Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I could use that five million, Sarah being Sarah, and the black information bubble.

If I have to cut this post short I hope you will understand. I am waiting on word from my peeps who are out there trying to dig up Obama's college transcripts and his passport. I could use that five million Mr. Bad Hair is offering  to O. Maybe if I get it to him first he will give me the money.

".. Donald Trump, whose birtherism helped fuel a presidential exploration last year and prodded President Obama to release his Hawaii birth certificate, is now challenging Obama to release college and passport records.

“Many, many people have questions, and very serious questions,” Trump says today in a video statement that doesn’t elaborate on what those questions are.
“If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice….a check, immediately, for $5 million,” The Donald says. To claim the reward, Trump says, Obama must release the records by 5 p.m. on Oct. 31.
“If he releases these records it will end the question and indeed the anger of many Americans. They’ll know something about their president. Their president will become transparent like other presidents,” Trump says."

So this is Mr. Bad Hair's "October surprise" and bombshell? Sometimes I swear the man is working for the dems.

So anyway, I saw a little of Mitt's speech in Colorado, today. Mitt, who is the "colored" candidate in this race? WTF is that on your face? Is that an orange spray tan? Yes, I think it is. Mitt, I sure hope that you aren't tanning up again for the Hispanic vote.

Finally, it seems that thanks to sports and our girl Sarah Palin, there are some racial issues to address.

First Sarah.

"Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin released a statement on her Facebook page accusing President Obama of engaging in "shuck and jive shtick" regarding last month's attack in Benghazi, Libya.

"Why the lies? Why the cover up? Why the dissembling about the cause of the murder of our ambassador on the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil? We deserve answers to this. President Obama's shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end," Palin wrote.

For those who aren't familiar with the phrase, "shuck and jive" is a racially-tinged expression. According to the user-submitted Urban Dictionary, the term "originally referred to the intentionally misleading words and actions that African-Americans would employ in order to deceive racist Euro-Americans in power, both during the period of slavery and afterwards." [Source] 

Yawn. Sadly for her, Sarah is no longer relevant. These comments might as well be coming from some redneck in a trailer down in Mississippi.

Besides, I am done calling out racism in the republiklan party. If the Negroes who belong to that party and support it aren't bothered, then why should I concern myself?   

Then there are sports.

Jason Whitlock is at it again. This time he is calling out what he calls the black "information bubble" for protecting black quarterbacks like Cam Newton:

"The “information bubble” is the No. 1 obstacle/hindrance for black NFL quarterbacks.

This bubble creates delusion, erodes self-awareness and unwittingly undermines a black QB’s chance of sustaining success.
Cam Newton is a victim of the information bubble. Robert Griffin III is the bubble’s next target.

Let me explain. We’re in our political season. Democrats and Republicans both have their respective information bubbles, MSNBC and FOX News, respectively. They can lock their televisions on a single channel and avoid hearing their perspectives challenged in a credible way and hear their critics’ lambasted. It’s comforting. It’s polarizing. It’s unhealthy for intellectual growth and our democracy.

Black sports fans and black pop-culture media (not sports media) have created a loosely-formed-but-influential social-media and talk-radio information bubble for black QBs. This network of groupthink roars on sports-talk radio, black-owned radio stations, Facebook and Twitter, pumping out the message that Newton, Griffin and others can do no wrong and any criticism of them is rooted in racism. Fear of backlash from this network of well-intentioned enablers causes many mainstream sports analysts (media and fans of all colors) to avoid being totally honest about black QBs.

That’s how a career-killing, information bubble is formed.
White QBs don’t have to deal with this. In Kansas City, a group of fans paid for a banner to be flown over Arrowhead Stadium that called for owner Clark Hunt to bench Matt Cassel. Kansas City’s backup quarterback is Brady Quinn, the Cleveland bust. He’s not a solution. But he was named the starter on Monday.
  Imagine the uproar if Eagles fans took similar action against turnover-machine Michael Vick? There would be riots in the streets. Philly fans would be labeled racist." [Source]

Jason has written a lot of dumb things in his day, but this one might just be the dumbest. The post was so absurd, that Rush Limbaugh ,of all people, found vindication in Jason's words.

