Saturday, September 29, 2012

Voter fraud from the right. And is Virginia for racists??

"Beware of the hand
When it's comin' from the left
I ain't trippin' just watch ya step
Can't truss it" ~Public Enemy~

Down in Florida the GOP has a problem:

"Republicans on Thursday fired a vendor suspected of submitting 108 questionable new voter registrations in Florida's Palm Beach County, ground zero for disputed ballots in 2000's presidential race.

The Republican Party of Florida used Virginia-based Strategic Allied Consulting to help register and turnout voters in Florida, one of a shrinking handful of states President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are contesting. The Florida state party had paid the firm more than $1.3 million so far, and the Republican National Committee used the group for almost $3 million of work in Nevada, North Carolina, Colorado and Virginia.

"We have zero tolerance for any threat to the integrity of elections. When we were informed of an alleged incident we immediately cut all ties to the company," RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer said." [Source]

OK, it would be bad but not the end of the world if this was an isolated incident but.....

"What first appeared to be an isolated problem in one Florida county has now spread statewide, with election officials in at least seven counties informing prosecutors or state election officials about questionable voter registration forms filled out on behalf of the Republican Party of Florida.
Lux said there have been forms that listed dead people and were either incomplete or illegible. He met with local prosecutors on Friday, but added that his staff was still going through hundreds of forms dropped off by Strategic employees.
Lux, who is a Republican, said he warned local party officials earlier this month when he first learned the company was paying people to register voters." [Source]
How is this for irony? The GOP is enacting tougher voter ID laws all over the country so that they can suppress minority votes and win the elections stamp out voting fraud, and it seems that they are guilty of fraudulent voting practices themselves. Nice.

Finally, Virginia is not only for lovers, it seems that it also the place of racist republican party leaders as well.

 "The Mecklenburg County Republican Committee has come under fire for posting racist photos of the president on its Facebook page. One image depicts Obama as a caveman; another portrays him as a thug.

The Virginia Republican Party has ordered Mecklenburg County to take the photos off its page. Pat Mullins, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, said:

“These kinds of images have no place in political discourse — period. They are offensive, tasteless and should never have been posted anywhere, let alone a local unit’s Facebook page. The Republican Party of Virginia condemns this sort of imagery in the strongest possible terms.”

The photos had been on the page for several months, but it wasn’t until a luncheon event with Republican Senate candidate George Allen on Monday that they started receiving criticism. Allen was campaigning in the state at a luncheon the Mecklenburg County Republican Committee promoted and ProgressVA, which supports Allen’s opponent Timothy M. Kaine, found the photos on the committee’s page. Allen said he had prior knowledge of the photos and has condemned them." [Source] 

So Mr. Macaca Man had "had prior knowledge of the photos"? Oh lawd, I think we have been down this road before.

Anyway, as is to be expected with folks of this ilk, they do not see a problem.

R. Wallace “Wally” Hudson, chairman of the committee, was surprised to hear from a reporter that anyone had taken offense.

“If that group is that sensitive, I’m sorry, they’re just not human,” he said, chuckling. “It’s not American. If they’ve got a problem with it, we’re not going to change what we do.”

I hear you Wally, because being the right kind of "human" is so American.



  1. "How is this for irony? The GOP is enacting tougher voter ID laws all over the country so that they stamp out voting fraud"

    But I thought there was no such thing as voter fraud. Haven't you been insisiting just that for the past year, Field?

    In any event, the voter fraud score would now be Democrats 13,000,000; Republicans 108.

  2. Anonymous9:23 PM

    But, Obama IS a thug.

  3. Yeah, outside of the dc burbs, the tidewater and the college towns Virginia is as old south as alabama or mississippi.

  4. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Yeah, outside of the dc burbs, the tidewater and the college towns Virginia is as old south as alabama or mississippi.

    Don'tcha just hate those white people? Fucking crackers.

