Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ann's R word, and Mitt gets a beatdown.

"I highly approve of Romney’s decision to be kind and gentle to the retard.
Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) October 23, 2012

Oh my! Ann Coulter calls the president of these divided states a "retard", and the next day she is on conservative talk radio and FOX NEWS as a surrogate for "Myth" Romney praising his debate performance. (More on that later.)

Ann outraged a lot of people- including her fellow conservative motor mouth, Michelle Malkin- but apparently she didn't upset Mitt and his peeps, because we have yet to hear a renunciation of Ann's words from them.

Americans with children with special needs are upset, because they found what  Ms. Coulter said to be very offensive:

"Parents of children with special needs are demanding an apology from conservative political pundit Ann Coulter for tweeting after Tuesday's foreign policy debate that she approved of "Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard."

It appeared to be a response to critiques of Mitt Romney's debate performance, but it wasn't the first time Coulter used the "the r-word" during this election season. And, it's not the first time blogger Ellen Seidman has called her out on it.
"At this point, I'm thinking the woman must surely be aware that the word is offensive, and she chooses not to care. That's pretty vile and heartless," said Seidman, the mother of a special needs child who shares her world on the blog "Love that Max."
"You want to slam the president, go ahead. But you can't think of any other word to use? Come on."
The word "retard" demeans Max and millions more with intellectual disabilities, Seidman tweeted at Coulter. Still, the comment was favorited 1,215 times and earned 2,993 retweets as of this writing, presumably by a number of people who didn't find it offensive. But sentiments from those who chose to respond to Coulter on Twitter ranged from disappointment to outrage. [Source] 
The fact that Ms. Coulter's tweet was favored over 1,200 times tells you all you need to know about the people on the right in this country who hate Barack Obama.
"You disgust me. That man is the president of this country. (& I'm sure all of the disabled children in America appreciate you.)," actor Sophia Bush tweeted.
"Politics aside, this tweet from @anncoulter was offensive & disgusting. ANY use of the "R" word is unacceptable," @amurphy217 said.
The Special Olympics also condemned her use of the word, saying that it was "sad to see @AnnCoulter continue her use of hateful language by using the #Rword in her discourse."
Honestly, I think that Ann, like her wingnut friends, was just frustrated with Flipper last night. I listened to the spin all day from the right about how he just wanted to seem presidential, but it didn't work. Stevie Wonder could see that he got his ass kicked. When you debate someone, you debate; you don't "stay above the snipping", you snip back.
Barack Obama jumped into Mitt and never let go. Now we are hearing from his friends that he had a stomach virus. And his spinners all say that not fighting back was a part of his debate strategy. (Ask O how that worked out for him in the first debate.) I actually heard one conservative pundit say that "Romney was playing chess while Obama was playing checkers". I guess that means that it only looked like he was getting his ass kicked, but in the wingnut reality he was not. Our eyes were deceiving us; it was a Mitt mind game and only the wingnuts could see it. Yeah, that's the ticket.
“Gov. Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al Qaeda is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia … The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”





  1. I'm pleased to see you reading Ann. It can only help you.

    BS Barry is des-per-ate. The American people are exceptional and we're about to show that to "Bowing Barry".

  2. You really don't believe Russia is supporting Iran and helping it's nuclear ambitions? Superpowers like Russia and China desire to keep the United States off balance. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Barry is a naive child in foreign affairs as well as the economic field.
    Look once more at that chessboard.

  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Field, "Stevie Wonder could see that he got his ass kicked. When you debate someone, you debate; you don't "stay above the snipping", you snip back."

    That's interesting that you would say that about Mitt. But you remained mute when Mitt kicked the shit out of Obama in the first debate. Face it, Mr. Field, you are a racist that rivals the folks over at Stormfront.

    BTW, I am an independent and Obama did not kick Mitts ass as you say. Obviously, you haven't been watching the opinion polls. In Ohio the focus group saw Romney as the clear winner.

    I know you leftist FN Negroes are afraid, but the country has moved toward Conservative. I think you need to face reality and accept Obama as a loser in this election.

  4. Anonymous8:25 PM

    People like Coulter are not exceptional. They bring this nation down. It is not the President who is divisive; it is the GOP and their mouthpiece Fox. Think back to your darling Sarah. Every one of her 'rallies' was about how much people should fear and hate Obama. Think about the racist slurs and jokes and pictures that have abounded...this is not about honest disagreement; this is about a large group of people praying for the downfall of this nation so that they can blame Obama. And you have fallen for it..bet you sent the Two Liars money too. Sucker.

  5. shughes28538:30 PM

    Some of the offensive posts above sound like they were from the same person. And that person is an idiot or should I use Ann's "R" word??

    Obama is going to win the election
    so get over it moron. Let the adults in the room handle this - and you run along and play a game of checkers somewhere.

  6. Anonymous8:39 PM

    "I know you leftist FN Negroes are afraid, but the country has moved toward Conservative. I think you need to face reality and accept Obama as a loser in this election."

    Yeah, it's depressing but there is no need to be afraid. Trust that we will be better off with Mitt. At least he hasn't insulted the CBC and ignored all of Black America... At least he showed up at the NAACP.... Obama did neither....

    At least Romney is focused on getting ALL Americans JOBS, which includes us Blacks. Obama has excluded us since his first day in office. I feel nothing for a President who has felt 'nothing' for for my race. Good riddance Obama.

    depressed Negro

  7. Anonymous8:43 PM

    shughes2853 said...
    Some of the offensive posts above sound like they were from the same person. And that person is an idiot or should I use Ann's "R" word??

    Obama is going to win the election
    so get over it moron. Let the adults in the room handle this - and you run along and play a game of checkers somewhere.

    8:30 PM
    It's obvious you are one of those Negroes who is scared. It's your fear that is lowering your IQ to the level of an idiot. But secretly, I bet you have always felt dumb, eh?

  8. dum r us9:08 PM

    Where's Jesse Jackson when you need a black one-time presidential ree-tard candidate to call New York City "Hymietown."?

    Where's Al Sharpton when you need a black ree-tard to go to Harlem and shout through his bullhorn on 125th Street that the "white interloper" shop-owners should get out of the neighborhood?

    Where's Ragin Ray Nagin of New Orleans when you need a black ree-tard mayor to weep over Chocolate City?

    Where's Louis Farrakhan when you need a black ree-tard to tell the world that horrible acts described in the Quran are about to destroy America?

    Oh, yeah, Farrakhan dropped that one only a week or so ago. He's fresh.

    Jeremiah Wright? Where's that ree-tard black reverend when you need one to cluck about America's chickens coming home to roost?

    Is there a black in the public domain who's not a ree-tard?

  9. Like the stormfront troll infestation here, the only compliment that Coulter has to give is his contempt.

  10. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "Is there a black in the public domain who's not a ree-tard?"

    Why don't you tell us...Is there?

    And if not, so what?

  11. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Sometimes Coulter is just plain hot when she is in a mean-spirited mood. She is an attractive long haired blond with gorgeous eyes that would stop any brother in Philly, or any hood, for that matter.

    Wait...Purple Cow said his wife was a Republican. Hmmmm...I bet his wife looks like Coulter. Good choice, PC!

  12. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Are these "Allen West" -type Negroes infesting this site??? Shame shame; bless us all... Always thought "conservative" meant conserving, hanging onto sh-t; i.e., CONSTIPATED... Yes? No? When was the last time constipation advanced humankind?
    "There is nothing more dangerous than the sincerely ignorant evangelical right-wing bigoted "tea-bagger" repugnicans; nothing scarier than conscientiously stupid liberals... We are desperate for pissed off and righteous Denmark Vesey/Nat Turner-type Field Negroes... I don't believe in so-called, "God"; but am sure she is African and very pissed. Bless us all.

