Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mitt and the black vote.

You Obamaholics of the Negro persuasion might want to skip this next post.

I love reading Politic365 (shout out to Kristal and Lauren) and in the spirit of true disclosure I am a sometime contributor to the site.

Anyway, I saw an interesting and provocative article over there that I wanted to share with you. It was written by a man named Raynard Jackson, and he is clearly no fan of his Oness.

"With the presidential election right around the corner and most of the pundits saying the race is Obama’s to lose, I have begun to ponder the possibility that Romney might win and the impact that would have on the Black community.
Romney has been polling around zero percent of the Black vote. We all know that the usual Black liberal groups have sold out to Obama years ago – Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Urban League, etc.

Romney, like Bush in 2000, will owe absolutely nothing to Blacks should he win the election. But, unlike Bush, I have no allusions that Romney will surround himself with the number of Blacks that Bush did. Romney will feel compelled to make some token hires, but not much beyond that.

This will lead to the above-named liberals to complain that Romney is ignoring Blacks and not being inclusive. But these same groups have yet to raise their voices to criticize Obama on the same issue. Bush had more Blacks in his administration than Obama or Bill Clinton. How’s that for a White supposed racist Republican?

So, how can they, credibly, hold Romney to a standard that they refused to hold Obama to?

Let’s assume that Romney agrees to meet with these liberals and they make their typical left-wing demands: higher minimum wage, amnesty for illegals, homosexual rights, input on hiring decisions, etc. If the current incarnation of Romney shows up, he will not agree to their demands.

So, how will they respond if Romney says to them, “Why should I do these things when Obama didn’t do them for you? Congressman Cleaver, will you promise not to march on the White House during my administration like you did for Obama? Mr. Jealous, if I don’t address your annual conference, like Obama, will you give me a pass because my schedule is supposedly full? Members of the CBC, if I tell you to stop complaining like Obama did, will you label me a racist, even though you didn’t call Obama a racist?”

If the first Black president ignores the Black community, how can we then make demands on the next White president, regardless of party? This is why having Blacks put all their votes in one party is so dangerous. We have absolutely no leverage if Romney wins the White House.

What’s amazing about the groups that claim to represent all Blacks is they all claim to be non-partisan. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.
On election night, should Romney win, he will say all the right things about wanting to be president for all of America, even those who did not vote for him.
But, in raw political terms, why should Romney engage with these liberals? They don’t represent the Black mainstream. They have been bought and paid for by the Democratic Party and the likes of George Soros." [More here]

Great questions from Mr. Jackson, but I have a couple for him:

What makes you think that Mitt Romney's policies would be any better for black people? Tax cuts for the uber rich so that they can build more companies and hire more people has been tried before, and it didn't work for the country at large. Trust me; it sure as hell won't work for black people.

Mr. Jackson takes simplistic view of politics in Washington and fails to factor in other issues which contributed to our current state of affairs: The senate minority leader vowed to make Obama a "one term president".

And these liberal progressive groups didn't go looking for black folks; black folks came looking for them. Why? Because most black people who work and struggle in these divided states of America realize that their (the progressive groups) policies serve their interests in a more practical way.

And why does the hiring of minorities have to be "token" hires?
Surely there must be qualified black (conservative republicans included) who would be able to contribute to Mitt's administration on issues from education and health to crime and other urban issues.

Sounds like Mr. Jackson is worried about his own political handouts from Mitt and company. He is saying that politics is all about giving to those who support you. OK, I can ride with that, but groups who are committed to a particular political ideology can't just pick a candidate and ride with him in hopes of getting handouts, later. Obama didn't give them all that they wanted, but would they have really gotten more under Romney?

That is the million dollar question, and only time will tell what the answer is.


  1. Jackson and his ilk like to have it both ways, if Barack hired a bunch of sistas and brothas they'd join the chorus of folks on the right calling him a racist and hateful to white people (oh that's right they did that anyway) or if he plays it cool in his first term they can criticize him for ignoring blah issues. If he gets a second term I bet a fat man his policies and hires will be firmly in the left and colored column.
    BTW, isn't this Jackson dude the same guy who is a preacher in DC that jigged for Bush?

  2. Akando10:25 PM

    "Romney, like Bush in 2000, will owe absolutely nothing to Blacks should he win the election."

    Less than Bush. If Romney wins with zero percent of black votes, then black votes mean nothing. Republicans don't have to do anything for blacks, because blacks will always refuse to vote for them. Democrats don't have to do anything for blacks, because blacks will always vote for them regardless.

    White America will move on, and the Democrat strategy of everyone against the white man will put them out of power for the next decade.

  3. Or the Republicon strategy of relying on southern white males will put them out of power as the number of people of color are increasing as the number of whites are declining.

  4. Rasmer10:56 PM

    Field Negro: "And why does the hiring of minorities have to be "token" hires?"

    Why indeed? Why are there no blacks who would be qualified for high government postions based on merit alone? I mean, look at the disaster our Affirmative Action President has been.

    Not only will this election signal the end of black electoral importance, but the end of Affirmative Action. Then we will get that "level playing field" Obama is always talking about.

  5. Well seeing that Bush Jr was an Affirmative Action president we should have already be used to it. Maybe we'll reach that level playing field when white male AA ends. Yeah, right.

  6. Rasmer11:54 PM

    Bush's incompetence does not excuse Obama's failures.

    Romney is not Bush. In truth, Obama has been much more like Bush. He has continued unchanged Bush's wars, exactly on Bush's withdrawal schedule. He has kept Guantanomo open. He has kept up Bush's deficit spending, albeit at a much increased pace.

    It is long past time for a competent leader. No more legacies, no more affirmative action hires.

    Romney/Ryan 2012.

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth12:32 AM

    What level playing field? Since the first slave ship landed in America the playing field has been extremely unbalanced. Affirmative Action helped white women more than it did black people, but those that want it ended refuse to admit that and ignore that fact. Why? Because they do not want to see a black man with one red penny. Never did,never have, and never will! They still view black folks as property. The level playing field will come when whites stop being GREEDY.

    Nonetheless, white males dominate in power, jobs, and in whatever other benefits Americans get. It is not black males/women. We usually get the crumbs or leftovers, and they don't want to see us with that. We've always been the last hired and first to be fired and that's an historic fact. That's why it is taking so long for unemployment for blacks to go down, but it will as soon as EMPLOYERS finish hiring their own.

