Thursday, September 27, 2012

Violence truths and videotapes.

It's a beautiful thing when you live in the age of the video tape. Can you imagine all the s**t that went on BEFORE everything was caught on camera? Heck, crazy stuff is still happening.

Anyway, consider this latest incident in Norwood, Ohio.

So we are beating handcuffed women in America now? Wow! And here we thought that it was only some of those "savages" in other countries who treated their women like something less than human.

Still, maybe this has more to do with our culture in general than just some out of control police officers. Not far from Philadelphia a group of young girls decided to administer an unprovoked beat down on an older woman while she was minding her own business. {Video}

This, of course, is a classic chicken and the egg problem. Violent folks in authority and violent children among the citizens that they police. What's a society to do? I guess keeping those video cameras running is a start.

Speaking of videos, I wasn't going to talk politics tonight, but my man Mitt was caught on tape again being....well, Mitt.

"While CEO of Bain Capital, Mitt Romney said the firm "harvested" the companies in which it invested to produce a "significant profit," according to a new video obtained by Mother Jones.

The video of Romney, who made the remarks in 1985, was part of a CD-ROM produced in 1998 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Bain & Company. In the video, Romney says, "Bain Capital is an investment partnership which was formed to invest in startup companies and ongoing companies, then to take an active hand in managing them and hopefully, five to eight years later, to harvest them at a significant profit." {Source}

Two words that poor Mitt Romney will never want to hear again: Mother.Jones.


  1. SickupandFed10:10 PM

    Swear to God Field, on my way home a little while ago I says to myself, I says, Self, "what did mittens screw up today?" This is becoming a daily treat.

    What will the stench F*ck up tomorrow?

    Lastly, I live very near that hellhole known as Norwood, Ohio. Old girl was giving them hell about something, and I know enough Black women to know how they can push your buttons if they want. BUT! I don't care how much someone twerks your last nerve, they call themselves professionals. I guess in Norwood, we just have to find out what they are professional at.

    They are scum and old girl is about to get paid. After which, I think she might want to stay the hell out of Norwood. Home of the NorwoodPecker.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Way to reinforce that vulture-capitalist image!

  4. Videos can help or hurt. So far it's hurt Mittens because everytime his side finds an incriminating video of Barack it turns out to be bullshit. Hell, we even see it on this blog. It's almost a joke now, Hannity breathlessly barking about a new controversial tape you won't believe because it's so shocking and then it turns out to be the prez shaking hands with some professor we've never heard of that once was in the same hotel Sadam Heusein stayed in two years earlier or some other bull shit. This is what happens when conservatives play the false equivalence game. I think this is another reason the conservatives are turning on Mittens, his operatives have cried wolf one too many times.

  5. Um, say brah. "Older woman"? She was 48. So what you trying to say? Youngins, I swear.

  6. Anonymous11:27 PM

    PilotX said...

    Um, say brah. "Older woman"? She was 48. So what you trying to say? Youngins, I swear.

    Brah? what century u from holmes? u sTarteD fartin dust yet

  7. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Field, it's the hood that breeds that kind of violence. Those black teens aren't even human...they are animals. They need to be locked up AWAY from society. That video was horrific. Of course, it's funny to some Negroes--very violent bunch of girls with no heart...

    Stuff like that really depresses me. I know you wrote this post complete with video with me in mind. Well, you got to me... I am totally fucking depressed, and you have ONCE AGAIN ruined my weekend. I am going to drink my two glasses of wine and go to bed for the weekend. Are you satisfied now?

    It's depressing to be Black in America. Can't get no love no where.

    depressed Negro

  8. Hang in there depressed Negro. And go to the "hood" and find a young child to mentor. All they need is some love.
    I think you will feel better about yourself.

  9. Sorry PiloX, as a fellow "old head" I should have known better. :)

  10. Anonymous7:50 AM

    It's not just that throwing a handcuffed woman against the wall could easily have snapped her neck and killed her. Or that police are supposed to have emotional control beyond 4-year-olds. Or that police recruiters should screen out the potential sadists. Or the society that tolerates this.

    It's the comments UNDER the video too. (Sigh.) Who the F**k ARE we?


  11. who's a ree-tard?8:50 AM

    Just a few blacks girls out having fun:

    What's wrong with you people?

  12. cavalcade of morons8:57 AM

    Another failed attempt by field to find equivalence between cops who professionally handcuff an enraged black woman, then unprofessionally shove her into a wall -- and a gang of savage girls who beat a helpless retarded woman for no reason other than their own demented and deranged enjoyment.

  13. when you wanna get the fact10:17 AM

    Intellectuals for Obama:

    Top of her class at Harvard...

  14. I can see the equivalence. Two groups of cowards. Thing is grown assed men with authority should have known better. Teens of all races are goofballs.

  15. Anonymous11:28 AM

    PilotX said...

    I can see the equivalence. Two groups of cowards. Thing is grown assed men with authority should have known better. Teens of all races are goofballs.