First of all, Jason needs to understand the passion of the average football fan be he black, white, brown, or green. If he did, he would understand that Eagles fans could care less what their QB looks like as long as he is winning. Some of Seven's biggest critics here in Philly are black. Why? Because they want to win, and in their minds Seven isn't getting it done right now. If Jason had done a little research before writing his ridiculous article he would have realized that.

Pic from




  1. I'll pass on football 4 now (yuk yuk!) But as far as donald trump goes, why does a fictional character get to play in reality? If the donald, why not spongebob or larry the cable guy? Who does superman endorse? Is smokey the bear a bolshevik?

    Similarly Miss Methlab 1986, she fux a brother a quarter century ago & that makes her a black studies major?

  2. Wesley R9:44 PM


    Give Palin a break. She misses that Black thang. She's just trying to find her way back to the hood to get some more.

    Trump is a punk. No amount of money can change that.

    Vick and Newton haven't played well. But they put their teams in position to win 2 more games (a piece). Their defenses need to quit giving up leads.

    Vick is gone after this year. The Eagles won't pay 12 million for him next season.

  3. Lets take a look at why the romneybot2012 can win the national poplar vote, even substantially, but still lose in the electoral college, even substantially. In two words it's "white people" " Southern white people" if we go to three. In 2008, exit polling showed extreme majorities of culturally southern white people voting against Obama.

    Alabama R 88/10
    Arkansas R 68/30
    Georgia R 76/23
    Kentucky R 63/36
    Lousiana R 84/14
    Mississippi R 88/11
    North Carolina 64/34
    Oklahoma R 71/21 D
    South Carolina R 73/26 D
    Tennessee R 63/34 D
    Texas R73/26 D

    Now lets look at the swing states white votes

    Florida R 56/42 D
    Iowa R 56/42 D
    Nevada R 56/42 D
    Ohio R52/46 D

    Not the same dynamic at all, in fact very much like solidly blue states except for Florida which has the only significant republican support among Latinos, otherwise Obama runs them at above 70%+ and he wins blacks at 98% pretty much across the board. With people of color so solidly behind him, Obama doesn't need majorities of whites to win just somewhere north of 40%; the tklanner dogwhistles from trump, sarry & the rest of the klanosphere are all about trying to keep Obama under that.

  4. Darkie's Paranoia9:53 PM

    Whitey you are an idiot. The southern states in total are quite "diverse", and the vote totals will be more like 55/45.

    Giant states like California and New York who go 65/35 add millions of votes to the democrat popular vote total.

    And regarding how white southerners vote, maybe people who live in "diverse" states are a little more realistic about race than white liberals from 90% white states where black people are an abstraction, something they learn about on TV.

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    I wonder what else it is that he REALLY wants to see LOLOL!

  6. These comments might as well be coming from some redneck in a trailer down in Mississippi.

    Why all the hate Field? Those folks are not your problem.

    People say I'm no-good, And crazy as a loon.
    I get stoned in the morning, I get drunk in the afternoon.
    Kinda like my old blue tick hound, I like to lay around in the shade,
    An', I ain't got no money, But I damn sure got it made.

    'Cos I ain't askin' nobody for nothin', If I can't get it on my own.
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', You just leave this long-haired country boy alone.

    Preacher man talkin' on the TV, He's a-puttin' down the rock 'n' roll.
    He wants me to send a donation,'Cos he's worried about my soul.
    He said: "Jesus walked on the water,"And I know that is true,
    But sometimes I think that preacher man, Would like to do a little walkin', too.

    But I ain't askin' nobody for nothin', If I can't get it on my own.
    You don't like the way I'm livin', You just leave this long-haired country boy alone.

    A poor girl wants to marry, And a rich girl wants to flirt.
    A rich man goes to college,And a poor man goes to work.
    A drunkard wants another drink of wine,And a politician wants a vote.
    I don't want much of nothin' at all, But I will take another toke.

    'Cos I ain't askin' nobody for nothin',If I can't get it on my own.
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', You just leave this long-haired country boy alone.

  7. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Field, "Yawn. Sadly for her, Sarah is no longer relevant. These comments might as well be coming from some redneck in a trailer down in Mississippi."

    Sara Palin will always be relevant of great interest in the media. You don't think the WP and other media outlets are writing and broadcasting her because she is irrelevant? GET REAL.

