Sunday, October 07, 2012

Maybe Joe was right. And the campaign of the dead.

I have to give it to republicans, at least they are consistent. Take, for instance, Arkansas state senator, John Hubbard. My man doesn't think that slavery was such a bad thing. In fact, he believes that slavery was a "blessing in disguise" for you Negroes. (Joe Biden is looking like a prophet right about now.)

"A Republican member of the Arkansas state senate’s self-published memoir claims that for black people in America, slavery was a “blessing in disguise,” that, if they were physically hardy enough to survive it, “someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.” According to the Arkansas Times, Rep. Jon Hubbard, of Jonesboro, included these thought and others in his book, Letters to the Editor, Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative, which was initially written about and excerpted by writer Michael Cook at Talk Business.

“(T)he institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise,” Hubbard wrote. “The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.” [Source]

Yes, because nothing says great nation like enslaving your own citizens.

Anyway, this too will pass. Just another Southern wingnut politrickster who is making the rest of us in these divided states of America believe that having them secede wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Mr. Hubbard is from Arkansas, Mr. Broun is from Georgia. --We will miss you Atlanta--. Sorry, but the thought of Paul Broun being an elected leader and policy maker in Washington is scary.

Speaking of scary politricksters, I see that Mr. Romney has been showing his more human side lately on the election trail. Well, his human side as it relates to dead people.

"Trying to convince voters that he is human. (Ann can't do all the work herself.) Of course, Romney's not super experienced when it comes to this sort of thing, so his efforts have been a little awkward. Mostly, he's been talking about dead people.

Romney spent the weekend in Florida where he debuted a new version of his stump speech containing three "revealing and personal" stories about deaths that impacted his life. The first was about an old friend from graduate school — Bill Hulse, a quadriplegic as a result of an accident — who recently attended a campaign event:
"It's not easy for Billy to get around. Quadriplegic…he can't move, of course, his arms and his legs, and he can barely speak," Romney said. "I reached down and I put my hand on Billy's shoulder and I whispered into his ear, and I said 'Billy, God bless you, I love ya.' And he whispered right back to me – and I couldn't quite hear what he said. He tried to speak loud enough for me to hear."
Hulse died the day after the encounter. "It’s rare that you get the chance to tell someone how much you love them while you still can," Romney added.

Next up was a tribute to a 14-year-old Mormon church member who Romney counseled during the boy's battle with leukemia. At one point, he asked "Brother Romney" to help him draft his will: "So I went to the hospital and got my legal pad to make it look official," Romney recalled. "[David] said, ‘I want my fishing rod to go to one friend, and I want my skateboard to go to another friend, and I want my rifle to go to my brother.'" For extra human appeal, he concluded the story with a Friday Night Lights reference: “I thought of that wonderful slogan some years later: clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose. David passed away, but I’ll always remember — never forget — his courage, his clear eyes, full heart. He won’t lose."
Finally, he talked about meeting a woman at the Republican National Convention whose husband had been killed in Afghanistan. Anti-war protesters had picketed the funeral. When asked "What do you think of these people?" she told Romney: "Chris died for them to be able to protest." The lesson? "This is quite a nation we live in." [Source]

Hey, at least he didn't tell any stories about bringing anyone back from the dead. I bet if he did my GOP friends in the South would believe it. After all, God does "move in mysterious ways". 

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Thank you.

  2. Anonymous7:46 PM

    That idiot needs to read 1493 if he wants to understand why caucasians were inferior laborers in the conditions of the south and hence the importation of hardier Africans who could survive.....

    Death rates amongst whites was the driving force to finding a viable work force, morality be damned.

    Cheers FN great blog post as always.

    Cheers, Gaz

  3. white castle7:56 PM

    field wrote:

    "See the storm front crowd is out. Must be break time at McDonalds."

    McDonald's may not have a race-based hiring agenda, but, with the exception of store managers, it's been a long time since I've seen a McDonald's employee who was white.

  4. “The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.”

    Oh, so slavery was actually a long, drawn-out test of mettle and grit to determine the worthiness of black folk for being citizens of this great nation.

    Field, I wonder what our depressed Negro friend has to say about John Hubbard's thoughts on slavery. I think he'd co-sign with Hubbard in a heartbeat, personally speaking.