    Goofballs yes, violent uncivilized savages who should be packing dried shit onto a hut or eating mud cookies No. When this happens with Blacks the world over it isn't culture.

  16. Lt. Commander Johnson11:28 AM

    "Goofball" does NOT = "FERAL SAVAGES", you twat.

    BTW, you have this preoccupation with white folks and trailer parks. I pass a trailer park every day on my way to work. All the kids standing out near the street look like a National Geographic photo shoot from Botswana. Not a white face among them.

    Why aren't you flying somewhere? Like straight up Obama's ass.

  17. Timothy11:37 AM

    Field...I live very close to Norwood and beleive me when i tell you she shouldn't have never mouthed off to the po-po there. The city has changed in the last 10years.

    The city was known as racist and growing up around there it was known to be a place where people of color didn't venture into unless you had too.

    Norwood was home to a GM plant and when the plant closed some 20 years ago alot of good ole boys left the city. Tax revenue dropped and it left alot of vacancy in housing.

    Fast forward to now....lots of latino's and black's have started to move into the city. The make up is unbelievable. I say that because I can remember in the 70's being a black teenage you just never ventured into matter if the sun was shining and you NEVER did it after dark.

    No matter...NO ONE should be slammed into a wall like the woman was in the video. Behind closed doors it seem like nothing changes.

  18. Anonymous11:46 AM

    the cops should have kicked the breeders ovaries out ovaries out so that she could not produce any more bastards who attack old women.field i know that this is a hard for negroes to under stand but when you invest in a company and you help them to become successful and sell stock for a profit that is good. when you buy high (GM) with taxpayer money then sell it for a loss that is bad.stupid negroes!!!

  19. Anonymous11:56 AM

    The video of Romney, who made the remarks in 1985, was part of a CD-ROM produced in 1998 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Bain & Company. In the video, Romney says, "Bain Capital is an investment partnership which was formed to invest in startup companies and ongoing companies, then to take an active hand in managing them and hopefully, five to eight years later, to harvest them at a significant profit." {Source}

    Two words that poor Mitt Romney will never want to hear again: Mother.Jones.

    Your post about Mother Jones is extremely revealing. It highlights that Marxist/Communist/Liberals have no concept of the phrase you reap what you have sown.

    In other words, working hard, toiling, building, having the foresight to see something grow as you planned and the ability to take the actions to make it so.

    You think resources are just something someone else happens to have unfairly over others and anyones petulant demands should be met.

    The Ant and the Grasshopper once again.

  20. Timothy11:58 AM

    Anonymous...What the fuck are you talking about?? You made no sense with your comment. One video shows a woman getting slammed against a wall. You like that shit right?

    Get a life and shut the fuck up!!

    And regarding Bain...Romney was building up companies to sell at a profit. Not to reinvest back into the company by adding additional US workers but to sell the company at a profit to an overseas bidder.

    You could learn something by NOT watching FAKE News everyday!

  21. Thank you Pilox for saving me a response to slappy. Some folks just don't get it.
    Timothy, it's called ignorance. Don't even try to figure out the mind of a racist ignoramus.

  22. Anonymous12:31 PM

    And regarding Bain...Romney was building up companies to sell at a profit. Not to reinvest back into the company by adding additional US workers but to sell the company at a profit to an overseas bidder.

    You could learn something by NOT watching FAKE News everyday!

    Harvest is a good word for those who plant and plan and commercial investment. You know business and creating wealth, something you clearly don't understand capped off with the obligatory "Fake" news comment. Little tip for you, you will never learn economics or how to create by watching political talks show hosts on any channel, hell you won't even know proper english by watching Sharpton on MSNBC. So if it hasn't happened for you yet, this could be what you are doing wrong.

    Harvest is only a bad word to those who prefer Entitlement. Or in your case - gibs me dat.

  23. Let me understand this, in conservoworld trailer parks are inhabited by only blah people, all polls should be looked at inversely, all southern whites love blah people and only blah teenagers do goofy stuff. Dear god, these people are more delusional than I thought. I knew white folks were pretty clueless but this is astounding.

  24. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Looks like you need to call up the Alvin Parks and let him know he is overreacting to a bunch of yoofs who are just goofing off.

    You see this a lot the last few years, entire cities impacted by "goofballs" where literal martial law needs to be put into place to control them. Poor Goofballs.

    I still can't help but wonder why it is only "Goofballs" who decimate communities with their "Goofball" natures and no non "Goofball" races are involved.

    EAST ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – Angered by the recent murders of four young people, the mayor announced today that police are going to impose drastic new measures to keep teens off the streets.

    “There is something going on in the community at this point that we’ve got to safeguard them and keep them off the streets,” Mayor Alvin Parks said. “There are people shooting at each other for no reason whatsoever.”

    Among the new rules:

    **Minors are to be off the streets at ten o’clock on both weeknights and weekend nights.

    **Minors on the street during school hours will be arrested on sight.

    **Police will also perform I.D. checks on street corners and conduct gun searches, and Parks says he won’t hesitate to call in the National Guard if the spike in violence continues.
    Virtual House Arrest Ordered for Minors in East St. Louis

    East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks announcing crackdown on youth violence

    “The loiterers will be arrested, not warned, but arrested. Those who are hanging out at 11th and Bond, 15th and Lynch, 38th and Waverly, wherever you happen to be, if you are loitering, you will be arrested.”