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth12:41 AM

    You right Romney isn't Bush, he's worst than Bush! Matter of fact, I'll even go so far as to say that Bush was a way better man than Romney. Romney is the male version of Sarah Palin. One thing he is good at though is putting his foot in his mouth. I love it when he does that. He'll be doing that again real soon too because he is not that bright, but he is very skilled in being condescending and a habitual liar though.

  9. Woodman12:44 AM

    @Granny: A level playing field resulted in white males on top. No one was picking winners and losers - it was just what it was.

    Only when the goverment stepped in did the playing field become tipped in favor of minorities and women. If there was a true level playing field, thie situation would go back to normal.

  10. Ramesh12:45 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Romney is the male version of Sarah Palin."

    You are an idiot.

  11. No more legacies? I agree so we should not elect a guy whose dad ran for president and was a governor and whose mom ran for the senate. Hell, we don't even know if the guy even pays taxes or hides all his money in the Caymans. Yeah yeah I know, class warfare......

  12. The only solace that I would take from an Rmoney administration would be seeing the hermancaine performance art project as secretary of HUD or Education or Interior, so that at least we'll be going out in a blaze of avant-garde irony.

  13. GrannyStandingforTruth1:01 AM


    Not only does Romney hide his money in the Caymans, he erases government harddrives to cover his tracks in his other sneaky activities when holding government positions.

  14. GrannyStandingforTruth1:09 AM

    Whitey, if they put Herman in charge of any government office, Uncle Same would go bankrupt trying to defend him against sexual harrassment suits.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth1:13 AM

    *Uncle Sam*

  16. Actually Uncle Same works better.

  17. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Hey Everyone; good news everything over at is 30% off right now.

    I guess it's a going out of business sale.

    Unfortunately despite out-raising Romney and being the first Billion Dollar Campaign ever, Obama is broke. He had to borrow 15 million from Bank Of America and is running a huge debt in the campaign (this doesn't even count the cities he stiffed for security costs) and the fact that the majority of his campaign travel costs including flying to 2 or more fundraisers a day were picked up by the taxpayer.

    Romney is doing OK he still has 89Million and leads in the race.

    See what happens when an adult is running things?

    Anyway, head over to at your leisure. I expect there will be plenty to go around as not many want any of this stuff anymore. They did Add Obama Big Birds and Binders though for the last Obama Presidential moment and you can even get a Sandra Fluke birth control candy pill with obama logo. By the way Sandra had a rally yesterday and 12 people showed up.

    P.S you will be happy to know Obama isn't planning any huge event in Grant Park like in 2008. Nope his concession speech will be held in McCormick Place/Convention center in Chicago - No bus or train service to McCormick place so he isn't expecting throngs of supporters. McCormick place is in between two highways so Obama will have easy access to his Obama/Rezko mansion after conceding.

  18. Anonymous5:18 AM

    @ Granny,

    You are right. Affirmative action is the way to go in the race of life. OK, hop on my back with five friends and press that government spear into my neck to keep me moving and when/if I make it to the end I will be sure to throw you and your five friends over the finish line first.

  19. Quote some nameless moron upthread

    "ey Everyone; good news everything over at is 30% off right now."

    errrrrrrr, no it isn't.

    I just checked; out of the dozens and dozens of items on sale I found just a couple that were discounted.


    "Romney is doing OK he still has 89Million and leads in the race."

    Obama raised $136 million in September compared to just $76 for Romney.

    Romney is NOT leading the race,unless you cherry pick a couple of poll results and ignore the majority. The independent polling-geek site fivethirtyeight gives Obama a 67.9% chance of winning this election up 5.3% from October 13th.


    Any other works of fiction you would like to share with us?

  20. "Romney is not Bush"

    Then why are most of his advisors and lackeys from W's administration.

    PC, there you go with FACTS again. Didn't you know that trolls hate facts? :)

    Sup Grannyh? Still holding it down out on the Leftcoast?

  21. Anonymous8:31 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Quote some nameless moron upthread

    "ey Everyone; good news everything over at is 30% off right now."

    errrrrrrr, no it isn't.

    I just checked; out of the dozens and dozens of items on sale I found just a couple that were discounted.

    HA HA what a tool you are.
    You are the type of guy people smack in the forehead when his attention whoring gets too annoying. HAHA Dick.

    "Romney is doing OK he still has 89Million and leads in the race."

    Obama raised ($136 million) in September compared to just $76 for Romney.

    That's the point tool. Yet he is still broke, borrowing and in debt. He raised more money, yet Romney managed his better. Also seeing as how you are one of those annoying little twerpy nerds, you need new sources. Obama and his team raised a combined $182 million in September not 136, compared with $171 (not 76) million for the Romney axis of groups."

    He had better be raising some money, all he does is campaign and fundraise with Jay Z, Beyonce and other hollywood stars, along with asking everyone to donate to him in place of their own wedding gifts and all other creepy stuff. Benghazi? The hell with that, I got 2 fundraisers to go to.

    Again the main point is he doesn't pay for a major portion of his costs U.S taxpayers do, yet he is still broke. Indicative of democratic lack of budget and malfeasance in managing their spending.

    And get this, Romney did it all with legal contributors, none of the foreign Arab contributors Obama gets by illegally disabling the credit card check that he did last election and continues to do during this one. Man this guy is dirty in everything isn't he (Hillary/McCain were right)

    Romney is NOT leading the race,unless you cherry pick a couple of poll results and ignore the majority. The independent polling-geek site fivethirtyeight gives Obama a 67.9% chance of winning this election up 5.3% from October 13th.

    Oh the tool likes a geek site, how nice. Well I won't quibble with a quibble and bits guy. Polls are going to be manipulated and we both know that, but Rasmussen and Gallup have shown the Romney Momentum continues with his taking the lead in electoral votes and the popular vote. In example: who do I believe when Left wing media say Obama is leading by 8 in Florida after oversampling Dem +9 and everyone else says Romney is leading 51-46? Well, I guess Obama pulling out and losing the electoral votes in predictions gives you a clue what might really be happening.

    Any other works of fiction you would like to share with us?

    Your entire ideology is a work of fiction, no amount of wordsmithing will ever change that.

