Monday, October 08, 2012

Philly tough.

Here in Philly I live among a bunch of badasses. I mean everybody has an edge and an attitude. Bums in Philly don't ask you to spare some change, they pretty much tell you to give it up. And that's the women.

Everybody in Philly believes that they can kick they next guy's ass. It's why I stopped going to Eagle's games a long time ago. There is nothing worse than a bunch of liquored up Philadelphians watching their "Iggles". Sorry, I am too old to be knocking fools on their backs.

This leads me to the latest black eye on my beloved city.

Seems that a bunch of folks just couldn't get along while they were celebrating two different weddings in the same space and all hell broke loose. [Watch]

Did you see that bride at the end? Girlfriend is all Phillytude.

"PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Police say a man died of a heart attack amid a massive brawl that broke out between people attending two different wedding receptions in downtown Philadelphia.

The incident happened early Sunday morning at a hotel in the Society Hill section when fighting broke out among dozens of people attending the receptions.

Police say a 57-year-old guest suffered a fatal heart attack outside the reception, but they don't know if he was involved in any of the fights.
Dozens of people were involved in the altercations and police arrested three people; at least one man was subdued with a stun gun. Police say they don't know what started the brawl, but that alcohol was involved.

Gee, ya think?

Finally, I just watched some of Mitt's foreign policy speech. This is the one that was supposed to show us his gravitas on such matters and make him look even more presidential after his debate with his Oness.

Mitt thinks he is from Philly, because he was talking really tough. Mitt sounded like he was ready to take on the world and show them that the Divided States of America can kick their collective asses. 

"This president's policies have not been equal to our best examples of world leadership, and nowhere is this more evident than in the Middle East," Romney said in his speech at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in Lexington, Va. "It is the responsibility of our president to use America's great power to shape history, not to lead from behind, leaving our destiny at the mercy of events. Unfortunately, that is exactly where we find ourselves in the Middle East under President Obama."

Maybe I would pay more attention to Mitt if he didn't surround himself with most of the same people who advised the last republican president. I am sure that the families of about 4,500 young Americans would agree with me.



  1. That sounds like how pretty much every wedding in my family ends, but we don't need strangers.

  2. Wesley R7:38 PM


    The same video that the Mittster talked about the 47%, he talked a much different tune about the middle east. The flipster is a tough guy now.

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    75% of the Military strongly supports Romney.

    67% of the 1% of american population of Gay Hershey Highway loving fistful of donut bandits support our first gay president Obama.

    You decide who will suckseed or in Mitts case succeed.

    Whats obama gonna do? Make even more tougher no really , really tough sanctions and frown at them?
    They laugh at the first queer US president and think his wife is manlier than he is.

  4. Ha! Anon attacks Barack for not being manly after Mittens has an entire article in Newsweek about how much of a wimp he is. The part about him holding on to his wife while SHE drives the jetski was hilarious. I see they're up to their Rovian tactics.

  5. Funny, just a few months ago governor etch-a-sketch was talking about pretty much taking a hands off approach to western Asia because he felt nothing could get accomplished there. Oh that's right, he was speaking at VMI and he had to flip flop to look tough. Just another Republican chickenhawk that will send other people's kids to their deaths while not being man enough to do it himself. Typical Repub.

  6. silent but deadly9:24 PM

    Could there be anything funnier and more pointless than two black women fighting to the death over a fart?

    Can we create a reality TV show around this concept?

    Fart Fights?

    Teasing over flatulence leads to deadly fight

    Victim: Shaakira Dorsey

    WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, OH (WOIO) - Police say a 16-year-old girl is dead and another 16-year-old girl is in police custody.

    Officials say the girls were fighting around 8 p.m. Wednesday at 4769 Walford Road in Warrensville Heights.

    According to witnesses the victim was teasing the suspect because she passed gas.

    One thing led to another and fists began flying.

    Witnesses also tell 19 Action News that several adults stood around and watched the whole thing go down, including the victim's stepfather. But by the time he intervened, it was too late.

    Shaakira Dorsey collapsed once the fight was broken up. EMS rushed her to the hospital, where she died. The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner has not yet released her cause of death.

    The teen suspect has been charged with one count of murder. Her name is not being released.

    Her name hasn't been released, unlike the fatal gas that led to this latest example of black insanity.

    What did these two ladies say to each other?

    "Yo, yo, yo. You dun fart on me you stinky bitch."

