit topped $1 trillion in the first 11 months of fiscal year 2012, according to the Congressional Budget Office, reaching $1.17 trillion, exceeding CBO’s August projections.

    “CBO estimates that the Treasury Department will report a deficit of $1.17 trillion for the first 11 months of fiscal year 2012,” CBO said Monday.

  63. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    California Woman said...

    California Girl said...
    CBS' Norah O'Donnell did a masterful interview with Paul Ryan yesterday morning. She was pinning him down on each statement he'd made and he was telling her she was "mistaken", "wrong", etc.

    Last night, while watching a re-run of "The Good Wife", there was an eerily similar exchange between a political candidate and a woman holding him accountable for lying.

    CBS, Nora who? The Good wife? Shaddup and go make me a sandwich.

    Can somebody explain quick what the new FBI facial recognition software is, rather what it isn't, Democrat women are getting confused. It is not software so you can recognize who gave you a facial!!! Good wife and all.

  64. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Something must be done about these jackasses who insult women. Maybe we can ship them out of the country after Obama wins? I mean, they just don't belong in America...maybe Columbia or Venezuela?
