Sunday, September 30, 2012

I bet Mia Love doesn't know the story of the "Opelousas Massacre".

In a sad development here in America, the republican poster child for their party's inclusiveness has been receiving letters that aren't so...well, loving.

Someone out there doesn't like Mia, and they are letting her know in no uncertain terms how they feel about her.

 "A packet of information sent to Mayor Mia Love's office that city officials described as racist launched a police investigation Tuesday.

City Manager Mark Christensen described the contents of the thick envelope as "disturbing" and "pretty creepy stuff." He said it included a picture of Love and her husband, Jason, and a hooded Ku Klux Klan character. There also were pictures of aborted fetuses, he said.
"I couldn't tell if it was threatening or anything. It kind of shocked me, what I saw," he said.
Christensen said the city has received others mailings aimed at Love but nothing like the one that arrived Tuesday. He said he turned it over to the police department. " 
Now who would do such a thing? Mia, of course, believes that an Obamaholic is not playing nice with her.
"Calling herself a "tough cookie," Love said she would do everything she can to protect herself and her family. Hicken said police might increase patrols around Love's house as they would for any resident who receives threats.
Love said she believes she's a target because she poses a problem to the policies of the Obama administration. She said the threats are meant to divert her from the issues in the race." [Source]
Sorry Mia, but you might want to check under your own tent. I know that this might come as a shock to you, but not everyone in America is buying into your color blind kumbaya view of the right.
Anyway, even though Mia's milk has been less than clean lately; I certainly hope that the culprit doing this crap is brought to justice. BTW, if it happens to be an Obamaholic or someone from the dumbocratic party, I will be the first to report it on this site.
Finally, Friday was the little known anniversary of a very serious incident which took place in Mrs. Field's home town back in the day. Those of you who are not  up on real American history might want take a little time to read up on the Opelousas Riots Massacre. It's particularly relevant now because of all this voter suppression crap going on. [Read here]
Just remember, "If you don't know your history, you are doomed to repeat it." 


  1. FWD from yesterday

    Typical White Person said...

    If America does reelect Barack Obama, I am done with America.

    I have a foreign employer and can get by in Spanish and German.

    Have at it. There is nowhere else in the world with our combination of intensive government infrastructure & services, opportunity and low taxes. Take your Randian fantasy south of the border and you might like the low tax burden, but then you'll have to shell out your greenbacks at every turn and for everyday minutia that you take for granted now. You see, instead of paying for government services up front, you'll have the pleasure of being shaken down by individual cops & clerks and everyone from "neighborhood associations" to "parking sentries" who may or may not safeguard your property but will sure as hell arrange it's damage/disappearance if you don't pay.

    Or you could go the Euro route. No downlow there, unless its Italy, or east of the odor, or in the balkans, but then again if you stay in the germanophone countries you'll find that your spending income and IRA all get taxed at european rates, and of course when you die they have a VERY different philosophy on inheritance than we do.

    There are reasons that even with all of our problems, people from all over the world still desperately want to move here. So, go ahead, leave, make room for more of them. We'll get the better of the bargain by far.

  2. On the Mia Love thing, there are always going to be plenty of white supremacists who remain unreconcilable to even the toadiest toms, and klan polititricksters enough to make sure that "one of their blacks" (as al coulter puts it) gets attacked in exploitably raunchy terms that I'd assume those horses the source of these hoofbeats instead of the Democratic zebras that the klanners wand to blame.

  3. I think Romney and his campaign made a HUGE mistake hiding his Mormonism, clearly the center of his being and where his humanity shines on full display, and running him instead as an invisible man. I've thought all along that this was a nod to reality, that there was no "there" there, but this article changed my mind. I'll bet they're kicking themselves over it now that it's way too late to make another first impression.

  4. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Field, "Those of you who are not up on real American history might want take a little time to read up on the Opelousas Riots Massacre."

    That was a horrible massacre of Blacks. I am concerned that if there might be a repeat of that a similar massacre of Blacks, who will be vastly outnumbered. ..should Obama gets re-elected.