    Mr Field, your comment on this thread and the previous one indicate that you are one angry black man with deep-seated hatred for Whites.

    Mr Field, this election and the 'real' possibility of a Romney victory is bringing out a fearful 'dark' side of you that nobody has ever seen. I am concerned about you because your comments also indicate overwhelming fear inside of you.

    Please, take some deep breaths. Do some Yoga or Tai Chi...Everything will be alright even if Romney wins.

    Look at it this way: If Romney wins, it probably will be much better for us. If Obama wins, however, many more us will be out of jobs. In addition, our race will be treated with disrespect that will be far worse than Obama's first term.

  8. A non said...

    "Whitey you are an idiot."


    Sweet talk will get you nowhere with me fella.

    "The southern states in total are quite "diverse", and the vote totals will be more like 55/45.""


    Those were actual exit polls from 2008, not current polls, we know how that vote went in detail and the numbers match up to actual results.

    "Giant states like California and New York who go 65/35 add millions of votes to the democrat popular vote total."

    Actually, 61/37 & 63/37, or 6 & 4 closer than you posit, and still with a substantial white deficit:

    California's white vote Pres/2008 R52/46D
    New York's white vote Pres/2008 R52/46D

    Again, Obama won these 2 states in (respective) blowouts with substantial white electorates ca (62.8 ny 71.1) because his white support was so far above that critical 40% coupled with universal black and overwhelming latino support.

    I've checked the latest Ohio poll, whites are R55/42D.

  9. Anonymous12:10 AM

    You are an idiot Whitey, your whole popular vote thesis is wrong.

  10. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Thanks Whitey. You are right on target.

  11. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Mr Field, did you know that Jason Whitlock is the #1 sports columnist? Just thought you might like to know.

  12. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Obama says that 'IF' he wins, it will be due to the GOP alienating Latinos.

    Has anyone noticed that Obama NEVER has mentioned a damn thing throughout his campaign or Administration about Blacks? That is so disrespectful, to ignore our existence. Either he assumes Blacks will vote for him regardless of how he treats us, or he doesn't give a damn whether we vote for him or not. It's probably both....From the posts on FN and how Field defends Obama, he is exactly right. How pathetic.

  13. BARBBF8:05 AM

    Obama is morphing into Bush..and the so-called "liberals" and "progressives" pretend not to notice.

    Among other things since becoming president, Barack Obama has:

    Signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.

    Initiated, and personally oversees a 'Secret Kill List'.

    Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.

    Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.

    Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.

    Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.

    Maintained a presence in Iraq even after "ending" the war.

    Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.

    Secretly deployed US special forces to 75 countries.

    Sold $30 billion of weapons to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.

    Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia.

    Opened a military base in Chile.

    Touted nuclear power, even after the disaster in Japan.

    Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.

    Did a TV commercial promoting "clean coal".

    Defended body scans and pat-downs at airports.

    Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.

    Deported a modern-record 1.5 million immigrants.

    Continued Bush's rendition program.

  14. Anonymous8:53 AM

    "Shuck and jive": I first heard that term on "The Flip Wilson Show" in the 70s. (Those of you too young to remember it can rent 5 or 6 discs' worth on Netflix) "Jive turkey" was one of his expressions. At his best he was hilarious, rivalling Pryor or Chapelle, while being, of course, G-rated, since this was network TV. Very funny with a genuinely mixed audience.

    I'd like to bottle the phrase "shuck and jive shtick" and put it in a time capsule to be opened in 50 years. Without the racist overtones Palin intended, the combination of black and Yiddish gotta be uniquely American.

    Trump is scum, and both Stewart and Colbert wiped the floor with him last night. Comparison to a gorilla throwing feces. Colbert offered $1 mil to be able to dip his balls in Trump's mouth. Right on! as we used to say.

  15. Obama Be Dumb9:17 AM

    5 million bucks? Hey Obama....remember the United Negro College Fund. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, you know.

    Just release the records, and make Trump look like an even biggere fool.

    Unless....there really is something you're embarassed about in those records.

  16. Anonymous9:57 AM



    reps = dems

    hobama the killer app = the MOST evil and the MOST dangerous!!!!

    go mitt!!!!!!!