  5. Fauxnews just released its advance reviews of the first debate next week:

    "I thought Romney clearly won that debate. He looked confident,
    - his answers were sharp and he appeared more presidential than Obama."
    -- Bill Kristol, reviewing next Wednesday's debate

    "It wasn't even close - not even close. Romney clearly won that debate.
    Obama was flailing for answers - the president didn't have a good night."
    -- O'Reilly, reviewing next Wednesday's debate

    "Romney clearly won that first debate. Obama embarrassed himself.
    Obama seemed tentative and meek, while Romney was calm and presidential."
    -- Hannity, reviewing next Wednesday's debate

    "Romney by a mile - and our post-debate polls show exactly that."
    -- Lou Dobbs, reviewing next Wednesday's debate

  6. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    The MSM already has their post-debate narrative ready for print:

    Romney committed another major gaffe when he said unemployment had been over 8% for the past 43 months when it has actually been 44months.
    --Anderson Poopshoot

    Clearly, Romney's criticism of the President's policies is driven by racism.
    --Tingles Matthews

    Romney is rich and hates blacks, Mexicans, and women.
    ---Rachel Madcow

  7. We lived in Richmond, VA almost a decade. I was, frankly, surprised by the strong undercurrent of bigotry which was masked by seemingly good manners and Southern gentility. We had previously lived in Kentucky where the bigotry was very much "in your face", out in the open. Virginians play it closer to the vest when not among their "own kind" referring to outsiders like me.

  8. Californian Girl is an anti-Virginian bigot.

  9. A shocking revelation:

    U.S. intelligence officials knew within 24 hours of the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya that it was a terrorist attack and suspected Al Qaeda-tied elements were involved, though it took the administration a week to acknowledge it. The account sharply conflicts with claims on the Sunday after the attack by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice that the administration believed the strike was a "spontaneous" event triggered by protests in Egypt over an anti-Islam film.

    It's always so hard to see innocence shattered. So much for the feared rage of Jihad Boy. Sure, we all knew that Obama and his handlers were liars, but the remarkable thing is how bad at it they are. Good thing they have the entire establishment media covering for them.

  10. Anonymous12:37 AM

    I would agree with CaGirl's assessment of Virginia. I was also waiting for the projection of wingnuts to finally be discussed. Instead of having policies that people want...wingnuts have to lie about the policy or prevent Democracy.

    For such loud protests about the Constitution and the Blessings of America, they sure do seem obsessed with preventing all citizens from partaking.


  11. Mold is an anti-Virginian bigot too.

    Actually, she is an anti-sanity bigot.

    And the only "citizens" Republicans are trying to keep from voting are the dead ones.

  12. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Fauxnews just released its advance reviews of the first debate next week:

    Whiteys idea of a good time is dressing up as one of the village people. He never does the construction guy though, he's too macho for him, he likes the Indian, he gets to tickle himself with the feathers.

  13. SickupandFed3:46 AM

    As of this writing, that Facebook page no longer exists. Kinda funny isn't it. I thought they weren't gonna change what they do.

    These people are intent on stealing this thing, aren't they. There is one sure way to stop it. Voting in massive numbers. And that is exactly what's gonna happen.

    BTW Field, people are pissed and ready to hit the streets if they try it.

  14. Despite Rasmussen's best efforts, when you combine all the polling information there is no history of US opinion polls biasing towards one party over another.

    Of the last ten presidential elections, five have shown poll results that slightly favored the Democratic candidate, four have slightly favored the Republican.

    The exception being 2008 where the opinion polls predicted Obama's eventual winning margin correct to the exact decimal point.

    What is true is that the losing side (be it Republican or Democrat) always attempts to blame biased polling - as the nutjobs are doing now.

    Details here...

  15. Anonymous5:28 AM

    SickupandFed said...

    "These people are intent on stealing this thing, aren't they. There is one sure way to stop it. Voting in massive numbers. And that is exactly what's gonna happen.

    " BTW Field, people are pissed and ready to hit the streets if they try it."

    Shhhh...peopel are gonna think you aint spanish sayin shit like that.

  16. Quote Anonymous 2:30 yesterday

    "Living proof of why liberalism has never produced anything but misery and failures. You can't understand objectivity and actual analysis without your limited intelligence bias paving the way. You forgot to include the next paragraphs which clearly, logically and factually explain why they have said what they did. Objectivity or adulthood is obviously as alien to you as you look, you seem to expect everyone to ignore reality and align with specific ideologies, race or parties.

    "But this is based on a sample that includes eight percent more Democrats than it does Republicans for an electorate that is made up of two percent more Republicans than Democrats. This eight percent over-sampling of Democrats gives Obama a four percent lead in survey data that should show by a smaller two percent margin instead."


    Spectacular piece of point-missing there anony - why would FoxNews commission a poll that was biased towards Democrats?

  17. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Anonymous SickupandFed said...

