Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Achy breaky heart"

Obamaholics, don't break out your dancing shoes just yet. I know that your boy is opening a new "can of whoop ass" on Flipper, but there are some debates-- and a few more weeks to go-- before your boy can break out the barbecue on the white house lawn.

Still, if you are a republican in America, you have to be wondering why you are wasting your prayers every Sunday morning. Why would the guy/gal upstairs  send you this candidate to be your party's standard- bearer?

But I have to give it to the poor guy, at least he is trying. Just today he said that his "heart aches for struggling Americans".

 "Mitt Romney kicked off a day of campaigning in this battleground state by insisting his "heart aches" for struggling Americans and that he is better prepared than President Barack Obama to help those who are "hurting" under the tough economy.

Speaking at a rally located in a swing district just outside Columbus, Romney kept repeating his empathy for people out of work and trying to pay their bills—insisting that he will do his "very best to help" those in need "when I am president."

"I've been across this country, and my heart aches for the people I've seen," Romney told a crowd of several hundred people here. "There are so many in our country that are hurting right now. I want to help them." [Source]

Yes Billy Bob, Mitt feels your pain, and if you just vote for him he will help you.
Well, he has to first help your boss by lowering his taxes; and then he will help you.

Before Mitt gets a chance to help Billy Bob he has to win the presidency. But how does he do that when Newt Gingrich, of all people, has to be giving him advice on how to beat O? Then there the whole "Etch A Sketch" thing.  It has gotten so bad for Mitt that even the NASCAR crowd is supposedly turning against him. (That one is hard to believe. "It's the damn liberal media lying again!!")

Finally, one of you should help me with this one. I don't live in Wisconsin (only been there once in my life) so someone who is familiar with that wonderful state has to tell me if it's really that hard to find a sexual partner there.

"A pervy Wisconsin man redefined the term “love seat” when an off-duty cop caught him having sex with a couch that had been left out on a curb.
Officer Ryan Edwards was jogging in Waukesha on the night of Sept. 3 when he saw “a subject leaning over the couch facing down,” according to an arrest report obtained by The Smoking Gun.

He initially thought 46-year-old Gerard Streator “was having sexual relations with someone on the couch,” but Streator apparently didn’t need the “someone.”

Edwards called out to Streator, who ran away with his pants down." [Source]

Gerard, in the future, you might want to bring your sofa friend up to your place.

You sir, are one American whose pain I hope that Mitt doesn't feel.




  1. Anne Coulters Fly on the Wall9:04 PM

    Ann Coulter on Monday suggested that “we had paradise for a dozen years” after O.J. Simpson was acquitted for murder because African Americans stopped making white people feel guilty for racial unfairness.

    When asked whether immigrant rights were not civil rights, Coulter responded, “No. I think civil rights are for blacks… What have we done to the immigrants? We owe black people something. We have a legacy of slavery. Immigrants haven’t even been in this country.”

    Hannity wondered why liberals were, in his words, so "threatened" by Cain. Coulter was blunt in her response.

    "Our blacks are so much better than their blacks," she said, speaking of Democrats. "To become a black Republican, you don't just roll into it. You're not going with the flow...and that's why we have very impressive blacks in the Republican party."

    lol..Me thinks somebody is boning Toby or Kunta on the sly..

    Just saying.

  2. Maybe if the gop didn't trot out the same tired candidates year after year. They have a heirchy and go in order. Unlike the dems who find new talent, virtually no one knew of Clinton or Carter months before the election, the gop will stick with their hasbeens. Santorum is next in line and he'll get his ass kicked too.

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    If I remember correctly he once said (don't remember the exact words) in an interview that "people who have no insurance were able to go to emergency rooms and get free care, paid for by you and me, and that that was a form of socialism"

    So I guess now he's endorsing Socialism! LOL

    It's those darn words that always seem to catch up with him :)

    He changes faster than a model in a dressing room at a fashion show! :)))

  4. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Mittens changes political positions more than racist asson's mammy changes tricks!!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  5. Mia Love will be on Fox to talk about threats and insults. Should be interesting.

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    "Still, if you are a republican in America, you have to be wondering why you are wasting your prayers every Sunday morning. Why would the guy/gal upstairs send you this candidate to be your party's standard- bearer?"