    Happy trails comrade. May the force of MAO be with you and I hope you won't get too depressed and do something drastic when it all comes down.

  22. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "Romney is not Bush"

    Then why are most of his advisors and lackeys from W's administration.

    PC, there you go with FACTS again. Didn't you know that trolls hate facts? :)

    You guys are funny. Purple Cows facts are like A budget in the Obama administration, they say it exists but no one has ever seen one passed, then when you look into they say a political speech is the budget get the transcript.

  23. Anonymous8:59 AM

    @Depressed Purple Cow

    Holy cow you were right, nah just far, far left out as usual.

    30% off everything, going out of business sale on

    Here's the fundraising email.

    Make sure you order your mug, bumper stickers and more today.
    Someday they might be worth just as much as Carters Paraphernalia is.

    Do you know why this always happens to you? It's that myopic world view you have. Despite the results, you are just sure you are always right.

  24. I agree with PC there Granny, Uncle Same is a great name. You think Herman Cain is bad but just wait until John Bolton, Robert Bork, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich get hold of any kind of power.

  25. Rasmer11:18 AM

    PilotX said...
    No more legacies? I agree so we should not elect a guy whose dad ran for president and was a governor and whose mom ran for the senate

    A legacy gets in because of his father's fortune, an affirmative action hire gets in because of his great-great-great grandfather's misfortune.

    Bush was a legacy, the son of a President. Romney is not. He has an incredible resume of his own accomplishments that make him qualified to be President.

    Obama had accomplished nothing on his own before becoming President, and his record as President confirms his lack of accomplishment. He is a pure affirmative action hire, elected solely because of his race.

    The fact Romney's parents had some success does not detract from his own achievements, just as blacks who achieve success by merit should not be disqualified because of the existence of affirmative action.

    Romney is clearly the superior candidate, and the right man for the Bush/Obama economic mess we need to deal with.

    As irrational as politics sometimes seems in this country, I really can't see America deciding to continue down the road to fiscal and societal ruin that Obama is barreling down. It is Romney or the highway.

  26. "Romney is not. He has an incredible resume of his own accomplishments that make him qualified to be President."

    Not true. His initial moves into business were a disaster, and he had to rely on a government hand-out to save Bain Capital's sorry ass. Later he got rich by destroying perfectly good American companies. He forced them to to take out loans to cover the costs of (typically 95%) of the leveraged buy-out, and then charging them millions of dollars for arranging the loans they didn't need and to pay for Bain's "strategic advice".

    Then when they went bankrupt under the weight of the loans Bain had saddled them with, Bain would asset-strip them and move on.

    It's called 'predatory capitalism', the ruthless destruction of viable American companies and people's lives in the relentless pursuit of profit.

  27. Romney has no record. He is willing to take whatever stand is popular at any given time. He was a failure as governor and he was able to go to Harvard because his father was wealthy. He is not a self made man despite his protestations of such. Ok, so he can run a business but then again so can thousands of other people. His naïve view of foreign policy should give us all pause.

  28. Anonymous12:42 PM

    PilotX said...

    " Romney has no record. He is willing to take whatever stand is popular at any given time. He was a failure as governor and he was able to go to Harvard because his father was wealthy. He is not a self made man despite his protestations of such. Ok, so he can run a business but then again so can thousands of other people. His naïve view of foreign policy should give us all pause. "

    He was a failure as a Governor? Wow, they led us to believe he did really well. What made you notice he was a failure when he was a Governor?

    "He was only successful at Harvard because of his father?"

    How did he do? Did he get good grades? Did he earn a couple of degrees - from Harvard at the same time? That seems like it would take a very high intelligence level AND a lot of work, what do you think?

    I would like to meet the thousands of average commonplace business owners like him that you mention, they can teach you a lot about those millions of details in running successful businesses that if overlooked or not handled properly will cause the business to fail as most do, especially the ones worth 250 or so million, they must be doing something right.

    On his Naive view of foreign policy, he said Russia was not the friend Obama was making out to be (Obama will have more bow room after the election remember, if they are so friendly and what Obama is being pushed to do so good, why does he have to hide it from Americans and not worry about being held accountable until after the election?)

    MOSCOW, Oct 20 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin took a leading role in the latest tests of Russia's strategic nuclear arsenal, the most comprehensive since the 1991 Soviet collapse, the Kremlin said on Saturday.

    Putin has shut down US Aid and "free radio" in Russia and advised he will not be re -signing any Nuclear treaties with the US as he is ramping up Russia's Arsenal. Also a fleet of bombers tested Alaskan airspace a couple of months ago and nuclear subs were off the coast of California.

    Now who do you think is being Naive?

    Arab Spring - Well that says it all. I guess he found out that telling people who hate them that you love them and attack your own people for having truthful views and distrust, doesn't stop them from hating you and wanting to kill you, especially if it's their religion? So he belittled his own people and emboldened their enemies - who's Naive?

    Ben Ghazi - Enough said, Romney may be the one who stops a disastrous war by not being Naive and incompetent.

    What about Obama gives you pause?

  29. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Looks like Obama's foreign policy still is one of apologizing and throwing Americans under the bus in order to deal with insane regimes, what could go wrong?

    He was sorry about the sanctions IRAN but those pesky Americans in congress made him do it. Damn those meany Americans...

    Swiss Ambassador to Tehran Livia Leu Agosti attended a meeting with senior Iranian foreign ministry officials a few days ago to submit a letter from the US president to Tehran leaders.

    Vice-Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Hossein Ebrahimi told FNA that during the meeting, Agosti had told the Iranian officials that President Barack Obama recognizes Iran's right of access and use of the nuclear technology.

    "There are a couple of points with regard to this (US) message (to Iran)," Ebrahimi said and added, "Firstly, during the session to submit the message, the Swiss ambassador to Tehran quoted the US president as saying that 'we (the US) recognize your nuclear rights'."

    As regards the second issue, the lawmaker said that the Swiss diplomat had also quoted Obama as saying that "I didn't want to impose sanctions on your central bank but I had no options but to approve it since a Congress majority had approved the decision."

  30. Rasmer12:51 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Romney is not. He has an incredible resume of his own accomplishments that make him qualified to be President."

    Not true. His initial moves into business were a disaster, and he had to rely on a government hand-out to save Bain Capital's sorry ass. Later he got rich by destroying perfectly good American companies. He forced them to to take out loans to cover the costs of (typically 95%) of the leveraged buy-out, and then charging them millions of dollars for arranging the loans they didn't need and to pay for Bain's "strategic advice".