    Surrounded by police, Parks announced they also plan to arrest adult males and young men wearing gang colors, amounting to a city-wide dress code.

    “No royal blue, no bright red to be worn by our men or our boys in this community,” Parks said. “Why is that? Those colors have long been affiliated with gang kinds of affiliations”

    Asked about Constitutional concerns, and the need for probable cause, Parks says the recent wave of crime is the probable cause and justifies the extreme new measures.

    “Vehicles that are moving will be stopped and searched for guns, weapons, drugs, and open alcohol and any other violations that are taking place,” Parks later told KMOX’s Mark Reardon. “People who are walking, people who are bicycling, can be stopped and searched for the same and, when it comes to state IDs, we’re going to be confirming that state IDs are in place for everyone involved.”

    Parks noted the legal questions surrounding his new policies but said “most importantly, we have to do something.”

    “We have desperate times, they call for desperate measures and they call for extreme measures, things that we may not have done before, to get the desired results. You cannot grow as a city if your children are being wiped out and never given an opportunity to live.”

  25. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Mitt "Toast" Romney is fixing to be harvested right out of the election.

  26. Anonymous1:01 PM

    PilotX said...

    Let me understand this, in conservoworld trailer parks are inhabited by only blah people, all polls should be looked at inversely, all southern whites love blah people and only blah teenagers do goofy stuff. Dear god, these people are more delusional than I thought. I knew white folks were pretty clueless but this is astounding.

    What a dimwit. You don't have much of a brain that is clear, you are arguing against your very own made up "suppositories" (I hope that wasn't to witty for your intellect so that it doesn't pass your "ass" by)

    You were the one who claims all Southern Whites are racist, so you are arguing against your own lies. What makes you think someone has to love you just because your black? You would be a dick in any color

    You are the one who claims violent savagery is just being a teen "Goofball" no one else did. They disagree with you, teen from all other races are goofballs, but they don't violently and savagely attack adults and invade their homes so regularly. So again you created your own strawworld and now are arguing against it illogically.

    You are obsessed with trailer parks and claim all white people are trailer park residents, it seems to be the only thing you know how to say. Reality is that there being a small castoff population of white trash in now way shape or form eliminates the fact that these white trash live in black neighborhoods with blacks in and around trailer parks. How else do the black guys get the fat white girls?

    Polls - looking at data to find the misrepresentation isn't say to look at it inversely - Do you even know what that word means? I don't think so.

    If White people are clueless under your "goofy standards" I would venture to say you are brain dead.

  27. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Mitt "Toast" Romney is fixing to be harvested right out of the election.

    Ebonics at work. Clever (not really) use of words you don't understand.

    Yes he is, when he has blossomed and reaches ripeness on November 6th, he will harvested and placed in the White House.

  28. Funny, your trolls are good at finding blah peoples' criminality while ignoring whites'. Very interesting.
    Field, you say Slappz is back? Hmmmm, I thought she would be too busy raising her kids. I guess the pull of daytime tv and surfing the web is more important. White family values.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson1:09 PM

    If ignorance is bliss, you should be the happiest blah man alive, Pile Of CrapX.

    Personally, I think you're being purposefully obtuse. It makes you look like a petulant little girl.

  30. Anonymous1:20 PM

    PilotX said...

    Funny, your trolls are good at finding blah peoples' criminality while ignoring whites'. Very interesting.

    Wrong again. Whites do not accept Criminality and don't blame blacks for White crime, they stop it, even if it means getting involved, snitching what have you. I guarantee you if those kids were white and invaded a home to randomly beat a woman, number one it would be extremely rare, number two the entire neighborhood would make sure they weren't dismissed as just normal goofball teen behavior, they would snitch and would track those kids down and call the police or deal with them personally. If not, then your neighborhood turns into a "goofy" one filled with goofballs where savagery is dismissed and shrugged off. Or as someone like you might put it, they are racist because they try to stop "Goofball" behavior.

    Blacks just call Black savages "goofballs" and blame white society for it and demand whites intervene and stop the madness they create.

    You comments make you seem pretty goofy - are you a Black savage violent teen too?

  31. Funny clueless trolls. Small castoff population of white trash?????? That is really funny. One of my professors did a study to find out why the death rate during severe weather was increasing in the southeast and he found interesting data. Over 1/3 of the population in the SE lives in a trailer. Over 40 percent of the population of MS alone lives in a trailer and the number throughout the SE is increasing. That's a lot of white trash but you guys are good at ignoring reality.

  32. Jay Leno2:13 PM

    We wasted four years waiting for Obama to do something about the economy.

  33. We wasted 8 years waiting for Bush to do anything, well other than starting wars and ruining the economy.

  34. Pilot X2:26 PM

    Ahhh liberal policies in action again.