    As of this writing, that Facebook page no longer exists. Kinda funny isn't it. I thought they weren't gonna change what they do.

    These people are intent on stealing this thing, aren't they. There is one sure way to stop it. Voting in massive numbers. And that is exactly what's gonna happen.

    BTW Field, people are pissed and ready to hit the streets if they try it.

    With you and your kind "taking the streets" At least we know the bookstores that are left will be safe, until you can be ventilated.

  18. Anon., we certainly know that those aren't tea party folks hanging out in book stores.

    WC, you are spot on. I can't wait to see the debate spin.

    BTW, I do believe that Flipper and O are a push when I comes to debating skills, so it should be close.

  19. Mr Field,

    Those on the Right who hype Rasmussen as the most accurate pollster are referring his accuracy in 2008. But his current methodolgy is flawed, especially as he uses robocalling, which cannot contact cell phone users (one-third of the country has no land lines now, especially young.) The American Research Group rated 11 pollsters after the 2010 election. Guess who finished DEAD LAST in accuracy. Fox News' housie.

  20. read between the racial lines10:56 AM

    Speaking of bookstores, field writes:

    Anon., we certainly know that those aren't tea party folks hanging out in book stores.

    The ONLY bookstore in Harlem -- the Hue-Man Bookstore -- is now closed.

    It went out of business a couple of months ago even though it was getting nearly FREE rent from the Magic Johnson Movie Theater, which leases the building in which both were located.

    So, as we know, there ain't a lot of book reading going on in the black world. But when you walk along 125th St in Harlem, you can always find several sidewalk vendors selling anti-white hate literature and loony Nation of Islam junk. And Obama t-shirts.

  21. dead voters register here11:00 AM

    In the 2000 presidential election, Bush won because he got 527 more votes in Florida than Al Gore.

    That gave him the Electoral College majority that put him in office.

    So when you clowns argue that Voter Fraud is small potatoes, it's obvious you don't know the math of the Electoral College Voting System.

  22. Kingnut11:02 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    why would FoxNews commission a poll that was biased towards Democrats?

    That's a good question, especially if you assume that Fox News is biased to the right. The fact is that Fox Polls are almost always outliers in depicting democrat leads, that is, if there is any bias, it seems to be in overstating Democratic party numbers.

    Now why would that be?

  23. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Purple Cow said...

    "Spectacular piece of point-missing there anony - why would FoxNews commission a poll that was biased towards Democrats?"

    Well said. Unfortunately the brutally direct point you missed, you missed yet again and decided to flaunt it in case those who are immune may have missed it.

    Here I'll repeat it for you.

    "You can't understand objectivity and actual analysis without your limited intelligence bias paving the way."

    Is that somehow unclear or is your bias creating a situation where you simply can never understand?

  24. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anonymous dead voters register here said...

    In the 2000 presidential election, Bush won because he got 527 more votes in Florida than Al Gore.

    That gave him the Electoral College majority that put him in office.

    So when you clowns argue that Voter Fraud is small potatoes, it's obvious you don't know the math of the Electoral College Voting System.

    Maths? The Maths skarez Dem ocrats

  25. Anonymous11:26 AM

    "The Maths skarez Dem ocrats"

    Which is why a republican tried to get himself 108 votes in: because democrats are scared of math.

    Uh huh.

  26. Anonymous11:30 AM

    R. Wallace “Wally” Hudson, chairman of the committee, was surprised to hear from a reporter that anyone had taken offense.

    “If that group is that sensitive, I’m sorry, they’re just not human,” he said, chuckling. “It’s not American. If they’ve got a problem with it, we’re not going to change what we do.”

    Field, Field, Field, your qoutes are composites of others who quoted the story on the Washington post. Separately they said things like

    "It’s not American. If they’ve got a problem with it, we’re not going to change what we do."

    It isn't American to censor free speech and humor because someone is Muslim like and gets so offended of satire. If these pictures have to go, so does the entire liberal humor experience especially Bill Maher's show, which is hate but called Humor.

    If that group is that sensitive, I’m sorry, they’re just not human.

    Humans have a sense of humor and couldn't possible get overworked about a guy in a tank top t shirt listing his accomplishments, why would that be offensive? Because it tell the truth or because Obama doesn't wear tank tops?

    Most telling is putting sentences and various quotes together to increase the appearance or racism.