    The top Democrat and Republican have clashed face-to-face three times – and emerged far more alike than different. “Given this degree of collusion, why would it be so terrible if Obama lost?” The presidential electoral exercise looks more like an exorcism in which both parties are the Devil.

    Now that the White House has publicly announced a continuation of its kill list program, complete with an Orwellian term “disposition matrix” used to justify murder, it is time to question all of the assumptions which lead us to the polls and guide us how to vote. It is obvious that Obama and the Democrats are not the lesser of two evils. They are just the more effective evil, having made their evil more palatable to their supporters. The ever-rightward moving shift of the Democrats has brought us to this juncture, where we are told to fear Republicans who are more radical on social issues precisely because the Democrats have copied them in every other aspect. If Democrats also believe in wars of aggression and bail outs and subservience to finance capital, Republicans are only left with abortion and gay marriage as issues to differentiate themselves.

    Arguing for the re-election of a person who so clearly is a danger to the nation and to the world is at best illogical, and at worst is immoral. The time for defending tiny victories should end. Barack Obama and the Democrats should know that their critics mean business, and will cease supporting them. Racist statements from right wing pundits and bizarre statements about rape and pregnancy shouldn’t fool anyone into supporting policies that are wrong for this country and for the world.

    It is acceptable not to vote at all, or to vote for someone other than Barack Obama. Some who claim to be leftists argue against particular Obama policies only to conclude at election time that he should be elected anyway. These people undercut their own arguments and make a mockery of themselves. Their pleas to stop surveillance or drone assassinations or the destruction of nations such as Libya and Syria become hollow because they refuse to acknowledge the corruption that is an integral part of the system.

    We are left with a plea to honor the memories of those who sacrificed, sometimes with their lives, during the freedom struggles of the 1960s. But those people fought and died for full citizenship rights, of which voting was just a part. No one today should worry about dishonoring or dismissing their sacrifice by refusing to take part in the farce that national elections have now become.

    On November 6th it is perfectly acceptable, morally right, and politically principled to boycott the election or to vote for a party other than the Democrats. Hand wringing about a Romney victory is mostly phony, and geared to keep progressives silent in the face of each new assault. Obama may win after all, but it shouldn’t be because people who claim to be on the left are complicit and a party to his wrongdoing.

  17. Anonymous10:25 AM

    more proof that mitt won all 3 debates!!!


    go mitt!!!!!!!

  18. Chris Matthews10:36 AM

    Anonymous "tklanner" you say said...

    These comments might as well be coming from some redneck in a trailer down in Mississippi.

    Hey, I resemble that remark.

  19. The Kenyan Kid10:40 AM

    Lawd. You have gots to be one sorry-assed negro when the Detroit News endorces Romney for President!

  20. Anonymous11:10 AM

    more proof of 2 things:

    1. hobama IS retarded...kudos to ann c!!!

    2. hobama will NEVER have a black agenda!!!

    what a gd shame!!!

    go mitt!!!!!!!

  21. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Lets take a look at why the romneybot2012 can win the national poplar vote, even substantially, but still lose in the electoral college, even substantially. In two words it's "white people" " Southern white people" if we go to three. In 2008, exit polling showed extreme majorities of culturally southern white people voting against Obama.

    Whitey - this isn't 2008. We know who Obama is now and we don't give a shit that he is Black even though it seems to be the most important thing to you racists. We do care that he is evil. A liar that will do and has done anything to get re-elected no matter what he destroys and who gets killed.

    Call Bob Beckel he want's his dirty old man disingenuous overweight self loathing could have been a contender once ages ago blubbering incoherent can't finish a sentence schtick back.

  22. I wonder how "chump" feels about knowing that he and the Prez grew up plying soccer in the fields of Kenya, LOL????

  23. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "I wonder how "chump" feels about knowing that he and the Prez grew up plying soccer in the fields of Kenya, LOL????"

    11:25 AM
    What the hell are you talking about? With all of your so-called education, you speak like an invalid. Mike Tyson speaks better.

  24. Gloria Ballred12:04 PM

    Donald Trump will get a medical degree before Reine does.

  25. Anonymous12:19 PM

    slow down that retard hobama's hyper nwo!!!!

    nobama 2012!!!

    go mitt!!!

  26. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Dr.Reine said...

    I wonder how "chump" feels about knowing that he and the Prez grew up plying soccer in the fields of Kenya, LOL????