    Campbell soup closes down in Sacremento

    Comcast just recently closed down three call centers in California to move to different states.

    You mean just insisting all illegal aliens come in and get welfare, then have taxes raised to pay for this and other groups living off those working - isn't such a good idea after all? Maybe we shouldn't keep doing this to the rest of the country? What's Californians deficit now? over 200 billion? They better pass a law quick that bans federal bailouts, we don't want the responsible taxpayers of the US having to suffer for the horrible choices of liberalfornia.

  35. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    We wasted 8 years waiting for Bush to do anything, well other than starting wars and ruining the economy.

    Yeah, maybe he should have apologized like Obama, how's that working out?

    I forget, how exactly did Bush ruin the economy? Did it have anything to do with Fannie and Freddie and suing banks to make loans to minorities who could not afford those loans? If not, what was it that he did that ruined the economy? The Wars wether you agreed or not boosted the economy, they employed a lot of people, especially blacks in the defense industries. So what did he do? I could be wrong but after sept 11th the economy came roaring back, then it crashed at the end of his presidency, what was it again that caused it?

  36. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Ohhh look Goofy Pile tits, they are doing it vagina - sorry meant again.

    Fed Buys $20 Billion In QE3 Mortgages; Jobs Created: Zero

    Yesterday, the Fed reported the first $20.1 billion in net, non-rolling purchases of MBS eligible under QE3 (consisting of FHLMC, FNMA, GNMA and GNMA2, most likely the bulk of them coming out of a certain office in Newport Beach which has decided to start locking in its monster profits for the year after getting QEternity spot on). End result: jobs created or saved zero. But at least we got the first recessionary PMI print, and an employment component that was the lowest since March 2010. When in doubt who can destroy the economy the best, just leave it to Benver.

    No wonder why all economic indicators show we never left a recession that is quickly coming to a head like a blistering pimple.

  37. I thought we were done with this childish shit. Anon at 2:26 pm cut the bullshit.

  38. Frustrated Negro2:53 PM

    Anon@ 2:29
    "Did it have anything to do with Fannie and Freddie and suing banks to make loans to minorities who could not afford those loans?"

    Now your TEETERING on insanity if you want blame the mortgage crisis on poor minorities, and Fannie, and Freddie.

    Thats not to EXCUSE Obama for hiring Tim Geithner , and allowing Bernake to keep rolling out Quantitative Easing... Not to mention Holder's team being unable to prosecute Wall St for the fiasco.

    Just be HONEST when you want to start talking about who actually benefitted from the mortgage scandal.... It sure wasnt poor minorities...

    Mitt says he wouldnt have done a bailout....but you just cant trust him as to what he wouldve done afterwards.....

    Be Honest... Dont lie or falsify the truth to suit your candidate...

  39. sergeant friday3:10 PM

    Considering the new rules now in effect in East St. Louis, it looks like just about evry kid in town will have to change his address to East St Louis Correctional Institute.

    I'l bet there's a lot of warrants for the arrest of a lot of them.

    Clearly there's no enough space in the local hoose-gow to accomodate all the miscreants and youth offenders that are about to get hauled in.

    And you know a few of them will start shooting their Glocks at the cops at arrest time.

  40. beg, borrow and default3:16 PM

    The Mortgage Crisis?

    It got its start when Jimmy Carter's administration passed the Community Reinvestment Act, which mandated giving mortgage money to unqualified buyers.

    Clinton loosened credit standards further, and then, under the guidance of Barney Frank, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were made to drop all semblance of safe lending standards and buy practically every crappy mortgage presented to them.

    Are blacks the sole cause of the mortgage crisis? No, but they did more than their fair share to blow billions of dollars on over-priced real estate they purchased witn NO MONEY DOWN.

    The usual prescription for disaster -- give money to people with lousy credit scores, no jobs and no downpayment money. After a few years of that, a catastrophe is guaranteed.

  41. You are right Frustrated, the investigation into what caused the 2008 financial meltdown found it was mostly due to a lack of oversight of financial markets. Interesting enough but Romney and Ryan want to loosen these rules further. Of course wingnuts want to shift the blame to poor people but people like yourself who actually pay attention to facts and not faux news don't fall for nonsense.

  42. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Just be HONEST when you want to start talking about who actually benefitted from the mortgage scandal.... It sure wasnt poor minorities...

    And it sure wasn't any other race who benefited either. So then why was it FORCED by threat of lawsuit over discriminatory practice? Why did we ever have a government that agreed it was important to threaten legal action against banks who did not provide loans to people who could never pay them back? Why did we back those loans that we knew would default with taxpayer dollars and tell the bankers, don't worry, do it, you have no choice. Why are we doing it again where banks have been held hostage and forced to pay millions in reparations if they do not accept Welfare as a source of income for loans or otherwise be subject to DOJ legal action ONLY for minorities?

    What caused the unreal increase in housing prices? What caused the bubble to burst; could it have been those loans that never got paid back?