    Then when they went bankrupt under the weight of the loans Bain had saddled them with, Bain would asset-strip them and move on.

    Yours are the words of an utter fool, one who will parrot any agitprop that fits the narrative of pious resentment. Your moral preening is exceeded only by your ignorance. One only needs to look at the decrepit and dying nation you inhabit to see where such views lead. Your opinion on American politics means less than nothing. To anyone with a clue, you illustrate the complete vacuousness of modern leftism. Thank you for once again humiliating yourself.

  31. Something to keep in mind when you hear Barack Obama on the stump talking about “Romnesia” - those elementary-school attacks using people’s names are something one usually farms out to surrogates (and is pretty lame regardless). That comes with the grasping of “binders,” literally grasping in Joe Biden’s case (and literally literally, not Bidenesque “literally”), as a major campaign theme. When the President himself starts using attacks like this, it speaks to his desperation more than his opponent’s positions. It adds more heft to the argument that the first debate wasn’t a fluke, but demonstrated an actual gap in presidential stature between the two men.

    Obama now realizes he is going to lose, and how he handles it will not be a pretty sight.

  32. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Anonymous Ed said...

    Something to keep in mind when you hear Barack Obama on the stump talking about “Romnesia” - those elementary-school attacks using people’s names are something one usually farms out to surrogates (and is pretty lame regardless). That comes with the grasping of “binders,” literally grasping in Joe Biden’s case (and literally literally, not Bidenesque “literally”), as a major campaign theme. When the President himself starts using attacks like this, it speaks to his desperation more than his opponent’s positions. It adds more heft to the argument that the first debate wasn’t a fluke, but demonstrated an actual gap in presidential stature between the two men.

    Obama now realizes he is going to lose, and how he handles it will not be a pretty sight.

    It's also a precursor - Gloria Allred on behalf of Obama is going to try a hit job on Romney monday ALA Herman Cain and bring up the same old tired thing from 20 years ago; Gasp it's going to say that 20 years ago Romney was pro-life.

    Obama is allready done but if he exits this way linking with this whackjob Allbright, after his entire campaign has been about Mitts Dog, Sandra Fluke, Big Bird, Binders and whatever other nonsense I may be forgetting, he will go down in history as the most incompetent disgusting president who had to rely on garbage instead of talking about his performance.

    I know Mitt knows about this, if Obama goes through with it then he should release the intelligence about Obama in the chicago bath houses.

  33. "He was a failure as a Governor? Wow, they led us to believe he did really well. What made you notice he was a failure when he was a Governor?"

    Yes, 47th out of 50 in job creation. The folks who know him best are voting for Obama.

    "he will go down in history as the most incompetent disgusting president who had to rely on garbage instead of talking about his performance. "

    Wrong wingnut, there are at least ten presidents ahead of him with that distinction. Let's start with a few republicans: Nixon, Bush, Harding and Raygun all fall into that category

  34. Are we going to bring back the cold war Russia crap too? Yeah, all we need is the bull in the china cabinet approach of a chickenhawk Republicon. Avoid war? Really? All we hear from the Romney camp is war talk with Iran while it looks like the pressure put on them by the current administration is working without the schoolyard bluster. As far as business experience what does that have to do with running a country? You don't run governments like businesses, remember our first MBA president who tried that? Didn't turn out so well did it? Oh that's right, Romnesia or selective conservative memory. Let's not even talk about Rawmoney's hidden assets and foreign bank accounts and his unwillingness to disclose his tax returns while asking such from his running mate. Sorry but I can't hire that man if I think he's hiding something which he is but the conservative lack of intellectual curiosity will prevent us from knowing what it is but these same fools go to Hawaii to get birth certificates.
    Too early to call the election but we'll see which half wins but with enough voter suppression you may be right, the magic underwear guy may just win.

  35. Petrov2:27 PM

    failed negro said...
    Yes, 47th out of 50 in job creation.

    Are you a math illiterate, or are you just dutifully repeating a lie? Either way, it's pathetic.

    And the Obama campaign has been the most disingenuous pack of lies and distractions in American history. The full truth will be revealed after he loses, and he will be remembered as the biggest liar and fraud to ever have inhabited the White House. Worse than Clinton, worse than Carter, worse than Nixon. His time in office is a stain on American history. Good riddance.

  36. Check it out Field, your 47th out of 50 claim is challenged without any evidence. Typical conservative counter argument "no it's not". Romney style debating.

  37. Anonymous2:58 PM

    foolish negroes....

  38. "MOSCOW, Oct 20 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin took a leading role in the latest tests of Russia's strategic nuclear arsenal, the most comprehensive since the 1991 Soviet collapse, the Kremlin said on Saturday. Putin has shut down US Aid and "free radio" in Russia and advised he will not be re -signing any Nuclear treaties with the US as he is ramping up Russia's Arsenal. Also a fleet of bombers tested Alaskan airspace a couple of months ago and nuclear subs were off the coast of California.

    Now who do you think is being Naive?"

    Anybody who thinks Russia will ever be influenced by what an American President thinks or does.

    Under Bush's Presidency we were told that America was the world's only super-power. The Neocons actually said that this was "the end of history" (!) Bush told the Russians not to recognize the independent state of South Osetia. The Russians told the USA to fuck off (literally) and went ahead and recognized it any way.

    America has no control over Russia, never has - never will. Putin is his own man, he's not Obama's poodle and he won't be Romney's poodle.


    "Arab Spring - Well that says it all. I guess he found out that telling people who hate them that you love them and attack your own people for having truthful views and distrust, doesn't stop them from hating you and wanting to kill you, especially if it's their religion? So he belittled his own people and emboldened their enemies - who's Naive? "

    The Arab Spring is about Democracy. The point of Democracy is independence of thought. The Arab Spring means that the days when the USA could order their client-state Arab nations to do what they wanted them to do are long gone.

    Arabs now have self determination, they are finally free to think for themselves. For you that's a bad thing, but for the rest of the human race it's a wonderful thing.


    "Ben Ghazi - Enough said, Romney may be the one who stops a disastrous war by not being Naive and incompetent."

    Security arrangements in the Ben Ghazi consulate have not changed since the Bush era.