  13. "I know you leftist FN Negroes are afraid, but the country has moved toward Conservative."

    Not afraid at all, we know that we have been living in a conservative country from day one.

    Hopefully one day the people will wake up and realize that this isn't working for them.

    Morons like Anon@8:24 PM will soon realize that they are just mouthpieces for the folks with real power in this country.

  14. Ricky Retardo9:25 PM

    Parents of children with special needs are upset Ann Coulter compared their children to the worst President ever?

    Hell, I don't blame them.

  15. "She is an attractive long haired blond with gorgeous eyes.."

    That was a joke, right?

  16. Loyd Mongo9:28 PM

    Hey Field, didn't Obama once while on Leno say his bowling looked like the Special Olympics? So the President can mock retards, but Ann Coulter can't agree with him that he is a retard?

    Are you retarded?

  17. Smartard9:33 PM

    If you can't see that Obama has been a failure -- and most especially a failure at the specific not-like-Bush things that people elected him to do -- then no one's going to be able to convince you. You'll always be able to claim it could've been even worse.

  18. Threetard9:41 PM

    Obama has not just been a bad President, he has been Hall of Fame bad. It should have been easy to look good following a failure like Bush, but he just couldn't do it. Obama is the worst President ever because of his awfulness in every single aspect of his job. His class warfare, his race warfare, his astonishing level of dishonesty even by the standards of politicians, his endless hypocrisy, his broken campaign promises, his crony capitalism, his disastrous healthcare "reform", his trashing of the US economy ... there is not one single area where you can point to and say: "Whatever his other problems, you have to admit that Obama did a good job there."

  19. Matthew9:46 PM

    Mitt Romney:

    1) Served a 2 1/2 year mission for his church in France, learning the French language.

    2) Graduated summa cum laude and valedictorian from BYU, and gave commencement addresses at both his college and university-wide commencement services.

    3) Married a great woman and raised 5 well-adjusted (though probably spoiled rich) sons who don't seem to have done anything to embarrass him.

    4) Earned Harvard MBA and JD's in 4 years flat, finishing cum laude from the law school and in the top 5% from the business school.

    5) Performed impressively at Bain Consulting while...

    6) ...simultaneously serving as the head of his Mormon congregation - a job which consumes no small amount of time.

    7) Then was handpicked by Bain's founder to found Bain Capital, which performed impressively for its clients while...

    8) ...simultaneously serving as stake president in his church - a job that requires overseeing about a dozen congregations...

    9) ...and while racking up an impressive number of stories by friends, colleagues, and fellow churchgoers about what a great guy he was, being there to help out in their times of need.

    10) Then took over the failing, scandal-tainted Salt Lake Olympics, turning a profit for the venture.

    11) Then managed to get elected governor of Massachusetts, where he did an at least passable job, and didn't spend 70% of his tenure voting "present."

    12) Donated his entire inheritence from his father to charity.

    13) Has given over 30% of everything he ever made himself to charity

    And Barack Obama? Was an egotistical, socialist, anti-American ass the whole of his pre-presidential career.

    I have no idea if Mitt will make a great president. Our recent run of presidents both left and right suggests there's a very good chance he won't. He's far from perfect. But we know what kind of president Barack Obama has been. His "success" has mostly involved running up the federal credit card to the tune of $5 trillion.

    Mitt Romney, like any politician these days, has had to tell an impressive number of lies and kowtow to an impressive number of sleazbags (e.g., Sheldon Adelson) to even get within sight of the Oval Office. How will he behave after getting there? His past suggests he will behave more honorably than Barack Obama.

  20. Five point swing today towards Romney on Intrade:


    It's now 55/45 Obama. In September, it was 80/20 Obama.

  21. Huge swing on Ohio today towards Romney:


    It's now 54/50 Romney. This morning, is was 58/46 Obama.

    Hey Whitey, weren't you the one trumpeting Intrade?

  22. The polls of polls have had the presidential race within one point now for 5 days, which with the polling delay represents the state of the race the end of last week. Romney, because of his popular vote concentration in the read states of lower dixie, the appellation & ozarks and Obama's lessor one on the coasts, and the solid Obama lead in the rust belt means that he has to move the national popular by 2 more points before he starts switching lighter blue states like Iowa and Ohio purple. If he can do that, we'll have a Romney administration, whatever that means, but if not he'll be gone like a fart in the wind.

  23. black plague11:24 PM

    What goes through Obama's mind?

    Small stuff that's big in his mind.

    Like butting into the arrest of a black male stopped on suspicion of breaking into a house. Why did Obama butt in? Because the black arrestee was cuffed by a white cop.

    And because the black male was a Harvard professor trying to get into the house he'd recently rented. But the neighbors didn't recognize him and thought he was breaking in, so they called the cops.

    What next? He piped up after Trayvon Martin was shot. Why? Because Trayvon was black and the shooter was white.

    Does Obama speak up when blacks kill blacks? Does he acknowledge the black murder rate is 10 times the white murder rate? No.

    Does Obama acknowledge that blacks kill whites many, many, many times more often than whites kill blacks? No.

    Obama and Carter, two presidents whose administrations will punish America for decades more.

    Carter did it by passing the Community Reinvestment Act and by ending Regulation Q, a banking rule. By ending Reg Q, Carter started the Savings & Loan Crisis.

    The CRA was the start of the more recent banking crisis.

    Obama may have torpedoed the economy with ObamaCare, the healthcare program that will inflict extreme financial pain until you die, at which point you will be broke.

  24. obama lama ding dong11:29 PM

    Yes, Obama did joke about bowling like he was in the Special Olympics.

    He should have said he presided over the country like had Down's Syndrome.

  25. Purple turning Red11:43 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    the solid Obama lead in the rust belt means that he has to move the national popular by 2 more points before he starts switching lighter blue states like Iowa and Ohio purple.

    Well, Obama dropped almost 10 points in Ohio and 18(!) in Iowa today on Intrade. He lost 20 points in Nevada.

    Now Intrade is very volatile, and not as meaningful as real polls, but the money is streaming hard towards Romney. Something is definitely in the air, and it might be that fart in the wind you were talking about is named Barack.

  26. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Mr Romney was trounced by Mr Obama in a debate. Ms Coulter can't have a superior AfAm in her personal Universe and makes "stuff" up. Like-minded individuals are supportive of Ms Coulter's delusion...as they have the same problem with accepting AfAms as better...or even citizens.

    Since Mr Romney is the consummate sales artist he might simply be repeating the same st reagan lines that sold the working class on the policies that sent jobs overseas, allowed businesses to steal pensions, and made the wage rate that of the Second World.


  27. Anonymous12:10 AM

    “Gov. Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al Qaeda is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia … The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”


    Yeah, Obama proved he is an affirmative action candidate and doesn't understand what a geopolitical foe versus an enemy like Iran is.

    He can bow and apologize and sell out America more after the election as he will have more leeway as this is his last time running for office. If only he weren't going to lose that is.

    Didn't Russia just advise they will no longer sign nuclear treaties with the U.S?

    Didn't Obama walk away from missile defense promises to our EU allies honoring Russia demands.

    History will prove he was a traitor.

  28. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Well Field, Here is evidence Obama lied to the American people to cover up incompetence and the terror attack in Benghazi.....you asked for the evidence - Here it is. Obama knew real time the attack was under way 2 hours in and did nothing. Nothing and let Americans get killed and lied to us all about it over and over and over again. AS he said to Romney - Please proceed America I have an reelection campaign going on and a couple of people dying is not optimal and just a bump in the road.

    For shame.