    Why during congressional hearings prior to the housing bust in 2007 did Nancy Pelosi/Bawney Fwank and most of the Congressional Black Caucus assure everyone there was nothing to worry about and start calling those who were concerned racists, etc. etc for looking at unsecured loans that were defaulting in record numbers, loans that government required bankers make and then sell to Fannie and Freddie as subprime?

    If the government did not force banks to make these loans through the falsehood of discrimination, woudl they have ever had the card to play and or made any of the loans that inflated the market and caused the eventual default?

    Why are we doing it again in a recession, demanding more loans and having the fed buy out failed mortgages- Which simply means the cost of everything goes up with the decrease in value of the dollar so everyone gets to pay for the guy living for free.

    Holder could easily prosecute Bankers/Wall St, Corzine who stole billions, but they have not prosecuted one single person. Wonder why? Are any of them in the administration? Sure they are.

    So tell me, which of these questions is teetering on insanity? Or is insanity pretending it never happened and doing it all over again.

  43. deadbeat Obama supporter3:34 PM

    piles of X-crement said:

    We wasted 8 years waiting for Bush to do anything, well other than starting wars and ruining the economy.

    Ah. So Bush over-reacted, as Obama would say, to that "bump in the road," known to the rest of us as 9/11?

    As if President Al Gore would have handled things so differently.

    One thing is certain about a Gore presidency. he would have dropped all lending and credit standards at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    Under Gore, the Mortgage Crisis would have sunk the country, and taken a lot of Europe down too.

  44. Frustrated Negro3:37 PM


    "Are blacks the sole cause of the mortgage crisis? No"

    Lets leave it there cause neither you or I have a time machine to go back to the Carter admin , or Clintons...

    Why no mention of Credit Default Swaps, or the MERS system or Dual Tracking, or rigged AAA ratings, or Pick A Payment Programs?

    Run that simplistic narrative over at the TheBlaze or wherever you picked up the usual talking points from.

    No Money Down Loans were not the cause of the mortgage crisis...

    Even IF.....they were the driver of the bubble it wouldnt have caused as much damage as CDO's or LIAR LOANS....

    That doesnt EXCUSE this President either.... Just stop twisting the truth for your own warped purposes...

  45. Anonymous3:37 PM

    PilotX said...

    You are right Frustrated, the investigation into what caused the 2008 financial meltdown found it was mostly due to a lack of oversight of financial markets. Interesting enough but Romney and Ryan want to loosen these rules further. Of course wingnuts want to shift the blame to poor people but people like yourself who actually pay attention to facts and not faux news don't fall for nonsense.

    Did you know the most current way to determine someone is less than capable of understanding anything other then simple terms is the continual use of the "Faux News" schtick.

    When oh dimmest of the dim have you ever learned economics by watching any news program whether slanted left or slanted right? Strike that, obviously never.

    What in the world would your not having a clue yet responding with some overused cliche about fox news and mixing in some lame rhetoric about blaming poor people have anything to do with the actual cause of the recession?

  46. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Even IF.....they were the driver of the bubble it wouldnt have caused as much damage as CDO's or LIAR LOANS....

    That doesnt EXCUSE this President either.... Just stop twisting the truth for your own warped purposes...

    No pal, presenting facts with support isn't talking points. Lose that gibberish or give it up. If you don't fully understand then debate it but the ridiculous talking point bullshit is a dead giveaway that you don't like what you hear suspect it's the truth but don't really understand.

    It's real simple, when someone who has a low income went to get a loan there was a line that said you must pay this much every month, with one page that has the interest information. If someone is too stupid to go get a loan and not talk about how much they have to pay each month for the life of the loan, they shouldnt be in society let alone buying a house. If they could not afford the terms for BORROWING SOMEONE ELSES MONEY. They weren't taken advantage of, they were idiots or thieves.

    Now, you show me one thing I said where I twisted the truth and lose your obligatory talking points; talking point. I stated facts. Or you can take your mindless drivel over to Media Matters where everyone who is responsible and takes only what they can afford is racist and a fool for not giving everything to others for free.

  47. section 83:49 PM

    frustrated nego said:

    No Money Down Loans were not the cause of the mortgage crisis...

    Wrong, cupcake.

    When buyers can buy without putting up a dime of their own money, they'll bid up prices to excessively high levels.

    They've got nothing to lose if prices drop. In other words, Heads I Win, Tails I don't lose. That's a powerful reason to borrow out the wazoo in hopes of making a profit, all of which is risk-free.

    Versus - no losses if prices drop.

    Everyone -- Congress -- pretended the real estate itself would be the collateral that would back-stop the mortgages.

    In some places housing values held, and default rates have been relatively low -- New York City.

    In Nevada? Sky high. Florida? Sky high. California -- same madness.

    The one factor that saved a lot of blacks from their usual folly was the fact that so many already live in government-supported housing. Thus, when you're housing is already free, why rock the boat?

  48. owe you nuffin'3:57 PM

    frustrated negro wondered:

    Why no mention of Credit Default Swaps...

    Because the CDOs are working out as advertised. Have you not seen that the government is now profiting from its loan to AIG?