    With all the crazy extremists in America, I am surprised that no one is talking about this possibility. Maybe they don't care what happens to Blacks?

    This is so depressing but should I be killed for being Black, what will it matter? we all have to die anyway. So what's the difference?

    Thank you Field for another fucking depressing post. You eff'd up my weekend on Friday and on the eve of a new week, you eff that up too. I know you wrote this post to mess me up.

    depressed Negro

  5. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Whitey, I'm getting kind of sick of your klan shit. Of approximately 250 million whites in America 55 million are registered Republican voters . According to the Anti Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center there are 3000 to 5000 members of the KKK. I personally find it hard to believe they are all Republicans. I mean considering that the klan was born of the Democratic party. Nathan Bedford Forrest the klans first leader stated the klan was opposed to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, and carpetbaggers. They thought southern blacks were voting Republican after being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues. Anyway I'm white ,Republican, and not a racist, and you kinda piss me off with by insinuating I am a klanner, a racist, etc. I hope all liberal Democrats are not as hate filled , racist, and ignorant as you.

  6. Anonymous8:29 PM

    "Love said she believes she's a target because she poses a problem to the policies of the Obama administration. She said the threats are meant to divert her from the issues in the race."

    Mia is deluded. She has psychotic 'wishful' thinking that her color has nothing to do with the threats at her. I pray that she doesn't find out by a physical assault on her life.

    As I have said before, "It is depressing to be Black in America." And it doesn't matter which political party they are in. We are still in PRE- post racial era which seems to be here to stay.

    depressed Negro

  7. Grannie Guacamole8:48 PM

    Real classy of some liberal Obama voter to send Mia Love Klan images.

    Nothing pisses off a democrat more than when one the "their" negroes wanders off the plantation.


  8. Anonymous said...

    "Whitey, I'm getting kind of sick of your klan shit."

    I calls 'em as I sees 'em. I suggest you register your dyspepsia with the republiklan.

  9. "3000 to 5000 members of the KKK. I personally find it hard to believe they are all Republicans."

    Because nothing would inspire a klanner to join a political party more than that said party electing a blah president and being the home of the CBC.
    Are conservatives really this delusional or are they just being humor trolls?

  10. Anonymous9:13 PM

    PilotX what you fail to realize is there are White Dems who hate Blacks. You just don't seem to get that thru your silly "blah" Negro head. You are as deluded as Mia Love. Maybe you two should hitch up?

  11. Wayne's daddy9:35 PM

    Wayne, you ignorant little racist midget. I had hoped you wouldn't grow up to be such as asshole, but you disappointed me.

  12. Wayne's brother9:38 PM

    How many times in this country have blacks distributed anti-black pamphlets in order to stir up trouble, Wayne you asshole? Many times, many; and that's only the instances in which they got caught. Meanwhile, the racist midget Wayne stirs up anti-white hate every day, and can do so openly because assholes like Wayne get rewarded for black racism.

  13. I love Mrs. Love's confidence that she will singlehandedly destroy the CBC. She has expressed that her only reason for joining is to destroy it from the inside. Good luck with that maybe the magic underwear will help. If Col. Allen West couldn't do it maybe it can't be done.

  14. No longer looking forward to the debate Wednesday. Mrs. X was watching CSPAN and they had the presidential debates from 84, 92 and 96. It was like watching reruns as the same arguments were rehashed. The incumbents say the same thing as do the challengers. Obama will say exactly what Reagan said in '84 and Romney will be playing the Mondale role. Damn her and CSPAN for ruining my week.

  15. Lincoln-Douglass debates were over the issues of slavery....Preident Obama-Romeny will be over the masters...which group of wealthy Americans will be in charge.

  16. Anonymous1:06 AM

    "I love Mrs. Love's confidence that she will singlehandedly destroy the CBC. She has expressed that her only reason for joining is to destroy it from the inside. Good luck with that maybe the magic underwear will help. If Col. Allen West couldn't do it maybe it can't be done."