    In a shocking revelation, Reuters is reporting tonight that both White House and State Department officials were told that the attack in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans was a coordinated act of terror by the group called Ansar al-Sharia.

    According to Reuters, this alarming new information was obtained from emails provided by an anonymous government source.

    “The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.”

    For a thorough timeline of the events of September 11, 2012, see Boston.com.

    This breaking news is significant because President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice initially claimed the attacks were the result of protests due to a YouTube film. These newly discovered emails confirm that these three individuals were lying to the American people, the media and the United Nations in the days following the Benghazi attack.

  29. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Field, "Morons like Anon@8:24 PM will soon realize that they are just mouthpieces for the folks with real power in this country."

    9:25 PM
    Wow! I never would have thought you would be so upset over this campaign. You can't fool anyone. You ARE afraid Obama will lose. And you have good reason to feel that way.

    Obama threw away his chance in the first debate where he reminded the country just how weak he is. According to your comment, I am a moron for being a mouthpiece for the other side.

    FYI, you are also a mouthpiece for a sitting President who doesn't give a damn about Blacks. What does that make you...an idiot?

  30. Anonymous12:27 AM

    In a shocking revelation, Reuters is reporting tonight that both White House and State Department officials were told that the attack in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans was a coordinated act of terror by the group called Ansar al-Sharia.

    According to Reuters, this alarming new information was obtained from emails provided by an anonymous government source.

    “The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.”

    ...and the suggestion that anyone on my team would play politics or mislead is offensive..as Commander in Chief that not what we do.

    Barack Husein Obama - Commanding Liar

    Now that Field - Is Checkmate.

    Too late to impeach him with just two weeks until the election?

  31. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Top 15 Liberal Pickup Lines

    Hello, perhaps I could have someone else buy you a drink?

    Let's do it like they do it in Libya. No protection required.

    If I told you you had a beautiful Prius, would you hold it against me?

    You had me at Che.

    Your mouth says "no," but this order from the California Court of Appeals says "yes."

    So, do you come to this abortion clinic often?

    I just love the way you've styled the hair on your legs. Do the cornrows go all the way up?

    You know what they say about the size of a man's carbon footprint....

    I wish I were your derivative so I could lay tangent to your curves. (No wait, no liberal would understand this one. It has math. Scratch it).

    Hey baby, what's your tanx cosx? (No wait, they wouldn't get that one either. I think I'm getting my lists mixed up. I'm so confused).

    If you were Iraq, I'd keep my troops stationed there forever.

    How about we go back to your place and cause some global warming?
    Wanna go to my parent's basement and make a POC?

    The name's Clinton. Bill Clinton.

    While I don't believe in the right to bear arms, I won't fight the right to your bare midriff.

  32. Anonymous1:30 AM

    This commercial has aired on BET for quite a number of times. It has been very effective because it speaks the truth and what I have been saying all along:


    depressed Negro

  33. Rob Schneider1:32 AM

    It's a testament to America that we have a had a crappy Black President.

  34. "It's a testament to America that we have a had a crappy Black President."

    No, it's a "testament to America" that we have had 43 crappy white ones.

    Anon@12:26AM, there is a term in law called, Res ipsa loquitur. Look it up.

    Yes, you are a moron.

  35. Meanwhile, in more wingnut news:


  36. Actually Field I must correct you.

    There have only been 42 crappy white Presidents, that's because Grover Cleveland was President twice.

    [/irritating pedantry]

  37. Coulter is probably the ugliest white woman on television.

    As for the MBA and JD being earned in "4 years flat", given that the average MBA program is 1 year and law school is 3, Romnesia didn't do anything special.

  38. Pita Peda7:55 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Actually Field I must correct you.

    There have only been 42 crappy white Presidents, that's because Grover Cleveland was President twice.

    [/irritating pederast]

    Mommy - My dick is bigger than all of my other third grade classmates is that because I am Black?

    No Purple it's because you are 18 stop axing them boys to touch your codpiece fore you gets suspenders agin.

  39. Gomer Pyle is NOT Surprised8:50 AM

    Well, well, well.....why am I not surprised?:


    I was proud to see field was smart enough not buy into this bogus story.

  40. Anonymous9:20 AM

    What's totally surreal about Coulter's comment is that Obama delivered the foreign policy summary that only a man of true brilliance and eloquence could. Beyond the capacities of either Clinton. I mean it. Read the transcript: these weren't memorized lines, nor lines repeated so often that they were rote; they were nuanced positions delivered in perfectly chiseled sentences that revealed easy familiarity with complex realities. Not to mention strength, reason, total command.

    If we lose this man we, as Americans, are the true "retards." Or whatever equivalent word you find acceptable.


  41. Anonymous10:00 AM

    omg fn!!!!!!!

    no bounce = no win
    hobama lost all 3 debates and all polls prove that

    u r actually becoming MORE of a hobama nazi as hobama crashes and burns


    how many millions of times was/is gwb called a retard?
    just as deservedly as his blackish cousin hobama?


    what could possibly be more retarded than LYING about a youtube video while KNOWING
    what had really happened???

    what could be more retarded than ignoring dissing and robbing poor blacks who stupidly adore you while chanting to them that "i am not your prez"...then BEGGING them to vote for you???

    what could be more retarded than actually being a global bankster/cia red diaper baby and yet daring calling mitt rich out of touch???

    what could be more retarded than pretending to be anti wall st while designing an ENTIRE regime from wall st and passing 23 trillion to wall st banks????


    hobama is a racist global warlord and the most retarded MF ever to be prez!!!!!!!

    that retard hobama has failed and he is stealing this election...shame!!!!
    just as his retarded cuz gwb stole it in 2004!!!!....shame!!!!

    kudos to ann c!!!!!!!






  42. Anonymous10:04 AM

    what could be more retarded than actually being a global bankster/rich cia red diaper baby and yet daring to call mitt rich and out of touch???

    go mitt!!!

    slay that retarded inept lying legally wedded/bearded dl bitch hobama!!!!

  43. Anonymous10:31 AM

    hobama's legacy will be that he was the most criminal racist evil corrupt elitist
    FAILED bankster prez ever...

    that bumbling racist retarded global warlord hobama makes gwb look like a wise skilled afrocentric pacifist saint

    the failed hobama is the reason that the next 42 prezes will probably never be the FIRST black prez...
    the actual 1st black prez will indeed have 2 black parents and a valid birth certificate...and he will not be a retarded cia bankster...


    cc africom/benghazi bay of pigs/swindleus/solyndra + many other green corp scams/etc!!!

    I refer to Barack as “King Obama” because it appears that many African Americans don’t want a Democracy, but instead prefer an Aristocracy. We want the king to have absolute power, like Bishop Eddie Long running a vacation bible school for teenagers. Rather than living in a land that supports antiquated ideas like “freedom of speech,” we prefer a world where anyone who dares to question the will of the king should have his head cut off in public. Rev. Jesse Jackson, for example, has been cut off from the Obama White House for four years since being caught on camera saying that he wanted to remove some “critical body parts” of the president, but it is King Barack who has actually done all the neutering.

    Where we’re getting it wrong is by believing that the best way to help President Obama is to sit and quietly wait for the administration to decide to do something for the black community. That’s like a mother who thinks she’s helping her son by not asking him to do his homework or clean his room until he feels like it. She’s not showing love for her son by behaving this way, she is making him all the more irresponsible and letting him call the shots inside the house. Similarly, a politician should not be telling you what his agenda is going to be, you should be giving him your agenda...