    Its borrowed money has been repaid becaue AIG was able to wind down the CDOs according to plan.

    On the other hand, the government is getting hosed by GM. Why? Because the government is part of the management team, and it's doing its usual incompetent job.


    Even IF.....they were the driver of the bubble it wouldnt have caused as much damage as CDO's or LIAR LOANS....

    Liar Loans? Apparently you're so dumb you don't realize Liar Loans are those loans people get with NO MONEY DOWN and they LIE about the ability to repay.

    No proof of income, job or downpayment required. That's why they're called LIAR LOANS.

    Thank Congress for making it all possible.

  49. Just let the fools keep their false narative that poor folks almost destroyed the entire US economy. Same folks who voted for Bush twice. Geniuses.

  50. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Even IF.....they were the driver of the bubble it wouldnt have caused as much damage as CDO's or LIAR LOANS...

    OK lets try this slowly. A CDO is a liar loan.

    What is a liar loan? It is a loan that is made, repackaged and sold when the banker KNOWS that the person receiving the loan cannot possibly pay back the loan.

    What in the hell do you think we are talking about?

    Again two simple points:

    Banks were sued for discrimination for not loaning to minorities who could not afford to pay back loans. They weren't sued because whites who could not pay back the loans were getting denied, they were sued because of minorities and god knows if you are a minority you have a right to everything whether you can afford it or not even if someone else has to pay for it, especially if someone else will suffer for it.

    Banks were forced to make the loans and relieved by Government telling them they had to make the loans or face discrimination lawsuits but don't worry; Fannie and Freddie would back the loans with taxpayer money. So they made the loans and got rid of them as quickly as they could creating a liars market started/mandated and funded by the government and ridiculous liberal policies. It went on for years and the housing market zoomed horribly inflating home prices and inflated demand.

    Is it any clearer for you now?

    Do you want to bluff some more by bring up fox or the blaze or talking points so you can haze your inability to understand? Am I taking advantage of you because I didn't spell out how much your monthly payments would be with ballooned interest even though I did and it says it right on the paperwork you have in your hands that we went over together?

  51. Frustrated Negro4:04 PM

    Your dishonesty shows in your inempt attempt to scapegoat minorities for a multi trillion dollar fraud ponzi scheme....

    Somehow in your warped narrow mind the POOR Banks under threat of lawsuits...were forced to split the mortages into tiny peices

    The Obama administration wont do anything about it , and Flipper wants further de regulation for so called growth.

    I can already hear your next bogus argument...

    "Media Matters
    Huffington Post....
    Your a Liberal Socialist Commie..Marxist...Muslim

    Insert any of your foolish arguments between the dots...

  52. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Just let the fools keep their false narative that poor folks almost destroyed the entire US economy. Same folks who voted for Bush twice. Geniuses.

    You are nothing but a "talking point. You don't have a clue do you.

    Poor People did not destroy the economy LIBERALS did. The same liberals that implement program after program, vote buy after vote buy but can never understand cause and effect.

    So what did we wind up with? A bunch of people who could never afford a house, getting one that someone else paid for because liberals said with their skin color it is the only way, a crashed economy and those same people who had the house losing it because they could not pay back the loan, declaring bankruptcy, trashed credit ratings, any wealth or savings they had decimated and they wound up poorer than ever.

    At least it managed to bring down the rest of the countries wealth with it to the point where now we owe so much we can't even borrow anymore and we have to buy our own debt.

    Liberal economics - Hey Pilot I'm broke, lend me 100 dollars. Allright Pilot but I'm broke as well how we gonna pull this off? Just gimme a piece of paper take it from your left pocket and put it in your right and tell the guy at the store that it's money. But won't he say I don't want that, it's not worth anything? Why yes he will Pilot, yes he will.

    Genius I tell you, Pure liberal Genius.

  53. Frustrated Negro4:18 PM

    Credit Default Swap: Usually this is reserved for very risky Loans (LIAR LOANS)

    Collaterized Debt Obligation:
    In this particular case... Mortgages split into tiny pieces re-bundled together and resold to investors

    2 two different terms
    2 different meanings

    You obviously dont know what either of them mean....

    Im not going to teach you modern economicss...

    Your going to have to go back to school.

    I mentioned CDO's I didnt even touch on the credit default swaps

    Please... get some more knowledge under your belt....

    Lay off Faux news for awhile...

  54. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Anonymous Frustrated Negro said...

    Your dishonesty shows in your inempt attempt to scapegoat minorities for a multi trillion dollar fraud ponzi scheme....

    Somehow in your warped narrow mind the POOR Banks under threat of lawsuits...were forced to split the mortages into tiny peices

    OK. Name one thing I have said that was incorrect or as you put it a lie. You haven't yet.

    I have a solution. Stop lending money to people who want the luxury of getting something from someone else but CAN NEVER PAY IT BACK. Even if they are minority. If you are of any race but can't afford the loan, you don't get it. If government forces you to make a loan to welfare recipients because they are minorities, then lets guess the main factor in that equation - Minorities. Lets also guess what will happen...again!!