  39. I think it's lame. The article by Raynard is merely a call for more racism from the first black President. At that level you surround yourself with who you feel is most qualified from the human resources available. While racial discrimination is wrong at any level, at the executive level any type of affirmative action type consideration of race would be, too. Race regrettably IS an issue at the beginning of the curve, but it should certainly be a non-issue in terms of job qulification at the other end - at that level it has to be non-issue, really. And you see, I think THAT is what Bush knew during his administration, as well. It's not that Bush isn't a racist, it's that the most qualified people at that time happened to be black and he HAD to hire them out of practicality. I mean, Condie wasn't just a black woman, she was actually the most QUALIFIED person for the job. And as we can see, in no way did Bush go wrong in hiring her, did he? So all this racism stuff, while relevant to all of OUR lives down here at the bottom can't afford to be a priority up top. That's a good thing, I think, since 50 years ago you couldn't have a black Secretary of State, even if she was the best candidate for the job. Like I say, change is happening whether we all like it or not. It's unavoidable. Down here in the fields (no pun intended), we can kick around all this kind of stuff all we want and there are plenty of people higher up who exploit it - but once you reach the war room you gotta leave that stuff at the door. I really think Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell are sterling examples of that - consumate professionals whose ability transcend any petty considerations of race - or gender.

  40. "Romney may be the one who stops a disastrous war by not being Naive and incompetent."

    Sorry, but that would require him not being naive and incompetent about international relations, and he has repeatedly proven to be frighteningly naive and manifestly incompetent. Specifically, in the Middle East-North Africa South-Central-Asia Axis, he is pledged to sub-contract our policies to the Israeli far-right and follow them to war with Iran should they make the unilateral decision to start such a war. No, a Romney foreign policy would be exponentially more disastrous than W's. We would end up entangled across a burning Shia Crescent, from the Caspian the the Med, and a hostile, Salafist North Africa from Sinai to the Atlantic. It wouldn't be Bush II on steroids, it would be Bush II on meth.

  41. Ed said...
    “Romnesia” - those elementary-school attacks using people’s names are something one usually farms out to surrogates (and is pretty lame regardless).

    Yeah, like Mitt did with "Obamacare" right?.

  42. Anonymous4:42 PM

    The Depressed Purple Cow said...

    "Anybody who thinks Russia will ever be influenced by what an American President thinks or does

    Under Bush's Presidency we were told that America was the world's only super-power. The Neocons actually said that this was "the end of history" (!) Bush told the Russians not to recognize the independent state of South Osetia. The Russians told the USA to fuck off (literally) and went ahead and recognized it any way.

    America has no control over Russia, never has - never will. Putin is his own man, he's not Obama's poodle and he won't be Romney's poodle."

    Look Mommy, a real gen-you-wine live commie. Standing up for his communists friends and such.

    Better read some history son and stop chompin on them mushrooms. A strong America is a deterrent to Communist aggression, oppression and murder. Under Obama, not a bit. That will change, count on it. We won't flee commitments to our allies weaken them and us in order to be an apologizing coward, the world eats up people who run from real world issues and communists and Islamicists love weakness. No apologies, no weakness, if someone tries to kill you, wipe them out to the last dead skin cell.

    So now your real agenda has been outed, you hate America exceptionalism, you hate America being the only superpower, presumably due to the stark contrast of your nation rapidly, becoming a third world hellhole.

    Tough removed clitoris's my Islamic/Commie loving comrade, we will not apologize for our greatness, we will not stone our women and once Obama is gone we will not arrest Americans who practice free speech because some crazies are offended.
    "The Arab Spring is about Democracy. The point of Democracy is independence of thought. The Arab Spring means that the days when the USA could order their client-state Arab nations to do what they wanted them to do are long gone.

    Arabs now have self determination, they are finally free to think for themselves. For you that's a bad thing, but for the rest of the human race it's a wonderful thing."

    Now which is it? Do you want Dictatorial Communism Comrade or free democracy? You must have some knockdown drag-out arguments with yourself, do you smack yourself when one side contradicts the other and logic sees no light in your otherwise roomy head?

    Democracy - What a totally ridiculous straw argument. I said Al Queda killing Americans and committing an act of war by breaching/destroying and burning our embassy was unacceptable and Obama covering it up to hide his incompetence was also unacceptable. Cover ups and apologies weaken the people you obviously are jealous of - Americans, not a peep of what you cooked up. But in any case Democracy is a wonderful thing, doesn't mean that we ally with people who are murderous barbaric 7th century savages just because they SAY they had a free election and install the Muslim Brotherhood, while outwardly telling us they wish to annihilate the only real democracy in the middle east - Israel and the U.S.

    So far you condone communism and clearly now you condone Sharia law and all the atrocities associated with what is happening in these "democracies" you are one conflicted SOB for sure.

    "Ben Ghazi - Enough said, Romney may be the one who stops a disastrous war by not being Naive and incompetent."

    Security arrangements in the Ben Ghazi consulate have not changed since the Bush era.

    Oh my, is that so? What goes along with a logical statement such as this that may or may not be true in it's irrelevancy. Has anything changed that may have warranted increased security? Have there been any attacks, requests for security from people on the ground? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm??? People who were proven correct as they were executed by terrorists who specifically planned the attack.

  43. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Ed said...
    “Romnesia” - those elementary-school attacks using people’s names are something one usually farms out to surrogates (and is pretty lame regardless).

    Yeah, like Mitt did with "Obamacare" right?.

    Obamacare isn't derogatory and certainly isn't grade school hijinx. It only became derogatory once the shady details of that horrible piece of legislation contained were revealed. Whats wrong with calling it the name of the primary advocate, unless it's a bad thing you want to run from, like every democrat did. He embraces it now....supposedly.

  44. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    "Romney may be the one who stops a disastrous war by not being Naive and incompetent."

    Sorry, but that would require him not being naive and incompetent about international relations, and he has repeatedly proven to be frighteningly naive and manifestly incompetent. Specifically, in the Middle East-North Africa South-Central-Asia Axis, he is pledged to sub-contract our policies to the Israeli far-right and follow them to war with Iran should they make the unilateral decision to start such a war.