    Tavis and Cornel are important for the preservation of freedom within the black community. You don’t have to agree with them in order to appreciate their right to intelligent self-expression. If you think they’re wrong, then PROVE IT. Don’t just try to discredit them as irrelevant hacks. Any time we are more focused on suppressing inconvenient truths than confronting them, we are truly lost. It’s not as if anyone can argue that Cornel and Tavis are lying about the poverty problem in America, since every study imaginable says they are correct. It’s not as if anyone can say that they are misleading us about the depth of mass incarceration and urban violence, our children are filling up body bags and prison cells all across America. The dividing line that has emerged in black leadership today is that there are some who feel that the value of protecting a president from any form of black accountability far exceeds the consequence of seeing millions of people suffer in poverty, death and despair. I do not find this to be acceptable.



  44. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Blogger Dr.Reine said...

    Coulter is probably the ugliest white woman on television.

    As for the MBA and JD being earned in "4 years flat", given that the average MBA program is 1 year and law school is 3, Romnesia didn't do anything special.

    So you are saying another woman is ugly and Romney achieving a degree in English from Brigham Young with a GPA of 3.97 a simultaneous law degree and MBA from Harvard graduating cum laude from HLS with a Juris Doctor the same year, finishing in the top 5% of his class..........Is nothing special?

    You must be incredibly beautiful and have completed your studies in record time achieving superlative scores.

  45. Anonymous10:45 AM

    black fools were lost before that retard hobama became prez

    and now they are even MORE lost after hobama...


    cc this to free cell phs/ebt card fans/outlawed sterile homos/acorn etc

    A new study released just this week by The Heritage Foundation reveals that one factor alone can reduce by 82 percent the probability that a child lives in poverty – whether Mom and Dad are married to each other.





  46. not a bozo10:45 AM

    I intend to vote for Romney. Why? Because he is the lesser of two evils, and the other evil is so much worse than Romney that the health of the country requires that he be defeated.

    Second, Romney is not just the lesser of two evils, but has notable positive qualities. While he lacks consistent political principles, he is personally an upright and highly capable man, and will doubtless do some good things as president. Most importantly, there is a reasonable chance—not a certainty, but a reasonable chance—that he will repeal Obamacare, and that is reason enough to vote for him.

  47. Dr. Beautiful10:51 AM

    Ms.Reine said...
    Coulter is probably the ugliest white woman on television.

    As for the MBA and JD being earned in "4 years flat", given that the average MBA program is 1 year and law school is 3, Romnesia didn't do anything special.

    Reine is the ugliest woman of any color on the internet. Inside and out.

    And the average time to complete those correspondence course degrees you have might be only a year, but a real Ivy League MBA takes two years.

    You will never be a JD, an MBA, or a doctor.

  48. Anonymous10:52 AM

    "It's a testament to America that we have a had a crappy Black President."

    Field replied, "No, it's a "testament to America" that we have had 43 crappy white ones."

    Field's replied, "Anon@12:26AM, there is a term in law called, Res ipsa loquitur. Look it up."

    Field replied, "Yes, you are a moron."

    6:15 AM
    Take a look at your replies. They are filled with fear masked by anger which makes you a rather small person.

    Don't be afraid. Romney won't be as bad as you fear. Relax. It'll be alright. The Universe will continue on.:)

  49. Anonymous10:59 AM

    "And the average time to complete those correspondence course degrees you have might be only a year, but a real Ivy League MBA takes two years."

    Exactly right. Most MBA graduates know this...except Dr Reine. Why is Reality and experiences in life so 'different' for Reine? Life must be very hard for her.

    Anon you hit the nail on the head. Dr Reine IS taking correspondence courses. But give her credit...she WANTS to be 'somebody', as Jesse Jackson would say. LOL I just wish she wouldn't lie so much. Only a nobody does that.

  50. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "And the average time to complete those correspondence course degrees you have might be only a year, but a real Ivy League MBA takes two years."

    Exactly right. Most MBA graduates know this...except Dr Reine. Why is Reality and experiences in life so 'different' for Reine? Life must be very hard for her.

    Anon you hit the nail on the head. Dr Reine IS taking correspondence courses. But give her credit...she WANTS to be 'somebody', as Jesse Jackson would say. LOL I just wish she wouldn't lie so much. Only a nobody does that.

    Or someone who is living her entire life off of Taxpayer funded grants and saying some day..some day..I am going to do something.....look how many duhgrees I has.

    Sorry hun, but a degree in African Pottery shards and a thesis on bringing the wheel to Africa in the 21st century isn't "special"


  51. Anonymous11:12 AM

    hobama nazis have morphed into their false god hobama

    like that retard hobama
    they ALSO think that attacking mitt is a strategy

    they can NEVER even mention ndaa or defend hobama's record

    we see u suicidal cursed sheeple

    go mitt!!!!!!!

  52. Anonymous11:21 AM

    more proof that hobama is a retard indeed!!!

    what could be more retarded than sending a gay man to be ambassador of a muslim country???

    what could be more retarded than cracking public jokes about your very own FAILED/NONEXISTENT shovel ready jobs???

    what could be more retarded than pretending you won a debate and the polls just missed that???




    kudos to ann c

    i just read this book

    and 95% of it is supreme truth

    the book is a classic!!!


  53. Alicia Bigfoot11:23 AM

    Since you've announced you don't even plan to vote, why don't you shut your fat pie hole, AB? That makes your opinion worthless.

  54. Anonymous11:34 AM

    yeti/yellow evil troll idiot:

    u sound as scared and retarded as hobama!!!

    you are an arrogantly ignorant cowardly fleeced sheeple moron
    and u r proud of that...your 65 waist matches your IQ!!!

    cc your retarded bs to george carlin

    i get to call you out because u r a hobama nazi drone
    who WILL vote for hobama

    see u fat fool?????

    “I don't vote. Two reasons. First of all it's meaningless; this country was bought and sold a long time ago. The shit they shovel around every 4 years *pfff* doesn't mean a fucking thing. Secondly, I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around – they say, 'If you don't vote, you have no right to complain', but where's the logic in that? If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who in fact did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done and have every right to complain about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with.” -- George Carlin

    3 more classics on that racist retard hobama:




  55. black pinocchio11:58 AM

    Imagine that? A black woman made up a story about an attack. Seems she was influenced by Tawana Brawley.

    Police: Black Woman Lied About KKK Setting Her On Fire...

  56. field hypocrisy12:07 PM

    field lets out his truth:

    No, it's a "testament to America" that we have had 43 crappy white ones.

    "We"? You generally speak as though you're an outsider whose roots are elsewhere. On the other hand, some of us can trace our family history in America back to the 1600s. But not you.

    Second, inasmuch as your objective is to fault whites for the failures of the black world, you'd need an example of a black leader in another country who proved that a black leader is able to lead a black nation to prosperity and modernity.

    Neither that black leader nor that black nation exists.

    For blacks, the US has been the greatest gift of all time.

  57. Anonymous12:10 PM

    "what could be more retarded than sending a gay man to be ambassador of a muslim country???"

    Sending a woman ambassador to Egypt maybe.

  58. to be black is to be blank12:17 PM

    Dr.Ree-tard Reine wrote:

    As for the MBA and JD being earned in "4 years flat", given that the average MBA program is 1 year and law school is 3, Romnesia didn't do anything special.

    Those one-year MBA programs are only available at black universities offering UNaccredited programs to people who must pretend they know the difference between a credit and a debit, between equity and debt, and between revenue and net income.

    Legitimate MBA programs are two years. Law school is three years, and anyone who can complete both simultaneously in four years is way, way above average in far more ways than you'll ever understand.

    It's unlikely that even one black student has matched Romney's double-header in four years.

    More important, however, is the fact that NO black business school graduate has ever achieved what Romney's achieved.