    Field, God is not a gal. but thanks for including the male gender, considering you have never done it before. I guess that's progress for a leftist liberal.

  7. Barring a massive Obama gaff, or some external force or event that somehow breaks for him instead of the incumbent president, Rawmoney's task now is the same as McCaine's was this time last time: to keep his campaign from imploding and hope to bring out enough of his vote to stave off a downticket disaster for his party. It must be a special circle of hell to want something so bad, to know that you've blown it, and to have to act as if it's still possible.

  8. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "Yes Billy Bob, Mitt feels your pain, and if you just vote for him he will help you.
    Well, he has to first help your boss by lowering his taxes; and then he will help you."

    FYI: Billy Bob is a racist name. How would you like a white person to call the boys in the hood "Willie or LeRoy, which has never happened"?

    Big White 'R' Chaser

  9. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I am getting sick and tired of you Leftist Dems mouthing off.

    Let's get one thing straight, this race is NOT over. Romney can still win and he most 'assuredly' will!

  10. Anonymous said...

    "I am getting sick "

    Must be the queasiness of reality bursting your bubble.

  11. Frustrated Negro1:42 AM

    I know you enjoy vanquishing racist right wing trolls on your blog so that you can feel like your part of a bigger team with power in the white house, but as fun as that might be check this out......

    From your blogging neighbor at

    It appears likely that we will experience another four years in which the Black political class makes no demands of Power, so as not to discomfort or embarrass the First Black President in his second term, a man who serves the financial oligarchs on Wall Street, not the folks on Martin Luther King Boulevard.

  12. Frustrated Negro1:55 AM

    Instead of having verbal insult battles lets discuss 15 things neither candidate will talk about.

    Neither candidate is interested in stopping the use of the death penalty for federal or state crimes.

    Neither candidate is interested in eliminating or reducing the 5,113 US nuclear warheads.

    Neither candidate is campaigning to close Guantanamo prison.

    Neither candidate has called for arresting and prosecuting high ranking people on Wall Street for the subprime mortgage catastrophe.

    Neither candidate is interested in holding anyone in the Bush administration accountable for the torture committed by US personnel against prisoners in Guantanamo or in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Neither candidate is interested in stopping the use of drones to assassinate people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia.

    Neither candidate is against warrantless surveillance, indefinite detention, or racial profiling in fighting “terrorism.”

    Neither candidate is interested in fighting for a living wage. In fact neither are really committed beyond lip service to raising the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour – which, if it kept pace with inflation since the 1960s should be about $10 an hour.

    Neither candidate was interested in arresting Osama bin Laden and having him tried in court.

    Neither candidate will declare they refuse to bomb Iran.

    Neither candidate is refusing to take huge campaign contributions from people and organizations.

    Neither candidate proposes any significant specific steps to reverse global warming.

    Neither candidate is talking about the over 2 million people in jails and prisons in the US.

    Neither candidate proposes to create public jobs so everyone who wants to work can.

    Neither candidate opposes the nuclear power industry. In fact both support expansion.

  13. Yes this is because both candidates are conservatives.

    One of America's key problems is that the political narrative is skewed so far towards the political Right, that moderate conservatives like Obama can be portrayed as leftists by the media.

    Meanwhile the Republican candidates have to adopt extremist positions in order to win the Republican nomination, which leaves them with a problem when they are facing the non-extremist general public in the full presidential race.

    All this allows the media to portray the election as a 'titanic battle for the soul of America' or some such nonsense. Thus Americans are conned into believing that there are no other alternatives out there than far-Right versus moderate-Right.

  14. "Field, God is not a gal. but thanks for including the male gender.."

    Sorry, I wasn't sure. Since you have actually seen him/her before, could you tell me what he/she actually looks like? I know that we are made in his/her image, but it would be kind of cool to know who is closer to that image.

    What if, god forbid, he/she looked like JJ from Good Times?

    Frustrated Negro, I actually like Bruce over at Black Agenda, and you make some good points, (as does Purple Cow) but there is that whole "lesser of two evils" thing.

  15. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Gee, he could relieve some of those heart aches if he released some of his off shore millions int American credit unions. Bet he is not considering that because he is going to need an offshore vacation spot to hide from his rejection in November. Or will he retreat sooner?
    We need to concentrate on the Senate and House. We need federal judges who serve the people not the corporations.