  5. rockefellers ghost8:08 PM

    field posted:

    we cannot solve the country's fiscal problems without "raising revenue and cutting spending".

    Hey bonehead, the way to raise revenue -- which means raising TAX revenue -- is to give a big boost to GDP. The nation's top line.

    When the nation's TOP LINE is increased, the TAX REVENUE it generates also increases -- without raising TAX RATES.

    Very simple. Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.

    How do we raise GDP? First, open all oil & gas territory to exploration and production.

    Oil companies spend huge bucks to drill and operate wells. One company -- Continental Resources -- will spend $3 BILLION in 2012 to drill wells in North Dakota.

    North Dakota is now producing 650,000 barrels of oil a day. At $90 a barrel, that's over $600 MILLION A DAY, in oil revenue.

    Taking the handcuffs off the oil & gas industry would do more for GDP than any other single option.

    But, with Obama the pinhead in the White House, it's not likely we'll see evidence of any sound economic thinking.

  6. marcus garvey8:18 PM

    Slavery? Inasmuch as seizing blacks and hauling them to America was a practice that ended well before the Civil War, it seems by now it ought to be a valuable sociological exercise to evaluate the upshot of life in America -- for blacks.

    Of course, we know the answer. Slavery was good for subsequent generations of blacks.

    We know for several reasons. Not least is the fact that for decades, blacks have tried desperately to come to America.

    Compared to every black nation, America is still the promised land. Obviously, if the US were such a horrible place for blacks, they'd leave for other nations.

    They'd leave for black nations.

    Do they? NO.

    The actions of blacks say all that needs to be said.

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    "Hey, at least he didn't tell any stories about bringing anyone back from the dead."

    How do you rag on the nice things a man does but not even mention that Obama has brothers who have had to call others for help with medical bills and uncles and aunts who live in poverty and on welfare here in the U.S. How do you live with your own double standards?

    As for bringing someone back from the dead, I don't think Romney has any influence with the dead, they vote Democrat.

  8. Honestly Slappy, I thnk you get dumber by the day. Time for your family to put you in a home.

    Wingnut@8:21, given what has been happening with the GOP and voter fraud in Florida, I wouldn't touch that subject if I were u.

  9. John Hubbard is from Jonesburo, that the place the cops put the kid in the back seat of thier car hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and they claimed he had a concealed gun on him which he got even with his hands behind his back and stot him self in the head.
    The people believed the cops. people over there they will believe any thing in the flat rice/cotton country. now over here in the hills we know better.we are hill billy and not stupid.

  10. Dr. Livingston9:55 PM

    John Hubbard's statement was inelegant, but the truth is that had not your ancestors been dragged to the New World in chains, you'd be sleeping in the dirt, shooing flies away from your face, and worrying about witches and hyenas.

    American blacks are the richest, healthiest, most free, best educated negroes on the planet. For that you can thank the institution of slavery.

  11. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Mack Lyons said, "Oh, so slavery was actually a long, drawn-out test of mettle and grit to determine the worthiness of black folk for being citizens of this great nation.

    Field, I wonder what our depressed Negro friend has to say about John Hubbard's thoughts on slavery. I think he'd co-sign with Hubbard in a heartbeat, personally speaking."

    8:01 PM
    John Hubbard can kill my black ass, and so can you, Mr Tommin Obamaholic Mack Lying. YOU are nothing but one Giant Depression. All the Prozacs in the world can't diminish the depression you bring. YOU are one depressing Negro.

    Field, I got my hands full with an unmerciful depression brought on by some of you FN Negroes still loyal to a man who doesn't give a shit about you. So I don't need some mean-spirited low self-worth FN Negro effing with me. Please moderate Mack Lyons. He doesn't have shit to say anyway.

    Anybody who is still planning on voting for Obama after he has proved that he will do NOTHING for our lives except make it worse, is a damn fool. That means YOU Mack Lyons. You and other FN Obamaholics are an ass-kissing bunch of uncle toms.

    Soon some of you Negroes will tire of making excuses for Obama....esp after Romney hands him his ass two more times in the upcoming debates. Can't you get it through your thick skulls that the man cares nothing about you? Can you face that truth? Don't be a dumb ass.

    depressed Negro

  12. Ouch. I must have struck a nerve for our depressed Negro friend here.

    Whatever the doctor decided to put you on this time should be cut back some. It's doing a number on your normally gloomy disposition.