    Dear PilotX, if Mia destroys the CBC she won't be destroying much. As a matter, she will be doing our race a favor, because the CBC hasn't been worth a shit for almost half a century.

    All those CBC Negroes have been doing is lining their pockets and getting rich w/o doing a damn thing for those who voted them in.... I can't think of ONE honest Negro in politics in America. Every last one is full of it. That is damn depressing.

    So, I hope Mia, in her naivety, will obliterate the CBC. And while she is at it, maybe can take care of the NAACP too. Those Negroes are depressing too.

    Like I said before, it is depressing to be Black in America because EVERYBODY is giving us the rusty shaft.

    depressed Negro

  17. Depressed Negro, what,exactly, is a "rusty shaft"? And do poor whites and immigrants get it as well?

  18. Anonymous8:27 AM

    you are the reason we don't like niggers we give you more hand outs and phony law degrees yet you still act like criminals.racist bums.

  19. Anonymous8:57 AM

    "Depressed Negro, what,exactly, is a "rusty shaft"? And do poor whites and immigrants get it as well?"

    When I said EVERYBODY gives the shaft to Blacks, I was taking aim at the CBC. While Congress basically screws us all, poor Whites and immigrants have no direct interest in the CBC but Blacks do. Or at least, they should.

    The CBC is weak. It is useless and ineffectual; and is taking up valuable space in Congress, like the Charlie Rangel, who is probably still lining his pockets at our expense! But he is NOT the only black politician doing that. That is pretty depressing for some Blacks. Throw them out and get some strong politicians who will AT LEAST make an EFFORT to make a difference for their black voters.

    For instance, an effectual CBC would have gone after Obama for ignoring and insulting them and the entire black race. Instead, they acted like a mouse, like scolded children. They did nothing!...except Maxine. But even she went silent.

    The CBC is 'all' mouth, and 'zero' action. They have been giving Blacks the rusty shaft for decades.They are one 'giant' depression of hopelessness to the nth degree.

    I know I speak soft words, but these days you have to be PC. That's fucking depressing.

    depressed Negro

  20. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    you are the reason we don't like niggers we give you more hand outs and phony law degrees yet you still act like criminals.racist bums.

    8:27 AM
    u must be one of those Whites 'outside' the 47% bums in America that Romney talked about. Nah, who am I kidding. You are one of those poor Whites who has 'nothin', never will have 'nothin' and was told by your parents that you will NEVER amount to 'nothin'. And you want to blame Blacks for your weakness? GET REAL, Boy.

  21. black monday10:58 AM

    Mia Love receives hate mail?

    Wow. A walk down 125th Street in Harlem gives anyone an opportunity to pick up piles of anti-white hate literature.

    Street vendors working off card tables peddle loads of it. Screeds purporting to tell negroes how whites have committed every possible sin and atrocity against them.

    The sales and distribution go on every day. Every day of the year.

    Some of the material is supplied by the Nation of Islam. And often enough, one of Louis Farrakhan's Fruit of Islam will hawk copies of The Final Call, the NOI's racist "newspaper."

    There's an endless supply of anti-white hate literature pumped into the hands of blacks every day. And Obama seems happy for the fact.

    Unfortunately for blacks, if Obama is re-elected, problems for blacks will increase. Unemployment will rise and social services will be cut -- because there's no more money to blow on entitlement programs and Obama has stopped the economy from growing.

    That's a fatal combination. Worse for blacks in NY City, the next mayor may be one of the liberal idiots who believes it's the police who cause crime to occur in black neighborhoods.

    We're headed for more murders in the city. Whites won't feel much of the effect. It'll be more of the old story -- blacks murdering each other. But that'll stop whites from moving to Harlem, which will re-start the old problem of urban decay.

  22. "We're headed for more murders in the city. Whites won't feel much of the effect."

    You won't?

    Ahhh, poor you. My heart bleeds for my melanin-challenged friends. You white folks have it so tough in post-Racial america.