    You ought to wonder why blacks are helpless when it comes to finance and business development. But that kind of introspection doesn't exist among blacks.

  59. Anonymous12:18 PM

    hobama is a liar and his ENTIRE life is a lie!!!

    kudos to donald t!

    memo to donald: both of the hobamas have been disbarred also
    they are no longer attys


  60. "Mommy - My dick is bigger than all of my other third grade classmates is that because I am Black? No Purple it's because you are 18 stop axing them boys to touch your codpiece fore you gets suspenders agin."

    Actually I am 48 years old, though your are correct in your assertion that my dick is much,much bigger than yours.

  61. Anonymous12:31 PM

    the disbarred hobamas' sham marriage is old news in chi

    the dually lost atty licenses
    not so much

    cc donald:


  62. Don't be fooled12:32 PM

    President Obama has spent the past year punting on a slew of job-killing EPA regulations that will destroy millions of American jobs and cause energy prices to skyrocket even more. From greenhouse gas regulations to water guidance to the tightening of the ozone standard, the Obama-EPA has delayed the implementation of rule after rule because they don’t want all those pink slips and price spikes to hit until after the election. But President Obama’s former climate czar Carol Browner was very clear about what’s in store for next year: she told several green groups not to worry because President Obama has a big green ‘to-do’ list for 2013 so they’ll get what they want. The radical environmental left may not need to worry but what about hard working Americans who will lose their jobs and be subjected to skyrocketing energy prices thanks to the Obama-EPA?

  63. NTacoma12:33 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Actually I am 48 years old, though your are correct in your assertion that my dick is much,much bigger than yours.

    Your dick is bigger than AB's?

    I think you're frontin'.

  64. Anonymous12:37 PM

    @ not a bozo:

    "While he lacks consistent political principles..."

    LOL! He lacks principles, period! Did you notice he's been a serial liar about Obama's positions, or that he's stooped to "dog whistle" racism when he thought it would benefit him? This is a man who would do anything short of murder to win the presidency, and yet he won't present us with any plausible proposals. 12 million jobs my ass.

    So you say you trust what's behind Door Number 2. Mystery Boy himself!

    And you should look beyond your own personal comfort re: the health care act, assuming you've really studied what's in it. As anyone should who cares about the general welfare in our increasingly rich/poor society.


  65. "Legitimate MBA programs are two years. Law school is three years, and anyone who can complete both simultaneously in four years is way, way above average in far more ways than you'll ever understand"

    WTF does the RETARDED PHRASE "legitimate" MBA really mean? I know MANY people who completed 2 degree programs simultaneously myself included, and people in educated circles don't use terms such as these. And on the rare occasion I do here that phrase, it's usually from someone who couldn't get into a good program themselves and are hatin' on those who did AND earned multiple degrees. And since that educated person sure as hell doesn't include YOU, you ought to sit your stupid ass down somewhere and let those of us WITH Master's degrees do all the commenting, okay pumpkin?

    And BTW, there are PLENTY of top notch schools offering 1 year MBA programs especially to folks with undergrad degrees in business.

    So again sit down, STUPID!!!

  66. Anonymous12:40 PM

    retarded vulgar eunuch assnon:

    i heard every woman in the world has a clitoris longer AND bigger than your "dick"...no?

    u flatter me so u fat dickless bastard!...thanks!

  67. "More important, however, is the fact that NO black business school graduate has ever achieved what Romney's achieved."
    I think you're onto something here. You're probably right that no Black business school graduate has EVER sent jobs to China, and caused countless others to loose their jobs, then lied about it on national TV wearing a smirk fit for a porno star.

  68. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Muh-dick The Purple Cow said...

    "Mommy - My dick is bigger than all of my other third grade classmates is that because I am Black? No Purple it's because you are 18 stop axing them boys to touch your codpiece fore you gets suspenders agin."

    Actually I am 48 years old, though your are correct in your assertion that my dick is much,much bigger than yours.

    48 and still in third grade and still thinking hes a stud. Well what can I say - you are the quintessential muh-dicker.

  69. Anonymous1:03 PM

    WTF does the RETARDED PHRASE "legitimate" MBA really mean? I know MANY people who completed 2 degree programs simultaneously myself included, and people in educated circles don't use terms such as these. And on the rare occasion I do here that phrase,

    Yeah, you are going to tell us what is common use English and you barely speak it. You speak Ebonics and spell phonetically, let us know next time you "here" something or next time you goes something else.

    "it's usually from someone who couldn't get into a good program themselves and are hatin' on those who did AND earned multiple degrees."

    Is this language they taught you whilst obtaining your degrees - hatin on??

  70. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Blogger Dr.Reine said...

    "More important, however, is the fact that NO black business school graduate has ever achieved what Romney's achieved."
    I think you're onto something here. You're probably right that no Black business school graduate has EVER sent jobs to China, and caused countless others to loose their jobs, then lied about it on national TV wearing a smirk fit for a porno star.

    If you have multiple degrees why do you sound like someone that isn't very bright simply parroting some lie she heard someone say on television?

    Some people have created more wealth in this country than you and many like you can demand and consume. Yet you would never understand that, at least judging solely on your ideas and syntax and no sugar substitute, syntax is not the extra dollar they charge you to rent a porno.

  71. Anonymous1:17 PM

    ". You speak Ebonics and spell phonetically, let us know next time you "here" something or next time you goes something else."

    Here's something for you to here.

    I'll bet you give blow jobs better than ANY female out their, you perpetually talk about penis', especially those of Black men, whom you CLEARLY envy.

    Yeah, deep throat ain't got shit on you dog, LOL!!

    And CLEARLY, yew have nothing better to doo than grammer and spell check blogs, those of us with outstanding careers have plenty of other things two due during the day on weekdays.

    BTW, how many homonymys did I use that time shitsack, LOL??

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  72. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ". You speak Ebonics and spell phonetically, let us know next time you "here" something or next time you goes something else."

    Here's something for you to here.

    I'll bet you give blow jobs better than ANY female out their, you perpetually talk about penis', especially those of Black men, whom you CLEARLY envy.

    Yeah, deep throat ain't got shit on you dog, LOL!!

    No, I am not you, my dogs are clean and don't have shit on them.
    Did they teach you this in school? Do you have a degree in deep throat? Did anyone actually want a blowjob from someone who says she is a woman but looks like a used up old man?

    And CLEARLY, yew have nothing better to doo than grammer and spell check blogs, those of us with outstanding careers have plenty of other things two due during the day on weekdays.

    Sure you do, like come on and speak like an ignorant idiot who thinks she is smart because sha-na-na down the hall says so, who gets upset because calling her a she-boon is a step up.

    BTW, how many homonymys did I use that time shitsack, LOL??

    So you have how many degrees and you still think "yew" and "doo" are homonyms and can't even spell homonym?

    She bangs -she bangs, she boons - she boons.

  73. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "Second, inasmuch as your objective is to fault whites for the failures of the black world, you'd need an example of a black leader in another country who proved that a black leader is able to lead a black nation to prosperity and modernity.

    Neither that black leader nor that black nation exists.

    For blacks, the US has been the greatest gift of all time."

    12:07 PM
    How about Nelson Mandela? do you consider him a loser also? If so, you are being disingenuous and racist. Of course, you fit right in here on FN blog.

    Hell, the blogger Field is racist himself. Who in their right mind would claim America had 43 crappy White Presidents? Lincoln- who freed the slaves; Truman who integrated the military; JFK; Johnson who signed the Civil Rights bill; Bill Clinton. Were these crappy white Presidents? I don't think so.

    Field has shown how his 'crappy' Negro racist mind can stoop to all-time lows when he is afraid. And that is exactly what is happening inside of him: F.E.A.R. He knows Obama is going to lose and he sees that impending loss as a Black vs White thing. It is not.