  13. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Dr. Livingston said...
    John Hubbard's statement was inelegant, but the truth is that had not your ancestors been dragged to the New World in chains, you'd be sleeping in the dirt, shooing flies away from your face, and worrying about witches and hyenas.

    American blacks are the richest, healthiest, most free, best educated negroes on the planet. For that you can thank the institution of slavery.

    9:55 PM

    You are right. However, it has taken a psychological, emotional and spiritual toll on us. Look at the majority of Blacks:

    Most live in the ghetto where rats and roaches live. Are my folks well-educated? No. Many can't even read or write.

    Socially, many are being killed in the streets.

    Health-wise, there are so many unhealthy fat over-grown black women waddling around I am amazed that they can walk. But they do. Not only that, some of them have the nerve to wear mini-skirts or short-shorts. I mean, there ought to be a law prohibiting huge lard ass- women from disgracing themselves, the mini-skirt and short-shorts.

    I want to tell some of them to stop wearing those things but I am afraid they might take offense and whip my black ass. It's depressing.

    I bet the average woman in Africa doesn't look like that.

  14. nobel prizes are racist12:14 AM

    field fibulates:

    Honestly Slappy, I thnk you get dumber by the day.

    As always, your comments reveal so much more than you intend.

    Again, we see that basic economics is beyond you, as are the facts of how post-slavery blacks living in America are the luckiest blacks on the planet.

    And you willfully ignore the fact that McDonald's is one of black America's biggest employers.

    Meanwhile, Monday will be a big day for the awarding of Nobel Prizes.

    Of course the Booby Prize -- the Nobel Peace Prize -- will go to the a kooky recipient. Possibly a muslim.

    There's an outside chance the Nobel for Literature will go to a black female from Africa that no one's ever heard of. But if not her, it might go to a deserving Japanese writer -- Haruki Murakami.

    Of course, the major prizes -- physics, medicine, economics and chemistry -- are going to either whites or asians. Among the contestants there are no blacks.

  15. Anonymous12:14 AM

    What did his ancestors do to be in the US? Were they imported indentured servants? Were they convicts?

    The RomneyTales seem like the stories of Welfare Queens and IWuzTolebyUnionWerkersToSlowDown and OnleeRuralPeeplesWerk.

    Can one say Morality Play?


  16. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What did his ancestors do to be in the US? Were they imported indentured servants? Were they convicts?

    I didn't know they had false teeth back then.

    Do you gum your food Mold? Or just other men's nasty bits?

    Did you start gumming nasty bits in the coast guard when you made Semen first class or before?

  17. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Excerpts from State Senator John Hubbard's book:

    Black people are ignorant:

    “Wouldn’t life for blacks in America today be more enjoyable and successful if they would only learn to appreciate the value of a good education?” (Page 184)

    Integration was bad for white people:

    “… one of the stated purposes of school integration was to bring black students up to a level close to that of white students. But, to the great disappointment of everyone, the results of this theory worked exactly in reverse of its intended purpose, and instead of black students rising to the educational levels previously attained by white students, the white students dropped to the level of black students. To make matters worse the lack of discipline and ambition of black students soon became shared by their white classmates, and our educational system has been in a steady decline ever since.” (Page 27)

    It's basically hopeless:

    “… will it ever become possible for black people in the United States of America to firmly establish themselves as inclusive and contributing members of society within this country?” (Page 187)

    Needless to say that this proves my point, AGAIN: It is depressing to be Black in America. John Hubbard isn't the only jackass racist who thinks very negatively about us. In Arkansas, I bet practically EVERYONE thinks like this. Same goes for the rest of the South.

    Thanks to this informative post by Field, maybe we should all read Hubbard's book, "Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative"?

    What I can't figure out is where are ALL the offended black voices in Arkansas? Are they afraid to speak up to such insults? Probably. I bet some of our folks in Arkansas voted Hubbard for Senator, knowing fully well what he thinks of them.