  23. Anonymous12:33 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "We're headed for more murders in the city. Whites won't feel much of the effect."

    You won't?

    Ahhh, poor you. My heart bleeds for my melanin-challenged friends. You white folks have it so tough in post-Racial america.

    He don't read so good do he...or maybe he had that little quip qued up and flung it out even though it don't fit.

    Why do you feel bad because Whites will not have the joy of experiencing Blacks committing more mayhem on each other?

  24. Anonymous12:35 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Whitey, I'm getting kind of sick of your klan shit. Of approximately 250 million whites in America 55 million are registered Republican voters . According to the Anti Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center there are 3000 to 5000 members of the KKK. I personally find it hard to believe they are all Republicans. I mean considering that the klan was born of the Democratic party. Nathan Bedford Forrest the klans first leader stated the klan was opposed to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, and carpetbaggers. They thought southern blacks were voting Republican after being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues. Anyway I'm white ,Republican, and not a racist, and you kinda piss me off with by insinuating I am a klanner, a racist, etc. I hope all liberal Democrats are not as hate filled , racist, and ignorant as you."


    Finding a democratic klansman would be like trying to find Waldo.

    Apparently this dipshit didn't read the entire article where it explains (truthfully) how the party of Lincoln, those republicans, are not even the same as those of today and vice versa with the democrats.

    Nice try into whitewashing history, but you're so full of bullshit, no doubt your eyes are brown.

  25. Anonymous12:36 PM

    "Depressed Negro, what,exactly, is a "rusty shaft"? And do poor whites and immigrants get it as well?"

    It is what Whitey gets when he forgets to dry off his his iron penis implant. Iron was the cheaper model and all that medicare would pay for. But they will give him a scooter for fat folks who get lots a foodstamps for free.

  26. black shadow12:41 PM

    @ black monday:

    That's the irony yes? Blacks here accuse whites of being racist by bringing up the long gone klan, while open calls for white genocide are passed out on the street every day of the year.

    And their white liberal masters use the same imagery to keep them in line.

    What a fetid plantation they inhabit.

  27. Typical Negro12:53 PM

    What a fetid plantation they inhabit.

    I likes me some of that fetid cheese on my salads dats greek rigt?

  28. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Typical Negro, "I likes me some of that fetid cheese on my salads dats greek rigt?"

    No it's not. And you are not Black. You are an ignorant racist with a lousy character and you live alone with nothing to do except contemplate suicide. I know you.

  29. I am not saying that this women is a "Cornel West" or a "Travis Smiley". what's happening to her is benedictive of what happens to Black folks who don't drink the red KoolAid for any reason. Cornel West Smiley took took so much heat and ridicule( called house N*ggas, etc. for calling Obama out on not doing enough for the poor and working class while bending over backwards to satiate the greed of the bankers. So if that can be done to these two brothers, God Help the rest.I just wish these Kool Aid drinkers spent as much time pushing Obama to live up to his change mandate, which is why he was elected

  30. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Typical Negro, "I likes me some of that fetid cheese on my salads dats greek rigt?"

    No it's not. And you are not Black. You are an ignorant racist with a lousy character and you live alone with nothing to do except contemplate suicide. I know you.

    Wuts racist about likin fetid cheese who make it greek slaves?

    If you know me brings sum o dat fetid cheese over we gone have us us a salad party and you gone toss my salad u like dat

  31. blood in the streets4:10 PM

    purple cow dung chimes in with his usual missing of the point:

    Regarding how whites in NY City won't suffer much from an increase in murders because the increase will afflict only blacks and hispanics:

    Ahhh, poor you. My heart bleeds for my melanin-challenged friends. You white folks have it so tough in post-Racial america.

    The murder rate among white Americans is low. The murder rate among black Americans is high and going higher.

    Unless Ray Kelly, currently our Police Commissioner, runs for mayor, the city will elect a liberal moron who runs for office with promises of reducing the police presence in black neighborhoods.

    The results will be tragic. Talk about harvest. The black thugs will harvest other blacks like they're a field of wheat while the cops stick to patrolling white neighborhoods.