  16. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Yes this is because both candidates are conservatives.

    One of America's key problems is that the political narrative is skewed so far towards the political Right, that moderate conservatives like Obama can be portrayed as leftists by the media.

    Meanwhile the Republican candidates have to adopt extremist positions in order to win the Republican nomination, which leaves them with a problem when they are facing the non-extremist general public in the full presidential race.

    All this allows the media to portray the election as a 'titanic battle for the soul of America' or some such nonsense. Thus Americans are conned into believing that there are no other alternatives out there than far-Right versus moderate-Right.

    somewhat poor attempt at rehashing a point that liberals attempted to make for the last two years.

    Obama is really a good guy, the other guys are so bad they reflect poorly on him.

    Utterly ridiculous; he is an incompetent boob. A lazy lackluster skill-less ideologue who is extremely radical and clearly a Marxist.

    The left is adept at labeling things they don't like as extremism, such as the rule of law, fiscal sanity and the ensuing results of fiscal irresponsibility.

    Weak minded drivel attempting to paint conservatives as crazy and the rest of the US as sane and agreeing with Obama. Your unicorn horn has lost it's glamour. The majority of the US fully aligns with conservative points, some of which were previously outlined. Nothing Obama has done has been generally well recieved and the economy is imploding more each day as a result of leftists influence, soon to be weeded out.

    In fact just today :

    2Q GDP revised down to 1.3% from 1.7%...
    Durable orders down 13.2%...
    Jobless claims 359,000...
    SANTELLI: 'Depressingly weak'...

    The recovery for the last two years that never was, completely fictionalized by leftists.

    But don't fret, once the Marxist is removed, the U.S will roar back to life. It is still a country filled with completely competent people. So they tried to give a guy a chance; he blew it and proved completely unfit for the job. Time to fire his ass!!

  17. "somewhat poor attempt at rehashing a point that liberals attempted to make for the last two years.
    Obama is really a good guy, the other guys are so bad they reflect poorly on him. "

    I said no such thing, clearly you have not read, or not understood what I said.

    I don't think Obama is a good guy. I think he is just about the lesser of two evils, but he's a conservative so I could never vote for him.


    The American Conservative ( y'know, that hot-bed of radical left wing thinking), is trying to work out why Romney has lost this election, given that the economy has tanked, he was up against an unpopular President and he had almost twice as much money to spend...

  18. BARBBF9:21 AM


    Obama Moves To Conceal Drone Death Figures

    The Obama administration has moved to block the release of information relating to its overseas drone assassination programme, and will not even acknowledge that it exists, despite countless public references to the programme and the proven existence of an official “kill list”.

    In a motion filed just before midnight last night, the federal government asked for FOIA requests regarding drone killings by the ACLU and the New York Times to be dismissed.

    The administration’s court filing suggested that the public disclosure of such material could potentially harm national security.

    “Whether or not the CIA has the authority to be, or is in fact, directly involved in targeted lethal operations remains classified,” the court filing noted.

    “Even to describe the number and details of most of these documents would reveal information that could damage the government’s counterterrorism efforts,” the filing continued.

    The ACLU responded with a statement slamming the move and calling it “beyond absurd”.

    “The notion that the CIA’s targeted killing programme is still a secret is beyond absurd. Senior officials have discussed it, both on the record and off. They have taken credit for its putative successes, professed it to be legal, and dismissed concerns about civilian casualties,” said Jameel Jaffer, ACLU deputy legal director.

    “If they can make these claims to the media, they can answer requests under the Freedom of Information Act. The public is entitled to know more about the legal authority the administration is claiming and the way that the administration is using it.” Jaffer added.

    It is common knowledge that the Obama administration has exponentially increased the use of drone missile attacks in countries such as Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

    The president has referred to the programme several times in public, as have officials such as counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan.

    Last month, the New York Times ran a major piece on the programme, revealing that the White House has asserted the right to carry out state-sponsored assassination anywhere in the world without having to provide any evidence or go through any legal process.

  19. Anonymous9:47 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "somewhat poor attempt at rehashing a point that liberals attempted to make for the last two years.
    Obama is really a good guy, the other guys are so bad they reflect poorly on him. "

    I said no such thing, clearly you have not read, or not understood what I said.

    I don't think Obama is a good guy. I think he is just about the lesser of two evils, but he's a conservative so I could never vote for him.