    "Not me, you lyin' ho."

    "Yeah, it you. It you let out that stank. You dun it. Got that shit on me."

    After that a whiff of that bad air and a few bad words, it was certain that death was at hand.

    Just another day in black America.

  7. In 1987, this magazine created a famous hubbub by labeling George H.W. Bush a “wimp” on its cover. “The Wimp Factor.” Huge stir. And not entirely fair—the guy had been an aviator in the war, the big war, the good war, and he was even shot down out over the Pacific, cockpit drenched in smoke and fumes, at an age (20) when in most states he couldn’t even legally drink a beer. In hindsight, Poppy looks like Dirty Harry Callahan compared with Romney, who spent his war (Vietnam) in—ready?—Paris. Where he learned ... French. Up to his eyeballs in deferments. Where Reagan saddled up a horse with the masculine name of El Alamein, Mitt saddles up something called Rafalca—except that he doesn’t even really do that, his wife does (dressage). And speaking of Ann—did you notice that she was the one driving the Jet Ski on their recent vacation, while Mitt rode on the back, hanging on, as Paul Begala put it to me last week, “like a helpless papoose”?

  8. Oh yeah, that's right. Big tough Mittens hunts varmints. Sorry, forgot about that. Disregard previous post about him being a wimp.

  9. obamas wheel chair9:43 PM

    piles of X-crement:

    You're worry and desperation are in full flower. Going after Romney in the ad hominem way is conclusive stuff.

    When you can't find any serious faults in his prescriptions for the future of the country, what can clowns like you do but try to rip his character.

    What did FDR do in his life that would make you think he was presidential material?

    Rich, effete, elite, snobbish. Every criticism you've whipped at Romney more accurately describes FDR.

    Moreover, he married his cousin.


  11. "Rich, effete, elite, snobbish. Every criticism you've whipped at Romney more accurately describes FDR.

    Moreover, he married his cousin."

    Nah, still sounds like Mittens. Especially judging by the size of his sons' foreheads.

  12. Gov.Romney was in Newport News today using a military raincoat....borrowed. He had his chance to get his own. I wonder how military people would want to have him as a commander-in-chief when he will not serve himself. This is another election whereby the runners have negatives that is so obvious that you wonder want determines your choice. Gov. Romney and his five sons should never be in a position to make war when he and his own will not put themselves at risk. Being in the VN war in 1969, I have not respected all these pols that beat the drums for war. President Obama was too young for VN and too old for the two wars of the last decades. In my world, no pol should go before any active duty unit.....because they have a present commander. Now for some Larry Armstrong 159th Dust-off Viet Nam. I talk from a purely emotional stand. So save the insults.....half my life was spent hearing from your fathers, uncles.."etc?

  13. Larry Sinclair/Reggie Love10:26 PM

    PilotX said...

    Oh yeah, that's right. Big tough Mittens hunts varmints. Sorry, forgot about that. Disregard previous post about him being a wimp.

    Obama is as feminine as they come and he hangs out in the gay bathhouses in Chicago and is the ringleader of the church of trinity down low club. We all know that.

    His wife has bigger thighs/ass and arms than he does and makes a helluva beard. He rides girls bikes with his girly helmets wearing his moms jeans (probably Mooches because they looked really big)

    He hem/haws and stutters and stamps his feet like a little bitch whenever anyone sneaked in a real question or challenged him and then cries for weeks afterwards how they are unfair. He isn't thin skinned - he's a chick and a limp wristed one at that.

    Romney had five masculine sons.
    Obama has a masculine wife.

    Lets end this with four words.

    Obama likes the penis.

  14. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    "Rich, effete, elite, snobbish. Every criticism you've whipped at Romney more accurately describes FDR.

    Moreover, he married his cousin."

    Nah, still sounds like Mittens. Especially judging by the size of his sons' foreheads.

    Those foreheads hold something you wouldn't understand, they are called brains.

  15. Anonymous10:38 PM

    what does a real man do? He stands on his own two feet, takes responsibility for the job that he worked like hell to get and does that job. He doesn't stand around like a little bitch and blame everyone before him, after him or throw his friends under the bus like Obama does every time he screws up and need to save himself.