    It's exactly the same as a bunch of FN Negro Lemmings voting for Obama, knowing fully well that he has insulted them... There is absolutely no difference. Folks, there are so many chicken shit Uncle Toms in our race it is depressing. I'll be in bed all week.

    depressed Negro

  18. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Coon's have taken over New York

    They’re getting into....backyards and even breaking into homes.

    running right up to neighbors. One even went face-to-face with Barbara Mattocks on her own front stoop...

    and they are hissing at people...

    They didn't mention the knockout game though.

  19. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Field, Joe Biden was right. There is a growing sentiment to put us back in chains. And guess what? We don't have a President who will stop that from happening.

    Some of you Negroes are too busy trying to elect a slave catcher for President to even notice. I bet if he is re-elected you will notice the invisible chains on the black race. There will be a lot more of us out of jobs.

  20. basic black7:21 AM

    Affirmative Action Fashion:

    .06 October 2012 - 20H59

    Paris holds first 'Black Fashion Week'

    AFP - A Senegalese-born French fashion designer realised a long-held ambition when she staged the first 'Black Fashion Week' in Paris aimed at bringing African talent to a global audience.

    Adama Ndiaye launched the event to showcase the best the continent has to offer but dismissed criticism that it excluded others who were not black.

    "'Why not a White Fashion Week?' some have asked. But Paris Fashion Week is already white!" said Ndiaye, who is behind the show's Adama Paris label and has organised Senegal's Dakar Fashion Week for the past decade.

    "We wanted to simply promote beyond African borders designers who are well-known in Africa or in their country but who don't have access to the global market," she said, explaining that in Africa fashion was not yet seen as an industry in its own right.

    Even when designers put together collections, they were often unable to sell them, she said, adding that fashion week was not just an opportunity for designers.

    Hmmm. On a continent of a BILLION people, Fashion is not a recognized industry.

    Seems that's more evidence that Islam's spreading rapidly, putting hundreds of millions of women into slavery and into black body bags, otherwise known as burkas.

    That's on top of the fact that none of the African governments have any interest in building their economies. The thug leaderships remain focused on stealing all the money from oil and natural resource sales while ignoring famine, disease and education.

  21. dark chocolate7:25 AM

    anon 1:04 writes:

    Coon's have taken over New York

    What's next? A movie? Men in Blackface?

  22. Dr. Livingston has never traveled outside of Merica. Heck I bet that he has never traveled North of the Mason Dixie Line. Like most of his ilk he is ignorant and happy and content in his ignorance.

  23. Uncle Pedro's Cabin10:16 AM

    If we had known all those Mexicans were gonna end up here anyway, we'd have gotten them to pick our cotton and tobacco, and left you blacks in Africa. Mexicans are better pickers, anyway. (We tried to teach the Indians here, but you couldn't get them to pick crap. So, we relocated them to climates more conducive to their nature.)

  24. Detroit, Crackhead City10:22 AM

    One of the "benefits" of slavey:


  25. Chris Colombus10:46 AM

    Happy Columbus Day Everyone.

    Here's remembering one of the worlds greatest. If it weren't for Chris America would suck right now.

  26. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Obama must be the saviour. I don't think we ever had a president before that could perform so many Miracles. Why just last week the September federal government jobs report shows that over 456,000 people gained employment through the creation of only 114,000 new positions!

    Its a miracle.

    Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis bristled at the barrage of accusations accusing the Obama administration of artificially inflating employment numbers a month before elections, telling reporters, “No, really, that’s the numbers. I’m pretty sure, oh and Department of Defense contractors, remember no reporting those 300,000 layoffs until AFTER the election. After the election we will have so much flexibility who cares if unemployment goes to 9%.

  27. hilda solis12:56 PM

    The unemployment rate in North Dakota is 3%.

    The percentage of the North Dakota population that's black? Less than 1%.

    Is there a correlation?

  28. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Uncle Pothead's Cabin must be a Mormon:

  29. Frustrated Negro1:11 PM

    It's exactly the same as a bunch of FN Negro Lemmings voting for Obama, knowing fully well that he has insulted them...

    I agree depressed..

    WHO IN THE F*%CK cares about some racist red neck senator while we have Mr. Capitulation in the Whitehouse???

    I hope FN isnt trying to use this as some rallying call to make sure black folk vote for O this election.

    This isnt something new... There are boatloads of GOP that think like this.