    Assuming you mean Trump and Not Obama when you say Chump as later you reference the president (prez for you)

    What were they trying to ply in the fields of Kenya? Were you trying to say they were playing soccer in a killing field, Corn Field and overlapping agriculture with soccer thus "plying" or something else? How do you ply two things together in a Field? Don't you ply things together On a Field?

    When did Obama and Trump visit Kenya together to do anything?

    You don't really think a functional illiterate such as yourself really could ever suceed in any "field" that requires precision, accuracy and thinking do you? I am afraid all are right, you will never be a Doctor, or anything more than a lab assistant running errands and doing grunt work.

    "please pee in this cup for me sir and I gone right you name in it"

  27. Anonymous12:34 PM

    you remember that kkk attack on a black girl in la. well it was a hoax the moron did it to her self.i bet she learned that in public school.

  28. Marcus Welby, a TRUE M.D.12:39 PM

    Give Reine a break. She's probably been sniffing bedpan fumes too long.

    But, in her addled mind, She's "Dr. Doo".

  29. Hey wingnut, the Salt Lake City Tribune endorsed Obama. So did all of the Boston papers. So what does that mean? I think nothing. You, on the other hand....well u are a wingnut. :)

  30. The Joke's On You12:50 PM

    It's no wonder you people hate this O'Keefe guy so bad. He just keeps busting you Dumbocrats asses over and over. Hell, he doesn't even have to try! LOL!

    Voter fraud? What voter fraud?

  31. Anonymous12:57 PM

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  32. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "Has anyone noticed that Obama NEVER has mentioned a damn thing throughout his campaign or Administration about Blacks?"

    I haven't heard him mention anything about whites, either.


  33. Anonymous1:09 PM

    field negro said...

    Hey wingnut, the Salt Lake City Tribune endorsed Obama. So did all of the Boston papers. So what does that mean? I think nothing. You, on the other hand....well u are a wingnut. :)

    I doubt they were as effective as this endorsement in Iowa, besides you know Detroit is full of racists and just practicing white priv'lidge cause they didn't endorse Obama...oh wait....

  34. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Has anyone noticed that Obama NEVER has mentioned a damn thing throughout his campaign or Administration about Blacks?"

    I haven't heard him mention anything about whites, either.


    But he is Black, don't he know that we are special and need everyone to treat us specially otherwise we can't make it and they are racist?

  35. Jason Whitlock still has a job? He and Sarah Palin need to go into the dustbin of history.
    Barack should tell Trump that he'll release his transcripts when Rawmoney releases his tax returns.

  36. Are Fox viewers tired of the boy who cried wolf stuff yet? How many times are these "bombshells" going to be duds about the prez?

  37. Donald Hump2:25 PM

    PilotX is a "Taxer"

  38. Anonymous2:30 PM

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  39. Anonymous2:32 PM

    go mitt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Other communities don’t give up their right to make demands on political leaders they vote for. Latino communities have made demands on immigration reform; the gay community has made demands on changing “don’t ask don’t tell”; Wall Street and the ruling class make demands – well, they really control the joint so that may not be accurate – and Jewish communities make demands for Israel (formerly the homeland to a few million Palestinians). Obama himself speaks eloquently on equal rights for women. Without any prodding, he uses his daughters as examples of why it’s important to create an equal playing ground in education and career opportunities. His first act was to sign into law equal pay rights for women (which is of course needed). This is not to suggest that some demands that are made don’t affect members of the black community, it is to point out that the demands are not led by black groups and leaders professing them to be part of a black agenda. No one says that any of the above groups have no right to make demands. People are skeptical that some of these demands will actually be met, but no one suggests that the communities or constituencies is “hatin” because the demands were made.

    Since when does making demands on a politician make you the sell-out? Are we so wrapped up in the symbolism of a black president that we can’t hold him accountable to the demands of a community that voted for him upwards of 97%? Did the black community give up its rights to make demands because the president is black? That seems to be the argument that is being articulated by black mainstream pundits. It’s the familiar Democratic refrain that usually comes from white Democrats: don’t speak up too much because it will scare white folks. So instead we should remain silent, even as white folks are already scared that they are “losing their country” to the Muslim socialist from Kenya. But if the vast majority of the voting black community pulled the lever for him, then they should expect something back besides some speeches and chastisement on failing to be good parents.