    The American Conservative ( y'know, that hot-bed of radical left wing thinking), is trying to work out why Romney has lost this election, given that the economy has tanked, he was up against an unpopular President and he had almost twice as much money to spend...

    Ahh the deniability clause, you wouldn't vote for him because he is a conservative. Sure, you are advocating for him because you could never vote for him, just that he is less evil than conservatives of which he really is one, but those other guys are really bad.

    Don't you believe me now. No. Not even a bit.

    As for that Article you posted, never heard of that site, in any case there will be more than enough fluff around for the next few months to satisfy anyones specific goal. If you wish to think Romney is losing; go ahead. I evaluate things differently and don't close my eyes in order to see reality.

    If Obama is winning then why does the liberal left media feel the urgent need to skew polls blatantly to heavily favor democrats?

    If Obama is up by 10 points - That's it, game over as you are saying. But interestingly enough, his campaign and he do not act as if they are winning. They are spending a fortune in swing states and campaigning incessantly - not something any politician does if he is clearly going to win and also in Obama's case has given up actually working or attempting to do his job last year to devote all energies to fundraising and campaigning. There are a lot of states he is losing even in the spun polls that they would not waste money on swing states if he didn't know they were losing.

    All these nonsense polls and ridiculous articles show is that Obama has done internal polling and they are desperate and scared. Enough so that the media is trying anything including losing what little credibility they have left in creating skewed polls.

    Carter is breathing a sigh of relief with Obama having surpassed him as the worst US president in modern times.

    Romney +7.8%

  20. Anonymous9:59 AM

    And Romney having money is more repugnant than the entitled Obamas milking US taxpayers and borrowing money for an over the top Lavish spending spree? Romney earned 20 million, yet the Obamas TOOK $1.4 billion.

    He didn't build that. But he sure as hell is going to use it. The Proverbial Grasshopper.

    Mr and Mrs Looter and Moocher Obama

    Read more:

  21. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Is the NAACP jumping the shark with this? Going to the UN to attempt to what publicize that people who choose to commit felonies forfeit the right to vote as part of their sentence?

    NAACP Urges U.N. to Investigate U.S. for ‘Racially Discriminatory Election Laws’
    By Patrick Goodenough
    September 27, 2012
    Subscribe to Patrick Goodenough's posts


    Members of a NAACP delegation visiting the United Nations in Geneva in September 2012. (Photo:
    ( – Charging that millions of citizens, two-fifths of them black, have been denied the right to vote because of felony convictions, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People called on the United Nations this week to investigate America’s “racially discriminatory election laws.”

  22. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Looks like it's going to be Hillary running in 2016, shes the acting President now while our assclown keeps campaigning - (because he is winning)


  23. Reality said...

    " As of 9/27/12, nonpartisan Real Clear Politics poll of polls has the presidential contest at Obama 48.9% / Rmoney 44.9% popvote, and Obama 347 Electoral votes (probable+likely) to Romney's 191."

    The only thing still making this look like a horserace is Romney's HUGE lead among the white people of the old confederacy and border states ( -FL and VA of course) of 73%/22% distorting the national picture for those content to ignore the republican party's regionality. Outside of the south, whites are split about 50/50 between the candidates, but those southern whites are lockstep anti-Obama voters. I wonder if there's some social history that might explain southern whites' anomalous hostility to this president? Anyone?

  24. Anyone12:12 PM

    "Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    I wonder if there's some social history that might explain southern whites' anomalous hostility to this president? Anyone?

    11:44 AM"

    Gee, Whitey...I dunno. Maybe you can find something at this link that will answer your question:

  25. I smell desperation. I actually feel sorry for Mitt and his peeps. :(

  26. Check That B.O. At The Door, Please1:12 PM

    Aw, now, field...that's not desperation!

    It's just your deperspitation:)

  27. Anonymous1:17 PM

    field negro said...

    I smell desperation. I actually feel sorry for Mitt and his peeps. :(

    Don't feel sorry, save it don't spend it. You will need it for yourself in Nov. Desperation comes from knowledge that causes you to lie, cheat and steal - AKA Democrats. If Obama were winning they sure as hell wouldn't need to put out a campaign trying to convince everyone that those dead heat polls 46-46 -47-47 split by party didn't have them worried when they realized Romney has a huge lead in independents.