    As if anyone cares anymore about the Uber sensitive and eternally offended among us. When you get offended at school grades, speech, violence, baby mamas and things of that sort, then come talk to me about a picture.

  27. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Oh-OH, what happens when one of your splintered groups of voters that you have protected by breaking the laws and your pledge to uphold the constitution decides they don't want to be crooked and liars and go against the cover-up? The spin shall be interesting, Obama can't use the normal stick of calling them racists.

    Be sure to watch, it's got English subtitles.

    Univision To Broadcast Special Highlighting More Fast And Furious Deaths with detailed investigation.

    Oh and did any news organizations report on the terrorist attack cover up that just was clearly exposed where Americans were killed due to incompetence or sheer laziness?

  28. Anonymous11:51 AM

    This is funny.

    The MSM reported that the Romney crowd in Toledo was well below expectations.

    Meanwhile, hundreds of obama supporters protested across the street.


    Do you think they got the liberal stinkeye?

  29. I see desperate people.

  30. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    I see desperate people.

    Yeah those Obama supporters were pretty unruly and scragly, good thing there was only a handful - then again they were paid $ 11 dollars an hour by SEIU to be there and I think funds are tight for Democrats and Unions with thinning ranks.

  31. Quote Anony...

    "Here I'll repeat it for you.
    "You can't understand objectivity and actual analysis without your limited intelligence bias paving the way."
    Is that somehow unclear or is your bias creating a situation where you simply can never understand?"

    So are you going to answer my question now?

  32. I see that even Rasmussen - the organization owned by a George W. Bush crony that consistently gave a 4% bias to conservative candidates in recent elections is showing a 2% lead for Obama.

    So if you factor in their bias, gives a 6% lead to OBama in line with all the other polling organizations.

  33. Typical Successful White Person1:17 PM

    field negro said...
    I see desperate people.
    Better get used to it.

    If America does reelect Barack Obama, I am done with America.

    I am not the "rich", but I do have a little over a million dollars in retirement accounts, all of which has been moved into overseas investments pending the election. I have a couple of options regarding emigration, and have begun to explore the legal process required to do so. I have a foreign employer and can get by in Spanish and German.

    America will not notice my leaving, but I will not be alone. Much bigger fish will swim to other ponds. If the election goes to Obama, you will see trillions worth of capital exit the US before the end of the year.

    An electorate who can be distracted from the disastrous record of this President by a phony War on Women and the demonization of Mitt Romney's personal success is one who can be counted on to drive this country to utter ruin. It is not a population that I am willing to throw my lot in with. There are many people who feel this way, and there are many more who will come to this conclusion should the country be so foolish as to give Obama another four years.

    This is your last chance America. You have about five weeks to get it together. Otherwise, you will really get a lesson in desparation.

  34. Typical"successful" white person, you will be right here regardless of who wins.

    But, if you do decide to leave, please send me an inventory of your stuff you would like to sell. I might be interested in buying some things from you before your big trip.

  35. Anonymous1:45 PM

    all those racist whiteys but your not a racist no of course not you just see racists under every rock. those fraudulent votes all came from the same man who turns out to be an obongo boy.can you say commie watch the republicans make sure he is prosecuted.

  36. Anonymous3:15 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Quote Anony...

    "Here I'll repeat it for you.
    "You can't understand objectivity and actual analysis without your limited intelligence bias paving the way."
    Is that somehow unclear or is your bias creating a situation where you simply can never understand?"

    So are you going to answer my question now?

    I already have, Twice. If you are having trouble understanding, perhaps you aren't as bright as those harboring guilt complexes have led you to believe.

    The soft racism of lowering standards and expectations. Could be your trophies aren't that shiny when looking around you see how common they are, everyone gets one.

  37. Two years ago I published a book on Amazon titled, "Mulatto Queen: England's Black Queen."

    During the two year period the book routinely got five-star reviews which are needed to sell the book well. Two weeks ago a malicious review pogrom orchestrated by a well-known forum racist dumped 5, one-star reviews on my product page. This resulted in a virtual halt on all book sales.

    These malicious reviews say nothing about the content of the book. They make claims that are false and misleading. For example, one of the reviews says I don't know how to use contractions; another says, all the facts are wrong. Believe it or not; Amazon allows this kind of spamming. There is nothing you can do to get rid of it even when it destroys your sales.

    I need your help in fighting this.