    Would it not be a sign of political maturity to put aside that Obama is the first black president and to judge by the (worsening) conditions since the election and to make demands based on that? This is not to say that the conditions are Obama’s fault, but there are things that government can do that needs to be demanded of it from the community. In fact by creating a left self-determining pole of black demands, it could even provide cover for the President to meet some of those demands. More importantly it puts us as a people back in the middle of a conversation on what is in the best interest of our community. That is not something that we can leave to mainstream black pundits who keep their distance from any conversation on what is best for the black community and how to achieve it.

  40. Anonymous3:08 PM

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  41. Anonymous3:14 PM

    memo to hobama:
    re: the black voters who will ignore you as you have ignored us...




    NOBAMA 2012!!!

    GO MITT!!!!!!!!!

  42. Anonymous3:21 PM

    more retarded pissy desperate unpresidential BOLD bs from hobama...shame!!!!!!!


    what a gd shame!!!

    cc this to black children bombed by african & homeless/hungry/jobless globally etc

  43. Anonymous3:27 PM

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  44. Anonymous3:39 PM

    superb column on hobama's retardation

    and mitt's superiority!


    go mitt!!!!
    For four years Obama has been cosseted and insulated by the friendly mainstream media. His lack of interest in taking hard questions from the media and the media's lack of interest in asking hard question showed during the debate. He was unprepared for Romney's aggressiveness and forcefulness. One can now only wonder how prepared he has been for the presidency these past four years?

    Second, calling Romney a liar blatantly ignores the reality of the debate: the president's missing clothes and his terrible performance. While more than 60 million people witnessed the debate, the only people ignoring the president's performance are his advisers and his closest ideologues.

    Third, if Romney was such a blatant liar, why didn't Obama say anything about it on stage during the debate? Obama couldn't put together a cogent defense of his own policies, let alone go on the offensive against Romney, which leaves little substance or truth to the case that Romney is a liar. Or as Andrew Sullivan wrote, "How do you erase that imprinted first image from public consciousness: a president incapable of making a single argument or even a halfway decent closing statement?"

    Fourth, the allegations of lies won't stick. As several commentators have said, Romney's brilliant debate performance obliterated $100 million in negative ads against him. The Obama administration's caricature of Romney, as well as much of the mainstream media's, as a vulture capitalist monster who only cares about the rich, was shattered. The problem with caricaturing someone is that the caricature better fit. On debate night it didn't, and it won't fit going forward.

  45. Colonel Tarzan3:46 PM

    "AB said...
    cc black children bombed by africom"

    Just WHAT black children are being bombed by Africom, you loon?

  46. Anonymous3:48 PM

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  47. Anonymous5:04 PM

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  48. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Are you the "Spook Who Sat By The Door"!!?
    Please... Help me out here...! How, otherwise, are these (obviously) right-wingnut descendants of lynchers; how is it that these (yeecchh!) slimy rightwing re-pug-nican bigots and misogynists have infested your blog/site????
    Free Speech?
    Say something!!

  49. "Free Speech?
    Say something!!"

    Scary! But.... the 1st Amendment.

  50. Hey, at least I posted a warning on my sidebar.

  51. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I have to ask.

    Watched about 15 minutes of Sharptons Politics nation, do you really admire this guy and feel comfortable with him representing Black Democrats?

    Sincere question. I had to turn it off after 15 minutes not because of the infantile logic and viewpoints, it is a given this is the guy who perpetrated many race pimp frauds, is homophobic and anti-semetic and lives by claiming racism is responsible for a bad bowel movement he has.

    No, it's that he wouldn't stop shouting and listening to him try and enunciate was horribly painful. I figured out that he was forcing enunciation and shouting on every other syllable as if it were against his nature to speak the words as he was.

  52. Daveed Lettahmun7:40 PM

    “Here’s what upset me [about the last debate] … this playing fast and loose with facts. And President Obama cites the op-ed piece that Romney wrote about Detroit, ‘Let them go bankrupt, let them go bankrupt.’ And [in the debate] he brings it up again, ‘Oh no, Governor, you said let them go bankrupt, blah blah blah, let them go bankrupt, blah.’ And Mitt said, ‘No, no, check the thing, check the thing, check the thing.’