  28. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Anyone said...

    "Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    I wonder if there's some social history that might explain southern whites' anomalous hostility to this president? Anyone?

    Well for one you are wrong, the southern strategy consisted of democrats - Only one democrat went republican. Anyway, lacking any truth to your premise and flushing it where that childish thought belongs here is an Obama voter:

  29. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Mitt is TOAST.

    Burnt toast, at that.

  30. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Mitt Romoney:

  31. Yeah Whitey, there's no truth to the southern strategy even though what used to be a majority democratic voting block, southern whites, no vote almost exclusively gop. Oh no, it those racist blah people who forced all those peaceful loving whites to the other party.
    Reality doesn't exist for conservatives. Hell, they think W either didn't exist or was a good prez. You can't help stupid.

  32. Anonymous2:52 PM

    PilotX said...

    Yeah Whitey, there's no truth to the southern strategy even though what used to be a majority democratic voting block, southern whites, no vote almost exclusively gop. Oh no, it those racist blah people who forced all those peaceful loving whites to the other party.
    Reality doesn't exist for conservatives. Hell, they think W either didn't exist or was a good prez. You can't help stupid.

    Reality isn't what you define it as or wish it to be to save you having to think. There is a world of knowledge out there, avail yourself of it instead of parroting people who take you for the dumbass that you are.

    One aspect (there are several) for establishing the Southern Strategy myth was laid with another falsehood; that all the former Dixiecrats had joined the Republican Party after Nixon allegedly used the Southern Strategy. The Dixiecrat Party was a third party that splintered from the Democrats because of their dissatisfaction with Harry Truman over the civil rights issue during the 1940s. The goal of the Dixiecrat Party was to continue segregation and white supremacy in the southern states. Senator Strom Thurmond left the Democrats and became their presidential nominee in 1948. After losing the election, Thurmond returned to the Democrat Party, but later switched to the Republicans in 1964. However, almost all the other former Dixiecrats remained in the Democrat Party until they either retired or died. Fulbright, Wallace, Gore and Byrd retired as Democrats.

    It was the next generation of white southern politicians who joined the GOP. This represented a passing of the torch from the segregationists to those who had accepted the civil rights revolution.

    The Claremont Institute has published a much more comprehensive analysis of the fallacy of the Southern Strategy. You can read it here:

  33. Anonymous 9:47 - I don't think that even you believe that shite you wrote even for a single moment.

    Even the eternally Right-biased Rasmussen polling has some problems. They are desperately trying to portray the Prez race as close (despite massive evidence to the contrary) meanwhile their own state polling results are showing Obama pulling away from Romney! How is that even possible?

    As ever the Righjt claim a massive conspiracy against them. When global warming is shown to be real - it's all a massive conspiracy to lie, when opinion polls give results you don;t want, it's all another conspiracy against you! Never mind that polling organizations live and die by the accuracy of their results. But still, you know what they say, reality has a known liberal bias.

    Oh, and please show where I am "advocating for him".

  34. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Cricket fact said...AKA Purple Nurple said.....

    Anonymous 9:47 - I don't think that even you believe that shite you wrote even for a single moment.

    Even the eternally Right-biased Rasmussen polling has some problems. They are desperately trying to portray the Prez race as close (despite massive evidence to the contrary) meanwhile their own state polling results are showing Obama pulling away from Romney! How is that even possible?

    What massive evidence? Provide some? Surely you don't mean the evidence that we have just shown you is fraudulent do you?

    As ever the Righjt claim a massive conspiracy against them. When global warming is shown to be real - it's all a massive conspiracy to lie,

    When has it been shown to be real? It has been SAID to be real but each prediction all the evidence have shown it to be a lie.

    when opinion polls give results you don;t want, it's all another conspiracy against you!

    No conspiracy, facts. Media coverage and slanted polls are evidence.

    Never mind that polling organizations live and die by the accuracy of their results. But still, you know what they say, reality has a known liberal bias.

    And apparantly intelligence isn't a bias of yours, history has shown the media always skews their polls, only letting out the truth a couple weeks prior to the election. Did you know about the polls in 2010? Media Bias played a large part and Democrats got WHALLOPED by races they just knew they were winning.

    Oh, and please show where I am "advocating for him".