    As I said before, if you want to encounter fear-based racism, come to Field Negro.... (Although the name "Field Negro" is a misnomer).

  74. will kill for wheels1:52 PM

    Black mother sets record -- snitches on both her murderous sons.

    Mom of teen 'slay sibs' tips off cops after NJ girl, 12, killed for bike

    Mom fingers ‘slay sibs’


    October 24, 2012

    A New Jersey mom ratted out her teen sons for the murder of a 12-year-old girl after reading a Facebook posting hinting that one of them wanted to go on the lam, law-enforcement sources told The Post.

    Justin Davidson’s mom saw his message “Might be moving :(” on Sunday and became suspicious.

    She tipped cops that he might have been involved in the disappearance of their neighbor, Autumn Pasquale, in Clayton, NJ, the sources said.

    Autumn was allegedly lured to meet Justin, 15, and his brother Dante Robinson, 17, at their home Saturday because they wanted parts from her beloved BMX bike.

    HORROR IN NJ: Cops say Autumn Pasquale (above) was killed by Dante Robinson and his brother Justin Davidson. They were given up by their mom, suspicious over a Facebook message. Dante Robinson Justin DavidsonThe massive search for Autumn came to a tragic end Monday night when her body was found stuffed in a recycling bin at a vacant property near the boys’ house.

    An autopsy found she had been strangled.

    As family and friends held out hope that Autumn would be found alive, Justin communicated with her brother on Facebook to say he was glad police were using dogs in the search, NBC Philadelphia reported.

    The two brothers were charged with murder, body disposal and tampering with evidence. Justin was also charged with luring.

    When detectives searched the Robinson home, they found some of Autumn’s belongings and her bike, Gloucester County Prosecutor Sean Dalton said.

    The boys’ father, Alonzo Robinson, told the Star-Ledger of Newark that his sons had been charged with bike theft before.

    “I think someone wanted the girl’s bicycle,” Robinson said. “Maybe she wanted her bike and resisted, and one of them snatched her off a bike.”

    The girl loved BMX bikes and famous riders, her Facebook page said.

  75. "I'll bet you give blow jobs better than ANY female out their...

    The word is 'there' t-h-e-r-e

  76. sickness of black leadership2:04 PM

    anon 1:50 writes:

    How about Nelson Mandela? do you consider him a loser also? If so, you are being disingenuous and racist. Of course, you fit right in here on FN blog.

    Nelson Mandela? Please.

    The ONLY reason South Africa is not a total cesspool like all the other sub-Saharan nations in Africa is due to the presence of its white population.

    If Mandela had been leading an entirely black nation in Africa that nation would look like Zimbabwe, which was once a prosperous African nation, thanks to its white population.

    But after a while, Mugabe tired of watching blacks act like idiots while whites were responsibly holding down the shop, so in an act of utter retardation, he began seizing farmland belonging to whites and turning it over to blacks, who were total buffoons and incapable of digging a ditch, let alone running a farm.

    Luckily for Mandela and the blacks who followed him into the top levels of power in South Africa, whites have remained in the country.

    But, blacks being blacks, and black violence in South Africa being what it is, it's likely the world will see a slow and steady exodus of whites from South Africa.

    It will be like Afghanistan, where the US military is turning over the fight against Islamic terrorism to the Afghans.

    We all know as soon as US forces leave, Afghanistan will fall as fast as Vietnam after the last helicopter lifted off from the embassy in Saigon.

    So don't pretend Mandela was anything more than a reasonable figurehead of black leadership during the transition from apatheid to the Stage 3 cancer of black leadership.

  77. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    So you have how many degrees and you still think "yew" and "doo" are homonyms and can't even spell homonym?"

    CLEARLY one needs a college degree to understand what I communicated in that last post. And CLEARLY, you don't have a single ONE, LOL!!!

    So by that last line, are you supposed to be that little Korean dude from Idol some years back with that she-bangs song?

    Well damn, no wonder you're suffering from Black man penis envy.

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  78. Anonymous2:08 PM

    did special olympics ever slam hobama for his very own retarded slur?

    or all of the countless OTHERS who have called gwb retarded????



    go ann c!!!!!!


  79. @ PC 1:53, you ARE aware that what you quoted was my purposely grammatically incorrect post, right?

    PLEASE tell me you're not also posting here as an assnon, that would be so disappointing!

  80. not a bozo2:11 PM

    another bozo said...
    "Did you notice[Romney]'s been a serial liar about Obama's positions, or that he's stooped to "dog whistle" racism when he thought it would benefit him?"

    Um, no. I would have to be insane to "notice" that.

    "This is a man who would do anything short of murder to win the presidency, and yet he won't present us with any plausible proposals."

    Right. OK. Are you free to roam around the general population?

    As far as murders are concerned, how comfortable are you with a President whose only concern about an Ambassador's murder is that it is not "optimal" for his reelection prospects?

    I value competence and integrity in a President, which is why I am voting for Romney.

  81. got no dollars got no sense2:13 PM

    ree-tard Reine writes:

    You're probably right that no Black business school graduate has EVER sent jobs to China, and caused countless others to loose their jobs, then lied about it on national TV wearing a smirk fit for a porno star.

    First, Obama, a law-school grad, is responsible for jobs at GM going to China. There are more examples, but I digress...

    Inasmuch as you're among the ree-tards who believe Romney, via Bain Capital, sent jobs to China, then you should have no trouble providing an example of those outsourced jobs.

    Staples? That's one of his big successes. I suppose you can argue that Staples sells a lot of stuff made in China, but...

    Or Ampad? The company best known for making those pads of yellow paper in legal-size? Ampad is far larger today than when Bain bought into it.

    It's obvious to me you know exactly nothing about the operations and finances of any companies in which Bain invested.

  82. Celia, MD2:15 PM

    Ms. Reine is an excellent illustration of how having a degree does not always mean one is "educated".

    She will never be a doctor.

  83. Anonymous2:19 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  84. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Anonymous said...
    So you have how many degrees and you still think "yew" and "doo" are homonyms and can't even spell homonym?"

    CLEARLY one needs a college degree to understand what I communicated in that last post. And CLEARLY, you don't have a single ONE, LOL!!!

    So by that last line, are you supposed to be that little Korean dude from Idol some years back with that she-bangs song?

    Well damn, no wonder you're suffering from Black man penis envy.

    Aww honey, we know, we know you meant to sound stupid. You did it all on purpose, good job on that.

    OK, now show us how you can sound smart, c'mon anything. C'mon "yew" can do it.

  85. Hep! Mitt Romney done set me on fire!

    Hep! Hep!


  86. My Big Ass2:27 PM

    dr ree-tard reine heinie wrote:

    WTF does the RETARDED PHRASE "legitimate" MBA really mean?

    It means Not An Online Program. In other cases, it means Not a Buy Your MBA Here program.

    I know MANY people who completed 2 degree programs simultaneously myself included,

    We're not talking Scientology here.

    ...and people in educated circles don't use terms such as these.

    Except when they're talking about the way blacks with dismal SAT, LSAT, GRE and MCAT scores find schools to take them. Unaccredited, as we know.

    And BTW, there are PLENTY of top notch schools offering 1 year MBA programs especially to folks with undergrad degrees in business.

    Nope. The closest thing is a master's degree in finance, which someone with an undergraduate degree in finance can nail down in a year.

    Being a dummy, you don't understand that it takes a year to cover the basics of an MBA program -- all the first courses in accounting, finance, marketing and math to warm up for the major.