    It's all someone else's fault;

    Tax breaks

    Arab Spring

    Japanese earthquake


    George W. Bush

    Automation technologies

    Eurozone crisis

    Republican House

    ATM usage

    George W. Bush

    The Weather

    Bad luck

    Super PAC ad spending

    Lack of stimulus money

    George W. Bush

    The Tea Party

    Unmanned airport ticket kiosks

    Oil speculators

    Underestimation of economic crisis

    George W. Bush

    Businesses not expanding

    Americans being soft and lazy

    Fox News

    Energy companies not getting behind…algae

    None of this is a man, this is an incompetent little wimp who doesn't have the slightest Idea what leadership and making things happen is all about and not accepting he is a boob, it must be everyone elses fault.

  16. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Field, Philly is probably the worst city in America. It is totally unsafe with bad-asses because the Philly police department is so bad. And if you are Black, forget any protection and expect police abuse. That's why I left Philly for good during the terror days of Rizzo.

    However, if Rizzo were running the police department today I must admit that half the shit the goes on the street in that sorry town wouldn't happen. There certainly would not be any bad-asses in that town.

    Philly is the next Detroit, and it's going to happen real soon. WHY? Because Obama and Whites don't give a shit about you black folks.

    But don't you and your FN Tomming Negroes forget to vote for Obama. If he gets elected Blacks will be more abused than his first term.

    Some of you Negroes are very depressing.

  17. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Black Panther Forever said...

    Gov.Romney was in Newport News today using a military raincoat....borrowed.

    Sandra Fluke was somewhere today also using a raincoat...we paid for it.

    Military people aren't stupid as you know. They support Romney overwhelmingly for good reason. They know Obama would look away at their injury or death if it served his political purposes just like he has done with the engagement policy, having border patrol use beanbags while running fast and furious and giving the cartels guns, outing Special forces so entire planes of them get downed but he can say HE got bin laden or just pulling all security out of Bengahzi and then arresting some idiot who made a tape all to avoid the obvious and stating it was a terrorist attack and thinking bowing and scraping to Islam will help us if they don't get any madder. Obama is the one who refuses to use the word terrorism and even classified a mass murdering terrorist attack at FT Hood as "workplace violence"

    That in itself says it all.

  18. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Anonymous said...
    what does a real man do? He stands on his own two feet, takes responsibility for the job that he worked like hell to get and does that job. He doesn't stand around like a little bitch and blame everyone before him, after him or throw his friends under the bus like Obama does every time he screws up and need to save himself.

    It's all someone else's fault;
    TNB. After Romney hands Obama his ass for the next two debates, some FN Negroes like Field and PilotX will STILL make excuses for Obama.

    Hell, PilotX has even made excuses for the way Obama has treated our entire black race. Go figure.

  19. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    That sounds like how pretty much every wedding in my family ends, but we don't need strangers.

    7:13 PM
    LOL. That's pretty dysfunctional. You are kidding right? They don't have fights at weddings in Cali. It's much more civilized. That shit only happens in Philly, Detroit, Baltimore, DC and Atlanta.

  20. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Mr Romney is gathering advice from the same sooper-geniuses who kept insisting that somehow, somewhere there would be WMDs in Iraq. And that the Arab world would greet the New Crusaders as liberators. And playing Risk with live people would be The Exact Same as with the plastic pieces.

    As much as Mr Obama and his crew seem eager to sell our retirements and Medicare/Medicaid to placate some Goober Stainpants, at least they are not quite so eager to be chickenhawks cheering on the death and dismemberment of US citizens.


  21. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Lord have mercy. Will there ever be peace for us? When will we get to the promised land? Is there one for us?

    Has anyone seen Desertflower?

  22. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Dear Mr Field, Lark Voorhies has had plastic surgery and she looks great! I make your dream come true by arranging for you meet Lark and have dinner together. What happens afterwards is strictly up to you.

    Of course, there will be a small 'reasonable' fee.:)

    yours truly,
    Lark's Agent

  23. Please, read my input. I am not an apologist for President Obama. I respect him because he is doing a job that here in the USA 350,000,000 people are not. Good or bad his policies and actions may not have suited you but allow are still eating, buying computers, riding car and I too can make a list of situations that still exist for me that were with me prior to his coming in office. Now please again I know that (mj) male jealousness exist. Here a man that has been in office and has taken abuse openly by pols and people not respecting the office. I dont need all these list about his shortcomings because that will make me believe that all these millions were taken by a pansy...(not my word). The people you should attack are the ones thatwanted him to fail on day one. I listen to Mr. Hannity everyday and he has this jinggle that says..."lets make Obama a one term...we will take back our country" . He has been sprewing this message for 3 years plus. This is the climate that this man had to operate under. Living thru 61 years of presidents...I know this too shall pass and I still got my car, house, dogs etc. One thing for sure we all get what we wish for once in life. Smiling broadly...a Black finally hooked and crooked his way into The White House. I am ready for my pine box now.