    I can't show you who you are advocating but I can show you where you have taken an extremely liberal stance, cited not one fact provided no evidence yet attacked conservatives. Now go ahead, tell us you don't support Obama so you can complete your profile as a liberal liar.

  35. Puleeeeze. The gop has been trying to disavow the southern strategy for years and I'm glad the Clairmont Institute did an exhaustive study but conservative attempts to rewrite history are just that. The point is close to 90 percent of southern whites didn't vote for the president and there is a history of whites kinda not liking us darker peoples. Ok, spin it anyway you want but you have to admit southern whites are kinda not fond of blah people. Eh?

  36. Factual error. The Republicans, even southerners, accepted civil rights and were viewed as the party of civil rights. Well that was until 1964 when the cynical calculation was made to draw resentful whites to the party. We are all familiar with the history prior to 64 but that was the turning point in the GOP. I'm pretty familiar with the southern strategy and also the unfactual spin Repubs try to put on it to look less racist. Nice try though.

  37. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Factual error. The Republicans, even southerners, accepted civil rights and were viewed as the party of civil rights. Well that was until 1964 when the cynical calculation was made to draw resentful whites to the party. We are all familiar with the history prior to 64 but that was the turning point in the GOP. I'm pretty familiar with the southern strategy and also the unfactual spin Repubs try to put on it to look less racist. Nice try though.

    Yeah that was intellectual. Never mind. You can't squeeze thought out of a stone racist with a peach pit for a brain.

  38. Yep, only a genius would accept the writings found on the wingnut Claremont Institute website as valid. Field, you certainly have some winners. Now they don't believe southern whites can be racist. Sad, but funny.

  39. Anonymous5:23 PM

    PilotX said...

    Yep, only a genius would accept the writings found on the wingnut Claremont Institute website as valid. Field, you certainly have some winners. Now they don't believe southern whites can be racist. Sad, but funny.

    Ha. This from a guy who is a walking quote factory of Media Matters and the Huffington post.

    You will notice Senor Straw Man that no one said Southern Whites couldn't be racist; what has that got to do with anything?

    What was said is that the Southern Strategy you use to apply reverse logic is a fallacy. Aside from that if you think any southern white is automatically racist, then you must surely know this based solely on your racism.

    And we don't believe Blacks are racist and eternal victims either, but seems like you do.

    What a "winner" you are.

  40. "Don't feel sorry, save it don't spend it. You will need it for yourself in Nov.."

    Sorry wingnut, I promise you that whatever happens in November will not affect my lifetsyle one little bit........Wait, I take that back. If Flipper goes to war with those evil Iranians there could be some issues.

    B.O., you might want to try that Burberry sport deodorant. I bet that even a wingnut won't stink through it.

  41. Ha! Show me where I quoted or used MM or Huff Post ONCE! If your trolls aren't smart enough to understand the connection between racism and the southern strategy you should just use the nuclear option. Your blog will be infected with stupid forever.

  42. Hey, this just in. According to wingnut central polls Romney is up 100 to 0.

  43. Field Negro said...

    "I smell desperation. I actually feel sorry for Mitt and his peeps. :("

    Oh I'm sure that he and they will defecate enough malignant skullduggery Obama's way between now and 11/6 to turn your sympathy into disgust. I have faith in the republiklan when it comes to underhanded slime.

  44. "And apparantly intelligence isn't a bias of yours, history has shown the media always skews their polls, only letting out the truth a couple weeks prior to the election. Did you know about the polls in 2010? Media Bias played a large part and Democrats got WHALLOPED by races they just knew they were winning."

    This is another paranoid fantasy. Welcome to the wingnuts bizarro fantasy world, everybody.

    "I can't show you who you are advocating but I can show you where you have taken an extremely liberal stance, cited not one fact provided no evidence yet attacked conservatives. Now go ahead, tell us you don't support Obama so you can complete your profile as a liberal liar."

    I'm not a liberal - I'm a socialist you moron, and the reason I attack conservatives is that as a general rule you are a shower of cunts. That seems like a good enough reason to me.

    [Incidentally, I have now twice accidently logged in using my son's I.D. Sorry son, but had you bothered to log out properly in the first place it would never of happened.]

  45. "Shower of cunts". Hilarious. Now I just have to figure out how to use that phrase without either ending up sleeping on the couch or back in sensitivity training.