    “Now, I don’t care whether you’re Republican or Democrat, you want your president to be telling the truth, you want the contender to be lying. And so when we found out today or soon thereafter that, in fact, the President Obama was not telling the truth about what was excerpted from that op-ed piece, I felt discouraged. …

    “The fact that the President is invoking it and swearing that he was right and that Romney was wrong and I thought, well, he’s the president, of course he’s right. Well, it turned out no, he was taking liberties with that.”

  53. Stolen Valor7:50 PM


    Charles Woods, the father Tyrone Woods, who was killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, reveals details of meeting Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at the publically broadcast memorial service for the slain Americans at Andrews Air Force Base only days after the attack. And, in a recent radio appearance, Woods publicly questions who made the call not to send in back-up forces to possibly save his son’s life, as well as the three other Americans killed in Benghazi (which includes the American ambassador to Libya).

    “When [Obama] came over to our little area” at Andrew Air Force Base, says Woods, “he kind of just mumbled, you know, ‘I’m sorry.’ His face was looking at me, but his eyes were looking over my shoulder like he could not look me in the eye. And it was not a sincere, ‘I’m really sorry, you know, that you’re son died,’ but it was totally insincere, more of whining type, ‘I’m sorry.’”

    Woods says that shaking President Obama’s hands at his son’s memorial service was “like shaking hands with a dead fish.”

    “It just didn’t feel right,” he says of his encounter with the commander in chief. “And now that it’s coming out that apparently the White House situation room was watching our people die in real time, as this was happening,” Woods says, he wants answers on what happened—and why there was no apparent effort to save his son’s life.

    “Well, this is what Hillary did,” Woods continues. “She came over and, you know, did the same thing—separately came over and talked with me. I gave her a hug, shook her hand. And she did not appear to be one bit sincere—at all. And you know, she mentioned that the thing about, we’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video. That was the first time I had even heard about anything like that.”

  54. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Below are CNBC facts about an impending "fiscal cliff" and reasons why the race is so close. A victory, however, is moving toward Romney:

    "The “fiscal cliff” — and the calamitous hit to the economy that will come with it — is more likely to be avoided if Mitt Romney becomes president, Goldman Sachs told clients this week.

    Therefore, this November’s election is one of the most important in this country’s recent history, according to the investment bank.

    “A Romney win seems more likely to lead to a short-term extension of the 2001/2003 tax cuts and some aspects of the fiscal cliff,” wrote Alec Phillips, the firm’s U.S. political economist, in a note Wednesday. “A status quo political outcome raises the risk of a game of fiscal ‘chicken’ at year end, in which policy goes ‘off the cliff’ unless one party reverses their long-held position on the upper income portion of the tax cut.”

    With a President-elect Romney guiding the way, a Republican-controlled House is more likely to work with the Democrat-controlled Senate to hatch at least an extension of the tax cuts and delay the automatic spending cuts, according to Goldman and many on Wall Street.

    “There is simply more risk to the stock market with an Obama win because of the risks of going off the fiscal cliff,” said Lawrence McDonald, author, trader and political strategist. “He will have to work with Tea Party members of the House, and the president has also shown little skill in bipartisan deal making.” --CNBC

    Let's hope the American people are smart enough to elect the right man for our economy and our JOBS. It is critical that we do.

  55. A non said...

    "victory, however, is moving toward Romney"

    Well, all of the consolidated polling says that it was for the first 2 weeks of October after the first debate; then it stopped after the second debate, and turned debate around after the third (without Romney ever having gotten even close to a win in electoral votes) and is now moving back to Obama. Romney cannot win without Ohio, and Obama owns it a week and a half before the election with a massive lead in early voting. a similarly massive lead in GOTV ground staff, and a vote-suppressing megastorm due in the days just before the election.

    The only thing that he has still going for him is the tklan information bubble's imperviousness to inconvenient facts which allows them to float a counter-factual narrative and keep the 2% boat-jumpers who want to side with the winner that he picked up after the 1st debate onboard. He can deny Obama a landslide (like he was looking at in late Sept.) that way, but he can't win. For that, he still needs another 2% nationally to get the 3% that he needs in Ohio. Every day that he doesn't do it makes it exponentially more unlikely that he will be able to.