    If you can't save enough money for a down payment and have not improved your skills and job over time to earn enough to afford a mortgage, you don't get a loan. You can't afford a house. Boo-hoo. You haven't been discriminated against, you didn't earn it, just like every other race in the history of this country.

    Simple isn't it.

    " The Obama administration wont do anything about it , and Flipper wants further de regulation for so called growth."

    Yes, banks will make loans to people that will be highly likely to pay it back. Interesting concept right? Only taking someone else's money that you know you will be able to repay them?

    " I can already hear your next bogus argument...

    "Media Matters
    Huffington Post....
    Your a Liberal Socialist Commie..Marxist...Muslim

    Insert any of your foolish arguments between the dots..."

    You are completely confused, you are the one using talking points to claim someone else is using talking points, obviously to deflect your lack of understanding.

    I already told you stop deflecting and stay on point. You have plenty of hard question posed you ignored I won't tell you that you watch MSNBC so must be an idiot. While a logical assumption it certainly has nothing to do with what actually caused the recession, so stop your deflection it's pathetic.

  55. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Frustrated Negro said...

    Credit Default Swap: Usually this is reserved for very risky Loans (LIAR LOANS)

    Collaterized Debt Obligation:
    In this particular case... Mortgages split into tiny pieces re-bundled together and resold to investors

    2 two different terms
    2 different meanings

    You obviously dont know what either of them mean....

    Im not going to teach you modern economicss...

    Your going to have to go back to school.

    I mentioned CDO's I didnt even touch on the credit default swaps

    Please... get some more knowledge under your belt....

    Lay off Faux news for awhile...

    Yet again you hide your confusion with another talking point fox news reference. Are you mentally challenged?

    I am going to give up after this because you clearly don't have the ability to understand. But last shot using the definitions you no doubt looked up, wrote down, yet fail to be able to understand.

    Credit Default Swap: Usually this is reserved for very risky Loans (LIAR LOANS)

    Collaterized Debt Obligation:
    In this particular case... Mortgages split into tiny pieces re-bundled together and resold to investors

    You say CDS is a very risky loan and a CDO are mortgaes split into tiny pieces and resold to investors.

    Would you say the reason they split those CDO's into itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout tiny pieces is because they were VERY RISKY LOANS!!!!!!


    You should never apply for a loan, they will take advantage of you and you no doubt will not be able to understand that when it says on the last page you must pay 2,000 a month, that you must pay 2,000 a month. No doubt you would call the bank and tell them they cheated you and to stop watching Fox news.

  56. Frustrated Negro4:27 PM

    Says the Troll who doesnt understand the difference beetween CDO's , and Credit Default Swaps...

    How long have you been making loans???

  57. Frustrated is correct, there was a bi-partisan investigation into what caused the 2008 financial meltdown and guess what they found? Do a quick google search and find out. Inquiring minds want to know.

  58. Frustrated Negro4:37 PM

    He wants to be right so bad....

    Running some narrative about the POOR Banks that were FORCED to TAKE Bail Out Money,because of all the risky Liar Loans they were FORCED to make at enormous profit margin....

  59. That IS the rightwing narrative afterall.

  60. Anon@1:20pm, some guy killed 4 co-workers today.I bet he is one if those Negro "savages". Wait.....never mind.

  61. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Blogger Pile Tits said..
    " That IS the rightwing narrative afterall."

    A huge portion of mortgage loan defaults are ‘sub-prime’ loans. Most of the sub-prime loans have been made to borrowers with poor credit ratings, no down payment on the home financed, and/or no verification of income or assets

    “In a move that could help increase homeownership rates among minorities and low income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corp. is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders.”

    Why would banks make such risky loans? The answer is that the Clinton administration pressured the banks to help poor people become homeowners, a noble liberal idea. Also the Clinton Justice Department threatened banks with lawsuits and fines ($10,000 per application) for redlining (discrimination) if they did not make these loans. Also ACORN (Obama’s community service organization) was instrumental in providing borrowers and pressuring the banks to make these loans.

    To allow Fannie Mae to make more loans, President Clinton also reduced Fannie Mae’s reserve requirement to 2.5%. That means it could purchase and/or guarantee $97.50 in mortgages for every $2.50 it had in equity to cover possible bad debts. If more than 2.5% of the loans go bad, the taxpayers (us) have to pay for them. That is what this bailout is all about. It is not the government paying the banks for the bad loans, it is taxpayers!!

    Democrats demanded that Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac buy more of these risky loans to help the poor.

    The mortgages purchased and guaranteed by FM&FM are backed by the U.S. government, the loans were re-sold primarily to investment banks which in turn bundled most of them, taking a hefty fee, and sold the mortgages to investors all over the world as virtually risk free.

    As long as the Federal Reserve (another government created agency) kept interest rates artificially low, monthly mortgage payments were low and housing prices went up. Many home owners got home equity loans to pay their first mortgages and credit card debt.