  24. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Mr Romney is gathering advice from the same sooper-geniuses who kept insisting that somehow, somewhere there would be WMDs in Iraq....

    Sorry Mold - your dreams aint gonna come true there are no Women with Massive Dicks (WMD) in Iraq, at least thats what your boy ImaDinnerPlate Said. He said there are no gays in Iraq and sure as hell aint no transgenders. sorry to ruin your dreams

  25. I'd like to know more what Mitt means by this: "It is the responsibility of our president to use America's great power to shape history, not to lead from behind, leaving our destiny at the mercy of events."

    it is exactly our power to shape events that often causes us to be at the mercy of those events we attempt to shape. Knowing when NOT to use power is important. & that power should moral, as well as economic & military. Dick Gregory says, "When you've got something really good, you don't have to force it on people; they will steal it." Does Mitt remember we helped prop up Mubarak & his military for three decades? The most judicious use of American military power in recent years was in Bosnia, protecting Muslims. Bill Clinton did that.

  26. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Hey I'm a Senior in College and I'm trying to do research so I can graduate. It would really help me out if you could take a few minutes to fill out my survey about the NBA lockout. Here is the link:

    If you do it, you could win a $50 gift card too!

    Thanks so much!

  27. "Those foreheads hold something you wouldn't understand, they are called brains."

    Shit, Mitt's kids have beyond foreheads, we're talking five maybe six. Then again most trailer park types are used to the inbred look.

    "What are we gonna do today dad?"
    "The same thing we do everyday........"

  28. A Blak Panther Forever, thank you for your service. Those are FIVE words I will NEVER be able o say to Mitt or one of his FIVE sons.

    Ddear Lark's Agent:

    It's not her looks I am worried about, I hear that she might have some other issues these days.

    Sorry, I have moved on.....although, if you set up a meet she might be able to change my mind.



  29. islamic slavery is the way7:49 AM

    bob the bonehead wrote:

    Dick Gregory says, "When you've got something really good, you don't have to force it on people; they will steal it."

    Oh. So you must believe dictatorship is really good, because that idea gets stolen and put into action constantly.

    Democracy? Not so often.

    Does Mitt remember we helped prop up Mubarak & his military for three decades?

    Yeah, and what the middle east and the US got in return was 30 years of Egyptian peace.

    As you should have figured out by now, the overthrow of the middle east dictators is leading to the emergence of more dictators. No democracy.

    Egypt is on the verge of becoming more repressive than ever now that the Muslim Brotherhood is running the show. Those are the people who assassinated Anwar Sadat because he signed a peace treaty with Israel.

    Sadat was replaced by Mubarak.

    How about the fact that we wiped out Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan?

    Based on the bob theory, we should have let them alone so they could do whatever they were trying to do.

  30. army of useful idiots8:05 AM

    field cries:

    Those are FIVE words I will NEVER be able o say to Mitt or one of his FIVE sons.

    Or Obama and his two daughters. Or Bill Clinton and his daughter.

    It was Democrats John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson who ramped up the draft, ultimately sending 3 million troops to Vietnam.

    It was Republican Richard Nixon who reversed the trend and brought the war, and the draft, to an end.

    Moreover, Clinton was a true draft dodger, a draft evader who broke the law to beat the draft.

    When it came to draft deferments, Romney, unlike Clinton, followed all the rules.

    Romney is honest. Clinton and Obama are not. Clinton's behavior no longer matters, but Obama's does, and he's blatantly deceitful, a point made evident by state of the economy.

  31. Mitt is a typical chickenhawk -- perfectly willing to talk tough and start wars when he knows it's not going to be his (or his kids') ass on the line serving as cannon fodder.

    As for that wedding brawl in Philly, where I'm from in Wisconsin, it's not considered a successful reception if it doesn't end with squad cars hauling a few people off to jail. Cheeseheads may behave themselves at Packer games, but the rest of the time the state is basically just one big biker bar.