    You named entire regions without making a point or referencing one policy other then in generalities,other than Israel. I

    No, a Romney foreign policy would be exponentially more disastrous than W's. We would end up entangled across a burning Shia Crescent, from the Caspian the the Med, and a hostile, Salafist North Africa from Sinai to the Atlantic. It wouldn't be Bush II on steroids, it would be Bush II on meth.

    A liberal apologist, don't offend the murderous savages and then they won't attack us. Life doesnt' work that way jane fonda, they will attack until you convert or are dead. They will not attack as they used to when they fear the wrath of the great "satan" as they call it, right now they know our government is filled with left wing radicals who save all their rage and contempt for fellow Americans instead of directing it at the ones killing Americans.

    Israel is the only true democracy in the middle east, it's women and Arab citizens are treated equally and fairly. However it does not pussy foot about - they call a spade a spade and will retaliate immediately if attacked as they should.

  45. parvenu5:11 PM

    Romney is an official in the hierarchy of the Mormon Church which only de-recognized American Negroes as being children of a black Satan in 1978. As a person who grew up in the Church of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) Mitt Romney's racism has its roots in the LDS theology that he was taught as a child. The American Main Stream Media (MSM) refuses to even touch this bit of documented Mormon history with a 10 foot asbestos pole.

    Spokesmen for the LDS Church on the other hand welcome public discussion on this subject, because it gives them an opportunity to showcase the extensive scope of the Church's missionary empire around the world. They love to point to the extensive LDS membership that exists in the Fiji islands, and the millions of LDS members in Africa. After these disclosures the LDS spokesmen like to ask the obvious rhetorical question, "With this extensive missionary outreach to millions of people of color how can WE (the LDS Church) possibly be racist?" This argument is pure obscuration of the reality of the situation and does nothing to erase the history of racist theology that was taught as official LDS Church doctrine until just 34 years ago.

    The Bible relates that the children of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years after their exodus migration from slavery in Egypt. This enforced 40 year period was necessary to free the newly created Hebrew tribes of all forms, ideas, and imagery associated with Egyptian culture and beliefs that they had been inculcated with as slaves in Egypt. It was also the period of time that was necessary to stabilize, strengthen, and establish the core of beliefs and newly established traditions passed to the Hebrew people from God through Moses.

    Keeping this historical saga in mind, we should note that it has only been 34 years since the Church of the LDS changed their theology regarding African Americans. In this case the LDS is some 6 years short as compared with the Book of Exodus.

  46. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Purple Bovine treats said...

    "America has no control over Russia, never has - never will. Putin is his own man, he's not Obama's poodle and he won't be Romney's poodle."

    As if Barack is anything but the mooches poodle in return for her providing beard services,she and Valerie keep him on a very short leash.

  47. Purple Cow5:19 PM

    Keeping this historical saga in mind, we should note that it has only been 34 years since the Church of the LDS changed their theology regarding African Americans. In this case the LDS is some 6 years short as compared with the Book of Exodus

    I remember LDS I did a lot of that in the 60's, LDS and mushrooms whatta trip man.

  48. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Clit Romney talks about working with the Democrat-led legislature...what's up with the 800 vetoes? And is it true that his approval rating as govenor in Massachusetts is and was 34%? I don't trust him or his dyed hair.

  49. Rasmer5:56 PM

    Purple Cow said...
    "The Neocons actually said that this was "the end of history"

    No, that was Francis Fukyama.

    "America has no control over Russia, never has - never will. Putin is his own man, he's not Obama's poodle and he won't be Romney's poodle."

    Obama is actually Putin's poodle, his "flexible" poodle.

    "Arabs now have self determination, they are finally free to think for themselves."

    Really? Islam lets people think for themselves? You are a complete idiot.

    Stop it cow. You are embarrassing yourself again.

  50. Limchenko5:59 PM

    Not only did CNN honcho Mark Whitaker send an e-mail to CNN employees totally defending Candy Crowley’s unprecedentedly improper and egregious intervention in the debate, but CNN has published an article claiming to prove that she spoke the truth. This incident can serve as a touchstone of fundamental honesty. Anyone who says that Obama called the Benghazi attack a terrorist act on the day after the attack, and who uses that claim to “disprove” the fact that the administration’s position for at least a week after the attack was that it was a spontaneous response to a video, is a Soviet-level liar. Which will probably turn out to mean, not just CNN, but the entire liberal apparatus and most liberals.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Less than 3 weeks out, the election contest seems to have settled into the national popular tie at 47 all, with Mitt leading in double digits in roughly the lower confederacy and 2 border states, and Obama leading in most of the rest but far fewer by double digits. Electoral votes if the election were held now would go Obama's way by 290/250ish. Because of Obama's broader but less intense support, regionally and demographically, Romney needs at least a 2 point lead to even threaten 270, probably more like 3. I still think that it will ultimately break one way or another by about that. The 5% of the population who aren't crazy about Obama but aren't anxious to replace him with Mitt either will go more one way or another. That probably makes it Obama's to lose, based on the well known "devil you know" tendencies of the undecided small c conservative vote in the very center of the electorate.

  53. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Less than 3 weeks out, the election contest seems to have settled into the national popular tie at 47 all, with Mitt leading in double digits in roughly the lower confederacy and 2 border states, and Obama leading in most of the rest but far fewer by double digits. Electoral votes if the election were held now would go Obama's way by 290/250ish. Because of Obama's broader but less intense support, regionally and demographically, Romney needs at least a 2 point lead to even threaten 270, probably more like 3. I still think that it will ultimately break one way or another by about that. The 5% of the population who aren't crazy about Obama but aren't anxious to replace him with Mitt either will go more one way or another. That probably makes it Obama's to lose, based on the well known "devil you know" tendencies of the undecided small c conservative vote in the very center of the electorate.

    Well that seems to be an overly obama - optimistic view. As mentioned to you last week I said Obama would be hard pressed to keep 10 states leaning Obama and that is a fact today, he has 9.

    RCP has Romney ahead in electoral votes 206 -201 and the thing you have forgotten is independents have hugely moved to Romney.

    Obama is toast. The polls that are breaking even today are those that have always had Obama up with a high +Dem Count. Even they are showing the gap closing with all others showing Romney in the lead.

    Obama does not fit your analogy of the "devil you know" this normally implies status quo - not so good, not so bad. Obama is drowning and taking down the rest of us with him. Huge difference.

  54. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Whitey -what were you saying about Obama's foreign policy?