    Drug dealing will increase, and drug-related murders will follow. Moreover, if Obama is re-elected, more jobs will go off-shore, ensuring higher black unemployment.

  32. words fall short4:15 PM

    black shadow wrote:

    What a fetid plantation they inhabit.

    A fetid, gangrenous plantation.

  33. he afro-dently shot hisself4:29 PM

    Even though black historians ( compiled the following account, blacks do what they always do -- side with those who abuse them most:

    The Opelousas Massacre (1868)

    The Opelousas Massacre occurred on September 28, 1868 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.

    Conservative estimates made by contemporary observers indicated about 30 people died from the political violence. Later historians have placed the total closer to 150.

    While most Reconstruction era violence was sparked by conflicts between black Republicans and white Democrats, the initial catalyst for the Massacre was the attempt by some Opelousas blacks to join a Democratic political group in the neighboring town of Washington.

    White Democrats in Opelousas, mainly members of the Seymour Knights, the local unit of the white supremacist organization Knights of the White Camellia, visited Washington to drive them out of the Party.

    In response Emerson Bentley, an Ohio-born white school teacher and editor of The Progress, a Republican newspaper in Opelousas, wrote what many local whites thought was a racially inflammatory article which described the violence that the Seymour Knights had used against the African American Democrats in Washington.

    Bentley argued that such violence should persuade the blacks to remain loyal to the GOP.

    Shortly after the article appeared, Bentley was assaulted by a group of whites. He was severely beaten and whipped although he survived the assault.

    Now black Republicans urged retaliatory violence on the Knights, who in turn viewed this as the beginning of the long anticipated, and inevitable, “Black Revolt” and race war.

    The Knights of the White Camellia mobilized thousand of members. Both sides were armed and prepared for conflict as they gathered in Opelousas.

    It is unclear as to who initiated the battle that began on September 28. What is clear is that the white Democrats had the overwhelming advantage in numbers and weapons.

    By the afternoon of September 28 the battle had become a massacre. A number of blacks were shot and killed or captured and later executed. Those who were not captured were chased into the swamps and killed on sight.

    Twelve leaders of the black Republicans who surrendered were executed the next day on the edge of town.

  34. Quote Anonymous 12:33

    "He don't read so good do he...or maybe he had that little quip qued up and flung it out even though it don't fit. Why do you feel bad because Whites will not have the joy of experiencing Blacks committing more mayhem on each other?"

    Congratulations, you've completely missed the point.

    As usual.

  35. Anon@1:03PM, I know that contemptible pathetic nbred as well.

  36. Help a Brother Fight Racism

    My brothers and sisters, if you could please pause to consider the following.

    After years of research I finally published my book on Amazon titled Mulatto Queen. For two years it was selling well and getting great responses.

    Two weeks ago a notorious internet racist decided to kill my book. He did this by writing review after review calling the book "garbage" and urging people not to read it.

    His campaign is working. He was smart enough to cover his racism by appearing to address only the quality of my writing, not my claim -- that the British Royal Family has African roots.

    He's winning and winning big time. People have abruptly stopped buying the book.

    How you can help.

    By following the link below you can read free sample chapters of the book to decide whether my writing is garbage. Assuming you've made a purchase from Amazon in the past, you can then leave an honest review to offset his dishonest one.

    I of course never will be able to thank you personally for this, but you'll be doing your bit to help get the truth of the African roots of the British Royal Family.

    Here's the link. Please take the few minutes necessary to visit it and leave a short review:


  37. 9 times out of 10 that hate mail was sent to Mia Love by a member of the party she died for.

  38. Meh...9:05 PM

    Hmm, I wonder what Mia Love has to say about the attack on Obama's citizenship, especially with the recent developments of Trump's proposal? Has she ever said anything about Michelle Obama being compared to a monkey or given the title of the "Angry Black Woman"? Which is kinda ironic given that every picture I see of Ms. Love, she is pointing her finger. I just wonder...