    Home prices peaked in the winter of 2005-06 and the house of cards started to crumble. People could no longer increase their mortgage debt to pay previous debts. Now, we taxpayers are being told we have to bail out the banks and everyone in the world who bought these highly risky loans. The politicians in Congress (mostly Democrats) do not want you to know they caused the mess.

    During eight years of his administration Bush made 17 attempts to reform FM&FM, having been made aware by whistleblowers that the books had been cooked by Clinton appointees, James Johnson and Franklin Raines (most recently Barack Obama financial advisors) who gave large bonuses to themselves and other Clinton appointees by falsely showing huge profits.

  62. Anonymous5:12 PM

    In 2005, John McCain submitted a Fannie Mae reform bill. Democrats blocked it in Committee from getting to the Senate floor for a vote.

    By 2006 there was enough evidence of malfeasance that Raines was forced out. He had paid himself over $90 million. Recently the court ordered him to pay back $40 million in fines, bonuses and stock options that he gave himself based on false financial statements of Fannie Mae profits.

    In the 2006 elections, the Democrats took control of the House and Senate. There are plenty of videos on the Internet showing many Democrats including Senate Banking Committee Chairman Democrat Christopher Dodd and House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank, responsible with overseeing FM&FM, assuring us that there were no problems with FM&FM right up to their collapse.

    Not surprisingly, virtually all the investment banks that are in trouble and being bailed out are run by financial supporters of Obama and other Democrats. Secretary of the Treasury Paulsen was head of Goldman Sachs. The new head of the $700 million bailout is also from Goldman Sachs. This is like letting the fox be in charge of hen house security.

    It was announced that our government will infuse capital into the troubled banks. This gives whoever is in power of our government the ability to force the same kind of abuses that have caused this massive banking crisis in the first place.

  63. Goofball, Inc.5:16 PM

    "field negro said...
    Anon@1:20pm, some guy killed 4 co-workers today.I bet he is one if those Negro "savages". Wait.....never mind.

    5:08 PM"

    Nah, according to PilotX, he was just a "goofball".

  64. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Anonymous Frustrated Negro said...

    Says the Troll who doesnt understand the difference beetween CDO's , and Credit Default Swaps...

    How long have you been making loans???

    You are comically clueless. Carry on.

    Ahh, what the hell last shot at the assclown, before I give up and just assume he can't get an ID to vote.

    If you didn't have a liars loan; would any collateralized debt exist?

    Why were these debts Fraudulent? What would have happened if the bankers maintained the standards of full documentation and creditworthiness/history/income regardless of race?

  65. Anonymous5:32 PM

    field negro said...

    Anon@1:20pm, some guy killed 4 co-workers today.I bet he is one if those Negro "savages". Wait.....never mind.

    Could be, did something push out his insanity or did he just gleefully see someone who could be a victim and took great joy laughingly beating them for no reason other then they were there?

    I heard about the guy who shot 4 co-workers after he lost his marbles getting fired yesterday is this the one you are talking about? Was he playing the knockout game or something like that?

    Either way, he should be executed post-haste. He murdered four people. Was he laughing at the destruction he caused and eagerly looking forward to watching the video and the next time he could do it again?

  66. speaking about violence Field check out this link: a man kills his family because he fears Obama re-election:

  67. Depression/RecessionNeverLeft5:46 PM

    Business activity in the U.S. Midwest contracted this month for the first time since September 2009, as new orders sank, a report showed on Friday.

    The Institute for Supply Management-Chicago business barometer fell to 49.7 from 53.0 in August. Economists had forecast an unchanged reading of 53.

    A reading below 50 indicates contraction in the regional economy.

    The forward-looking new orders index plummeted to 47.4, from 54.8. while the gauge of employment sank to 52.0 from 57.1 last month.

    Following the report, stocks added to their losses on the final trading day of the third quarter.

  68. Field, its ok to kill your coworkers as long as you don't laugh while doing it or tape it to watch later. You're a lawyer, you should know that.

  69. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Field, its ok to kill your coworkers as long as you don't laugh while doing it or tape it to watch later. You're a lawyer, you should know that.

    Ah I get it, is this a Goofball funny?

    You did notice the part about executing him right? Also that he was insane and didn't take great joy in hurting others and that if you do take great joy in hurting others you are insane unless you are a black youth - then you are just a Goofball as it's all good it's just a buncha teens goofing around....right there Pile O Tits?

    Hey, wasn't there a snack called Pile O Tit's? Hmmmm or was that cheese tits..

  70. Cue the youtube videos of white girls beating up innocent people while laughing about it. Must be a lot of sick white people out there but we already knew this.

  71. Anonymous7:46 PM

    PilotX said...

    Cue the youtube videos of white girls beating up innocent people while laughing about it. Must be a lot of sick white people out there but we already knew this.

    Oh I remember the name of the snack was Itsy Bits - Didn't a free Obama phone come in the box with that?

    Hey - where are the links? Got any links to cities/towns in lockdown because of white teen flashrobs or violence?

  72. "speaking about violence Field check out this link: a man kills his family because he fears Obama re-election:"