    Former Senior Obama Foreign policy/Defense Adviser Rosa Brooks Eviscerates Administration's Catastrophic Foreign Policy Failures

    She pretty much says what every other area he is involved with has said, his leadership skill are horrible and like the American public he has everyone squabbling over lack of vision, goals, involvement and so on.

    "..he has presided over an exceptionally dysfunctional and un-visionary national security architecture -- one that appears to drift from crisis to crisis, with little ability to look beyond the next few weeks. His national security staff is squabbling and demoralized..."

    1. Get a Strategy. No, really. We don't currently seem to have one, grand or otherwise. We've got "the long war" -- but we don't seem to have a long game. Instead of a strategy, we have aspirations ("We want a stable Middle East") and we have laundry lists (check out the 2010 National Security Strategy). But as I have written in a previous column, there's no clear sense of what animates our foreign policy. And without a clear strategic vision of the world, there's no way to evaluate the success or failure of different initiatives, and no way to distinguish the important from the marginal...

    Another of Brooks' recommendations is for Obama to get out of his bubble and talk to experts, not cronies, campaign aides and yes-men. But RedState reminds us that, ironically, Obama has moved backward in that respect, not forward.

    The problem is actually much deeper than merely getting out of the bubble. The focus of the problem is in Obama’s personality and inflated self image. As former aide Neera Tanden said in a recent NY Magazine interview.

  55. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Surprise! Egyptians Increasingly Like Iran, Want Nuclear Weapons

    Isn't Obamas foreign policy just working out wonderfully?

  56. killer workout6:59 PM

    Slaughter at the Spa...

    Dispatcher: Wis. spa shooting suspect found dead

    Oct 21, 6:04 PM (ET)


    (BROOKFIELD, Wis. (AP) - A man police suspected of killing three and wounding four by opening fire at a tranquil day spa was found dead Sunday afternoon following a six-hour manhunt that locked down a shopping center, country club and hospital in suburban Milwaukee.

    Authorities said they believed the shooting was related to a domestic dispute.

    The man they identified as the suspect, Radcliffe Franklin Haughton, 45, of Brown Deer, had a restraining order against him.

    The shooting happened about 11 a.m. at the Azana Day Spa, a two-story, 9,000-square-foot building across from a major shopping mall in Brookfield, a middle-to-upper class community west of Milwaukee.

    Hours later, a bomb squad descended on the building, and Police Chief Dan Tushaus said an improvised explosive device had been found inside.

    Shortly before authorities said Haughton's body had been found, his father, Radcliffe Haughton, Sr., told The Associated Press and a television station in telephone interviews from Florida that he had last spoken to his son a few days ago, but didn't have any indication anything was wrong.

    He said then that he had a message for his son: "Please just turn yourself in or contact me."

    "She ran right out into the street was pounding on cars," Gosh told the newspaper. He said that moments later, a man with a handgun ran out, and appeared to be chasing her, then went back inside.

    Police released little about Haughton other than a physical description and a photo. They said he was wearing a grey sweater, jeans, and carrying a white and black backpack. They said he was 6-foot-2, and more than 200 pounds.

    Online court records showed a temporary restraining order was issued against Haughton in Milwaukee County Circuit Court on Oct. 8 because of a domestic abuse complaint.

    Haughton appeared in court Thursday, when a no-contact order was issued and he was told to turn all his weapons over to the sheriff's department.

    It was not clear who sought the restraining order, but his father said he was married.

  57. "The Neocons actually said that this was "the end of history"

    No, that was Francis Fukyama.

    ...who is a Neocon.

  58. "Surprise! Egyptians Increasingly Like Iran, Want Nuclear Weapons

    Isn't Obamas foreign policy just working out wonderfully? "

    What does that have to do with Obama? Are you suggesting Obama controls how Egyptians think???

  59. " Purple Cow said...
    Keeping this historical saga in mind, we should note that it has only been 34 years since the Church of the LDS changed their theology regarding African Americans. In this case the LDS is some 6 years short as compared with the Book of Exodus"

    errrr, I said no such thing ???????????

  60. obama's bookie7:07 PM

    whitie's nightie shows the field crowd how he estimates outcomes:

    The 5% of the population who aren't crazy about Obama but aren't anxious to replace him with Mitt either will go more one way or another.

    That's genius. Pure genius.

    Who, I mean, really, who, who else but whitie, that political handicapper, would have envisioned and shared that stunning insight? -- Voters, says whitie, are going to go more one way or another.


  61. Props to Romney, this was kind of funny:

  62. guns or butter7:19 PM

    purple down's syndrome wrote:

    What does that have to do with Obama? Are you suggesting Obama controls how Egyptians think???

    Clearly Obama once believed he had the power to shape the thinking of Egyptians.

    He launched his presidency with his apology tour to Cairo where he quickly served up the US as deserving of all the hate and blame Egyptians could muster.

    To appease them he made many obsequious statements about future US behavior, which obviously made it plain to the Muslim Brotherhood and all other dangerous muslims plotting to assume power in Egypt that it was okay with Obama of Egypt acquired an atomic weapon.

    Of course that's likely to mean Egypt will get its bomb with help from either the North Koreans or the Russians.

    Egypt will sacrifice building its agricultural base so its new loony leaders can get their hands on a bomb to throw at Israel.

    Of course Egypt's desire will lead to more trouble than Egypt can handle as its population starts to feel hunger pangs as its pathetic food production falls because it's spending its meager resources on bombs instead of food.

  63. "Look Mommy, a real gen-you-wine live commie. Standing up for his communists friends and such."

    I'm not a communist I am a Socialist. Putin is not a communist, he is a conservative.

    Now which is it? Do you want Dictatorial Communism Comrade or free democracy? "

    Democracy, I am a Socialist, not a communist.


    "But in any case Democracy is a wonderful thing, doesn't mean that we ally with people who are murderous barbaric 7th century savages just because they SAY they had a free election and install the Muslim Brotherhood, while outwardly telling us they wish to annihilate the only real democracy in the middle east - Israel and the U.S."

    You don;t have to ally yourself with anybody. The fact is that Arabs now have freedom they have never had. If that doesn't work out well for the USA then fuck you, it's not the rest of the world's job to do what America wants.