    Please follow the link below and read the first three chapters of the book. Then post a review.

    I will not tell you what your review should say, I only ask that it be an honest assessment of what you read.

    Here's the link:
    Thank you

  38. "I already have, Twice."

    No. You.Have.Not

  39. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Obama 2012

    I am voting Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away the social security from those who paid into it.

  40. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Gary Lloyd said...

    Two years ago I published a book on Amazon titled, "Mulatto Queen: England's Black Queen."

    I need your help in fighting this.

    Please follow the link below and read the first three chapters of the book. Then post a review.

    Purple help this fellow out will you?

    After all, who could be better qualified than a Flibbertigibbet like you to look into a matter concerning English Queens.

    Pip-Pip - Cheerio.

  41. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "I already have, Twice."

    No. You.Have.Not

    I see. Here's a good lad, add this trophy to your collection, shiny isn't it?

  42. Wayne's daddy5:46 PM

    Quoting that dummy Wayne: "And is Virginia for racist?"

    Wayne, you're lucky that you have your affirmative action job in a choco city, you can't even use the English language correctly. What an asshole you are.

  43. Typical White Person said...

    If America does reelect Barack Obama, I am done with America.

    I have a foreign employer and can get by in Spanish and German.

    Have at it. There is nowhere else in the world with our combination of intensive government infrastructure & services, opportunity and low taxes. Take your Randian fantasy south of the border and you might like the low tax burden, but then you'll have to shell out your greenbacks at every turn and for everyday minutia that you take for granted now. You see, instead of paying for government services up front, you'll have the pleasure of being shaken down by individual cops & clerks and everyone from "neighborhood associations" to "parking sentries" who may or may not safeguard your property but will sure as hell arrange it's damage/disappearance if you don't pay.

    Or you could go the Euro route. No downlow there, unless its Italy, or east of the odor, or in the balkans, but then again if you stay in the germanophone countries you'll find that your spending income and IRA all get taxed at european rates, and of course when you die they have a VERY different philosophy on inheritance takes than we do.

    There are reasons that even with all of our problems, people from all over the world still desperately want to move here. So, go ahead, leave, make room for more of them. We'll get the better of the bargain by far.

  44. Typical Successful White Person6:43 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Have at it. There is nowhere else in the world with our combination of intensive government infrastructure & services, opportunity and low taxes....people from all over the world still desperately want to move here.

    Correction, there WAS nowhere else in the world like the US. Under Obama's leadership, the US has seen it's credit rating downgraded and it's rank on the list of of competitive economies plummet. There is no end in sight if the democrats remain in power.

    The only people who desperately want to move here are the third world peasants that the democrats import as voters. If you are trading millionaires for welfare recipients, I don't think that's a good sign. Take a good look at Southern California if you want to see where that strategy leads.

    I'm not kidding. My money is already out of here, and if we are dumb enough to reelect Obama, I'm going too. America can say adios to my tax dollars, and find somebody else to pay the bills of dependent class (aka democrat base).

  45. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Field,where do your commenters come from? They seem to wait until you update your blog then anything hateful and very ugly goes.

    Regarding the person who cannot follow current events such as voter fraud. Listen carefully, there was NONE UNTIL the GOP did it in an effort secure a win for Romney. They spent over $3M on violating the LAW by registering GOP voters only & forge ring documents. I don't understand how you and the rest of the GOP can claim to "love the USA" when you sit back and allow it to be destroyed by your own party members.

  46. Anon., the troll factory has my blog ID up near the assembly line.:)

    And you are correct about voter fraud and who is really doing it.

    Anon. above with the Wayne obsession (I love my name as well) it's called an iPad. When you post with those things the keys tend to stick, and a word might get left off here and there.

    Don't worry, I am sure that they will be coming to your trailer park very soon.

    Busy folks can't always be at their desk top. There is racism out here to chase. :)

  47. History Is A Bit*h10:42 AM

    The "Opelousas Massacre". You want to talk about something that happened 144 years ago.

    What about today? Who's massacring who?

    Maybe white folks need to remember the "history" of Nat Turner, who's portrayed as a hero in today's schools.

  48. if you could only see the things I've seen as these people just don't care they are so brazen.

  49. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Both sides lie to get the things they want and care way more about keeping a job than what good for the people there great at playing sides against each other poor people want to take rich peoples money and rich ones don't care about poor ones at all I'm done with all of it