  87. just wanna bang my drum all day2:39 PM

    dr heinie reinie,

    Since you seem to believe blacks are as competent as whites in business matters, you should ask yourself why there are no black financial people sending jobs from America to Africa?

    If you believe Romney sends jobs to China, you should wonder how it happens.

    It's true that America imports a lot of goods from China. But it's also true that America imports almost nothing from Africa.

    Diamomds, gold, oil and some rare earth elements. But that's only because those resources were, by some geologic accident, in the ground beneath the feet of blacks oblivious to their value.

    Nothing is manufactured in Africa for the US market. That's a sad fact.

    What makes blacks so incompetent that an entire continent of them, wallowing in abject poverty, can't produce something the rest of the world wants to buy?

  88. Anonymous2:41 PM


    now trump looks as retarded as hobama

    hobama has earned way more than 5 mil for his lies already!!!


  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Dr.Reine said...

    "Coulter is probably the ugliest white woman on television."

    Yeah, he was the least convincing contestant on the drag-race.
    A non said...

    "Well, Obama dropped almost 10 points in Ohio and 18(!) in Iowa today on Intrade. He lost 20 points in Nevada."

    I haven't fact checked this, but a million or so (pocket change to Mitt's pro-team/casino/owning hedge funded friends) bet correctly could easily do that. You do know that intrade's a betting line, not a poll, right?

  91. Something's happening3:12 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "You do know that intrade's a betting line, not a poll, right?"

    I said as much, and I would agree that it is both easily manipulatable and easily wrong, however you were the one who originally introduced Intrade into the discussion here and such significant movement was a point of interest.

    Another interesting point about about Intrade is that most Americans are prohibited from using it due to internet gambling laws, therefore I would think that it represents primarily the opinions of people overseas.

  92. Anonymous3:25 PM

    On the other hand, some of us can trace our family history in America back to the 1600s.

    I think we can agree the cockroach beat your family here and probably had just as much to do with the creation of this country as they did.

  93. Judging by their unrestrained glee here, I guess the ripoffiklans are buying Mitt's story about the polls being wrong again. Interesting how that works with all of them, they can believe cherry-picked outliers, with +-5% margins of error, but they disbelieve consolidated polling with margins of error in the 1% range. October began with Romney -2% nationally and a weighted mean of -6 in the battleground states, and he's now (3-5 days ago actually with poll delay) even nationally and -3.5 in the battlegrounds, down from his highs of leading nationally by +2 and winning some battlegrounds. He will have to either repeat that 4-5 point bounce in the remaining 2 weeks (almost impossible) or selectively turn just enough votes in just enough battleground states to eke out 271 (daunting, and with early voting increasingly so) to win. Sorry Tklanners, but it remains Obama's to lose. Try not to embarrass yourselves when things don't turn out the way that you're convinced they will.

  94. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "What makes blacks so incompetent that an entire continent of them, wallowing in abject poverty, can't produce something the rest of the world wants to buy?"
    Probably the same thing that keeps whites from learning that all that internalized guilt,fear and hate of a level playing field is drying up their little sperm and eggs which is something the rest of the world wants to see

  95. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Mitt Romney has been running for president for at least six years. If it is true he is a job creator, where is his plan? I would think that with the type of money he has and the sphere of influence in which he travels, he and his kind would have solved the job problem long before now. I've heard that the government can't create jobs. What is he and the producers waiting for? I don't trust him.

  96. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "What makes blacks so incompetent that an entire continent of them, wallowing in abject poverty, can't produce something the rest of the world wants to buy?"
    Probably the same thing that keeps whites from learning that all that internalized guilt,fear and hate of a level playing field is drying up their little sperm and eggs which is something the rest of the world wants to see

    I bet you do want to see "there" sperm and eggs. To you it sounds like breakfast.

  97. The Choice4:11 PM

    "Sorry Tklanners, but it remains Obama's to lose."

    It remains America's to lose. If Obama is reelected, it will be a disaster far beyond your ability to reckon. Atlas will shrug. Capital will flee for kinder shores. An economic depression would follow for sure, the selling out of American interests and security will be certainty. Insurrection and civil war would be a possibility. Many like you will be happy to see America pass from history, but if you live long enough, you won't die happy.

  98. Anonymous4:13 PM

    kudos to my hero tavis!!!

    he forgot the main reason hobama nazis will blame when hobama loses:

    "hobama should never have spoke up for them damn gays/hay marriage"


    go mitt!!!!!

    "They said Obama was winning!"
    "I didn't get to the polls, but I did say a prayer for the brotha!"
    "You know they wasn't gonna let no Black man have no two terms!"
    "See, what had happened was...."
    "I couldn't get my outfit together!"
    "I must have caught that 'Romnesia,' is it 2012 already?"
    "They knew in the second term he was finally gonna hook US up!"
    "That damn Stacey Dash!"
    "They suppressed my vote!"
    "I'm part of the black bourgeoisie 1%, I had to vote for RoMONEY!"
    "That line was too long!"
    "I ran by the house right after work cause I had forgot my sample ballot; got me something to eat, sat down for a quick minute, and...."
    "Girl, it was raining!"
    "They stole it!" (Not impossible)
    "It's a C-O-N-spiracy!"
    "The media. Ok...Fox News Channel."
    "The Illuminati took him out... he wasn't going along with the program."
    "I had to work that day."
    "I thought that was NEXT Tuesday! Dang, my bad."

  99. Anonymous4:16 PM

    kudos to my hero tavis!!!

    that dl hobama set gays up for HIS fall...shame!

    tavis forgot the main reason hobama nazis will blame when hobama loses:

    "hobama should never have spoke up fo dem damn gays/gay marriage"

  100. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Good catch anonymouse @ 4 o'six

    I should have been clearer...what we are hoping is that people like you will, thru the process of evolution,disappear off the face of the earth at which time we can all have a true kumbaya moment.

  101. Anonymous4:31 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  102. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "OK, now show us how you can sound smart, c'mon anything. C'mon "yew" can do it".

    2 words, sweetcakes, penile implant. Me thinks the "portabella mushroom" look might do you some good......... Eventually.

    BTW, Romesia's 47% percent is FAR more likely to include YOU than me, LOL!! So how's that make you feel, I'm "Blacker" than you, better paid, AND better educated!

    Yeah, I think the trailer parks are gonna riot when the President wins!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  103. Anonymous4:45 PM

    more proof that that racist global warlord hobama is retarded:

    since 2006, hobama has lied to and deported and orphaned millions of latinos
    he demands they vote for him then become eternal soldiers


    go mitt!!!!!!!

    Obama, like his Euro-American predecessors, has waged war and taken untold lives in places like Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. During the Bush years American born Africans found the Bush Administration’s wars unacceptable. Those same people are now silent with Obama at the helm. They have become Obama’s sheep-like “army” of supporters. And in doing so, they have accepted the imposition of Euro-American imperialism throughout the globe. These wars do not benefit us as African/black people in any way, shape, or form. We have been sold a disgusting bag of goods, simply because have accepted our political training from an oppressive system – the same system that built an empire upon African slave labor and on stolen land.

    Those whose land was stolen by the ancestors of Euro-Americans are now deemed “illegal aliens.” Most are commonly mislabeled as “Latinos” or “Hispanics”. They are actually Spanish speaking Indigenous people. Many Indigenous nations such as the Lakota, now find themselves on reservations within a white settler state (America). Untold millions were exterminated by European mass murderers.