    "So far you condone communism and clearly now you condone Sharia law and all the atrocities associated with what is happening in these "democracies" you are one conflicted SOB for sure."

    Blah, blah fucking blah.

    I have not condoned communism because I am not a communist (as previously discussed). I have not condoned Sharia because I am an atheist.

    I leave that sort of thing to you god-botherers.

    " A strong America is a deterrent to Communist aggression, oppression and murder."

    Yeah right.

    Remind me again how many nations you have invaded and bombed since WW2? Thirty some odd, IIRC. The Soviet Union were amateurs compared to you guys. Remind me again which nation has engaged in extraordinary rendition and torture in recent times?

    America is not a bastion against global uncertainty, it is the cause of it.

    "So now your real agenda has been outed, you hate America exceptionalism..."

    There is no such thing as American exceptionalism.


    ... you hate America being the only superpower..."

    America is no longer a superpower. But even if it was, the future belongs to India or China. (My money os on India, but it's too early to say.) 20th century was America's century just as the 19th was the U.K.'s. The 21st century belongs elsewhere.

    .. presumably due to the stark contrast of your nation rapidly, becoming a third world hellhole.

    Watch and learn. This is your future as well.

  64. Irony thy name is Cow7:44 PM

    >presumably due to the stark contrast of your nation rapidly, becoming a third world hellhole.<

    "Watch and learn. This is your future as well."

    So says the Third World hell hole digger.

  65. Anonymous7:54 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Look Mommy, a real gen-you-wine live commie. Standing up for his communists friends and such."

    I'm not a communist I am a Socialist. Putin is not a communist, he is a conservative.

    America is not a superpower, Arabs are free....

    You are a drooling dribbling idiot who loathes himself so much he doesn't know what he is, more aptly a scumbag liar who twist reality and his words to fit his snakelike bullshit.

    You are a Socialist/Communist/Liberal - another words an idiot who still thinks someday fantasy land could work out despite all evidence to the contrary . It never has, it never will, you will always be a loser.

    Go fuck yourself with your wordsmithing and lies.

    I know who you are from your thoughts. No matter how you spin it or try to grease your way out like an uncooked slab of pig fat.

    You can kiss my big strong super-power American ass. Britain HAS become a third world nation due to bum fucks like you and it's looking worse and worse in george orwell land day by day.

    The U.S will not become like Britain or communist Russia or Cuba or Socialist failed incompetent EU ever. No matter how much misery loves company pricks like you wish it to be YOU will always be outside looking in and seeing in jealousy how the worlds strongest superpower conducts itself.

    Fuck you and fuck anyone that even looks like you, if they haven't committed suicide yet.

  66. This is getting good, these trolls want to refight the cold war. A strong America stands in the way of communist expansion, what is this 1967? The domino theory? Really? How did that work the first time? Conservatives really need to understand history and stop living in their own little bubble. The cold war is over and we need to wind down the wars we are already involved. We do not need to expand our military because rational people know Red Dawn was just a movie. Our country is hurting financially and now the neo-cons want to spend billions more on phantom menaces. We can't afford Rawmoney.

  67. Anonymous8:13 PM

    In the Middle East, President Obama has condemned vast swaths of the Muslim world to generations of Islamist oppression; what he called the Arab Spring was always an Islamist Uprising. After the storming of our embassy in Egypt, the American people recognize that; after the al Qaeda flag flew over our embassy in Tunisia, it became clear to Americans that the Obama Doctrine is weakness, appeasement, and inaction. After Libya, it became absolutely clear that Obama’s policy of non-offensiveness in the Middle East – anti-colonialism and multiculturalism – has bloody consequences. Obama's Middle East policy is more than "not optimal." It's downright dangerous.

    In Europe, President Obama’s policy of pushing worldwide inflation and stimulus has encouraged all of the European Union to bow before the fiscal calamities of Spain and Greece with bailout after bailout.

    In China, the communist government continues to repress its people, force the murder the unborn, cyberattack American targets, expand its territorial ambitions in places like the South China Sea, and stand against action in Iran and North Korea – all while funding its military with American debt repayment, thanks to Obama’s spendthrift habits.

    In South America, the Chavez revolution – socialism – has swept the continent, with the help of President Obama. Early in his term, he stood against anti-dictatorial reform in Honduras, and in the process handed Hugo Chavez another ally. Chavez, meanwhile, continues to play the strongman, make overtures to Russia and Iran, threaten the United States rhetorically – and then call on Americans to re-elect President Obama.

    In Russia, Vladimir Putin awaits even more flexibility from President Obama after the election.

    In Iran, the ayatollahs dance with glee that President Obama has stood for so long and with such vigilance against a prospective Israeli military strike. They celebrate Obama’s inaction on a true Iranian Uprising, even as Obama backs the Muslim Brotherhood Wave.

    In Israel, our closest ally, the population fears a catastrophic war from all sides, thanks to the conversion of Egypt from peace partner to enemy, the incentivization of Hamas and Hezbollah to further terrorism, the US-backed chaos in Syria, and the creation of an extremist regime in Turkey.

    In Afghanistan and Iraq, defeat has been snatched from the jaws of victory.

    Virtually nowhere on earth can our allies say they are more safe and secure under an Obama presidency; virtually nowhere on earth can our enemies say they are significantly worse off than they were before President Obama’s election.

  68. A non said...

    "RCP has Romney ahead in electoral votes 206 -201"

    Actually, I said "held today" which RCP has at 277/261. And while I understand that President Obama is beyond the pale (if you'll pardon the expression) in Tbaggistan, in middle America he's an honest man doing a tough job about as well as anyone can.

  69. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    A non said...

    "RCP has Romney ahead in electoral votes 206 -201"

    Actually, I said "held today" which RCP has at 277/261. And while I understand that President Obama is beyond the pale (if you'll pardon the expression) in Tbaggistan, in middle America he's an honest man doing a tough job about as well as anyone can.

    Whitey BOTH are from today you are looking at the No Toss up map. 277/261 with no toss ups but as other polls have indicated today, there are many toss up states.

    With toss up states included it's 201 O 206 R - states solid for either candidate with 131 tossups 29 of those listed as tossups have already gone solid Romney which is FL.

  70. Anonymous8:31 PM

    PilotX said...

    This is getting good, these trolls want to refight the cold war.

    Try Alka Seltzer cold, it works great for that cold war you are fighting.