  32. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Even the Demo's favorite Homo can see the writing on the wall:

  33. Apropos the "city of brotherly love," I used to live there (I was the morning guy on WHAT-FM, then all-jazz) and I hadn't been there long when I and my next door neighbor had an interesting experience while walking through City Hall's open courtyard.

    Pigeons had long been a problem there and the city tried to solve it by various non-lethal means, but nothing worked. So, they put up huge signs instructing the public to not feed these creatures. Well, as we strolled through the courtyard, we observed a very old, raggedy lady who dragged behind her a huge sack. Every ten steps, or so, she stopped, reached into the sack and withdrew a fistful of seeds. With a gesture that might have been borrowed from a Shakespearian drama, she then emptied her fist into the air, shouting, "Go shit on the Jews!"

    City of brotherly love, indeed, I thought.

  34. Anonymous10:17 AM

    no public space is safe

    no event is sacred

    brawling inhumane pookies rule the world



  35. Anonymous10:20 AM

    mitt was BEYOND philly when he slew that bankster hobama in debate...

    go mitt!!!


  36. Anonymous10:24 AM

    memo to the jovial inept felled failed hobama:

    your 2012 selection may not be so shovel ready after all

    kudos to philly mitt!!!


  37. Anonymous10:25 AM

    hobama has waged 7 ENDLESS wars!!!

    why is that ok???

  38. Anonymous10:28 AM

    hobama lied about osama


    hobama is using that fictional feat as his feature/sole kudo...

    this is more proof that teh failed hobama may and SHOULD be toast!!!

    kudos to that philly toaster mitt!!!


  39. Anonymous10:45 AM

    kudos to stacy dash!


    go philly mitt!!!


  40. Anonymous10:55 AM

    go philly mitt!!!

  41. Frustrated Negro11:49 AM

    Anon @ 8:50 am

    Romney is honest.

    The validity of your whole comment just imploded with those 3 words.

    Alicia ...

    I cant believe you went from attacking Obama to endorsing Mitt???

    How much liquor is in your cup this morning???

    Expose both crooks at their core...

    Neither candidate is worth casting a ballot for.

    Might as well write in Mickey mouse..

    If your voting for the lessor of two evils...

    Its basically ...

    Immediate Death = Romney

    Slow Death by a million cuts after playing progressive , and giving in to the rights agenda

    The right choice for EVERYBODY is to dump the two parties , and vote for someone else.

    Hopefully more people will wake up before then...

  42. Anonymous11:57 AM

    kudos to joel gilbert!


    kudos to philly turbo promo!!!


    hey lying assnon:

    i have never endorsed mitt

    i hate reps and dems

    u lie like hobama

    YOU will force mitt to be better than u have just proven!


  43. Anonymous11:59 AM

    hey lying assnon:

    cc that bs to the MORE than 47% of global corpses whom that global endless warlord drone loving bankster hobama has already MURDERED!!!!!!!

    go philly mitt!!!

  44. "How about the fact that we wiped out Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan?

    Based on the bob theory, we should have let them alone so they could do whatever they were trying to do."

    Obviously somebody thought it was a good idea because WE'RE STILL THERE! I guess we're safe from the next Hitler while our infrastructure goes to shit.

  45. Frustrated Negro12:27 PM

    Anon@ 11:57am

    hey lying assnon:

    i have never endorsed mitt

    i hate reps and dems

    u lie like hobama

    Ok ..You said all that , and turn around and say

    "go philly mitt!!!"

    Im done talking to you...

    You have no position but to distract , confuse, and agitate.

  46. Anonymous12:42 PM

    u r a liar and a fool assnon

    just like hobama


    anyone of the FEW people who tells ANY truths about that evil bankster hoax cia red diaper baby hobama is a hero to me!!!

    go rocky mitt!!!

    i will never vote again

    and any fool who votes for hobama is a racist hobama nazi

  47. Anonymous12:53 PM

    kudos to andrea mitchell


    memo to hobama:

    some of us are NOT your drones!!!!

  48. Liberal Birdseed1:00 PM

    NBC News Calls Obama’s Big Bird Ad “Absurd”…

    You know Obama is in trouble when he’s lost NBC News.

    President Barack Obama’s campaign has opened up a second front in in the war to rescue his dispirited debate performance from posterity’s condemnation. The initial response from the Obama campaign was that Romney was being less than forthright about what he believed and what his policies would accomplish. Furthermore, Obama was so stunned by Romney’s mendacity that he could not muster even one credible comeback. This week, however, the Obama campaign has launched a new initiative – hitting back at Romney on substance. What substance, you ask? Sesame Street. [...]