    No matter how much Obama tries to curry favor with Spanish speaking Indigenous people by saying he will slow down or reduce the number of deportations, he cannot escape the fact that he has deported more “Latinos” that the simpleton George W. Bush ever did. His ploy to garner their votes in the upcoming 2012 election is just that – a ploy. Every single one of these so-called “Latinos” deserves amnesty for they hold much more legitimate claim land in places like Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and California (to name a few states). The rest of the land belongs to other indigenous people who were terrorized by non-Spanish speaking Europeans. Obama wants to see many more young Latinos to serve in his imperialist military, which is a large reason he supports the Dream Act [13]. He believes no more in justice for so-called Latinos than did Bush. Unfortunately, many “Latinos”, too, have been duped in to believing Obama has “their back.”


  104. Anonymous4:54 PM

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  105. Anonymous5:11 PM

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  106. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Old horse-haired, bleached blonde Ann flaunting Lawn Jockey Walker on her arm grinnin' and skinnin' for pictures should keep her mouth shut forever and a day. There's no words to describe that horrific picture. Just another European driven insane by our handsome, intelligent President, because he was sired by an African. To hell with all of you.

  107. Anonymous5:24 PM

    i love lupe!!!!!!

    memo to hobama:
    many rappers and their fans are awake!!!!!

    go mitt!!!



  108. Anonymous5:25 PM

    bimbo assnon:

    attacking ann c for NOT having jungle fever for half of hobama is NOT a strategy!

    kudos ann!!!

    go mitt!!!

  109. Anonymous5:35 PM

    memo to donald t:

    REAL bombshell = find out how much cash hobama inc paid this fool!!!


  110. stone age moron5:47 PM

    anon wrote:

    Probably the same thing that keeps whites from learning that all that internalized guilt,fear and hate of a level playing field is drying up their little sperm and eggs which is something the rest of the world wants to see

    Oh. The only people in the world incapable of making goods desired by those living in advanced societies are blacks and muslims.

    That oughta be enough to open up an entire field of study to figure out why.

  111. Anonymous5:50 PM

    more proof that retards run that retard's hobama tv:


    kudos to alice walker!!!!!!
    my reformed awakened shero...anew!!!!

    But is making the Great Man chuckle really the best we can expect from our marquee black intellectuals these days? Were there just no difficult questions to be addressed, no issues upon which the president has been less than truthful or forthcoming about till now.

    Did Harris-Perry ask about the president's policy of jailing whistle blowers, or his torture of Bradley Manning, or why he made bankers who bet against their own bad loans whole but has failed to rescue hundreds of thousands of foreclosed, and often black homeowners? Did she ask why the president can't or won't do a WPA-style program like President Roosevelt in the 1930s to dig subway tunnels or create green jobs, or why he continues to dodge climate change negotiations, champion nukes and “clean coal” and hasn't stopped the fruitless and destructive war on drugs? Not likely, as Harris-Perry has already told us that policy is a lot less important than his being a Democrat with “two warring ideals in one dark body...” and all that.

    Alice Walker is a lot closer to being a real Sister Citizen than Harris-Perry will ever likely get. Walker is unafraid to pose difficult, and for the powers that be, uncomfortable questions. Her poem “Democratic Womanism, read in a September 28 Democracy Now interview begins...

    You ask me why I smile
    when you tell me you intend
    in the coming national elections
    to hold your nose
    and vote for the lesser of two evils.
    There are more than two evils out there,
    is one reason I smile....”

    The rest is well worth reading. Though Walker did gush through an unconditional “...it's so beautiful to have a pretty brown family in that big White House...” endorsement of the president back in 2008, the lady is no courtier. Walker put herself in harm's way, on one of the relief boats to occupied Gaza, the world's largest open air prison, enclosed and operated with gigantic US support by what Romney and Obama agree is the United States' “most steadfast democratic ally in the Middle East.”


  112. Anonymous5:58 PM

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  113. Oh man, what a night tonight was.

    My boys put the beat down on Manchester City 3 - 1!

    Manchester City with their Gazillionaire Arab owners who have spent billions building a team, were taken apart by a bunch of kids. I can't tell you how good that feels.

    And on top of that two of our old boys scored the goals that defeated Arsenal! Football nights just don;t come better than this.

    Nothing else comes close to this, nothing will spoil my 2012 now.

    I'm about to sleep the sleep of a contented man.

  114. Where do these trolls come from? The Romney troll factory? :)

    The LOOF factor (that's backwards fools) is high.

  115. Reggin Esaelp7:22 PM

    Ha ha "LOOF" that's pretty good.

  116. "If Obama is reelected, it will be a disaster far beyond your ability to reckon. Atlas will shrug. Capital will flee for kinder shores. An economic depression would follow for sure, the selling out of American interests and security will be certainty."

    I disagree. The issue of foreign ownership of American airlines is once again coming up and if we allow that to happen the airlines industry will suffer the same fate as the maritime industry. Guess who supports "off shoring" these jobs by allowing foreign ownership and who opposes it. You should be able to tell by who all airlines employee unions support. It isn't as cut and dried as you think.

  117. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I don't appreciate that LOOF word. It's not a word and Field is trying to insult fools. That is equivalent to calling trolls retards. We are not. We are very very smart. Unlike Dr Reine and some other leftist FN Negroes, we have MBA's, MD's, Science degrees, and JD's. We are brillant people!

  118. Anymore I'm hesitant to mention I'm a member of Mensa because it seems to elicit a lot of backlash about how superior I must feel - as if intelligence is some universally rewarded trait in our macho bloodsport winner take all world. It's not. Really it's one trait among many and many traits are more highly valued in what is becoming our global culture.

    Still, maybe one thing being a member of Mensa qualifies me to say is that neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney is by any stretch a retard.

    Obama is certainly gifted as evidenced by his educational background and observable in his ability to grasp abstracts and relate them to the concerns of the masses. The man very really bucks the odds and what he has pulled off in first becoming President and then in his performance (regardless of what mistakes he has made) are no indicators of low, average, or even above average intelligence - they are without doubt something on the order of brilliance.

    Mitt Romney is a shrewd businessman and a fairly slick liar - which in itself takes above average intelligence to pull off successfully. His educational background is of course similar to Obama's, without perhaps the stunning GPA. Still, Mitt bungles it quite a lot and that's understandable considering his IQ probably tops out at about 130. He's pretty damned smart, but not brilliant.

    (Paul Ryan is a dumbass who washes clean chili pots at a closed soup kitchen in his Rolex, btw.)

    Ann Coulter herself is much closer to the "retard" end of the cognitive curve, and there's really not much to say about her except that she's a hound for the spotlight and will say whatever offensive thing it takes to remain in it, never mind her ballroom days are over.

    To the "Atlas Shrugged" reference. The answer to that is just LET Atlas shrug. Let the so-called elite piss off and see what happens. Not a damn thing. There's always someone else to sell fried chicken sandwiches - they're waiting in the wings. The idea that if "Atlas" shrugs - if the wealthy elite abandon society it will collapse is preposterous. It gives zero weight to the fact societies emerged at all. It's a clever little gimmick from a mediocre writer who took several attempts and finally found a fictional niche that went on to define her life. Her philosophy has been roundly rejected by all scholars, which is why the only cheerleaders she has are dunces like Paul Ryan and John Stossel.

    You know what would happen if we seized the wealth of the top 400 wealthiest people? Jack shit. 400 more homeless bums would hit the homeless shelter, and since when does that make a damn to anyone? There are countless examples in history of exactly that. The people on top of the food chain don't just levitate up there independent of a vast social infrastructure that supports their innovation. Bill Gates could not have developed Windows if he had been busy carrying water to his village every day. Thank goodness that for Bill Gates' sake there were plenty of ditch diggers around. LET Atlas shrug because new gods are always being forged in the crucible of necessity. Like I say, if there's one lesson of history it's that.

    There is a reason liberals test consistently higher on IQ tests - they're actually smarter.