    They just arent brave or foolish enough to let it out.

    The only thing that SHOULD matter is how O treats his constituents that turned out 95% for him....

    "I'm Not the President of Black America"

    That is more shocking than this old racist Troll who makes it knopwn what he thinks of black people....

  30. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Frustrated Negro said, "The only thing that SHOULD matter is how O treats his constituents that turned out 95% for him....

    "I'm Not the President of Black America"

    That is more shocking than this old racist Troll who makes it knopwn what he thinks of black people...."

    Beautifully well said. You nailed it. It's too bad so many FN Negroes have chosen not to talk about something SO IMPORTANT to our well-being. It's an odd and very strange way of thinking and being. It is DENIAL so 'profound' that it borders on the perverse....

    Very depressing.

    depressed Negro

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. OK boys & girls, ladies, gentlemen & trolls. It's Monday the 8th, time to look at what I posted in the Wednesday the 3rd comments on Thursday October 4th and compare.

    First, here's what I posted:
    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Polltracker poll of polls has it Obama + 3.6

    RCP poll of polls has it at Obama +3.1

    Trendwise, Obama has dropped about 1-1.5% in the last week. Most pollsters have read that as his convention bounce leveling off, which it may or may not yet have. If he continues down at that rate, he should drop no more than about another point by Monday when I get back from a short trip; if it's more than that, it's probably attributable to either the debate or the media narrative. I'll check back in then and republish this post.

    Oh yeah, you despondent Obamaphiles might want to look up how sitting presidents 1st debate performances, regardless of party, have been scored by the media and punditry for the last 30-40 years or so; you'll find that the challenger always "wins" and then sitting president "recovers."

    4:52 PM


    Now here's todays POPs (polls of polls, (poll digests) the most accurate metric of the horserace):


    Polltracker has it at Obama + 2.1

    Real Clear Politics has it at Obama + 1.1

    So, under Polltracker he lost 1.5, and under RCP 2.0 between Thursday and Monday. About 1 point can be attributed to his bounce settling, leaving a half point to a point that can safely be attributed to Romney's debate performance and/or the post debate narrative.

    The few new battleground state polls out show about the same .5-1% change in favor of Romney. Not enough to flip any states from Obama to Romney, but still, a perceptible, if slight, move.

  33. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I'm beginning to believe that the white race is completely insane. That's the reason everyone in the world is suffering in so many ways. They're racially insane, monetarily insane, warmongering insane, insane killers, insane haters. And really, if you really look at them and study them, they're really only beautiful in their own damn minds. Especially after the age of 35. After that age, they start looking like the living dead, to me.

  34. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I'm beginning to believe that the white race is completely insane. That's the reason everyone in the world is suffering in so many ways. They're racially insane, monetarily insane, warmongering insane, insane killers, insane haters. And really, if you really look at them and study them, they're really only beautiful in their own damn minds. Especially after the age of 35. After that age, they start looking like the living dead, to me.

    2:49 PM
    What about Blacks? Are they beautiful in their own damn minds? Are Blacks insane? They sure do kill a lot of their own people. Talk about the living dead? Blacks are the fattest overgrown race in America...nothing alive about that and certainly not beautiful.

    But I understand. Continue to judge and look at what's wrong with Whites. That way you won't have to look at yourself.

  35. They Call Me, "Bwana"3:07 PM

    If it wasn't for the white race, your great-grandaddy probably would have ended-up as a steaming lion turd.

    Besides that, who would have invented KFC?

  36. Evolution, embryology and the Big Bang theory are major underpinnings of mainstream science. And Georgia Republican Rep. Paul Broun, a physician who sits on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, says they are “lies straight from the pit of hell.”

    Broun, who is unopposed for reelection in November, made the comments in a videotaped Sept. 27 speech at a sportsman's banquet at Liberty Baptist Church in Hartwell, Ga., according to the Associated Press.