    If the Chicago reelection team was expecting an “attaboy” from the usually supportive folks at NBC News, they had another thing coming to them Tuesday morning when NBC reporter Peter Alexander described the Obama campaign’s Big Bird ad as “absurd.”

    Sesame Street Demands Obama Take Down Big Bird Ad…

    Obama is toxic, even the people he’s claiming to support don’t want anything to do with him.

    Sesame Workshop Response to Campaign Ads -

    Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down.

    AARP also told Obama yesterday to stop using their name. Even though they sold out Seniors to him for Obamacare - they want nothing to do with him now.

  49. Anonymous1:01 PM

    kudos to hobama fan bill m!!!


    even he knows that mitt gave hobama a philly beatdown!

    kudos to mitt!!!


  50. Frustrated Negro1:30 PM

    Im a Liar, but your giving Kudos to Mitt... LOL

    BOTH of these Politicians take their orders from the finance oligarchs...

    To point out Hobama (as u call him) faults while PRAISING Mitt is a FARCE.

    If anything your a fake phony Troll here to cause confusion.

    Anyone that has followed any of my postings know Im not a Obama supporter, but in your alternate reality you assume I am because I point out how terrible both candidates are...

    Go away...and while your leaving take some of the racist trolls with you...

  51. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Frustrating Negroid Said...

    "Anyone that has followed any of my postings know Im not a Obama supporter, but in your alternate reality you assume I am because I point out how terrible both candidates are... "

    You are so full of shit it is leaking onto the white space for comments you said:

    "Obama: Slow Death by a million cuts after playing progressive , and giving in to the rights agenda

    Yeah, you don't support Obama yet his failures are because he gave in to what the right wanted. Well you couldnt be more wrong. Everything Obama does and and has failed at has been because he is a radical incompetent leftist. Leftism does not work, it cause hardship and weakness.

    You are an avid Obama supporter. One of the biggest birds he has.

  52. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Go away...and while your leaving take some of the racist trolls with you...'

    Does this mean you will be leaving? For one of the biggest racists on here is you.

  53. Anonymous2:05 PM

    hey assnon:

    like hobama

    u r a gd LOSER fool

    unlike fools like u,

    i will NEVER pretend that mitt is not less evil coddled excused and aodred dirty corrupt etc...than that failed felled banskter hobama

    cc your bs to ndaa/africom/the cbc etc

    eff u



  54. Anonymous2:07 PM

    i will NEVER pretend that mitt is not FAR LESS evil coddled excused and BLINDLY ADORED dirty corrupt etc...than that failed felled CIA banskter hobama



  55. Anonymous2:15 PM

    hobama has failed because he is an elitist racist global warlord bankster dick!

    he has been gwb 2.0!

    goldman sachs is prez
    jp morgan is veep
    mitt will not change that


    mitt will be checked
    hobama has been grossly unchecked
    and we have all suffered for his unholy unchecked deeds

    hobama has been adored into being a lazy arrogant brazen bore
    mitt slew him because hobama has become OVERLY confident in the fog of his own nazi sheeple...

    hobama brought his messiah to that debate
    and mitt crucified him

    kudos to the philly slayer mitt!!!

  56. Anonymous2:20 PM

    not one lying racist hobama nazi/dem doormat fool has ever answered this question:



  57. Anonymous2:26 PM

    hey fn:

    re: sidebar

    who will tell the daffy big bird that hobama is the greediest corp whore ever???


    that hobama's entire regime is filled with greedy wall st/corp whores???

    cc this to hobama's peer bankster flocks at bp oil/jp morgan/solyndra/goldman sachs/GE etc...


  58. gimme yo money fool2:44 PM

    When black guys tell you they're brilliant stock market analysts, shake your head, roll your eyes and walk away.

    Alphonse "Buddy" Fletcher is the latest black scammer to pretend he knows how to make money in the stock market.

    Unlike Romney, who has some valuable assets in the Cayman Islands, Fletcher the scammer has nothing but worthless paper down there.

    Hedgie trustee named


    October 9, 2012

    A white-collar crime expert has been named the bankruptcy trustee for Fletcher International, the hedge fund run by Alphonse “Buddy” Fletcher that is involved in a bitter dispute with three Louisiana pension-fund investors.

    The trustee, Richard J. Davis, a former Weil Gotschal partner, told The Post that “my function will be to review the assets, review the valuations and conduct investigations.”

    One point of contention is the valuation of assets of United Community Banks, which Fletcher says are worth $136 million and could pay off the pension funds, which have been trying to get their money back.

    Earlier this year, a Caymans court ruled the assets were worthless.

    The pension funds for Louisiana firefighters and public employees claim the $100 million they invested has disappeared.

    “We absolutely are going to investigate whether or not there has been fraud,” Davis said.

    A spokesman for Buddy Fletcher didn’t respond to a request for comment.

    Now that Fletcher has fallen, the failure rate of black-run hedge funds is roughly 100%.

    Great record. But no surprise

  59. One-Toothed, Big-Mouthed, Negro Lady2:55 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    not one lying racist hobama nazi/dem doormat fool has ever answered this question:



    2:20 PM"

    I gets to keep my Obama phone for fo' mo years.

    Romney, he be suckin'....he take my Obama phone away. I gots my rights to yo money!

  60. Anonymous3:51 PM

    i will never vote again

    i will never again be drone fodder for bilderberg staged selections ever again

    but those who do still naively believe in elections & who are sane WILL vote for mitt...

    so go philly mitt!!!

    see one sane voter here:

    I have never seen a performance worse than Obama’s, distracted, his head dipped into the podium as if avoiding the smell of something rotten, acting above the very idea that a debate does provide a pivotal referendum on his first term as it has for all incumbent presidents, whipsawed by the legion of usual advisers telling him to play defense when his own intuition should have told him that he needed to go on the offensive as Romney slapped him around.
    But there was more than the entitlement of entitlement. He struck me as burnt out, tired of selling his message although he has always been terrible at selling his message when it veers from idealism into the practical.

    Four years ago, all Obama had to do was speak and everyone swooned. That was four years ago. It is now four years later. He is no longer the chosen one. He is just too cool for school in a country desperate for the infectiousness of rejuvenation.

    Romney has it.

    Our president no longer does.


  61. Anonymous4:06 PM

    go philly mitt!!!!!!!

    3) Obama had the wind at his back in 2008 after happening on to a perfect financial storm he claimed he had nothing to do with creating. Today our financial outlook is actually much worse; we are much closer to a Greek-style collapse, and Obama has done nothing and proposed no ideas to avert it. It strains credulity to think Americans are gullible enough to swallow his shameless scapegoating of Republicans for problems he exacerbated and is unwilling or too incompetent to address.

    4) Indeed, Obama’s record has been horrendous in every category — economic, debt, national security, military strength, energy dependence, social cohesiveness, religious liberty, race relations, health care and business. America is significantly worse off than it was when Obama took office. It will be extremely difficult for Obama to overcome the reality of his terrible record with his fictional whitewashing of that record.

    8) Obama is having some difficulty with his base, which is why his campaign is increasingly desperate and shrill. Some blacks are so angry over his liberal social views they may stay home. Some Jews are awakening to Obama’s mistreatment of Israel. If Obama were so confident, he wouldn’t be so flagrantly neglecting his official duties to feverishly campaign.

  62. Frustrated Negro4:46 PM

    Dammm..... Your a Fu*#ing FOOL

    "mitt will be checked"

    By who ??


    Please put the bottle down....

    You dont suddenly become revolutionary by supporting

    Mitt Romney over Obama...

    3rd party or dont vote AT ALL

  63. Anonymous4:49 PM

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  64. Anonymous4:50 PM

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  65. Anonymous4:54 PM


    AND by ALL of the other millions of cloned racist hobama nazi sheeple fools who have demanded NOTHING but photos and tees from hobama since 2008!!!

    hobama is a more cruel racist war mongering cone of gwb...

    so easy to mix up the stolen duplicated reigns!!!

    2008-2012 = slobbering global blind hobama nazi love fest

    kudos to philly eye surgeon mitt!!!

  66. Anonymous4:56 PM

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  67. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Anonymous Frustrated Negro said...

    Dammm..... Your a Fu*#ing FOOL

    "mitt will be checked"

    By who ??


    Please put the bottle down....

    You dont suddenly become revolutionary by supporting

    Mitt Romney over Obama...

    3rd party or dont vote AT ALL

    So revolutionary - The poopy pants party doesn't have anyone running on the ticket. You do know that we hope.

    Don't try and tell us you are a libertarian. You sound much to dependent for that.