    Here are his remarks:

    “God’s word is true. I’ve come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution, embryology, Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell. It’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior. There’s a lot of scientific data that I found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I believe that the Earth is about 9,000 years old. I believe that it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says. And what I’ve come to learn is that it’s the manufacturer’s handbook, is what I call it. It teaches us how to run our lives individually. How to run our families, how to run our churches. But it teaches us how to run all our public policy and everything in society. And that’s the reason, as your congressman, I hold the Holy Bible as being the major directions to me of how I vote in Washington, D.C., and I’ll continue to do that.”

    and this asshat is on the science committee?????? and these fools wonder why so many won't vote Republican.
    Joe Hubbard actually said "the blah race"? Bet he's got a klan mombership card. Republicans love them some stupid.

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson5:34 PM

    Hey, Pile of X....remember Hank Johnson, on the House Armed Services Committe, worrying that the island of Guam might "tip over & sink", if we increased our Marine presence on the island? Here I'll help refresh your no-flying memory:

    Looks like Democrats love them some REALLY dumb, too, huh?

  38. Anonymous6:25 PM

    @ Pilot. I am not at all religious but just curious. If you don't believe in God, what do you believe in? The theory of evolution?

    And if those who believe in a God are stupid. Assuming you have evidence that makes whatever you believe in more than a theory and therefore not also stupid just with a different point of view?

  39. Anonymous6:49 PM

    These European masons know their true history but likes to use the black(slave) & white(master) issue as a ploy for emotional responses. Who are the true monkeys? Is it a band from the beetles time frame? Columbus day? why do they make that day so important for you to repeat? Who did Christopher learn from? Who where the darkskin Moorish Moslems that had control of Spain for 800 yrs which is where the term "Negro" derives which is a spainish term that had become a negative term after 1492.. Everywhere the Euroopean went when they finally started to come out of the dark ages they brought sicknees, disease & death to all indigenous people.. The script has been reversed on purpose but woh are the real niggers? The Troglodyte Niger is a monkey that settles mostly by caves & are very hairy with pale skin..
    The word "Troglodyte" also known as a Neanderthal or Caveman which refers to a cave dwelling hairy,smelly, & dirty male.. Troglodyte are unacquainted with affairs of the world & were degraded, primitive, or brutal in character.
    So, as you can see the European Flipped the word N*gg*r, because in all actuality they are the real Troglodyte Niger(Caveman).
    The original 1968 TV series "Planet of the Apes" was based on this Fact as Hollywwod loves to play these. This show took place in the future where Chimpanzees(Troglodyte Niger) had taking over as rulers of the planet earth. The movie depicts man as the inferior species, as the chimps were superior & enslaved the humans. At the end of the movie the enslaved humans realize that they can't escape, because they were already home..we must understand this concept as Moors/African Americans that America is our home & has been our home.. If all these so called slaves came here illegally? How come we have never been deported? (See Amastad case) The chimps had flipped-the-script & reversed the roles on the humans by hiding there history as the original rulers of the planet, & using their knowledge of science against them once literature had been transliterated then used this to distort once the dark skin was everywhere they arrived....

    PEACE to the Field

  40. Anonymous7:11 PM

    And they don't let you forget who they where & are, Cause it is so simple "even a Caveman can do it" LMAO. So through Vanity & Materialism they use their system of control. Greed is a deadly sin & through this medium of exchange they will destroy peoples & nations & even themselves as they realized people that try to create for themselves are taken over by Corporate(corpse)entities. Look at wild life channels as they use their agents to make one love, feel sorry & destroy Africa & its people all at the same time..

    No African/Ethopian has or owns a gun manufacturing business. We all know how they get there & genocide is the purpose...


  41. "....remember Hank Johnson,"
    Yes, he is the one conservatives keep bringing up everytime one of their members says something stupid. So let me get this right, just because a Dem says something very stupid a few years ago that excuses the extreme stupid that Republicans partake in daily. Right. Carry on.

  42. Anonymous9:19 PM

    was that shit? You are a moron. Or in scientific terms homo erectus dumbassicus.

  43. I could be wrong, but I have never heard of antiwar protesters at a military funeral. That didn't even happen during Vietnam. Only those crazies from Westboro Church protest funerals. Perhaps someone could Google that for us.

  44. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Kat Young fleshlight can be used to delay the onset of
    puberty, an age at which spermatozoa is present in the skin.

    63 fleshlight doesn't whine. You must have the Daily Deal in the cart to receive the message that we weren't really able
    to steer me in an ambulance to the psychological
    ward at San Francisco General Hospital.
